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Section-IIT LOGIC / REASONING ‘Read the passage carefully and ance he following questions. “There are sx steps that lea flom the fist tothe second flor. No two people canbe on the same step, Mi Aistwo steps below Mi C and Mr. Bisa step nextto Me D. Only one step ‘a vacant (No oneis standing on hat ep), Denote the fist step byeep I and second ep by ep 2 ee” 1LIEMr. Ais om the fs step, hich ofthe folowing is true? (@)Mi Bis onthe second step (OMe Cis on the fourth step (@Mé E, could be onthe tard step (@Ms Dis onbigher step than Mr.C. 21M. Ewas onthe third step Mi. B was on a higher step than Mr E, which step must be vacant? @aept @sep2— @aupd— Dateps 3. TEM B was ontep 1, which tp could Abe on? @2Es ony WIALony (3 &Sonly (485 only. 4. there were two steps between the step that Aas standing and the step that B was standing ot and Awas on a higher step than D, Amust be on sep @? ws ot ws 5. InAlanguage,ifitligentis coded ashosfkanhindes hows ‘suspect coded? @)tofdn G)utofbu— nemadds— @rmghas 6.tna cass composed ofx gts and y boys, what pat of clasis compote of gts? @yle+y) Oey Overy) — @yxy 7. There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination. Among these questions, 50 are maths problems. Its suggested that tice as muuch ‘ime be spent on each maths problem as fo eachother question How many minutes shouldbe spent on mathematics problems? @36 or (@s0 (6100 ‘Read the passage caraily and anowerthe following questions. “AUG areH's AlGeare Peor K's AlvemaKsare Qs, AlLare K's AlNeare Ms, NoMsaeG's” 8, Ifno P'sare K's which ofthe flowing must be true? @auPsareds Q)NoPisaG (@NoPis an (@lfany PisanHitiea G 9. Which of the folowing cn be logical deduced from the conditions tated? @NoMsareH's (Q)NoMsthat are nots ae (@)Betha andb areconect, (@)None ofthe above is comect 10. Which ofthe folowinginconsistent with one ormore ofthe conditions? @ALHs aes Q)AUH's that are not G's are M's (Some H’sare both M's and G's (NoMsareH's Reed he passage corfu and answer the following questions. ‘Six svimmers A,B,C, D,E, Feompeteina race, The oucomeis a follows, i, Bdbesnet in, 4S Oniytwo svimmers eparate ED, Si Aisbenna D&E W Bisahead of, with one swimmerintervening ¥. Fieahead ofD Wi Fisahead of” 11, Who stood 6ithin the race? @a OB oc @eE 12, How many swimmer separate AandF? 1 w2 os (@camotbe detennined 13, Theswimmer between C Eis. @None 1) o> os 14, Ie atthe end ofthe race, swimmer Dis disqualified by the judges then svimmer B fishes in wich place? @! 2 3 oF 15, IE-PROMPT is coded as QSPLOS, then "PLAYER" shoul be @)QMBZES ()QWMEDW (@)QUREXM. urestt ‘he questions 150-135 are baced on the following pattem The problems below contain a question and ovo statements ving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given ‘ihe statements aresuffclont for answering the questions Th comet answer Is (@) statement) alone i suficent but statement (I) alone not sulin. (B) ftatemun (I) alone ie sfiient but statement) alone sot stent (© itboth statements together are sufficient but nether of statements alone is sufficient (@) both together are net sufficient 15, Whatis bus age? (in 15 yeats John willbe tice a old as Dias would be (I) Dias was bom 5 years 16. Whats the distance from city Ato city Cin kms? (0) Gay Ae 90 kms from Cy B (dD City Bis 30 kms fom City C IT.IEAeC.A,B,Carerealmumbers,then- @ABBC ()AIC=C2B 18, What the 30thtem ofa given: (0) The fetta terns ofthe sequence ae 1, % (H) The commen difference i-1/2 19, Was Avinash ealy, ontime orate for wo? () Hethought bis watch wat 10 mimes fast (dH) Actually his watch was Smiutes low 20. Whatisthe value of Aif Ais aniateger™ aya ciao

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