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of the
Islamic Occult and Indonesian Shamanic Traditions
Ver. 9.0
Talismans, Amulets, Occult Powers, Magickal Objects, Incenses, Rosaries, Talismanic Batons,
Kerises (Indonesian Athames), Magickal Vests, Magickal Cloths, Occult Secrets,
Magickal Medallions, Ritual Kits, Enchanted Oils, Power Rings, Spirit Familiars, etc

Welcome to a world of mystifying occult objects! The amulets, talismans and various other items presented in this
catalog have their origin in Indonesia, a country considered by some as a possible location for the long, lost continent
or archipelago of Atlantis --the "fabled" nation famous for its magickal mysteries. Enjoy browsing this catalog, you
will find many things that will fill you with wonder and possibly skepticism!

About the Talismans and Amulets

There are over a hundred talismans and amulets in this catalog, and it will continually grow as we add more items
into it periodically. Some of the items have similar functions, although they are in different form and produced by
different occultists and have their roots in different branches of the Shamanic/occult Islamic tradition. Most of the
talismans require time-consuming rituals to fashion and consecrate. Special days are chosen according to the
Javanese/Islamic calendar for their consecration. Care have been taken to ensure that these magickal items are of high
quality by their producers. Because some of these items are made-to-order, please allow several weeks for them to
reach you. It is worth the wait.

The magickal items that you will see in this catalog are very popular in their place of origin and are often out of stock
as a result. Some are rare and difficult to acquire. Most are likewise only available from a single source. It is not
unusual for individuals who fashion these amulets and talismans to take the secrets of their construction,
consecration, the prayers and mantras to their grave. Although some talismans and amulets are magnetized several at
a time, or in groups, the majority are consecrated individually. We have to stress here that we do not make the occult
objects ourselves, we simply distribute them to those who might need them.

Quite a few of the items are unconsecrated or semi-charged. They would have to be sanctified and magnetized by the
User, or attuned with their energies by conducting certain simple rituals. Not all of the items come with instructions.
Those items without instructions may be consecrated anyway the User deem fit.

Although the powers in these magickal items are real and palpable to those having psychic sensitivity, for legal
reasons we sell these occult objects simply as curio items. We state the purposes of their creation, consecration, and
function but do not guarantee their effectiveness as this is dependent upon various factors. Results may vary from
User to User--according to a person's faith--so it is.

We would also like to remind the Users of these occult objects that they are simply media whereby divine blessing
may pour into our lives. By themselves they are powerless, it is solely the power of the Omnipresent One that vivifies
them with occult force. Realize that the Divine One is the only Power in existence and that all thanks and
appreciation should be given to this Great Emanator, the First (or rather Multi/Endless/Countless) Cause of the
Omniverse, the source of our being and not to the objects themselves.

How to Order
Please contact: Luxamore
Taman Cimanggu,
Jl. Tamansari II, Blok U3/2,
Kedung Waringin, Tanah Sareal
Bogor 16163
Indonesia Please check our website for the latest status of the availability of the items.

MAGICKAL ITEMS develop clairvoyance and to communicate with spirits and detect
culprits of thefts.
Pemikat Sukma Talisman
Tumbak Kuning Magickal Power
Code: Magick01
For attracting love and affection--even from a specific person. Small Code: Magick16
Object small and cute. Carried for general protection and for
and convenient. Simple rituals. Use with care--do not force love.
advancing one's career; builds-up attractive powers; attracts luck.
Sapu Jagad Talisman
Telor Kuning Magickal Power Talisman
Code: Magick02
Possesses more than 20 virtues. Protects one from danger; promotes Code: Magick17
Magickal yellow egg. Small and convenient enough to carry in the
business; harmony in the home, etc.
pocket or purse. Helps couples to have children. Establishes
harmony in the home.
Jalburrizki Talisman
Code: Magick03
Promotes business, trade and commerce. Attracts monetary blessings Kijing Mas Magickal Power
from the four points of the compass. Code: Magick18
This consecrated object is small and convenient enough to carry in
the pocket or purse. Its function is to improve one's auric radiations
Sangkal Jodoh Talisman
so as to build-up one's potential for attracting a soul-mate; builds-up
Code: Magick04 charisma; may be carried for general affection from others.
This item improves the auric radiations of the User. It results in
attractiveness and increased personal magnetism. It neutralizes
Sacred Stone Ring
negative energies in one's system and builds-up self-confidence. The
talisman would cause others to respond positively and be Code: Magick19
This sacred stone ring is consecrated with powerful energies! It
sympathetic to the User. Carry this talisman for quickly acquiring a
protects one from mischievous spirits and attacks from enemies; it
builds-up charisma and one's attractive powers; helps the User to
acquire respect from friend and foe; attracts luck.
Semar Mesem Keris (Small)
Code: Magick07
Carry this object for building-up charisma and attractiveness; acquire Gada Besi Kuning
affection from others with its inherent power. Code: Magick20
Carry this object to promote business affairs; also for advancing
career and getting promotions.
Singgo Barong Mini Keris
Code: Magick08
Carry this for a powerful mien; strike fear in the hearts of enemies; Money Attraction Hizib Oil
be honored and respected by others; triumph in conflicts; safe from Code: Magick21
A very unique oil! Especially appropriate for traders, business and
slander; wards-off psychic attack.
sales persons; attracts customers and clients; helps to bond business
partners; attracts luck from the four points of the compass.
Jangkung Nagasasra Mini Keris
Code: Magick09
Small Indonesian athame, like the previous three. Convenient enough Puter Giling Oil
Code: Magick22
to carry in the pocket. Protects User from all harm--fire, thieves,
Helps to magickally call loved ones to return home; for acquiring
psychic attacks, etc; builds-up sex appeal; attracts affection from
affection from others, beauty and youth; builds-up attractiveness and
others; helps to easily be triumphant in conflicts; also aids one to
enthusiasm; gets rid of frustration and sloth.
successfully achieve one's goal.
Pagar Segoro Shield Magickal Power
Majapahit Brawijaya Mini Keris
Code: Magick23
Code: Magick10 There are more than 10 familiars associated with this 4 piece-
Magical athame helps User to acquire success, position, peace-of-
talisman! Programmed to guard User's home, office, factory, shop,
mind, authoritative mien.
warehouse, etc. Intruders to the premises will be confused and
terrified--spirit familiars will cause them to hallucinate themselves to
Bandung Bondowoso Mini Keris be in the middle of a storm at sea.
Code: Magick11
The keris has powerful magickal powers! It builds-up an invisible
fortress around User against all forms of psychic attack; it deflects Rogho Sukmo Jalma Talisman
magickal blows from a distance; it provides general protection; helps Code: Magick24
When properly used the power in this talisman will give the User the
User to acquire respect from friend and foe; it builds-up powerful
power to strongly influence the minds of others to do whatever is
charisma in the User.
desired. Very powerful stuff! Use with care and for positive purposes
only --remember the karmic consequences! May be used positively to
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Mini Gaman collect debts; improve business negotiations, etc.
Code: Magick13
Carried for promoting one's career or rank; helps to attract windfalls;
causes enemies to fear User; builds-up a powerful presence in the Physical Sports Magickal Power
User. Code: Magick25
Increases physical strength, stamina, self-confidence, courage, etc.
Zulfiqar Mini Sword
Kanuragan Lembu Sewo Magickal Power
Code: Magick14
Carry this magickal item for courage, protection, strength, power, Code: Magick26
The power builds up an invisible fortress around User for protection
and blessings.
against physical attacks and ambushes; calls forth unexpected
strength; the power weakens the st rength of aggressors; activates the
Ladhuni Ghoib Magickal Power power voice-a single shout causes aggressors to scatter in fear!
Code: Magick15
The talisman radiates powerful energies! Its purpose is to awaken the
sixth sense (intuition, instinct, etc) in the User. Also helps User to

Keong Mas Magickal Power Asma Mahabbah Akbar Ring
Code: Magick27 Code: Magick40
Small and convenient enough to carry in one's pocket. For harmony This item is a semi- precious gem stone, consecrated for the purpose
in the home; business success, increase in sales; peace-of-mind and of general attraction; it builds up personal magnetism; helps to
soul; helps to build-up charisma and to acquire sympathy from acquire sympathy and affection; attracts one's soul-mate. The power
others. of the stone strengthens and purifies the auric radiance of the User's
body--this auric improvement is essential for acquiring a positive
Jawahirul Hikmah Talisman response from those we interact in social and business affairs.
Code: Magick28
Protective talisman for plantations, gardens, etc, against pests, plant Al Karomah Pendent
viruses, human varmints, etc. Increases crop production. Code: Magick41
Magickal pendent with stone, consecrated for the purpose of
Aji Panglimun Talisman protection against physical harm and attacks of all sorts. Also
Code: Magick30 promotes business affairs.
10 spirit familiars associated with this talisman--all programmed to
confound the eye-sight of those that seek to do the User harm. User Sima Samboa Tiger Familiar
will appear invisible in their eyes! Code: Magick42
Acquire a tiger familiar! May be commanded to do certain things.
Martial-Art Talisman The spirit will follow you wherever you go, acting as your
Code: Magick31 bodyguard. The familiar increases charisma. Protects one from
The power within this talisman helps the User to learn martial-arts psychic attack, negative spirits and wild animals. May be
without a physical teacher! programmed to guard one's home or office as a spirit gargoyle! Heals
ailments! Stock limited!
Mahabah Tembus Oil
Code: Magick32 Godog Gadang
Use this oil to soften the hearts of hard-hearted people; banishes Code: Magick43
feelings of vengeance; acquire sympathy from others; may be used as The Godag Gadang power increases the magnitude of one's penis to
a love oil to arouse deep feelings in others; collect debts easily. whatever size you desire through magickal and physical methods!
(Obviously for men only).
Kidang Kencono Magickal Power
Code: Magick33 Pahit Lidah
Talismanic object comes with a powerful spirit familiar. Carried for Code: Magick44
protection from harm and slander; helps one to appear more Acquire the power called Sabda Siddhi by the Hindu Yogis--
attractive and radiate power; builds-up charisma, etc. whatever you say comes true! Dangerous in the wrong hands. Be
careful not to misuse the power. Dare to increase the power by
Maghrobi Tasbih licking a red-hot iron. This is not a talisman or an empowerment but
Code: Magick34 solely a secret instruction item!
Virtues of this amazing rosary: for invulnerability to sharp weapons;
for increasing one's personal magnetism; magical love power; for Ilmu Hikmah Power Belt
improving commerce, trade & business; for evoking psychic energy Code: Magick46
for any purpose; for influencing others; for peace-of-mind; for Magickal belt worn for invulnerability during street fights (for
attracting luck & prosperity; for helping debts to be paid quickly; for defensive purposes only); promotes business; protection against
meeting one's soul mate (within 89 days); for binding one's spouse to miscarriages; protection during travels--against wild animals and
faithfulness; for increasing one's spiritual intelligence; for building- malefactors; invisibility in the sight of mobs with evil intentions;
up a power punch that leaves one's opponent unconscious; for promotes healing; charisma; helps tame wild animals; protection
building-up a psychic fence as a protection against all forms of evil; against mischievous spirits; easy labor for mothers-to-be; safe from
for healing the possessed and those under the influence of black tyranny; wards-off psychic attack; causes attackers to be deflected by
magick, witchcraft, hexes, etc; for sharpening one's psychic senses; an invisible force; also used for acquiring sy mpathy from superiors;
for influencing another's mind; for distant healing, mental and helps find a soul-mate.
physical; to strike a blow to another from a distance; to heal and
return the effects of black magick back to the sender; for improving Jaljalut Belt
concentration and increasing psychic sensitivity; for easily acquiring Code: Magick47
omens from the inner planes; for acquiring the ability to see the inner Use this belt for protection while at home or during traveling; helps
worlds and its inhabitants (the world of the jins); for acquiring the User to face adversaries; protection against sharp weapons and
ability to see the familiar or force of an occult object; to stop or bullets; builds-up charisma, courage, fortitude and self-confidence;
remove rain and clouds to a different location! helps one to face superiors with confidence; protection against fire;
promotes commerce and business affairs.
Sapujagad Cakrajaya Magickal Power
Al-Huud Belt
Code: Magick35
Code: Magick49
Be loved by all persons--friend & foe with this power; cause longing
This belt may be worn to strengthen the physical body; it produces
in the heart s of others; acquire a soul-mate quickly (within 120 days);
physical invulnerability to punches, blows and sharp weapons while
establish harmony in the home; acquire charisma and an authoritative
in a fight. It increases physical strength and charisma; it helps one to
bearing; be respected, honored and obeyed by all; attracts luck; raise
acquire respect from friend and foe; it even confounds the sight of
your prosperity level; pay debts effortlessly; acquire prestige; get a
enemies; it may also be worn for safety during travels.
job quickly; protection from harm in all forms--spirits and wild
animals will not molest or attack you;power punch-one blow causes
opponent to fall unconscious; invulnerability to weapons, strikes and Asmaul Adhom Belt
blows; instant kung-fu; invisibility; evoke spirits the easy way; Code: Magick50
remove stormy weather; create a programmable double image of This belt was fashioned from a talismanic cloth. It provides
yourself; create invisible fortresses; metaphysical detection; ESP; invulnerability to weapons; also worn for successful commerce; the
heal others; banish evil spirits; and lots more! power protects the User from negative entities, especially in the back
of the woods and in one's sleep.

Soul-Mate Attractor Talismanic Belt to the force and weight of one's punches; attacking aggressors are
Code: Magick51 magickally deflected; the power in the stone also gives one the power
Builds-up sex appeal and extraordinary attractiveness; when worn to punch someone from a distance--one just has to go through the
every day the power will help the User to widen his/her social circle motions and shout the word "Jibril" each time.
and acquire sympathy from others. Helps to acquire respect from
superiors, inferiors, peers and associates. When clearly exposed to
enemies, the power will help transform them into friends; when worn Celak Pengasihan
by those who are single, the talismanic belt will attract a soul-mate to Code: Magick63
Substance for the eye-lids, for attracting the opposite sex; also
the User.
builds-up charisma; suitable for public figures or preachers.
Power Leather Bracelet
Silencer Keris (Sukmono Bungkem Mini Keris)
Code: Magick52
Worn for power punch; builds-up courage, patience, and fortitude; Code: Magick64
Mini athame, small and practical. Silences enemies or opponents in
magically weakens aggressors; general protection; invulnerability;
debates and conflicts; wards-off thieves; increases charisma; also
confounds the sight of attackers; especially useful to those involved
worn for additional mental and physical strength. Causes opponents
in martial-arts.
to fear.
Benteng Jagad Power
Sunan Kalijaga Talisman
Code: Magick53
The Benteng Jagad Power builds an invisible fortress around the Code: Magick65
Helps to collect debts; for successful trading; protection against hold-
home. Place the talismans at the corners of your home to protect it
ups, psychic attack, tyrants, wild animals; invulnerability to attacks;
from disturbances, intruders, thieves, robbers, and even evil spirit
prevents miscarriages.
Rajawali Paku Bumi Tasbih
Penglarisan Power
Code: Magick66
Code: Magick54
This empowered rosary is intended for the protection of one's boss
Place this talisman above the door to your store and shop and watch
and associates; it causes fire and riots to subside; it also protects one's
your sales soar! Receive financial blessings from Heaven now!
business. This item has many virtues for improving and protecting
one's business and the running of an office or work place.
Fishing Talismanic Power
Code: Magick55
The power in this talisman helps to attract fishes--worn for successful Sunan Gresik Talismanic Stone
fishing trips--catch the big one! Catch a load of fishes in the shortest Code: Magick67
Worn for a successful outcome in one's plans; attracts luck; wards off
time. No longer do you need to "mark" the spot.
psychic attack and banishes evils spirits.
Employment Talismanic Power
Payung Mustika Keris
Code: Magick56
Code: Magick68
This talisman helps one to acquire a job by instilling the right mind-
Indonesian magickal athame used for protecting one's home, shop,
frame; also helps one to win over business competitors, win tenders,
building, warehouse, etc., from all disturbances and natural disasters.
promotes career, builds-up charisma and attractiveness, etc.
Many other virtues.
Mani Pendent
Kalimosodo Talismanic Ring
Code: Magick57
This pendent is to be worn to ward-off negative spirits from one's Code: Magick70
This ring may be worn for longevity, health and luck; for attracting a
person. It is especially suitable for children who display constant
soul-mate; peace; happiness. This is the consecrated version of
crankiness. If you have a child that fears the dark, the bogeyman, and
"Rings06" in the Jewelry section.
seems to see something that you do not and wish to get rid of the
haunting entities then just tie the talisman around the child's neck.
Sunan Giri Badar Besi
Code: Magick71
Sunan Ampel Mini Spear-Head If it pleases God, this amulet imay be used for banishing-off evil
Code: Magick58 spirits; also used to attract a lover and for assured success in one's
Carried for general protection against mishaps; helps to promote
undertaking. Many other virtues. This is an interesting looking
one's career and acquire sympathy and affection from others; attracts
talismanic object.
luck. Also worn for longevity and mental stability.
Petuk Bamboo Amulet
Sunan Bonang Talisman
Code: Magick72
Code: Magick59 Amulet worn for successful business and sales. Also for attracting an
Brings blessings in trade, business, farming; it banishes negative
ideal soul-mate; harmony in the home; success in endeavors, etc.
spirits that disturbs one's home, office, factory, plantation, etc.
Prevents children from being unmanageable-helps to lead them to
positive ways of life. Azamah Aslimi Belt
Code: Magick73
One of the strangest power belts in our collection. If it pleases God,
Lembu Sekilan Power Stone this belt when worn, will leave an illusory replica of one's physical
Code: Magick61 image, in one's home. Used for various purposes. The wearer will
The famous Lembu Sekilan power now channeled into a stone! With
always appear radiant and attractive; increases one's charisma;
this power, physical blows, and the thrusts and stabs of sharp
promotes business; confounds enemies; peace at work.
weapons wielded by aggressors will always miss their target; the
stone is also worn for protection against accidents and outnumbered
fights. Jalbul Arzaq Belt
Code: Magick74
Specially-empowered belt for calling forth luck. Promotes business;
Bandung Bondowoso Power Stone
increases sales; especially appropriate for salespersons, mediators,
Code: Magick62 traders, etc.
The legendary Bandung Bondowoso was famous for his physical
strength and power punch. This power stone, named after him, adds

