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EUROGOK Codul profesorului Names preneele curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI ‘Adress Nrteetet: 1 A. Traduceti in fimba romana: 1. Which of you knows how to handle the problems? 2. Yesterday we didn’t have enough time to submit our applications. 3. To be honest, I don’t relish the prospect of spending two weeks in such a boring place. 4, Everybody admires his flair for dealing with disabled children. '5. Why do you insist on buying such expensive food? 6. I'm afraid the salary they offer is not commensurate with my experience, A. Traduceti in limba englezi: 1. Trebuie sa il felicitam cu ocazia absolvirii 2. Suntem seutit de testa final 3. Bl studiaza istoria, (folositi verbul to read") 4, Nu ar trebui si avem incredere in el, ca si mu spun mai mult. 5. Nu ar putut sa nu pling cind mi-am vazut mama dupa 20 de ani. “6. Nu ar tebui sé eviti sé raspunzi la aceste intrebari. ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA\ ‘Observatile porsoroa C. Alegeti continuarea corecti pentru fiecare din exemplele de mai jos: T won't let him, ‘Dosenatie potsornr b. going ©. to go 2 T don’t mind to smoke b. smoking ©. to smoking 3. What induced you ... such a thing? a. tosaying 4, I'm bent on ... a writer. ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! Eurocos! cae SIU EUROPEAN OE CUPS PRN CORESPONDENEE Dumeve si prenumele cuws; ENGLEZA PENTRU _AVANSATI Adrosa Nrectet 2 codpogtat CITT] toeateates A. Traduceti in limba romana: ‘Ohsenaile profesor WB any journey to France this month. 1. Tdon't envisage mal 2. [regret to inform you that you're no longer a student. 3. My clothes need washing, 4. When I was in England two years ago, | used to attend this professor's lectures. ‘5:1 prefer watching TV to walking. cce se va intimpla cind il voi intalai. 2. imi este groazi sa ma ginde 3. De ce negi ca primesti scrisori de la ea? “5, Probabil ed va ploua astazi, folasif, ikedy”) 6, Imi pare rau ca va intrerup, dar vreau sa va spun cova foarte importaat, ATENTIE ! i VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! C. Corectafi greselile din fiecai ‘Tasenatile poFeorar propozitie: 1, Please remember to talking to him. 5. I'm just starting writing a letter to him. ‘Semaitara profsorvial ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE SIADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! EUROG OL INSTR EURO AW DE CURSE PRY COREPONDENA Nrteciet: 3 Codul profesorului cons: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL A. Traduceti in limba romani: 1. Actually, I'm not sure whether the suites in that hotel are air-conditioned. 2. Thad hardly uttered these words when they began laughing. 3. When John eventually arrived he said he was late because he hadn’t allowed for traffic delays. 44. Tean hardly believe it myself that Mary walked out on her husband, 5. If you keep working so hard you will fall ill. 6. You'd better keep an eye on your belongings because the train is crowded and you can be easily robbed, B. Traduceti in limba englezi: L. Nu fi-ai seri tem? Nici nu ma mirat 4 indepartat. momentul de fats aceasta este 0 perspei 5. Logiea ta put “6. Nuam bani, $i, mai mult deeat atat, au vreau st merg acolo in sezonul de var. ATENTIE ! ‘Observe wofeomur ¢ VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE SI ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! nn = Dissraiiiepotesonr C. Alegeti varianta corecti: 1 Td like to buy an .. a. possibly b. eventually Sentra profesor ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRi EUROG OL Codut profesprulat RELL ROPE OF CRS PRN CORESPONDENIA [Namele prenumele curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU _AVANSATI Adress Sritectict: 4 coapoqat CTT] toca Numéru cusancutat A. Traduceti in limba romani 1. How dare you say you love your wife to distraction? You walked out on her a year ago, 2. Ifyou want to maintain your friendship with these people, you shouldn't confine yourself to discussing economic issues with them. 3. L would really appreciate it if you could inform me ubout that as soon as possible, 4, This sort of scientific experiment calls for a good deal of patience and precision. 5. 'm neatly driven to distraction by your ignorance ‘Traduceti in limba engleza: 1. Nu stiu daca-I voi recunoaste, Nu I-am mai vazut de 10 ani, 2. Participam acum la un eveniment istoric. I 3. O cauti cu lumanarea conducénd aga de neatent. 4. Transmite complimentele mele parintilor ti. iu cred ca-l pot covinge sa faca o excursie aga de lungs. 6. Ambele masini au fost complet distruse in aceasta ciocnire frontala, ‘Dhservatile proreorar ATENTIE ! Y, VARUGAM Nu UITATI SA ALATURATIUN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE SLADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! C. Aledtuiti propozitii corecte cu ajutorul fragmentelor de propozitii din grupul I si din grupul II: 1 u a. Lappreciate that 1. to get it done. b. Actually, | need more time 2. you did it for me, ¢. This cannot be regarded as 3. to distraction, 4. Hove all girls 4. historical evidence. ‘Brean pokesora ATENTIE ! ‘Semntr protcorala VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRi yj EUROGOLI “i profesorului SIMI EOL CE CRIN PY COREPONENA [Numele spreaumele cums: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVAN Adresa Nrteetié: 5 . Traduceti in timba romana: ‘Ohsenaie polsonr 1, We need to make a request for more merchandise 2. We will have to adjust ourselves to new conditions. 