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Study Outline for the 1st Week of the Counting of the Omer

By Robert E. Burden

I. Creation Week (Bereyshith 1:1 to 2:3)

a. Stage of Arrangement (Ber. 1:1-13)
i. First Evening & Morning (Ber. 1:1-5)
1. Semantic Content: Light/Darkeness; Yom/Light
2. Sense: sight
3. Special Sense Organ: eye
4. Hebrew Order: right to left
5. Menorah Lamp Position: middle right, (to line up
with special sense organ)
ii. Second Evening & Morning (Ber. 1:6-8)
1. Semantic Content: Air/Water (Canopy)
2. Sense: hearing
3. Special Sense Organ: ear
4. Hebrew Order: right to left
5. Menorah Lamp Position: outer, right
iii. Third Evening & Morning (Ber. 1:9-13)
1. Semantic Content: Land/Plants
2. Sense: smell
3. Special Sense Organ: nostril
4. Hebrew Order: right to left
5. Menorah Lamp Position: inner, right
b. Stage of Complementary Adornment
i. Fourth Evening & Morning (Ber. 1:14-18; cf. I.a.i.)
1. Semantic Content: lights to govern the night & the
yom (cf. I.a.i.1.)
2. Sense: sight (cf. I.a.i.2.)
3. Special Sense Organ (cf. I.a.i.3.)
4. Hebrew Order: right to left (cf. I.a.i.4.)
5. Menorah Lamp Position: middle, left (cf. I.a.i.5.)
ii. Fifth Evening & Morning (Ber. 1:14-19; cf. I.a.ii.)
1. Semantic Content: all flying & singing creatures
(cf. I.a.ii.1.)
2. Sense: hearing (cf. I.a.ii.2.)
3. Special Sense Organ: ear (cf. I.a.ii.3.)
4. Hebrew Order: right to left (cf. I.a.ii.4.)
5. Menorah Lamp Position: outer, left (cf. I.a.ii.5.)
iii. Sixth Evening & Morning (Ber. 1:20-31; cf. I.a.iii.)
1. Semantic Content: land mammals – including
mankind (cf. I.a.iii.1.)
2. Sense: smell (related to breathing) (cf. I.a.iii.2.)
3. Special Sense Organ: nostril (cf. I.a.iii.3.)
4. Hebrew Order: right to left (cf. I.a.iii.4.)
5. Menorah Lamp Position: inner, left (cf. I.a.iii.5.)
c. Stage of Rest & Reward (Ber. 2:1-3)
i. Seventh Evening & Morning (Ber. 2:2-3)
1. Semantic Content: sweet rest
2. Sense: taste (enjoying the fruit of the labor)
3. Special Sense Organ: tongue
4. Hebrew Order: right to left to down
5. Cranial/Menorah Lamp Position: central

Figure 1: Seven Lamps Divided into Three Sections

Section One Section Two

4 1
5 2
6 3

Section Three
Figure 2
Setting Up the Numbering
of the Menorah Lamp Pattern
Stage 2: Adornment Stage 1: Arrangement
4 1
light light
sight sight
eye eye
middle left cranium middle right cranium
5 2
air/water air/water
hearing hearing
ear ear
outer left cranium outer right cranium
6 3
land/plants land/plants
smell smell
nostril nostril
inner left cranium inner right cranium

Stage 3:
sweet rest
central mandibular
Bereyshiyth 2:1-3

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