Ilmu Hikmah Power Belt Level II Asma'ul Adhom Kubro Power
Code: Magick75 Code: Magick88
Virtues of this Power Belt: for attracting luck; sympathy; charisma; The amazing magickal power of the ancients within your grasp! The
"Distant-Punch"-hit someone without actually touching; Asma'ul Adhom Kubro power, if it pleases God, possesses the
invulnerability to blades and fire-arms, etc. following mind-boggling virtues: general protection against harm;
assists in bringing about beneficial changes in the user's life;
Ilmu Hikmah Power Talisman financial success; attracts luck; evokes blessings; helps unfold a
Code: Magick76 powerful authoritative bearin g; invisibility; personal magnetism of a
Similar to Ilmu Hikmah Power Belt (Magick46). Small and practical, high degree; helps to acquire assistance from the invisible planes;
the talisman may be carried in the pocket for convenience. invulnerability; overcome problems with ease; helps to manifest
Invulnerability during street fights (defensive purposes only); desires; protection against mischievous spirits; wards-off all forms of
promotes business; protection against miscarriage; protection during psychic attack; and even more virtues--there is not much space here
travels, against wild animals, and malefactors; invisibility in the sight to mention them all! Magickal object is small, and easy to carry.
of mobs with evil intentions; promotes healing; charisma; helps tame Practical and convenient!
wild animals; protection against mischievous spirits; easy labor for
mothers-to-be; safe from tyranny; wards off psychic attack; causes Al-Hikmah Power Rosary
attackers to be deflected by an invisible force; also used for acquiring Code: Magick89
sympathy from superiors; helps you to find a soul-mate. Fashioned from sacred woods such as Stigi and Galih Asem, etc, this
rosary is especially made by experts in "al-hikmah" or Islamic
Ilmu Hikmah Power Talisman Level II occultism with undisputed spiritual powers acquired from the
Code: Magick77 Cosmos through time-consuming rituals and disciplines. The
Same as Magick75, however, in a different form. Small and easy to magnetized rosary provides the User with the following virtues:
carry in the pocket. Virtues: for attracting luck; sympathy; charisma; invulnerability; personal protection (general); protection against fire,
"Distant-Punch"--hit someone without actually touching; robberies, oppression, and slander; builds-up attractiveness;
invulnerability to blades and fire-arms, etc. charisma; instills fear in the hearts of those with evil intent; healing;
wards-off all kinds of psychic attack and negative spirits; establishes
Money Power Leather Wallet harmony in the home; may be used as a counter for one's zikir or
Code: Magick78 chanting discipline; unfolds clairvoyance; attackers are magically
This empowered and consecrated magick wallet facilitates the effects thrown off-balance.
of good karma in the form of "luck." It promotes business; helps
wearer to be respected and honored by others; also helps to pay off Chahaya Mustika Oil
debts quickly. Code: Magick90
Especially made, this magickal oil possesses amazing attractive
powers. The opposite sex would be dynamically attracted to the User.
Lembu Sekilan Power Talisman The oil helps to build up charisma. Useful for speakers, those
Code: Magick84 involved in PR work, celebrities, etc. The energies of anger and
The Lembu Sekilan has a strange power: strikes from sharp weapons
conflicts are discharged with the effluence of the oil. Good for
wielded by aggressors will always miss their target. They will miss
attracting, building, and promoting business relations. Establish
the physical body by inches. The Lembu Sekilan will also induce
harmony in the home by constant use.
courage in the User. It will likewise neutralize negative places or
ward-off psychic attacks, returning them to their source of origin.
Srikandi Gandrung Chakra Oil
Code: Magick94
Kanuragan Temeng Wojo Power Talisman This occult oil is a compound of three different types of oil
Code: Magick85 originating from Baghdad. It is magically prepared and consecrated
The power of this talisman forms an invisible shield around the
by an expert in occultism. The oil awakens a high degree of charisma
physical form. It gives invulnerability against strikes, punches and
and attractiveness. Harmonize family and social relationships.
blows from the aggressor's hand, and the blades of sharp weapons.
Improve your business affairs!
With the cosmic power within the talisman, the User will also
acquire the "Power Punch" and the "Power Voice." A simple shout
will leave aggressors shaking with fear. User's physical blows will Inner Strength Power Activator
acquire extra force. When outnumbered, the User will always escape Code: Magick98
The power activator consist of Brojo Sewu powder and Asma' Wali
safely. The talisman also protects the User against psychic attacks in
Songo oil. You will instantly acquire inner strength without having to
all forms.
do any strenuous work-out, fasting, rituals, etc. No side-effects or
risks involved. Does not conflict with other powers. Virtues:
Brojomusti Power Talisman Protection against metaphysical and physical forces; invulnerability
Code: Magick86 against fire arms, sharp weapons, poison; wards off black magic,
Acquire a power punch with the occult influence of this talisman.
hexes, psychic attacks; if bound and chained, User may easily break
Strikes and blows cause opponents to fall unconsciously. The
free; power punch; distant punch; attackers are overpowered by an
Brojomusti talisman also builds up the "Power Voice." A single
invisible force; power voice weakens aggressors; exorcism; love-
shout is sufficient to cause the opponent to shirk in fear. User will
fascination; attracts luck; increases psychic sensitivity; helps to
gain a very authoritative mien. Talisman forms invulnerability in the
detect magickal forces; physical/sexual potency; healing water; helps
User against punches and sharp weapons. User acquires courage to
transfer invulnerability to others; improves business; protects
face negative spirits. Wild animals will respect User.
personal property; youth; rain remover; those with evil intention
against the User becomes paralyzed, dumb or deaf; builds up
Bondowoso Power Talisman courage.
Code: Magick87
This talisman magically induces a powerful energy in the physical
body. It strengthens the muscles, establishes courage and raises the Sosro Bhirowo Power
optimism level of the User. Appropriate for athletes or anyone who Code: Magick99
Magickal talisman--virtues among others: protection against all
requires a morale boost.
physical threats, witchcraft, black magic; invulnerability to fire
arms, sharp weapons; charisma; love-facination; power punch;
magickal punch; builds an invisible fortress around one's home;
improves business; immobilizes enemies.

Hizib Asma' Nashor Magickal Power permanent! This item is a different version, but more powerful, of a
Code: Magick101 similar previous product no longer available! Please ask for the price.
Contains 8 essential powers:
Asma' Hizib Khodimul Ghoib Money Attractor Khodam
Asma' Mahabbahy Syirry Code: Magick127
Asma' Hizib Bahr Just carry this amulet or place it in a safe place in your home or shop
Asma' Karomah Al'akasah and you will always find yourself financially secure and acquiring a
Asma' Miftahul Arzaq greater amount of sales and improved prosperity.
Asma' Hizib Nawawi
Asma' Nashr Kubro Sinyong-Nyong Love Oil OUT OF STOCK
Asma' Hizib Kubro Code: Magick129
Programmable familiar spirit! For all sorts of purposes! Simple One of the most famous and rare love oils of the Indonesian occult
rituals to solve the varied problems of life. For those over 18. community. Not easily acquired. Quite costly.

Ragajati Magickal Power Karomah Embun Walisongo

Code: Magick102 Code: Magick131
Possesses seven essential powers. For general protection; power- Special method to assist in opening the Third-eye so that the
punch; invulnerability to sharp weapons; the power may be magickal realms may be penetrated and success acquired in the
transferred to an object or a person no matter where the person may communciation with spirits.
be; the power may be invoked even from a distance!
Aura Srikandhi
Pikat Sukma Magickal Power Code: Magick134
Code: Magick103 This power creates a powerful radiance from your face that attracts
There are nine spirit familiars associated with this talisman. Use it to and enchants men. They will find it hard to forget you. The power
attract the opposite sex or one's soul-mate. Do not abuse this power. also provides one's husband with a reason not to seek pleasures
Not for frivolous use! For those who are 21 years or older. elsewhere. For women only!

Pelarisan Magickal Power

Code: Magick104 Pagar Loreng
There are three spirit familiars experts in their field that are Code: Magick135
associated with this talisman. The purpose of this power is to boost This magical item will occultly protect your home from psychic and
or promote one's business. Suitable for placing in shops, offices, etc. physical intrusion--from robbers, thieves, negative entities, etc. The
Within 7 days you will see the difference. magickal power builds up an invisible fortress. Those invading your
home will see a tiger spirit stalking the grounds.
Sedulur Papat Magickal Power
Code: Magick105 Sedulur Papat
In Javanese metaphysics, man has 4 spirit brothers called "Sedulur Code: Magick136
Papat." This magickal power invokes their charismatic force. The Made from special materials, this power will open-up your six -sense
User will acquire a powerful overwhelming presence. People would and help you meet with your twin brothers or "Sedulur Papat."
acquiesce to the User's request. The User will instantly feel the Acquire inner strength and invulnerability; power shout; psychic
energy of the Sedulur Papat. The power may be transferred to an protection; luck; healing; charisma; etc. Fasting and lengthy
object or to another person-even at a distance. recitation of prayers unnecessary. For followers of all all religions.

Hadiran Magickal Power Pagar Geni

Code: Magick106 Code: Magick137
The Hadiran Magickal Power invokes a spirit familiar expert in the Protect your home, office, etc., from theft. Intruders will hallucinate
field of mart ial-arts. When the energy of this spirit blends with the and see flames all over the premises! This will scare the living
User's body, the User would automatically possess defensive daylights out of them!
capability without any difficult training.
Elemental Trap
Penembusan Magickal Power Code: Magick138
Code: Magick107 Capture thieving elementals with this magickal trap. Thieving
Penetrate the spirit realms with the Penembusan Magickal Power. elementals include Tuyul, buto ijo, babi ngepet, eleves, leprechauns,
Helps develop clairvoyance. See the hidden forces associated with etc. They may be seen and communicated with!
occult objects and power spots. Easy, fast, and safe.
Mustika Chakra Power
Khodam Magick Code: Magick139
Code: Magick108 Attract luck; improve business;attract a soul-mate; fascinate others;
This is a new version of the Khodam Magick from the same adept as influence others; acquire charisma; harmonize the household;
the previous one. This version uses a talismanic cloth and is the Ilmu improve your chances in getting a job; improve your career; acquire
Khodam Level I not mentioned in the article on Ilmu Khodam! Sit on sexual potency; protection; power punch; unfold your six-sense;
the cloth with the inscribed talismanic seal in front of you and do the magickally call runaways to return home; metaphysical detection of
chanting. Within 11--41 days you will acquire a khodam who would objects; transfer power to others and objects; remove rain; detect
help you to perceive the spirit realms, see clairvoyantly, evoke and theives; immunity to diseases; etc. Personal jinn familiar attached to
communicate with spirits, retrieve magickal objects from the help you solve your problems. Islam and non-islam versions
inner planes, evoke your spirit guide, transfer familiars from one available.
object to another, etc.
Mustika Brojoningrat Power
Susuk Loloh Code: Magick140
Code: Magick116 With this power you will be able to easily master all sorts of
When this empowered item is consumed you will acquire a powerful magickal abilities that will make you a powerful occult practitioner.
auric radiance. You will look beautiful and attractive. Be loved by Powers will develop automatically . Personal jinn-familiar attached
the opposite sex! You will become youthful--wrinkles will disappear. to help you solve your problems.
You will also become invulnerable to sharp weapons. Effects are

Ilmu Ghoib Hajad Bumi Power Mustika Kayu Merah Delima
Code: Magick141 Code: Magick154
Unfold your six-sense; communicate with spirits; unfold remote- Talisman made from the wood of a rare tree--worn for invulnerability
viewing capabilities; acquire self-defensive powers, magickally; against all sharp weapons, fire-arms, and psychic attack. It has other
absorb the power of your spirit twin brothers; detect the presence of virtues that one may harness as well. When steeped in water causes it
negative energies--psychic attacks, black magick, etc.; power punch; to turn red--water may be drunk for its healing virtues.
psychic protection; unfold a strong personality; increase luck;
improve business; attract the opposite sex; influence others; extricate Batu Kayu Merah Delima
and direct your twin double; invoke spirits; establish harmony in the Code: Magick159
home. Personal jinn familiar attached to help you solve your Similar to Mustika Merah Delima (magick154) but with
problems. Islam and non-islam versions available. increased/additional powers due to an intense consecration process.
No fasting or difficult rituals on the part of the user! Among its
Ajian Tapak Bergetar Power virtues : Invulnerability against all sharp weapons and fire-arms;
Code: Magick142 power punch; anti-black magick; anti-hypnotism; psychic protection;
Acquire mystic powers to detect : the energy within objects; diseases; magickal body-guard; attracts luck and blessings; influence the mind
hidden treasures; an individual's magickal force level; etc. Power of others; psychic detection; cause eggs to turn to stone; change the
extremely palpable. taste of cigarettes; fills objects with power; increase psychic
sensitivity; maintain youth--regeneration; improves appearances;
Ajian Lembu Sekilan Power charismatic powers; make the "powder of youth"; transfer illnesses to
Code: Magick143 eggs; heal ailments; psychic cleansing; attraction; improves intuitive
Acquire invulnerability to punches and strikes. Strikes from powers; indwelling familiar spirit --communicate with it; remove bad-
opponents magickally misses their mark. Protection against black luck; peace of mind; etc.
magick. Protect space with this power.
Waja Tolak Mandul Talisman
Ajian Macan Putih Power Code: Magick160
Code: Magick144 For those who are barren and infertile, this talisman will help
Acquire courage and charisma. Powerful familiar attached. When increase the odds of having children--perhaps within 3 months.
threatened by aggressors, the tiger familiar will automatically take Children would be born beautiful and strong.
over your body to combat. Use with care!
Jaga Totok Kerot Talisman
Millenium Pangirup Rizqi Sejagad Code: Magick161
Code: Magick145 This excellent magickal item, basically, provides psychic protection
Recite a certain metaphysical formula and automtaically build up a for one's home, office, car, etc. , against thieves, intruders, and
powerful forcefield that attracts luck from all points of the compass. mischievous individuals with criminal tendencies. With this magickal
For the sake of the poor, we have lowered our price. item in place your worldly possessions are safe and you may cease to
worry and sleep in peace.
Aji Senggoro Macan Power
Code: Magick146 Balung Sugih Talisman
Raise your authorative bearing to the 4th level to influence others-- Code: Magick162
opponents, subordinates, peers, etc. The power may be felt whenever This talisman helps to neutralize the negative energies surrounding
and wherever! oneself that results in bad-luck, ill-health, hardship, fruitless efforts,
etc. With the power of this talisman, your hardship, bad-luck, and
Ilmu Daya Cipta Mega Millenium Power negative energies would be neutralized and change for the better-luck
Code: Magick147 will come your way uninterruptedly.
Increase your metaphysical powers by consuming this especially
charged talismanic capsule. Lots of exercises to master unusual Pupur Ken Dedes
abilities! Code: Magick163
Transform your ordinary face into a beauty queen! Powder contains
Aji Rajah Kalachakra Power powerful energies. Suitable for women in show-biz or for any
Code: Magick148 woman who would want to attract men. The powder is made from
Protect yourself from black magick, psychic attacks, hypnotism, wild rare ingredients and the formula has been kept secret since the time
animals, negative entities, etc., with this talismanic power that of the Majapahit kingdom--additionally, it has been empowered with
metaphysically radiates a whirling white-bluish light from your high-vibrational metaphysical energies. The power of the Ken Dedes
chest. powder gives your face a magickal, attractive radiance. You will
look youthful and refreshing--and stunning to men. People would be
Aji Saefi Brajamusti Power sympathetic to you.
Code: Magick149
Increase the force of your punches and strikes with this power! Tasbih Berminyak Qur'an
Code: Magick164
Ilmu Puncak Nur Mustika Illahi Power This rosary may be used to increase your psychic powers. It develops
Code: Magick150 invulnerability to sharp weapons; gives protection against psychic
The transference of Ilmu Puncak Nur Mustika Illahi increases the attack, black magick, etc.; Builds attractive powers and charm; it
metaphysical force in your body. With the increased force you will possesses healing properties.
acquire the following occult powers: Tapak Getar; Ilmu Payung
Allah; Ilmu Karang; Ilmu Halusan I & II; Pangirup Rizqi; Magickal Nur Qudrat Semesta
Generator; Ilmu Nur Mustika Illahi; Karomah Macan Putih; Ruwatan Code: Magick165
Inti Prana Nur Sejati; Saefi Brajamusti; Power Neutralizer; Just carry the talismanic object and you will attract riches and
Invisibility; Detection; Healing; Magickal Bodyguards; Anti- prosperity; improve business, trade, commerce; talisman originally
hypnotism; Telepathy; Lembu Sekilan; Ilmu Sabdo Mandi; and many developed by the walis (Saints).
other powers! Instantly feel the powers and put them into practice!
Powers are permanent!

Gembong Wulung Rajjah Gaib 99 Asmaul Husna
Code: Magick166 Code: Magick186
Develop charm and an authoritative mien; just one look at the User If you desire promotions in rank, office, etc, this item is for you!
and foes/aggressors would back-down; there is a talismanic capsule Also attracts luck, to acquire male descendents; attraction; protection
to be swallowed--with the power you will automatically acquire of one's home; protection against psychic attack and street accidents.
a tiger-familiar to act as body-guard. The power helps you make
friends among the jinns. Rare power. Ajian Siti Hawa
Code: Magick188
Sajadah Makrifat Special item for women who desire more respect from others; gives
Code: Magick167 more power to please men, romantically, sexually. Men are not able
Magick carpet for prayers, meditation, and angelic invocation. to turn away from you!
Consecrated power develops the chakras, and unfolds psychic
powers; etc. 99 Asmaul Husna Magickal Oil
Code: Magick189
Getah Banyu Urip Item for those who are impotent. Just anoint for instant reaction!
Code: Magick168 Please your sexual partner!
The magick potion when drunk develops invulnerability against
sharp weapons, black magick; develops a youthful appearance; Magickal Fishing Power
charm; physical health; sexual prowess; anti- hypnotism; six -sense, Code: Magick190
etc. 7 phials recommended by the producer. Approx. 2cc/phial. With this item you would be able to call fishes to your fishing spot!
Use this for your next fishing contest! Appropriate for fishermen and
Getah Kesambi those that enjoy the sport. Similar in purpose to item Magick55.
Code: Magick169
For protection against black-magick, psychic attacks; power voice; Genius Talisman
familiar bodyguard; malicious psychic implants are automatically Code: Magick191
removed. This is another potion--a more advanced version of Getah Helps improve your mental faculties. Pass your exams with ease.
Banyu Urip or Magick168. It makes one invulnerable to bullets. 7 Improves memory.
phials recommended by the producer. Approx. 2cc/phial.
Fertility Power
Tasbih Khodam Code: Magick192
Code: Magick170 Item for those who are barren or infertile. Helps you to acquire
Power similar to Sajadah Makrifat (magick167) but in the form of a children. Just place the item underneath your pillow or mattress
rosary--for prayers, meditation, and angelic invocation. Consecrated before intercourse. To be done on certain days with a certain short
power develops the chakras, and unfolds psychic powers; etc. prayer.

Sokhibul Ghoib Talisman Mustika Jabal Syifa'

Code: Magick172 Code: Magick193
Magickal power to see and communicate with spirit beings; increase Syech Abdul Qodir Jaelani's amulet for healing chronic illnesses or
psychic sensitivity, evocation; astral projection; precognition, and to cases given up by medical doctors.
see the past; etc.
Mustika Asihan, Perbawa, Tenaga Dalam
Ajian Candolokano Code: Magick194
Code: Magick173 Contains the Hizib of Rohman Abdul Jabbar, the prince of inner
Magickal power helps you to see a thief in a vessel of water, piece of strength. Especially consecrated for the distant punch, powers of
paper, or thumbnail. attraction from the sun, healing, etc.

Ajian Penyedoting Bondo Bandu Stone of the Angelic Khodams

Code: Magick174 Code: Magick195
This items provides a magickal power to retrieve or acquire treasure, Consecrated for the duration of 999 days, this stone has the power of
gold, money, antiques, or relics through occult or ordinary means. hundreds of angelic khodam for protection, healing, attraction, luck,
Either the secret mantra of King Solomon (Nabi Sulaiman) or the etc. A very powerful and rare item. Khodam may be commanded.
Queen of Sheba (Ratu Bulqis) may be used according to need. Kit
includes empowered water and oil to increase psychic energy level The Sapujagad Angel
and mystical force! Code: Magick196
A very rare occult power related to an angelic khodam heretofore
Embun Suci Berasma' Pelet kept secret by the walis or saints. Used in the martial arts, healing
Code: Magick183 and other of life's problems. Power transferable to others. The angelic
Love potion! Just drink the potion and you would acquire extra khodam king is unique and differ from the others.
powers to attract the opposite sex. Short prayer included.
Rajah Semar Kuncung
Pengasihan Permata Roh Tunggal Code: Magick197
Code: Magick184 Talisman consecrated with 7 kejawen powers, 8 "hizib" and 60
The power of this magickal item prevents one's spouse from having special "Nadhom Jaljalat." Item for attractin g wealth, invulnerability,
affairs with others. It may be used to handle difficult children; it magnetic personality, and ease in solving problems.
helps cause difficult partners to realize their errors in the relationship.
Magickal Banten Belt
Code: Magick199
Penglarisan Permata Seribu Rare banten belt with extraordinary powers. The powers are
Code: Magick185 palpable. Made by a Banten Elder and his 150 selected disciples. The
This item gives you the power to quickly sell your goods; attract talism an gives charismatic powers to the user, including
luck; gain prosperity, respect, and sympathy from others. invulnerability against all sorts of weapons; it protects one from a
thousand catastrophes; it attracts luck, advances one's career, etc. The
belt comes with a Khodam spirit from the Al-Fatehah verse.

