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Glorian Joy M.

Daplin (Physics) IV- Generosity

Identify the means and modes of communication during:

Stone was mainly used for writing on permanent monuments and public buildings. The writing on stone
usually requires the use of hammer and chisel.
Sheets of metal were rarely used for writing or are rarely found. For one, they were expensive to
manufacture and secondly, the metal was often re-smelted for use as weapons in times of war, so few
sheets remain.
The use of wood as a writing medium was strictly confined to temporary purposes and not many such
tablets have survived through antiquity, as the climate in most countries is not conducive to their
An extremely temporary method of writing was to scratch the record onto wax tablets. These were thin
wooden boards covered with a fine coating of beeswax.
These are broken sherds of pottery that have writing scratched onto them. Being basically useless,
potsherds were discarded. However, as they were made of fired clay they were very hard and almost
Clay Tablets
Clay tablets are probably the invention of the Sumerians of southern Babylonia. The use of soft clay
tablets was popular right up until the Christian Era.
Another of the vegetable writing materials is papyrus. Apparently invented in Egypt, where long papyrus
reeds grow along the banks of the Nile River, especially in the Nile Delta region.
Visual signals
Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and
various reaction products.
A beacon is an intentionally conspicuous device designed to attract attention to a specific location.
Smoke Signal
The smoke signal is one of the oldest forms of communication in recorded history. It is a form of visual
communication used over long distance.
Pigeon Post
Pigeon post is the use of homing pigeons to carry messages. Pigeons were effective as messengers due
to their natural homing abilities.
Audio Signals
Developed and used by cultures living in forested areas, drums served as an early form of long distance
communication, and were used during ceremonial and religious functions.
A horn is a tapered sound guide designed to provide an acoustic impedance match between a sound
source and free air. This has the effect of maximizing the efficiency with which sound waves from the
particular source are transferred to the air. Conversely, a horn can be used at the receiving end to
optimize the transfer of sound from the air to a receiver.
Telegraphy is the long-distance transmission of written messages without physical transport of letters.
Newspapers became one of the most useful modes of communication during the industrial revolution. It
gave the people in Europe information about the war.
Electronic mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an
author to one or more recipients.
Online chat
Online chat in an internet chat room or instant messaging system.
Now it refers to a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be
Glorian Joy M. Daplin (Physics) IV- Generosity

monochromatic (shades of grey) or multicolored.

A fax (short for facsimile) is a document sent over a telephone line. Fax machines have existed, in
various forms, since the 19th century, though modern fax machines became feasible only in the mid-
1970s as the sophistication of technology increased and cost of the three underlying technologies
Mobile Phone
A mobile phone (also called mobile, cellular telephone, or cell phone) is an electronic device used for
two-way radio telecommunication over a cellular network of base stations known as cell sites.
Post Mail
Mail, or post, is a method for transmitting information and tangible objects, wherein written documents,
typically enclosed in envelopes and also small packages are delivered to destinations around the world.
Anything sent through the postal system is called mail or post.
Plain old telephone service (POTS) is the voice-grade telephone service that remains the basic form of
residential and small business service connection to the telephone network in most parts of the world.
 Future (Global)
Is a mode of communication which can turn any hot spot around the world into your home telephone
Communication cube
It is an mp3 player for enjoying music, a digital watch for timeseeing, a USB flash drive to store data and
a Bluetooth device for wireless connectivity.
Samsung wearable mobile device
This device includes a touch screen OLED display with a tactile keypad and memory alloy articulation,
offering the user convenience when riding a mountain bike or surfing the sea. This compact device with
stylish split pad design allows for increased airflow, preventing sweat build up. The smart mobile
eliminates the need of carrying bulky communication devices, while offering an all-in-one solution for
taking and making calls, capturing wildlife, and making tweets.

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