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And how it can affect traditional media coverage. This is the This  needs  a  
first research of its kind in Indonesia exploring the date  to  be  
technographics of Indonesian journalists inserted  

Some of the questions our clients ask during our social How many of them are actually influenced by what
media workshops are “How important is social media goes on in social media?”
compared to conventional ones (newspapers, TV,
radio)?”, “Does social media change anything in our Good questions. But no-one in Indonesia has these
relationships with conventional media?” and “When numbers. So we decided to take the guesswork out of
do I have to take social media seriously.” what we see as an important area of communications
– how journalists consume social media – and worked
We used to answer based on our observations and with The London School of Public Relations Jakarta’s
anecdotal evidence that social media has become too Research Center to conduct Indonesia’s first ever
pervasive and popular, at least among Indonesia’s technographics survey of Indonesian journalists.
chattering classes, to ignore. We observed that most
journalists seemed to be on Twitter and Facebook ; Together we polled 321 respondents, ranging from

that some of them have become celebrity Twitterers journalists, photojournalists, and editors from 141
with followers rivaling the circulation of Kompas, the media in Indonesia, from June to September 2010.
nation’s largest circulating daily.
The result is this document that you’re about to read
“But do you have numbers?” the clients will ask. “What just now – and yes, social media affects your business
about the majority of journalists? Do they blog? Do more than most people realize.
they have Twitter or Facebook accounts?
 ONG HOCK CHUAN, Technical Advisor, Maverick.

9 out of 10 journalists have
Facebook accounts.
- Maverick-LSPR Indonesian Journalists Technographic Survey, 2010 -


“Asking a journalist out for lunch or coffee is so last and you may discover that they share a love for
year. Social media has changed the way we do media playing Mafia Wars or FarmVille, and the next thing
relations,” said Adwi Yudiansyah (or Awie), our you know, you’re buddies because you’ve fought, or
consultant who heads Maverick’s media relations farmed, together in the virtual ‘hood’. ”
team. Though he still engages journalists in face-to-
face meetings, he has supplemented his efforts with a Social media makes it easier for you to connect; to
more entertaining way of conducting media relations know where your passion and the journalists’ passion
from his office desk. He plays Mafia Wars and intersect. Then the relationship you build becomes
FarmVille with his journalist friends on Facebook. even more authentic. You’re connected because you
love the same thing. It’s no longer about work alone.
“Now, the so-called ‘relations’ have become more
personal, thanks to social media,” says Awie. “These “It’s a truer relationship when it’s based on common
days you make friends with journalists on Facebook, likes rather than just a professional use-and-be-used
maxim,” says Awie.

Social networks like
Things that you Things that the Facebook enable you to
find out whether you and
your journalist friends
like journos like share the same interests,
like watching the same
kind of movies, follow the
same sports or being a
member of the same
group on the Net.

Social networks like Facebook or micro-blogging services The question is: are you there with them? Are you
like Twitter actually make it easier for you to keep an up- on Facebook? Are you on Twitter? Are you friends
to-date database of journalists. with them? Do the journalists follow you on
Twitter? Do you even know the journalists’ Twitter
If you are “friends” with the journalists, you’ll have account?
ready access to comprehensive information about
them that goes beyond their birthdays, beats and “It’s always surprising to know that some corporate
number of children. You can see what they like, PR people proudly say that they don’t want to be
what they’re passionate about, issues they are on Facebook,” says Awie. “I think a good PR
interested in, things they find worthy enough to be practitioner has to keep up with what’s going on in
shared with others on their network, products the industry. They have to be in those channels
they’re using, people they’re friends with, and where people communicate.”
much more.

More than a half of Indonesian
journalists have Twitter accounts
- Maverick-LSPR Indonesian Journalists Technographic Survey, 2010 -


Make meaning, not buzz. This is what Lois Kelly said “You’ve got to be relevant to your audience as well.
in her book Beyond Buzz. And it’s true. Look at the It’s not only about how many followers you have or
number of journalists who are on Twitter right now. how many hashtags you can get in a week.
Two simple questions for corporations/businesses
who are on Twitter: Do you know what other people “It’s also about how many complaints you have
are saying about you on Twitter? Are you seeing the answered, how many questions you have addressed,
same stream of information that the journalists are how many product/service-related issues you have
seeing? commented upon, how many inputs you can get
from your customers and about knowing who are
“Being on Twitter is not only about throwing quizzes your true ambassadors out there.”
and having online competitions,” says Hanny
Kusumawati, who heads Maverick’s New Media “It’s all about having a conversation with your
Division that helps clients communicate and market audience, not blasting them with traditional
themselves using Social Media. marketing messages using Social Media.”

