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S.E. Sem. III [CMPN]

Electronic Devices and Linear Circuits
Time : 3 Hrs.] Prelim Question Paper [Marks : 100

N.B. : (1) Question No. 1 compulsory.

(2) Answer any four out of remaining six questions.
(3) Assume any suitable data wherever required but justify the same.

1. (a) Explain the construction of BJT. Explain the term transistor. [5]
(b) Define transconductance and derive an expression for it. [5]
(c) Define: (i) Output offset voltage (ii) CMRR (iii) Slew Rate. [5]
(d) Explain the need for (i) overload protection (ii) current foldback protection. [5]

2. (a) (i) Derive the equations for voltage gain Av and current gain Ai for collector base [8]
feedback biasing circuit.
(ii) Find VCB, IE and IB, if  = 100. [4]
Vi Vo
Ci RE = 1k RC = 2.2k Co

VEE = 4.7 V VCC = 10 V

(b) Compare BJT amplifier and JFET amplifier. [8]

3. (a) Explain operational amplifier optimizing. [10]

(b) Find : (i) VGSQ (ii) IDQ [10]
(iii) VDSQ (iv) AV VDD
(v) Ri (v) RO
If OS = 40 S, IDSS = 10 mA; Vo
VP =  8V, VDD = 18 V, R1 = 2.1 M Vi
R2 = 330 K, RD =2 .2 K, RS = 1.2 K S
Plot its output characteristics. R2 RS CS

4. (a) Define Integrator. Draw practical integrator circuit using OPAMP. Explain its working [8]
and discuss useful frequency range with frequency response characteristics.
(b) Using practical OPAMP like IC741 with values of components realize the expression : [4]
V0 = 5V1 + 2V2  3V3
(c) (i) What are the two basic modes in which the 555 timer operates. [4]
(ii) Design an astable multivibrator to provide an output frequency of 2 kHz with duty [4]
cycle of 60%.

5. (a) Define voltage regulator. Explain the functional block diagram of 723 General Purpose [5]
(b) Design a regulator using IC723 to meet the following specifications: [5]
VO = 5V; IO = 100 mA; Vin = 15V, ISC = 150 mA; Vsense = 0.7 V
(c) For a voltage divider bias network of a BJT derive IC and SI. What are the advantages and [10]
disadvantages of a voltage divider network?
(2) Vidyalankar : S.E.  EDLC

6. (a) Explain A-D converter. Explain any 2 types. [7]

(b) Compare linear regulators with switch regulators. [5]
(c) Discuss the effect of temperature on mutual characteristics of JFET. [6]
(d) Define biasing and list different types of biasing techniques. [2]

7. Write short notes on: [20]

(a) Instrumentation Amplifier
(b) V-I characteristics of JFET
(c) Basic Differentiator
(d) Hybrid -model of transistor


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