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0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 1

How to use BS EN 60204-1: 2006

Safety of Machinery
Electrical equipment of machines
Part 1: General requirements
0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 3


Introduction Section One Page 4

Objective Section Two Page 5

Scope and type of standard Section Three Page 6

The Standard, its Structure and Annex F Section Four Page 8

Scope Section Five Page 9

Selection of equipment Section Six Page 11

Supply disconnecting (isolating) device Section Seven Page 12

Excepted circuits Section Eight Page 14

Prevention of unexpected start-up: isolation Section Nine Page 15

Protection against electric shock Section Ten Page 18

Protection of equipment Section Eleven Page 21

Equipotential bonding Section Twelve Page 23

Control circuit supplies Section Thirteen Page 24

Emergency operations Section Fourteen Page 25

Two-hand control Section Fifteen Page 28

Cableless control Section Sixteen Page 29

Control functions in the event of failure Section Seventeen Page 30

Operator interface and machine mounted control devices Section Eighteen Page 31

Controlgear: location, mounting and enclosures Section Nineteen Page 32

Conductors and cables Section Twenty Page 33

Wiring practices Section Twenty one Page 34

Electric motors and associated equipment Section Twenty two Page 36

Accessories and lighting Section Twenty three Page 37

Marking, warning signs and reference designations Section Twenty four Page 38

Technical documentation Section Twenty five Page 39

Verification Section Twenty six Page 40

Additional user requirements etc - Annex B Section Twenty seven Page 41

Annex C Section Twenty eight Page 42

Annex D Section Twenty nine Page 43

Annex E Section Thirty Page 44

Annex G Section Thirty one Page 45

Normative references (Clause 2) and the bibliography Section Thirty two Page 46

BS EN 60204 -11: 2001 - Its relationship with BS EN 60204-1 Section Thirty three Page 47

List of standards referred to in this booklet Appendix A Page 48

Types of machinery safety standards Appendix B Page 49

Applications of types A, B and C standards to machines Appendix C Page 50

About the author - Brian James Clark Appendix D Page 51

Copyright © Schneider Electric Limited.

This document may be freely copied, stored or transmitted in any form, in part or in whole, provided that its source is acknowleged as being
Schneider Electric Limited.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 4

Section Introduction

How to use BS EN 60204-1: 2006 Safety of Machinery

Electrical Equipment of Machines Part 1: General requirements
By Brian James Clark OBE DipEE Ceng FIEE

This booklet is intended for designers and those who specify electrical
equipment comprising or forming part of an electrical installation of a
machine or a number of machines working together in a coordinated

BS EN 60204: 2006 Part 1, covers the rules for the selection and
application of electrical equipment to machines, including a group of
machines operating together in a coordinated manner (particularly
those not already covered by a machine product standard). The
equipment covered is that operating and supplied at voltages up to
1000V A.C. at frequencies up to 200Hz and 1500V D.C.

Note - BS EN 60204 Part 11 covers equipment operating and supplied at higher

voltages up to 36000V (see Section 33).

The Clauses in this standard are identical to the Clauses in

IEC 60204-1: 2006 (see also Section 32) and the user will note that
many of the normative references in Clause 2 are to IEC and ISO
standards. However the additional Annex ZA to BS EN 60204-1 lists
these standards together with their corresponding European
publications and, where these are EN standards, they will have been
published by BSI standards as BS EN standards.

Whilst machine product standards take precedence over BS EN

60204-1, many of these standards make reference to (all or specific
clauses or subclauses of) BS EN 60204-1. This booklet therefore may
still be relevant to those items in BS EN 60204-1 referred to in the
product standard.

BS EN 60204-1 covers a comprehensive range of machines each of

which has its own particular hazards requiring its own unique
assessment of risks. The standard in many areas specifies a choice of
measures (and equipment) that the designer needs to consider when
applying equipment to a particular machine. Whilst Annex F of Part 1
gives some guidance on this, it is recognised that further detailed
explanation can be helpful.

Note - This booklet when referring to clauses, subclauses (for example 1.2.3), tables,
annexes etc. means those in BS EN 60204-1. References to sections in this booklet are
identified by, for example, Section X. References to figures are identified individually.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 5

Section Objective

The objective of this booklet is to provide guidance to the user of

BS EN 60204-1 by:
 Giving advice and direction on the use of the advice given in
Annex F
 Explaining the structure of the standard, its objectives, and how the
clauses are interrelated
 Providing an explanation of aspects to consider when deciding
those requirements that may be appropriate, always bearing in
mind the result of a risk assessment
 Providing suggestions on solutions that are available and
appropriate to deal with hazards and risks of harm, pertinent to the
application of electrical equipment, identified by the risk

This booklet is not a detailed design guide and should not be

considered as one.

Note - The advice given in this booklet is the author’s opinion of the meaning of the
requirements of BS EN 60204-1. Whilst great care has been taken in interpreting them,
other opinions may appear equally valid. In cases of dispute, an official interpretation
should be obtained from BSI Standards.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 6

Section Scope and Type of Standard (see Foreword,

Three Introduction and Clause 1 – Scope)

BS EN 60204-1 is a horizontal standard (Type B1 standard in CEN;

see Introduction to BS EN ISO 12100-1: 2003) that relates to specific
aspects of safety relevant to a large number of types of machines, in
this case to the electrical equipment of machines. It is made clear in
Note 2 of Clause 1, Scope that the term electrical equipment means
electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment. It deals
with the electrical equipment of the machine from the point at which
the machine takes its electrical supply, (e.g. the interface with the
building electrical installation) this will be discussed in more detail later
in this document.
This standard does not cover the requirements for higher level system
aspects such as those dealing with remote control, in particular those
remote control systems used for process control. For example,
consider three machines, the output of two of which is needed to
satisfy the overall process needs. When two machines are running and
if one machine breaks down the higher level system will signal the
remaining machine to start in order to maintain the required level of
production needed by the process.
The standard covers:
a) Provision of means for protection against electric shock from the
machine, including enhanced measures for equipment located
where handicapped persons and children have access
b) Provision of means for: prevention of unexpected start-up, isolation
of all or parts of the electrical equipment for work on live conductors
and protection against unauthorized, inadvertent and/or mistaken
c) Measures for the protection of equipment against overcurrent,
overload, earth faults, overvoltages and overspeeding
d) Restarting of hazardous operation arising out of loss of power
supply and subsequent restoration
e) Failure to cease operation or inadvertent start of operation caused
by the occurrence of earth faults on control circuits
f) General requirements for electrical control circuits including:
i Design techniques to improve levels of integrity related to
safety of machines
ii Cableless controls
ii Suspension of safety functions and/or protective measures
g) Requirements covering machine controls including start, stop,
hold-to-run, enabling control, emergency stop and emergency
switching off
h) Accessibility and layout of electrical control equipment and electrical
control devices requiring manual operation
i) Selection of conductors and cables including flexible cables,
collector wires, collector bars and slip-ring assemblies.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 7

Section Scope and Type of Standard (see Foreword,

Three Introduction and Clause 1 – Scope)

It needs to be noted that the requirements of this standard are

concerned with preventing, in order of priority:
1) Hazardous (to persons) conditions
2) Damage to the machine
3) Damage to the work in progress.
It is also important to know that power circuits where electrical energy
is directly used as a working tool (e.g. equipment such as an electric
arc welder and for machining by electric spark erosion) are not
covered in this standard; nor is equipment portable by hand whilst
working (e.g. power tools). Also, additional and special requirements
apply to the electrical equipment used, for example, in a potentially
flammable atmosphere. See also Clause 1, Scope for the list of
circumstances. As stated above, this standard is a horizontal standard
for the application of electrical equipment to machines. Thus, whilst it
deals with the electrical hazards, significant requirements are specified
that partly deal with machinery control functions, basic design of
control circuits and functional safety (against hazards other than
electrical). See also BS EN62061: 2005 for requirements of safety-
related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control
systems. Other relevant horizontal standards include
BS EN ISO 12100-1: 2003. These are referred to where appropriate in
BS EN 60204-1 and their interaction will be covered. A list of the
standards referred to in this booklet is given in Appendix A of this
booklet for easy reference.
Technical committees writing product (vertical) standards for a
particular machine or range of machines have been and are
encouraged to use, and have used, horizontal standards in their work.
Where a product (Type C in CEN) standard exists,
designers/manufacturers/suppliers of machines tend to follow the
product standard. A horizontal standard such as BS EN 60204-1 only
applies when its requirements are referred to in the product standard.
The relationship between horizontal (Type A & Type B in CEN)
machine standards and vertical or product (Type C in CEN) machine
standards and the options open to the designer, manufacturer or
supplier is shown in Figures 1 and 2 of this booklet.
Note - There is no legal obligation for a machine supplier to comply with these
standards, but it is the easier option as the product standard (and those other horizontal
standards) is intended to specify the current “state of the art” in following the Essential
Health and Safety Requirements contained in the Supply of Machinery (Safety)
Regulations (see also Annex C of BS EN 60204-1).