3. He made a great offer, but we wore stupid enough to reject it 4. is generally accepted that there is too much violence on television. 5. Lwant to do a course in British contemporary literature, 6.1am only doing my duty as a soldier B. Traduceti in limba engle 1. Vel face accast traducere in timp util? 2. Ne vei spune unde este complicele tau? 3. Remarcile tale tu sunt amuzante, ci jignitoare. te aceasta teorie demonstrabil? (folositi cuvantul .provable”) 5. Numa vei convinge s2-i imprumut nici macar un leu. 6. Sa presupunem ef torul va fi gata maine. ATENTIE ! ' VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! C. Adaugati, dupa caz, verbul “make” sau “do” inaintea fiecdrui cuvant de mai jos: comment a statement ajob an accusation z a degree ‘Derenaie provera ATENTIE ! Semaltur proeroraat VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA Euro@ail "NSTI EUROPEAN DE CURSUR FN CORESPONDENA curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU _AVANSATI Numeles prenomele Netectie 6 ‘Obscevaibe porsorae A. Traduceti in limba romén: 1. How many times have you had this fit since 1 examined you last time’? jst idea how to handle this problem. 2. Thaven’t got the 3. You cannot remain here any longer because you are exposed to their attack. 4. You oughtn't to look down on them only because they are iterate 55 I it true that more and mare women want to have their babies by natural childbirth? B. Traduceti in timba engleza: 1. Nu iu niciodata micul dejun (nu fotositi “to eat”) esti copii nu stiu sd serie si sd citeasca (nu folositi citi”) 3. Numai jumatate din verbele “a serie * si 4, Nu am mai vazut pana acum o reclama atat de ciudata, ATENTIE ! f VA RUGAM NU UITATISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! ‘reer provera 5. De cat timp vei avea nevoie ca sa termini teza pentru tithul de master? medium ©. criterion theses ‘Semnatara profesor ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATIUN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADR. A DUMNEAVOASTR: profesorului Euroco ai NGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI _Numele gf prenumete cons Ades Netetict 7 Codpoytas CT LT] tecattatea [Novara cursantl ‘Omseratie pore le urmatoare ba romana: A. Traduceti propo: J. He must have gone northwards 2. All my attempts to get my car started were futile 3. You might have let me know that you were going t0 change your plans. 4. You let out the elutch far too quickly. 5. Watch out for the vehicle on the right! 6. You neciin’t have rushed to your uncle. He knew you would come a bit later: B. Traduceti propozitiile armatoare in limba englezi: 1 Am ridicat hiria care era pe scaun. 2. Am observat o greseala in expuneres ta 3. Un moment, adue cafeaua imediat. (nu folositi moment”). 4, Politia va faci cotiri in accastt Casa. §, Nu se poate si fi ovitacel pieton Jf, VA RUGAM NU UITATISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELF. §1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! C. Atagati flecdrui verb particula corespunzatoare: ae 1. knock a ont 2. case b. down 3. pull c. off 4. watch over Traduceti in limba englezd urmatoarele yerbe: a lovi, a dobori - a incetini - a trage pe dreapta a fiatent . ‘Seomnitara profesor ata ATENTIE ! VA RUG (M NU UFTATI SA ALATGRATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR? Furocon! wal profesorului NSTI BAROPEAN DE CSU PAN CORESPCADENT amet i prenamele \TRU_AVANSATI Adress amar crsanta A. Traducefi urmatoarele propozitii in ‘Observe pofesonalun 1. Let me give you fatherly ad 2. He took a lively interest in everything. 3, She may have queued at the checkout for a long time. 4, [feel worn-out after two sleepless nights, 5, Inearly missed my ship owing to a traffic hold-up, 6. Pve bought a lot of stuff in that departnent store. B. Traduceti urmitoarele propozitii in limba engleza: 1. Ce schimbare este posibila? 2. Ma abonez la doua saptaménale 3. Am petrecut 0 zi minunaté pe plaja 4, Detest sa conduc in oras, 5, Sotia mea este bolnavicioasa 6. Ce venit anual ai ATENTIE ! {| VA RUGAM NU UITATISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA in limba engleza cu expresiile Comptetati spatiife libere din propozit sau cuvintele de mai jos: a) lively b) presumably 3 d ©) cowardly 1. We should treat them... 2. These produets are delivered 3. Aftera discussion we reached an agrecinent 4 His ‘behaviour did not surprise me. 5. He has just retumed from his business trip, so he'll be too tired to join us tonight Fees profes: ATENTIE ! ‘Seaman prafeoraioe VA RUGAM NU ULTATLSA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE §1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOAST Furocoif BS CLT] Codul profesorutui ‘Sn ROME DE CR AL CORON