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This term paper examines the background to building maintenance management,

emphasizing its importance due to new developments in building design. Suggests that,
owing to the use of less-durable materials in construction, the need for maintenance to be
profitable is importance.
Relatively few systems are designed to operate without maintenance of any kind, and
for the most part they must operate in environments where access is very difficult or where
replacement is more economical than maintenance.
Maintaining a building is expensive; it cost many times more to run a building over its
lifetime than to build it, yet maintenance is often not accorded the priority it warrants.
A poorly maintained building will be a drain on resource and will impair building use,
whereas a well maintained building will function smoothly and represent an appreciating
asset of its owners.
The maintenance of buildings is not the priority of many Nigerians.
Nigerians do a great exquisite mansions without consideration for the mode and cost of home
maintenance. Some years down the road, the lovely buildings don¶t look anywhere near
lovely anymore.

Maintenance according to the dictionary, means to keep in existence or keep in proper
or good condition. In building technology, Maintenance can be defined as the act of keeping
a building in good and stable condition. It includes keeping the building clean, restoring
every part of a building, every facility or machinery to an acceptable standard.
The concept of maintenance is an act of taking appropriate steps and precautions to
ensure that a given piece of capital asset, equipment or infrastructure attains its maximum
possible life span.



It means that people waits until equipment fails and repair it. Such a thing could be
used when the equipment failure does not significantly affect the operation or production or
generate any significant loss other than repair cost.

Breakdown maintenance implies that repairs are made after the equipment is out of
order and it cannot perform its normal function any longer, e.g., an electric motor of a
machine tool will not start, a belt is broken, etc.

Under such conditions, production department calls on the maintenance department to

rectify the defect. The maintenance department checks into the fault and makes the necessary
repairs. After removing the fault, maintenance engineers do not attend the equipment again
until another failure or breakdown occurs. This type of maintenance may be quite justified in
small factories which:

i.‘ Are indifferent to the benefits of scheduling;

ii.‘ Do not feel a financial justification for scheduling techniques; and
iii.‘ Get seldom (temporary or permanent) demand in excess of normal operating capacity.
In many factories make-and-mend is the rule rather than the exception.

Breakdown maintenance practice is economical for those (non-critical) equipments whose

downtime and repair costs are less this way than with any other type of maintenance.

Breakdown type of maintenance involves little administrative work, few records and a
comparative small staff. There is no planned interference with production programmes.

K !!  

It is a daily maintenance ( cleaning, inspection, oiling and re-tightening ), design to

retain the healthy condition of equipment and prevent failure through the prevention of
deterioration, periodic inspection or equipment condition diagnosis, to measure deterioration.
It is further divided into "   and " !  . Just
like human life is extended by preventive medicine, the equipment service life can be
prolonged by doing preventive maintenance.

This is where equipment is maintained before break down occurs. This type of
maintenance has many different variations and is subject of various researches to determine
best and most efficient way to maintain equipment.

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1)‘ To minimize the possibility of unanticipated production interruption or major

breakdown by locating or uncovering any condition which may lead to it.
2)‘ To make machine tools always available and ready for use.
3)‘ To maintain the optimum productive efficiency of the machine tools.
4)‘ To maintain the operational accuracy of the machine tools.
5)‘ To reduce the work content of maintenance jobs.
6)‘ To achieve maximum production at minimum repair cost.
7)‘ To ensure safety of life and limb of the machine tool operators.
8)‘ To maintain value of machine tools (by periodic inspections, repairs, overhauls etc

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Time based maintenance consists of periodically inspecting, servicing and cleaning

equipment and replacing parts to prevent sudden failure and process problems.

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This is a method in which the service life of important part is predicted based on
inspection or diagnosis, in order to use the parts to the limit of their service life. Compared to
periodic maintenance, predictive maintenance is condition based maintenance. It manages
trend values, by measuring and analyzing data about deterioration and employs a surveillance
system, designed to monitor conditions through an on-line system.

It makes use of human senses or other sensitive instruments such as;

ð‘ Audio gauges,
ð‘ åibration analyzers,
ð‘ Amplitude meters, Pressure, temperature and resistance strain gauges, etc., to predict
troubles before the equipment fails.

Unusual sounds coming out of rotating equipment predict a (coming) trouble; an electric
cable excessively hot at one point predicts a trouble. Simple hand touch can point out many
unusual (equipment) conditions and thus predict a trouble.Predictive maintenance extends the
service life of equipment without fear of failure.

