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The Conjunctions ‫الروابط‬

» And: ‫تستخدم للربط بين فاعلين أو مفعولين أو فعلين‬

 Ali and Ahmad like going to the sea much. ( ‫) ربطت بين فاعلين لفعل و مفعول واحد‬
 She made a delicious cake and devoured it. (‫)ربطت بين فعلين لفاعل و مفعول واحد‬
 He had beans and falafel for breakfast. (‫) ربطت بين مفعولين لفاعل وفعل واحد‬
As well as
Along with
Besides + ‫ اسم‬/ v ► ing ‫باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬
In addition to

‫("بين فاعلين يتبع الفعل في تصريفه الفاعل األول "جمعا أو إفرادا‬along with / as well as ) ♣‫إذا ربطت‬
Over and + ‫جملة‬
In addition

 He played well, in addition to scoring a fabulous goal.

 Besides winning the Egyptian Football Cup, our team won the League.
 She filed all application forms. Moreover, she wrote all reports.
 Mona, as well as / along with I, is fond of horror films.
 He speaks English as well as French.
» Not only …………………., but also ……… . (~ as well) ‫ ولكن أيضا‬...... ‫ليس فقط‬

 Not only Ayat, but also her friends love volleyball. (‫)ربطت فاعلين و الفعل يتبع الفاعل الثاني‬
 I usually have not only omelet, but also jam for breakfast. (‫)ربطت مفعولين‬
 Not only does she listen carefully in class, but works hard at home as well.
♣ ‫عندما تبدأ بهذا الرابط يجب تقديم الفعل على الفاعل وكذلك أي رابط أو كلمة تفيد النفي عند البدء بها‬.
» Both …………….and: ‫ و‬....... ‫كل من‬

 Both Ahmad and Ali play football well. (‫)الفعل يكون جمعا‬
 He’s got both a villa and a Mercedes. (‫)تربط مفعولين لفاعل وفعل واحد‬
 She’s both polite and beautiful. (‫)تربط بين صفتين لفاعل واحد‬

1 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
» Either …………or: ‫ أو‬........... ‫ إما‬............... / Otherwise = Or (or else) ‫وإال‬

 Either you study hard or you won’t join the faculty you dream of.
 She can either e-mail or phone her grandmother.
 Either he or I am to blame. (‫)الفعل يتبع في تصريفه الفاعل الثاني‬
 She has to depend on herself, otherwise “or else” she’ll definitely fail in the exam.
» Neither …………..nor: ‫ وال‬..................‫ال‬...............
 He is illiterate, so he can neither read nor write.
 She neither likes watching TV nor does she go to the cinema. (nor goes to …)
 Neither did they come nor did they apologize.
 She neither knows nor cares what happened.
♣ You can’t do it. Neither can I.
♣ As he won’t help you, neither will I.
♣ They don’t drink coffee, neither does Mona. (Neither + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ ناقص‬/‫)فعل مساعد‬
» 6 So = That’s why = Hence = Thus = Therefore = For that “this”
reason = As a result =Accordingly = Consequently = In view of that: ‫ولذا‬
‫لسبب‬ŠŠ‫ذا ا‬Š‫ه‬Š‫ و ل‬،‫ناءا علىذلك‬ŠŠ‫ و ب‬، Š‫م‬ŠŠ‫ ومنث‬،

 I felt sick, so = thus = hence I went to the doctor. (‫ ومترادفاتها تتبع بالنتيجة‬so)
 He eats too much, consequently = accordingly he puts on weight.
My brother swims well, so do I. (So + ‫ فعل ناقص أو مساعد فاعل‬+ )
Ahmad speaks German, so does his sister.
Then = Afterwards = Later = Next = Subsequently = After that: ‫ و بعد ذلك حدثان متتابعان‬، ‫ثم‬
 I cleaned the flat, afterwards = then = next I had a shower. (‫)قد تأتي في نهاية الجملة الثانية‬
 The company bought a lot of offices, but subsequently couldn’t afford to pay the
» 7 Because = Since = As = For the reason that = In view of the fact that:‫ن‬ŠŠ‫أل‬

 Just because I don’t complain, you mustn’t suppose that I’m satisfied.
 You’d better take a taxi, as it is raining heavily.
 He is permitted to take a leave in view of the fact that he fainted all of a sudden.
 Since he didn’t study well, he failed.

