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Notes/Domino Technical Interview Questions

Candidate: ____________________________ Date/Time: __________________

• take notes for future reference and sharing with recruiters
• make eye contact and smile
• listen carefully (make sure you are not thinking about your next question while
the candidate is talking)
• don’t spend a lot of time on any one question (you can get a better assessment by
keeping a little pressure on)
• keep the candidate calm by telling them that it is OK to not know the answer to
any given question
• in the end, thank the candidate for their time, tell them they did a good job if that
is the case but do not promise anything --- a recruiter will be in touch either way
• sell CIBER as the great company that it is!
• if comfortable, offer your email and/or work phone number for future questions
• complete recruiter forms (with candidate or after interview)
• ________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________

General (note for candidate that there are no wrong answers here!)

How do you feel about consulting?

Do you prefer maintaining an existing script/system or starting a script/system from scratch?

Do you prefer programming from specifications or client-interaction/interviews?

Are you a fast learner? If so, specify an on-the-job situation in which you had to learn something

Do you like to learn on your own or prefer to be mentored?

How do you feel about customer/client interaction in general?

If you had to, pick only 1 preference: easily maintained code (more readable but might require
more CPU time) vs. high-performance code (more difficult to read but uses less resources)

Do you prefer to work on one assignment at a time or juggle multiple tasks?

Do you like to set your own schedule (due dates and deadlines) or do you prefer to receive a
schedule from a project manager, technical lead, etc.?

If you had to, pick only 1 preference: work on a team or work on your own.



High-level Domino Know-how

Quantify your experience in the following areas:

Release 5: _____________________________

Certification: _____________________________ (name specific levels)

Web Design: _____________________________

Formulas: _____________________________

LotusScript: _____________________________

JavaScript: _____________________________

Java: _____________________________

HTML: _____________________________

DHTML: _____________________________

XML: _____________________________

LEI: _____________________________

SQL/ODBC: _____________________________

Replication: _____________________________

Security: _____________________________
Debugging: _____________________________ (Web vs. Client)

Administration: _____________________________

CSS: _____________________________

Domino.Doc: _____________________________

Other: _____________________________

Client & Web Design

Why and/or why not use a subform?

Why and/or why not use shared fields?

What is a frameset, frame, page, outline, …?

Name a way to turn off a view title on the Web? ANS: create a $$ViewTemplateDefault form

How can you get attachments from users on the Web?

What are CGI variables? ANS: user name, browser, IP address, etc.




What is the difference between @DbColumn and @DbLookup?

What is the difference between @Commands and general @functions?

In a formula/list for a radio button field, how do you designate one set of values to show the user
and another set to actually store in the field?



LS vs. formula benefits?

Front-End vs. Back-End?

How to validate deletes from both view and form levels? ANS: Database event

Why use script libraries?

How do you incorporate a script library into an object? ANS: Use statement in Options Public
event of Globals

How do you incorporate ODBC? ANS: 'Uselsx "*LSXODBC" (loads an LS extension file
containing public definitions)

Have you ever used transaction logging and in what context? What is it?

Name 3 different places (2 in LotusScript) you can put validations? ANS: 1) InputValidation 2)
field Exiting event 3) QuerySave EXTRA CREDIT: JavaScript onBlur or onSubmit, etc.

If you have a button with LotusScript (with no UI classes), how can you easily make it work on the

LS is case sensitive?



Name a few differences between Java and JavaScript?

The JavaScript equivalent to Workspace.CurrentDocument.Document.FieldName(0) in

LotusScript is (not in a frame)? ANS: window.document.forms[0].FieldName.Value

What is the difference between onBlur and onChange?

What is the difference between onClick, onKeyDown and onKeyPress?

What are the JSHeader and HTML Head Content “events” for?

What are the onLoad and onSubmit events used for?

How would you incorporate a CSS into a form’s design?

How would you incorporate an “external” JavaScript file into a form’s design? Why would you?

What are 3 JS pop-up message methods? ANS: Alert, Confirm, Prompt

JS is case sensitive?

How would you go about recreating a names field pop-up-address-box functionality on the Web?
ANS: look for pop-up form with references back to the opener form

How do you make a variable “global” to every event on a form?

Using dot notation, how do you reference a field on a form in a frameset? ANS: look for parent
and frame reference

How do you pass and retrieve a variable using a URL (location.href)? ANS: approaches may
differ, including CGI Query_String field, JS parsing, formula parsing, etc. --- look for “&”



What are the 4 applets that come with R5? ANS: view, outline, editor, action bar

Have you used any of the exposed methods/properties of the object classes for the applets listed
in the above question?

What does “use applet in browser” do for a view?

List the functionality of any applets/servlets you’ve created from scratch.




If a person is in the ACL in 2 groups, which takes precedence, the group with higher or lower

If a person is in the ACL as both an individual and in a group, which takes precedence?

What is the difference between reader, author, editor and manager access levels?

What is a role?

If you save a scheduled agent and it says you don’t have execution privileges on the target
server, what do you do to ensure it runs?

Why create authors and readers fields on forms?

For agents that execute from a Web application, why would you check “Run agent as Web user”
for one agent and not another?






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