Invulnerability Stone conjurations as it raises the vibration of the body and activates the
Code: Magick201 chakras. Users of the sarong have even found themselves developing
This stone makes one invulnerable against punches and all sorts of clairvoyance! Stock is limited.
weapons. It improves the quality of one's aura and thus indirectly
affects positively every facet of one's social and private life. The Women's Baduy Sarong
invulnerability powers of this stone may be tested on man as well as Code: Magick211W
animals. Same as above but for women. This sarong is much longer. Outside
of the Baduy community, the sarongs may actually be regarded as
Wesi Kuning unisex.
Code: Magick202
This poweful amulet is a fine needle in a coocoon. It builds up a Mahabah Minyak Tujuh Bunga
strong magickal shield around one's body and protects one against all Code: Magick212
sorts of weapons, including physical and occult attacks--even This oil has been empowered with energies that would help the User
nightmares. It makes one invisible to enemies or aggressors. It also to attract the opposite sex. It enhances the quality and strength of the
protects one during travelling by air, sea and land. This is a new aura making it radiant. The power of this oil is felt strongly by others
version and requires no recitations and chanting at all! making them more responsive to your requests. Especially useful to
Selendang Rosul
Code: Magick203 Kleleng Oil
This exquisite talismanic cloth is excellent for drivers, pilots, etc. It Code: Magick214
protects their vehicles and themselves against mishaps. Lots of other This oil has been empowered with energies that would help the User
virtues for luck, protection, prosperity, charisma, taming animals, to attract the opposite sex. It enhances the quality and strength of the
healing, etc. aura increasing the User's personal magnetism. This is an
improvement of the Kleng-Kleng oil (magick125) which is no longer
Asma Wahid Kanuragan available.
Code: Magick204
Talisman for giving one an extra advantage in sports competitions Jawara Langit Pitu
and tournaments, such as martial-arts, and other hand-to-hand Code: Magick215
combat. It helps one attain victory. The deadly magickal powers of the muslim Pendekar! Overcome the
powers of your opponent--complete invulnerability; the powers of
Keris Sakti Klewer the "Hizib Tapak Langit prayer;" "Rawa Rontek Putih;" "Tenaga
Code: Magick205 Dalam." Virtues Includes the power of attraction; clairvoyance;
Small talismanic keris for attracting the opposite sex. It mellows and angelic healing; retrieval of hidden treasures and objects and more!
warms the person with an aloof attitude.
Ketabiban Prana Syurga
Keris Klewer Urat Mas Code: Magick216
Code: Magick206 This essential hyper-metaphysical power turns you into a healer of
This keris with golden veins has powerful attractive virtues--it has alternative medicine. Heal major and minor health problems
the power to prevent one's partner from being tempted by others, metaphysically! Rare occult power.
aside from other virtues dealing with the heart.
Karomah Ka'bah
Syech Siti Jenar Magickal Pendent Code: Magick217
Code: Magick207 This is a rare power used by the adepts for self-defence! Neutralize
This pendant has more than 15 virtues that would assist solving the and overcome the powers of enemies/opponents/aggressors;
problems in one's life. invulnerability against all weapons, even arrows and grenades/bombs
(range 10m)--and more powers!
Magickal Snake Talisman
Code: Magick208 Batu Wangsit Petitis
Place this magickal mustika or talisman in your home for protection Code: Magick218
against evil entities of the human and non-humankind. Just place this occult stone underneath your pillow and you will
know in dreams or hear magickal whisperings of the thief and
Magickal Queen Talisman location of stolen or lost objects; the cure for illnesses; see
Code: Magick209 clairvoyantly whatever you wish, etc.
Place this magickal talisman at your dressing table. It would cause
your husband or your lover to constantly be affectionate towards you. Ajian Sapta Wasesa with Tasbih
The object also empowers your aura. Code: Magick219
Rare occult power from the saints and adepts! Recite mantric verses
Door Replica of the Ka'bah 3, 5, or more rounds of the tasbih/rosary to instantly acquire some of
Code: Magick210 the powers. Helps to induce clairvoyance; meet the saints (spirit
Small and unique, this talisman may be made into a pendent or teachers) metaphysically and study under them; meet khodams, and
carried in your bag or wallet. The door of the Ka'bah is believed to visit their magickal realms; attraction; luck; etc.
possess extraordinary magickal powers. This talisman has been
consecrated to protect the user from sharp weapons, attract luck, and Aji Panembahan Kusuma Jati
establish harmony in the home. Code: Magick220
Amazing ancient powers for invulnerability (body emits sparks
Men's Baduy Sarong during attempted strikes of sharp weapons); attraction; making
Code: Magick211M friends with khodams/spirits; amazing physical regeneration of
This is a Unique sarong from the Baduy tribe of Banten, Indonesia. wounds--even lethal wounds; lightness of body; clairvoyance,
Rare and scarce. Consecrated and empowered by the Baduy chieftian retrieving treasures/sacred objects; authoritative bearing of the lion;
and the elders for general blessings, power, prosperity, health, etc. fire-punch; wind-punch; invisibility; physical-body duplicatio n;
Many local occult practitioners consider the Baduy tribe to be the shape-shifting; extracting the magickal powers of opponents;
most magickally powerful in the whole of Indonesia! Possessing an healing; the power of one's words to manifest; manifesting Javanese
item of the Baduy tribe is indeed something to be treasured. The shamanistic powers, etc.
sarong also helps the practitioner in rites of evocation, invocation and

Nur Pamungkas Yusuf Mantis Holy Guardian Angel, your "sedulur papat" (4 spirit brothers) by just
Code: Magick221 chanting 2 words.
Attraction and rare love power of Javanese magick; the crown of
charisma; attract a soul-mate or companions; influence your Tapak Khodam Guru Sejati
superiors, personal magnetism, etc. Code: Magick230
The source of all magickal powers--the power of your Higher Being-
Kunci Wachid Ghoib Pribadi -the True Teacher! With this item you will learn how to tap the
Code: Magick222 powers of your Higher Self and the psychic aspect of your being--a
The key to successful acquisition of magickal powers! If you have talismanic capsule awakens your ability to do so. Some virtues of the
tried acquiring occult/magickal powers and failed, conduct first the powers that will be made available to you : you will know things
ritual and transfer of power of this item. hidden; you will be assisted by spirit beings even without asking
them for help; your words would be creative and manifest in physical
Khowash Ghoib Marifatullah reality; masters and saints would visit you in dreams and visions to
Code: Magick223 teach you; healing powers would be yours to exercise. These are just
The magickal powers of the ancient saints and adepts of Java! This a few of the many powers that you will come to possess.
magickal item confers divine Tenaga Dalam (Inner Strength) for
various purposes: neutralize enemies; attraction; manifest martial-arts The Great Magickal Recitation
ability automatically; acquisition of knowledge through psychic Code: Magick232
means; transfer whatever powers to others; etc. This item is not This magickal item is basically a secret instruction of a great
available anywhere else! magickal recitation as handed down to us by the saints and adepts
of Islamic occultism. It is greatly effective in bringing about results.
Ijazah Ilmu Sastra Berdaya It is greater than mantras and powers that solely rely on spirit-
Code: Magick224 familiars, as this magickal method relies directly upon the divine aid
The initiation of the hidden magickal secrets of the ancient occultists! of our Source. This Great Magickal Recitation holds the secret
Magickal purification of curses; instant genie-aid; invulnerability of prayers for acquiring or attaining wealth, prosperity and fulfillment;
the gods; charisma; personal magnetism; authoritative bearing; also helps one to have children, have loans returned and cause those
attractive-powers; clairvoyance; generating hypermetaphysical of tyrannical natures to repent; it even helps one to acquire a job, a
energy; love-philter; invulnerability; power-punch; implants (Ilmu lover, and to win tenders, etc.--anything at all.
Susuk); the pouch of Aladdin.
The Magickal Power of Sunan Kalijaga
Gembolo Geni Whip Code: Magick233
Code: Magick225 Sunan (Saint) Kalijaga was an Islamic saint and a Javanese occult
This is a unique whip made out of the wood of trees possessing adept with spiritual powers acquired from the metaphysical and
magickal powers! Occultly empowered with "Khizib Barqi," "Khizib shamanic practices that he did in retreats. He was deemed wise by his
Akbar," "Khizib Khofi," "Khizib Al-Jabbar," "Khizib Jibroil," "Ayat peers and the people around him. Not only was Sunan Kalijaga
Kursi," and other prayers totalling up to 313! Virtues: general blessed with spiritual-gifts from God-he also attained various powers
protection of mind, body, and soul; invulnerability; wards-off as a result of his practice of Kejawen or Javanese
negative entities; invisibility; aggressors when hit by the whip causes occultism/mysticism . This magickal item contains the high secret
them to burn, cough-up blood, or faint; attracts luck; healing, etc. empowerment of Sunan Kalijaga as given to Syekh Jangkung
(Saridin), and through the latter to many other selected students.
Paku Kabejan Joyo Ati The empowerment confers the "Ilmu Haq" and "Ilmu Jati Pinutur " of
Code: Magick226 Sunan Kalijaga which includes invulnerability to fire, sharp weapons,
Talismanic nail for attracting luck and blessings from all points of poison, grenade blasts (10m range); it also confers charisma and an
the compass; for attracting clients/customers; for increasing authoritative bearing; other powers include healing, the fulfillment of
prosperity; ward-off negative energies/bad vibes and malevolent prayers, invisibility, lightness of body, retrieval of buried treasures
entities. Just hammer the empowered nail somewhere at your place and sacred objects, etc. This magickal item also contains the Ilmu
of business. Pantulan power of Sunan Kalijaga that helps a person to attain
enlightenment, to intuitively acquire hidden knowledge, to become
Ilmu Pusaka Cemeti Ammarosuli psychically sensitive and eventually become a spiritually wise
Code: Magick227 individual. You will have the power and the knowledge to solve the
The power of this talismanic capsule awakens your inner strength 1001 problems of life.
(Tenaga Dalam/Chi) equivalent to 4-6 years of training. Application
of the powers includes invulnerability; invisibility; etheric twin; Minyak Air Mata Duyung
charisma; fiery-punch; distant-punch; gives you the power to Code: Magick234
psychically protect a certain place, etc. A vial of the tears of the Dugong used in magickal spells of
attraction--about 2cc/vial. Contains pheromone--an essential
Gemerlap Ratu Bayu ingredient in sexual arousal. May be used as it is or mixed with other
Code: Magick228 aromatic love-oils. For more information please refer to the article:
The power of this talismanic capsule when swallowed produces a Magickal Oils. Only a few bottles available--this item is not easy to
youthful mien and countenance. You will exude charm and inner acquire.
beauty. Onlookers will be amazed at your beauty and auric radiance.
This item is for women only. Most suitable for celebrities,
performers, hostesses, models, etc. Al-Karomah Oil
Code: Magick235
Wahyu Jayaningrat Magickal oil empowered for protection; prosperity; domestic
Code: Magick229 harmony; healing (coughs, skin -diseases, fevers, poisons, stings,
A versatile power transmitted to you through a talismanic capsule! asthma, abdominal pains, etc); easy child-labor; helps to remove
Induces clairvoyance; gives the ability to magickally retrieve pests; exorcism; increase the catch during fishing, et c.
treasures; helps you to neutralize the magickal power of your
opponents. The power protects you on land, air and sea; buids-up Bidadari Halwat Talisman
invulnerability against sharp weapons and fiery arms. Also attract Code: Magick236
those whom you desire! Produce healing water; awaken and contact Especially empowered for women! The magickal power of this
the spirit beings associated with you since your birth: your "Qareen," talisman makes the User appear young and attractive, and acquire
self-confidence; it imbues the User with positive energies thus

increasing personal magnetism; as a result of the metaphysical power Clairvoyance Training-Ritual
within the talisman, the User's husband would not commit infidelity Code: Magick246
and domestic harmony would be established. The talisman functions Those having trouble unfolding the clairvoyant-faculty may practice
automatically. All that is needed is to carry it with you in your this safe and sure method. As a result of the training, one's psychic
pocket, purse, etc. powers would improve and one would find it easy to see, contact,
and communicate with the beings of the higher dimensions as well as
Kamasutra Talisman detecting the energy in an object or site. The higher worlds would
Code: Magick237 unveil for one's investigation and exploration. The kit contains a
This talisman is empowered for sexual potency; for the prevention of bottle of empowered oil to be applied to the eyelids/eyebrows. This
premature-ejaculation; helps the User to reach orgasm. Just tie it training-ritual begins with a 11-day preparation in which certain
around the arm or waist. short prayers are recited for 11x each. After the 11-days, a period of
a mandatory 41-day practice/training (consisting of intensive
Aji Singo Kamanungsan chanting of simple prayers) is required; this is followed by a 3-day
Code: Magick238 fasting.
This item consist of a talisman and some empowered ball-bearings to
be swallowed. The power of this item imbues the User with high Badui Banten Keris
charisma, personal magnetism, and an authoritative bearing like a Code: Magick247
lion king. The power helps the User to be respected by friend and These kerises are heirlooms of the 3 current chieftians ("poohoon")
foe. Enemies, opponents, and those that envy or dislike the User of the Baduis that have been passed down for several generations--
would tremble in his/her presence. Power works automatically--no these were once owned by the Chieftians "Pana Nagarudin (Pun -ah
long mantras/prayers to recite. Na-ga-roo-deen)" and "Panca warna (Pun-cha wahr-nah)."
These kerises are possessed with the virtues of protection and
Sexual-Potency Empowerment blessing--protection against negative forces in whatever form. The
Code: Magick240 energies within them, as psychically detected, are amazingly
This magickal empowerment is for a single application. The simple powerful. The khodamic-spirit s of these kerises are representatives of
ritual is to be done before engaging in sexual activity. It confers the 2 chieftians and were once their "bodyguards." We have several
sexual potency. No chanting required. of these kerises in stock each of which have the same power.
The warangka and hulu or scabbard and hilt, are contemporary, but
Magickal Dowsing Instrument the blades are old. They are new acquisitions and were given-out by
Code: Magick241 special dispensation--in the special month of Maulud (Islamic
A unique dowsing instrument for detecting the location of water, calendar). Family heirlooms of the Poohoons are hardly ever given
minerals, treasure, etc. Made out of copper with the embossed words to anyone not of their community--especially to foreigners. Thus, it is
"Allah" on one side, and "Muhammad" on the other. a rare privilege and opportunity to possess these magickal blades or
weapons. These blades have either 11 or 13 luks (curves on the
Water of 99 Sacred Sites blades). All of these kerises are able to stand on the tip of its blade
Code: Magick242 (on a rough surface).
This item is a bottle of water-blend taken from 99 sacred sites. It may
be used for all sorts of magickal purposes. It is the right medium for Psychic-Perception Empowerment
the empowerment of others. In itself it is powerful for increasing Code: Magick248
one's charisma and raising one's basic frequency. The water when Metaphysical empowerment for acquiring psychic-perception.
consumed, protects one against negative forces and psychic attacks. Penetrate the invisible realms; detect thieves and lost objects;
This holy-water blend is healing in nature. Useful to any occult perceive spirits, jinns, elementals, goblins, spooks, ghosts, etc--even
practitioner. Net weight approx. 12 grams. those associated with certain objects. Talisman to be carried and
tiny, empowered ball-bearings to be swallowed for power-
The Wand of 1001 Powers transference.
Code: Magick243
This is a beautiful wand made out of over 20 different kinds of Khodamic Money Talisman
sacred and magickal woods! It is about 46cm long. The virtues of the Code: Magick249
various woods wards-off negative energies/entities, psychic attacks; Magickal talismanic item that helps the user to prosper, attract luck,
it builds-up charisma, personal magnetism; it attracts luck, increases improve finances and business, acquire lots of clients/customers,
prosperity; helps to influence others, etc. Some of these sacred woods increase sales, etc. You just need to memorize one short mantric
are locally called: Stigi, Liwung, Galih Asem, Rao, Sulaiman, Adem prayer to conjure the khodamic-spirit to assist you. The talisman is to
Ati, Welikukun, etc. be carried in one's pocket, purse, or stored safely in any appropriate
Rogo Sukmo
Code: Magick244 Haekal Tujuh Oil
This item (a talismanic head-band and its methodology) assists and Code: Ma gick253
trains one to astral project--to travel in spirit. It is similar to an item Magickal money oil for promoting businesses. It also helps the user
formerly offered but was discontinued--this item comes from a to achieve and to attaint that which is desired and to quickly advance
different adept-producer. No fasting required. This item is semi- the career or acquire promotion in rank. The power protects the user
charged with power. An initial 7-day ritual of simple chanting is from the attacks of human, animal and spirit agencies. It helps to
required to fully empower this talismanic head-band, after which ensure save travelling by land, sea, or air.
the item may be used any t ime required.
Batu Badar Besi
Tarik Sukmo Code: Magick255
Code: Magick245 This magickal stone is especially useful to soldiers and martial
This empowerment item of the Javanese Shamanistic Tradition helps artists. It protects the fighter in battle, in competition, in ambushes
the User to acquire mediumistic powers. It requires no fasting or long and attacks of aggressors. The user would be protected against sharp
rituals. After the initiation and some training you will have the power weapons, fire-arms and even mortar. The power of the stone even
to invoke or conjure spirits/khodams/entities or the spirits of living protects the user while journeying through jungles/forests--he or she
human beings to communicate, influence or do some healing upon would be safe from wild beasts. The magickal power also helps build
them. This item is not to be misused or abused as it could result in self-confidence and bravery.
negative consequences.