ance prenumele (Cons: ENGLEZA PENTRU NIVEL AVANSAT coats) CTT] ecataten Ne tects 9 A. Traduceti propozifiile in limba roma 1. You must know that your words are getting across 43. There have been a few burglaries to our house since we moved here fast month, 5. Thave enough moncy to get by. 6. The fashion magazine shows what sophisticated women should wear this summer. B. Traduceti in limba engieza urmatoarele propoziti complex corect pentru fiecare dintre ele: 1. $tiu unde vrei sa ajungia ce te refer folosind verbul 2, Nu matica aga de mult pentru ca nu vei mai incapea in nici © haina. Omoratiie paso ATENTIE ! ( VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 4, Foala ziua anvincercat sa dau de tine 1 get at 2. get off 3. get on 4. get over 6. Ma simt mai blac dar incd mi-e gteu s trunim in aceasta dimineata sa discutam asta. ‘inghit mancarea i sens si traduceti-le in limba romana: a getaway’ b. get along. ©. get across, drive at Toenanis ara ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SX ALATURATI UN PLIC DIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOAST Senatura profesor Eurocoi} cast FA profesorului Numele 9 premumete curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU NIVEL AVANSAT Adres CLTT® Lecatiaten Ne tectlel: 10 A. Traduceti propozitiile in limba romana: Ober reer 1. The accident happened at the junetion of Leicester Road and York Street. 2. To my surprise he tumed out to be an old friend of my parents’ 3. He was only slightly wounded, 4. [have a vague idea of visiting this place once as a chil “5. You should have swerved off the road 6. There isn’t any money left. B. Traduceti propozitiile in limba englezii: 1. Nuva fi zapada iarna aceasta 3. Acest submarina intrat in vasul nostra si La stricat 4. Adesea spune lucruri urate despre vecinii sai. ATENJIE ! {VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRAt Toanaie pon 5. Sti ¢a Tom s-a certat iar cu sotia? 6. Probabil cd era/Trebuie sa fi fost cineva in camerd cand am vorbit cu tine, Corectati greselile din fiecare propo: 1, There is going to rain today, 2. only were more mnoncy! 3. Will be anyone to represent your company at the meeting? 4, There will be my bitthday in two days. 5, There is the computer in the room. Serra proirorar ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOAST EUROGOR Sate. LOLI profesorului SIMU ROPE CE Cua Pa SORESPORDENTA AVANSAT. [Numele prenumele curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU NIVI Adress Ne. Lectet: oa postal CITT) Locatieates ‘Ohseeaite profesor 6. It’s no use telling him the truth. 2. Cunosti rezultatele acestor cercetari? ATENTIE ! (VA RUGAM NU UITATISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRAt 5. El fast fa recuperate timp de doua tani, 6 Luna asta profesorul m-a mustrat de pentru acasa, C. Corectati greselile care apar in expresiile de mai jos: 1. to say a story 2. there is fir 3. there is hot 4. cosay alie 5. to say the time 6. he told about it to me. ‘Thxenalile Porson ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR ‘Semnfiara proteanraiae Adresa: EUROGOR crews 2, 6 Md LLE Codut Bucuresti profesorului SSA LIROMAN OE ORI PON COMEZOREENTA Numete¢ pretumele ‘CURS: ENGLEZA PENTRU NIVEL AVANSAT Ne tect: 12 oe postr ETT") Locattaten A. Traduceti propozitiile in limba romana: ‘Grssrvafile pofeonh 1. It goes without saying that we won't leave her now. 2. He claims he always says his prayers in the evening, 3. His ownership of the property is more than doubtful, 4, My husband was badly hurt, to say nothing of the damage to the car ‘What would you say (o getting together at my plave tomorrow? 6. I can hardly believe that pet owners are less prone to heart diseases. ‘Traduceti propozitille in limba englezai: 1. Vino la cina in jurul orei opt 3. Este posibil ca aceasta renumita companic farmaceutica sa lanseze curand un produs nou, 4, Cred ca invenjia asta poate fi considerata un pas inainte in tratamentul bolilor de inima, ATENTIE ! YX VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $F ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR: 5, Sunt necesare in prezent controalcle preventive? 6. Ela spus ca va trebui sa serie noi reportaje Completati expresiile de mai jos cu cuvintele care lipsese si traduceti-le in limba romana: 1. to say the 4.tosay___ oneself 5. say what you 6, There is ‘Dostraps WoO ATENTIE ! Sematura proteoror VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURAT! UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR Adresa: C.P: 61-15 EUROGOR, Sib NSIT EUROPEAN C8 PRIN CORESPORDENTA Numele prenomele Adeesn Ne. Leet: 13, Coa CED cecateaten Codut profesorului ccuns: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI A. Traducefi urmitoarele propozitii in limba romana: 1. He works in the construction industry. 4,1'm afraid you can't purchase this model; it has already been spoken for. 5. The pilot was talked down in the storm and made a perfect landing. Observe profesor B. Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza. Folositi cuvintele si expresiile introduse in aceasta lectie: 1, Trebuie s-o convingem s si schimbe aceasté tactic’ periculoasa 3. Vei intra la pusciirie daca nu-ti vei schimba parerile politice, 4. Vorbesti de lup! Uite- pe Jim. ATENTIE ! YX VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE SI ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 5. Nu vorbeste 0 boabal romana. ‘Dosen protean 6. Oamenii de stiinta au contribuit la multe schimbari in vi 1. Heisafamous, politic » politician 2 Iewouldnotbe to get involved intheir problems. & political 3. Honesty isthe best a policy b.polites 4. Heintendsto goin for a polities D.politician 5. Heisa _ prisoner. a politic ». political Semoitora profnorla ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATLSA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE §1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA Adresa: FuROGaR! oo Codul Bucuresti . ————<—<$<_—— : profesorului Ta ERCP CU CORONA [Nareles prenumete CURS: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL adr Ne Lectiel: 14 od postal [TTT] Locate N A. iraduceti urmi¢oarele propozi 1, Will they have the wisdom to make the correct choice? 2, He is at the point of being promoted. 4. In the sight of the law they are all innocent, so there is no reason to take legal action against them, the president. 6, Our new lawyer is expected to arrive at our office within the next two hours. B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba englezi: 1, Drumul acesta va lega in curind Manchester de Birmingham. 2. Aceasta tara de-abia igase independenta cind a fost cucerita din nou de un invadator. ATENTIE ! ‘Oiservajie profesor {VA RUGAM NU UITATISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRAt 4, Am fost in acea (ara pe wremea razborulus ci) 6. Avand in vedere tineretea sa, cred c@ pedeapsa nu ar trebui sd fie severa. C. Completati fiecare propozitie de mai jos cu expresia corecti L ___of great difficulties she didn’t give up, a. intheface bonthe face 2 The train usually leaves __ a. ontime b.intime 3. of his clothes I couldn’ thelp laughing. a. inthesighe beatthe sight. 4 Doctors claims shathe és ofanervous breakdown a. onthepoint b.atthe poin, ___thenest three hours. . within Dosenaie protean ATENTIE {.. VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTE Adresa: eal EuRocopl eB can profesorului sm. ROPE DE Cus PAN CORESPONDENTA Namele yi prenomele curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL Adress cotpot CET) ta Numarut eee: 15 [Numérutcursantuta A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozi ‘Sierras profesor 1. I believe you'll be interested to know what she dared to say. 6. I've gone down with a cold twice within the last six months, B. Traduceti urmitoarele propozitii in limba englez: 1, Glumele sale sunt enervante. 2. Ma simt epuizat si mi-ar face bine o vacanta. 3. Nu suntem multumiti de rezultatele sportivilor nostri. ATENTIE ! \_ VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE SI ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! C. Completati propozi le cu cuvintele potri inlove with her b. deep Lam deeply 2. You can speak _ bi. free a. freely 3. The runaway is too a.short —b. shortly 41am _ acold — b.coldly 5. The leaflet is afree —b. freely. ‘Dasenata paFsoraT ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NU ‘eseaatara profrora ELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTF Eurocot Cod 75500 - sect. 4 dul Bucuresti Codul profesorului Namely presume URS; ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI aavesa Coapone CITT] tactic A. Traduceti urmitoarele propo: {in limba romana: 1, We haven't had this merchandise in stock since last year. 2. L wonder what the matter was with bim yesterday. 3. He said it calmly and firmly in @ matter-of-fact voice. 4. T've rubbed in this ointment several times, but the rash hasn't disappeared yet. 5. Yesterday I had a car accident. To make matters worse, I had an argument with my wife because I came hore fater than usual 6. How did you dare to tell him that nothing was the matter with us? Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba englezai: 1, Aceasta munca trebuie terminata imediat Indiferent ce crezi despre el, s@ nui spui niciodata ca ai o parere proasta despre el. ATENTIE ! ‘Deserve profesor y VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 4, Am vazut 6 mulfime de pete rosii pe corpul sau. 5. Frao problema de viata si de moarte pentru mine, aga ea a trebuit ‘si-i accept propunerea 6. Indiferent de cat de bine inoyi, nu ma vei intrece niciodata © Conpictai evince cave lpsese din ficcare propotiie 1. It’s only a matter of. before they catch the thief __ how hard I ty, always lose. ‘Deserve polar ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTI FuROcoR| a Bucuresti Numeles prenumele Codul profesorului ‘cURS: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL Adres Numarul lett: 17 WC Laat Cod A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozit tii in limba romana: 1. The students will soon be flocking around the poster, 3, If any person be found guilty, he or she will be immediately expelled from our community, 5. The referee should have awarded