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Salem Eid Suliman Al arjani

Personal information Contact details

DOB: March, 1st 1979 Mobile +972597070727
Marital status: Married (+ 3 children) Telephone +972082538352
ID No. 903281673 Email:1
Passport No. Email:2
H. Address: Palestine, Gaza Strip, Diar Al-Balah Camp, behind UNRWA school

►Education background
Degree of Specialty University Date achieved Average
Master of Public health Al Quds University –Jerusalem, From To
Community Mental Health Gaza Branch 2003 2005 86.6%
Bachelor degree of nursing BSN Islamic University – Gaza 1997 2001 81.9%

Course name Institution Date achieved Hours
From To
Project management SMET—UNRWA –Gaza 11/2009 12/2009 60
Financial management and budgeting PPTA &development pioneers 11/2010 11/2010 40
Strategic planning G S DI –Gaza 10/2009 11/2009 80
Statistical Package of Social Science SMET—UNRWA –Gaza 5/2010 5/2010 21
MS EXCEL ElKhalil Comp. Center Gaza 7/2002 8/2002 36

Job title Place of work Date Years
Mental health and From To
Psychosocial Specialist AFAQ Association 4/2009 4/2010 1
Project director Nussirat Rehab. And Social 2004 2009 5
Lecturer /Part Time Al Quds Open University 2006 2010 4
Lecturer/ Part time Al Azhar University 2006 2010 4
Supervisor/ trainer/ Part Time Al Quds Open University 2010 Till now 1

►Membership and registration

Association Type of membership Date
Nussirat Rehabilitation and Social Training Secretary
Nussirat Rehabilitation and Social Training Member
Palestinian Academic Association –Gaza Member

Institution/ university Conference Title Date
Islamic University Nursing between theory and practice 24-25 April 2007
Title: Coping strategies among traumatized children who experienced father loss
Birzeit Palestinian Academic Research; "achievements and 7-8 Jan. 2009
University challenges
Title : The research resources in Palestine
Al arjani, S., Thabet, A. and Vostanis, P. (2008). Coping strategies of traumatized children lost their father
in the current conflict. Arabpsynet Journal,5 (18-19):226-232.

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