Tenaga Dalam Hizib Nashor Chinta Kasih Love -Oil
Code: Magick265 Code: Magick274
Empowerment item (something to consume) for physical protection Empowered love-oil from Kalimantan--formulated by the native
against aggressors, accidents, psychic attack, black magick, etc.; Dayaks who are famous for their occult love-spells, oils and potions.
power-punch prosperity; fulfillment of goals, etc. Most of the powers Anoint yourself with this oil to magickally attract the opposite sex or
function automatically. someone special. Contains natural products of high pheromone
content. An aromatic oil has been added to the neutral-scent power-
Tenaga Dalam Senggoro Macan base oil for fragrance. Only a few in stock.
Code: Magick266
Empowerment item (something to consume) for physical protection Buluh Perindu Love Oil
against aggressors, accidents, psychic attack, black magick, etc.; a Code: Magick275
strong will; courage; power-shout; authoritative bearing; power of This is t he genuine Buluh Perindu oil-extract processed by
influence; Tenaga Dalam Senggoro Macan practice; invoking the Kalimantan (Borneo) natives--this is not a tincture from the grass as
Tenaga Dalam Senggor Macan self-defence power. There are no one of the other products that we carry (Oils10). This item is rare and
observances and restrictions. costly. Anoint yourself with this oil to magickally attract the
opposite sex or someone special. High pheromone content. Contents
Tenaga Dalam Ladhuni Ghaib approximately 1cc/vial--add your favorite aromatic oil to it. Only a
Code: Magick267 few in stock.
The Tenaga Dalam Ladhuni Ghaib is an empowerment item
(something to consume) for a powerful aura/presence; psychic Minyak Bintang--Star Oil
sensitivity; communicative ability with spirits; ESP, etc. A method Code: Magick276
for spirit/khodam contact is included. The Star Oil is one of the most famous legendary oils of the Dayaks
of Kalimantan. Its powers of regeneration/resurrection may be read
Attraction and Beauty Empowerment here. We offer this oil here not for its legendary powers of physical
Code: Magick268 immortality but as a healer for serious wounds, cuts, etc.--and as a
This empowerment item is for acquiring beauty; good-appearance; curio. It is made and formulated with natural products and
attractiveness; the power to acquire sympathy; business prosperity; empowered by a secret magickal process by Dayak shamans. The
helps to acquire a soul-mate; youth, etc. May be used by anyone Minyak Bintang healing prayer is provided in its instruction-paper.
regardless of sex age, race, religion, etc. There are no side-effects. This is a rare and costly oil--difficult to acquire. Only a few in stock.

Invulnerability Empowerment Mt. Kawi Dewa Daru Wealth Power

Code: Magick269 Code: Magick277
Empowerment item for physical protection; invulnerability against This magickal item comes straight from the famed sacred site and
sharp weapons; an authoritative bearing; courage; self-reliance; power spot in East Java--"Gunung Kawi" or "Mt. Kawi." This is the
protection against black magick, psychic attack, etc. site that devotees congregate on auspicious days to receive magickal
power and monetary/prosperity blessings from Heaven through the
Kalacakra Talisman agency of the angelic presences in the area. This magickal item,
Code Magick270 among its contents, is a seed (considered as a power- and sacred-
Magickal talisman of Javanese occultism, suitable for object) from the sacred Dewa Daru tree (Equina Uniflora) in front of
hanging/framing : for the protection of one's home against black the gravesites of the eminent 19th century personages buried there--
magick, psychic attack, negative spirits; thieves; intruders. Helps the Eyang Djoego, alias Taw Low She and Eyang RM. Iman Soedjono,
user to appear charismatic with an authoritative bearing. Just display alias Djie Low She. Many would sit beneath the Dewa Daru tree for
this object in your guest room or anywhere in your home. Approx. hours hoping for the leaves and the fruits to fall on their heads/body
19.5 cm in diameter. Made of brass/copper. so as to acquire blessings--these fallen objects are very carefully
preserved for their talismanic value. Now you may receive the Mt.
Tenaga Dalam Rajek Wesi Kawi monetary/prosperity blessing no matter where you reside in the
Code: Magick271 world. Not only is this magickal item an empowerment--the rare
Empowerment item (something to consume) for physical protection Dewa Daru (Shian Tho) seed of this site is also a powerful charm
against sharp blades, black magick, psychic attacks; courage, that attracts benevolent forces and intelligences to help the user
strength,and an authoritative bearing; protection against fire and the prosper financially--results may be seen within 90 days or less! Also
slander of enemies; power punch, strikes, and kicks; helps lock the within the package is a bottle of water taken from the holy springs of
movements of opponents and drains their energy; helps one to easily Mt. Kawi--this holy water as well as the sacred seed have been
break objects with karate chops; power helps to strengthen the ritualistically empowered for added power! The initiation-ritual of
immune system. this magical item is so simple a child could do it (additional prayers
are provided for muslims) --all may benefit from t his item regardless
Tenaga Dalam Pagar Segoro of religion, creed, sex, etc. Because of the scarcity of the Dewa Daru
Code: Magick272 fruit (thus, the seed), stock of this magickal item is limited. This item
With 9 special khodams (powers), this item helps to protect one's has been upgraded and is now extra powerful!
home, office, store, warehouse, etc. The powers also protects one
from mob attacks. Simple initiation-ritual--there is something to Jamus Ruwatan Sengkolo
consume and chanting for 10 minutes. When you need to use the Code: Magick278
power simply recite the mantra and stomp on the ground to be If you feel yourself cursed with heavy, dense, negative
protected. electromagnetic energies and forces about you, this self-
empowerment item will help you neutralize them. If you find
Super Tenaga Dalam yourself always facing failure in any endeavour, if you find that
Code: Magick273 things always go wrong that it seems almost supernatural, it may be
Empowerment item for a shield of protection against all sorts of an indication that you have what Javanese call "sengkolo" or cursed
attacks--black magick, fire and slander; invulnerability against sharp (negative) energies. You may neutralize the energies now with the
blades; stamina; immobilize aggressors; opponents would falter and help of this magickal item. Just swallow an empowered talismanic
weaken without even having to touch them; confers an authoritative capsule in a simple chanting-ritual.
bearing, etc.

Susuk Bumi Rahayu king and pendekar/martial artist) or other famous pendekars such as
Code: Magick279 Si Pitung. The user of this item would automatically have 22 spirit -
This small empowered object when buried in an area (house, garden, tigers of the Pakuan kingdom and they would protect the user against
field, land, etc) would cause the aura of the site to be blessed. It psychic attacks, black magick, and those that wish to harm the user
brings about the following effects all negative spirits in the area physically--even disturbing them in their sleep. One would develop
would be weakened, neutralized or flee--even the most negative jinn charisma by carrying this kujang charm and be overshadowed by the
of high status would fear intrusion into the area; the power of the angelic khodam of Prabu Siliwangi thus acquiring the power punch,
magickal object builds-up a protective holy, divine light aura so that invulnerability, pencak silat movements, etc. Many blessingwould be
any form of psychic attack and black magick would not penetrate conferred upon the user and divine attributes would develop within
through--even negative black magick implants in the area would be the one in constant physical contact with the charm. All of the virtues
neutralized; all negative energies/radiations from sources such as and spirit intelligence of this charm derive their power from the
residual gravesites, noxious gases, massacre sites, haunting energy- Word of the Divine One as written in the Holy Quran--this is a pure
impressions of debased emotions--all are neutralized with the power al-Hikmah item. Most powers function automatically.
of this item. With the magickal object installed, the people living in
the area would prosper and have abundance--harmony and peace Manggala Shakti Oil
would occur as this magickal object emanates a strong, positive Code: Magick284
force. One of the most amazing and multi-purpose oil--the Manggala
Shakti. This rare and costly formulated oil-blend has been
Eyang Ushodo Jati Stone empowered through strenuous rituals and disciplines. Its virtues:
Code: Magick280 when ingested with rain water after being chanted over with a prayer-
Essential healing power! With the help of this empowered stone it chant it confers protection, happiness, magickal powers/abilities, a
would be possible to heal many psychical and physical ailments. The holy aura, and angelic bodyguards--all with the permission and
power of this talismanic stone comes from a transmission of a past blessings of the Divine One. If you possess any talisman, keris or
historical met aphysical practitioner, "Eyang Ushodo Jati." The stone power-object that seems to have lost its power, just anoint the object
possesses 40 powerful khodam spirit -healers to assist practitioners of with the oil and it will regain its former degree of force. The oil is
alternative medicine of all disciplines and levels--the amateur as well also a good media for healing as it possesses tremendous pranic
as the professional. With the power-stone practitioners of flexology, energies. Anoint some of the oil to the center of your forehead as
accupressure, accupuncture, etc. would find the points that requires you pray or metaphysically create your desire for manifestation--you
healing as guided by the spirit -intelligences of the stone. A daily will find, with Allah's permission, that your prayers are answered
spiritual prayer (chanting) -discipline is required to build and dramatically or your mental creation would manifest successfully.
maintain the power. Stock is limited. Should you anoint yourself with the oil during exercises related to
"Tenaga Dalam," "Chi-Kung," meditation, chanting, breathing, etc.
Arjuna Power you will find the outcome of these exercises in yourself to improve
Code: Magick281 in quality, power, and strength. Apply the oil to your clothing and
A wonderful self-empowerment item for acquiring the "ksatria" the members of your body and invulnerability would be conferred
powers /virtues of Arjuna. Package contains empowered edible upon you. You will be protected against black magick, psychic
powder/salt--this has to be mixed with rose water and then attacks, bombs, guns, blades, etc. You will possess charisma, an
consumed. There are no restrictions and anyone may use this item authoritative bearing, self-confidence, a powerful aura,
regardless of race, creed, religion, etc.--this item is more suitable for attractiveness, etc. Just a drop of the oil in your bathtub or in a bucket
men though. The virtues of this item: the user would acquire of water for a shower would cleanse you of negative energies and
attractive powers and charisma to a high degree; the user would "curses." Use this oil to make talismans--they would be extra
overcome others easily in battles of will; people would respect and powerful! Comes in a vial approx. 3 cc.
carry-out the desires of the user; the user would appear to be strong,
handsome, and macho; the user would acquire physical and spiritual Toloh Magickal Oil
strength and have a healthy, strong defensive/immunity system; the Code: Magick285
user would automat ically possess a magickal shield for protection Practically one of the many authentic magickal oils produced by the
against physical and psychic attacks--he would be safe from harm, shaman Dayaks of Kalimantan (Borneo)! They call this "Minyak
accidents, and catastrophe--by the Grace of Allah; during Toloh"-or "Toloh Oil." This oil, thick in consistency, is used for
competitions and work the user would acquire an unexpected boost healing and protection against psychic attacks, black magick, and
in strength. As a result of the above powers, other blessings would negative entities. It is especially useful in healing the type of
follow in the natural course of events. The Arjuna Power requires a psychic or magickal attacks involving malicious implants--
simple quranic verse to be chanted daily for maintenance and the organic/inorganic--transferred magickally by black occultists to their
building-up of the power. victims (such magickal attacks are called locally, "santet," "tenung"
and "teluh."). Such harmful and negative implants may consist of
Jeweled-Aura Power etheric snakes, leeches, worms, maggots, rusty nails, needles, blades,
Code: Magick282 etc. The method of healing is simple--just rub the oil on the affected
This item helps to develop in the user a powerful auric presence--an area where an implant is suspected. This is a scarce and difficult item
amazingly strong and high-frequency magnetic-field. The presence to acquire and our supply is limited. Comes in a vial 2-3 cc.
of the user would cause others to have respect and acquire their
sympathy. One's inner potentials, talents, and creativity would come Nurul Asror Tasbih
forth easily with the power of this item. The powers of fascination Code: Magick286
would also unfold; as a result of the conferment of the power, the A magickal tasbeeh or counter-beads (100 beads) empowered using
user's life would be filled with abundance, prosperity, love, the special methods of the Islamic saints and sufi adepts--the powers
happiness, success, etc. This is a self-empowerment item where and virtues of this tasbeeh are made available through the Mercy and
ritual-showers and prayers are conducted. Grace of Allah. Esoteric prayers and hypermetaphysical forces were
employed in the ritualistic empowerment of this item among which
Kujang Khodam Prabu Siliwangi are the prayers of "Asmaul Husna," "Asror Al Fatihah Syeifi
Code: Magick283 Khusus," "Jaljalut Khodami," "Sholawat Ismu' A'dhom," "Sirr
This empowered miniature "kujang" (empowered version of Nurbuat," "Asma' Suryaniyah," "Asho Musa," "Al Qomar," "Ashabul
Athames08) possesses various powers formulated by local sufic Kahfi," "Sapu Jagad Mubarrok," and "Aji Sholawat batin Nur
saints of past centuries and transmitted by them to specially chosen Muhammad." This particular magickal tasbeeh has the following
disciples. This charm based on Allah's greatness, has several virtues by the Grace of God: it adds power to one's prayers (as it heps
interesting properties or virtues, among which is the ability to attune attune one to spiritual forces); healing; banishment of negative
and acquire the magickal force/power of Prabu Siliwangi (historical forces; magickal strength/magickal martial-art powers (Tenaga

Dalam); empowers one to conjure psychic forces/entities and retrieve Instructions are given for muslims and non-muslims! Virtues and
magickal objects (pusaka) hidden in nature; magickal powers of powers of this item include acquiring a troop of khodams (spirit-
opponents would not function in the presence of the one carrying the servants) that may be commanded; the power to befriend jinns from
tasbeeh; charisma and an authoritative bearing; adds psychic energy all parts of the world; a high degree of clairvoyance; astral
to the user and self-confidence; immunity to disasters and major projection--transcend time and space; attract wealth and riches;
ailments; divine assistance to solve one's problems; ease in earning a "Ajian Rowo Rontek"--wounds and broken bones heal quickly and
living--luck, prosperity; improves psychic sensitivity, intuition, and miraculously; invulnerability to fire-arms and protection against
ESP; psychic guidance, warnings, inspiration, etc; enemies of the electrocution; love-fascination; power-hypnotism and telepathic
user of the tasbeeh would feel uneasy or psychologically tortured; mind-control; walk on water/speed-running; power-purification of
personal magnetism and charm; visitations of magickal/spiritual bad-luck, curses, negative energies, etc.; Skin-beauty maintenance
beings; divine protection and that of a thousand angels; magickal and healing; prosperity, career-advancement, success in endeavors,
protection during the attack of aggressors; divine radiance of Nur etc. This item provides you with the power to transfer magickal
Muhammad--the power may be used in conjunction with the key- virtues to others!
prayer for various purposes depending on one's intent; magickal
knowledge may be psychically transmitted by the khodams of saints Runaways-Vision Stone
to the user.The key-prayer is to be recited after every prayer of the Code: Magick292
day--it is short and simple This magickal stone helps one to see in dreams/visions the
whereabouts and conditions of runaways--children, spouses,
The Great Munajad Power relatives, etc. that have run away from home--eventhough they may
Code: Magick287 be in a different country. A day's fasting is required to conduct the
One of the incredible powers transmitted by saints and adepts! Its ritual--also chanting a short mantra is involved.
purpose is to assist the user to overcome life's problems and attain
that which is desired or longed for. The user would be empowered Magickal Namru Stone
with spiritual power and be able to request divine blessings for Code: Magick293
health; longevity; luck; charisma; popularity with friends; acquire a A wonderful magickal stone that helps you to foresee lucky numbers
soul-mate or children; prosperity; protection, etc. This is a self- (3-days fasting required); conjure regional genies/nature spirits
empowerment item--there is a talismanic capsule to swallow in an (Javanese mantra); and heal possessed individuals--the stone would
initiation-ritual. A certain prayer-ritual is to be conducted to request have to be immersed in a glass of water and a short
whatever is desired from the Divine One. Javanese/Islamic mantra chanted. The water should be administered
to the patient.
The Solar-Lion Power
Code: Magick288 Joyo Kusumo Talisman
This is a rare and wonderful power acquired from the beings of the Code: Magick294
magickal realms! Its purpose is to protect one against the physical This item increases your personal magnetism and charisma--anyone
attacks of riots, mobs and aggressors attacking in large groups--these looking at you would feel sympathetic and feel attracted. If you place
may be from 10 to over 100 individuals! The power causes unusual the talisman beneath your pillow as you sleep and chant the name of
occurrences such as causing the aggressors to fight among a subject--s/he would have romantic/sexual dreams related to you.
themselves! The power may also immobilize leaders of aggressors Warning: do not misuse this power--it is only for mature use and
remotely. Use the power wisely and responsibly. The initiation-ritual with the prior agreement of the subject for conducting telepathic
requires 7 consecutive days of chanting before the power blends with experiments!
the user. The chanting might require about 1-2 hour's work. This is a
self-empowerment item--there is a talismanic capsule to swallow. Soccer Power-Talisman
Code: Magick295
Lucky Power-Stone Now a magickal talisman for soccer and football players! Helps to
Code: Magick289 strengthen your legs and increase the power of your kicks! Helps to
Now reverse your bad luck in games with this Lucky-Power Stone! increase your running speed and maneuver the ball right into the
This empowered item helps you to win games of chance, lotteries, goal-post! Easy to use--just carry the talisman in the pocket of your
quizzes, contests, races, etc. It neutralizes the negative energies in shorts or in your socks--no observances or chanting!
you and makes you lucky in everything that you do--if Allah be
pleased! No difficult rituals or chanting involved--simple instructions Magickal Turban
that even a layman could follow! Code: Magick296
Empowered cloth with magickal diagrams/verses--for tying into a
Asmoro Kumbang Love Power turban around one's head. This magickal cloth possessess divine and
Code: Magick290 angelic energies. It helps improve one's magickal studies and
One of the outstanding love-spell and power of the Javanese activities. The main virtue of this item is that it helps the user to
occultists. Good for general and specific attraction--may be used by absorb (be empowered by) positive metaphysical energies/forces that
both sexes to attract a soul-mate. The rituals are simple. This item is would be of much benefit to him or her--this item is especialy
more appropriate for non-muslims and those involved in Al-Hikmah. appropriate for those who are muslims and are treading the al-
Package consists of an empowered oil (type may differ from package hikmah path. The power of the magickal turban may be directed by
to package) to be used in conjunction with a cloth inscribed with an the user according to his or her will. Among its virtues: magickal
occult diagram. For attracting a specific person, the subject's photo is protection; luck; spiritual blessings; personal magnetism; fulfilled
to be wrapped with the cloth after a simple magickal operation. Do prayers; helps to tame wild animals; invulnerability; healing,
not abuse this power! etc. This item may be passed on to one's children. Magickal
diagrams/inscriptions are done by hand. Item should be worn daily
1001 Nights Magickal Power Pearl especially during prayers, meditation, and magickal operations.
Code: Magick291
Processed with powerful and elaborate rituals of the Al-Hikmah Magickal Love -Attraction Stone
tradition as handed-down by muslim saints, this magickal Code: Magick297
empowered pearl (mother-of-pearl) is a dream come true for Just by eye-contact (staring) the opposite sex would feel attracted to
shamans, metaphysical practitioners, occultists, and ceremonial you. They would go crazy over you and would respond positively to
magicians. After the 15--30 day initiation-ritual (requires your suggestions--as a result of the power of this magickal stone.
approximately an hour's work per night), the powers and virtues of Bonus: "Ajian Jaran Goyang Spell"--arouse someone amorously in a
this pearl may be activated (through chanting-rituals) and applied remote manner.
immediately --the chants are short and simple, and not difficult to do.