a penalty kick. 6. Luxury goods are usually heavily taxed, B. Traduceti urmatoarele propo: ii fn limba engleza 1. Nu exista nici o garantie ca ol spune adevirul 3. As fi vt sa nu ma fi casitorit cu el pentru bani 4. Arata de pared ar fi vizut o stafie, ATENTIE ! ‘Onsarate profsoraias x VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! ‘Creare protean C. Alegeti rispunsut corect: 1. Twish here then, a. had been b. was 2. He proposed him, a. we join 3 they might, they couldn't see us. a. tried how b. tryas 4. Pd rather you anybody about it a. don’t tell b. didn’t tell 5. He fights any kind of a, abuse [a'bju:7] ‘Seniors profesor ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATT ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE STADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA EUROCOR, = Ee: SUT ELRCFEAN DE CURL PRN CORESPONDENTA ‘Numee prenumete Aresa od potat CT) um tectit: 18 Codul profesorului URS; ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL A. Traduceti urmitoarele propozitit in limba romai 1. We insist that all details be recorded on a computer. 2.1 get the impression that technology has not progressed in the last few years. 3. Should you come into coniict with them, everybody will refuse to support you 4. Yesterday thousands of people took to the strvets to protest against the government's social policy. S.Be careful with that washing-machine ~ i's brand-new. 6. All the tenants refuse to pay their electricity bills and intentionally damage the landlord’s property, B. Traduceti propozitiile urmitoare in limba englezi. Acolo unde este posibil folositi cuvintele iatroduse in aceasta lectie: 1, Toti muncitori au protestat impotriva cresterii prefurilor, ‘Omeratie profes ATENTIE! ¢ VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 3, Proprictaral nu vrea si-mi inapoieze suma data ea garan{ie, desi ‘Desens wotesonaa in apartamentul sau nu s-a produs nici o stricaciune. 6, Desi este un aragaz nou-noul, s-a stricat deja ©. Specificati care din cuvintele de mai jos sunt verbe si care sunt substantive: 1 protest ('proctest] 2 conduct (kondakt) 4, conflict [kon'ftekt] 5 ATENTIE ! . oe VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TH BRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR EuRocon! ‘Codul profesorului Namete 3 prenumcte Adress Numirab ties 19 [Nunarvlcarsaneuty cou porat (TTT) toc curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL A. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba romana: 1. Tknow beyond question that my selary will go up by half il ac 2. Whenever he tries to play the melody by eur, he plays out of tune. 3. How he managed to get so many people and so much equipment at his disposal is beyond me 4. In this country the air emperatuce is rarely below freezing-point 5. Teould tel ata glance that he was distracted and didn’t pay attention at my words 6. Beyond all daubt he will soon be at the head of the party B, Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engl 1. Eincredibil ea a reusit sa ia prin surprindere intrega turma de animale. 2. Observatiile sale devin serioase, dar el este din fire foarte rautacios, 3, Am fost peste miisuri de bucuros ea m-am fntlnit cu sora mea din intimplare. 4, Nu pot si-mi dau scama de e nu a platit prin cee, 5. Veeinul ne va da probabil in judecata deoarece cainele nostru i-a devastat gradina 6. Tipa desi nu-t lovise nimeni. ATENTIE ! ‘Obert pofesoal ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! ‘Dosanie poke C. Alegeti raspunsul corect: 1. saw him by __ yesterday. achance —b.Question —_¢, profession 2. He paid by cash b.Cheque —_¢. pennies 3. He sells apples by a. Cash > dozen «belief i Valways ti ae i Sranges aat bibclow By 5. always feel ease with strangers aat b.below ec. by ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITAT] SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! Euro; ‘Codul profesorului TS BOP OF COSI PN COREONOENTA amel 3 prenumcte cuss: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI Adres Namarul teeticis 20 coayecat CTT] tocaitscn ‘Pamir curssarte A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana: 1, L detest talking to him because he is always arguing for the sake of arguing. 2. Do you want us to work separately or in conjunction? 3. In the evert of local military conflicts our lives will be in peril 4, Thave no doubts that this analysis should not be applies in reference to such a big gxoup of people, B. Traduceti urmatoareie propozitii in limba engleza: 1. fn virtutes faprului e8 era strain, nimeni nu il credea gi nimeni nu voia sa él ajure. 3. fn urma incendiului, multi oameni si-au pietdut locuinele, 4. Pe baza a ceea ce ni s-a spus am ajuns la coneluzia ea el qu poste fi responsabilul proiectului nostru ‘Thnaraile profs ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! C. Alegeti rispunsul corect: 1, Te wasn't in accordance our law. at b. with 2. Tam in complete agreement my parents. awith bof 3. They are___peril of losing their jobs. ain beat She did it im obedience ___our wishes. ato bof 5. He spoke ___ behalf of the committee. ain b, on ATENTIE ! ‘Seine profrorale VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR: Adresa: f ] / C.P: 61-15, | | EuROc| = me i Codul —_————_—— Bucuresti Profesorutui amet pronemee curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL Adres Numacul lecticis 21 codponet CTT te Nant urn ‘A. Traducefi urmatoarele propozitii in limba romani esas reora 1 Inno other country have there been so many cases of heart attack or cancer during the last few years. 