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The ‘tfrupee’ package

Palle Jørgensen

4th August 2010

1 Introdction

This is the contents of the ‘README’ file.

The ‘frupee’ package provides LATEX support for the Rupee symbol created by
The font is transformed into Type 1 format using FontForge.
The LATEX support is created by Palle Jorgensen, hamselv(a)

2 Loading the package

Install the package and fonts and type

\usepackage { t f r u p e e }

3 The Rupee symbol

Once the package is loaded type


to acces the symbol.

Look the the pages of TUG for information on installing fonst on your system,

4 License

The license of the font and the LATEX support files is GPL. View the file “LICENSE”
for details.

5 Source of tfrupee.sty

\ProvidesPackage { t f u p e e } [ 2 0 1 0 / 0 7 / 3 0 LaTeX Support f o r t h e TechFat

Rupee symbols by TechFat
( h t t p :// t e c h f a t . b l o g s p o t . com/2010/07/new−open−source−i n d i a −rupee−f o n t . html
Adapted f o r use with TeX by P a l l e Jorgensen , hamselv ( a ) p a l l e j . dk ]

\DeclareFontFamily {U} { t f r u p e e } { }
\DeclareFontShape {U} { t f r u p e e } {m} { n}{<−> t f r u p e e } { }
\def\ r u p e e f o n t {\ usefont {U} { t f r u p e e } {m} { n } }
\def\rupee { { \ usefont {U} { t f r u p e e } {m} { n}\ char 1 2 4 } }


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