Magickal Talisman of Influence virtues--as an example, it helps one to penetrate psychically into the
Code: Magick298 magickal realms! There are no restrictions in regards to sex, religion,
With this magickal item you will have the power to influence others etc., and no negative side-effects to this item--just anoint yourself
easily so that they would be sympathetic to your cause or to your with this oil and allow the power to work for you--simple chanting is
needs. Influence friends, clients, superiors, followers, etc. required to command the powers. Other virtues includes attracting
the opposite sex--just anoint the palms of your hand and touch the
Neutralizer Talisman subject; invulnerability; improving business/sales in shops;
Code: Magick299 advancing one's career; influence others by contact or remotely;
Talisman neutralizes and banishes all sorts of negativities in one's life conjure a khodamic-spirit guide/guardian; retrieve hidden occult
occurring as bad luck, difficulty in acquiring a soul-mate or making objects from elementals/Nature; re-charge talismanic/power items;
friends, distrust of people with oneself, etc. Simple to use--just carry healing, etc.! Transfer powers to others! No fasting.
the item.
Pedot Sih Belt
Totok Kerot Talisman Code: Magick308
Code: Magick300 Especially empowered for breaking-up one's spouse with the
Magickal item to assist in breaking-off a relationship without any interfering "third-party," for stopping the illicit affair that causes
resentments. Helps to sever unnatural relationships as a result of domestic upheavals. Helps the spouse to realize the error of his/her
magickal-fascination. Just carry the item with you as you meet the ways and establish even stronger ties with the family. In the form of
person you wish to end the relationship with. No matter how attached a belt, the item may be worn or placed beneath the mattress/bed
the other party is with you, they will eventually forget you and "fall" which one shares with one's spouse--no difficult rituals to conduct.
out of love.
Tantric Love -Talisman
Goddess of Love Talisman Code: Magick309
Code: Magick301 Magickal item to help the user to quickaly acquire a soul-mate--also
If your love is rejected or forgotten by someone, s/he will eventualy helps to improve social and financial matters. It increases sales for
return to you with love and affection even if they be across the seas. those involved in businesses and strengthens business-relationships.
Use only if the relationship has love as a basis and the subject still Acquire sympathy and assistance easily.
has certain feelings for you.
Bondan Love -Talisman
Stone of Power Code: Magick310
Code: Magick302 Empowered talisman that confers to the user enormous attractive
This power-stone is for those that fear losing their current status of powers and personal magnetism appealing to the opposite sex. Those
power in any field of endeavor, politics, business, sports, etc. It helps that are indifferent to the user would have a more affectionate and
the user in metaphysical ways to maintain what has already been loving response--might cause them to fall madly in love!
acquired or attained.
Mountain-Princess Talisman
Aqua Janoko Khodam Code: Magick311
Code: Magick303 Once you acquire this item, you will instantly possess a unique
If this bottle of water is drunk, girls would be extremely attracted to attractiveness; your appearance would fascinate others--they will find
the user--for men only. Powerful! you remarkably magnetic--your physical body would exude an
incredible magickal magnetism. You will appear differently to others
Spirit-Bodyguard Stone and everyone who look upon your face would be enchanted.
Code: Magick304
By the Grace of God, carrying/wearing this stone one would be safe Balak-Sengkala Talisman
from aggressors, molesters, bullies, etc. If they attack, they would be Code: Magick312
thrown aside by an invisible force as a result of the powerful Remove your bad-energies, vibes, hexes, and curses with this power-
khodamic energies within this magickal object. talisman. Enrich your life and prosper materially and spiritually with
the aid of God's blessings conferred upon this item!
Snake Bodyguard Stone
Code: Magick305 Tarub-Marriage Talisman
This stone has been empowered with a magickal intelligence that Code: Magick313
protects the user/wearer against physical and psychic attacks; should Acquire your ideal soul-mate with the help of this magickal item! It
the user be bothered by aggressors or molesters the power of the ring also helps the user to advance in career, improve business, prosper,
would appear to these trouble-makers in their vision as a menacing etc. The power establishes domestic harmony between husband and
giant snake thus scaring them out of their wits and causing them to wife.
flee. This stone may be set into a ring and worn--a unique item
empowered by a local shaman. Holy Oil of Love
Code: Magick314
Tiger-Bodyguard Stone This magickal item has the power of all the love-oils in the world! It
Code: Magick306 aids the user to attract others, especially the opposite sex. Helps the
This stone has been empowered with a magickal intelligence that user to be successful in courtship. If the power is directed to a spouse
protects the user/wearer against physical and psychic attacks; should it would prevent illicit affairs and maintain domestic harmony--if an
the user be bothered by aggressors or molesters the power of the ring affair is ongoing the spouse would quickly sever the adulterous
would appear to these trouble-makers in their vision as a menacing relationship and return to the waiting arms of the user.
giant tiger thus scaring them out of their wits and causing them to
flee. This stone may be set into a ring and worn--a unique item Unifier Dragon Belt
empowered by a local shaman. Code: Magick315
Power item to unite family members in harmonious and loving
The Great Oil relationships--even in hopeless conditions and situations!
Code: Magick307
Aroma and vibrations fascinated by angels and cosmic intelligences! Ilmu Kontak--Student's Level
This fully-empowered vial of oil of "master's-level" is a blend of Code: Magick316
certain ingredients consisting of an extract of special varieties of One of the famed metaphysical power applied in Pencak Silat or the
flowers: jasmine, amber, "1001 flowers," etc. This oil has many martial-arts of Indonesia. The Ilmu Kontak power deflects any

charging attacker/s--especially when they are fully emotional with you which in waking reality, will result in the subject longing for
just a hand motion of the user. Several attackers may also be your presence. A Javanese magickal item.
deflected with a twist of the body/movement of the arms. This is a
self-empowerment item-there are some items to swallow. In this Magickal Debt-Payment Solution
student's package the power is for the user only and not transmittable Code: Magick326
to others This magikal item is especially empowered to help you pay-off your
debts. Even large amounts can be cleared in a matter of days/weeks.
Magickal Love -Fish Our solution differs from other magickal solutions such as making
Code: Magick318 pacts with dark entities. Our method requires no unusual sacrifice
This is a magickal object traditionally used for attracting the opposite and carries no risk. A Javanese magickal item.
sex! Many Indonesian natives consider this as the "king" of love
objects. The item is a certain fish from the South Java Sea; it lives Setan Kober Magickal Love Power
about 600 meters deep. This fish live in darkness and never rises to Code: Magick327
the surface to be exposed to sunlight. Its eyes blinks like humans. It This is a powerful Javanese love empowerment and spell. After
is said that whosoever carries this fish, the person acquires a chainting a mantra 100x for attunement and energy-generation,
magickal power--anyone he or she touches or call, that person will chant the mantra for a further 7x with the name of the subject, and
approach or turn to the user with interest, sympathy, love and desire. the subject will be in sympat hy with you; chant 21x and the subject
The fish comes in a dried, thin form in a pouch. It does not smell. will be attracted to you; chant 41x and the subject will fall in love
with you--during chanting the subject will feel uneasy and may have
Mambang Hitam Mambang Putih Love Oil trouble sleeping. If the mantra is chanted 99x for three consecutive
Code: Magick319 days, the subject will not desire anyone else but you. This spell must
This magickal love-oil can attract a subject without the need of not be misused as the consequences are karmically severe. Play with
touching him or her as required in most Indonesian love- fire and you will end-up being burnt.
oils.Whosoever you desire, the natural instincts of the subject will be
aroused with this magickal oil so that you will be able to easily Kuntul Tulung Stone
attract, sway and influence the subject. Code: Magick328
Magickal stone with 2 khodams or spirit-servants that may be
Magickal Anti-Adultery Power I commanded for various purposes such as attracting customers for
Code: Magick320 your business, call runaways, heal or protect people, influence others,
Husbands who are concern that their wives might commit adultery or attract the opposite sex, etc.
taken advantage of by other men may use this power to prevent
unwanted situations. With this power the third party will magickally Julfior Ilham Stone
not be able to locate the genital of one's wife. Code: Magick329
This enchanted stone has a khodamic-spirit that can help you to
Magickal Anti-Adultery Power II acquire any information that you require and reveal them to you in
Code: Magick321 your dreams.
Wives who are concern that their husbands might commit adultery or
taken advantage of by other women may use this power to prevent Pepper Orgasm Power
unwanted situations. With this power the third party will have no Code: Magick330
satisfaction as the genital of one's husband will not be able to You only need to focus on a female subject while playing with an
function. enchanted pepper-seed and chanting a certain spell--not long after
she will get sexually aroused and this can lead to her having an
Magickal Shell orgasm. Tease your lover. The pepper seed may be used repeatedly
Code: Magick322 until it crumbles--several provided.
This is a unique, un-hollowed shell--it moves easily without friction
on a glassy surface smeared with lime juice. It's magickal power lies Hypnotizing Love-Power
in improving business and finances. It has been metaphysically Code: Magick331
empowered to enhance its innate virtues. So long as you carry this This empowerment item is a combination of a love-spell with a
object with you, if Allah wills it, your business will improve without hypnotizing power. A single touch will cause a positive reaction in
any obstacles and problems. the subject. The subject will be overwhelmed by your presence--s/he
will do whatever is requested.
Magickal Coin
Code: Magick323 Stone of Magickal Offence
Magickal coin with a high spirit-intelligence that may inspire and Code: Magick332
guide the user in regards to improving finances through dreams, This stone is empowered with the power to cause pain in enemies,
hunches, feeling, etc. Those who are psychic enough may also trouble-makers, negative and tyrannical characters, etc. If the stone is
communicate directly with the spirit -intelligence. Improve your luck rubbed while the subject is visualized, the latter will feel some pain
within days of carrying this magickal item. This coin is believed to in his body. If the stone is brought close to a fire, the subject will feel
be unique in that if it is lost unintentionally it will magickally return unbearable heat; if the stone is turned in circles the subject will be in
to the owner by itself. A Javanese magickal item. a state of mental confusion and might get dizzy. Many other methods
can be used to strike the offender. This empowered stone is scarce
Magickal Projection of Image and sought for by many psychics, shamans, and occult practitioners!
Code: Magick324 Beware--misusing this stone might have dire karmic consequences!
Acquire the ability to project your physical image to others no matter We offer this item as a curio only. Under certain situations it may be
where they may be. The subject will suddenly see you as though you permissible to use it for the greater good.
were really in his/her presence, physically speaking. Depending on
your purpose this power may instill longing in lovers, spouse or Magickal Soul-Call
cause people to freak out. A Javanese magickal item Code: Magick333
You just need to close your eyes and chant the mantra and you will
Projection of Dreams be able to evoke the soul of a subject living in a remote area, and you
Code: Magick325 will be able to communicate and influence the subject --this can be
Acquire the ability to send sensual dreams to the opposite sex done when the subject is so und asleep. In the waking state the subject
whenever you want. The subject will dream of being amorous with will follow your suggestions. Power may be used to acquire
information, heal the subject, correct disorders, etc.

Cloth of Clairvoyance Magickal Khodam of Nini Blorong
Code: Magick334 Code: Magick342
Just tie the cloth over your eyes and chant the 2-word mantra and you This magickal power will aid you to be prosperous, acquire financial
will awaken the ability to scry--not only will you be able to see the security, wealth and abundance. The khodam/genie of Nini Blorong
astral worlds but also observe distant locations in the physical realm. (a Naga queen) will do its work quietly without harming the user, his
This item is most helpful to those who are not able to conduct family, or anyone else in any way. It is simple to use. This is a
strenuous psychic disciplines. This item is empowered with the secret Javanese-occult item (an effigy of Nini Blorong) to be installed in the
formula taught in an ancient manuscript and is made in a limited home/office/shop.
Mermaid Amulet
The Khodams/Genies of the 7 Letters Code: Magick343
Code: Magick335 This magickal item is especially designed for women who have
The alphabet of the Hijaiyah consists of 28 letters; each one contains trouble attracting men. The power-item makes you appear pretty,
deep secrets as mentioned by spiritual teachers among whom, Imam magnetic and desirable. Men would express their admiration for you.
Khawarazmi Rahimahullahu Taala. Certain seven letters or When they lay their eyes on you they would be charmed magickally
characters of the Arabic alphabet are referred to as "sawaaqithul and go crazy over you. This is a Javanese-occult item.
faatihah," cause they do not appear in the Al-Fatihah verse. Each one
of these charact ers has its own special khodam/genie and spiritual Health-Restoration Amulet
practice/sadhana--conjure these genies for their assistance. The Code: Magick344
secrets of the seven letters are revealed. This item is a manuscript of If it pleases God, this empowered amulet would help heal all sorts of
7-genie formulas. ailments/illnesses permanently. The power of this amulet is
permanent. No chanting required--simple to use.
Big Guy Magickal Power
Code: Magick336 Semar Gandrung Talisman
Let your lover "feel" your male organ to be whatever size you desire. Code: Magick345
The change is metaphysically felt as "real." No therapy or This is a powerful talisman for enchanting others and making them
application of herbal formulas required. Use the power right away fascinated with you. Whosoever possesses this talisman and power
just as soon as you undergo the initiation-ritual. This is a Javanese would be able to influence the heart of any person. With this item
item and is similar to Magick43. you will appear attractive, charismatic and full of personal
magnet ism. If you have been humiliated in your attempts in seeking a
Sewu Jinn Business & Career Success mate, this talisman and power may be your answer--even ex-lovers
Code: Magick337 may return to you.
Once you receive and apply this item the jinn-khodam will exert his
best effort 24 hours a day in helping you to manifest your desire to be Arjuna Magickal Intimacy Power
successful with your job, advance your career, attain prestige, or Code: Magick346
promote your business to gain wealth and acquire riches. No unusual This talisman is especially designed for men who desire to appear
sacrifices or risks involved--there is but one obligation: to help others attractive, handsome, macho, and self-confident as the legendary
as you have been helped--also to donate to the poor annually. This Arjuna. Be amazed by any woman! If you were jilted, betrayed and
powerful item is only for those who desire to be successful and humiliated, your ex-lover may return to you with this power. This
wealthy in a relatively short period of time. This item has been talisman, if it pleases Allah, is a powerful force in helping the user to
sought for by many business people! conquer the hearts of women. Whoever she may be, she will submit
herself willingly to you because this talisman contains high
Singo Barong Magickal Stone enchantment powers. Sh e will feel uncomfortable even if she does
Code: Magick338 not see you for a day.
This stone has powerful magickal energies. Suitable for those who
spend their time with games, speculation and gambling. The Jaran Sembrani Love Power
khodam-spirit of the stone aids you to confuse the mind of your Code: Magick347
opponent and cause them to become nervous. The spirit -intelligence Whosoever possesses this magickal object will attract a lover/soul-
helps to strengthen your thoughts and mental creativity so that you mate quickly as it is very potent in love-romantic affairs. Women
may easily be a winner in whatever game you play. offering escort services will acquire lots of clients. Anyone meeting
you for the first time may want to be with you indefinitely and s/he
Khodam-Spirit Power-Companion will not leave you unless you desire it to be so --you will be
Code: Magick339 constantly in the person's heart and s/he will love you deeply. The
With this empowered item/s you can request whatever help you item may be used magickally to influence your heart 's desire to come
require from your magickal companion. You will be accompanied by to you even if the subject be living at a distance. However, you
a khodam-spirit wherever you go and no matter where you may be. A should not play around with people's hearts--use this item only if you
Javanese magickal item. are serious in making a commitment in marriage--do not become
arrogant as a result of possessing this power. This is a Javanese
Fascination-Dispeller Power occult tem.
Code: Magick340
This item breaks-up outworn and unwanted love-relationships Junjung Derajat Magickal Talisman
without any pain for both parties. It also neutralizes malicious love- Code: Magick348
magick cast on oneself. Easy to use--the one that is involved in the The Junjung Derajat Magickal Talisman is for those who wish to be
relationship has to personally use this item--this is not a magickal successful and quickly advance in his/her career and receive
spell to break up a couple. promotions. It helps those in any competitive field of human
endeavor. It helps you to be respected by your superiors, peers and
Love-Photo Magick competitors--it confers upon you a commanding presence. The
Code: Magick341 talisman also establishes domestic harmony and wards-off magickal
Love-spell using a subject's photo! Just anoint the subject's photo influences that seek to destroy your marriage. The item is simple to
with the empowered oil while chanting her name, etc.--the full ritual use and care for.
is simple to do. Use this ritual to restore a broken love or one that has
gone sour as a result of interfering third-parties.

Rajek Wesi Talisman Durga Balik Power
Code: Magick349 Code: Magick355
Be protected against all malevolent entities and malicious human Protect your home and family against all forms of black magick and
beings! Whosoever places a destructive magickal spell on you will be psychic attacks! The power of this item especially offers protection
destroyed by his/her own offensive weapons. All magickal strikes against the malicious sending and materializations of hard objects
will be deflected back! Simple to use--the magickal object may be and live creatures (in the Javanese sorcery called "Santet" and
carried wherever you go or installed in your home! Get two and be "Teluh") in the victim's body by the sorceror, bokor, bomoh, dukun,
fully protected! etc. These attacks if untreated can cause intense pain and suffering
and often lead to death. These intended implants will be returned to
Puter Giling Magickal Power their sender!
Code: Magick350
With this magickal power you may influence your runaway Dayak Magickal Oil Amulet
spouse/lover to return you in the shortest time possible. If it pleases Code: Magick356
Allah, the subject will return swiftly to you to stay permanently. This This occult oil is a blend of over 50 different herbal substances held
is a Javanese occult item. secret by a Dayak shaman and his family for generations. Collecting
the items required for the oil-blend takes years of searching in the
The True Sacred Empowerment jungles for the scarce plants and roots. These herbs are considered
Code: Magick351 magickal and filled with mystical powers. The oil may be used to
A consumable empowered with 99 spiritual forces and magickal heal wounds, bruises, and skin-related problems. It may also be
energies! Once swallowed the power will blend with your bein g-- applied in cases of possessions and to ward-off and neutralize the
with your blood, flesh, bones, etc. Wonderful virtues: invulnerability effects of black magick, psychic attacks, malicious implants, voodoo,
against sharp weapons, fire, black-magick, psychic attacks, poison, the attacks of negative entities, etc. The vial of the oil may be carried
physical attacks, etc. Aggressors rushing to attack you will as an amulet --as a magickal protection and also for prosperity, luck,
automatically be deflected by an invisible force and fall unconscious abundance. This is a rare item and not easily acquired in and
or cough-up blood. Whosoever harms you will be harmed outside the community of the Dayaks. The item is easy to use
himself. Possess a strong inner-force (Chi/Tenaga Dalam)--fill others without any fasting or chanting. Each vial contains approximately
with this force making them invulnerable! Empower objects--create 3cc of the oil.
healing-water! Immobilize aggressors by simply blowing in their
direction! Acquire the power-punch! Have the power to conjure the Magickal Fossilized Snake-Oil
spirit-intelligences of kerises, talismans, magickal objects, mustikas, Code: Magick357
etc. Master wild animals; remove rain-clouds; acquire the 6th sense; Deep in the jungle of Kalimantan/Borneo may be found a huge snake
increase your IQ, attract luck your way; charisma, romance, etc. species that has a long life span said to reach up to 100 years. Certain
Acquire treasures from the magickal realm s! This is a Javanese of these snakes when they feel that it is time for them to die they
occult item. plunge their tail to the ground; a strange event occurs when the
snakes do this--the oil from their body flows towards the bottom of
The Divine Blessing Empowerment their tail in the ground where a nat ural vessel is formed to collect the
Code: Magick352 oil. The bodies of the snakes then ossifies. The Dayak shamans
By swallowing the empowered magickal consumables you will regard this oil highly for its magickal virtues, said to increase
possess the following: you will be protected against all harm and personal magnetism, a commanding presence, charisma, courage,
attack; invulnerability against all sharp weapons; physical strength; self-confidence and strength.; the oil also attracts luck, prosperity,
self-confidence; courage; you will acquire inner-strength that allows good fortune, windfalls and averts the evil-eye, black magick,
you to suck the energies of aggressors/opponents; you will be able to psychic attacks, and malicious implants. This oil is rare even among
deflect charging aggressors at a range of 100 meters; you will acquire the Dayaks themselves--it is formulated with the oil from a one-eyed
the ability to absorb the magickal powers of opponents with a touch; green coconut valued for its many occult and healing properties.
you will be protected against black magick, psychic attacks, Each vial contains approximately 3cc of the oil.
malicious implants and poison; you will have the ability to heal
others--be able to create healing aqua vitae; you will possess the Magickal Snake Fossil
powers of creation--whatever you visualize can come to pass; the Code: Magick358
empowerment builds your personal magnetism and charisma; you This magickal snake-fossil piece comes from the depths of the
will have the power to remove energies of curses/hexes; you will Kalimantan/Borneo jungle. This rare item is carried and worn by the
improve your psy chic faculties, intuition and ESP powers--you will Dayaks as an amulet of power. It is said that oil exudes from this
acquire clarivoyance and clairaudience--you will be cognizant of a snake-fossil--this oil is available as Magick357. The virtues of this
still, small voice that will guide and teach you in your daily life--you amulet is similar to the oil--it increases personal magnetism, a
will be led to Truth and Salvation. commanding presence, charisma, courage, self-confidence and
strength.; it also attracts luck, prosperity, good fortune, windfalls
The Secret Magickal Home Protection and averts the evil-eye, black magick, psychic attacks, and malicious
Code: Magick353 implants. This item is easy to use, no chanting or fasting required.
Protect your home with this magickal item--makes nocturnal Supply is limited--only a few in stock.
intruders and robbers fall into a state of traumatic confusion. They
will not be able to enter your home but will remain stuck in the Javanese Soul-Call
premises as though trapped by an invisible force. The item also Code: Magick359
wards-off magickal sleep-hypnosis cast by robbers (who are versed This is a self-empowerment item--something empowered to swallow.
in the occult) upon all those in your home. The power of this item helps you to psychically call persons to you in
a remote manner. Runaways, such as children and spouses may be
The Blossom of Youth Empowerment influenced to return; friends and buddies may be influenced to
Code: Magick354 contact you again --practically anyone, so long as you know them
Just swallow the empowered item for physical regeneration. Regain well; you may fill the thoughts of the person you desire to feel
a youthful appearance; acquire a radiant facial aura--amaze everyone passion for you and to contact you; with the power within you it is
around you! Helps build personal magnetism! This is a Javanese possible to cause confusion in the minds of thieves though they be far
occult item. way, even to return to the scene of the crime--this can be done by
chanting over their foot-prints/tracks; you can also gain sympathy
from your boss, superiors or peers by using the power or gain
support/agreement from someone essential to your progress whether