Moreover, !!   is the maintenance performed in an attempt to

avoid failures, unnecessary production loss and HSE violation. As equipment cannot be
maintained at all times, some way is needed to decide when it is proper to perform

%!*% & !!  

(i)‘ Breakdowns generally occur at importunate times. This leads to poor, hurried
maintenance and excessive delays in production.
(ii)‘ Reduction of output and faster plant deterioration.
(iii)‘ Increased chances of accidents and less safety to both workers and machines.
(iv)‘ More spoilt material and direct loss of profit.
(v)‘ Breakdown maintenance practice cannot be employed for those plant items which
are regulated by statutory provisions, for example, cranes, lifts, hoists and
pressure vessels.

-  !  

Corrective maintenance can be defined as the maintenance which is required when an

item has failed or worn out, to bring it back to working order. Corrective maintenance is
carried out on all items where the consequences of failure or wearing out are not significant
and the cost of this maintenance is not greater than preventive maintenance.

It improves equipment and its components so that preventive maintenance can be

carried out reliably. Equipment with design weakness must be redesigned to improve
reliability or improving maintainability.

This maintenance is often most expensive because worn equipment can damage other
parts and cause multiple damage. Corrective maintenance is probably the most commonly
used approach, but it is easy to see its limitations. When equipment fails, it often leads to
downtime in production. In most cases this is costly business. Also, if the equipment needs to
be replaced, the cost of replacing it alone can be substantial.

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It indicates the design of a new equipment. Weakness of current machines are

sufficiently studied ( on site information leading to failure prevention, easier maintenance and
prevents of defects, safety and ease of manufacturing ) and are incorporated before
commissioning a new equipment.

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A‘ Reduce capital repairs
A‘ Reduce unscheduled shutdowns and repairs
A‘ Extend equipment life, thereby extending facility life.
A‘ Realize life-cycle cost savings, and
A‘ Provide safe, functional systems and facilities and facilities that meet the design



% &   - There is little factual information available on the cost of machine
tool maintenance, particularly in relation to types of machines. Further, the very wide variety
of machines that are available within a particular type, the differing production demands
made on a type of machine from company to company, and the variations in maintenance
policy, would make it extremely difficult to summarize such information other than in the
most generalized form.

Each company should assess the cost of maintenance within its own system of
operation. The key to this lies in its preventive maintenance schedules and corrective
maintenance records, since the total cost of maintenance is made up of the preventive and
corrective maintenance, and reconditioning costs.

Although the time and cost scales will vary from machine to machine and company to
company, the same basic pattern will emerge; namely that the average annual direct cost of
buying and maintaining a machine levels out after comparatively few years and eventually
shows an upward trend. As the average annual cost shows an upturn after ten years.

This is not to say that the machine must be replaced, but it does provide an opportune
point in time to compare the capability of the machine with more recent models and
processes which have become available since its purchase and thereby to take advantage of
those developments which will improve the product performance or reduce its cost.

When there is no planned system of preventive maintenance then indirectly the cost of
maintenance is increased, since there can be no scheme for corrective maintenance.
Consequently, the nature of repairs becomes more serious and the cost increases. Further,
unexpected machine failures result in disruption to the production programme, resulting in
loss of capacity, increased costs and possible failure to meet delivery dates.

-     / 

Maintenance management is a business concept that describes the successful and

efficient management of maintenance issues involved in the upkeep, operation and
productivity of a factory, manufacturing facility or plant. A maintenance manager's goal is to
increase productivity and profits through improved operations. The major areas of
maintenance management focus include fleet or vehicle maintenance, production operations,
ecological concerns, inventory control, quality assurance and outsourcing options.

Maintaining a company¶s vehicles on a prescribed schedule is important. Following

preventive maintenance guidelines and keeping warranties up to date are generally good
practices. Adhering to these schedules can save a company money in repair costs and
improve the overall safety of the fleet crew.

Production operations can frequently be improved and become more profitable if they
are outsourced. Fair and careful review of material and labor costs can be advantageous.
Determining if labor can be more efficiently allocated to different departments can often
eliminate the need for increased staffing.

Maintenance managers often are involved in regular reviews and discussions of

ecological and environmental topics regulated by governing agencies. As guidelines change,
it is generally more profitable to be prepared for what the next level of rules will likely
require for compliance. Maintaining a safe, clean and healthy work environment normally
facilitates the implementation of environmental improvement.

Outstanding inventory management is usually necessary to operate a profitable

business. An up-to-date and properly stocked supply of parts and goods reduces overhead and
frees up physical space that could likely be better utilized. A plant¶s overall efficiency is
commonly improved when its inventory is professionally maintained.