Users of BS EN 60204-1 (this applies to all BSI standards) should be

aware of the meanings of “shall” and “should” in the standard. “Shall” is
mandatory and has to be complied with, whilst “should” is advisory and
should be treated as a recommendation; sometimes the phrase “it is
recommended that …” is used instead of “should”. Another important
aspect of the wording of standards is the use of “can” and “may”. The
word “can” is used to express that something is possible, “may” is used
to give permission. Notes are used to give additional information.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 8

Section The Standard, its Structure and Annex F


Figure 1 in BS EN 60204-1 (see Introduction to BS EN 60204-1) is a

good starting point for the user of this standard. It shows the
interrelationship of the various elements of a typical machine and its
associated electrical equipment. The numbers in parentheses on the
figure refer to clauses and subclauses in the standard. A study of this
and the contents list should make the reader realise that many
Clauses and Subclauses are interrelated (for example, requirements
from Clauses 6, 7 and 8 are relevant to prevention of electric shock by
indirect contact).

Note - Another representation of a typical machine can also be seen in Figure A.1 of BS
EN ISO 12100-1: 2003.

Annex F is the guide for use of this part of BS EN 60204 and, in

addition to some explanation/expansions of the text in F.1 which are
given below, the subjects listed in Table F.1 will be used when relevant
as section headings in this booklet.
F.1 applies equally (see Figure 2) to:
 Standards technical committees preparing machine product
standards (type C in CEN)
 Suppliers (and designers of electrical equipment) of machines for
which no product standard exists
 Machines where a product standards exists and reference is made
to BS EN 60204-1.
It describes in a), b) and c) how to go about using the standard but
warns that the method and solution used must not reduce (adversely
affect) the level of protection identified from the risk assessment as
being required for that particular machine. Examples of situations such
as this will be made in this booklet.

It goes on to advise that when making these decisions and choices,

the rationale (including sources/reference as necessary) be
documented so that there is a clear audit trail to follow when it
becomes necessary to review these decisions, for example as a result
of an accident or user feedback, change of use, design review.

It also advises that the supplier ensures that the necessary expertise
to competently carry out the tasks listed in the penultimate paragraph
be available. It follows that these tasks need to be conscientiously
carried out.

Note - In the context of IEC 60204-1, the term “supplier” refers to any entity in the supply
chain. See 3.54 of the standard for the exact definition.

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Section Scope

This expands on that given in Section 3 above in two ways. One is the
need to identify additional requirements (see column ii) of Table F.1.
The other is to identify the point(s) at which the machine takes its

Section 5.1 Additional requirements and Clause 4

These additional requirements are identified in two places, namely in

the Scope (penultimate paragraph) and in Clause 4. The former is
self-evident but the general requirements in Clause 4 can impose
additional requirements such as those arising from a special power
supply (see 4.3) and physical environment and operating conditions
(see 4.4) arising from the supply and at the intended place of use of
the machine. Depending upon the machine and its intended use there
can also be relevant different requirements.

Section 5.2 Point(s) of supply(ies)

Whilst many machines only require one incoming power supply, other
(often complex or very large) machines need more than one (see 5.1).
In general a single incoming power supply is recommended where
possible with other power supplies derived from it (see 5.1) so that a
single device can disconnect the machine from the electrical supply.
There are situations where it is important that a second derived (or
alternate power supply) source needs to be available when the supply
disconnecting device is OFF (for example, see 15.1 and 15.2). This
situation is catered for in 5.3.5, but there are additional requirements to
be met to warn the user of the presence of these live conductors and
to provide means for their disconnection.

The point of incoming supply to a machine is where its electrical

equipment interfaces with, for example, the building power supply
system installation, or an on-board electrical generator. In the case of
the former, the power supply installation standard applicable in the UK
is BS 7671 – Requirements for Electrical Installations
(IEE Wiring Regulations 16th Edition). For example, in the case of a
mobile machine supplied by a flexible cable terminated at a
disconnecting device at the supply end, this device can be considered
to be the machine disconnecting device. Another example is where
there may be several machines supplied by a common set of
conductor bars or conductor bars. In this case, the conductor bars and
conductor wires can be considered (see 12.7) to be part of a machine
installation and the supply disconnecting device to them needs to meet
the requirements of 5.3 and 12.7.4.

Except where a plug is provided with the machine for connection to a

power supply socket, it is recommended that the incoming supply is
terminated at the incoming terminals of the supply disconnecting
device see also 5.1 and 5.3.2 e).

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Section Scope

More often than not, the point of supply for single machines is clear. In
the case of larger machines and, in particular for machines working
together in a co-ordinated manner, requiring more than one power
supply, the point(s) of supply (and hence from what point
BS EN 60204-1 is applicable) can become unclear. For example, a
switchboard may consist of several outgoing circuits equipped with
switchgear meeting the requirements of 5.3. Where outgoing circuits
feed machines working together in a coordinated manner, the point of
supply to the machine could be considered to be at the switchboard.
Alternatively, in the case of a large machine needing several incoming
power supplies that are derived from a dedicated switchboard (no
other outgoing circuits used for building services, such as for general
lighting of the building, derived from that switchboard), then this
switchboard can be considered to be part of the machine’s electrical
equipment. In this case, the switchboard incoming supply circuit
switchgear (when meeting the requirements of 5.3) is the point of
supply for the machine. Such a situation should not give rise to any
serious problems where the supplier and user agree contractually what
is being provided and by whom. In any event, the requirements of
BS 7671 and BS EN 60204-1 do not, it is believed, conflict in this area.

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Section Selection of equipment


The objective of 4.2.1 is to ensure that electrical All Schneider Electric’s products are
equipment is suitable, meets recognised IEC standards designed and manufactured in
where possible and is used as intended. Whilst accordance with relevant IEC
compliance with a recognised international standard is standards. Schneider Electric
not in itself a guarantee of perfect reliability, there is a participate in the development and
reasonable degree of assurance that the equipment revision of many International and
supplier has had the equipment type tested to the European standards including
standard and the equipment supplied performs to an IEC 60204-1.
identifiable specification with clear instructions for use.

4.2.2 specifies that the electrical equipment selected

needs to satisfy safety requirements as identified by the
risk assessment. To achieve this, the designer of the
electrical equipment has not only to ensure that
equipment assembled on or near a machine (e.g. in a
controlgear panel) operates correctly under normal
conditions, he/she has to ensure that it will also operate
without overheating or catastrophic failure during
abnormal conditions such as overload or short circuit.
The selection and use of equipment complying with
IEC 60439-1 is one way of meeting requirements for safe
operation particularly where significant load and/or short
circuit current levels can be expected.

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Section Supply disconnecting (isolating) device


Subclause 5.3 describes the device or devices used in Schneider Electric can supply a
combination (for example see 5.3.2 b)) that may be used wide range of suitable devices, e.g:
together with the specific requirements they have to the Vario range rated up to 75A and
meet. The range of devices allowed has been extended LK3 range with ratings up to
in 5.3.2 d) in this issue of the standard. The functions that 1250A.
have to be available are that of disconnection (for work Auxiliary contacts for control circuit
on the electrical equipment of the machine) and the interlock and indications can also be
capability to switch off the maximum load/overload added if required.
current of the machine under the conditions described in

It should be noted that when a neutral conductor is The majority of Schneider Electric
provided in TN systems, some countries require this disconnecting devices are available
conductor to be switched by the supply disconnecting in 3- or 4-pole.The 4th pole on a 4
device. It is not unknown for a 4-pole machine supply pole device may comprise either a
disconnecting device to be requested even though the solid or switched conductor.The
supply requirements of the machine do not include a Vario range can also include early
neutral. There is no reason (apart from cost) why such a make late break for neutral
request from the machine user should not be satisfied. switching.

