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Appendix H: Stressor Table, Reach-Scale Lewis Creek Watershed (Addison & Chittenden Counties, VT)

February 2010 River Corridor Conservation & Management Plan


Stressor Tables, Reach-Scale

Appendix H: Stressor Table, Reach-Scale Lewis Creek Watershed (Addison & Chittenden Counties, VT)
February 2010 River Corridor Conservation & Management Plan

Abbreviations used in the following tables:

BFL Bankfull
FPW Flood Prone Width
RB Right Bank
LB Left Bank

I Increase (of Stream Power or Boundary Resistance)

D Decrease (of Stream Power or Boundary Resistance)

Text in blue denotes a natural stressor or modifier.

Text in black indicates a human-caused modification.
Lewis Creek Watershed 15 February 2010
Table H. Stressor Table, Reach-scale

Reach-Scale Stressors
Reach /
Segment Stream Power Boundary Resistance
I Slope Encroachment: Ireland Road along LB for some sections. I Lateral bedrock controls, LB.
M23 Banks
Bed, Relatively coarse bed/ bank sediments; well-developed
I Slope Encroachment: berm, LB, mid-reach I
Banks woody buffers.
Stormwater: localized flow increases from stormwater Removal of woody vegetation related to residential use in
I Depth D Bank
outfalls (road ditch runoff) LB, frequent. some limited sections, LB.

M22 I Slope Historic channelization (upstream half) I Bank Armoring (some, both banks)
Local flow increase resulting in scour pool downstream of Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
I Slope D Bank
Meadowlark Ln bridge crossing. agricultural use, residential use, road encroachments.
I Slope Encroachment: Route 116 along RB for a short section. D Historic dredging (localized).
I Slope Encroachment: berms, several sections, LB, RB
Historic dredging (downstream of Rt 116 crossing, 2002;
I Depth Meadowlark Ln bridge, c.1980s; possible in vicinity of
Hillsboro Rd bridge)
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative)
Limited removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural
I Slope Historic channelization (agricultural) D Bank
M21-B use, RB.
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) D Bank Localized bank destabilization at ATV ford crossings.
Moderate constriction at downstream end of segment as
D Slope channel transitions from Very Broad to Semi-Confined
Stormwater: localized flow increases from stormwater
I Depth I Bank Armoring (some, local to bridge crossing)
M21-A outfalls (road ditch runoff) - LB, minor.
Sediment accumulation at downstream end of segment due
D Depth
to High Knob tributary confluence bar (in M20-B).
Bed, Relatively coarse bed/ bank sediments; well-developed
I Slope Historic channelization (agricultural) I
M20-B Banks woody buffers.
Limited removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural
D Bank
use, RB, downstream 400 ft.
Frequent removal of woody vegetation related to
I Slope Historic channelization (agricultural) D Bank
M20-A agricultural use. Some pasture use, downstream end.
Local flow increase resulting in scour pool downstream of
I Slope I Bank Armoring (some, LB)
Parsonage Road bridge (bankfull-constrictor).
Historic dredging (limited bar scalping at downstream end
I Depth D Bank Localized bank destabilization at ATV ford crossings.

M19-B I Slope Historic channelization & armoring (agricultural) I Bank Armoring (LB, RB)
Rublee farm bridge and 2nd farm bridge are FPW
Historic removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural
D Slope constrictors; some deposition above low-clearance lower D Bank
farm bridge which is site of previous debris jams.
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative)

M19-A I Slope Historic channelization & armoring (agricultural) I Bank Armoring (LB, RB)

Historic removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural

D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) D Bank
Moderate constriction at downstream end of segment as
D Slope channel transitions from Very Broad to Semi-Confined
(bedrock-controlled) confinement (in reach M18).
I Slope Encroachment: berm, right bank, at base of gorge I Frequent bedrock exposures in bed and banks.
M18 Banks
Encroachment: States Prison Hollow Rd, LB (negligible
I Slope I Bank Armoring (some)
impact, elevated above channel on valley wall)
Stormwater: localized flow increases below road culvert Removal of woody vegetation related to residential use and
I Depth D Bank
outfalls (minor). former mills, upstream end.
States Prison Hollow bridge and wooden footbridge are FPW
D Slope constrictors; absence of apparent deposition suggests impact
is minor.