All aspects of maintenance management should concentrate on efficiency, quality and

profitability. A facility¶s success depends on its principals¶ abilities to objectively identify
problem areas. An equally balanced approach to solutions is generally the best path to
achieving the desired goals.

The maintenance department is often where a company spends the bulk of its
overhead budget. Adjusting business approaches and philosophies can significantly reduce
these maintenance management costs. Recent breakthroughs in maintenance technology can
also help improve profit margins.

-c   0     / 

In a business world with increasing tangible asset prices, organizations must implement
functional and effective maintenance procedures to keep operating resources in good
condition. Also central in corporate operating activities are safety procedures that workers
must follow when completing tasks.

&1 *
1.‘ Safety management consists of policies, tools and strategies that an organization puts into
place to prevent occupational accidents and other workplace incidents such as hazardous
material contamination, according to the International Civil Aviation Organization.

2.‘ Maintenance management requires attention to detail, mechanical acumen and regulatory
knowledge. Maintenance management procedures help keep corporate assets--such as
equipment and machinery--in good condition in the short and long terms.

3.‘ Safety management and maintenance management often interrelate in a company's
operating activities, even though both concepts are distinct. For example, a corporate
plant supervisor or manufacturing department manager may oversee the safety activities
and maintenance work in a company's factories.

-K 2    3     / 

An effective maintenance system includes the following elements;
ð‘ Maintenance Policy
ð‘ Control of materials
ð‘ Preventive Maintenance
ð‘ Condition Monitoring
ð‘ Work Order
ð‘ Job planning

ð‘ Priority and backlog control
ð‘ Data recording system
ð‘ Performance measurement measures or indices

Maintenance performance for a plant or an organization can be accessed through analysis of

Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) plant data. Relevant parameters,
measures or indices for specific plants can be identified. The performance over a period of
time will show if it is improving, going down or being sustained.

The following are the major functions of a maintenance department;
ð‘ Maintenance of installed equipment and facilities
ð‘ Installations of new equipment and facilities
ð‘ PM tasks ± Inspection and lubrication of existing equipment
ð‘ CM tasks ± monitoring of faults and failures using appropriate techniques
ð‘ Modifications of already installed equipment and facilities
ð‘ Management of inventory
ð‘ Supervision of manpower
ð‘ âeeping records

[     /      

Maintenance management encompasses and supplies solutions for the planning and
control of activities associated with maintenance activities of a plant or facility. Generally, it
incorporates labor and materials and may include the management of maintenance stores.

Maintenance Management addresses several competencies and areas of expertise.

These are vehicle maintenance, shop operations, environmental issues, inventory
management section, benchmarking section and finally, outsource maintenance activities.

The first competency concentrates on vehicle maintenance, including specific

maintenance functions, preventive maintenance program implementation and effective
administration of warranty programs. This potentially affects all aspects of fleet management
including the financial and safe operation of a fleet and the end user¶s productivity.

The second competency is shop operations, which review shop practices related to
efficiency, staffing levels, and the decision to outsource a shop operation. This process
appraises operation to determine optimum staffing levels and advantageous outsourcing

The third competency, environmental issues, provides greater comprehension and

addresses environmental regulatory affairs and environmentally-responsible fleet/shop
operations. Its requirements guarantee not only a clean and healthy environment, but also
employee safety.

The inventory management section identifies the importance of effective materials

management. It makes use of professionally managed parts to operate at peak efficiency. It is
an important contributing element to the progress of maintenance facility.

After that, the benchmarking section offers valuable principles for an in-house fleet
maintenance operation. It is a key function to retain productivity and effectively maintain
operations. Benchmarking involves proper data collection, comparison, and analysis to
determine performance status and standards

c  P a g e
And the last competency, which is outsourcing, reviews and understands factors and
elements influencing settlements on outsource fleet maintenance activities. Its conclusion
depends on a wide array of factors but its ultimate goal is efficiency.

Another element making up maintenance management is its processes. It is inclusive

of Preventive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring; Maintenance Planning and
Scheduling; Root Cause Analysis and Materials Management.

Preventive maintenance and condition monitoring starts out by creating the

implementation plan²identifies measurable success indicators for the condition monitoring
and preventive maintenance program. The goal is to achieve a condition monitoring and
preventive maintenance program that is documented, executed and tracked. And this may be
done through the process of setting up, executing and measuring an effective program.