this be in business or in other aspects of your life. The power is metaphysical side, it increases psychic sensitivity and calms the
simple to use. mind. The item is small and may be kept in one's wallet, purse, or
carried in a pouch in a pocket.
Nibung Sayutoh Amulet
Code: Magick360 The Key Magickal Development Empowerment
This is a piece of wood from t he rare and magickal "Nibung Code: Magick366
Sayutoh" tree. Its natural virtues neutralizes negative energies and This special empowerment optimizes the magickal powers and all of
wards-off psychic attacks, black magick, obnoxious entities, etc. It the Javanese "Ilmu" that you already possess. It helps you to absorb
offers protection during traveling and long journeys. The Cosmic power and opens and activates the psychic centers of your
metaphysical emanations of the wood attract benevolent, psychic energy-body. This is the power-key to accelerate your magickal
forces that bless the user with luck, prosperity, charm, development and unfold your occult potentials. Acquire a khodam
attractiveness, a commanding presence, etc. The wood of the Nibung (spirit-helper) and psychic abilities with this power. Rare and
Sayutoh is traditionally used for healing internal dysfunctions of the powerful item.
organs, and externally for healing skin problems. The item has been
metaphysically empowered with cosmic energies to bless the user in The Sacred Khodamic Power
all aspects of life. The item is easy to use and functions almost Code: Magick367
automatically --may be worn as a pendant. Talisman with powerful magickal virtues, empowered with the
spiritual essence of Ilmu Hikmah and Koranic prayers. Among its
Magickal Shaman Stone occult benefits: power to attract others and gain sympathy; helps the
Code: Magick361 user to be influential and acquire a commanding presence; success in
The natural energies of the stone-amulet protect the user of negative endeavors; prosperity; business/financial improvement; safety during
entities, psychic attacks, black magic, obnoxious entities, etc. It journeys on land, sea, and air; attracts blessings to the home, office,
especially protects the user during astral work and shamanic shop, etc.; inner-strength/chi; protection against molesters whether
journeys. The energies of the stone increases psychic awareness and these be man, jinn or demon; protection against natural and man-
unfold the intuition. The stone is a powerful tool for those engaged in made disasters/catastrophes; physical vitality, youth and health;
spirit ual work and metaphysical practices; it helps develop spiritual invulnerability against sharp weapons; power-punch; invisible
discernment in the practitioner and attracts guidance from the when in danger of pursuit of negative attackers; gargantuan strength;
spiritual realms; it facilitates communication with subtle beings. The lightness of body (agility); auto self-defense ability during
Magickal Shaman Stone is a healer of the soul and helps clear the emergencies; successful business negotiations, helps to charm one's
traumas of the past that obstructs soul-development; it balances superiors and weaken oppositions/enemies; helps people to believe in
chaotic forces and unbalanced elements in the lower aspects of the you; self-confidence, charisma; wards-off negative astrological
microcosm and removes innate fears that cause psychological influences, psychic attacks, hexes, entities, etc.; luck, abundance,
problems. The stone has been empowered with the energies of ease in earning a living; helps to improve one's intuition, psychic
various power-spots and sacred-sites in Bali-Indonesia, including the sensitivity; an angelic khodam would be your companion to protect
blessings of their guardian spirits, some of whom are Spiritual you; banishes negative entities from a site. Simple daily chanting
Masters. These blessings from sacred sites such as Tanah Lot, Goa of prayer-verses required for optimal effects.
Gajah, Kintamani, Gunung Kawi, Ulu Watu, Tirta Empul, Yeh
Pulu, etc, would affect and improve every aspect of the User's life The Stone of the Prophet Khidir & Sunan Kalijaga
which is inclusive of the spiritual and mundane. Carry this magickal Code: Magick368
stone no matter what your background, race, religion, creed, or sex. Magickal Stone embued with the powers of the famed Prophet Khidir
Stock is limited. and Kalijaga, the Javanese Muslim Saint. The user of this magickal
item would be protected by thousands of angelic beings against any
Domestic Bliss Stone form of danger; the user would possess charisma and a commanding
Code: Magick362 presence--will be respected by everyone. Opponents possessing
The power of this stone establishes domestic bliss; it can help whatever magickal power or force would weaken in the user's
prevent adultery and neutralize psychic influences having the presence so long as the user is on the side of righteousness and Truth.
objective of destroying one's marriage. The power may be used to Aggressors, enemies and molesters would be filled with anguish
cause impotency or frigidity on the part of one's spouse when they and pain --they will cease their attacks on the user. The user would
are engaged in extra-marital affairs--marital relations with one's possess invulnerability against all weapons in dire situations--user's
spouse will not be affected and fun ctions as normal. body would emit sparks during the strikes of sharp weapons. The
user would possess the magickal power of "Panchasona"--if killed in
Solomon's Magickal Stone a fight, he would resurrect if it is not a righteous death. The power of
Code: Magick363 the stone may be used for healing, for acquiring the power-punch,
A magickal stone that builds-up attractiveness, charm and a and for many other purposes. The blessings and aid of the Prophet
commanding presence. Protects the User against psychic attacks and Khidir and Sunan Kalijaga may also be invoked.
black magick; safety during journeys. Helps the user t o gain
sympathy from superiors and peers. The stone may be used to heal The Great Power
tooth-ache, stomach pains, and bites of venomous creatures. Code: Magick369
Special power for improving your life and to neutralize the effects
Shamanic Stone of Protection of the negative influences of stars. Attain success and manifest
Code: Magick364 desires; realize the fulfillment of ambitions and aspirations easily and
Complete protection against psychic attacks, black magick, negative astoundingly. Whatever your desire you may submit your appeal to
implants, and obnoxious entities--all metaphysical attacks will return the Cosmic Intelligence through a simple prayer-ritual done nightly.
to their sender. The stone also protects a site, whether this be a house, This self-empowerment item (something to consume) helps you to
a shop, an office, a factory, a store room, etc., of thieves, intruders, possess magickal energies and to attune yourself with the Universal
and thieving fairies. The stone may be installed at the site to be Cosmic Intelligence making your prayers much more effective. The
protected or set onto a ring and worn. power remains permanent within you so long as you maintain it by
regular prayers of devotion.
Magickal Amulet of Progress
Code: Magick365 The Golden Prosperity Amulet
Especially empowered for attracting luck from unknown sources; Code: Magick370
helps the User to progress financially, to prosp er, and to acquire This magickal item helps to improve your luck; neutralize bad
abundance; also for advancements in career and for promotions. The energies that attract unwanted conditions and situations in your life;
power causes others to respect and honor the User. On the it aids you in your endeavours, business and in your financial affairs.

Its power can help you get promotions and advance your career; it Baiduri Power
increases your popularity, your charisma and make you well-known Code: BSM08
and liked. The energies of this item establish domestic harmony. By Magickal power for increasing the sales in one's shop or restaurant;
possessing this magickal item you will not experience pain, suffering or for improving business in general. Also affords a shield of
and poverty--so long as you cooperate in improving your life protection against psychic attacks by jealous competitors. There are
through personal efforts. no restrictions or observations in the use of this item.

The Ring of Luna Bragalbo Power

Code: Magick371 Code: BSM09
Wear this ring for magickal protection and safety. It increases A magickal power for assisting one to acquire psychic abilities
your commanding presence and makes you well-resp ected--it easily. Helps one to eventually see spirits, detect metaphysical forces,
protects you of attacks and vengeance by envious, jealous and etc.
misguided individuals. Its energies strengthen your body and
increases the power of your punch--your punches will leave black Azizat Tirtakesara Aqua
marks on aggressors. It neutralizes the magickal powers of opponents Code: BSM10
during physical combat. Produced from the sacred Dewadaru tree for healing all sorts of
illnesses or ailments whether of a physical or a psychic origin.

Cupu Sakti Kencono

There are 2 genies associated with this object, a husband-wife team
who are representatives of "Pangeran Wijaya Kusuma" and "Putri
Candrakila Magickal Aqua Kemuning Sari" --they may be commanded for the purposes of
Code: BSM01 attraction, love, romance. They also help to return runaways. When
Magickal power for improving the intelligence and mental faculties carried on one's person the power/forces of this object helps improve
of children. Builds up creativity. Also helps them to be more business affairs. The power of this magickal item is palpable to
disciplined. sensitives--a cool energy may be felt around the arm as the object is
held in the hands.
Wulung Asmorodono Power
Code: BSM02 Love Oil
Magickal power for improving the singing voice, for making it sound Code: BSM12
attractive to the opposite sex. This powerful magickal oil is especially formulated and empowered
for attracting the opposite sex. It contains a piece of crystallized
Domestic Bliss Power elephant semen, the traditional ingredient used in magickal spells of
Code: BSM03 attraction.
Magickal talismanic item for harmony in the home. Members of the
household would feel peaceful, comfortable, safe, and become Business Talisman
prosperous. The power conferred upon the talisman also wards-off Code: BSM13
psychic attacks that seek to destroy marital relationships. The power Business problems? Low on luck? Try this talisman--by the will of
is permanent and there are no side-effects. God your business will recover and you will prosper.

Prosperity Talisman Lingga Yoni Power

Code: BSM04 Code: BSM15
A simple magickal talisman for improving businesses, sales, etc. This magickal power of this item prevents the user's husband from
Wards-off magickal attacks that seeks to destroy one's business. having intercourse (committing adultery) with other women and
Helps to prevent one being a victim to business scams and false causing marital problems.
partnerships. Also good for an advantage over business competitors.
This talisman is most suitable for shops, restaurants, small-stores, Gombal Gendruwo
etc. There are no restrictions-use the item according to the Code: BSM16
instructions. Pray according to your own faith. This is a magickal power that helps improve one's finances-for
prosperity and luck. The magickal item is to be buried in front of
Duyung Power one's home or place of business (shop). There are no side-effects.
Code: BSM05
Magickal item to be used for improving one's personal magnetism, Ilang Roso Power
improving the attractive powers of the aura; helps build-up charisma, Code: BSM17
etc. No difficult mantras to chant, no fasting,, no observations. This Power of this item prevents domestic inharmony--it strengthens one
is an empowerment item--there is something to be swallowed--the against sexual temptations and helps one to be true to one's spouse.
power will be transferred to your being. All that is required is to swallow an empowered stone whose power
would be transferred to your system.
Brojolamatan Power
Code: BSM06 "Wingit" Stone
Magickal item for drug addicts. It helps to detoxify the body and Code: BSM18
neutralize the effects of the drug-poison. This is a power item to magickally neutralize haunted houses,
factories, sites, etc. It will protect your home of paranormal
Birowo Power disturbances, black magick and psychic attacks. Eerie feelings and
Code: BSM07 discomfort would be eliminated.
Magickal power object to prevent one's spouse from being
unfaithful--he or she will not be able to have intercourse with others Anjasmoro Power
and would prove faithful to you. Your power of attraction would Code: BSM19
increase dynamically. Power also provides protection to your mate Those having difficulty finding a soul-mate or maintaining a
against the magick love-spells of other people-it neutralizes their relationship (as a result of curses) will find this item of great help.
psychic influence. The power of this empowered object is permanent All that is required is to swallow an empowered stone whose power
and it would blend with your being. There are no restrictions or would be transferred to your system. The item increases your
observations. personal magnetism, attractiveness, self-confidence, etc.

Pangiling Iling Stone relationships and domestic bliss. The empowered stone of this ring
Code: BSM20 may differ from package to package and may be set in a ring of a size
This magickal item helps to improve one's mental faculties; increase or metal more appropriate and preferred by the user--the powers of
IQ, improve memory, creativity--for all ages. The effects are this stone are permanent.
permanent and may be felt quickly by the user.
Sakau Stone
Gua Garbo Power Code: BSM31
Code: BSM21 Magickal item for helping drug addicts recover.
Magickal power item to be swallowed for those who are
barren/infertile--helps one to acquire children. Results in about 3-6 Nirwana Power
months. All that is required is to swallow an empowered stone whose Code: BSM32
power would be transferred to your system. The power of the stone Magickal power to help improve one's singing voice. Those that hear
promotes fertility in women and improves the quality of the sperm in your voice would be enchanted. Also regenerates the physical system
men. making one appear youthful. Builds up attractive powers and beauty.

Magickal Protection Klungkung Crystal

Code: BSM22 Code: BSM33
The power of this item protects the home, office, shop, etc., from Magickal crystal (to be swallowed with some herbal capsules) to cure
thieves, vandals, the attacks of black magick, etc. Also helps to obesity. Reduce fat as a result. Just one crystal would be sufficient.
improve business. You will see results within a week.

Olah Jiwo Power Jemblung Malibu Crystal

Code: BSM23 Code: BSM34
Magickal item for athletes. Helps to psychologically defeat Those that need to gain weight will benefit from this magickal
opponents; strengthens/increases stamina; increase resistance to crystal. Just swallow the item and some herbal capsules and one's
strikes and punches by opponents. Improves speed, agility, and appetite would increase; one's digestion would improve too. Those
coordination. All that is required is to swallow an empowered stone that need to gain weight will benefit from this magickal crystal. Just
whose power would be transferred to your system. swallow the item and some herbal capsules and one's appetite would
increase; one's digestion would improve too. Within one month you
Tameng Raga should gain several kilograms.
Code: BSM24
Personal protection against punches, stabs or strikes of sharp Lovers Talismanic Stones
weapons. Aggressors would fall magickally before he touches the Code: BSM35
user. The power works automatically to protect user against physical This magickal item consists of two magnetic stones empowered for
or metaphysical harm and aggression. attracting a soul-mate or for a lover's return. Just carry the stones
with you or do t he simple midnight chanting ritual to attract someone
Asmoro Ngemboro specific--a Javanese magickal item.
Code: BSM25
For returning loved ones that have forgotten the user. If they have IQ -Memory Power-Talisman
been away for quite some time they will return if they are still alive-- Code: BSM36
they could be one's children, mate, relative, friend, etc. Lost lovers Talisman for improving the mental faculties--a Javanese magickal
would only return if they still have a spark of love left for the user. item.

Magickal Lintang Kencono ESP Power-Talisman

Code: BSM26 Code: BSM37
For appearing beautiful/handsome, charming, enchanting, Talisman to aid the acquisition of precognitive and spirit perception
fascinating, youthful, etc. Contains high attractive virtues that abilities--a Javanese magickal item.
empowers your aura with personal magnetism!
Pregnancy Charm
Anti -Elemental Thefts Code: BSM38
Code: BSM27 Magickal charm that helps a couple to have beautiful and intelligent
A unique magickal item that prevents elementals such as children--a Javanese magickal item.
leprechauns, elves, jinns, etc., from stealing money and valuable
trinkets from your home. Driver's Talisman
Code: BSM39
Lemah Tajir Talisman Special talisman for drivers--for safety on the road--a Javanese
Code: BSM28 magickal item.
This magickal item helps one to sell-off quickly and easily one's
property, possessions, car, etc. There are no side-effects. If you have Merchant Talisman
trouble making a sale, this magickal item will help you out. Code: BSM40
Just place this talisman in proximity to the thing that you wish to sell
Balung Kuwuk Talisman and it will soon be sold--a Javanese magickal item.
Code: BSM29
If you have to request payment of loans or for goods (money Gambling Talisman
borrowed from you) and have had difficulty in the past, just carry Code: BSM41
this magickal item with you and everything would go smoothly. Talisman to give an extra advantage to gamblers in casinos--a
Your crediters would respect your efforts and offer their sympathy- Javanese magickal item.
they would comply with your wishes.
Astral-Plane Oil
The Asmorodono Love -Ring Code: BSM42
Code: BSM30 Magickal oil for penetrating the astral-planes clairvoyantly and for
Just wear this ring and shake the hands of the person that you wish to communication/commanding spirits. Approx. 1cc.
influence--he or she would be attracted to you and think of you
constantly. The power of the stone-ring also establishes harmony in

Healing-Charm Power Chundrik Love -Keris
Code: BSM43 Code: BSM55
Helps to heal all sorts of ailments--add some water to this Magickal charm that causes one's romantic partner to always dream,
empowered miniature water-pot, do the ritual, and have the patient fantasize, and think of you.
drink from it--a Javanese magickal item.
Invulnerability Talisman
Godo Wesi Kuning Code: BSM56
Code: BSM44 Invulnerability against sharp weapons--not for demonstration!
Magickal charm that confers the power punch to the user--one's Functions automatically only in urgencies. Complementary item to
punches causes opponents to drop unconscious--a Javanese magickal BSM47.
Talisman of Love
Earth Elemental Attractor Code: BSM57
Code: BSM45 Whosoever the person you desire to woo, s/he will feel the
Magickal power object for attracting earth elementals that helps one love/sexual urges for you. Beware--this item is powerful--do not
in monetary affairs--a Javanese magickal item. misuse it!

Magickal Egg
This is a magickal empowered item that helps the user to acquire
winning lottery numbers received through psychic impressions and in
dreams. The ritual of this item also cleanses the user of negative Invisible Smoke-Zone Bamboo Pipe
energies and help generate positive vibes. The method is simple- Code: Tricks01
fasting is not required--just do the ritual before the night of the This unique cigarette-pipe is made out of bamboo. Place a cigarette
lottery draw to acquire the winning numbers. at one end and inhale the smoke at the other--like a regular pipe. The
question in one's mind: "how does the smoke get into one's mouth?
Power-Punch Talisman What path does it follow?" Quite a neat illusion. Wholesale inquiries
Code: BSM47 welcome.
This magickal talisman confers upon the user the power-punch. It
likewise makes the user invulnerable to punches. Excellent for Magnetic-Core Eggs
martial-artists or those involved in combat sports. Code: Tricks02
These eggs have a magnetic core. May be used for countless
Sacred-Whip Charm psychokinetic effects. Use a hidden Neo (Rare-Earth) Magnet up
Code: BSM48 your sleeve to move them from a distance. They attract/repel each
Unique magickal charm that helps the user to acquire the resources to other. Sold as a pair. Measures about 3.5 cm in length.
pay-off loans quickly, or to successful request payments of loans
from others. Magnetic-Core Stones
Code: Tricks03
Gading Wesi These stones have a magnetic core. May be used for countless
Code: BSM49 psychokinetic effects. Use a hidden Neo (Rare-Earth) Magnet up
Magickal item that confers beauty and attractiveness--all that look your sleeve to move them from a distance. They attract/repel each
upon the user would become fascinated. May be used by both sexes. other. Sold as a pair. Measures about 1.5 cm in length.

