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The Beauty of
Saudi Arabia
From fertile desert oases to magnificent architecture to the serenity of the desert, Saudi Arabia a wonderful study In contrasts. Pictured here are just a few of the many facets of this exotic country that has so hospitably opened its doors to all of us.

Cover photo (1I1dSaudi Arabian photos

by R. Thurnbeck.



Below: Boarding school or Hollywood'! With good grades and good looks, it's hard to tel! where these guys are headed. At Boarding School Orientation arc, front row: Ibrahim AI-Rashid, Faraaz Fakih. Back row: Ghuyath Eid, Yonathan Tesfazghi, Brian Flannery, Loay Aouad,

Left: For guys like Zaki Jafry, recess is an opportunity for on-the-court action.

Below: S-t-r-e-t-c-h those muscles! Sixth graders Amer Kolcilat, John Langford and Imran Faruqi get a workout in P.E.

Above: Drama student Donna Villanueva-Bouzann tells the story of The Princess Who Never Laughed to a group of first graders. Left: Students ham it up at Boarding School Orientation. Next year we will see fewer ninth graders depart as the new SAIS-R high school opens.

Above left: Elmo & company week of school.

pose for a picture the first

Above right: Seventh grader Sammy Sunderland displays the colorful flag he created for the fictitious country of Mellan.

Right: Whu is that guy? Something in the distance grabs the attention of Petra Kellie, Georgianne Papacostas, Anniina Pearson and Wendy Morgan.

Above: Rami Irani was looking in just the right direction as the camera clicked at recess one day.

Left: Playin' the blues. Actually it's Chris Beck playing his sax in band class. Some 400 students play instruments at SAIS-R - the music program is first rate!

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Below: Mr. Flannery and National Junior Honor Society members Nour Malus and Patrick Fisher work together during the Junior High Back to School evening.

Below: Cory Spears measures his neck during Metrica '98. Students in Mr. Filice's 6th grade math class measured body parts from head to toe to learn more about the metric system.

Left: What ever happened to Levis? Healey Cypher points out the latest trend in blue jeans, 40-inchbottoms worn by Matt Taylor. Also in the photo: Chris Axelgard, center; Randy Lewis, far right. Below: Pretty faces making faces. Abigail Javier and Michelle Le form clay masks in art class. The masks were later fired in a kiln and painted. The project gave students a better fccl for how facial features are shaped.

Above left: Bathing beauties. Ninth graders Mayasa Yaraghi, Neelma Siddiqui and Rana Biary have a little fun during water survival skills activities at the ROC.

Above left: Practice makes perfect. Eun Jin Lee during beginning flute class. A lot of work goes into those great concerts that SAIS-R students arc treated to during the holidays.

Above right:

Sarah HaL] in a moment

of reflection.

Above right: Students head outdoors for recess. This gathering spot at the top of the stairs is a popular "oasis" at SAIS-R, where junior high students often go during breaks.

Right: Tug-O'-War. Mr. Thomson's and Mr. Chassagnc's classes pull a cubic meter box filled with water on Metrica '98 Day. How long is a cubic meter'!

Left: Shaping up! Alice Chlouk and Dania Al Ajlani work on geometric shapes in art class. With music playing in the backround, Jim Misner's advanced art classes arc a place to get those creative juices flowing. •

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Page 13

Intermediate School
Right: This crowd proves that Nok Hockey is a popular game at SAIS-R. Below: Brandon Spears seems more interested in the camera than in hi s new computer, which he helped assemble with classmate Krisztina Mosdossy.

The Arabic writing on the colorful stars on pages 10, 11, 12 and 13 says:

My name is ---', I am from ---,' 1 am 10 years 0; Cl ass grade and section; Riyadh; Id


Left: Fifth grade students hold up their finished projects in Mrs. Jabbour's Arabic culture class.

Below: Do, ray, mc ...C.J. Brown practices during music class.

Above: "Hey, watch the hair!" Friends Genevieve Stewart and Rachada Whitling on an orange day.

Above: Fourth grader Ryan Harrington shows off his classroom to brothers Michael and Chris on Back-to-School Day.

Left: Chloe Green measures the distance of a classmate's cotton ball "shotput" throw.

Above: A tongue-biting lesson in electricity. Fourth grader Aleksander Pearson tries to connect his wires and light up a bulb.

Left: Oscar Wetterberg throws his paper plate "discus." In keeping with Metrica '98, the distance was measured in meters. recess.

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Page 13

Right: Sizing up! Maryam Demian measures a juice box carton as part of a math lesson on measurement. Below: Beth Banks-Holman takes a closer look at the bright Saudi sun through special glasses that block out the harmful rays.


Below: Don't get too dirty before class, guys! From left to right arc 4th graderslonathan Mori, Timothy Watts, Robert Taylor, Joel Huber and Joe Price.

Below: Friends Tara McAdam, Taler Allen and Lacey Berry goof around on a tire swing. Below: Monkey see, monkey do. Hanging left to right arc Adam Giansiracusa, Tawheed Jallu, Tarek AI Ariss and Ramsey Darwiche.

Above left: Thi rd grader Malik Nabulsi watches the world go round. Show us Australia Malik!

Above: Play me a tune! Pals Abdulkerim Uzumco and Omar Obeid practice on their recorders at recess.

Above: Fifth grader Heidi Mekawi takes a sharp turn. Floor hockey is one of many sports SAIS- R students enjoy in P.E. class. Left: "We love the library!" Mrs.Powc and 4th grade students were caught in a corner wi th library educational assistant Rania Rabie. Above: "Is my tie straight?" Buddies Ziyad Ayass and Abdallah Tchelebi posed for this picture on student portrait day.

Above: Fifth graders AbdcllatifDe Vol and Rashid El-Ladki show off their frustration pencils. Their class made them for a bit of comic relief before S AT exams.


Page 13


Below: Hand-in-hand. That's how KGT classmates Robby Heindel and Melissa Ganley roam the playground each morning before school,

Below: Three's company! Manal Abuzeid, Kasia Famulska and Casey Duggan share a tire swing. Casey cracks a big smile. Below: Keeping cool. During one hot recess second grader Jack Kelly finds his own oasis: a small crack of shade outside buildings A & B.


Below: KGI student James Sutton is looking cool on his first day of school. Whom to play with? There arc so many new faces!


Above left: Why did friends Alexandra Orphanou (front) and Rania Adib (back) cross the bridge? To get to the other side.

Above right: Levar Goossen gets serious with a computer on Back-to-School day.

Left: Mona Sadek, Rola Fahs, Heba Dajani and Kristin Coburn look happy to be together again after the long summer break.

Above: Getting straight. Mrs. Sandberg's KGIl students line up after P.E. class with teacher Mrs. Brenton.

Right: Like peanut butter and jelly, friends Tamara Tannir and Nour Hadid always seem to bc together.

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Classmates MohammadSahi and Bryan Torgeson paint side by side.


"Is my bus that way, Mrs. Sandberg?" Anders WiedChristiansen and Osama Siddiqui wait for their kindergarten bus.

Above: Josh Coburn takes a sly peak at the camera during music class. Right: Vicky Lepham and Lilly Brott know the Primary Library is the best place for friendship and a good book.

Above: Milka Abraham takes a cool, refreshing drink of water. With the hot Saudi sun, kids are encouraged to drink lots of fluids throughout the day.

Above: Art class can be fun and messy. First graders Filza Ahmed and Robert Nolan work on tissue paper collages.

Above: The covered area is always a great place to go during recess! From left to right are Athina Kilpelainen, Alexander Kharadi, Christine Wulff and Shelby Robinson. Left: "Howdy,partner!" RahulLakhani takes part in the first grade costume parade.

Right: First day jitters? Not for first grader Anushae Hussain. She had mom to help her find her class.

Left: Mrs. McDivitt's KG 1 class practices lining up during the first week of school. Claire's broken 31m is well healed by now.

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Page 17

Back-Io-School Dav

National Junior Honor Society members help out during the Junior High Back-to-School


Melrica '98!
We measured body parts from head to toe, played games and raced against the clock trying to hold a metric cube together. We measured things allover campus, formed human histograms, and played tug-o-war, But the best part of Metrica '98 was watching the junior high science teachers get dunked upside down in a bucket of water. Our objective was to measure the volume of their heads by measuring the displaced water. Whose head was the biggest? Why, Mr. Arnold's, of coursel It was all fun but we learned a lot about the metric system too.

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With almost 50 countries represented at SAIS-R, U.N. Day is a great way to celebrate our heritage, discover our similarities and differences and eat great food from other cultures!

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Welcome to our desert oasis SAIS-R. It's a ferti Ie place where children from allover the world feed their minds with knowledge _ and quench their thirst for friendship, creativity and understanding.

Junior High School

Grade Nine
Tamim Abdul Majid Noor Abdul-Samad David Aboudiwan Ghada Adhami Nouma Afiouni

A sign of the times: "Friends" and "Armageddon" win hands down. National Junior Honor Society members conducted a
grade-level poll last fall asking students what their favorites were in a variety of categories. Do you remember your answers? How do they compare with the overall favorites for your grade? Look below and on pages 34, 44 and -: ................ ._ 53 for the results!