Maintenance Planning and scheduling is an important element in developing a well

functioning maintenance organization. In order for it to work, the organization should do
equipment inspections through preventive maintenance, technical database such as bill of
materials, work order history, and standard job plans.

To complete the maintenance management processes is materials management. This

comprises educational maintenance audit and benchmarking tools. Its purpose is, to train and
educate the organization in best practices for reliability and maintenance; and to conduct a
maintenance audit of the company's reliability and maintenance performance.

Efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance management relies heavily on total

comprehension and the ability to address the competencies or areas of expertise involved; and
the proper calculation, assembly and conduction of each of its processes.

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Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) or Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul

involves fixing any sort of mechanical or electrical device should it become out of order or
broken (known as repair, unscheduled or casualty maintenance). It also includes performing
routine actions which keep the device in working order (known as scheduled maintenance) or
prevent trouble from arising (preventive maintenance). MRO may be defined as, "All actions
which have the objective of retaining or restoring an item in or to a state in which it can

cc  P a g e
perform its required function. The actions include the combination of all technical and
corresponding administrative, managerial, and supervision actions

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1.‘ 1  !1 5 such as tests, measurements, replacements, adjustments and

repairs ² intended to retain or restore a functional unit in or to a specified state in
which the unit can perform its required functions.
2.‘  , 6 all action taken to retain material in a serviceable condition
or to restore it to serviceability. It includes inspection, testing, servicing, classification
as to serviceability, repair, rebuilding, and reclamation.
3.‘  , 6 all supply and repair action taken to keep a force in condition
to carry out its mission.
4.‘  , 6 the routine recurring work required to keep a facility (plant,
building, structure, ground facility, utility system, or other real property) in such
condition that it may be continuously used, at its original or designed capacity and
efficiency for its intended purpose.

Manufacturers and Industrial Supply Companies often refer to MRO as opposed to

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). OEM includes any activity related to the direct
manufacture of goods, where MRO refers to any maintenance and repair activity to keep a
manufacturing plant running.

[K 7 2   

   + ,   -

(i) Machine tools are properly maintained so that they remain in working condition at all the

(ii) Their accuracy does not deteriorate.

(iii) They manufacture the components most economically.

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(i) Use of wrong or inadequate lubrication

cK  P a g e
(ii) Change in level of the machine tools

(iii) Wrong use and overloading of the machine tools

(iv) Wear of slide ways, bearings and other components

(v) Dust, heat and humidity

(vi) åibration and Chatter

%%   + ,   -

(i) The objective of machine tool maintenance is to achieve minimum breakdown and to keep
them in good working condition at the lowest possible cost.

(ii) Machine tools should be kept in such a condition which permits them to be used at their
optimum (profit making) capacity without any interruption or hindrance.

(iii) Maintenance division of the factory ensures the availability of the machines and services
required by other sections of the factory for the performance of their functions at optimum
return on investment whether this investment be in material, machinery or personnel.

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The object of preventive maintenance, as explained above, is to reduce wear and tear
and to prevent disruption to production by the planned withdrawal of machines for corrective
repairs before failure occurs; this necessitates routine lubrication and inspection of machine
elements. Corrective maintenance is concerned with the replacement of worn parts brought to
light by preventive maintenance and the carrying out of repairs.

 * can be defined as the stripping down .and rebuilding of a machine, to

bring it back to a condition which is at least as good as the maker's original specification. The
need to recondition can be determined by the frequency of corrective maintenance.

Bearing in mind the objectives of preventive maintenance, then it becomes apparent

that two aspects are of vital importance to a successful system: cleanliness and strict
adherence to the routine lay down. If wear is to be reduced to a minimum, then the need for

c-  P a g e
cleanliness is obvious; the necessity for cleanliness, however, cannot be over emphasized and
this aspect is becoming increasingly important with the introduction of more sophisticated

,* *

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The success of preventive maintenance is entirely dependent on the system laid down
and the quality of the people who operate it and therefore it must be strictly controlled by
supervision. Machine tool makers provide excellent manuals, containing well illustrated
servicing instructions, and these provide the basis for a preventive maintenance schedule. Fig.
shows a typical oiling diagram included in the manual supplied by the manufacturer of a
capstan lathe.

From a control point of view, a record card of the type shown should be maintained to
show that servicing has been carried out, this should preferably be kept at the machine, so
that both the operator and supervisor can refer to it. It is regularity of servicing rather than
spring cleaning which will ensure that the machine operates efficiently, with the minimum of
disruption to production.