Power Spear-Head Invisible Water-Zone Bamboo Straw

Code: BSM50 Code: Tricks04
Magickal item that helps promotes the user's career. Superiors, This unique drinking straw is made out of bamboo. Place it in a glass
employers and fellow employees would sympathize with the user and of water and suck it like a regular straw. The question in one's mind:
offer their support. "how does the fluid get into one's mouth? What path does it follow?"
Quite a neat illusion. Wholesale inquiries welcome.
Power Negotiation Oil
Code: BSM51
Anoint just a dab of the oil to the palm of your hand and shake the
hands of business clients--helps to win tenders, make business deals,
etc. About 1cc in the vial. AUDIO & VIDEO
Kol Buntet Rajah Mas
Code: BSM52 Debus--Pagelaran Seni
Empowered item that helps give the user lucky (lottery) numbers Code: audvid01
through dreams, visions, psychic experiences, etc. Debus--the practice of mayhem! One of the cultural practices among
the martial artists of Banten, Indonesia--as handed down to the
Umbrella Keris modern practitioners by the pendekars or master martial-artists of
Code: BSM5 3 yore. See invulnerability in action! Witness amazing feats! Though
Magickal charm that helps the user to maintain a good romantic some of these attractions we suspect are done through trickery, the
relationship with his/her partner or spouse. One's partner will find it show itself represents selected powers of what a few practitioners
difficult or have not the desire to be unfaithful. may truly possess. This show is not for the faint-hearted! Original
VCD. Cost: US$45 includes shipping.
Omyang Keris
Code: BSM54 Degung Perkawinan
Magickal charm that helps the user to be lucky, to prosper, to Code: audvid02
advance in his/her career, to acquire wealth, etc. Sundanese instrumental music often played during local weddings.
Delightful and relaxing. May be used in conjunction with magickal
ritual work or meditation. Contains 10 tracks: Bulan Dagoan,
Mojang Priangan, Es Lilin, Kedah Kasaha, etc. Original CD.
Cost: US$50 includes shipping.

Kacapi Suling
Code: audvid03
Sundanese instrumental music. Wonderful flute playin g--puts one in
a trance! Suitable for relaxation, meditation and magickal ritual
work. Contains 10 tracks: Cinta, Kalangkang, Sorban Palid, Aduh
Manis, Bajing Luncat, etc. Original CD. Cost: US$50 includes

Code: audvid04
Sundanese instrumental music especially composed for Pencak Silat
dancing. Contains 10 tracks: Tepak Tilu, Tepak Dua, Tepak Rincik,
Pareredan, etc. Original CD. Cost: US$50 includes shipping.


Luban Dakar Incense Benzoin SK Incense

Code: Incense01 Code: Incense15
High quality frankincense crystals. Burn them on Processed from tree-sap, this incense is highly
burning coals to purify the surroundings. aromatic. Produces lots of smoke. Good for the art of
Malikul Buhur Toko Hikmah Incense
Code: Incense02 Gunung Kawi Cone Incense
Temple incense. Good for meditation and rituals. Code: Incense16
Attracts positive energies. Produces a pleasant aroma. Good for meditation, ritual
work, etc.
Buhur Kasturi Incense
Code: Incense03 Apel Jin Crystal
High quality incense. Very aromatic. Use for ritual Code: Incense17
work. This one has a pleasant sacred scent. For prayers,
meditation, and invocations.
Dupa Abu Zen Incense
Code: Incense04 3-Blend Incense
High quality incense in resin form. Code: Incense18
This is a blend of Apel Jin, Misik & Kasturi.
Buhur Sudan Incense
Code: Incense05
Another high quality incense for temple work.
Code: Magick34
Maulana Buhur
Code: Incense 07 This magical rosary possesses occult powers
Incense good for meditation, ritual work, etc. that can truly be felt by the user! It has all sorts of
unusual virtues of interest to the occultist!
Malikul Magribi Resin Incense The functions & powers of the Maghrobi rosary:
Code: Incense08 1. For invulnerability to sharp weapons!
2. For increasing one’s personal magnetism!
.Aromatic incense good for evocative rituals. Approx. 3. As a magical love philter!
100 grams 4. For improving commerce, trade &
5. For evoking psychic energy for any
Menyan Madu (Benzoin incense) purpose!
6. For influencing others!
Code: Incense09 7. For peace of mind!
Incense traditionally used for evocation in Indonesian 8. For attracting luck & prosperity!
9. For helping debts to be paid quickly!
Shamanism. 10. For meeting one’s soul mate (within 89
Gahru Wood Buhur Incense 11. For binding one’s spouse to faithfulness!
12. For increasing one’s spiritual intelligence!
Code: Incense10 13. For building-up a power punch that leaves one’s
This good quality incense is often used for opponent unconscious!
14. For building-up a psychic fence as a protection
consecration purposes. against all forms of evil!
15. For healing the possessed and those under the
influence of black magick, witchcraft, hexes, etc!
5 Kayu Gahru Cone Incense 16. For sharpening one’s psychic senses!
Code: Incense11 17. For influencing another’s mind!
Purpose like the previous, but made out of pure Gahru 18. For distant healing, mental and physical!
19. To strike a blow to another from a distance!
Wood. 20. To heal and return the effects of black magick
back to the sender!
21. For improving concentration and increasing
Buhur Apple Incense psychic sensitivity!
Code: Incense12 22. For easily acquiring omens from the inner
Incense used for rituals of evocation. 23. For acquiring the ability to see the inner worlds
and its inhabitants (the world of the jins)!
Apel Jin 24. For acquiring the ability to see the familiar of an
occult object!
Code: Incense13 25. To stop or remove rain and clouds to a different
Resin incense used for evocation rituals. location!

Buhur Zeen Incense Even more powers are felt when the rosary is
Code: Incense14 worn! Amaze yourself!
High quality temple incense.

Business Talisman Talismanic Wallet

Improves business and commerce. Energy influences This talismanic wallet ensures that you never run out of
one’s subconscious mind in a positive manner. Set of 4. cash. Beautiful!
Place around your shop or office
Tijaro Business Talisman
House Protection Talisman (Bamboo) Code: TALISMANS09
Code: TALISMANS02 Similar to Business Talisman (TALISMAN01)
For protecting the home against negative energies. Improves business and commerce. Energy influences
one’s subconscious mind in a positive manner. Helps
House Protection Talisman (Door Placement) remove prosperity blocks. Carry in pocket or purse.
Place this over the portal of your home to ensure Protective Door Talisman
protection against negative entities. Code: TALISMANS10
Essentially the same as TALISMAN03 but in a


Al-Jabar Ring Code: RINGS01 Rosaries with mystical powers imbued by Man and
Star-Moon Ring Code: RINGS02 Nature!
9-Star Ring (White) Code: RINGS03 Brass Tasbih Code: ROSARIES01
9-Star Ring (Yellow) Code: RINGS04 Sacred Kalimosodo Code: ROSARIES02
9-Star Ring Equidistant Code: RINGS05 Sacred Stigi Wood Code: ROSARIES03
Solomon Ring Insc. Ex. Code: RINGS06 Sacred Dewadaru Wood Code: ROSARIES04
Solomon Ring Insc. Int. Code: RINGS07 Olive Wood Code: ROSARIES05
Khitam Sulaiman Ring Code: RINGS08 Oka Wood Code: ROSARIES06
"Allah" Ring Code: RINGS09

Beautiful stainless steel pendants inscribed with Beautiful steel bracelets with sacred inscriptions.
Quranic verses! Empower these with your zikir or Talismanic Bracelet (Inscriptions External)
chants. Code: BRACELETS01
Throne Verse Pendent (Round) Talismanic Bracelet (Inscriptions Internal)
Throne Verse Pendant (Square) Akar Bahar Bracelet

different form. Place this over the portal of your home

House Protective Talisman (Bottle) to ensure protection against negative entities.
Functions similar to TALISMAN03. Protects the home Car Talisman
against negative entities and psychic attacks. To be Code: TALISMANS11
buried at the foundation of one’s house with the Protects one’s car or vehicle from theft; for safe
appropriate prayers. traveling.

House Protective Talisman (Bottle Set) Large Car Key Holder Talisman
Same as previous. 4 bottles in one set. May be placed Basically the same function as the above. Protects
at the four corners of one’s magick circle for extra one’s car or vehicle from theft; for safe traveling.
Talismanic Black Stone (Flat)
House Protective Talisman (Bottle Set) Small Code: TALISMANS13
Code: TALISMANS06 Magickal object for consecration. With sacred
Same as previous but smaller. 4 bottles in one set. May inscriptions. Reminiscent of the black stone “Hajar
be placed at the four corners of one’s magick circle for Aswad” of the Holy Kaaba.
extra protection.

Ki Jaroh Talisman (big)
Magickal Eagle Commando Baton Cobra Keris 6cm Same as above but a little larger.
Code: ATHAMES01 Code: ATHAMES09 Talisman worn for various purposes .
Athame-Keris Golek Cobra Keris 10cm Small and convenient enough to
Code: ATHAMES02 Code: ATHAMES10 carry in the pocket. Re-consecrate
Talismanic Tiger Golek Keris Cobra Keris 14cm this for your individual needs.
Talismanic Golek Keris (Plain) Jangkung Semar Keris Love Talisman Anarun Melar
Code: ATHAMES04 Code: ATHAMES12 (Black)
Talismanic Banten Machete Jangkung Nogososro Keris Code: TALISMANS21
Code: ATHAMES05 Code: ATHAMES13 Attracts the opposite sex. Builds-up
Talismanic Keris/case Jaka Sembung Machete personal magnetism.
Miniature Keris Nogoi Kopek Keris Love Talisman Anarun Melar
Code: ATHAMES07 Code: ATHAMES15 (Red)
Talismanic Sickle Code: TALIS MANS22
Code: ATHAMES08 Attracts the opposite sex. Builds-up
personal magnetism.
Talismanic Black Stone (Egg Shape) Big
Code: TALISMANS14 Mabi Yusuf Love Talisman
Same as above but in a different shape—like an egg. Code: TALISMANS23
Magickal object for consecration. With sacred Talisman makes one appear more attractive to the
inscriptions. Reminiscent of the black stone “Hajar opposite sex.
Aswad” of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca.
Nabi Yusuf Love Talisman II
Talismanic Black Stone (Egg Shape) Small Code: TALISMANS23-2
Code: TALISMANS15 Same as above but with a slightly different design.
Same as above but much smaller. Magickal object for Talisman makes one appear more attractive to the
consecration. With sacred inscriptions. Reminiscent of opposite sex.
the black stone “Hajar Aswad” of the Holy Kaaba.
Talismanic Strip (skin)
Talismanic Egg Code: TALISMANS24
Code: TALISMANS16 Made of sheep-skin. For general protection. Especially
Magickal egg. May be consecrated to ensure harmony worn in the pocket of a belt fashioned for it.
in one’s home. Beautiful appearance!
Talismanic Strip (metal)
Talismanic Orphic Egg Code: TALISMANS25
Code: TALISMANS17 Made of metal. For general protection. Especially worn
The Javanese version of the Orphic Egg of the in the pocket of a belt fashioned for it.
Mysteries! Protects one’s home. Antique appearance.
Replica. Selendang Talisman
Men’s Nabi Yusuf Talisman Beautiful talismanic cloth worn around or over the
Code: TALISMANS18 shoulders. For protection during rituals of evocation;
For attracting the fairer sex; builds-up charisma. power; charisma; personal magnetism, etc.

Women’s Nabi Yusuf Talisman Sudarno’s Selendang Talisman

For attracting men; builds-up charisma and sex appeal. Same as above but with a different design. Beautiful
talismanic cloth worn around or over the shoulders. For
Ki Jaroh Talisman (small) protection during rituals of evocation; power;
Code: TALISMANS20 charisma; personal magnetism, etc.
Talisman worn for various purposes. Small and
convenient enough to carry in the pocket. Re-
consecrate this for your individual needs.

Istanbul Talisman Miniature Eagle Baton
Code: TALISMANS28 Code: Talismans35
Magickal pendent filled with unusual power! Carry it Brass eagle baton about 11.5cm
for general good luck and for protection. Talismanic
strip with metal case. Sevenfold Strip Talisman
Code: Talismans36
Real-Estate Amulet For success in commerce, love, protection against
Code: Talismans29 psychic attack, black magick, negative entities,
Just bury this amu let in the land where you wish to sell robbers.
and you will quickly acquire an interested party to
close the sale.
Cananga Wood House Protection Talisman
Code: Talismans30
House protection talisman made out of the wood of the Magickal Design Ababil Bird
fragrant Cananga (Ylang-Ylang) tree. Code: CLOTH02

Hollowless Pethuk Bamboo Small Magickal Design Mesjid Ababil

Code: Talismans31s Code: CLOTH03
Rare hollowless bamboo piece. Branches stumps face
each other! Small size. Carried for luck. Sudirno Star Hankerchief (Black)
Code: CLOTH04
Hollowless Pethuk Bamboo Medium Sudirno Star Hankerchief (Red)
Code: Talismans31m Code: CLOTH05
Rare hollowless bamboo piece. Branches stumps face
each other! Medium size. Carried for luck. Sudirno Star Hankerchief (Green)
Code: CLOTH06
Hollowless Pethuk Bamboo Large
Code: Talismans31l Banten Tiger Handkerchief
Rare hollowless bamboo piece. Branches stumps face Code: CLOTH07
each other! Large size. Carried for luck.
Banten Tiger Handkerchief
Cirebon Anarun Melar Red Code: CLOTH08
Code Talismans32red
Talismanic strip of cloth. Carried to attract men. Small Banten Tiger Handkerchief
and cute Code: CLOTH09

Cirebon Anarun Melar Black Talismanic Pouch (Long Black)

Code Talismans32blk Code: CLOTH10
Talismanic strip of cloth. Carried to attract the women.
Small and cute Talismanic Pouch (Long, Red)
Code: CLOTH11
Bulu Perindu Dayak Asli
Code: Talismans33 Talismanic Pouch (Long, Green)
One of the wierdest thing in our collection. The grass Code: CLOTH12
moves when placed on the palm of your hand; or soak
it in water for just a few seconds and place it Talismanic Pouch (Short, Green
somewhere to see it wriggle. The Dayaks of Code: CLOTH13
Kalimantan (Borneo) use these grass as an ingredient
for their love oils. Just steep them in your favourite Talismanic Pouch (Short, Red)
perfume to fortify it with attractive powers. Comes in Code: CLOTH14
Talismanic Pouch (Short, Black)
Asmaul Husna Magickal Squares Talisman Code: CLOTH15
Code: Talismans34
Consecrate and empower for any purpose! Magickal Cloth
Code: CLOTH16

Sudarro Magickal Handkerchief (Black)
Code: CLOTH17
Sudarro Magickal Handkerchief (Red)
Code: CLOTH18
De bus Costume (Small)
Sudarro Magickal Handkerchief (Green) Code: GARMENTS01S
Code: CLOTH19
Debus Costume (Medium)
Talismanic Pouch (Large, Black) Code: GARMENTS01M
Code: CLOTH20
Debus Costume (Large)
Talismanic Pouch (Small, Red) Code: GARMENTS01L
Code: CLOTH21
Men’s Protective Jacket (Large)
Magickal Handkerchief Red Code: GARMENTS02
Code: Cloth22Red
Belt with Talismanic


Now, there is no need for wearing various amulets, talismans, wifik,

hizb, etc. The power of just this one talisman is sufficient for your
needs or you may use it to help others. No risks! Use it right away and
prove its value!
The Powers of the Sapujagad Chakrajaya:

r Be loved by all persons--friend & foer Cause longing in the hearts of others
r Acquire a
soul-mate quickly (within 120 days)r Establish harmony in the homer Acquire
charisma and an authoritative bearingr Be respected, honored and obeyed by allr
Attract luckr Raise your prosperity levelr Pay debts effortlessly
r Acquire prestige
r Get
a job quickly r Protection from harm of all forms--spirits and wild animals will not
molest or attack you r Power punch-- causes opponent to fall unconscious r
Invulnerability to weapons, strikes and blowsr Instant kung-fur Invisibilityr Evoke
spirits the easy wayr Remove stormy weather
r Create a programmable double image of
your selfr Create invisible fortressesr Metaphysical detectionr ESPr Heal othersr
Exorcism r And lots more!


One of the most beautiful magickal cloths in our


Magickal Handkerchief Yellow

Code: Cloth22Yellow
Same as above but yellow print.

VESTS Mahabbah Vest (Extra Large)
Code: VEST09XL
Arzi Protective Vest (Large)
Code: VEST01L

Arzi Protective Vest (Medium)

Code: VEST01M


1001 Malam Code: PERFUMES01 Jannatul Firdaus Code: PERFUMES24

Hajar Aswad Code: PERFUMES02 Beunamor Code: PERFUMES25
Sweet Malaya Code: PERFUMES03 Marbetman Code: PERFUMES26
Dihnil Oud Code: PERFUMES04 Jannatun Na'im Code: PERFUMES27
Al-Madinal Code: PERFUMES05 Arafah Code: PERFUMES28
Misik/Musk Code: PERFUMES06 'Arus Code: PERFUMES29
Jawiyah Code: PERFUMES07 Al-Amir Code: PERFUMES30
Wardah Code: PERFUMES08 Umrah Code: PERFUMES31
Al-Haji Code: PERFUMES09
Al-Kharamian Code: PERFUMES11
Salwa Code: PERFUMES12
Assdaf Love Oil Code: OILS01
Seribu Bunga Code: PERFUMES13
Misik Abyad Code: PERFUMES14 Arzi Love Oil Code: OILS02
Turki Code: PERFUMES15 Makkah Salma Oil Code: OILS03
Sinbel Oil 10cc Code: OILS04
Al-Jum’ah Code: PERFUMES16
Ratu Balgis Code: PERFUMES17 Rihan Oil 10cc Code: OILS05
Misik Kasturi Code: PERFUMES18 Saber Qaseb Oil 10cc Code: OILS06
Zarirah Oil 10cc Code: OILS07
Melati (Jasmine) Code: PERFUMES19
Cendana (Sandalwood) Code: PERFUMES20 May’a Oil 10cc Code: OILS08
Istanbul Code: PERFUMES21 Khulan Oil 10cc Code: OILS09
Pusaka Bulu Perindu
Malaikat Subuh Code: PERFUMES22
Za’Faran (Saffaron) Code: PERFUMES23 Love Oil Code: OILS10
Al-Madinah Love Oil Code: OILS11
Seribu Bunga Love Oil Code: OILS12

Arzi Protective Vest (Small)

Code: VEST01S More Athames Souvenirs
Arzi Protective Vest (Extra Large) Mini Keris Code: Athames23
Code: VEST01XL Length: 4 cm

Arzi Protective Vest II (Large) Mini Semar Code: Athames24

Code: VEST02L Length: 3.5 cm

Protective Semar Vest (Medium) Chakra Arrow Code: Athames25 Length: 16 cm

Code: VEST05M
Trisula Code: Athames26 Length: 14 cm
Mahabbah Vest (Small)
Code: VEST09S Semar Code: Athames27 Length: 5 cm

Mahabbah Vest (Medium) Thin Semar Code: Athames28 Length: 5.5 cm

Code: VEST09M
Naga Keris Code: Athames29 Length: 10 cm
Mahabbah Vest (Large)
Code: VEST09L Keris Code: Athames30 Length: 7 cm

Silver Soul-Healing
This ritual-service is a complement and a more advanced level of the
Love Talisman Pendant Life-Regeneration empowerment. The latter has to be undergone
Code: Silver01 before the 3-day Soul-Healing ritual may be conducted on your
behalf. This soul-healing removes many karmic stains as permitted
Embossed. 4.3 x 4.1cm by the Higher Intelligences overseeing human evolution.
Components of your occult structure other than the aura would be
The Talisman of Luck Pendant also be cleansed of psychic toxins.
Code: Silver02 Certain precepts of life may have been learnt by your soul, however,
unnecessary karmic stains may still exist --these may be removed so
Embossed. 3.8 cm diameter that you need not experience their negative effects manifesting in
your life. As a result of this soul-healing, aside from the many
Success Talisman Pendant mundane benefits, you would also have a greater capacity for
Code: Silver03 absorbing Light-energies, developing your psychic senses and
attuning to the creative forces of the Co smos. This is a long-distance
Embossed. 4.2 cm diameter (remote) healing.