Viqas Akhtar Dania Al Ailan! Farah-Philip AI-H(~ij Mahmoud Al-Khatib Ibrahim Al-Rashid

Souraya Alameddine Mattias Andersson Sherif Andretta Loay Aouad Danyl Apilado


The great, big sausage of science.

Mr. Moncada's

science class holds up a density balloon. Mr. Balk's students were.

What's in that lunch bag?

(Lunch can be a scientific experiment in itself") You'd be surprised!

right: What can you find in owl droppings?

Page2S Page 24

Zahra Ayubi Emad Aziz Fahini Johanna Backman Hani Badran Rashaad Balbale

80- Young Chung John Clem Matthew Dafter Mario De Mast Matthew Debellefeuille

Rana Biary Kathryn Bongiovi Elisabeth Bosley Russell Boucher Alexander Cabral

Lindsey Douglas IV Megan Eason Ghuyath Eid Noha EI-Khatib Emine Fidan Elcioglu

[shan Chatterjee Ahmad Chaudry Kathleen Chiarantona Alice Chlouk Umair Chughtai

Hicham Eldah M ostafa Elhammady Maya Esparza Faraa; Fakih Fady Farid

Leadership Week went on ...

and on...

Just another excuse to have fun! While the study trippers were in Switzerland, the rest of ninth grade participated in a variety of activities throughout the week, ending with water survival skills day at the ROC compound.

Above left: Classmates attempt to pass Mariko Koguchi through the spider's web. Above tight: It's written all over her face. Mashal Rizvi had a great day at the ROC. Far Left: A river crossing challenge.

Left: The nuts and bolts of boat building (cardboard, tape and plastic wrap).

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Page 27

Brian Flannery Michael Flannery Robert Fontaine Leslie Anne Gauna Douglas Gefre

Marie Jansson Sumpun (Dea) Jerles Hyunwoo foe Timothy Johansen Lena Kakati

Salwa Ghandour Rebecca Grealy Margaret Greenhorn Christopher Grigoleit Ziad Haddad

Maheen Khan Mariam Khan Sana Khan Shireen Khan Klementyna Kielak

Lauren Hadsel Hikmat Hamdan Ahmad Hariri Kyle Hick Zeeshan Ijaz

Kyeong Won Kim Seol Kim Nicolas Kobroussi Mariko Koguchi Abdulazi; Koleilat


.~~ of


Left: A group of students wait for the train. Below: Students break the ice with a get ~acqu aintcd game. From left to right are Nicolas Kobroussi, Tim Johansen, Nathan Schorr and Ahmad Hariri,

Ninth grade study ~~ ~ trippers went hiking, -, mountain climbing, boating, and sightseeing in beautiful, mountainous Switzerland. As study tripper David Lundstrom put it, "I had the time of my life in Switzerland."

Above left: Ahmad Hariri, Viqas Akhtar and Leedia Riman enjoy a boat ride. Above right: Maya Esparza sits down for a meal with the rest of the gang. Left: A group poses in front of the Red Cross Museum.

Yonathan Tcsfazghi and Nouma Afiouni share a Jaugh.


Page 29

Erik Landriault Sung Hee Lee Randy Lewis David Lundstrom Hasan Mahmood

Ume Naqvi Ole Jorgen Nerseth AlianNoy Dimitrios Papacostas Ana Katrina Pascual

Wayez Mahmud Jeremey Marco Ian McCleary Eric McDivitt Madeline McGehee

Taha Pasha Dianne Pereira Rachael Peterson Brittany Pierce Valerie Pike

Taimur Mian lman Moawad Youssef Mourad Mohammad Mustafa Shaden Mustafa

Syed Qadri Fahad Qureshi Samer Rachdan Dania Rafii Ammara Rahman

Left: Students visit Mrs. Benson, former fourth grade teacher. Below: Guess who?


Ninth graders have plenty of opportunities to stay fit at SAIS-R. At left is the new climbing wall completed last fall. Among the first to try it out were (left to right) Puru Trivedi, Mariam Khan, Ghuy Bid and Chris Grigoleit.

Far left: A scene from "Rutherford Wolf." Left: Mahmoud Al-Khatib helps fourth grader Sarah Moawad with an electric experiment, an example of the "big buddy" approach that has become popular at SAIS-R.

When the heat wave breaks, students head outdoors to the soccer fields.

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Page 31

Lauren Redwine Leedia Riman Mashal Rizvi Shabih Rizvi Emir Sadek

Karim Tadros Rosaline Tashdjian . Taysir Tayyab Yonathan Tesfazghi Edward Thibodeau

Nathan Schorr Christopher Schroeder Deepa Sheth Neelma Siddiqui Arun Sivanandam.

Faatima Timol Ronny Torstensson Puru Trivedi Tyler Uebrick Tobie Underwood

Georgina Maresca Samad Soudagar Christopher Southerland Thomas Stewart Carl Svedberg

Llzet Verwoerd Aleksandra Wantke YousefWilliams Sarah Xefos Mayasa Yaraghi Rye-June Yoan

The defense team:

John Clem, Faraaz Fakih and Karim Tadros.

School Bound

Students in language arts classes participated in a mock trial based upon John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men." Above: Ayubi. Defense attorney Zahra

Right: "Judge" Yousef Williams, and (far right) David Aboudiwan as Curley. Junior Honor Society members welcome school representatives to the Boarding School Fair

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Page 33

Grade 8
Zuha Abbasi Samir Abboud Iman Abuzeid Momin Aetiza: Malecha Ahmad

Hamid Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Mohammad Akhtar Ramy Alani Jaime ArkZe

Juliet Armour Jennifer Arnold Hadeel Asaad Karen Aton Rehan Ausat

Christian Axelgard Tariq Ayass Faisal Aziz Suzanne Baidon Faheem Bakhshi

Tarek Baya'a Alex Bedenis Raymond Benson Johan Bergquist Finn Bjorge

Ivar Bjornsson Adrian Blackwell Matthew Blair Matthew Bond Kathryn Brand

Page 35 Page 34

Anais Braye Heather Brown Iermaine Bruce Charlene Brungess Chelena Brunone

Christopher tn Salvo Travis Dudley Rami Eid Susan Eleissawy Jessica Ellwood

Robin Carmichael M aryam Chaudry Jae-So Cho Zunair Chughtai Il- Young Chung

Samia Farooqi Lacey Fincannon Patrick Fisher Eric Fontaine Veronica Fox

Can Coler Healey Cypher Maen Dabat Lavinia Del Bianco Michael Dela Cruz

Mellissa Frangias Robert Fris Feras Ghandour Sidra Ghori Benyam Girma

Dramatic Moments:

Above left to right: Rob Fris tells the story of the "Gingerbread to a group of first graders. Man"

Above left: Early in the year, 8-Bluc spent a "team teaching" afternoon in the Russell Building. Far left: A bird's-eye view of a class in progress. Left: Ben Martin and Tariq Ayass work on their island story project in computer lab.

Ashley Johansen gives her dramatic impression of the "Grasshopper and the Ant." Dmytro Mykytenko Dong-Hyuk gels "made up" in drama class.

Lee gets gets a face to match his shirt.

Mousing around: Jawad Hussain and Donna Villanueva-Bouzann.

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Page 36

Priya Gonsalves Daniel Greenberg John Greenberg Matthew Grega Enrico Byron Grino

Evan Holmes .larett Holmes Peter Horan Lee Humphries Adam Husain

Anthony Haddad Hosam Haggag Ayesha Haider Rose Hajian Iona Hansson

.lawad Hussain Tarek Hussain Jenny Hwang Zainub Ibrahim Sarah Ingram

Maria Hasslof Toshiko Hatashita Mary Henry Erin Hiser Yusuf-Hussein Hoballah.
:;z. "I'i'-\

Afzaallqbal Ozair Islam Rami Itani Samer Itani Zaki Jafry

8-Blue Activity Day

8-Blue ended the first semester with a cu1imination activity day that combined fun (and crazy) activities with the themes students had been working on: "Teamwork," "Patterns and Systems," and "Change and

r Il
I I'

From the student presentations on different countries, to the scavenger hunt, to the international cuisine, 8Gold Activity Day was a success - and a lot of fun, too! Above, Luke Morris holds the grand prize "funny money" for his group's presentation on Argentina, which tied with India for first place. Now that takes coordination!

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Page 39

Huda Jarmakani Jan Jodkowski Ashley Johansen Paris Jones Wook Jin Jung

Brennan Macl.achlan Moodi Majroub Rita Makhoul Maya Makkawi Nour Malas

Shaunt Kalloghlian M .ariya Karim Bassam Khalil Areej Khan Yaser Khan

Amna Malik Sana Manawar Audrey Martel Bernard Martin Richard Martin

Khilji Ashwin Kumar Veronica Larsen Dong-Hyuk Lee Nicholas Lepham


Nisha Memon Abraham Micael Peter Middleton Christy Morgan Luke Morris

Hasan Mougharbel Moustafa Mourad Kimberly Munn Dmytro Mykytenko Reem Naim

We've got spirit, how about you?