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Lewis Creek Watershed 15 February 2010
Table H. Stressor Table, Reach-scale

Reach-Scale Stressors
Reach /
Segment Stream Power Boundary Resistance
Slope, Straightening w/ windrowing, berming (base of gorge, post-
I I Bank Armoring (some)
M17-C Depth 1938-flood recovery)
Encroachment: States Prison Hollow Rd Extension and berms Bed, Windrowing, snagging (base of gorge, post-1938-flood
I Slope D
along both banks at base of gorge Banks recovery)
Reduction sediment supply (natural): below bedrock gorge Reduction of woody buffers related to road encroachments,
I Slope D Bank
of reach M18 residential and agricultural use.
States Prison Hollow Ext bridge and old abutment are FPW
D Slope constrictors; absence of apparent deposition suggests impact
is minor.
Historic channelization (discrete sections, circa 1940s -
I Slope I Bank Armoring (some)
M17-B agricultural)
Farm bridge is bankfull constrictor; moderate upstream Removal of woody vegetation and reduction of buffer
D Slope D Bank
aggradation; site of debris jams. widths related to agricultural use (now mostly fallow).

D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative)

Farm bridge is bankfull constrictor; minor aggradation
D Slope I Bank Armoring (some)
M17-A apparent.
Removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural use,
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) D Bank
direct-pasturing of livestock.

M16 I Bank Armoring (some) and cedar revetments.

Removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural use

D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) D Bank
(cropping and pasture); livestock excluded in 2007.
Historic channelization inferred (associated with Tyler Bridge Reduction of woody buffers related to road encroachments,
I Slope D Bank
M15-B Rd bridge crossing) residential and agricultural use.
I Slope Encroachment: short section of driveway, left bank I Bank Armoring (some)
Tyler Bridge Rd bridge is bankfull constrictor; persistent
D Slope
downstream deposition/mid-cannel bar.
Sediment accumulation at upstream end of segment due to
D Depth
Hollow Brook tributary confluence bar.
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative)
Historic channelization (discrete sections, circa 1940s - Removal of woody vegetation related to former agricultural
I Slope D Bank
M15-A agricultural) use.

I Slope Encroachment: Lewis Creek Rd, right bank I Bank Armoring (some)
Moderate constriction at downstream end of reach as
D Slope channel transitions from Very Broad to Semi-Confined
(bedrock-controlled) confinement.
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative)
Stormwater: localized flow increases from stormwater Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, LB,
I Depth I Bank
M14 outfalls (road ditch runoff) - minor. (except near bridge crossing).
Local flow increase resulting in scour pool downstream of Removal of woody vegetation related to residential use,
I Slope D Bank
Turkey Lane bridge. RB.
Bridge (Turkey Lane Rd) is bankfull constrictor with Bed, Channel-spanning bedrock exposures; lateral bedrock
D Slope I
upstream aggradation (localized). Banks controls.
I Cohesive sediments.
Historic channelization possible near downstream end at
I Slope Silver St bridge, not confirmed through limited historical I Cohesive sediments.
M13-B review.
Removal of buffer vegetation related to hay & pasture use
D Bank
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) I Cohesive sediments.
M13-A Banks
(Not Assessed) Historic channelization possible near upstream end at Silver Removal of buffer vegetation related to pasture at
I Slope D Bank
St bridge, not confirmed through limited historical review. upstream end, LB, RB.
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) I Cohesive sediments.
M12-C Banks
(Not Assessed)

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Lewis Creek Watershed 15 February 2010
Table H. Stressor Table, Reach-scale