Note - See also 5.1 and Section 27 regarding the neutral conductor.

Where the device is a plug/socket combination, the

requirements of 13.4.5 a) to f) are relevant. In addition, a
separate device for switching the machine on and off is
necessary. The required switching device interlocked with
the plug/socket combination rated at currents greater
than 30 A (see 13.4.5 c)) can satisfy the requirements for
the supply disconnecting device. This is a change to the
previous edition, which required an interlocked switching
device for plug/socket combinations rated 63A or above,
since there have been electrical burn accidents caused
by the removal of plugs rated at 32A when carrying load

It is recommended that the handles (when provided) of

supply disconnecting (isolating) devices not intending to Schneider Electric can provide
be used for emergency operations be coloured black or disconnecting devices with either
grey. This requirement is not mandatory and often the black/black or red/yellow operating
handles are provided coloured red (with a yellow handle/background.
background) in case they are likely to be used to effect
emergency operations (for example, emergency stop,
emergency switching off) as specified in 10.7.4 and
10.8.4 (see also Annex E of BS EN 60204-1).

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Section Supply disconnecting (isolating) device


The type of supply disconnecting (isolating) device(s) and where it is

mounted (on the machine or on a separate electrical panel) will be
determined by the machine itself and its electricity supply demands. In
the case where more than one power supply is needed, it is important
that there are interlocks provided as necessary to ensure that no
hazard can arise or damage to the machine or the work in progress
can occur when one of the supply disconnecting (isolating) devices is

Also the supply disconnecting (isolating) device selected (and its

associated connections to the electrical equipment) needs to be
adequately rated for the power supply to which it is to be connected.
This also applies to the overcurrent protective devices at the point of
supply but more will be said about this later.

The design requirements for removable current collectors on conductor

wires, conductor bars and slip ring assemblies for use as a means of
disconnection are given in 12.7.4.

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Section Excepted circuits


This subject has already been touched upon in Section 5.2 above. It is
important that such circuits (see 5.3.5) have some means of
disconnection and are adequately protected against overcurrent. The
reason that such provision is only a recommendation in 5.3.5 is to give
relief where necessary from the strict requirements of 5.3.1 to 5.3.4.
For example, in the case of accessories and local lighting Clause 15
will apply. Other low power circuits can meet the requirement by use of
fully protected (against direct contact) and fully rated withdrawable fuse
gear. The use of colour, see 13.2.4, such as orange in the case of
control circuits for interlocking, separation and labelling also needs to
be considered. Finally protection against direct contact (see Section
10.2, method b) for use of enclosures) might need to be supplied.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 15

Section Prevention of unexpected start-up: isolation


Section 9.1 General

Keeping a machine in a stopped or non-operating condition whilst

persons are present in danger zones is one of the most important
conditions of safe use of machinery and hence one of the major aims
of the machinery designer and machine user. This sentiment is
expressed as the first paragraph to the Introduction in ISO 14118: 2000
(BS EN 1037: 1995), Safety of machinery – Prevention of unexpected

ISO 14118 covers all aspects of these requirements from:

 Simply relying on prevention of operation of a start control by
anyone apart from the operator when he/she, for example is
inspecting a work-piece during a machining operation, to
 The provision of isolation and means of energy dissipation (e.g.
energy stored or present due to gravity) with means of securing
(locking) and warning labels to enable significant dismantling and
repair to be carried out safely.

A list of examples of activities (tasks) calling for such measures are

given in informative Annex A of ISO 14118 (BS EN 1037). The list is
repeated below:
 Corrective actions (clearing blockages, etc.)
 Setting, adjustment
 Manual loading/unloading
 Tool change
 Minor maintenance/repair
 Diagnostic, testing
 Work on power circuits
 Major maintenance (works requiring significant dismantling).

Many of the means used for the above (for examples see Section 7,
Section 9.3, etc.) involve electrical equipment that has to be adequate
(see Section 6) to fulfil these tasks.

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Section Prevention of unexpected start-up: isolation


Section 9.2 Prevention of unexpected start-up

5.4 specifies electrical devices for switching off be

provided to achieve prevention of unexpected start-up
during intervention, for example to replace a workpiece.
These devices need to be conveniently placed, Schneider Electric’s
appropriate for their intended use and lockable or other disconnecting devices
means used to minimise the possibility of mistaken incorporate the means to
operation (See 5.6). In many cases this function is connect up to 3 padlocks.
achieved by the supply disconnecting device.
Work on electrical equipment under the conditions when
the equipment is switched off, but not isolated, is only
allowed when there is no risk of electric shock or burn.
See 5.4, last paragraph. It needs to be noted that devices
that achieve isolation are required to be provided in
accordance with 5.5 to avoid a risk of electric shock or
burn when work is to be carried out on electrical

Other devices, apart from those described in 5.3.2, Schneider Electric can provide
capable of providing electrical isolation, such as a full range of disconnectors
disconnectors, withdrawable fuse links and withdrawable and withdrawable fuse
links are allowed to be supplied providing they are holders.
located in an enclosed electrical operating area. Access
to such an area is intended to be restricted to electrically
skilled or instructed persons who should know when it is
safe to operate these electrical devices. Also it should be
noted that the location of, for example, withdrawable fuse
links, is often inside a locked fuse box or a locked
electrical equipment panel on or near to the machine;
and not necessarily in a locked switch room some
distance from the machine. In both cases, their use
should only be considered for those intervention activities
that always require the attendance of an electrically
skilled or instructed person. The machine operator is not
normally an electrically skilled or instructed person and
will need other means to prevent unexpected start-up for
those intervention activities not requiring the
assistance/attendance of an electrically skilled or
instructed person (see also BS EN 1037).

Section 9.3 Isolation of electrical equipment

5.5 deals specifically with the provision of means for

disconnecting (isolating) electrical equipment so that
work can be carried out on it when it has been
disconnected and isolated from its source(s) of supply.

Whilst the machine supply disconnecting device(s) will

satisfy this requirement, its use can be inappropriate for

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 17

Section Prevention of unexpected start-up: isolation


the reasons given in 5.5. Additional means, as described, are often

provide to ensure that part only of the electrical equipment can be
isolated and worked on in safety without affecting the availability of
other parts of the electrical equipment. However, as noted above,
these other means of isolation (that need to be clearly labelled as to
the part of the electrical equipment they supply) are intended to be
accessible only to electrically skilled or instructed persons. On such
occasions it is likely that these means can be appropriate as it is
essential that the electrical equipment is safely isolated and de-
energised, and discharged as necessary. This aspect is even more
important when the work is being carried out by persons who are not
electrically skilled or instructed as they might have no means of
proving the equipment is dead. Even so, those persons using the
machine supply disconnecting device(s) to enable work to be carried
out on the electrical equipment of the machine, will need to ensure as
necessary, by using the means that should have been provided, that
other sources of supply not disconnected by the supply disconnecting
device (see Sections 7 and 8), do not generate an electrical risk to
those doing the work.

Section 9.4 Protection against unauthorised, inadvertent and/or

mistaken connection

5.6 deals with provision of means for safeguarding the measures for
prevention of unexpected start-up (5.4) and the means for isolation
(5.5) and energy dissipation against unauthorised, inadvertent and/or
mistaken connection. The means to be provided are specified as:
 Means to secure isolators in the off position (and discharge means
in the closed position; see Note 1 below) by for example, padlocks,
trapped key interlocks
 Warning labels, particularly for items that cannot be locked and
therefore have to be located in enclosed electrical operating areas.
Note 1 - electrical equipment such as capacitors, HV equipment (see Section 33.2) that
can remain or become electrically charged need to be short circuited and earthed.

Note 2 - Users should be encouraged always to provide and use warning labels
irrespective of the means of isolation provided for use.

The equipment provided should enable the machine user to easily put
into effect safe systems of work for any work carried out on the
electrical equipment. Therefore suitable advice needs to be included in
the information for use. Advice is contained in Section 12 of PD 5304:

Where a plug/socket combination is provided and the point of isolation

is positioned so it is likely to be under the immediate supervision of the
person doing the work, no further safeguarding of that means needs to
be provided. However, the machine user may need some advice as
described above.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 18

Section Protection against electric shock


Section 10.1 General

Electric shock can arise from contact by persons with:

 Live parts of the electrical equipment (the measures used are
described in this standard as protection against direct contact
(see 6.2 and 6.4))
 Exposed conductive parts which have become live as a result of an
insulation fault between live parts and exposed conductive parts,
(the measures used are described in this standard as protection
against indirect contact (see 6.3)).