2. Itis hardly imaginable that not a single word did he utter during the four days of our journey back home. "3.1 dislike it when he looks down on me 4,1 docsn’t really interest me whether they're enthusiastic or not about the campaign we're about to launch, 5. It seems there is only a superficial resemblance between those two strangers. 6. We saw the silnouette of the tower against the sky. B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza 1, De-abia intrase in casa cand a sunat telefonul, 2. De-abia ne zarise in departare ca spuse cu voce tare “Plecati’ ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 5. eri bunica lui a e&zut pe seari gi sia fracturat doua coaste ‘Obs aile pte 6. Noi n-am fi reusit sa stingemt focul daca nu ne-ai fi ajutat C. Alegeti rispunsul corect: 1, “Don’t do that” a. said he to me b. he said to me 3. We can’t do that a, Neither can they, 4, Weonly_____ to sce the results of our enormous efforts after many yeas 4. did begin b. began ‘Sentara proferoraar ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRi Adres C.P: 61-15, evrocatl cme ane Codul profesorului "RU EER OF ODI PN COREPONOENA Namelep preaumete ‘curs: FNGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI Ades amir ee: 22 cotporat CTT] toca Namarol urn ‘A. Traduceti urmiitoarele propozitii in limba romani: 1. There was a good deal of snow inside the house owing to the fact that Jobn left the door open. 2. Yesterday our Parliament decided to definitely break off diplomatic relations with that country. 3. She told her boyfriend to completely shave off his beard. 4. The fact that you haven't gained these qualifications yet doesn’t mean you can't be a teacher of English 5."The fact that she doesn’ like being spoken to like that, doesn’t surprise anybody. 6. He is renowned for his inventions throughout the country. ‘Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza. De cite ori este posibil, folositi cuvintele noi si constructiile gramaticale pe care le-ati invatat in aceste douit lectii: 1. Faptul ca ea mu v-a scris niei o scrisoare de doua luni nu inseamna ca are probleme. ‘Obserafile profesor ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 3. Cine este raspunzitor pentra Faptal ch podul ss prabuqit sub greutatea basa pT cétorva camioanc? 4, Nici unul dintre cei doi paznici au a 2eordat atentie faptului ca hotii nu aveau arme adevarate 1, The factthat she is pretty 2, Idon':wantto 4. Ipaidno attention tothe fact 4, begantoexplainhisplan, VA RUGAM NU UITAJISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA Adresa: T C.P: 61-15, | | EUROCOR] = SP oa Bucuresti . ——$—— : profesorului —_ ‘Numcle 5! prenumete curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI Adres ud postal TTT) ecntitatea 23 A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romani: OTaervae ote 1, Ifyou will wait a few minutes, I'l! immediately get in touch with him, 3. The president hopes to establish good diplomatic relations with all our former adversaries and follow the policy of non-alignment 5. Would you explain to me why you want to quit the job? 6. Fortunately, all the attempts to assassinate the foreign minister have been unsuccessful B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba englezii: 1. Vrei sa il suni tu pe sef si sail amunti hotardrea noastra? 2. Lovitura de stat pare a fi inevitabila ATENTIE ! \{ VA RUGAM Nu UITATISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE §T ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 4, Cred ca atitudinea ta fata de prizonierii politici nu serveste cauzei noastre, 6. Conferinja intemationala la nivel inalt care urmeaza sa se fina peste doua siptamani la Bucuresti va fi dedicate problemelor cooperarii, economice internationale, C. Corectati greselile 1, Why not to go the cinema? ‘Deserts protean 4, He used to travel to Spain ten times a year 5. would have a big car. ATENTIE Senora preferah VA RUGAM NU UITATISA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE §1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA Evrocant pes sect. 4 Codul profesorului ames pronumele ‘cums: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATL Numaraticctit: 24 ‘Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana: 1, 101M take two weeks to draw up the report and have it published. 2. Today I've talked to several entrepreneurs who are willing to employ some of this year’s graduates from our university. 3. ['ve never been by the sea ~ I've never seen the sea with my own eyes. 4, He was hit with a stone and is now being operated on in hospital ‘5. [think all these measures are disincentives to work. 6. I've never tried singing in such a high voice. B. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare fn limba engleza: 1. “Nu cred in nici autoritate”, a spus el foarte tare. 2. Si semnez.aceste documente cu cerneala sau cu creionul? ‘Obienalile profesor ATENTIE ! (| VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRK: Cu aidita angajat fa concediu medical, nw puter garanta C4 vom termina an pT aceasta treaba pana la sfaryitul saptamanii 4, inca este suparat pe mine, §, El tremura de frig iar ea este rosie de furie. 6. Am confectionat aceast# masa cu putine unelte C. Corectati gregelile din propozitiile de mai jo Tennitora profesor ATENTIE! VA RUGAM NU UUTATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC BRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOAST: Adresa: C.R: 61-15 Furocon/ = Codul profesorului Nonee presente uns: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI Adress Namérul lectiei: 25, oa ponten ET TT] Loctaten mtr carsantobl A. Traduceti urmitoarele propozitii in limba romani: 1. I think T can collect this bundle of laundry on my way back from work. 2. The weather has brought swarms of flying insects which are tormenting us now. ‘Obserapie profesorall 5. Lam supposed to take the minutes of our debate. 6. He says he never feels exhausted en route and is always willing to get to know new people. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza folosind cit mai multe dintre cuvintele invatate in aceasta lectie: 1, Nu imi place sa vorbese cu ea, pentru ca igi da aere. 2. Cenusa ii va fi impraistiata peste réu, 3. Intorcdndu-ne pe insula, am observat un banc mare de heriny ATENTIE ! ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! ‘Orsenaile ote 4, Trebuie si te oferim inca un set de mostre, daca vrem ca corcetarea ssi se incheie luna aceasta 5. in prezent, datorita crizei economice, multe organizatii trebuie sisi schimbe strueturile interne C. Alegeti forma corecti 1. Heisgoing through, tobring the project to completion. 4. greatpains b. toagreatpain c. toapain DA is a place where something is made or where an Tadustrial process is carried out a. work b. works c. working Hesawatufiof a. grass b. banknotes c. teacups Sematiars ptaa ATENTIE ! VX RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR Adresa: C.P: 61-15, EuROGOR, Sm STII EROREAN DE Cus PAN CORESPONDENTA =n ‘Codul profesorului ‘curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI Numete s prenumele Adress Namsrulecil: 26 Cod eget CTT) Locate None cortantual ‘A. Traducefi urmitoarele propozitii in limba roman 1. A sudden change in diet may cause stomach upsets. 2. None of the notaries public I know has witnessed the signing of these documents. 3. You can recognize forget-me-nots by their tiny blue flowers. ‘Observatie profesor 6. Though now under control, cholera is still one of the most debilitating illnesses. B. Traduceti propozitiile urmitoare in timba englez: 1, Multi procurori gencrali au contribuit la respectarea legii in tard. ATENTIE ! X VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! 3. eri, copit § adulfi s-au jucat pe terenul de joaca. 44. Nici unul dintre trecatori nu s-a oprit si nu a oferit prim ajutor ranitulu, ‘5 Aceste Sortimente de cafes sunt mai scumpe decit cele vandute in supermarket. 6. Este greu de erezut ca purtarea lui a pus probleme colegilor. Alegeti varianta corecti 1. Hove__ a. forget-me-nots. 1. fongets-me-not Tisai proteome 3. Howmany, witnessed the accident? a. grown-ups b. growns-up 4. Sheisoneofthe best a. mothers-in-law b, mother-in-laws ATENTIE ! ‘Sematturs profesoran VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTEF Adresa: f T C.P: 61-15 4 EUROGOI) = ae Bucuresti : —— ‘Numele st prenurndle ‘curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSAT! Adres ‘Numarul leetiei: 27 A. Traduceti urmatoarele propozifii in timba romana: eee 1. L was discharged from hospital last week but my leg i 2.1 think I am gradually forgetting everything I leamed in your country many ‘years ago when I was scarching for the criminal who had assassinated ‘your Prime Minister. 3. Whether I'l be carrying on with the experiments this time next year or not, still remains an open question. “ATL be discussing the issues with the prime minister tomorrow, and then T'll tr to explain all your doubts 'S. He has vanished into thin air and there's no chance of getting in touch with him, 6. Cut it out! You have no commitments which could keep you from handling the problem. ATENTIE ! ( VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! Toenails pa B. Traduceti urmiitoarele propozitii in limba englezi: 1. Nu m-am mai ingragat de acum trei luni de cénd m-am céntarit, 2. Cred ca trebuie chemat un doctor pentru ca mn simt rau; am o durere in piept si nu pot respira 3. Este adevarat cd maine vei vorbi cu Printul de Wales? 