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‫و مترادفاتها إلى عبارة نستخدم الكلمات التالية متبوعة باالسم أو اسم الفاعل‬: Because ‫ عند تحويل‬

Because Because of = Due to = Owing to

Since =Through= On account of = As a result
As of
For the reason that In consequence of = By reason of = Out
In view of the fact that of
For lack of = thanks to + noun or gerund
 He didn’t go to school due to his illness or being ill.
 Thanks to scientists’ efforts, our life is much easier than our forefathers’.
 Out of fear, she told her mother exactly what had happened.
 He gives accurate answers on account of his cleverness.
 They didn’t pass their exam for lack of hard work.
 As a result of being a lazy student, he failed.
 Being born in 1949, he witnessed three wars. ‫يمكن حذفهم و االكتفاء باسم الفاعل‬
» Who / whom / which / that: ‫ الالئي‬، ‫ الالتي‬، ‫ الذين‬، ‫ اللتان‬، ‫ اللذان‬، ‫ التي‬، ‫الذي‬
 who: ‫ العاقل‬Š‫تحل محل الفاعل والمفعول‬
 whom: ‫ العاقل فقط‬Š‫تحل محل المفعول‬
 which: ‫تحل محل الفاعل والمفعول غير العاقل‬
 that: ‫ العاقل وغير العاقل‬Š‫تحل محل الفاعل والمفعول‬

 I saw a fat man who could hardly walk.

 I met my friend Ali who lent me a sum of money. (~ who I borrowed money from.)
 I know that boy whom you’ve just spoken to.
 This is definitely the car which made the accident.
 This is my new silk blouse for which I paid 100$.
 This is the man that I was saved by. (= by whom)
 He lives in a fabulous house that is surrounded by a garden. (=which)

 whose: ) his / her / its / their (‫تحل محل ضمائر الملكية مثل‬
 where: ‫"حيث " تحل محل المكان‬
 when: ‫"حين " تحل محل الوقت‬
 what : = the things which ‫األشياء التي‬
 whatever = no matter what: ‫مهما‬
 whenever = no matter when
 wherever = in, to, at whatever place
 whoever = any person who

3 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
 We bought that house whose windows are green.
 This is the man whose dog bit me.
 Al-Shuhada is my hometown where I was born. (= in which)
 Dawn is the time when we get up daily. (= at which)
 Ramadan is the ninth month of the Moslem calendar when we fast. (= in which)
 Do what you think is right.
 What the country needs most is wise leadership.
 Whatever nonsense the newspapers print, some people always believe it.
 Whenever that man says ‘To tell the truth,’ I suspect that he’s about to tell a lie.
 He comes from Cobb County, wherever that may be.
 Whoever else may object, I shall approve.
» 9 When = Once = The moment = The second = The minute = The instant:
‫ في اللحظة التي‬،‫عندما‬

( ‫)من الروابط الزمنية التي ال يتبعها مستقبل مباشرة ولكن في نصف الجملة الثاني‬
 When ‫مضارع بسيط‬+ + ‫مضارع بسيط‬
 When it dawns, I get up. / Farmers go to their fields once the sun rises.
 When ‫ مضارع بسيط “بداللة المستقبل البسيط‬+ ‫ "مستقبل بسيط‬+
 When she comes, I’ll hand her the invitation card.
 When ‫ مضارع تام " بداللة المستقبل التام‬+ ‫ "مستقبل بسيط‬+
 I’ll go out with my friends when I’ve finished my homework.
 When ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+
 When you left early yesterday, the boss sent for you.
 When ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي مستمر‬ +
 She was sleeping when the fire broke out.
 When ‫ ماضي مستمر‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
 They witnessed the bank robbery when they were going home.
 When ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي تام‬ +
 When we reached the cinema, the film had started.
 When they had won the cup, they held a party. (‫) يمكن العكس للتوكيد‬

‫و نضع بعدهم اسم أو اسم فاعل‬:In / At / On ‫ نستخدم‬،‫ إلى عبارة‬when ‫ عند تحويل‬
 On reaching the cinema, the film had started.
» 10 While = As = Just as = Even as = At the same time as = Whilst:
 While ‫ ماضي مستمر‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ +

4 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
 He fell asleep while he was doing his English exercises.
 While ‫ ماضي مستمر "للتعبير عن التزامن‬+ ‫"ماضي مستمر‬
 While she was studying, her brother was playing football.
 While (he was) in London, he studied music.
 While (= As long as) there is life, there is hope.
 While (= Whereas) Mona was dressed in brown, Ayah was dressed in blue.
 While I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they cannot be
solved. (= Although) ( ‫)تفيد التناقض في هذين المثالين‬
‫و نضع بعدهما اسم أو اسم فاعل‬:During / (while) ‫ نستخدم‬، ‫ و مترادفاتها إلى عبارة‬while ‫ عند تحويل‬
 During the film, I fell asleep.
 While reading the novel, she never stopped laughing.

» 11After: ‫د‬Š‫ع‬ŠŠ‫ب‬

 After ‫مضارع بسيط‬+ + ‫مضارع بسيط‬

 After he eats, he washes his hands.
 After ‫ مضارع بسيط "بداللة المستقبل البسيط‬+ ‫ "مستقبل بسيط‬+
 After she finishes her work, she’ll attend a ballet.
 After ‫ مضارع تام "بداللة المستقبل التام‬+ ‫ "مستقبل بسيط‬+
 I’ll be home after you’ve finished all the housework.
 After ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+
 After you left early yesterday, the boss sent for you.
 After ‫ ماضي تام‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ +
 They cheered wholeheartedly after Abu Treika had scored a wonderful goal.
» ‫ إلى عبارة نضع بعدها مباشرة‬After ‫ عند تحويل جملة‬
‫اسم أو اسم الفاعل و يمكن حذفها و االكتفاء باسم‬
‫ األصلي أو الفعل المساعد متبوعا بالتصريف الثالث‬Š‫الفاعل من الفعل‬:
 After having given / Giving the speech, Be all attendants clapped warmly.
 / Taking the medicine, he went to bed. for
 Before ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+ ‫ مضارع بسيط‬me +
 Before I have my breakfast, I wash and pray. :
 Before ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+ ‫مستقبل بسيط‬‫بل‬ŠŠ‫ق‬ +
 Before she comes here, she’ll ring me first. ،
 Before ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+ ‫مستقبل تام‬ ‫بي‬ŠŠ‫ق‬

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 Before we visit Ali, we’ll have done our homework.
 Before ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ +
 I phoned him before we departed.
 Before ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ ماضي تام‬+
 We had already built the pyramids before Europe knew civilization.
‫إلى عبارة نضع بعدها مباشرة اسم أو اسم الفاعل‬: Before ‫ عند تحويل جملة‬
 Before the end of the season, our team had already won the league and the cup.
 Before your arrival this evening, I doing my homework.
» 13 As soon as = Once = The moment = The minute = The instant:‫ن‬Š‫مجرد أ‬ŠŠ‫ب‬

 As soon as ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+ ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+

 I praise God as soon as = the moment I wake up.
 As soon as ‫ مضارع بسيط‬+ ‫مستقبل بسيط‬ +
 She’ll serve dinner as soon as = once dad returns home.
 As soon as ‫ مضارع تام‬+ ‫ مستقبل بسيط‬+
 As soon as she has accepted his proposal, he’ll set the engagement date.
 As soon as ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ +
 He started as soon as he received the news.
 As soon as ‫ ماضي تام‬+ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ +
 As soon as I had stepped through the door, the phone rang.
» No sooner…than… = Hardly, Scarcely, Rarely, Barely… when…:
‫تى‬Š‫ ح‬... ‫كد‬ŠŠ‫ ي‬Š‫م‬Š‫ل‬...

 No sooner …+ ‫ ماضي بسيط‬+ ‫ماضي تام‬

 ‫ فاعل‬+ had + no sooner / hardly + ‫ التصريف الثالث‬than / when + ‫ماضي بسيط‬
 The starlet had no sooner slipped on the stage than the viewers rolled with laughter.
 He had barely heard the news when his face lit up with joy.
 No sooner / Hardly + had + ‫ التصريف الثالث‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ than / when + ‫ماضي بسيط‬
 Hardly had he scored a goal when the fans broke into cheers.
 Scarcely had she read the letter when her tears ran.