The application options here are confined to selection from the

measures given in Clause 6. Even so the selection of the measure is
restricted to (qualified by) that which provides the highest possible
level of protection. For example the measure of protection against
direct contact by placing out of reach (see 6.2.6) should only be used
where protection by enclosure (see 6.2.2) is not practicable and even
then, needs to be justified as being appropriate. See also 6.1 and

It can be noted that the requirements for those measures commonly

used and appropriate for machines are given in full whilst for the
others, the reader is directed to IEC 60364-4-41 (see also
BS 7671 – Requirements for Electrical Installations (IEE Wiring

An important requirement, not currently directly specified in many other

standards, is the enhanced level of protection for electrical equipment
located in places to which access is available to the general public.
This, by definition, includes children and disabled persons.

Section 10.2 Protection against direct contact

The measures are described in 6.2 and whilst the requirements are
self explanatory, certain of these merit explanation of the reasoning
behind them.

Protection by enclosure (see 6.2.2) is the most common measure

employed on machinery. It should be noted that the requirements in
Clause 11 (and Clause 14 in the case of motors) are also relevant. To
this end and to understand fully the meaning of the requirements,
IEC 60529 needs to be carefully studied. Furthermore, often the
requirements for protection against ingress of solids and water (see
11.3) can be such as to be more than adequate in meeting 6.2.2.

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Section Protection against electric shock


Three conditions, a), b) and c) are specified that need to

be met before access can be gained (for example by
opening a door) to such an enclosure.

In the case of a), the use of a key or tool is necessary; Virtually all Schneider
the intent being to restrict access to electrically skilled or Electric devices have fully
instructed persons. Even so, those live parts that are finger-protected (IP2X)
likely to be inadvertently touched (including those on the terminals, or have separate
back of doors) have to have some protection against shrouds available to enable
direct contact. This measure also now applies to those IP2X protection.
enclosures covered by condition b); the reason being that
the electrical equipment can remain live when a special
tool is used to defeat the interlock (again intended to be
used only by electrically skilled or instructed persons).

In condition b), the intent is that access to the enclosure

can only be gained after the supply disconnecting device
is opened and all the equipment inside is isolated and
any other parts still live being adequately protected
against direct contact.
Important requirements that need to be carefully
considered when designing this type of enclosure are:
1) All access doors to the enclosure need to be fully
interlocked with the disconnecting device and it should
not be possible to switch on with any door left open;
2) When the doors are re-closed the interlock needs to
be fully restored irrespective of whether the disconnecting
device is in the off or on position;
Where the interlock can be defeated, it should not be
possible to defeat this interlock without using a special
tool provided by the supplier.

In the case of c) access is possible at all times because

the equipment inside is adequately protected against TeSys model D
direct contact. contactors incorporate
removable safety covers to
Note - There are other reasons (for example, management control to
ensure access is only allowed to authorised persons, to minimise risk of
prevent manual actuation of
production loss arising from malicious or inadvertent interference) why a the contactor.
user may wish to restrict access to electrical equipment and the
designer needs to be aware of such user requirements.

Other measures for protection against direct contact are

specified in 6.2.3 to 6.2.6 and, for conductor wires,
conductor bars and slip-ring assemblies in 12.7.1.
It should be noted that the requirements specified in 6.2.5
and 6.2.6 are by reference to those relevant
requirements specified in IEC 60364-4-41 (see also 10
Protection against direct contact with residual voltages
(e.g. when capacitors are present) (see 6.2.4) is
particularly important as the user will assume that once

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 20

Section Protection against electric shock


the supply disconnector has been opened or the supply High voltages can exist within
plug is withdrawn from its socket, the electrical variable speed drives for
equipment is no longer live at a dangerous voltage. The several minutes, and the
designer needs to take care to ensure that any discharge time is marked on
hazardous voltage source dissipates to a safe level within the drive enclosure.
5 seconds if within an enclosure or 1 second in the case
of exposed pins of a plug. Otherwise, additional
measures are required (see also 12.7.4).

Section 10.3 Protection against indirect contact

The measures are described in 6.3.

6.3.2 specifies measures to prevent the occurrence of a

touch voltage by either a) provision of Class II equipment
or by equivalent insulation, or b) by electrical separation.
These measures are not commonly found in machine
installations apart from individual items of equipment and
cables for which, in many cases, product standards exist.

6.3.3 specifies measures most commonly used on

machinery. Protection against electric shock is achieved
by the removal of a touch voltage, appearing on the
occurrence of an insulation fault, before it can cause
harm. As stated, this requires co-ordination between the:
a) Type of power supply and the earthing system
b) Impedance values of the different elements of the
protective bonding system (see Clause 8), and
c) Characteristics of the protective devices that detect
insulation faults (see Clause 7).

The addition of normative Annex A – ‘Protection against

indirect contact in TN-systems’ has both helped the
designer and provided information to enable verification
to be carried out (see 18.2).

Section 10.4 Protection by the use of PELV

This measure (see 6.4) provides protection against the

effects of both indirect contact and limited area direct
contact. Whilst not commonly found on machinery, there
are certain specialist areas (e.g. textile machinery) where
this measure may be appropriate. Even so, it needs to be
realised that the voltage limits of this measure are
relevant only for equipment located in dry locations.

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Section Protection of equipment


Section 11.1 General

Clause 7 is concerned with:

1) Protecting electrical equipment against excessive
damage arising from a fault within the equipment itself
and the other equipment subjected to the effects of
the fault. This damage can result from the Schneider Electric’s
electromagnetic forces and/or excessive temperatures Telemecanique contactors and
caused by the value and/or duration of the fault overload relays pioneered the
(e.g. short circuit) currents (motors and other machine use of independently-certified
electrical equipment can also contribute to fault combinations with Type 2
currents) coordination.
2) Protection against the effects of temperature rise
above normal arising from loss of cooling and
overloading of circuits such as those supplying
motors. It should be noted that generally the electrical
equipment does not have an insulation fault. In this
edition of the standard, those circumstances identified
as giving rise to excessive temperature rise and those
protective measures to detect this and protect the
equipment against damage are more clearly specified
3) Protection against the effects of supply voltage Variations in voltage, phase
variation, overspeed of machine elements, earth rotation, phase loss,
fault/residual current, connection to a supply with the overcurrent and undercurrent
incorrect phase sequence and overvoltage due to can be monitored by the
lightning and switching surges. Schneider Electric RM4 and
RM84 range of measurement
The requirements in Clause 7 are clear and it can be relays.
seen from Table F.1 there are no application options.
That described in 2) above has been thoroughly reviewed
and, it is believed, more accurately specified.

Section 11.2 Supply conductors

The electrical equipment supplier (see 7.2.2) is not

responsible for providing the overcurrent protective
device on the supply conductors to the machine. There
can, of course, be an agreement between the equipment
supplier and user. In the absence of such an agreement,
the supplier of the equipment still needs to know (or
clearly specify) the setting of the overcurrent device and
(importantly) the maximum short circuit current and time
duration. This information is needed so the supplier can
select suitable electrical equipment and protective
devices (suitably set) to ensure adequate coordination
and discrimination of the protective devices in the
electrical equipment of the machine. It must also not be
forgotten that correct coordination of protection (settings)
is also needed to ensure that sufficient protection against

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Section Protection of equipment


the effect of indirect contact is achieved

(see Section 10.3).