Staff of Moses Pendant Love-offering donation : US$150

Code: Silver04
Embossed. 7.6cm x 3.2cm
Metaphysical Implants
Our metaphysical implants fill your being with a certain divine force
The Arabian Seal of Solomon Pendant that you might need to spiritually progress. It helps you to tune-in to
Code: Silver05 the higher frequencies of life and develop your creative soul-
potentials. For a balance in your soul, all three qualities of Love,
Embossed. 7.2 x 4.3cm Power, and Intelligence should be present; therefore it is suggested
that you choose the implant that you are lacking--or you may request
Wish-Fulfilling Talisman Pendant for all three. Other types of metaphysical implants will be added to
Code: Silver06 this section from time to time. The implants are most effective after
the Life-Regeneration and the Soul-Healing have been undergone.
Embossed. 6.3 x 3.8cm They are to be regarded as stimulants and catalysts that develops the
inherent qualities and attributes of the Soul. This is a long-distance
Khitam Sulaiman Ring (remote) empowerment.
Code: Silver07
Implants :
Embossed. Large. Slit at the bottom to widen for extra
large-sized fingers. Love-Consciousness Implant
This implant builds up an unconditional and an enlightened love-
Khitam Sulaiman Ring consciousness. Devotional and selfless qualities among others would
develop with the pulsating presence of the implant. Without true
Code: Silver08
divine love in your hearts the higher angelic beings would have
Embossed. Small. Slit at the bottom to widen for trouble approaching you and bless you with the gifts of the Spirit.
medium-sized fingers. Without love it would be difficult to embrace all beings of the
universe and to establish peace in the House of God. Without true
love it is impossible to evolve.

Empowerments Intelligence/Wisdom-Consciousness Implant

Without spiritual intelligence or wisdom, love is often improperly
expressed, akin to spoiling one's children. It is possible for one to
Life-Regeneration love in the wrong way, to give of oneself indiscriminately to others
This is a two-part ritual that we will conduct on your behalf. The
without thinking how it could possibly damage the educational,
first -part removes the metaphysical toxins and negative leeches in
learning experience that their souls are striving to master. The
your energy -field. These psychic dross corrupts your emotions and
evolution of others may be delayed by loving them wrongly and
mind and puts you into a negative, depressive, morbid state. They
unthinkingly--and yet, one must love. Love should not only be
attract negative and unfortunate circumstances into your life. With
unconditional--it should be enlightened--and this requires
the existence of the darkness in your aura people would feel
intelligence and wisdom. It takes a developed intelligence to delve
uncomfortable in your presence--thus opportunities for financial
into the mysteries of God and Nature and to make contact with the
growth, love and success would seldom come your way. Their
Powers directing Her. Without the influx of the intelligence of the
removal lifts a great psychic burden and opens up channels for
Spirit one remains intellectually blind. The intelligence/wisdom-
improvements in all sectors of your life. The first part of this ritual is
consciousness implant assists the recipient to embrace and unfold a
commonly called "Ruwatan" in Javanese metaphysics.
greater degree of intelligence; it infuses into the lower mind, the
The second part of the ritual fills the void left by the removal of the
divine force of the Higher Ego. The more developed one's
psychic toxins with Divine Light. This light will keep you radiant as
intelligence, the greater the opportunity, capacity, and ability for one
it uplifts your thoughts and feelings to a more positive and divine
to accelerate one's progress spiritually and mundanely.
orientation. Blessings will be invoked upon your behalf so that the
greater gifts of Nature may be acquired.
Power-Consciousness Implant
This ritual-service will help you to attract more fortunate
Like the other divine aspects, the Power-consciousness of the soul
circumstances and opportunities into your life and assist you to
needs to be nurtured and stimulated to grow. An ungainly growth of
maintain psychological and physical health. This is a long-distance
this aspect develops an ego-mania ambitious for the control and
(remote) empowerment.
manipulation of others and the desire to be recognized by people as
"somebody special"--this damages the psyche and gives birth to a
Love-offering donation : US$100
host of problems. The negative ego, if fed by power and unbalanced
by the other two aspects would cause tyrannical tendencies to

develop--and yet power must be unfolded, for the soul requires its "And in His mercy God the Father created the Pearl in the body of
force in order to serve. It is for this reason that this aspect should ADAM [the Christed Man]." Kebra Nebrash Ch.96
be nurtured, but gradually after the other two aspects of Love and
Intelligence/Wisdom have revealed their beauty and radiance. This "Your salvation was created in the belly [spiritual consciousness] of
metaphysical implant empowers the will and awakens in the ADAM in the form of a Pearl before EVE [the physical being]. And
consciousness the ability to act, perform and serve on a far greater when He created EVE out of the rib He brought her to ADAM, and
scale and degree than heretofore. said unto them, 'Multiply you from the belly of ADAM.' The Pearl
did not go out [transmitted through initiation] into CAIN or ABEL,
Love-offering donation for each implant : US$75 but into the third that went forth from the belly of ADAM, and it
entered into the belly of SETH. And then passing from him that Pearl
went into those who were the firstborn [the chosen, the spiritually
Psychic-Energy Empowerment awakened], and came to ABRAHAM. And it did not go from
This empowerment transfers raw occult power to your etheric system ABRAHAM into his firstborn ISHMAEL, but it tarried and came
which provides and builds within you a greater degree of vitality, into ISAAC the pure. And it did not go into his firstborn, the
healing, charisma, personal magnetism, psychic protection, etc. The arrogant ESAU, but it went into JACOB the lowly one. And it did
more psychic energy at your disposal, the greater your ability to work not enter from him into his firstborn, the erring REUBEN, but into
magick and affect or influence your environment metaphysically and JUDAH, the innocent one. And it did not go forth from JUDAH
physically. This empowerment includes for your practice, a key- until four sinners had been born, but it came to FÂRÊS (PEREZ), the
method for Inner-Strength (Tenaga Dalam) energy accumulation and patient one, And from him this Pearl went to the firstborn until it
builder. This is a long-distance (remote) empowerment and came into the belly of JESSE, the father of thy father. And then it
transmittable to others after 3, 5, or 7 years of regular practice. waited until six men of wrath had been born, and after that it came
to the seventh, DAVID,thy innocent and humble father; for God
Love-offering donation : US$100 hateth the arrogant and proud, and loveth the innocent and humble .
. . " Kebra Nebrash Ch.68

None of you [the initiated, the receiver of the transmission] who

Divinity-Activation Mantras Empowerment shall have carried the Pearl shall be destroyed, and whether it be your
We will empower you with the power of two mystical mantras men or your women, those who shall have carried the Pearl shall not
acquired from higher dimensional beings and transmitted to us for be destroyed. For the Pearl shall be carried by the men who shall be
divine awakening and growth! The empowerment would raise your righteous, and the women who have carried the Pearl shall not be
frequencies and stabilize your being at a higher spiritual destroyed, for they shall become pure through that Pearl, for it is
consciousness-level. These two mantras will also be conveyed to you holy and pure, and by it they shall be made holy and pure; and for
for your daily recitation. They will increase the Light-quotient within its sake and for the sake of ZION He hath created the whole world . .
you and help you to expand your consciousness to higher divine . " Kebra Nebrash Ch.68
degrees. This empowerment is transmittable to others after 3, 5, or 7
years of regular recitation! This is a long-distance (remote) "I am GABRIEL the Angel, the protector of those [the initiator and
empowerment. transmitter] who shall carry the Pearl from the body of ADAM even
to the belly of ANNA [the candidate for the initiation or
Love-offering do nation : US$100 transmission], so that I may keep from servitude and pollution you
wherein the Pearl shall dwell. And MICHAEL hath been commanded
to direct and keep ZION [the initiated, the receiver of the
Divine-Pearl Empowerment transmission] wheresoever she goeth, and URIEL shall direct and
This is a highly acclaimed empowerment as related in the Kebra keep the wood of the thicket which shall be the Cross [the initiation
Nagast, an ancient Ethiopian text. This empowerment is the basic work] of the Saviour [Initiator] . . . And I am with the pure Pearl for
form of a more advanced transmission or initiation (see Marifatullah him that shall reign for ever . . . " Kebra Nebrash Ch.68
or Divine Gnosis-Initiation Transmission below). The purpose of the
Divine-Pearl Empowerment is for the activation of the Inner-Christ; "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the
it helps to accelerate one's spiritual/psychic development and churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden
evolution. manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new
name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."
This transmission is called "Divine-Pearl Empowerment" because a New Testament, Rev 2:17
divine force in the actual appearance of a pearl is transmitted by
psychic projection to the recipient. The Divine-Pearl (the divine Love-offering donation : US$100
spark) exists in everyone (dormant in most), but this empowerment
transmits the force of the divine pearl of the transm itter to the
recipient inducing the innate divine spark in the recipient to awaken Coming at a later date :
and augment its influence over the lower self; the power of the Marifatullah or Divine Gnosis-Initiation Transmission
divine-pearl transmission helps to remove the thick psychic veils that This is the true and complete Divine-Pearl transmission called the
hinders divine awareness. This empowerment is only offered long- "Marifatullah or Divine Gnosis Initiation." It not only transmits the
distance (remote-empowerment). Divine-Pearl as in the above empowerment, it also presents a key for
Christ -activation, spiritual growth, development, and evolution. This
In the Kebra Nagast it is related in a veiled manner how the Divine- initiation gives the traditional keys for the Isra' Mi'raj as undergone
Pearl empowerment was transmitted from Master to Chela or by the Prophet. It allows a person to see God "face-to-face." Keys are
Student. Below are some extracts (square bracket are ours) regarding also given for the Marifatullah or Divine-Gnosis Initiation-
this pearl as well as its benefits : transmission and the Divine-Pearl Empowerment transmittable to
others after 7 years of intense practice and only if one is directed to
"The spiritual Pearl which is contained in the Tabernacle [higher do so by the Higher Intelligence; transmission includes the 30-
spiritual consciousness] is like a brilliant gem of great price, and he Syllable prayer, the 20-Syllable prayer and the All-Powerful prayer--
who hath acquired it holdeth it tightly in his hand [consciousness], these prayers have many benefits, among them is the empowerment
grasping it and hiding it in his hand, and whilst the gem is in his of the hands for healing. This initiation-transmission is only given in
hand its owner goeth into the Tabernacle, and he is an inmate person after careful consideration of the candidate's
therein. And he who possesseth the Pearl is interpreted as the Word qualification/preparation.
of God, CHRIST." Kebra Nebrash Ch.98


Sexual Organ Enlargement Oil

Code: Tradrem01
Oil blend of "Minyak Lintah," "Minyak Bulus," and other essential
ingredients for enlarging the size of the penis and help cure
impotence. The oil may also be used by women for increasing breast -
size. Due to the natural ingredients, the oil may have an unpleasant
smell. Approx. 90cc/bottle.

Empedu Lutung Hair Growth Oil

Code: Traderem02
This oil (extracted from monkey-gall) is traditionally used for
stimulating hair-growth on face, chest, head, etc. Now you may
grow a moustache or beard! Use with care!

Gurah Capsules
Code: Traderem03
Herbal capsules for men, women, and children; for healing the
common cold, coughs, TBC, indigestion, addiction, gastricitis,
asthma, migraines, headaches polyps, sinusitis, breathing problems,
stress, allergy, etc. It is good for detoxification and especially
effective for mucus and phlegm removal from the throat making it
appropriate for singers, public speakers, teachers and orators. It
improves the clarity and strength of the voice, it also nourishes the
brain and builds-up confidence. The healing power of the herbal
capsules works to diminish cancerous tissue in the heart, brain,
womb, breast, etc. 3 capsules are to be taken daily before retiring for
sleep. 30 capsules/bottle.

Sirih Legit Capsules

Code: Traderem04
Herbal capsules for women--helps to remove vaginal mucus, bad
odors, and other problems related to the female organ. The power of
the herbs regenerates the structure and function of the vagina to the
state of youth. The herbal capsules are formulated with natural
ingredients, the composition of which is kept highly secret and
acquired from ancient sources of the Javanese and Maduranese
herbalists. 5 capsules to be taken before retiring for sleep. 30

Tangkur Lanang Capsules

Code: Traderem05
Herbal capsules for men--helps to cure impotence. The capsules also
strengthens kidneys functions and promotes blood circulation--it
acts as a general tonic for the body. 3 capsules to be taken after the
morning meal and 3 capsules before retiring for sleep or an hour
before coitus. 30 capsules/bottle.

Asmaul Husna Capsules

Code: Traderem06
Herbal capsules for men, women and children; for healing loss of
appetite, impotence, insufficient blood, rheumatism, low/high blood
pressure, cardiac problems, diabetes, kidney-stones, asthma,
gastricitis, prostrate problems, allergy, whooping coughs, tumor,
liver problems, etc. Excellent for detoxification of the blood. 3
capsules to be taken before sleep--children half portion. 30

Karomah Jawi Capsules

Code: Traderem07
Herbal capsules for men, women, and children; for promoting blood
circulation; for balancing the processes of metabolism; for
normalizing the functions of the body; for strengthening the
immunity-system. The healing power detoxifies the body. Helps to
heal stroke, diabetes, high/low blood-pressure, fever, liver problems,
insufficient blood, flu, allergies, impotence, whooping coughs,
cardiac problems, rheumatism, loss of appetite, etc. Removes kidney-
stones and body-odor. Lowers cholesterol. 3 capsules to be taken
before sleep--children half portion. 30 capsules/bottle.

Code: Miscellaneous15
Magickal Locket Brass Garuda magickal weapon used in Kejawen or
Code: MISCELLANEOUS01 Javanese mysticism/occultism. Height: 33cm.
Consecrate this for any purpose.
Brass Naga Geni
Magickal Brass Nail Code: Miscellaneous16
Code: MISCELLANEOUS02 Brass Naga Geni magickal weapon used in Kejawen or
Charge this and hammer it somewhere in the home. Javanese mysticism/occultism. Height: 33cm.

Magickal Bead Brass Dewi Ular

Code: MISCELLANOUS03 Code: Miscellaneous17
Charge this for any purpose. Brass Dewi Ular magickal weapon used in Kejawen or
Javanese mysticism/occultism. Height: 33cm.
5 Assorted Agate Stones
Code: MISCELLANEOUS04 Miniature Aladdins's Lamp
Comes in varied sizes and types. Traditionally Code: Miscellaneous18
consecrated for power and invulnerability Small brass lamp (solid spout). Measures about 5.5 cm
in length and 3.5 cm in height. Great for empowering
Quran Istanbul with magickal power or store your empowered stones
Code: MISCELLANEOUS06 in it.
Miniature Quran. Beautiful and rare! Carry it for
blessings. Javanese Blangkon
Code: Miscellaneous19
Chupu Oil Vessel (small, white) Javanese headress--Medium.
Sundanese Blangkon
Tiny oil vessel. Porous. Used often in ritual work.
Code: Miscellaneous20
Chupu Oil Vessel (small, black) Sundanese headress—Medium
As above but black. Wayang Golek Puppet-Cepot
Code: Miscellaneous21
Wooden Puppet of the characater portrayed in
Za'faron Ink Sundanese plays. Movable mouth.
Ink for talismanic construction--for inscribing sigils,
magickal squares
Batara Karang
Code: MISCELLANEOUS12 Oyot Mimang
This is a replica poppet of the famous Batara Karang "Oyot Mimang" or the "Root of Confusion," when
mummies. The genuine items are human cadavers hung inside of the home and above the front door,
shruck to size over the course of centuries--the result of magickally causes nocturnal intruders or robbers to
their "ilmu," or occult powers. Measures about 9cm endlessly wander in the home till dawn looking for an
long. Only a few available. exit. The energies of the Oyot Mimang causes their
minds to be in a state of confusion and fear and they
will not know the way out. The indigenous people of
Nyai Blorong Java and neighbouring islands swear as to the efficacy
of the Oyot Mimang to protect the home against theft.
This is a minature doll representation of "Nyai The Oyot Mimang is mostly derived from the roots of
Blorong"--the snake demoness of wealth. It is made of the Banyan tree and come in many forms and sizes--
the same substance and stuff as the Batara Karang.
there are no two exactly alike. In its natural state, the
Measures about 6cm high. Only a few available. Oyot Mimang grow without any apparent beginning or
end to its structure--this in itself is "confusing." The
Ken Dedes one shown and others in our possession comes from
Code: MISCELLANEOUS14 Kalimantan and are quite small being about 8--12 cm
This is a statue of Ken Dedes--one of the queens of the in diameter. We have only four of these forms in stock.
Singosari kingdom of the 12th century. Measures about Other forms of Oyot Mimang are normally quite large
6cm high. and may be available in the future. Oyot Mimang roots

are rare. Price: US$75--including shipment. Ask for
payment terms and details.

Galih Kelor Wood

The scarce Galih Kelor wood is especially extolled by
Javanese shamans for its magickal powers of warding-
off negative energies in the form of back magick,
psychic attacks and entities. We are able to offer pieces
of the Galih Kelor Wood that may be used as pendants -
-we have drilled a hole in the pieces for this purpose.
Their sizes vary, but all are suitable for pendants. Price:
US$15--including shipment. Ask for payment terms
and details.

Nagasari Wood
Like the Galih Kelor, the Nagasari wood (tree) is also
scarce, and has similar powers as the Galih Kelor
Wood. It is less powerful than the latter, though, for
warding-off black magick but more powerful for
warding-off negative entities.We are able to offer
pieces of the Nagasari Wood that may be used as
pendants --we have drilled a hold in the pieces for this
purpose. Their sizes vary, but all are suitable for
pendants. Price: US$15--including shipment. Ask for
payment terms and details.

Genie Egg
4 genies (muslim/pious genies) are associated/anchored
to this object for specific purposes. The genies require
simple food/beverage offering once a month--normally
coffee/milk and some bread/biscuits. No fasting,
intensive chanting, conjurations, or complex rituals
required; the genies will automatically assist the user
with the task alloted to them--they attend the 4 cardinal
directions. The genie egg comes in two sizes, large and
small. The small one may be carried on one's person.
The larger one may be placed in one's home. When
ordering simply specify the name/code and whether
you want the egg large or small..

Genie Egg Code: Genie01-A --Prosperity, financial

success, wealth, luck, and career-advancement.

Genie Egg Code: Genie01-B --Protection against

psychic attacks, black magick, negative entities, dark
forces, etc.


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