‫ونضع بعدها اسم أو اسم فاعل‬:Immediately after / in / at ‫ عند تحويلهم إلى عبارة نستخدم‬
 No sooner … than = Immediately after, in, at
Hardly, Scarcely, Rarely, + noun / gerund.
 Immediately at his arrival,
Barely … when / As soon as dinner was served.

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 The doctors him into the ICU immediately on reaching the hospital.
» 15 Since = ever since = from the time when: ‫منذ‬

 ‫ مضارع تام و مضارع تام مستمر‬+ since + ‫ماضي بسيط‬

 I haven’t seen him since we were in Alexandria last summer.
 It has been raining ever since we left school.
 It’s + ‫ فترة زمنية‬+ since + ‫ فاعل‬+ last + ‫ماضي بسيط‬
 It’s three years since I last met Ahmad.
 It’s a long time since I last visited my uncle.
» So that = In order that = With the can,may, won't
intention that = For the purpose that /
In the hope (hoping) that : ‫أمل‬ŠŠ‫ ب‬،‫كي‬ŠŠ‫ ل‬، could, might,

 ‫ فعل مضارع‬+ so that = in order that + ‫ فاعل‬+ can, may + ‫ ( المصدر‬won’t ‫) للنفي‬
 We go to school so that we can learn / won’t fall prey to illiteracy.
 He studies hard hoping / in the hope that he can join Medicine Faculty.
 ‫ فعل ماضي‬+ so that = in order that + ‫ فاعل‬+ could, might + ‫ ( المصدر‬wouldn’t ‫) للنفي‬
 Our team played well this season in order that they could win the cup.
 He did his best so that he wouldn’t fail in the exams.

For fear that = Lest:‫ن‬Š‫شية أ‬Š‫خ‬ Should + ‫المصدر‬

 ‫ ماضي‬/ ‫ فعل مضارع‬+ for fear of = lest + ‫ فاعل‬+ should + ‫المصدر‬

 I left the party earlier than expected lest I should meet Mona.
 We do our homework for fear that the teacher should punish us.

‫ عند تحويلهم إلى عبارة نستخدم‬:‫ الكلمات التالية ونضع بعدها المصدر أو اسم أو اسم فاعل‬
 So that = In order that  to = so as to = in order to + ‫المصدر‬
 She hurried to catch the train. / He walks fast so as to reach school on time.

With the intention that = For / With the purpose that  With the intention of
= For / With the purpose of = with the aim of + noun / gerund
 He gets his skates on with the intention that he won’t be late for work.

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 He gets his skates on with the intention of not being late for work.

 For fear that = Lest  for fear of + noun / gerund

 She studies hard for fear of failure. (= for the purpose of success)

» 17 But = However = Still = Nevertheless = Nonetheless = Yet = And yet = On the

contrary = On the other hand = Conversely = Even so = In spite of that = Despite
that: ‫ا) ولكن‬Š‫بله‬ŠŠ‫ضما ق‬Š‫ناق‬ŠŠ‫دها ي‬Š‫ع‬ŠŠ‫ما ب‬

 He’s almost a dwarf, but he plays basketball well.
 My uncle is over seventy, yet = still he works in the field energetically.
 His wife is very pretty and young; even so he’s very old.
 Ali has always been polite and tactful; on the contrary his sister is sharp-tongued.
 They spared no effort, nonetheless they lost the league.

» 18 Although = Though = Even though = Even if = Albeit = However + ‫فة أو ظرف‬ŠŠ‫ص‬

= Whatever +‫ ظرف‬/‫فة‬ŠŠ‫ = ص‬Š‫سم‬Š‫ا‬+ as:‫ من‬Š‫لرغم‬ŠŠ‫ا‬ŠŠ‫ب‬

 Although I’m poor, I’m very happy.