Reach-Scale Stressors
Reach /
Segment Stream Power Boundary Resistance
Historic channelization possible, not confirmed through Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, LB,
I Slope I Bank
M12-B limited historical review. (except near bridge crossing).
Stormwater: localized flow increases from stormwater Removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural use,
I Depth D Bank
outfalls (road ditch runoff) - minor. RB.
Local flow increase resulting in scour pool downstream of Bed,
I Slope I Cohesive sediments.
Baldwin Road bridge. Banks
Historic channelization possible at upstream end, not Bed,
I Slope I Cohesive sediments.
M12-A confirmed through limited historical review. Banks
(Not Assessed) Removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural use,
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) D Bank
LB, RB - now fallow and re-vegetating.
Historic breaching of downstream dam(s) at approx location
I Slope of Sequin Covered Bridge may have contributed to historic I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, LB.
M11 incision.
Partial removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) D Bank
use, RB.
I Cohesive sediments in some sections.
Stormwater: localized flow increases from stormwater
I Depth I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, RB.
M10-F outfalls (road ditch runoff) - minor.
(Not Assessed) Localized flow velocity increase resulting in scour pool Bed, Channel-spanning bedrock exposures; lateral bedrock
I Slope I
downstream of short bedrock gorge / falls. Banks controls.
I Cohesive sediments.
Possible localized reduction in sediment supply below historic
I Slope dam (segment M10-F) possibly contributing to historic I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, RB.
M10-E incision.
Encroachment: Roscoe Rd along LB which has potentially Removal of woody vegetation related to road
I Slope D Bank
increased the degree of channel entrenchment. encroachment, agricultural use, LB.
Historic channelization possible, not confirmed through Bed,
I Slope I Cohesive sediments.
limited historical review. Banks
Minor constriction at downstream end of segment as channel
D Slope transitions from Narrow to Semi-Confined valley confinement I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments.
M10-D (in segment M10-C).
I Bank Lateral bedrock exposures, RB.
I Cohesive sediments.

I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments.

I Cohesive sediments.
Historic breaching of downstream dam(s) at approx location
I Slope of present Scott Pond Dam likely contributed to historic I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, LB.
M10-B incision.

Possible channelization along RB hay field (though not Removal of woody vegetation in 1970s/ early 1980s related
I Slope D Bank
confirmed). to agricultural use, RB (new tree buffer recently planted).

I Cohesive sediments, LB.
Historic breaching of downstream dam(s) at approx location
Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments,
I Slope of present Scott Pond Dam likely contributed to historic I Bank
beyond extents of former mill pond.
M10-A incision.
(Not Assessed) Scott Pond Dam impoundment effects appear to extend Bed,
D Slope I Cohesive sediments.
upstream through this segment. Banks
Moderate constriction at downstream end of segment as
D Slope channel transitions from Narrow to Semi-Confined (bedrock-
controlled) valley confinement (in segment M09-B).

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Lewis Creek Watershed 15 February 2010
Table H. Stressor Table, Reach-scale