That aspect of preventive maintenance concerned with inspection involves two

distinct but related activities: inspection of specified elements of the machine itself and
inspection of the piece parts being produced.

c[  P a g e
In addition to inspecting the obvious elements where wear takes place, such as
bearings and slide ways, examination of the corrective maintenance record will highlight
other aspects which need regular inspection.

For a particular class of machine, the need for such inspection could vary quite
considerably from company to company, according to the nature of its products and the
preventive maintenance policy which is operated.

-%% & 8-" 

(i)‘ Failure to replace worn out parts.

(ii)‘ Lack of lubrication.
(iii)‘ Neglected cooling system.
(iv)‘ Indifference towards minor faults.
(v)‘ External factors (such as too low or too high line voltage, wrong fuel, etc.)
(vi)‘ Indifference towards equipment vibrations, unusual sounds coming out of the
rotating machinery, equipment getting too much heated up, etc.

[-    / 9 

It concerns in achieving an optimum balance between plant availability and maintenance

resource utilization. The two organization structures that are common are: Centralized and
Decentralized. A decentralized structure would probably experience a lower utilization than
centralized one but would be able to respond quickly to breakdowns and would achieve
higher plant availability. In practice, one may have a mix of these two. A maintenance
organization can be considered as being made up three necessary and interdependent

1.‘ %- %: men, spares and tools

2.‘ %: a hierarchy of authority and responsibility for deciding what, when
and how work should be carried out.
3.‘  ,*  , 1%: a mechanism for planning and scheduling the
work and feeding back the information that is needed for correctly directing the
maintenance effort towards defined objective.

cr  P a g e
It may be mentioned that maintenance / production system is a continuously evolving
organism in which the maintenance organization will need continuous modifications in
response to changing requirements. Moreover, it is required to match the resources to
workload. Maintenance activities ± be it preventive or condition monitoring, involve use of
resources- men and materials including documents. This requires coordination amongst the
involved personnel so that these are timely undertaken. Work planning and control system
under maintenance management in the plant ensures this and provides planning and control
of activities associated with maintenance.

*: - - &   "

(1) The buildings, plant and services are called by the accountant as fixed assets and in many
companies they form at least 50% of the money invested. In any company, small or big, it is
therefore essential that some part of the main organization should be responsible for
maintaining these important assets.

(2) The section or department which preserves and looks after the upkeep of equipments,
building etc., is called maintenance department.

(3) To work satisfactorily, the maintenance department has an organization structure.

Maintenance Superintendent

Engineering Assistant

Foreman Foreman
Facilities Foreman Field
Shop Planning &
Foreman Engineering Foreman
Maintenance Scheduling

1. Work order
1. Buildings
2. Planning and
1. Steam 1. Maintenance 2. Yards
2. Power 2. Repair 1. Engineering 3. Fire
3. Scheduling
3. Water 3. Lubrication 2. Design Protection
4. Backlog
4. Air 4. Construction 4. Waste
5. Performance

c‰  P a g e
r ‘

 ‘  ‘  

A Maintenance Strategy brings all current maintenance practices and operations together
with current industry best practice in order to provide a strategic and coherent 'road map' for
engineering to follow in order to achieve the following goals:

ð‘ Improve service provision to operations i.e. reduce breakdowns and improve

ð‘ Control engineering spending and ensure adherence to budgets.
ð‘ Consistently provide parts for planned maintenance and breakdowns with the lowest
spares holding value.
ð‘ Improve communication between engineering and other business functions.
ð‘ Ensure engineering compliance to all company and statutory standards and
ð‘ To ensure engineering is focused on business objectives.
ð‘ Enable engineering to take a lead in business development.

+   *1 % !," #1 + &,,* " %%

ð‘ Completion of a Maintenance Audit.

ð‘ Writing of a Maintenance Audit review document.
ð‘ Completion of a benchmarking exercise.
ð‘ Utilize all available information to develop a relevant and effective Maintenance

rc 7   

Strategic Maintenance Planning has developed a unique maintenance audit and review
process for management to analyze the maintenance function from within the overall
organization taking into account all the various functions within the organization. The
purpose of a maintenance audit is to derive a maintenance strategy, which aims to deliver
improvements to the general maintenance function, provide clearer communications and to
develop a set of Best Practices for the maintenance function.

c   P a g e
  - !