 Ayat’s room is very comfortable even if it’s rather small.
 They lost the match in spite they played excellently.
 She succeeded in the monthly tests albeit she was lazy and sluggish.
 People often believe him though he is a well-known liar.
 However careful a thief is, he makes a mistake.
 They don’t really enjoy their life whatever richness they have.
 Young as he is, he knows some of the family secrets.
 Much as I like you, I won’t marry you.
 ‫ فعل‬+ as + )‫ اسم‬/ ‫ فاعل (ضمير‬+ (may, might, will, would) ‫خاصة فعل ناقص‬, …
 Try as he would (= Though he tried / However hard he tried), he couldn’t lift the
‫ومترادفاتها إلى عبارة يتم تغييرها للكلمات اآلتية‬: Although ‫ عند تحويل‬

 Although & its synonyms  Despite = In spite of = Notwithstanding = Even

in case of = Regardless of + (‫ )اسم أو اسم فاعل‬/ With all = For all + ‫اسم‬

 For all his wealth, he’s unhappy.

 He got very low marks regardless of his cleverness.

8 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
 Despite being a talented footballer, he failed to score many goals this season.
 With all his good education, he behaves badly.
 She enjoys her time a lot even in case of her bad health.
» So + ‫ صفة أو ظرف‬+ that = Such + a / an ) ‫ اسم (صفة‬that: ‫ أن‬...... ‫لدرجة‬
 The noise was so loud that I couldn’t study well.
 He ran so quickly that he caught the train.
 He is such a coward that he never admits his mistakes.
 Ahmad is such a busy man that he doesn’t run into me very often.
 It was such a difficult quiz that none passed it.
‫حيث‬Such ‫ على الفاعل وكذلك الحال مع‬Š‫ نضع بعدها الصفة أو الظرف ثم نقدم الفعل‬So ‫ عند بدء الجملة بكلمة‬
:that ‫نضع بعدها االسم مع عدم المساس بالجملة الثانية بعد‬
 So pretty was she that the guests admired her.
 So beautifully did she sing that the fans kept cheering and applauding warmly.
 Such a liar is she that none believed her story.
 Such a dirty cop was he that he took bribes from drug dealers.
 His behaviour was such that everyone disliked him.
 Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.
 Such was her tactfulness that everyone grieved her tragic death.
 She is so talented that she excelled all her peers.
 She has such a talent that she excelled all her peers.
‫في النفي‬:too …… to ‫ في اإلثبات و‬enough to ‫ نستخدم‬، ‫ عند تحويلهما إلى عبارة‬
 So / Such …that + ‫ جملة مثبتة‬ ‫ ظرف‬، ‫ صفة‬+ enough to
 Such / So … that + ‫ جملة مثبتة‬ enough + ‫ اسم‬+ to
 So / Such …that + ‫ جملة منفية‬ too + ‫ صفة أو ظرف‬+ to
 The noise was too loud for me to study well.
 He ran quickly enough to catch the train.
 He’s cowardly enough not to admit his mistakes. (= has enough cowardice to)
 He’s too busy to run into me very often. (= busy enough not to)
 The box is too small to hold all these things.
 She had enough strength to move the cupboard on her own. (= was strong enough to)
» As …as # Not as (so) …as / The more …, the more (the less): ‫كلما‬... ‫ كلما‬، ‫مثل‬
 As + ‫ صفة‬+ as: ‫مثل للتشبيه بين اثنين‬
 She’s as beautiful as the moon.
 Her hair is as black as the night.
 He is as brave as Antar Ibn Shaddad.
 Not as + ‫ صفة‬+ as: )‫ليس مثل (تنفي الصفة تماما عن المشبه‬
Not so + ‫ صفة‬+ as: )‫ليس بدرجة (تنفي جزء من الصفة عن المشبه‬

