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General Objective: Within our 3 days duty at Neuro ward, I should be able to carry out

my duty as a head nurse.

Specific Objectives:

-To come on time or earlier than my group mates

-To bring needed materials such as paraphernalia and big notebook

-To get and copy the endorsement sheet first hand along with my partner head nurse and
charge nurse

-To listen attentively during endorsement

-To assign patient equally and fairly to my group mates

-To take note and report unusualities

-To know if there are IVF to follow and meds to be given

-To assist in the endorsement of the charge nurse


10:30-11:00 PM Circle time; Checking of Para

11:00-12:00 AM Endorsement; Nsg rounds; Pt. assignment

12:00-1:00 AM VS and NVS taking and recording; bed side care; giving of due
meds for 12

1:00-2:00 AM Check for IVF follow up

2:30 AM Submission of sample charting; Checking of sample charting

2:30-3:00 Am 1st batch break

3:00-3:30 AM 2nd batch break

4:00-4:30 AM VS and NVS taking and recording;

4:30-5:00 AM Plotting of VS; Charting

5:00-5:30 AM Summing and recording of I&O;

5:30-6:00 AM Close charting; Giving of due meds for 6

6:00-7:00 AM Morning care; endorsement of the charge nurse

7:00AM Dismissal


I was able to have a rest before the duty and I came early. I was able to bring needed
materials such as paraphernalia and big notebook. I was able to bring printed copy of the
structured activity and assign patient to the staff. I was able to check the sample charting of the
staff for any correction. I was able to relate with the staff well and give patient accordingly and
without any bias.


I feel tired and sleepy in the middle of the shift. I always feel hungry and has an urged to
eat a lot. I am also bored because the staff do most of the task and there are only few patient in
the ward. I could not help but talk a lot because to fight by sleepiness.


My knowledge regarding NVS is refreshed and learned new terms regarding our patient. I
learned on how to adjust to situations. I learned on how to memorize the 12 cranial nerve more


I recommend myself to read before our shift to increase my knowledge regarding the case
of the patient and how to effectively render care to them. I would like to read more on pain
management. I recommend myself to help my staff in vital sign taking since we only have few
task compared to them.

Neatness 5%

Relevance 5%

Org. Of thought 30%

Objectives 20%

Content 40%


Submitted to: Mr. Roel Villegas R.N

(clinical instructor)

Submitted by: Dorothy Mae Paraiso


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