The maintenance audit has been designed to determine thoughts of individuals and groups
and ensure the following objectives are reached:

ð‘ A snapshot of the current engineering function, allowing the current situation to be

ð‘ An accurate assessment of other company functional perceptions of engineering
ð‘ To identify areas of functional weakness to allow improvement strategies to be
planned and executed
ð‘ To provide a ground work of information for the development of a Maintenance

The audit is completed with departmental functions outside the engineering function to
ensure that a balanced and wide-ranging result is achieved. Essentially engineering,
production and administration responses are investigated in isolation and then general
perceptions and themes identified within the conclusions.

All information from the maintenance audit is organized into a document that provides a
distillation of the perceptions and thoughts of the respondents.

 +* ; %

In order to provide a wider industry perspective to the results of the Engineering

Review and to provide additional groundwork for the development of the Maintenance
Strategy, a bench marking exercise is carried out.

To complete this exercise, critical "Hard" (systems and processes) and "Soft"(human
resources and organization structure) issues within the engineering function are rated and
tabled against our experience in wider industry.

c·  P a g e
rK     /

Utilizing all information generated, a Maintenance Strategy is developed for the

engineering function. The strategy has three main sections:

ð‘ Detail of how the implementation of a Maintenance Strategy integrates with and

facilitates the organization Business Plans and goals.
ð‘ Provision of an overall Maintenance Strategy.
ð‘ Detailing current best practice, providing a basis for development to working methods

", & +   *1 ,, ,!

ð‘ The Maintenance Strategy will dictate direction

ð‘ There will be an Engineering Charter to set service levels to operations
ð‘ There will be the use of appropriate Maintenance Methods
ð‘ Engineering Resource Organization will reflect the needs of the business
ð‘ There will be appropriate levels of Human Resource
ð‘ There will be use of Best Industry Practice
ð‘ Project Engineering will adopt a life cycle asset management approach
ð‘ There will be compliance with all company systems and standards
ð‘ There will be auditing of performance
ð‘ There will be Continuous Improvement

Finally, the key elements of the Maintenance Strategy will be distilled into a prioritized plan
for implementation.

c´  P a g e

Maintenance management procedures is a business function typically responsible for

reviewing, repairing and correcting equipment or facilities in a company. Large
organizations---particularly manufacturing and production companies---will use maintenance
programs to ensure their production processes continue to produce high-quality products with
as little waste as possible. Maintenance can also help companies prevent major capital
expenditures to replace broken equipment, which can create a significant drain on company
This refers to the maintenance procedures that are necessary to mitigate a major
accident or hazard.

/, " ",%

The following aspects should be considered with respect to Maintenance Procedures:

ð‘ Human factors;
ð‘ Poorly skilled work force;
ð‘ Unconscious and conscious incompetence;
ð‘ Good maintainability principles;
ð‘ ânowledge of failure rate and maintainability; and
ð‘ Clear criteria for recognition of faults and marginal performance.
+ &,,* %%-% 1 #- %  $    +:

ð‘ Failure of safety critical equipment due to lack of maintenance;

ð‘ Human error during maintenance;
ð‘ Static or spark discharge during maintenance in an intrinsically safe zone;
ð‘ Incompetence of maintenance staff; and
ð‘ Poor communication between maintenance and production staff.

#-1 & % &  %%%%  %  *   " -%
The Safety Report should address the following points:

ð‘ Whether the company maintenance regimes (planned, risk-based, reliability centered,

condition based or breakdown maintenance) are adequate for each plant item which has a
safety function;

K  P a g e
ð‘ Whether proof check periods quoted for safety critical items are adequate to ensure risks
are within acceptable limits;
ð‘ Whether the procedures to ensure quoted proof check periods for safety critical items are
adhered to;
ð‘ Whether the company Safety Management System includes adequate consideration of
maintenance of plant, instrumentation and electrical systems;
ð‘ Whether maintenance staff have been sufficiently trained to recognize plant or equipment
failing during maintenance inspections;
ð‘ Whether maintenance staff have been sufficiently informed, instructed, trained and
supervised to minimize a potential human failing during maintenance;
ð‘ Whether maintenance schedules are managed and regularly inspected and reviewed;
ð‘ Whether Human factors (stress, fatigue, shift work, attitude) are addressed;
ð‘ Whether sufficient precautions are taken prior to maintenance of hazardous plant and
equipment (isolation, draining, flushing, environmental monitoring, risk assessments,
permits to work, communication, time allotted for the work);
ð‘ Whether the maintenance staff are aware of the type of environment they are working in
(flammable, corrosive, explosive, zones 0, 1 & 2);
ð‘ Whether the maintenance staff use the correct equipment in the workplace during re-
conditioning, replacement and re-commissioning (static free, intrinsically safe, flameproof,
ð‘ Whether sufficient maintenance systems are in place during productive assistance ,
servicing, running of plant, plant shutdown and plant breakdown;
ð‘ Whether procedures are in place to provide detailed operating instructions for re-
commission plant after maintenance, which have been subjected to risk assessments (see
Technical Measures Document on Plant Modification / Change Procedures);
ð‘ Whether sufficient reporting systems are in place so that corrective maintenance can be
applied to mitigate a major accident or hazard.