Page 41 Page 40

Imad Nemr Benjamin Newbery Dina Ortiz Noreen Osman Jennifer Palmer

Umbreen Shaikh Osman Shamim Hae In Shin Nabeel Siddiqi Magdalena Sinczak

Ja Eun Park Konstant Petzer Willem Pienaar Philip Pittle Michael Placht

Mimmi Sjoklint Josefine Skold Victoria Smith Nicholas Solomon Tala Soubra

Mustafa Poonawala Shana Quinn Tyler Quinn Abubakar Qureshi Emma Qureshi

Robert Tate Matt Taylor Eva Tollborg Siegfried Truccato Donna Mae Yilianueva-Bouzann

Saranya Raghavan Sameen Raw Corrin Reed Jessica Richards Basil Rifai

Matthew Wissemann Robert Wooden DaHye Yoo Alper Yuceozsoy Jenna Zarzycki

Johann Rodrigues Amanda Roof Adam Ross Scott Ross Sarah Saleh

Zane Ziemelis Mohammed Zubairi

Anna Santos Sean Satterwhite Muhammad Saya Lisa Scott Nicholas Seaton
Go Eagles! Moustafa Monrad is disguised as SAIS-R's mascot.

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Page 43

Grade Seven

Omar Abdul-Samad Osama Abu Sakha Faiyazahmed Ahmed Chul Yang AIm Areeje Akhtar

Saqeb Akhter Wael Al Ariss Lora At Khawam Abdul Mohsen Al Saud Bassel AI-Atab

~~--=~'"' 3. T.y shoyy.. '----.=~~-~rkillQ~

9. M()'!"e._~~~_~~~~~~ A!Illil_g§i!dQn
~~"'--w __ ~

Qutaibah Al-Khatib Rayah Al-Masha'l Ahmad Almughrahi Julie Aly Lizzy Ansingh

7. Vide_9.ll§lm~~I1l~NiD~


~. Boa~d gB:£I1e_::._:_~_~~"~~=_~-2!l£E£!L 1 O. Leisure_activ~y::. _ _ W~.l!:!£LI,y.

Abed Al Hamid Aouad Jacqueline Arnold Dania Asaad Catherine Asikis Adnaan Balbale

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Page 45

Classrooms with a view;


Above left: Students present the "facts" about the fictional country Octopia. Above: Feven Tesfalidet combines art and literature with the Hob bit. Far left: Katlyn Merkel cuts up in health class. Left: Bilal Bissat builds a boat. Above left: Mr. Whittaker performs a disection of a sheep's organs, while Kate Lans (above) cleans up. Left: Where did that basketball go?

Sidra Baloch Talal Baya' a Ousama Bayaa Christian Beck Bilal Bissat

Jean Du Plessis Bilal El Achi Karim El Assir Said El-Dajani Anthony Felipe

Johnathan Bisson Rachel Bosley William Brannan Kyle Brennan Joseph Brouillette

James Fischer Rachel Furbeck Sami Galal John Gefre Nora Ghandour

Mikael Cappelen-Smith Katrina Chang Richard Chiarantona Baris Cin Thomas Clancy

Victoria Gould Brandi Graves Tamara Grealy Thomas Greco Adam Haddad

Christopher Craver Noora Dabbagh Nicolas DeMarcq Ashley Dionisio Brenda Down

Kevin Hadsel Samer Haidar Nadim Halwani Maher Hamze Hameedul Haq

Page 47 Page 46

Folktale Presentations:
Below: Jeffrey Petersen gets a group of first graders laughing with his tale "Anansi and the Phantom Food." . ;ght: Bunyon. Far right: David Legaspi dresses the part of King Arthur in "Sword and the Slone." Abdul Al Saud tells the "tall" talc of Paul

Blake Wissemann takes the lead.

Makiko Hatashita Ryan Holt Julie Horowitz Sukaina Hussain Ji Sao Hwang

Zakariya Khawaja Lucas King Hassan Krisht Kate Lans Michelle Le

Roukaya Ibrahim HumaadIjaz Ayyaz Iqbal Naazneen Iqbal Ahmed Ismail

Chan Yang Lee Woo Lee David Jonathan Legaspi Laurence Lewis Melissa Lewis

Seemi Jamil WaJaJaved Abigail Marie Javier John Jones Omar Kabbara

Tse-Mian Lim Amy Linehan Maysa Majzoub Sarah MaZki .lames McAdam III

Fatima Kamran Nadia Kanaan Aline Karam Jawad Khan Zahran Khan

Jeffrey McDivitt Faisal Memon KatZ),n Merkel Melissa Middleton Christopher Moceri

Page 49 Page 48

Students prepare for Activity Day.

Omer Mohamed Molly Morris Hiba Mougharbel Anas Mustafa Robin Myers

Fatima Razvi Karen Ann Renshaw Dallas Richard Ryan Rifai Ahmed Rizk


Sarah Naoshy Adam Nasr Sahar Nia: Anum Niari

Zack Rue Michael Ryan Hassan Sahi Bruno Santos Brendan Schenk



Serge Norikian Tara Ogaick Supanika Ordonez Krystle Pablo Jonathan Pasquale

Christian Schroeder Lonsdale Schultz Ryan Seaton Saad Shaikh Kimberly Sharpe

Jeffrey Petersen Wesley Pierce Kamran Pirani Laura Powe Sumayya Rahman

Rahul Sheth Amr Shweiky Suzan Skef Raman Srinivasan Hayden Stewart

PageS1 Page SO

Grade Six

Oliver Stigsby Samuel Sunderland Christopher Sutton



Feven Tesfalidet

Jyri Tiimonen Dana Twal Daniel Van Der Maden Vincent Vim Del' Plas Mary-Ann Wara

Favorite ...

1. Book".
2. Author ...
Marissa Wasilewski Yazied Widatalla Blake Wissemann Serene Xefos Nicholas Yochoff

Allimorl2_hs R.L. Stine .. .






"Friends" Puff Daddy Scream Science


4. MusicC!I.~up... 5. Movie...

6.: School subjec.L.~

Almahdi Yousif Vajeeha Zia

Basketball Mono12o1

9. Board arne ...

Page 53 Page 52

Below and right: Students attempt to float their clay formations during a science experiment. Below right: Laura Lee Brott and Michelle Velez have outdoor lunch together.

Left: Rachel, Eriko and Erin take a big, long drink, attempting to empty a two-liter jug. Below left Sixth graders had the most spirit at the soccer rally last fall. Rebecca even wore blue lipstick! Below: Lunch buddies Joseph and Saud.

Dan Chassagne

Ellen Nash

Grade Six-G-1
Zaid Al-Khatib Salman Al-Rashid Georgina Atkins Frederick Axelgard Anders Bergquist

Grade Six-G-2
Rihana Alghalayini Saira Awan Rachel Bedenis Joseph Brannan Sabrina Gould

Dema Dabat Jad Darwlche Vanessa Grigoleit Zakir Jafry Ilham Jallu

Raed Jabaji Morgan Johansen Miriam Khan Saad Khan Erika Koguchi

Ryan Palmer Ramsey Sahli Iawhara Soudagar Elsa Sunny Mild Underwood

Jesse Marco Gina Moceri AndrewPowe Pratyusli Rastogi Irma Raza

Michelle Velez Stephanie Webb

Cecilia Segernas Neha Srivastava Rebecca Wolf

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Page 55

Jerri Myers Lana Callihan

Teacher Teacher

Grade Six-6-3
Samer Abu-Nasser Miriam Badran Nina Bjomsdottir Min Lung Chao Keeta EI Ramahi

Grade Six-6-4
Zain Ahmed Freddie AI-Hajj Rami Audeh Simeonne Bookal Geoffrey Dittrich

Jamila El-Dajani Kareem El Hindi Natasha Haq Sin-Ae Kim Eun Jin Lee

Matthew Eason Sarah Haq Hyun Jae .loe Jee Hye Kim Kate Mallula

Cory Linehan Wendy Morgan Patrick Mori Anniina Pearson Maya Serhal

Ivar Marthinusen Ribih Salam Mathilda (Anna) Svedberg Adrian Vivas Bobby Webb

Grego I)' Shenold Thomas Wilson

Jenny Wu

Page 57 Page 56

Left: Talisha and friends get a kick out of jumping rope. Below: Aaron plays the sax,

How tall are you, Juhy?

Divya Gautarn displays one of her many talents.

Wayne Winkelman

Pam Ei-Ahmadiyyali

Grade Six-G-5
Nana Acheampong Juhy Ali Paul Baker Alex Brott Shaina Chughiai

Grade Six-B-1
Sammy Alani Melissa Collins Christina Craver Talisha Fernandez Errol Feuchuk

Yannick: Demarcq Divya Gautam Macram Hassanieli Damla (Merve) Ibis Hamra Iangda

Rest! Gauna Aaron Green Dina Hamouda Muneira Hoballah Kiran Mian

Petra Kellie Brigitte Landriault Michael Polcari Adam Powell Joseph Yammine

Ashley Nusairat Georgienne Papacostas Ehsan Saya Hang Shi Athina Tzanetatou

.. Sara Younan

Michael Wilson Christian Zeuner

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Page 59

Carmine Filice

Eric Thomson

Grade Six-8-2
Farah Arkadan Kristina Black Nour Chatila Jennah Chlach Anthony Dersarkisian

Grade Six-B-3
Laura Lee Brott Jessica Daboul Devon Dennis Erin Duggan Racha El-Ladki

Fariha Ibrahim Menekse Kardes Aisha Kattan Jae-Hoon Kim Lisa Lamprou

Shajee Fakih Amanda-Marye Frush Caylee-Britt Goshko Winta Haile Hossam Hamdan

Dan Marcelino Imran Pirani Tarde Rabie Chaghla Sagher Sarah Thornock

Sufia Khalid Marya Khan Nader Khan Michelle Khilji Erin Lueck

Katrina Torres Ashlee Winchell

Yousef Mustafa COIY Spears Tom Van Del' List

Page 60

Page 61

Students in Mrs. Alsado's class eat well!

