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ssalamualikum,hi miss.

Dini  how are you ?,oh yes just yesterday I was watching the movie Super
Model, with figures eno, senses, senses parents, tiwi, and friends.
movie about a high school girl is pretty, named eno. he wanted to become a model and he knows
in one famous magazine was held a contest to become a super model, and who won the contest
would go on vacation to Bali. and eno requested the help of a photographer at the school who
happened to be his friend named Indra. Indra finally agreed but failed to shoot first because there
was a burning photograph, it is because the senses are not too serious because through their
activities next week he was a test. eno finally held again requested a second shooting. Indra lived
with a serious outcome was satisfactory. but unfortunately did not win the contest supermodels.
and she was crying in the classroom alone, then some friends who saw the report to Indra, who
was in the library, they were approached and asked why he cried, and after telling the cause, they
also had eno initiative to follow the model of competition in schools . results were not
disappointing, eno won the race and pictures on display at the school Mading. eno next day saw
her picture in the school Mading and he is very happy, finally eno thank Indra.
That's the story of a supermodel movie that I watch, so I end this letter if there is a lack I
apologize, wassalam

Kelompok 4 X.9
1.Erlangga Adi Perdana (14)
2.Komang Intan Prawitri (25)
3.Mahardika (26)

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