$ +:%
Major hazards could arise from the following:

ð‘ The lack of control of spares such that incorrect materials or items outside specification
(e.g. non-flameproof equipment) are used in replacement of plant items leading to
increased risk of loss of containment, fire or explosion;

Kc  P a g e
ð‘ Failure to drain and/or isolate plant prior to dismantling causing release of flammable or
toxic substances;
ð‘ Maintenance being performed incompetently (particularly alarm/action set points on
instruments incorrectly set, alignment of couplings on pumps and agitators causing
overheating, motors running in wrong direction, safety features left
disconnected/dismantled, gaskets left out, bolts torque incorrectly or bolts missing, non-
return valves orientation incorrect, pipe work/flexible incorrectly connected/installed,
pipeline spades/orifice plates left in/removed, relief valve springs over tightened, bursting
discs orientation incorrect/left out);
ð‘ Scheduled maintenance not being undertaken as required or breakdown maintenance
inadequate, leading to unrevealed failures of safety critical items;
ð‘ Lack of knowledge by maintenance staff of the working environment where maintenance
is being carried out (i.e. lack of risk assessments, warning signs, method statements,
emergency procedures), leading to ignition of flammable substances (e.g. heat sources such
as cigarettes or welding, static and electrical discharge, use of non spark-resistant tools) or
injury/fatality from incorrect personal protective equipment (e.g. respirators) being worn;
ð‘ Unauthorized staff performing maintenance functions; and
ð‘ Failure to re-commission plant correctly after maintenance to ensure that operations are not
adversely affected in terms of safety considerations (e.g. contamination, flow rate changes,
heat transfer rate changes, mass transfer rate changes).

‰c /
          2 /    

The following publications can be used as guidance material relating to maintenance

ð‘ HS(G)22 Electrical apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, HSE, Not in
current HSE lists.
ð‘ Paragraph 49 refers to the importance of good engineering practice and a knowledge of the
maintenance history for any electrical apparatus with explosive protection capabilities.
Paragraph 51 refers to BS 5345 (Code of Practice for the selection, installation and
maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (in 8
parts)) which lists the typical maintenance schedules for each type of electrical apparatus.
Paragraph 52 refers to a routine checklist that should regularly be applied to any electrical

KK  P a g e
equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Paragraph 55 refers to the need to recognize the correct explosive markings on a piece of
electrical equipment so that the correct type of maintenance can be applied.
ð‘ HS(G)51 Storage of flammable liquids in containers, HSE, 1998.
Paragraph 48 refers to the need to implement a permit to work in areas where flammable
liquids are stored.
ð‘ HS(G)71 Chemical warehousing: the storage of packaged dangerous substances, HSE,
Paragraph 54 refers to the importance of contractor competence to mitigate hazards that
may be created during maintenance and repair.
ð‘ HS(G)140 Safe use and handling of flammable liquids, HSE, 1996.
Paragraph 48 refers to the need for maintenance to prevent electrostatic build up within
flammable environments by regularly checking the earth continuity of all metal services in
contact with flammable atmospheres.
ð‘ HS(G)176 The storage of flammable liquids in tanks, HSE, 1998.
Paragraphs 104 refers to pumps being potential ignition sources and that they should be
located outside a bounded area, on an impervious base, in the open air. This will avoid
damage from fires or spillages in the bund and facilitate access for maintenance.

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Companies can use computers to monitor production processes and to send issues to
managers. This information allows maintenance managers to focus on specific areas without
spending too much time looking for errors. Computers can streamline the number of
preventive maintenance measures and ensure corrections occur at low production output

,*   +-,*

Many companies still use standards planning and scheduling procedures for maintenance.
Large organizations may conduct initial operational audits to determine if current
maintenance procedures are effective. If not, the maintenance department can adjust its
planning and scheduling process for maintenance. Overall, this process will typically involve
reviewing a specific number of production processes or activities and scheduling

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maintenance accordingly. The maintenance department may work in conjunction with the
quality management department to improve business operations.