Mr. Brennan leads the sixth graders in a spirit cheer. Got any earplugs? (Sixth grade won the noise competitionl)

Mitch Brennan Debra Alsado

Teacher Teacher

Grade Six-B-4
U.N. Day festivities

Grade Six-8-5
Alexandre Abboud Mohammad Al Harfi Hilal Eid

Mohammad Al-Moumen

Kelly Anderson So-Hyun Bak Leomar Bautista Mitchell Dela Cruz Arya Godard

Nader Eldah lmran Faruqi Hannah Furbeck

Maysaa Haidar Rayan Kabbara Amer Koleilat Gulrukh. Ladha John Langford

Hassan Ghori Aajtab Husain Valerie Jacquemin Maha Jarmakani Andrew M .akhoul

Tanril Manawar Adam Nusairat Sarah Rahman Ali Serhal Christopher Verghese

Richard Moore Anna Njarlangattil Jesse St. John Tessa Thibodeau Joshua Wasel

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New Students
Some ninth graders will return next fall as SAISR's 10th grade opens
SAIS-R is undergoing a major change and facing an exciting challenge. In June 1997, the Ministry of Education gave permission for international schools to operate high schools. Much consideration was then given to the possibility of SAIS-R adding grades 10, 11 and 12. The decision to do so was made in December 1997, and now the planning is in full swing. In August 1999, a grade 10 class will be started. In the following two years grades 11 and 12 will be added. All of us at SAIS-R are committed to making our future high school the outstanding educational institution our students deserve, and we look forward with hope and confidence to welcoming our first high school class in August.
D,; John Davis, Superintendent Left: Facilities coordinator Robert Thumbeck and High School Principal John Kruk met with architects last fall to discuss logistical plans for the high school.

Eighth and Ninth Graders: Nicole Kondes, Jessica Adam, Robert Sefcik.

Sixth and Seventh Graders: Sara Andersson, Madelen Ueland, Helen Du Plessis, Soo-Yeon Kim, Kate Walker; Kristen Wiebe.

New Stan
John Kruk
High Schoof Principal

Michelle Goossen
Educational Assistant (Sixth Grade Workroom)

Dorothy Keasey
Educational Assistant (Junior High Workroom)

Beth Paterson
Secretary (Junior High Office)

Kathleen Seel

Left: Some of SAIS-R's returning ninth graders will be the first high school students in SAIS-R's 36-year history.

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Page 64

Memorable Moments:
"Today was th:Jbest day so far, even though I think my feet have died." =Matt Debell; cuille .

"Some of my expectations before the trip were fulfilled - even exceeded. I will always remember the time when we hiked seven hours to a hut in the middle of nowhere and found out that we could have walked one hour and gotten there!" Chris Schroeder

"My impression of Switzerland is that it is very 'Heidi-style.' grape vineyards here; they are YQ!J': tempting!"

Also, there are billions of

-Katie Chianuuona
"J have learned two main things. One is that teamwork really matters and helps boost your self esteem. Two, I have learned that modern conveniences do not matter when you're surrounded by beauty. Switzerland is gorgeous 1" -Brittany Pierce "There are a couple of people that I really didn't like before. Last year J really hated them because they didn't seem too friendly. On this trip I started to talk with them and found out that they are fun to be with. Every day now, we hang out together." --Russell Boucher "We went real mountain climbing ...I went np the hard side and got half way up and bashed my knee. I was so mad that I hadn't made it up that! did it again and finally made it up." -Lauren Redwine

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Ken Balk
Biology ffiwilVnmentai Science L L 2,

Ruth Bershing-Jones
Algebra Computer PJvgramming

Alice Burkett
A /gebra/Geome!J)' Tann Leader Language A,tJ' Physical Science Biology

Mitch Naro
World History Computer Simulation

Brian Snyder
World History

Paige Spilles
Language Arts/Speech

Mr, Forgeron and Emad Aziz Fahim keep score duri ng the intramural volleyball

3, 4. 5,

tournament The guys in health class form a train of sorts as they write comments on each other's backs, What are you writing about Mrs, Forgeron, Wayez? From left to right arc: Wayez Mahmud, Viqas Akhtar, Umair Chughtai, Kyle Hick, Back: EIHat~mady, Anchors away! Philip Al-Hajj, Karim Tadros and Abdul Koleilat build a boatfrorn coardboard and cellophane. Good luck, guys, Will it float? Row, row, row your boat. Mariko Koguchi paddles through Leadership Week -. , Read his lips. Dirnitrios Papacostas gives his winning speech for Student Council


President 6, You call this science? Ian McCleary cats food cooked with water pasteurized by solar heat during Mr, Moncada's Waterquest experiments.

1. "We're the big guys 011 campus!" Arun Sivanandam, AllanNoy and Ishan Chatterjee hang out at the bleachers during a break. 2, How do you work those things, anyway? Tarnirn Abdul Majid uses chopsticks, 3. Oh, the tangled web we weave. Can we get through it? Rashaad Balbale tries as classmates look on during Leadership Week. 4, Decpa Sheth and U me N aqvi are caught in between classes. 5. Is the other side winning? Ninth graders try to show up the sixth graders during Metrica '98. 6, "I survived!" Noor Abdul-Samad smiles after a lesson in water survival skills, 7, Happy to be leaving? Klementyna Kielak at Boarding School Orientation,


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Richard Arnold
Earrh Science Gold Team Leader

Mike Boll
Socia! Issues

Eleanor Daiy
Langllage Arts

Gail Pritchard
Langllage A I1s Language Arts

Cheryl Smith
Earth Science Blue Team Leader

Car! Sptlles
Socia! Issues

Linda Wheeler
Pre-A Igebra,ijjlgebm

1. Corrin Reed - rabbit or raccoon'? 2. Where'd that flash come from? A surprised Momin Aetizaz was caught off guard in the library. 3. It's just an illusion! Drama students experiment with make-up. 4. The next Dan Rather? Robert Wooden plays newscaster in language arts class.

Erin Hiser and Lacy Fincannon relax on the bleachers during the first week of school. Jarett Holmes holds last year's yearbook showing SAJS-R's mascot, the bald eagle. Students catch up with Mrs. Brown after the summer break. From left to right are Zainub Ibrahim, Lisa Scott, Suzanne Baidon, Mrs. Brown, Jenny Hwang, Patrick Fisher. Juliet Armour gets ready to serve during ASA Session #1. A perfect example of "team teachi ng," students gathered in the Russell Room for a project that combined science, language arts and social issues. From left to right are Donna Villanueva-Bouzann, Mary Henry, Karen Aton, Healey Cypher and Ashwin Kumar. Jenna Zarzycki gets an "A" for attentiveness during choir class. 3.

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Angie Brown
Geography l.

Mark Forgeron

Jack Ge!dart
Science Geography

Staria Reed
Language Arts Language Arts Blue Team Leader

Cindy Thomson

Linda Wagner
Language Arts Gold Team Leader

Bill Whittaker


1. Who's winning? Michael Ryan watches the intramural volleyball tournament. 2. These guys got lucky when the last shot on the roll turned out to be a winner! 3. A balancing act Daniel Van Der Meulen demonstrates how Coke outweighs water in terms of sugar content and other bad stuff. 4. Qutaiba Al-Khatib displays the flag of the fictional country Fortnon. (Look closely - it was cleverly fashioned from a washcloth') s. True fans! Wafa Javed and Rachel Furbeckkeep a close eye on the volleyball action. 6. This picture of Kim Sharpe was taken during choir class. Looking sharp, Kim.

Woo Lee isn't down on Health - she's concentrating on her project! A group of girls gather in the "peaceful" surroundings of SAIS- R. Wired! Christopher Moceri and Nicolas Dcmarcq display their wire art projects in different stages of completion. Victoria Gould and Jamila EI-Daj ani pose for the camera during recess. (Check out the shoes!)

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I. This gronp shot was taken during Metrica '98. 2. Will it sink or float? Frederick Axelgard and Ryan Palmer perform a

scientifically proven that 6th grade is

It has been

science experiment.
3. "We're the big kids now!" A group of sixth grade "guys" poses for a picture. 4. What's your toe size, Erin? Erin Lueck measures body parts during a metric activity. 5. "Hey Jenny . I need your back!" Shaina Chughtai and Jenny Wu. 6. Wink if it's good Mr. Winkelman!

Deb Alsado Mdch Brennan (Team Leader) Lana Callihan Dan Chaf~wgne Pam EleAhmadl:y.yah

Carmine Filice Jerri Myers Ellen Nash Eric 7770mJ·on U0yne Winldeman

1. Is she making fudge or a big mess? Sara Younan makes fossil fudge in social
studies class. 2. Macram Hassanieh feeds the hungry. 3. Good enough to eat! Anna Svedberg examines her graham cracker house. 4. How far can this little red car go? Kristina Black, Ashlee Winchell and Katrina Torres measure the distance at different slopes. 5. A close-up of Hyun Jae Joe on one ofSAIS-R's many hot days. 1. 2. 4.