Section 11.3 Location of overcurrent protective


The location of overcurrent protective devices (see 7.2.8)

requires that they be put at any point where the reduction
in the cross-sectional area of the conductor or other
causes reduces the current carrying capacity of the
circuit conductor. The objective of this requirement is to
ensure that the conductors are adequately protected
against the effects of a short circuit arising from an
insulation fault close to, but downstream of, the above
mentioned point. It is realised that it is not always
possible to meet this requirement and a conditional
relaxation is permitted. The three conditions are given
with the objective of minimising the probability of a short
circuit occurring due to an insulation failure arising from,
for example, mechanical damage, between the point of
load rating reduction and the protective device. Also, if a
fault occurs, the protection upstream should still be able
to detect the overcurrent and disconnect the supply
before excessive damage or fire occurs and a risk to
persons develops.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 23

Section Equipotential bonding


The requirements in Clause 8 are clear and it can be seen from Table
F.1 that there are no application options. An important requirement is to
arrange the protective bonding circuit so that removal of any item of
equipment does not affect the bonding circuit for the remaining

New items included in this issue of BS EN 60204-1 are 8.2.8 and 8.4,
both dealing with equipotential bonding measures for electrical
equipment having relatively high values of earth leakage currents.
The immediate consequences arising from failure of the protective
conductor to such items of electrical equipment are so severe that
special measures (see 8.2.8) are necessary to minimise the possibility
of an electric shock hazard occurring. It should be noted that BS 7671
Section 607 contains requirements for the installation of equipment
having high protective conductor current.

Continuity of the protective bonding circuit has to be maintained and

requirements are specified in 8.2.3 with a further reference to 12.7.2
for conductor wires, conductor bars and slip-ring assemblies. It needs
to be noted that the protective bonding circuit is part of the measure for
protection against electric shock from indirect contact (see Section

Figure 2 has been changed to make it clearer.

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Section Control circuit supplies


Control circuit supply transformers are required except as Schneider Electric offer the
specified in the last paragraph of 9.1.1. This requirement ABL-6 range for transformers
is not there (as is thought by many) primarily for the and ABL-7 range for DC
reason of minimising the possibility of electric shock to, switch-mode power supplies.
for example, persons carrying out fault finding (see
9.1.2). It is there to reduce the effects and consequences
of an overcurrent arising from an insulation failure on the
control circuit. The impedance of the transformer
significantly reduces the value of the overcurrent, thereby
minimising burn and fire hazards.

It needs also to be noted that the maximum

transformer-derived nominal control voltage limit is
specified as 277 V. This is to take into account the
difference in relay coil rated voltage arising from the use
of a supply frequency of 60Hz instead of 50Hz.

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Section Emergency operations


Section 14.1 General

Annex E (informative) describes what is meant by emergency

operations. Of the four control functions described, two are specified in and Table F.1 shows actions to be considered as:
1) Selection from the measures given; and
2) Use of different requirements.

Both options and other considerations are discussed in turn in Sections

14.2 and 14.3.

Section 14.2 Emergency stop (see

Requirements for emergency stop are specified in ISO 13850 and

BS EN 418.

Note - ISO 13850 is under review and when published could replace BS EN 418 as
BS EN ISO 13850.

It specifies that the emergency stop function is not to be considered as

a primary safeguard and it is initiated by a single human action.

The term emergency stop is often erroneously used when referring to

the automatic stop action generated as a result of operation of a
primary safeguard such as a guard interlock or trip device. This
incorrect use of the term is deprecated because it continues to confuse
machine users and equipment designers. Whilst often the same part of
the control circuit is employed for both functions, this is not always the

This standard specifies in general terms the types (characteristics) of

machines that are required to be equipped with emergency stop and
the type of stop (stop category 1 or stop category 2, see 9.2.2 Stop
functions) considered to be necessary.

Note - The term “stop category” has been introduced to avoid confusion with the
categories for control system behaviour in the presence of faults that are described in
BS EN 954-1.

The important criteria that also need to be considered are the means
to ensure that an emergency stop function, when initiated, does not
give rise to additional hazards both during the stopping process and
whilst the machine remains in the non-operational condition until the
emergency stop has been reset. The machine supplier will need to
carefully consider this as part of the risk assessment of the machine.
There will be situations where items on the machine (for example,
means to release trapped persons, coolant pumps or fans) may have
to be left in operation or automatically started (emergency start) to
ensure a hazardous situation does not develop.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 26

Section Emergency operations


The appropriate electrical or other control equipment will

need to be included to achieve this.

There are other machines which, in order to prevent

additional hazards being generated during the
emergency stopping process, employ a stop category 1
emergency stop function. If, however, this system fails to
achieve the stop (see 9.2.2) then the power supply has to
be switched off to complete, albeit imperfectly, the
emergency stop process. Some complex machines rely
on deceleration control systems, but, because the
consequences of failure of such a stopping system are
very severe, use alternative stopping systems, that can
be unsuitable for normal production, as back-up systems.
These back-up systems can be activated during an
emergency stop sequence if the control system detects
that the machine deceleration is not meeting the required
deceleration rate.

Types of human actuated emergency stop control Schneider Electric

devices together with their location and other recommends the use of
requirements are specified in 10.7. A product standard trigger-action emergency stop
(IEC 60947-5-5) exists for these devices. It needs to be devices in order to meet the
born in mind that these control devices are to be located relevant essential requirement
wherever it is considered to be necessary from the risk of the Machinery Directive.
assessment of the machine. They need to be readily Multiple contact blocks are
accessible and should not place the person in danger available where they are
when operating them. Furthermore they need to be needed by the safety
clearly visible even though there might be a possibility of requirement.
accidental or malicious operation. Where the Harmony style 4 & 5 meet
consequences of accidental or malicious operation can these requirements, together
be severe, additional means can be employed always with a range of Preventa
providing ease of operation and other requirements in safety relays to monitor
this standard, ISO 13850 and the device product emergency stops where
standard are met. One means is to equip the emergency required.
stop push button with a lockable reset facility with
management control of the key.

There is a need to provide information for use or other

means to minimise confusion between active and inactive This is usually achieved by
devices where emergency stop devices are at control omitting the yellow
stations that can be disabled. Such control stations are background around the
those for cableless control and pluggable control pendant device.
controllers used for setting/teach purposes when
preparing a machine(s) for production (see and

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Section Emergency operations


Local operation of the supply disconnecting device to effect emergency

stop (see 10.7.4) may be appropriate for those machines where a
separate emergency stop is not considered to be necessary. In these
and similar cases the supply disconnecting device may meet the
requirements of 10.7.3.

Section 14.3 Emergency switching off (see

The prime reasons for provision of emergency switching off are

described (see also 6.2.5, 6.2.6) in 12.7.1 (See also Section 20). The
important thing to bear in mind is that unlike emergency stop which
applies a stop only to those machine functions needing to be stopped,
emergency switching off is carried out at the point of supply to the
machine or part of the machine concerned. Hence the possibility of
other hazards appearing as a result of removal of the power
supply(ies) needs to be considered and changes made or measures
applied to minimise the possibility of hazardous situations arising as
necessary. Furthermore, in those situations where both emergency
stop and emergency switching off devices are present, then means to
prevent confusion will need to be provided (see 10.8.1). Situations
such as this have been seen on paper making and associated
machinery where the emergency switching off device has been
provided (for example, in a break glass enclosure) which, when
operated, opens the power supply switchgear located in remotely
placed switch rooms. Often the reason for providing this facility is to
enable fire fighting to start without delay.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 28

Section Two-hand control


Two-hand control is a form of hold-to-run control. The The ergonomic aspects of

circumstances that determine which type (of the three two-hand control can be met
types described) of two-hand control can be used either by the use of Telemecanique
alone or in conjunction with other protective measures XY2SB two hand control
are outside the scope of this standard. Even so, it is stations. An appropriate
stated in that a Type 1 is not considered to be Preventa safety relay can be
suitable for the initiation of hazardous operation. Although used to monitor the two-hand
full requirements for two-hand control are specified in control station.
ISO 13851 (BS EN 574), this subclause is retained in BS
EN 60204-1 for completeness.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 29

Section Cableless control


9.2.7 Cableless control was added at the previous issue of

BS EN 60204-1 and has changed little in this issue. It sets out the
basic essential functional requirements which have been accepted by
many. It leaves the user of cableless controls to specify parameters,
such as time to respond in case of loss of communication signal, to
suit the particular machine operating conditions to which it is applied
(see also Table F.1). It is sometimes forgotten that the requirements of
10.1.5 also apply to cableless control stations. Of the differing types of
machine needing cableless control, overhead travelling cranes
(see BS EN 60204-32) and other mobile rail mounted machines are
good examples. The response time of such machines can vary
significantly and has to be specified by the machine supplier according
to the risk assessment.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 30

Section Control functions in the event of failure


This is dealt with in 9.4 of BS EN 60204-1. The control functions

described in 9.2 specify what shall happen with the assumption that
the function is operating normally (see Note 1 in 9.2). The equipment
used to implement these control functions (particularly the operator
interface devices) is specified in Clause 10 and this principle has now
been consistently applied (see Note 2 in 9.2).