Reach-Scale Stressors
Reach /
Segment Stream Power Boundary Resistance

M09-B I Slope Encroachment: Lewis Creek Rd, LB I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, RB.
(Not Assessed) Historic removal of woody vegetation related to residential
I Slope Encroachment: Historic Mill Foundations, LB D Bank / agricultural use, LB (though discontinuous, narrow tree
buffer persists).
Scott Pond Dam impoundment resulting in upstream Bed,
D Slope I Channel-spanning bedrock exposures.
aggradation. Banks
I Cohesive sediments.
Localized reduction in sediment supply below Scott Pond
dam (segment M09-B) possibly contributing to historic
I Slope I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, RB.
incision. Local gradient increased by upstream
M09-A impoundment.
Encroachment: Lewis Creek Rd along LB which has Historic removal of woody vegetation related to residential
I Slope D Bank
potentially increased the degree of channel entrenchment. / agricultural use, LB (though narrow tree buffer persists).
Historic sediment accumulation during time periods of
D Depth breached Scott Pond Dam (less in magnitude than apparent I Cohesive sediments.
historic incision/ entrenchment).
Downstream bedrock grade controls (above Quinlan Covered
D Slope
Bridge, reach M08).
Encroachment: Spear St, berms, armoring, RB (limited to Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments, LB
I Slope I Bank
M08 upstream end of reach). (except local to Quinlan covered bridge).
Quinlan Covered bridge (Monkton Rd) is bankfull constrictor Historic removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural
D Slope D Bank
with moderate upstream aggradation (localized). use, RB (now fallow and revegetating).
Moderate constriction at downstream end of reach as
Revetments (LB, RB) at upstream end of reach near
D Slope channel transitions from Very Broad to Semi-Confined I Bank
Quinlan Covered Bridge, LB residence, and Spear St.
(bedrock-controlled) valley confinement (in reach M07).
I Two channel-spanning bedrock exposures.
I Cohesive sediments frequent along streambanks.
Encroachment: commercial / residential properties (limited
I Slope I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments.
M07 to very downstream end of reach).
Historic breaching of downstream dam(s) at North Ferrisburg
I Slope village (moderated by extensive exposures channel-spanning I Extensive bedrock exposures, channel-spanning.
bedrock immediately upstream).
Old Hollow Rd bridge is bankfull constrictor with minor
D Slope
upstream aggradation (localized).
Historic channelization possible, not confirmed through Historic removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural
I Slope D Bank
M06 limited historical review. use, both banks.
Encroachment: commercial / residential properties, RB Bed, One channel-spanning bedrock exposure, frequent bedrock
I Slope I
(limited to upstream end of reach). Banks along LB.
Historic localized reduction in sediment supply below dam at Bed,
I Slope I Cohesive sediments frequent along streambanks.
upstream end segment, North Ferrisburg village. Banks
Moderate constriction at downstream end of reach as
D Slope channel transitions from Broad to Semi-Confined (bedrock-
controlled) valley confinement (in reach M05).

M05 I Bank Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments.

Historic breaching of possible dam in reach (suggested by
I Slope reference to sawmill on historic Walling map, 1857 - but not I Extensive bedrock exposures, channel-spanning.
otherwise confirmed).
I Cohesive sediments
Historic channel straightening inferred near Greenbush Rd Localized removal of woody vegetation related to historic &
I Slope D Bank
M04 bridge (downstream end of reach). present agricultural use, RB.
Localized, minor, flow increase related to ditched / Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments
I Slope I Bank
channelized tributaries and historic wetland conversion. (outside of zero-buffer sections).
I Cohesive sediments

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Lewis Creek Watershed 15 February 2010
Table H. Stressor Table, Reach-scale

Reach-Scale Stressors
Reach /
Segment Stream Power Boundary Resistance
Historic channel straightening inferred near Greenbush Rd Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
I Slope D Bank
M03 bridge (upstream end of reach). agricultural use, both banks.
Localized, minor, flow increase related to ditched / Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments
I Slope I Bank
channelized tributaries and historic wetland conversion. (outside of zero-buffer sections).
Greenbush Rd bridge is bankfull constrictor; moderate Bed,
D Slope I Cohesive sediments
(localized) upstream aggradation. Banks
Railroad bridge is bankfull constrictor; negligible upstream
D Slope
Impoundment effects of Lake Champlain appear to extend
D Slope
upstream into the reach in wet years.
Localized, minor, flow increase related to ditched / Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
I Slope D Bank
M02 channelized tributaries and historic wetland conversion. agricultural use (pasture), both banks.
Impoundment effects of Lake Champlain appear to extend Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments
D Slope I Bank
(Not Assessed) upstream into the reach. (outside of pastured areas).
I Cohesive sediments
Localized flow increase related to ditched / channelized Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
I Slope D Bank
M01 tributaries and historic wetland conversion. agricultural use (pasture), RB.
Impoundment effects of Lake Champlain appear to extend Maintenance of tree buffers, limited encroachments
D Slope I Bank
(Not Assessed) upstream into the reach. (outside of RB pastured areas).
I Cohesive sediments

Minor encroachments by driveway segments at crossing Maintenance of shrub buffers, both banks; limited
I Slope I Bank
locations. encroachments.
Lincoln Hill Rd culvert is bankfull constrictor; moderate
D Slope
(localized) upstream aggradation, downstream scour.
Driveway culvert / bridges (3) are bankfull constrictors;
D Slope moderate (localized) upstream aggradation, downstream
Historic localized reduction in sediment supply below two
I Slope
driveway dams mid-segment.
Moderate constriction at downstream end of segment as
D Slope channel transitions from Narrow to Narrowly-Confined
(bedrock-controlled) valley (in segment T4.05-C).
Maintenance of shrub buffers, both banks; negligible
I Bank
T4.05-B encroachments.