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!JlCind,6'0& and spirit. ..

Music is an essential part of developing these three basic foundations of our children. SAIS-R's music department is in tune to the needs and .interests of our students and well equipped to deal with them. More than two-thirds our of junior high students participate in music classes, whether it be playing a musical instrument such as tlute or trumpet, or singing in the choir.
Left: Anders Bergquist practices his violin dnring class. Below: Mr. Brumley practices along with his trumpeteers,

Mark Brumley

Paul Lindley

Mary MacLachlan

Christina Niederkorn
Choir General Music & Vocal

Above: Annii na Pearson on flute. Left: Evan Holmes and Nisha Memon keep the beat.

Heidi Snyder
Educational Assistant

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Below: Mr. McWilliams after a long day. Likeness created by seventh grade artist Kate Lans.

Don Me Williams
An Grades 6, 7 & 8 Above: Veronica Fox works on lettering illustration. Right: Black and white allover. Bobby Tate and his charcoal rhythm studies project,

Jim Misner
Intermediate & Advanced Art

Tara Thornock
Grades 6 & 7 Art Drama

Above: The faces of SAIS-R. Mrs, Thornock's students display their heads in various campus locations. Right: Melissa Lewis makes wire sculpture look easy!

Let's get visual. ..SAIS-R's

excellent art

department has helped many students discover their creative talents. All year long their projects grace the halls, bulletin boards and display tables in Junior Higha visual treat for all of us 1
In Shin and Anna Santos work on their lettering illustrations. On top arc the finished projects.

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Taking physical fitness to new

Left: Physical fitness doesn't end with the bell. Mohammad Alharfi takes a jump shot at recess. Below: Don't give up, Lizzy! Doing push-ups from left to right are: Hiba Mougharbel, Brandi Graves, Lizzy Ansingh, Sarah Malki and Sumayya Rahman.

Audrey Forgeron
Physical Education & Health

Jay Gramolini
Physical Education & Health

Patrick Lake
Physical Education

Cathy Moreau
Physical Education

Above: Arya Goddard has a smile almost as wide as his stretch. Left: Tanzi! Manawa!' was caught in mid air one day in gym class.

Kim Ohl
Physical Education

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Whether it's a book, a tape or a video ...

Kathryn Placht

check it OUI!
----------Right: Chris Di Salvo knows the library is a place a lot accomplished. (Less to do at home!)


Below: The library can stretch the mind and more! Peter Middleton and Peter Horan do research,

Debra Seaton
Instructional Aide

Shameem Taufiq
Circulation Aide

Judy Arnold
Educational Assistant

Monique Martel
Educational Assistant-AV

Many De La Cruz
Media Technician

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Right: Racha El-Ladki and Jessica Daboul salute their homeland during a presentation on Lebanon, Below: Finn Bjorge looks thoughtful in ESLclass.

Christine Dupont

Sharran Hariry
Advanced English as a Second Language

Amy Lindley
Intermediate English as a Second Language

Above: Participating in literature circle in ESL class are (left to right): Dong-Hyuk Lee, Wook Jin J ung, Josefinc Skold, Chelena Brunone and Muhammad Saya. Right: How tall am I? Karen Ann Renshaw measures Serene Xcfos during a metric activity in Spanish class.

Top of page:
Boys: "Six cent quarante-cinq?" Faheem Bukhshi, Mo ElHammady and Ah mad Hariri guessing numbers in French class. Girls: " Neuf cent quarant-trois?" Emma Qureshi, Zane Ziemelio and Tala Soubra look pretty confident about their answer, Teacher: "No, no! Sept cent quarante-cinql " Mrs. Dupont.running the numbers game. Above left: "Parlais vous Francais?" Nicolas Kobroussi and Youssef Mourad perform a skit in French class. Above fight: "Hey, over here I" Freddie Al-Hajj, Hyun J ae Joe and Jee-Hyc Kim wait for the rest oftheir ESL class. Left: Endangered species, Cay lee-Britt Goshko and Winta Haile portray and display animals of the Mideast in Arabic culture class,

Cristina Pennington

Lynn Russell

Odette Zahkaria

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Left: Mr. Jones demonstrates how computers and color have merged to create a whole new art form, Below: Ninth grader Mario De Masi works on a project in multimedia class.

Right: Mr. Smith's students are behind him all the way! Below left: Sumayya Rahman starts with a drawing before transferring her work to computer in computer rut class. Below right: Computers have infiltrated student council elections. Here Klementyna Kielak makes her choices for student council officers.

Peter Jones
Grade 6 Computers Computer Art

Bill Smith

Grade 7 Keyboarding Exploratory

Cathy Van Del' Meulen

Computer Graphics Multimedia 3D Design

Above: Saudi eyes. Eighth grader Jessica Ellwood began with a photo, then added a veil and enhanced the eyes with Photoshop, The result was her first project of the year in computer graphics class.

Rubina Sattar
Instructional Aide

Computers have had a far-reaching effect on our lives and on our education at SAIS- R. Students of all ages use them for a variety of learning activities from keyboarding to more advanced areas such as computer graphics and research. Computers continue to integrate other areas of learning - from writing assignments in language arts classes to spreadsheets in math class.

Alka Tyle
Instructional Aide

Above: One man (or boy or girl), one vote. Ashwin Kumar and Sana Khan help to pick the new student council officers. Right: Kickin' back in multimedia class are Wook Jin J ung and Johann Rodrigues.

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Learning Center

Just can't get enough of SAIS-R!

(After School Activities)
When the bell rings at SAIS-R, students just don't want to leave! Many sign up for after school activities. There are a variety of fun and challenging activities throughout the year, including sports, music, crafts, typing, science projects, drama, language clubs, computers and games.

Elizabeth Wetmore
Learning Center

Boarding Placement Center

Coora/naror J1frer School Activities

Ann Davis
Boarding School Placement Counselor

it be France or Switzerland? Iman Moawad, Noha El-Khatib and Kathryn Bongiovi Boarding School Orientation, Above: It's a bird's a plane ...where if that volleyball? Above right: Actors Morgan Johansen, Christi na Craver and Sarah Thornock perform during after school play auditions.

Sandra Wright

Junior High Workrooms

Alice Chlouk serves during intramural volley ball, one of the most popular junior high after school activities.

Linda Gaisbaue r
Educational Assistant Macn Dabat looks upward while Mr. Misner referees. Mr. McWilliams shows Gina Moceri to hollow her cl ay figure.

Renzi Gruslin

Ruth Anne Harrington

Educational Assistant

Madiha Mughal
Educational Assistant Grade 6


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Page 91

National Junior Honor Society

NJHS Officers

Nintlt gFOtie: Front row: Elisabeth Bosk); Samad Soudagm; Bri//an)' Pierce, Ahmad CltOlfdl); fa/lOt! QureshI, Emine Fir/cm Elciollglu, Ghat/a At/ham!, Nee/fila Siddiqui. Back lVlI': Ml:r. Bergen (sponsor], Erik Lanr/17i:llfit,Dfmitnos PapaCOS/(lS, Tim Johansen, Marie Jansson, Katie Clt/amnlona, Ibrahlill AI-Rashkl, Ibmilll Abdul Majid

Left to right: treasurer:

Samad Soudagat; president; Neelma Siddiqui, vice president; Elisabeth Bosley, secretary; Tamiin Abdul Majid,

National Junior Honor Society

Student Council Officers

EigNIt Grmle: Finn/ mil': Anrhony Haddad, Da Hye Tho, Nic!w!as Lep17am, HW{/11lHaggag, AI1111a Malik, Sameen /?aza,
Maleeha Ahmao; Eric FOlilaine, .l!fr.aal Iqbal. Second mil': Toshiko Hatas17ita, Call Colo; Patrick Fis17",;Anna Santos, Johal1ll Rodrigues, ZokiJq{tJ; SuzalJne Baidon, Rose Hajian, Sarah Sale;" 7Jtler QlIinlJ. Back row: Mrs. GlIthrie (.rponser), Hae In Shli't 10110Hansson, }j{sl{[-Hlf.~felii 110balla17, Samia Fcm)oql; raser Khan, Magdalena Sillczak, S/mlla Quinn, Johan Bergquist, Healey Cyphel; Anai» Bmye, Zman Ahuzeid, NOlll"Mala.r.

