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Green Ox Case Analysis


Palmer Jackson Incorporated

Prepared by:


Caldoza, Joel Guipetacio, Meare

Rule, Jelina Rose Montano, Yrizza Mae

Maglacion, Karizze Fitzgeraldine

Table of contents

i. Table of Contents.....................................................................................1

ii. Situation Background...............................................................................2

iii. Problem Statement..................................................................................

iv. Alternative Evaluation..............................................................................

v. Solution....................................................................................................

vi. Implementation........................................................................................

vii. Update.....................................................................................................

viii. Conclusion...............................................................................................

ix. References..............................................................................................

x. Appendix.................................................................................................

I. Situation Background

This document presents Green Ox - a new line of sports beverage with added benefit of
antioxidants by Palmer Jackson, Incorporated a food and beverage manufacturer located in
Cincinati. In this report we view in determining a marketing strategy for Palmer Jackson, Inc. All
market research were done by Marketing Studies Incorporated (MSI). The research yielded
considerable data that was expected to become useful for the competition. MSI found out some
strengths, weaknesses, oppurtunity, and also threats.

The strengths include: (1) the use of these vitamins and minerals to a reduced risk of
certain types of cancers, (2) the firm found out that sports drinks are one of the fastest-growing
categories of the beverage market, growing to 15% per year, (3) the special blends of
carbohydrates found in sports drinks quickly provide fuel to working muscles and (4) it contains
various electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and chloride, which restore and maintain

For its weaknesses: (1) because of the added cost of the antioxidants, Green Ox was
more expensive to produce than other sports drinks which may cost to $0.20 per 20 ounce
bottle and (2) for Green Ox, each additional flavor would require considerable financial

Oppurtunities for Palmer Jackson were: (1) Grocery retailers viewed the sports drink
category as important to the overall image of the store, (2) Palmer Jackson Incorporated felt the
growing consumer interest in antioxidants and the growth in the sports drink market, (3)
customers were more loyal to flavor than brand.

Finally, the threats for the company were: (1) At over 50%, croc Ade had by far the
greatest unit market share, (2) Palmer Jackson realized that Green Ox would also compete with
other forms of antioxidants, and (3)

II. Problem

With the given strengths and oppurtunities, we suggesat that since consumers are more
likely interested with the product’s benefits, rather than the brand, it is advisable that Palmer
Jackson should really invest on developing Green Ox to maintain competitive advantage in the
market. The added benefits of antioxdiants is already an edge for Green ox compared to other
leading sports drink brands. In addtion, Palmer Jackson should keep all the benefits a consumer
looks for in a sports drink and add up the antioxidants. What they only need to do is that they
should find ways and means in how to convince customers regardless of its possible added
cost. Packaging and distribution also plays a large part of this project. The company should
consider to how and where should they distribute the product. The costs of this project is
unevitable but it is a sure win in the long run.

III. Alternative Evaluation

Palmer Jackson could do either or all of the following strategies to increase or if not
maintain Green Ox’s competiveness in the sports drink market. In addition, we would also
like to look at the possibilities of implementing these strategies: (1) Merge with another
company that also produce sport beverages. Pro: There is a possibility that they could
strongly compete with the market. Con: Possible conflicts between companies may arise. (2)
Invest more on advertising GREEN OX ( e.q. television, worldwide web, posters ). Pro:
Spread the existence and widen attractiveness of the product – popularity. Con: Costly,
expensive  (3) Create minimal number of products at first to avoid excess. Pro: No wasted
product, no money and efforts wasted. Con: (4) Conduct sample selling at malls and chosen
markets such as at the gym, schools, & etc. Where majority are healthy and lifestyle
enthusiasts. Pro: Popularity of the product. Con: It can be costly and expensive (5) Hire a
consultancy firm to guide the company in making decisions regarding the production
especially on its pricing and distribution. Pro: Be able to make critical and right decisions
regarding the overall production, product’s pricing and distribution and for the possible
outcome in the future. Con: Possible conflicts between the consultancy firm and the

IV. Solution

We suggest the following solutions for Palmer Jackson Incorporated: Merge with another
company that also produce sport beverages. Advantage: There is a possibility that they
could strongly compete with the market. Disadvantage: Possible conflicts between
companies may arise.
Invest more on advertising GREEN OX ( e.q. television, worldwide web, posters )
Advantage:Spread the existence and widen attractiveness of the product – popularity.
Disadvantage: Costly, expensive. Create minimal number of products at first to avoid
excess. Advantage: No wasted product, no money and efforts wasted. Conduct sample
selling at malls and chosen markets such as at the gym, schools, & etc. Where majority are
healthy and lifestyle enthusiasts. Advantage: Popularity of product. Disadvantage: Costly
and expensive. Hire a consultancy firm to guide the company in making decisions regarding
the production especially on its pricing and distribution. Advantage: Be able to make critical
and right decisions regarding the overall production, product’s pricing and distribution and
for the possible outcome in the future.
Disadvantage: Possible conflicts between the consultancy firm and the company

To be able to obtain the consumers’ satisfaction and achieve consumers’ expectations of
the product with the aim of maximizing the stockholders’ wealth

V. Implementation

To implement the chosen solution for green Ox, the company can seek the help of a
consultancy firm regarding on how to position their products on the moods of its potential
consumers and how the product would be priced reasonably and the possible flavors it will
produce. The company producing green ox should test there plans in such way that they
consider the best time and place in making their plans. The company should prioritize at the
very beginning in introducing the new product to the market and yield high satisfaction from
the consumers through Green Ox. When the company had their success in promoting their
product, we can assume that there will be variations in time of accepting and rejecting of the
products. To continuously satisfy the consumers who accepted the new product, the
company should make it to the point that they will do better to convert consumers to an
advocate one. In every plans and actions, it associate costs, but if the company do better,
they can expect a high return of money or investment.

VI. Update
VII. Conclusion

VIII. List of References

IX. Appendix

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