Minor encroachments by homes, driveway, LB, and possible Maintenance of shrub buffers, negligible encroachments,
I Slope I Bank
T4.05-A fill, LB. RB.
I Slope Historic channelization.
Stormwater: localized flow increases from stormwater (road Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
I Depth D Bank
ditch runoff) via LB tributary. residential use, LB.

Possible fill/encroachment along LB at residences (though Maintenance of shrub buffers, both banks; limited
I Slope I Bank
not confirmed). encroachments, RB.
Driveway triple culvert is bankfull constrictor; moderate
D Slope I Bank Bedrock exposures, RB
(localized) upstream aggradation.

Historic channelization and likely dredging, moving channel Historic removal of woody vegetation related to residential
I Slope D Bank
T4.02-A to north side of road. use and roads, LB.
Encroachment: residential properties, LB (limited to Bed, Channel-spanning bedrock exposures, frequent in
I Slope I
upstream end of segment). Banks upstream end of segment
Encroachment: Hinesburg Hollow Rd along LB (upstream
I Slope end) and RB (downstream end) which has increased the
degree of channel entrenchment.

D Slope Hollow Rd bridge is FPW constrictor.

Page H-5
Lewis Creek Watershed 15 February 2010
Table H. Stressor Table, Reach-scale

Reach-Scale Stressors
Reach /
Segment Stream Power Boundary Resistance
Historic channelization and likely dredging, downstream of Maintenance of tree buffers (some sections), minimal
I Slope I Bank
T4.01-B Tyler Bridge Rd. encroachments.
Encroachment: residential properties, LB, RB (vicinity of
I Slope I Bank Revetments - some sections, LB, RB
Tyler Bridge Rd crossing).
Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
D Slope Route 116 bridge is FPW constrictor. D Bank
agricultural & residential use, LB, RB.
D Slope Tyler Bridge Rd bridge is BFL constrictor.
D Slope Private road bridge is BFL constrictor.
Historic channelization and dredging in vicinity of RB Maintenance of natural wetland vegetation, minimal
I Slope I Bank
T4.01-A residence, mid-segment. encroachments.
Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
I Slope Encroachment: residential propert, RB, LB D Bank
agricultural & residential use, LB, RB.
D Slope Timber foot-bridge is BFL constrictor. D Historic dredging (localized).
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative)

Maintenance of natural wetland vegetation, minimal

I Slope Encroachment: residential properties, RB (minor) I Bank
T3.01-C encroachments.
Localized removal of woody vegetation related to
D Slope Timber VAST bridge is BFL constrictor. D Bank
residential use, RB (minor).
Revetments - some sections, vicinity of Silver Street
D Slope Silver Street instream culvert is BFL constrictor. I Bank
crossing (minor).
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative)

Historic channelization and dredging, full segment, Historic removal of woody vegetation related to agricultural
I Slope D Bank
T3.01-B associated with agricultural uses. use (pasture), LB, RB.
Potentially significant increase in hydrologic loading due to
I Slope tile drains installed in adjacent fields terminating in the D Historic dredging / channelization.
D Slope Farm road culvert is BFL constrictor. I Bank Revetments - some sections, LB, RB
Maintenance of natural wetland vegetation, no
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) I Bank
T3.01-A encroachments.
Potentially significant increase in slope (shortened channel
length) near downstream end of segment due to shifted
I Slope
confluence with Lewis Creek. Probably moderated by very
low gradients. No active incision observed.
Maintenance of well-developed coniferous forest buffers;
D Slope Above bedrock grade controls. I Bank
T2.01 no encroachments.
Bed, Channel-spanning bedrock exposures; lateral bedrock
D Depth Beaver dams (transient, localized, but cumulative) I
Banks controls.

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