Left to right: Tariq Ayass, treasurer; NOliI' Matas, secretary; Shaunt Kalloghlian, vice president; Dimitrios Papa costas, president,

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And the Band

Red Band
FlVnt row: M,: Brumlejl Mt: LindJejl Juliet A rmou); Rami EM, Taro Ogaicl;, Kamra» Pinmi, Dona lival, Dania Asaad, Lena Kaleafl; Katlyn Merkel, Jisoo Hwang. Second IVW: Supan/lea Oldonez, Sahar Niaz, Robert Fns; Mapa Mqjzoub, Serene XqOJ; Chris Beck, Lonsdale Sc'hu/rz, M!c/wd Ryall, Molly MoniJ; Tla! Baya '0, Riclimd Cllial'tllltolla, Karen A nil Renrhml; Ka/rina Chang. Thirdmw: Brenda Down, Osama Abu Sakha, Sohal' Niaz, Lucas King, Ali/hOllY Felipe, Jolmer/hall Bisson, Michael Ryall, Kimbedy MUIlIl, Da/lrls G. Richard, Rachel Furbecl;, Anuma Niazi, Lara A/ Khawam, Feven 'Ie.ffa/ide!, .Iacquiline A mold Bock mw: Rami ftam; Ihrek HusJ'aill, Jean DII Plessis, Steve» Rile, Robin Myers, Diller Mohamed, Said ElDqjani, Nicholar Yocilqjj.' John Jones, Roukaya fbmhim, Karim E! Assil; Saad Shaikh, Ba.r.relAI-Arab.

Played On...
Gold Band
Ftvnt !Vw: M,: Brumle); M,: Lindle}; Asllley Dionisio, Lee HlfmplllieJ; Sarah fngmm, Aiian No); .lellllifor Palmel; Marileo Kogtlc!ti, Ab/gmt Javiel; Erill Hisel; %0 Soon Lee, IhlviJ'Dudle); Second Row: Yarer Khan, Jermame Bruce, PlI~U Trivedi; Christopher Di Salvo, Ben M(/ftill, Matthew Wissemann, Haded Asaad. Mellissa Flungias, SlIsan EleiJ~'{/w); Lindsey DOllglas Jae~So Cho, Arel{je AkhtaJ; Brennan MacLachlan, Seal K,in, Paris Jones, Sandm Wantke. Thlid row: Taimur Mkm, Vajeeha Zia, Wa.faJavca. Dea Jerles, Liz?y AnJ'blgh, Ryan Sea/on, Shmmt Kalloghlian, Ben yam Gimfa, Douglas Gl{!h!, Osman Shalllim, Laurene» Lewis, Komlant Petzn; SameI' fta}!i, Rkhald Martin (Tmpp), Adam Haddad. Back mil': Maff Grega, Kevin Hadsel. We.rleyPierce, .Iyri Tiimonen, Tse-Mian Lin; Danie! Greenberg, Maya MaKKawi, Thomas Greco, Quitalbah At-Khatib, SlIzan Skl{t Bloke WiSJ'elll{/JllI, mathan Te~ji:T?ghl; llh:)' McDivitt. K N


Concert Band
Fronr IVW: Mt: Undle); M,: Bmm!e); Anais Braye, Victotia Smith, Shana Quinn, KathlJ'fI BOllgiol'i, Tobie Underwood, Feras Glwndour, Ana Katrina Pascua/, Hae-In Shin, Kathleen Chiamnfona, Jenny Hwang, San1ia FaTOoq;, Matthew Dajlel; SolOling Chung. Second JVW: Salwa Ghandolll; Iman A budec!, Midwel Dela Cmz, NOHrMa/a"r, Leedia Rlillan, Michael Placht, Ian McCleafJ; Ole Ne/;retil, Hikma! Hamdan, Eric FontaiI/e, II-JOunS Chung, Healey CypheJ; Patrick Fisher; An!hon), Haddad Th'irl mw: Raymond Bel/SOil, Shabill Riz",; TYler Quinn, Robert Fontaine, Tariq Aya.r.r, Megan Eason, YlI.rl(!Hobal/ail, Mahmoud AI-Khatib, nin Johanse», ffi'!)'ez Mahl7lud Bact lDW: Nisha Memon, Evon HolmeJ; Nick Sea/on, Sami!' Abboud, Mat!hew Debellejeuille, Randy Lewis, Jolin Clem, Ziad Haddad

Concert Orchestra
Avn! lVW: Dlinitrios Papacosros. Zaki Second JDW: Elilad Adz rahim, Lauren Adllam;, Saml! Xefo.r. Back row: Mn. Reem Nalm, Andrey Martel, Magdalena Leslie Gauna, Mrs. Snyrlet: .Ia./lJi Ume NaqVl; Emir Sadel;, Tc!wir nlJ'yab. Hadrel, Fldan Ele/ogiu, Zahra Ayubi, Ghada MacLachlan, Deepa She/h, Ja Eun Park, Slllczak, Huda Jarmakani. Da Dye JOo,

Page 94

(Names in a/phabeticalorder by /nsrrumenr) 7)'tllllpet: Zaid AI-Khatib, Ahmad AI-Mug/1mb!; Kelly Anderson, Leomar Bau!/rta, Joseph BJ'{fnnall, Josepit Brouillette, .lad Darwidte, Mitdlell Dela Cruz Hila! Eid, Xareem Elfiindi, Sliajee Fakill, Imran Nrruql; Alya Godart/, Aqjiab Husain, valerie Jacauemin; Maim .Iarmakal1l; Saad Khan, Zakmiya Khmwtja, Jonn Lallg/OJ,/' 7hnd! Mallawm; Pa/rick Mol'!; Mohammad Mm·tajcl, Adam MlJ'ail'Cl/'Alldrew Powe, Sanli, Rahman, Irma Raza, Ramsey Sahli, Gregol)' Sheno/d, Anne Thibodeau, Michelle Wlez; Cllri,r/ian Zcuner: Low Brass: Nana Adleampong, Syed Ahmed, Mohammad AI-MOlimen, ./uity AI!; RamiAlfdeh, Faul Bakn; Sbnemll1e Booka!, Ak.r Bmtl, KII1Jlick Demarco, GeojJl'ey Dirrrich, Macmm fia.rsanieil, Hamz« .lallgda, ffyUfl Jae Joe, Petra Kellie, Rid/Old Moore, Michael Po/cari, Adam Powell, Adrian Mlla.r, Bobby fWbb, Joseph rammine. Percussion: Alexandre Abboud Mal/hew Eason, Emico Grino, Me!'lJe lbi.r, Brigitte Landriault, /var Mar/hlllllJ'CIl, Jona/hall Pasqllale. (Teachen: Mr. Brumley and Mr. LlildJe);)

(Names iii a/phabe/leal order by instrmnenr) Flute: Georgina Atkins, Miriam Badran, Rana Bim); M{!Wia EI Ramahi, .lamila El-Dajani, Sabrina Gould, vcmessa GdgoJeit, MOlgan JohaJ1sen, Eliko Kogudli, EUII Jin Lee, Anninta Pearson. Lisa Sco/!, Maya Serha!, Mllef Underwoo,/, Rebecca f10((. Clarine!: Chlll- Young Ahm, Sammy Aian), Krir/lila Block, Laura Bmtt, .lenllah Chlach, Alice Chloul;, Mill JlIng Choo, Thollla.r C/allC)) Christina Craver; Jessica Daboll!' Amanda Frush, Rest! Gauna, Cayiee-Brill Goshko, AJ:hlee Greell, Mlflleim Hoballali, Far/ita fbrahIill, Menekse Kardes, A Isha Kaua», Nadel' Khan, Sill~Ae Kim, Lisa Lamp!VlI, Erin Lueck, Dan Marcellflo, Jbll.rej'Mustqfa, Hang Shi, Cal), Spears, A !Iuna Tzanetarou, Thomas VCIll Der List, Michael Wllsol1. Saxophone: Hicham Elda;" 7i:lltJ-I,a /0mandez Brallch' Graves, Aaron Gree/l, Wril/a Haile, Jesse Matt'o, FozJd Merllon, Aslliey NII.miml, 1111)'(111 Pilm';, Tarik Rabie, CllCIgh/ah Saghe!; Brendan Schenck, S/ephanle Webb. (Teaders: MI'J: Niederkom, MI: Brumley and Mr. Lindley)

Page 95

Beginning Strings
Front mw: Envl Pel/chllk, Nella Srivasrava, Sir/ia Khalid, Saima» AI RaJ/lid, ldelissa Collli,s, Micl1elle Khiiji, Hi'lldy Morgan, Poily /(jarkmgallii, Sarah l7zomod(, FredetickAxelgo!r1, Mohammed Zlibair!, Shireen Khan, Hayden Stewart. Second mw: COl)' Liilehan, Ra)'cm Kobbam, Dema Dabat, Ali Serhol, MJllr Chari/a, Somer Haidar, Ander» Bergquist, Mapa HakIm; Gulmkh [({tikI, Jawbara SOlidagO!; .fem~)' H1/, So HYltn Bak, JeJ'J'eSr. .fohn, Hassam Glwn: Zakir Jq{!:J;liham .faiill. Tllild /VII': MOIya Khall, Noreen Osman, .folm Geji'C,Anna /(jatianga!!ii, Katrina Torres, Bacha EI,Ladkl, Thomas mison, HOJ~'{{Jll Hamdan, Natasha Haij, Nilla £llom.rdoll!,; Saira Awan, Rachel BedelllJ; GeorgiOlJlle Papacosras, Anfholu,Det:fOr1dsiall, Chlirlopher VerglleSe, ,lae-Hoon Kim, A mer Ko/eilat, Elsa SlInn); Br/uma AIghalayim: Back row: Hallnah Furbecl:, Raed .fabeij!, kIf's. Maclachlan, MI:r. Snyde» MI:~rillg: Ryan Pa/mel:

Boys' Intramural Champions:

Front row: Erik Landriault, Ramy Eid, Wallace Frank, Randy Lewis, Healey Cypher. Back row: Feras Gharulour; Berkeley Chavez, David Lundstrom, Khaled Eid, Mr. Cedarlund (coach).