Maintenance personnel may observe firsthand the company's equipment and facilities
to determine how well they are operating. This procedure also allows maintenance personnel
to see how employees work in the company and to find actions where these individuals are
causing repair issues. Rather than just focusing on the failures in a company's systems,
maintenance personnel typically need to find the root problem and solve the issue to prevent
future maintenance issues, which can result in higher operating expenses.

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2 /   
Building maintenance is a very significant factor to ensure long life of the building.
The structure of a building is the group of columns, beams, structural walls, floors and roof
structure and its stability. Many buildings have small cracks in concrete columns, beams,
structural walls and floors. In some cases, they are no cause for concern. Over time, the
building settles and moves creating minute stresses at joints in materials that can cause small
cracks to appear.
Roof replacements is a key part of building maintenance and particularly in an
apartment project consisting of multiple building having more complex roofing, then
repairing certainly is a big concern. Roof replacements means to replace the old roof, check
the roof deck, ensure proper sealing and installations of new tiles or shingles. A roof gets leak
problem when it is at least ten to fifteen years old. So in this wise it is necessary to replace
the roof rather than repairing it.
% %  "  +% %" %.
ë‘ Warping in columns, beams, structural walls, floors and roof structure.
ë‘ Rotting in wood structural components.
ë‘ Rusting of metal structural components.

2 /    <
The general responsibility of a building maintenance worker can vary from building
to building. Some workers may be responsible for everything in the building, such as
electricity, plumbing, lawn maintenance and garbage disposal. Others may have a
superintendent like function, which means that they can be responsible for hiring skilled
workers when there are problem in the building.
A maintenance program should ensure that the building can;
ë‘ Function at its designed level at all times.
ë‘ Function during the normal life span of the building.
ë‘ Resist the effects of an extreme natural event like hurricanes, floods and earthquakes.
A maintenance program comprises of three basic components: Organization, Inspection
and Maintenance plan.
c / 9 
The organizational structure of a maintenance program should clearly define duties
and responsibilities and should vary with the complexity of the building.

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Inspection needs to be conducted in order to prepare a maintenance plan. The
information gathered during the building inspection is the basis for the maintenance program.
A building analysis report should be prepared in order to summarize the inspection. The
inspection should be conducted by technical personnel capable of identifying major
deficiencies which may affect the normal activities in the building.
The preliminary inspection is intended to assist in the evaluation of the overall
condition of the building. The inspection should not be based only on observations of visible
and apparent condition of the building and its components at the time of inspection. It should
be continuous in order to update the building maintenance program.
It is recommended that a new inspection be performed if a major change occurs to the
building, such as, when a hazardous event impacts the building.

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It involves simple observations of the inside and outside of the school, simply around
the interior and the exterior, looking at it carefully. Areas of the building includes;
w‘ Structure [wooden and metal structural components].
w‘ Roofing [includes purling, rafters, wall plates, pre-engineered trusses].
w‘ Building exterior [protection from water, wind, sun, free of debris, plant materials to
avoid them penetrating walls and foundation].
w‘ Building interior [windows, doors and frame, ceiling sagging, plastering, masonry
wall cracks].
w‘ Plumbing [major parts include; water supply, water storage, fixtures, waste collection,
septic system].
w‘ Electrical system [panel box, circuits, service entry lines, circuit breakers].
w‘ Grounds or foundation.

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The above term paper has briefly focused on the various aspects of maintenance
management. Maintenance is expected to play even much bigger role in years to follow, as
industries worldwide are going through an increasing and stiff competition and increased
automation of plants. The down time cost for such systems is expected to be very high. To
meet these challenges, maintenance has to use latest technology and management skills in all
spheres of activities to perform its effective role in profitability of the construction company..

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HSE, 'Dangerous Maintenance - A Study of Maintenance Accidents and how to prevent

them', HSE Books, ISBN 0 11 886347 9, 1992.
âelly, Anthony, ³Managing maintenance resources´, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.
Levitt Joel, ³Handbook of maintenance management´, Industrial Press, 1997.
Male, G.E., 'Safety of Transport and Machinery. A Survey of Maintenance Accidents
Attributed to Technological Failings', HSE Specialist Inspector Report SIR52, 1998.
Explains the different types of maintenance regimes and gives data on accidents that
have occurred.
Czachur, â.J., Bright, C.â. and Beic-âharasani, R., 'Condition Monitoring to Enhance
Safety', HSE Contract Research Report No. 120/1997. ISBN 0 7176 1254 6.

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