9 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
 She isn’t as beautiful as the moon. (= She’s not pretty at all and probably ugly.)
 She isn’t so beautiful as the moon. (= She’s pretty, but not as much as the moon.)
 It is not so big as I thought it would be.
 He was not so much angry as disappointed.
 He’s not so stupid as to do that.
 She’s not so clever a girl as her sister.
 At my age, I can’t expect to play football as well as you.
 The more … the more: ‫للتعبير عن عالقة طردية بين اثنين‬
 The more I fast, the better I feel.
 The harder you study, the higher score you get.
 The more you take exercise, the fitter you become.
 The more … the less: ‫للتعبير عن عالقة عكسية بين اثنين‬
 The more oil we consume, the less reserves we have.
 The more effort you exert, the less energy you have.
 The less you worry about it, the better it will be.
) ‫ أما‬equally + (‫) صفة أو‬equal in + ‫ ( اسم) إلى‬as + ‫ صفة‬+ as ‫ نغير‬،‫( عند التحويل إلى عبارة‬
: (not equal in + ‫ ( أو )اسم‬not equally + ‫ ( تغير إلى )صفة‬not as (so) …as)
 Ala’a isn’t so (as) excellent as Ahmad at English.
 Ala’a and Ahmad are not equal in excellence or equally excellent at English.
 Ayat is as beautiful as Basant.
 Ayat and Basant are equally beautiful or equal in beauty.
» AS / As if = As though: ‫ كما لو‬/ ‫كما‬
 as = in the way in which
 My students work as I guide them.
 Do as I do exactly to avoid embarrassment.
 Leave it as it is.
 as if = as though + ) to ‫( ماضي بسيط أو ماضي تام أو مصدر مع‬
 He talks as if he knew all about it.
 He looks as if he had seen a ghost.
 He opened his lips as if to say something.
 It isn't as though he were poor.
 She walks proudly as if = as though she were a queen.
) ‫ و‬as if ) ‫( أما‬according to = in accordance with) ) ‫ إلى عبارة تغير إلى‬As ) ‫ عند تحويل‬
): like / in the manner of) ‫مرادفها إلى‬
 My students work according to = in accordance with my guidance.
 The books are placed on the shelves according to authors.
 Ali is a well -organized employee who always works in accordance with regulations.
 She walks like a queen (= in a queenly way = in the manner of a queen)

10 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
 Why is he dressed as = like a woman?
 Our brave soldiers fought the enemy like = as lions.
» If = As (So) long as = Provided (that) = Providing (that) = In case = On condition
that = Only if = Given that ‫ لو‬/ ‫ إذا‬# Unless (= if not) ‫ إن لم‬/ ‫ لو لم‬/ whether …or:
If + { ‫فعل الشرط‬ } + { ‫جواب الشرط‬ }

 0) If + ‫»»»»»» مضارع بسيط الحالة الصفرية للتعبير عن الحقائق‬ ‫))مضارع بسيط‬

 If we put sugar in water, it dissolves.
 If we heat metals, they expand. (‫) جواب الشرط حتمي‬
 If metals are cooled, they contract.

 1) If + ‫»»»»»» مستقبل بسيط الحالة األولى للتعبير عن االحتمال المرجح‬ ‫))مضارع بسيط‬
 If you ask him, he'll help you.
 If (it is) necessary, I can come at six o'clock.
 If he studies hard, he will succeed. (= Success is likely, probable and possible)
 I will go providing (that) my expenses are paid.
 You can go where you like so long as = on condition that you get back before dark.
 I will give you my car keys only if = given that you promise to drive carefully.

 2) If + ‫ »»»»»» ماضي بسيط‬would + ‫))المصدر الحالة الثانية للتعبير عن االحتمال المستبعد‬

 If you were a bird, you would fly. (= it is improbable or unlikely to happen)
 If I asked him / were to ask him for a loan, would he agree?
 If I were a singer, my albums would be sold in no time. (Assumption ‫)االفتراض‬
 If were you (= in your position), I would apologize. (Giving advice ‫)إسداء النصح‬

3) If + ‫ »»»»»» ماضي بسيط‬would have + p.p ((‫الحالة الثالثة للتعبير عن االستحالة المطلقة‬
 If I had known about your illness, I would've visited you.
 If they had started earlier, they would have come in time.
 If our team had played well, they wouldn't have lost the league. (= regret)

 Unless = If … not: (‫ في كل حاالتها‬If ‫)تماثل‬

 Unless you work hard, you won't be promoted.
 Unless she had a dulcet voice, she would never achieve such a success.
 Unless he had made such a trivial mistake, he would have got his driving test.