9.4.1 now refers (in addition to ISO 13849-1: 1999) to IEC 62061:
2005, which is a new standard implementing IEC 61508 for the
machine sector. IEC 62061 applies to the complete safety-related
electrical control system implementing the safety control functions
identified from the risk assessment of the machine under
consideration. It applies equally to electrical, electronic and
programmable electronic safety-related control systems. ISO 13849-1
covers safety-related parts of control systems. It specifies 5 differing
categories of a safety-related part of a control system the performance
of which, is related to the effect of a single fault occurring in it (mainly
based on the system architecture). These categories however should
not be considered to be hierarchical as far as performance (integrity)
or their contribution to risk reduction is concerned.

The remainder of this subclause is generally unchanged apart from the

expansion of dealing with protection against maloperation due
to earth faults. This has been expanded to more clearly describe 3
methods of meeting the requirement (see also Figure 3 and Figure 4 of
BS EN 60204-1).

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 31

Section Operator interface and machine mounted

Eighteen control devices

Section 18.1 General

Clause 10 deals with the requirements for control

devices, indicators and position sensors. It covers the
requirement to select, code and mount these devices so
as to minimise the possibility of incorrect operation of
control and misinterpretation of signals generated by
indication devices, particularly where hazardous machine
operation is involved. It now includes general
requirements designed to cater for modern devices (for
example, touch screen, keypads and keyboards) (see

Section 18.2 Colours for push buttons All colours are available for
both pushbuttons and
Users of this standard will have noted the preference for indicator lamps from the
use of push button actuator colours of white for start, and Telemecanique Harmony style
black for stop. Green for start and red for stop are also 4 & 5 range of metal or all
included with a ban on their use for stop and start insulated pilot devices.
respectively. This allows for the adoption of white and
black for machines supplied at locations where machines
have not been installed previously, yet it allows use of the
colours green and red at those places where existing
machines using these colours are installed. In any event
the choice of colour can require consultation with the
user (see Annex B of BS EN 60204-1) to minimise the
possibility of confusion at the place of use of the

Section 18.3 Colours for indicator lights

These are specified in 10.3.2 and are self explanatory. The XVB indicating towers
However a new recommendation for indicating towers range can comply fully with
has been added. the recommendations.

Section 18.4 Enabling control device

Requirements to enable the appropriate selection of a The Telemecanique XY2-AU

suitable enabling control device are specified in 10.9. range is a three-position type.
Currently, no product standard exists for these devices
and great care should be taken when selecting a suitable
device. Providing the ergonomic requirements can be
satisfied the three-position type is likely to be more
effective as the operator does not have to react in just
one way (as in the two–position type) to stop hazardous
machine operation.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 32

Section Controlgear: location, mounting and

Nineteen enclosures

Section 19.1 General

The objectives of Clause 11 are given in 11.1. These are framed to

enable the user of the machine to minimise risk from electrical hazards
to those requiring access to the electrical equipment or to the machine.
For example, in 11.2.2 there is a requirement to segregate non-
electrical equipment from electrical equipment and to separate/group
power and control circuits, devices and terminals as far as is possible.
A similar requirement is contained in 11.4, 6th paragraph. This can
enable work on non-electrical parts of a machine to be carried out
often without the need to access areas containing electrical equipment
which can present a hazard.

Section 19.2 Degrees of protection

Degrees of protection of controlgear against the effects of solids and

water are specified in IEC 60529 and the level needed will depend
upon the environment at the location in which the equipment is
intended to be used. Accordingly, the degrees of protection shown in
11.3 are typical only and the degree needed needs to be determined.
Furthermore it should be realised that the:
a) Degrees of protection in IEC 60529 apply to solids and water only.
Other measures can be necessary to protect against the ingress of
other liquids such as oil etc
b) The tests in IEC 60529 evaluate the resistance of enclosures to the
ingress of solid objects applied without significant force, and to the
ingress of water during a 30 minute test. Other measures can be
necessary to protect against the forcible introduction of solid objects
or against the long-term ingress of water.
c) Requirements for protection against electric shock (see Clause 6)
also need to be satisfied.
In addition, the requirements of 10.1.3 are appropriate particularly
when considering panel mounted operator interface devices.

Section 19.3 Access to controlgear

Safe means of access, adequate clearance for work and provision for
means of escape are specified in 11.5.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 33

Section Conductors and cables


Clause 12 does not apply to the internal/integral wiring of items of

selected electrical equipment (usually meeting its own IEC product
standard) such as variable speed drives, used as part of the electrical
equipment of the machine.

The requirements for conductors and cables specified in Clause 12 are

compatible with those specified in IEC 60364. The apparent difference
seen by the user is there only because the ambient temperature limits
specified in both standards differ (BS EN 60204-1 uses 400 C). All
types of conductors and cables used on machines are covered
including flexible cables wound onto drums. Conductor wires,
conductor bars (please note the change in description) and slip-ring
assemblies are comprehensively dealt with in 12.7. It includes
requirements for protection against direct contact (see 12.7.1),
ensuring the continuity of the protective bonding circuit (see 12.7.2)
and use of removable connectors with a disconnecting function (see

It cannot be stressed too emphatically that even though conductor bars

and conductor wires are located such that they are normally out of
reach they should, when practicable, always be protected against
direct contact to 12.7.1, first and second paragraphs. If this is not
possible, then emergency switching off needs to be provided in
accordance with 12.7.1, third paragraph.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 34

Section Wiring practices

Twenty one

Section 21.1 General

The requirements of Clause 13 have remained basically

unchanged. Even so, important changes/additions to
facilitate maintenance (see Section 21.2), to take account
of mobile and other machines having long flexible cables
(see 13.1.2) and the use of an inductive power supply
system (see 13.1.4) have been included (see also
Sections 19.2 and 19.3).

In addition, 13.4.5 has been extensively modified to

include all relevant requirements for plug/socket
combinations. Then, the particular relevant requirements
are called up in other clauses by reference as, for
example in 5.3.3.

Section 21.2 Identification of conductors and/or


The method used to meet the requirement specified in Cable markers such as those
13.2.1 will often be determined by the machine itself. For in the AR1 range are
example, in the case of a machine having a single control recommended by Schneider
cabinet with a simply wired motor starter and perhaps Electric.
one or two items of electrical equipment (interlock
position switch) on the machine, the requirement might
be met by a simple wiring diagram, a copy of which may
be mounted on the inside of the control cabinet door. In
the case of a more complex machine, a wiring schedule
can be used complete with details of each connection
and its connection points. However, once the complexity
of the wiring becomes significant, this arrangement does
not easily lend itself to ease of maintenance and fault
finding activities (see below).

The addition of the 6th paragraph of 13.1.1 and its cross

reference to 13.2.1 is an important change insofar as
assisting maintenance and fault finding, particularly on
circuits such as control circuits used for safety-related
machine functions for example, interlocks. Whilst other
methods of compliance with 13.2.1 can be cheaper to
implement and reduce the initial cost of the machine to
the user, there are circumstances where the more
expensive option can:
a) Enable speedy fault finding to take place
b) Minimise the risk of error when carrying out
re-connection, and
c) Reduce machine operating costs, thereby outweighing
the extra capital cost.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 35

Section Wiring practices

Twenty one

In addition, the use of colours can help in the

identification of the general function of the wiring and, on
occasions, the operating voltage(s).

Note - Colour can sometimes be difficult to identify due to

discolouration with age, poor lighting, colour blindness. When
identification is by colour alone, care should be taken that the colours
used can be easily distinguished from each other.

Section 21.3 General

An exception has been added to 13.1.2 to allow for the

use of cable splices or joints in particular well-defined
circumstances. An example of this is on a mobile
machine supplied by a flexible cable, either dragged
along by the machine (as in a quarry) or mounted in a
cable guide way, that needs to be longer than that
supplied (on a drum) by the cable supplier.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 36

Section Electric motors and associated equipment

Twenty two

Whilst the requirements for motors and associated electrical equipment

remain essentially the same as before, there exists an apparent
misunderstanding among some users of the standard as follows. Motor
performance specified in IEC 60034-1 is guaranteed over a narrower
range of supply voltage than specified in 4.3.1 (+ or – 10%). Therefore
it follows that in order to ensure that a particular machine motor can
operate at the quoted rated output over the voltage range, a larger
motor may need to be selected. In addition, a voltage drop of up to 5%
of the nominal supply voltage between the point of supply to the
machine and the motor terminals (see 12.5) needs to be taken into

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 37

Section Accessories and lighting

Twenty three

Clause 15 deals with the requirements for machine Schneider Electric can supply
mounted socket outlets and local machine lighting a number of ranges of RCDs.
together with a choice of lighting power supply
arrangement. Two notes have been added (see 15.1) in
this issue of the standard. The first note refers the user to
Annex B, the enquiry form and the second note refers to
the provision of residual current protective devices (see
also Annex B).

