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Quickstart Guide to Using Power Point Slides:

1. Open File.

2. To make the slides fill the entire screen, click the icon in the lower right that looks like a free-standing

3. Three options to advance to the next slide: 1) left-click the mouse or laptop key pad (the standard
click on a mouse/laptop), 2) use the arrow keys on the keyboard (this allows you to move back to a
previous slide, as well), or 3) hover over the image and look for small icons to appear in lower left edge
of the window, which will present forward and backward arrows [see picture below].

4. Three options to exit the full-screen presentation: 1) hit the escape button, 2) right-click the mouse
to get the pop-up menu and click “End Show”, or 3) mouse over the image, look for small icons to
appear in lower left below the image, and click the rectangular icon for a menu to select “End Show”

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