(Spring (98)
Red Orchestra
Fron: lVW: Ryall Hoi!, Melirsa MiddlelOIl, David legaspI, Alexandra Wasll'elv.rki, Hassan Sahl, Bilal AI Adll: Second lVW: Mn: Macladdan, Rablfl S/leth, Tamara GI'Cal); Humaad {jaz Zahran Khan, Laura Pawe, AmrShweik)( Backrow: Fatima Kamrar; Aline Kamlll, Makiko Halashifa, Mat]' flew); Chelena linmone, Chan Kmg Lee, .fames Fishel; Oliver Stigsbj( M1J~'lilg: Omar Kabbam. Fmnl row: illlad Nen'll; Brul/o Z(//iurb Ibrahlill. Second !Vw: .fohann Rodrigues. Can Cole); Baidoll, .fenllfftr Al'l101d, Tala Mrs. Maclachlan. San/o,.I; Daniel rim De,. Mel/len, Momin Aetizuz, Sameen Raza, Faheem Bakhshi, Nicholas Lephanr. Kyle Brennan. Back !Vw: M,a: j'nydet; Suzanne SOllhl"{],Jaime A ride, K/)crtle Pablo, Michel/e L«


Concert Choir
Front IUW: Maya Erparz{[, Sidra Ba/odl, Charlene Brungess, Kimberly Sharpe, Dany! Apilado, W:zleriePike. Second row: Victoria Gould, Ad/wan Ba!ba/e, Ammara Rahman, Fa/lma RaZYI; Nom GhandOlIl; Maller HU1Jlze. Back mw: Seemi Jamil, Rachael Peterson, Catherine Asikls, Jenna Zarzycki, Lawen Redwille, M/:r. NiederkoTli. Fran: /Vw: Rabill Salam, Fink!! AI Hajj, Divya Gal/Ic/Ill,Andll?w MakllOu/, M,;s. Niede,*om. Back lVW: Sarah Haq, Sllaina Chughtai, Sara IOU/lOll,Ma/ilda Swdberg, Jee Hye KlIl1.

Boys' All-Star Softball:

Page 96

Front row: Wally Frank, Brendan Butz, Nathan Schorr; Samad Soudagat; MJ: Forgeron (coach), Ian McCleary. Back row: Mr. Gramolini (coach), Tim Johansen, Ryan Butz, Johan Lenjesson.

Boys' All-Star Softball:

Front row: Khaled Eid, Lorrin Underwood, Ray Benson, Chris Schroeder: Back row: Aizaz Ali, Berkeley Chavez, Feras Ghandour; Michael Placht, Russ Landrus, Mr. But: (coach).

Page 97


Boys' Volleyball
A fter a oreat intrarnnra 1 volleyball season, two boys' and two girls' teams headed to Jeddah for intra-Kingdom competition.

Girls' Volleyball

Page 99


International Honor Band

Off they went to Vienna, Austria to perform in an international band. Not only was it an honor to be chosen for this selective group, but all the SAIS-R representatives were eighth graders!

Holidav Events ..
With all the winter concerts, caroling, and cookie eating, it's amazing we still managed to get all our work done!

International Honor Orchestra

Front raw: Patrick Fisher, Samia Farooqi, Eric Fontaine. Back row: Victoria Smith, Nick Seaton.

Lauren Hadsel and Dimitrios Papacostas traveled to London in February.

Front row: Jyri Tiimonen, Wesley Pierce, Seol Kim, Woo SOOI1 Lee, Travis Dudley, Ana Pasqual, Feras Ghundour; Hac In Shill, Katie Chiarantona, Sumia Furooqi. Second row: Nisha Memon, Evan Holmes, Salwa Ghandour; Michael Dela Cmz, Anais Braye, Leedia Riman, Nour Matas, Ashley Dionisio, Lee Humphries, Shana Quinn, Victoria Smith. Third row: Ziad Haddad, Michael Placht, fan MoCleary Ole Nerseth, Matt Wissemanll, Maya Makkawi, Jae So Cho, Il-Young Chung, Healey Cypher; Patrick Fishel; Anthony Haddad. Fourth row: Tyler Quinn, Ray Benson, Ryan Seaton, Yusuf Hoballah, Ben Girma, Kalloghlian, Tariq Ayass, Wayez Mahmud, Brennan Macl.achlan; Tim Johansen. Back row: Sam Abboud, Nick Sea/on, Hadeel Asaad, Daniel Greenberg, Randy Lewis. (Missing: Ben Martin, Luke Morris)

Top: The winter concerts are truly a showcase for SAIS-R's talented musicians. Middle: NJHS students work hard on gifts for junior high teachers and staff. Bottom: Clarinetists help entertain during an outdoor holiday concert. the crowd

Anti-Tobacco Campaign
The second annual Great SA/S-R Smoke-Out was held in February. Health class students campaigned long and hard through public announcements, anti-smoking articles and contests to get their "no smoking" message across to staff and students. Students even visited elementary classrooms to warn of the dangers of smoking. On pledge days, hundreds of students and teachers promised to quit smoking or never to start. The hard work and planning paid off, and the event was a smokin' success!

Top: Fa fa fa la la ... Staff members join together for caroling, Middle: Time for a treat!

and students

Bottom: During all the excitement and anticipation, sixth graders were able to concentrate on a "hands on" museum of Egypt. Elementary Pledge Group: Front row: Mayasa Yaraghi, Youssef Mourad. Back row: Mohammad Moustafa, Rosaline Tashdjian, David Abuudiwan, Ziad Haddad, (Missing: Noha El Khatib and Hall! Badran) Iunior High Pledge Group: (Clockwise from center) Maddy McGehee, Brittany Pierce, Dania Raf/i, Lauren Redwine, Pike,

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Page 103

Activity Day International Day

Mr. McMillen presents the Stanley Haas/Luke Hansen scholarship award to recipient Ian Goshko,

Fish smells and smiles.

National.Junior Honor Society Induction

Page 105

Page 104


Nancy Lake

Matt Piper

Grade Five-B
Preston Aitken Zamil Akhtar ZiyadAyass Mercedes Ayers Carolina Baker

Grade Five-C
Sara Abu-Nasser Maher Ali Taler Allen Mohammad AI-Rashid Sammy Andretta

Elizabeth Banks-Holman C..T.Brown Katie Burr Muhannad Hariri Gabriel Jabbour

Magali Braye Mehdi Bundeali Michael Fisher Emily Naccarati Zachary Newell

Khadieja Khalid Lindsay Kirkby Brendan McAndrew Ludvig Nordstrom Hanneri Pienaar
" o~

Jose Ortiz Daniel Placht Abdul Poonawala .leevika Rajagopal Kristopher Reks

Vardhman Shankar Abdallah Tchelebi Courtney Valenzano

Trisha Soares Nicholas Wasilewski Marta Ziemelis

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Page 109


Heather Naro

Shawn Chassagne

Grade Five-E
S. Ghazi Aetiza: Troy Austria A.J. Bordenave Einas Deeb S. Bilal Haider

Grade Five-F
Marion Abboud Mohammed Adel Danali Aljazara Emilie Angergard Ryan Cullen

Luma Jawhari Nora Kakati Karina Khan Amanda Munn Ali Poonawala

10e/ Davis Spencer Douglas Remy El-Assir Conley Fincannon Alicia Grealy

Alia Rirk Gayle Scott Khadija Shaikh Zunarali Siddiqui Max Sjoklint

Hiba Krisht Kelly Ladki Caitlin Naylor Amy Ne~~feldt

Kevin Takach Zeynep Uzumcu

Andrew Palmer Wasseem Skef Abigail Thornhill-Geoghegan

Page 110

Page 111

Lynn Lawson

Virginia Parker

Grade Five-G
Omair Ali Alex Bisson Kelly Brennan Julie Carmichael Dana Dajani

Grade Five-H
AhmadAly Jaclyn Brennan Sarah De Raikem George Dersarkisian Cristina Evans

Me ral EI Ramahi Bernice Grino Krikor Hajian Julius Jodkowski Patrick McCleary

Cristen Geller Nader Hobballah Kathleen McCabe Krisztina Mosdossy Dwaa Osman

Anid Mansur Summer Niazi Daniel Piitle Jordan Powell Sara Saleem

Abuabbas Qureshi Fara: Shaikh Melissa Sharpe Brandon Spears Andrew Tillmann

Zubaida Saya Joanna Smith Rachel Wooden

Karen Truccato Omair Uddin Samuel Vannoy

Page 112

Page 113

Barbara Ziemann

Lavonne Mills

Grade Five-I
lawadAhmed lawa AI-Ahmed Noveen Ausat Umair Baloch. Michelle Dela Cruz

Grade Five-J
Talha Abdul Majid OmarAhmad Mana] Al-Moumen Asma Al-Qudsi Ahmad Baya' a

