Amy School Work.

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Sources of capital

Capital is money which is used to buy something only in order to sell it again.

A sole trader is an individual who runs a business from his own name, providing all the capital
and assuming all the risks

Sole traders have a range of options to get finance: personal savings, retained profits, working
capital, sale of assets, and bank loans.

My options were:

1. personal savings is the the amount of money that I had at my disposal. It

becomes a source of finance when I was willing to invest it in my business. I would
use the saving to help buy equipment, vehicles, tools or other things my business
2. Bank loan would be another source of funding available to me. I would use the
monies obtain to by land and building to start my business. I would repay the loan
by using the profits made from the business.

Levels and types of production

The tertiary (third) sector involves all the services that are provided to businesses and consumers. The vast
majority of people in the UK work in service industries so they can be extremely varied in nature. A cleaner
in an office block provides a service. So does a taxi driver, a supermarket, a mobile phone service provider,
a lawyer, bank and refuse collector.

Domestic Production (Local Production) - This level of production involves the quantity that
is produced locally by a whole nation using the resources of the country available to them.

This means that my supermarket would order goods from suppliers that are locally
produced like from Trinidad flour mills, Nestle, S M Jaleel, ect. Because it would cost
cheaper to buy locally than to buy imported products.

Linkages and potential for growth.

This is so because I would have easy access to products from local companies such as
Trinidad Flour mills, Nestle, SM Jaleel, Ect. They would pick up orders from the owner and
also diliver the goods to me. This would be an advantage to me because I would not have
to get transport to get these goods.

Customers in the area would be interested in cheap products and those which are easily
available. My supermarket would provide these products to satisfy my customers.

I would inform customers that if they are interested in getting other products, that are not
for sale in the supermarket, they can ask me to access it for them with an addition cost. I
would look for contacts that would provide the requested product to satisfy my customer.

When my business is making a reasonable profit I would be able to open another branch in
another area. Where I would be providing a service to the community and providing
employment. I would also be able to employ more people to work for me.


I would use computerized cashing, I would also have a program to help with the accounts of
the business like to help in calculating profits, wages, payments. I would have cameras to
help in identifying theft and running of day to day work. I would have telephone and fax
to help with the receipt and delivery of goods and services.

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