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 38

Section Marking, warning signs and reference

Twenty four designations

The users’ attention is brought to the addition of a new Telemecanique variable speed
requirement for the warning sign for hot surfaces hazard drives carry this warning
in 16.2.2. label when the heatsink can
reach hazardous

Users of the standard should note that the relaxation for

simple equipment previously allowed in subclause 17.5 of
the previous issue of BS EN 60204-1 has been removed
(see 16.5).

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 39

Section Technical documentation

Twenty five

Clause 17 has been updated as is necessary to reflect changes to the

reference standards. In addition it is noted (see 17.1) that
documentation provided with items of electrical equipment can form
part of the documentation for the electrical equipment of the machine
and the requirement to use specific languages is covered by legal
requirements in some countries.

Note - Within the EU there are specific requirements specified in the Machinery

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 40

Section Verification
Twenty six

Section 26.1 General

As a result of a thorough review, significant changes have taken place in

Clause 18 and these are described in detail below.

Section 26.2 Mandatory verifications

In 18.1 it is stated (as it was before) that the verifications to be carried out
will be specified in the dedicated product standard (type C standard in
CEN – see Figures 1 and 2 of this booklet) for a particular machine. It
also specifies that the verifications shall always include those in 18.1 a),
18.1 b) and 18.1 f). 18.1 a) requires that the equipment complies with its
technical documentation. The remaining mandatory verifications are
contained in 18.2 and 18.6 (see below).

Section 26.3 Verification of conditions for protection (against

indirect contact) by automatic disconnection of supply

This verification incorporates in 18.2.2 Test 1 the “continuity of the

protective bonding circuit” requirement contained in 19.2 of the previous
issue of BS EN 60204-1. It also allows for tests (or calculations where
appropriate) to be carried out to ensure the machine installation complies
with 6.3.3. The tests in Table 9 that are necessary are determined from
the status of the machine. Table 10 has been provided as an aid to
determine the machine status. It needs to be stressed that Table 10 gives
examples only based on the assumptions stated at the bottom of the
table. As part of this verification process, normative Annex A has been
added to detail the conditions that need to be satisfied. Attention is drawn
to the warnings concerning possible hazardous situations and actions
needed to minimise the possibility of a hazard being present during

Section 26.4 Insulation resistance tests

This type of test is often performed after installation on site, particularly

when significant cable installation or similar work that could result in
damage to insulation has been carried out. Even so care needs to be
taken to ensure that equipment that can be damaged by the test voltage
is disconnected first.

Section 26.5 Voltage tests

This type of test is normally performed only when there is good reason to
do so. All equipment that is not rated to withstand the test voltage needs
to be disconnected first and the duration of the test voltage is limited to
approximately 1 second to minimise any damage/deterioration to solid
insulation arising from application of the test voltage.

Section 26.6 Other verifications

The verifications in 18.5 and 18.7 have not changed from those in 19.5
and 19.7 of the previous edition. However 18.6 has been amended to
strictly reflect that the scope of BS EN 60204-1 is restricted to the
electrical equipment.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 41

Section Additional user requirements etc – Annex B

Twenty seven

Annex B is the basis for a form that can be used by the intended user
of the electrical equipment (machine) to inform the supplier of:
 Basic conditions (for example, voltage and temperature range,
indoors or outdoors, other special conditions) under which the
machine is to be used
 Details of the overcurrent protective device(s) on the power
supply(s) connections and whether or not disconnection of the
neutral is required
 Special colour preferences (for example to align colours of push
buttons, indicator lamps, etc with existing machinery
 Additional or special requirements such as, specific details of
means required to identify conductors and provision of degree of
protection against specified materials, to facilitate an agreement
between them.

This Annex has been reviewed and is now organised in a way that
allows the reader to identify more clearly those relevant clauses and
sub-clauses of the standard that apply to each question.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 42

Section Annex C
Twenty eight

This Annex has been extended to include agriculture and forestry

machines in the list. It needs to be stressed that this list is of examples
only and it is not an exclusive list; there may be other types of
machines to which this standard could be applied. At the same time
the reader should not forget the status of this standard as explained in
Section 3 above.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 43

Section Annex D
Twenty nine

This Annex provides supporting data for Clauses 12 and it also

provides information for those determining the overcurrent and
overload protective devices and their settings; the objective being to
ensure cables are not damaged as a result of excessive temperature

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Section Annex E

Please see Section 13.1.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 45

Section Annex G
Thirty one

This Annex has been reinstated at the request of the US national

committee. Whilst this information is readily available elsewhere, the
user of this standard may find it convenient to use when designing for
the American market.

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Section Normative references (Clause 2) and the

Thirty two bibliography

Those standards listed in Clause 2 are normative Schneider can often give
references and need to be complied with to achieve advice on the content of these
compliance with that particular requirement (for example, standards.
see 6.2.5). Those standards listed in the bibliography are
often those, but not always, referred to in notes for
further reading (for example, see NOTES 1 and 2 of

A final note.

Users of BS EN 60204-1 should be aware that the

technical requirements in this standard are identical to
those in IEC 60204-1 and therefore can apply to those As a global supplier,
countries outside Europe that have decided to adopt IEC Schneider Electric can give
60204-1 as their own national standard. However, when advice regarding the
IEC 60204-1 was adopted as EN 60204-1 in Europe, its differences that exist in some
Foreword was replaced by a European one. There is in countries and how to comply
the IEC Foreword a final paragraph listing differences with local requirements.
that exist in some countries. Suppliers of electrical
equipment for machines intended for use in these
countries need to be aware of these differences.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 47

Section BS EN 60204 -11: 2001 - Its relationship

Thirty three with BS EN 60204-1

Section 33.1 General

BS EN 60204-11: 2000, Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of

machines – Part 11: Requirements for HV equipment for voltages
above 1000 V a.c. 1500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV, is a very
similar standard to Part 1 and both parts 1 and 11 normally need to be
applied to machines having a HV supply. Part 1 of the standard will
apply to those circuits (for examples used for LV drives such as
lubrication pumps etc on the machine and the associated controlgear.
On the other hand those parts of controlgear for HV equipment
covered by its own product standard will need to comply with the
relevant requirements of that standard where they exist.

The user will note that many requirements are similar to Part 1 which
has been followed as far as is feasible. Even so, important differences,
essential for HV equipment, exist and these are dealt with below. A
further point is that IEC 60204-1: 1997 is referred to and needs to be
used by users of Part 11 although the later issue should be used
where possible (see first paragraph of Clause 2).

Section 33.2 Use of means of earthing equipment

Persons should not work on HV equipment conductors until they are

isolated from all sources of supply, short-circuited and connected to
earth, and tested to verify the conductors are dead. The requirements
dealing with this are in, 5.4 and Clause 16.

Section 33.3 Equipotential Bonding

Requirements for Part 11 differ significantly (see Figure 2 of BS EN

60204-11) because with HV equipment, the value of the hazardous
touch voltage is a much smaller proportion of the supply voltage.
Equipotential bonding has to be comprehensively applied to
successfully create and maintain an equipotential zone suitable to
contribute to the measures specified in 6.3.3 required to achieve
protection against indirect contact. See also 6.3.2 for measures to
prevent the occurrence of a hazardous touch voltage. The requirement
in 8.2.7 regarding bonding connections to building steel work in close
proximity to the machine is also of note.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 48

Appendix A List of standards referred to in this booklet

BS EN ISO 12100-1: 2003, Safety of machinery – Basic concepts,

general principles for design – Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology.

BS EN 60204-1: 200X, Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of

machines – Part 1: General requirements.

BS EN 60204-11: 2000, Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of

machines – Part 11: requirements for HV equipment for voltages above
1000 V a.c. 1500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV.