Knowing how fast information travels, especially on customer can save you from a Twitter hashtag
Twitter, corporations and businesses need to keep campaign initiated by an angry customer that can
up with the speed and stay alert. You can no longer then spill over to conventional media; especially
“be there” only to tweet your promotional messages news portals. It will make all the difference.
and ignoring the rest. Answering Twitter complaints
and settling it in 5 minutes directly with the Why? Because...

9 out of 10 journalists rely on the

Internet to find news stories.

Apart from visiting news portals,

72% of our journalists monitor and
seek information through social
- Maverick-LSPR Indonesian Journalists Technographic Survey, 2010 -


Our survey indicates that most journalists not only keep While traditional media monitoring is still essential
an eye on the Net for news; about half of them then go on you now need to know the conversation threads
to verify the stories on the Net. about your company and reactions to your initiatives.

Like it or not, the Net now shapes their sense of what’s But you have to go about it intelligently as there’s a
news and the corroborating evidence of the veracity of lot of rubbish on the Net. You need to analyze the
these news items. threads of conversation and get a sense of whether
the people talking about you really matter or can be
This being the case, would it not make sense for businesses ignored. This goes beyond a search for keywords and
to at least find out what’s being said about them on the a tallying up of hashtags.
Net? What people are saying about you on

Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media platforms are

shaping journalist’s perception of your company.

Only 5 out of 10 journalists verify

the stories they got from the
- Maverick-LSPR Indonesian Journalists Technographic Survey, 2010 -

It’s about seeing what are the top complaints about it with their networks. It’s about knowing how they
your product/services and who’s the person compare you with your competitors. It’s about how
complaining (are they influential in your industry or you can map your target audience and listen to
line of business, or is he an editor in a respected what they’re talking about, what kind of
publication?). It’s about knowing who are your real information they are sharing with others, what are
brand ambassadors, people who’ve been using the trends in their conversation with the rest of the
your products/services, and happy enough to share group?

Knowing that journalists

are now relying on the
Internet to find stories,
Your offline Your online and the fact that only half
of them verify the
reputation reputation information they receive
from the Net, you need to
guard your online
reputation as well. Your
offline and online
reputation could be really

7 out of 10 journalists get their
story ideas from the Internet.
- Maverick-LSPR Indonesian Journalists Technographic Survey, 2010 -


The numbers above should give us a hint on what we can review your product? When they need
need to do when it comes to feed journalists with information related to your industry, could you
story ideas. It’s no longer about holding a press contact them and assign your spokesperson to say
conference or giving out press releases. Rather, it’s something? How responsive and resourceful are you
about being responsive and resourceful. When you to address journalists’ needs in getting information,
have befriended the journalists online, you’ll know online?
things they are interested in. The kind of stories they
are looking for. Questions they posted in their Another way of looking at it: do you have a certain
timeline. Will you be able to help them and offer campaign or stories about you, your product, or your
relevant information? activities running online? What’s the chance to get
these stories out to the journalists’ timeline or their
When they’re asking about your product, how fast can Facebook homepages?
you respond to it---and put an effort so the journalists

How they stack up – How Indonesian journalists use the Net?

CREATORS 1 Publish a blog 70.3% (180)

2 Publish your own web pages 23.3% (56)
3 Upload video you created 3.9% (10)
4 Upload video/music you created 5.2% (14)
5 Write articles or stories and post them 5.7% (15)

CRITICS 6 Post ratings/reviews of products or services 3.6% (9)

7 Comment on someone else’s blog 9.6% (25)
8 Contribute to online forums 32.1% (84)
9 Contribute to/edit articles at Wiki 2.4% (6)

COLLECTORS 10 Use RSS feeds 7.9% (19)

11 Vote for websites online 10.6% (28)
    12 Add tags to web pages/photos 4.1% (10)

JOINERS 13 Maintain profile in social networking sites 26.4% (71)

14 Visit social networking sites 72.1% (196)

SPECTATORS 15 Read blogs 48.9% (133)

16 Watch videos from other users 21.5% (56)
17 Read online forums 42.3% (112)
18 Read customer ratings/reviews 24.3% (62)
19 Read friends status 46.5% (121)

INACTIVES 20 Not using any social technologies 0

2-19: calculated on a daily basis
20: the research is conducted online

* Technographics is a term coined by Charlene Li of Forester Research to make sense of how people use and consume information from the Net


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