4, Ne asteptm ca el si joace in cea mai recenta piesi de teatru a acestui dramaturg remarcabil. a propuna nimic interesant. . Alegeti rispunsul corect: 1. Heisbeing a tired b. silly 2. Willyou. please? e a. write about that be wrtingaboutthat 3. Tomorrowatnine o'clock 1 an international conference. a. willbe opening b. willopen 4, Ourchildren very naughty today. a are b. arebeing ‘Seiatara profaoral ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTR: rT EUROGOL corres Bucures Codul profesorului NSIT ROPE DE CS PN CORESPONDEN umeie preoumele (URS: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI Adress Numérul lectici: 28 coapotss [TTT] tactiaten ‘Namaralcursentules A. Traducefi urmiitoarele propozitii in limba romana: ee 1. The property shall be handed over to the local community immediately after I return. 2. According to one of the student hostel rules no visitors shall be allowed in after ten p. m. unless in an emergency. 3, They refused to give the names of persons suspected of extortion, 4. Soon two years will have passed since she was kill '5. How much money do we nced to raise to bail them out? 6. They are the sort of criminals who have no right to apply for parole. B. Traduceti urmiitoarele propozitii in limba engleza. Folositi pe cat posibil cuvintele invatate in aceste doua lecti 1. Rata criminalitati a scazut rapid de cnd au preluat conducerca, 2. Se innoreaza din ce in ce mai tare. Cu siguranja va ploua. ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRAt “3. Condifia pentru publicarea cari este s8 nu contina vreo deseriere a violenfe:.) __ ObsTatle protest aselat multi oameni si va fi jeluit mulie locuinte 4 Pina sa fie arestat el va Svisi va fi platt 6. Desi trcbuie sa fupte cu multe probleme, ei nu au renuntat si inca ‘mai fnecarca sa ne convinga de planurile lor. Alegeti rispunsul corect: 1 [bring youa cup oftea? a Shall b. Will c. Have __be no race discrimination inthis school. bw ©. ought 3. Bythetimehe __ wwe’ have finished the work. a. will protest b. shall protest ©. protests 4. Thistimenext year we together fora year, a. havebeen b. are c. willhavebeen ‘Sematary profesoraar ATENTIE ! . 2 a oo - = VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTI EuROGOR! — profesorului umes preaumele curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI Adresa Namal tects 29 Coa post CTT] tocaentea Numarul cureantolt A. Traduceti propozitiile urmitoare in limba romana: ee 1. When he was introduced (o me many years ago, | didn't know Twas talking to a would-be Noble Prize winner. 2. If you don’t have the shelves fixed in the pantry this week, we'll have no TooM to store our home-made wine 3. The check-ups carried out twice this month indicate that the patient's diet should be more nutritious. 4, He tore his brand-new pants when he was on a trip in the countryside. '5. How long does it take to get by subway from this part of the city to that one’ “6. You look real young for your age. What's your recipe for keeping fit and healthy’ B. Traduceti propozitiile urmitoare in 1. Speram cA nici un egee nu va va descuraja in continuarea acestei i stinffice 2. In timpul liber imi place sa mesterese. 3. Recipientele care s-au fost folosit pentru test nu au fost sterilizate ‘cum trebuia. ATENTIE ! 7 VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $1 ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! i tocmaj au rimas fita scutece. Unmatoarea livrare se va face ;ptamana viitoare. 5. Esti obligat sa citesti aceasta carte de fa pagina 10 la pagina 110 chiar daca 6. Toti elevii acoste! scati vor sta acasa in semn de protest impotriva ‘modului in care ii trateaza profesori C. Completati propoz intre urmatoarele cuvinte: ede mai sus cu unul a.cookies b. fall. garbage collection —_d. intersection e.freeway f. meet 1. What isthe speed limit on this 2 2. The prime minister is scheduled to _____ with the president in two days" time. Observe p 6. After reaching the frst ‘you need to tur right. Then follow the signs carefully. ATENTIE ! Semuitara profsoraal VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRi EvRoco! STU EURCPEAN DE CURR IRN CORESPONDENTA Namele sh prenumete Numirul tctet: 30 ot CITT Locatitacen ‘Numaralcarsantulat Adcese Cod curs: ENGLEZA PENTRU AVANSATI in limba romana: A. Traduceti urmitoarele propo: 1, When will he finally overcome his shyness and tell us the truth? 2. As far as I can remember he has always kept on to himself. 3, Nothing can stop him from having numerous affairs with his female colleagues. 4, We're going (o organize a get-together for all our classmates 5. His stammering made it difficult for him to find a well-paid job. 6. You'll be informed about the results of the test by letter. rmatoarele propozi ‘in limba engleza: 1. Majoritatea colegilor mei de clasa detin firme prospere. 2. A fost concediat cu doi ani inainte de pensionare, ‘4. Multi oameni celebri se afla printre absolvent 5. Vom tine legatura daca pleci din oras. ATENTIE ! ‘Dosaratie protean X VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $I ADRESA DUMNEAVOASTRA! C. Precizati care dintre cuvintefe de mai jos au ortografie britanica Reet sicare au ortografie americana: | 1. practise - 2. ficense 3, realise - 4. programme — ‘Semaaara prover ATENTIE ! VA RUGAM NU UITATI SA ALATURATI UN PLIC TIMBRAT PE NUMELE $J ADRESA DUMNEAVOAST

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