BS EN 60204-32: 1998, Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of

machines – Part 32: Particular requirements for hoisting machines.

BS EN 60947-5-5: 1998, Specification for low-voltage switchgear and

controlgear — Control circuit devices and switching elements —
Electrical emergency stop device with mechanical latching function.

IEC 60034-1: 1996, Rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and


IEC 60439-1: 1999, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear

assemblies – Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies.

IEC 60529: 2001, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP


IEC 60364-4-41: 2001, Electrical installations of buildings – Part 4-41:

Protection for safety – Protection against electric shock.

BS 7671: 2001 – Requirements for electrical Installations (IEE Wiring

Regulations 16th Edition), amended 2002 and 2004.

IEC (BS EN) 62061: 2005, Safety of machinery – functional safety of

safety-related electrical, electronic, programmable electronic control

IEC (BS EN) 61508 (all parts), Functional safety of

electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems.

ISO 13849-1: 1999 (BS EN 954-1: 1997), Safety of machinery –

Safety-related parts of control systems – Part 1: General principles for

ISO 13850: 1996 (BS EN 418: 1992), Safety of machinery –

Emergency stop – Principles for design.

ISO 13851: 2002 (BS EN 574: 1997), Safety of machinery – Two-hand

control devices – Functional aspects and design principles.

ISO 14118: 2000 (BS EN 1037: 1995), Safety of machinery –

Prevention of unexpected start-up.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 49

Appendix B Figure 1. Types of machinery safety standards

Type A standards

BS EN ISO 12100 - Basic concepts - General principles for design

ISO 14121 - Risk assessment

Apply to all machines

Type B1 standards Type B2 standards

(Horizontal standards) (Protective device product standards)

Examples are: Examples are:

BS EN 60204-1 - Electrical equipment ISO 13851 - Two-hand controls,

of machines,
BS EN 1760-1 - Pressure sensing
ISO 13850 - Emergency stop, mats and floors,

IEC 62061 - Safety-related BS EN 61496 - Electro-sensitive

electrical control systems, protective equipment.

ISO 13849 - Safety-related parts of

control systems. Standard(s) applies when the
protective device(s)
Those standards that is used on the machine
are relevant apply

Type C (Product) standards

Examples are:

BS EN 940 - Combined woodworking machines,

BS EN 422 - Rubber & plastics machines

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 50

Appendix C Figure 2. Application of types A, B and C

standards to machines

Type A BS EN ISO 12100 - Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general

(horizontal) principles for design
standards ISO 14121 - Safety of machinery - Principles for risk assessment

Type B1 BS EN 60204-1 IEC 62061 ISO 13849-1 Protective

ISO 13850
(horizontal) Electrical Safety-related Safety-related device
and B2 equipment of electrical control parts of control
(product) machines systems systems e.g. ISO 13851


Guidance for the design of those

Type C (product) standards
machines for which no Type C
for machines
(product) standard exists

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 51

Appendix D About the author

Eur Ing Brian James Clark OBE DipEE CEng FIEE

Date of birth: 12 September 1938

After serving:
- a 5 year student (Electrical) apprenticeship with Ministry of Supply
(Ministry of Defence) at Royal Ordnance Factory, Leeds;
- 6 months as a Production Test Engineer at AEI Ltd., Trafford Park,
Manchester – work on design of test equipment for main frame
computer components; and
- 18 months as a Laboratory Engineer at English Electric Co. Ltd.,
Aircraft Equipment Division, Thornbury, Bradford - Testing and
development of aircraft power supply systems;
he joined the electricity supply industry in October 1962 as an
assistant power systems protection engineer with the Central Electricity
Generating Board, Transmission Division (Protection design &
diagrams section), North Eastern Region Headquarters at Leeds. The
work involved inspection, approval and development of systems used
for power system protection, interlocking and sequence switching on
the super-grid system and at new power stations; in particular Drax
Power Station.

In June 1970 he was appointed as 1st Engineer (Commissioning) at

Central Electricity Generating Board, Generation Division, North
Eastern Region at Drax Power Station. The work involved
commissioning, testing and acceptance of all items of plant operating
at voltages up to 13.8kV. It also included redesigning and installing
switchgear operational interlocking systems and trouble shooting. He
was trained and appointed as a Senior Authorized Person both for
mechanical and electrical work including electrical testing. When the
commissioning work was completed, he was appointed as the
Electrical Maintenance Engineer for the coal and ash handling plant at
Drax Power Station. This involved managing a team of electrical
craftsmen maintaining the plant and machinery, and engineering plant

He joined the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in June 1976 as

Senior Electrical Inspector of Factories for the South Yorkshire and
Humberside Area.

Brian Clark was employed by the HSE since 1976 and retired from the
UK Civil Service on 11 September 1998. He now is a Standards
Consultant on Machinery Safety – Electrotechnical Aspects.

During this employment by HSE and from April 1982 he held the post
of HM Principal Specialist Inspector and headed the Machine Control
and Electrical Safety Section of the Electrical and Control Systems Unit
in the Technology Division of the HSE. In recognition of his work in
machinery safety standards, he was awarded the O.B.E. on 31
December 1996 with the citation “for services to the Health and Safety
He has been involved in work on British Standards Institution Technical
Committees since 1979 and in 1982 became a member of the BSI
technical committees dealing with electrical equipment of machines
and photo-electric guards and has since served continuously on both
committees. He became chairman of PEL/44 (now GEL/44) Safety of
machinery – Electrotechnical aspects in January 1995. He ceased to
be chairman in 1999 but remains on the committee.

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Appendix D About the author

He became involved in European standardization as a member of the

UK team negotiating the harmonization of IEC 204-1:1981 - Electrical
equipment of industrial machines, Part 1 - General requirements, as
EN 60204-1 in the CENELEC BT Task Force set up in 1982. This
European standard was ratified in 1985 and was published in the UK
as BS 2771:1986.

In 1987 he became involved in international standardization as

Convenor/Secretary of IEC TC 44 Working Group 3 charged with the
task of revising IEC 204-1:1981 and held this position until the
publication of the revision in 1992 (It was subsequently slightly
modified and published as BS EN 60204-1: 1993). The IEC 60204-1
standard was further revised and published in 1997 and was published
in the UK as BS EN 60204-1: 1998 which was, for the first time,
technically identical to the international standard.
He served as a UK expert on the maintenance team that prepared the
update of Part 1 which is now available as BS EN 60204-1: 2006.

He also served on the working group that prepared Part 32 for hoisting
machines which was published in 1998. He was Convenor of
CENELEC TC 44X Working Group 1 which prepared the draft of the
new Part 11 of IEC/EN 60204 dealing with Electrical equipment of
machines operating at high voltages up to 36kV. This standard is now
available as BS EN 60204-11: 2000.

He was Chairman of CENELEC TC 44X - Safety of machinery:

Electrotechnical aspects, since its creation in 1988 until October 2001.
This European Technical Committee is deeply involved in the
mandated standardization work in support of EU Directives. Results of
this work included BS EN 60204-1:1998 - Safety of machinery -
Electrical equipment of machines: Part I - Specification for general
requirements, BS EN 61310: 1995 - Safety of machinery - Indication,
marking and actuation and BS EN 61496-1:1998 - Safety of machinery
- Electro-sensitive protective equipment - General requirements and

In addition to steering the work of CENELEC TC 44X, he was actively

involved in the "internationalization" of the machinery standards work
initiated in Europe and attended meetings of IEC TC 44 as a member
of the UK delegation and as Chairman of CENELEC TC 44X.

He has served on Working Groups 1 and 2 (EN 61496 Electro-

sensitive protective equipment) of CLC TC 44X, and the CEN TC
114/CLC TC 44X Joint Working Group 9 that prepared the European
standards for emergency stop and prevention of unexpected start-up.
He was (until September 2000) also the Project Leader of IEC TC44’s
Working Group 7 preparing a new standard on functional safety of
machine electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control
systems. This is now available as BS EN 62061: 2005.

He also provided input (either directly or via the relevant BSI

committee) to various CEN technical committees preparing machine
safety standards, on the use of standards such as EN 60204-1. Advice
was also provided on behalf of the BSI Technical Committee as its
chairman, on the use and interpretation of standards, e.g. BS EN
60204, IEC 61496, BS EN 418/ISO 13850.

0072 SE5941 Safety of Machinery Borchure 21/7/06 12:02 pm Page 53

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