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Chapter 14:

Additional Capabilities
Object-Oriented Program
Development Using Java:
A Class-Centered
• Additional Features

• Bit Operators

• Command-Line Arguments

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Other Number Bases
• Integer literals can be specified using non-decimal
– Octal
– Hexadecimal

• Integer with leading 0 is taken to be an octal value

• Integer beginning with leading 0x or 0X is
considered a hexadecimal number

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The flush() Method
• When using print() method, arguments placed
within the parentheses are sequentially put in a
temporary holding area
• Called a buffer

– Buffer is continually used until it is forced to send its

contents to an output stream

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The flush() Method (continued)
• Flush:
– Forcing buffer contents to an output stream
– Occurs whenever:
• Line terminator character is encountered
• End of program is reached
• Explicit flush() method is called

• Syntax:
– System.out.flush();

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Conditional Expressions
• Conditional operator:
– ?:
– Provides an alternative way of expressing a simple if-
else statement

• Syntax:
– condition ? expression1 : expression2

• Ternary operator

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Conditional Expressions
• If the value of the condition is true:
– expression is evaluated
– Otherwise expression2 is evaluated
• Conditional expressions are usually unclear
• Only useful in replacing if-else statements
– When expressions in equivalent if-else statement are
not long or complicated

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Bit Operators
• Java provides for manipulation of individual bits
of character and integer constants and variables

• Each operand is considered as a binary number

– Consisting of a series of individual 1s and 0s

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The AND Operator
• Operator symbol: &

• Result of each bit-by-bit comparison is 1

– Only when both bits being compared are 1s

– Otherwise result is 0

• Useful in masking selected bits from an operand

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The Inclusive OR Operator
• Operator symbol: |

• Result of comparison is 1
– If either bit being compared is 1

– Otherwise, result is 0

• Useful in forcing selected bits to take on a 1 value

– Or for passing through other bit values unchanged

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The Exclusive OR Operator
• Operator symbol: ^
• Result of comparison is 1
– If one and only one of the bits being compared is 1
– Otherwise, result is 0

• Used to create the opposite value of any individual

bit in a variable
– Also called complement

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The Complement Operator
• Operator symbol: ~

• Unary operator

• Changes:

– Each 1 bit in an operand to 0

– Each 0 bit to 1

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The Shift Operators
• Left shift operator:
– Operator symbol: <<
– Causes bits in an operand to be shifted left by a given
– Fills any vacated bits with 0
• Right shift operator:
– Operator symbol: >>
– Causes bits in an operand to be shifted right by a given

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Command-Line Arguments
• Arguments can be passed to any method in a
– Including the main() method

• Command line:
– Line on which the words Java and class name are typed
to run a program
– Always starts with the operating system prompt

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Command-Line Arguments
• Command-line arguments:
– Typed on the command-line following the program
– Operating system passes them into main() as a
sequence of separate strings
– Must be declared as part of the main method’s
– Only one type of argument is allowed:
• Array of Strings

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Command-Line Arguments
• Syntax:
– public static void main(String[] args)
• Within main method:
– args[0] refers to the first argument
– args[1] to the second argument
– etc
– Number of command-line arguments is determined by
using the expression args.length

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• print() method places text input into the buffer
– Buffer’s contents are displayed either:
• When the program is finished running
• When the flush() method is invoked

• println() method is automatically flushed from the

• Conditional expression provides an alternative
way of expressing simple if-else statements

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Summary (continued)
• Individual bits of character and integer variables
and constants can be manipulated using Java’s bit

• Arguments passed to main() are termed command-

line arguments
– Each argument passed to main() is considered a string

– Stored using array of references named args

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