11 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
EÄ I wish = If only: ‫ إن فقط‬/ ‫أتمنى‬
F I wish I had met her before she left. ‫))أمنية في الماضي‬
F If only I knew the answer. (‫)أمنية في الحاضر‬
F I wish I / we could attend the party. (‫)أمنية في المستقبل‬
F I wish you would listen to the sound of reason. (‫)أمنية في المستقبل‬

EÄ If + )‫ المصدر (تعبر عن إسداء النصح و الفتراضات و العروض‬+ ‫ فعل ناقص‬+ ‫مضارع مستمر أو تام‬
EF If you feel cold, don't open the window.
EF If you have finished with that book, take it back to the library.
EF If you haven't been to Luxor, you ought to go there. (Advice ‫)النصح‬
EF If you are planning to marry next July, I'll help you. (Offer ‫)عرض‬

EÄ If + )‫ فعل ناقص (للتعبير عن االقتراح أو إعطاء اإلذن‬+ ‫فعل ناقص‬

EF If you can't reach him at the office, you might contact his home. ( ‫)اقتراح‬
EF If she can't pay me back right now, I may wait for another month. (‫)إذن‬

EÄ If + will / would + )‫فعل ناقص (للتعبير عن الرجاء‬

EF If you would kindly give me your passport, it won't take long.
EF If you will lend me 1000 $, I'll be deeply grateful to you.

EÄ If + should + )‫فعل ناقص أو صيغة أمر (للتعبير عن األمور الطارئة و الغير متوقعة أو الشك‬
EF I'll be here in time, but if I should be late, please wait for me. (Unlikely)
EF If it should rain, can you bring the washing from the laundry? (Improbable)
EF If anyone should call, please let me know.

EÄ Whether …or …+ )‫مستقبل بسيط (للتعبير عن البدائل المتاحة‬

EF Whether he leaves or stays, we shall hang about
EF Whether or not it rains, I'm giving a party tomorrow.
EF We have to do our job whether we like it or not.

) Unless) ‫( أما‬In case of = With = By + noun / gerund) ) ‫ إلى عبارة تغير إلى‬If ) ‫ عند تحويل‬
:( Without / But for + noun / gerund) ‫فتحول إلى‬
EF In case of buying that car, it will cost him a fortune.
EF By playing hard, they would have won the cup.
EF With a proper study plan, you'd certainly fulfill your goal.
EF But for the Nile, we would have suffered from starvation.
EF Without having a licence, you can never practise medicine.


12 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal
‫في الحالة األولى‬: (If) ‫( لتحل محل‬Should ‫ ( تستخدم‬

EF Should she study hard, she will definitely succeed.

EF Should you play well, you'll be suspended.
‫في الحالة الثانية‬: (If) ‫( لتحل محل‬Should / Were / Were + ‫ فاعل‬+ to ‫ ( تستخدم‬
EF Should you meet Ola, would you give her this invitation card?
EF Were you to meet Ola, tell her I send my regards?
EF Were I rich, I'd buy a yacht.

‫في الحالة الثالثة‬: (If) ‫ ( لتحل محل‬Had ‫ ( تستخدم‬

EF Had I worked hard, I would've got that promotion.
EF Had she listened to my advice, she wouldn't have fallen prey to deceit.

‫في الحالة األولى‬: (Unless) ‫ ( لتحل محل‬Shouldn't ‫ ( تستخدم‬

EF Shouldn't he revise regularly, he won't do well at school.
EF Shouldn't you hurry; you'll certainly miss the train.

‫في الحالة الثانية‬: (Unless) ‫ ( لتحل محل‬Shouldn't / Weren't / Weren't + ‫ فاعل‬+ to ‫ ( تستخدم‬
EF Shouldn't they miss the school bus, they wouldn't be late.
EF Weren't I to have a camera, how could I lend you one?
EF Weren't he lazy, he would become top of his class.

‫في الحالة الثالثة‬: (Unless) ‫ ( لتحل محل‬Hadn't ‫ ( تستخدم‬

EF Hadn't they done their best all year long, they would have failed.
EF Hadn't he been so resourceful, he could have been dead long ago.

EF We rang the bell just in case they hadn't heard the first time. (= possibility)
EF I bought extra food in case Amr came. (= precautionary action)
EF Starting a new family is marvellous provided that you dwell in somewhere else.
EF The school bus broke down. But for that, we would have arrived in time.
If it hadn't been for the school bus breakdown, we would have been here in time.
EF We must be back by midnight; otherwise we'll be locked out. (= If this doesn't
happen / didn't happen / hadn't happened)
EF Supposing it rains, what shall you do?


13 by Mr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ghazal

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