Matthew Espinet Kalen Greco Zara Hasnain Aamer Javed Safiea Khan

Mira El-Hafi Prentice Fincannon Mads Gjermandsen Osama Junejo Amina Kamran

ManalMalik Sameer Mirza Farrah Naqvi Michael Nemr Majed Samad

Shereen Khalil Sabina Khanna Farrah MachZab Nur Maherali Arik Seiler

Steven St. John Diala Tannir Wayne Wu Hye-Sun Yoon

Genevieve Stewart Rachada Whitling

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Page 115

Barbara Cypher

Gus Lawson

Grade Five-K
Lacey Berry Amra Bissat Abdellatif De Vol Rashid El-Ladki Katharine Fischer

Grade Four-B
Ayesha Abbasi Osama Ahmed Kaashif Awan Darren Coykendall David Coykendall

Hana Galal Ashley Gramolini Ryan Hiser Amerah Khan Tara McAdam

Fatima De Vol Sara Gohar MaryaHaq Tarek Kanafani Saruhan Karademir

Maureen McCabe Patrick McNamara Heidi Mekawi Asad Rizvi Roy Rubio

Hadi Makkawi Stephanie Martel Mohammed Memon Mahwesh Nia: Tahsir Rahman

Carina Sannerud [mad Sheikh Sarah Taylor Carl Wittmann

Matthew Storm Jan Talar Patrick Toth-Meyers Carl Velez

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Page 117

Jan Benson

Helen Martin

Grade Four-C
Corey Arkle Victoria Asikis Talha Asmal lung Hyun Bale Rami Haddad

Grade Four-D
Dandy Apilado Dan Bjorge Ryan Cypher Roddy Dunn Jonathan Haas

Jennifer Humphries Hanna Ingram Naveed Islam FawadKhan Soo Jin Lee

Jennifer Hamilton Ryan Harrington Alexander Kattan Ridhi Lakhani Laura Lamprou

Thomas Merkel Sarah Moawad Gurpartap Parhar Aleksander Pearson Ilona Maria Righa

Amanda Langford Rawan Mustafa Farah Osman Samir Reddad Pietari ShaZah

Rawad Emad Pia Eugene Aysha

Riman Tareen Trivedi Valley Yousuf

Khalid Shaqdan Saiha Sohail Elizabeth Tillmann Safar Yaraghi Megan Zarzycki

Page 1lS

Page 119

Linda Schmersahl

Christine Bates

Grade Four-E
Hannes Angergard Gabriella Azar Fawad Azi: Jessica Bibeau Dimitrios Chantziantoniou

Grade Four-F
MiznaAhmad Nawaf Al-Dughaither Michel Al-Moumen Sarah Ansari Louis Collins

Sam Dobson Michella Ducut Faysal EI Achi Huda ElAwad Joel Huber

Travis Davisson Zye Esparza Kyle Hobratschk Michael Holley Junaid Islam

Mushaal lja: Lalarukh Javaid Imtiaz Kazmi Zara Khanani Junaya Nakhal

Deema Malki Alison Murphy Chelsea Namikas Hanna Nordstrom Ramsey Saleh


Joe Price Mike Schenk Jelena Schultz Areej Shaikh Anton Vikstroem

Save Schroder Pontus Segernas Kyla Shetter Timothy Watts Sarah Willis

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Page 121

Kay Kruk Lori Boll

Teacher Teacher

Grade Four-G
Firas Adhami James Atkins Nosheen Bakshi Benjamin Brannan Alexander Craver

Grade Four-I
Jamila Acheampong Nora Biary Leo Castor Nora Daye Haytham Eleissawy

Timothy Duggan Kathrina Garcia Nisha Gupta Whitley Lowe Gustav Lundberg

Melissa Fanous Justin Frush Layla Godard Jimmie Kudla Lauren McQuaid

Shereen Matar Anthony Mosdossy Tarek Nasr Franli Petzel' Alexadra Piotrowski

Lolla Mohammed Nur Adam Mourad Joe Narzal Reggie Ogoe David Phipps

Jan Michael Rubio Johanne Schwensen Robert Taylor /yad Tchelebi Sarah Zaidi

Alex Richards Ahmed Sadek Assad Sahi Brenna Satterwhite Sarah Sowid

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Page 123

Harriet Garrison

Caroline Thibault

Grade Four-J
Brandhi Anglin Reina Badran Alice Bosley Carson Dahl Layan EI-Hafi

Grade Three-A
Tarek: Al Ariss Moeez.Ali Nicole Andelic Marco Brunone Marc Cabral


Mariam Hafe: Christine Henry Tyson Kellie Adam Kjems Sarah Mah.

Lubna Elawad Abrahim Fahs Jaci Grealy Kyoko Kumon Rachel Lacy

YaraMekawi Sammy Nabulsi Hayden Nester F araze Niazi Richard Ogoe

AmalLaiq Zachary McDill Elyse Merkel Danil Monsur Betty Moore

Carl Pasquale Marvin Prietos Anil Sagher Danish Shamsi Nicholas Zeuner

Zaina Mustafa Kendall Naylor Kareem Sadat Sami Samad Jennifer Smith

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Page 125

Lisette Roy-Filice

Michelle Bryon-Moss

Grade Three-8
Sali Abu Sakha Dana Cook Chloe Green Jessi Horak Aadil Iqbal

Grade Three-C
Nadia Alsado Cynthia Angel Marissa Bums Alex Cathcart Bradley Davies

Hanna Jrad Sami Kattan Jessica Kennedy Taimoor Manzoor Malik Nabulsi

Ariane Desmarais-Michaud Donna El Hindi Christine Ganley Vincent Graves Hussain Khalid

Amirah Nasr Ammar Rizvi Kaivan Sattar Maria Siddiqui Anthony Stidham

Nida Khawaja Andrea Kidd Michael McGehee Maria Polcari Lena Saleh

Derek Taylor Gerry Tranetatos Ellie Van Der List

Hannah Sayen Drew Smith David Stann Oscar Wetterberg Ahmed Yousif

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Page 127

Jennifer Brumley

Rose Kwiatkowski

Grade Three-O
Zayd Abdul Samad Dina Abousaleh HinaAziz Travis Brown Maryam Demian

Grade Three-E
Mauriceona Brown Deema Dabbagh Reem El-Sheikh F'aisal Habbal Laura Hartikainen

George Fanous Shan Gohar Michael Harrington Andrew Kegley Hussam Kondok Zadda

Maryam HobaUah Tawheed lallu Umair Karim Neelum Khan Julia Kirkby

Basem Mougharbel Mohamed Muawad Iman Nakhal Daniele Rooney Maya Sadat

Simon Layous Brigid McAndrew Abubaker Mian Khalid Mohamed Merci Murray

Fatima Saya Dina TesJazghi Mollee Thompson Inna Tlisov

Iirayush Unnaha Lara Urriza

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Page 129

Ruth Voetbe rg

Louise Sayles

Grade Three-F
Seung Yong Ahn Self Al Mashal Sabrina Bisson Ramsey Darwiche Tina EI Hindi

Grade Three-I
Wesam Abdeljabbar Ahmad Ausat Haneen Bou-Ayash Ahmed Chatila Amy Drane



Kelsey Gandier Korinna Garcia Adam Giansiracusa Michael Gracias Ji Won Hwang

Eman Haggag Ingrid Halden Kimio Hatashita Matthew Henley Carolina Holden

Devin Jeanpierre Sean Johnstone Sara Kashlan Lara Machlab Paul McLagan

Matthew Kennedy Alina Khalid Sarah McQuaid Omar Dbeid Shaymaa Salaheldin

Sarah Michael Sean Murphy Unai: Rehmani Theodore Wittmann

Pascal Soultani Abdulkerim Uzumcu Abdullah Yousuf Freeha Zia

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Page 131

My Little Sister
By Hannah Sayen, 3-C My little sister can be a pest. She is different from all the rest. She really needs to bug. She just might break a mug. She pesters all day. She pesters away. She bugs me in my room. She bugs me with a broom. I wish I had a brother , So my sister would bug my mother! Brother or sister. Which one is niftier? Which one do I want?

Stinky Sneaker
By Alex Cathcart and Drew Smith, 3-C Once I found a stinky sneaker I couldn't believe it was such a stinker I thought it smelled just like a skunk I believe it just stunk But it was a very good thinker

Brent Ellery

Save the Animals

Grade Three-K
:i I .. 1

By Aysha Yousuf, 4-C Help save the animals! Save the eels And the seals Help save the animals! Save the bats And the cats Help save the animals! Save the dogs And the polliwogs Help save the animals! Even save the little bugs And the slippery, slimy slugs Help save the animals! Save the birds and animal herds Help, help, help save the animals!

Spider Monkeys
By Nora Biary, 4-1 Spider monkeys swing Thin spider monkeys swing in the canopy Thin, thumbless spider monkeys swing quickly in the canopy!

Rizvan Abraham Fares Afjadanni Oscar De La Torre-Gonsalez Dominique DiBacco Ayman Elawad

By Melissa Sharpe, 5-H We've been friends for many years. Being apart, who really cares. We can write and talk on the phone. And we won't feel so alone. I remember your long, dark hair. To me you'll always be near. You always had a beautiful smile. Wish you were close; only a mile. Two years has gone by, oh so fast. But my thoughts of you will always last. We had so much fun and many laughs. Together we played like two little calves. You live in America, I in Arabia. Maybe soon we'll meet in Bolivia. Just remember I'm your best friend. And someday soon we'll meet again. Medura is what everyone calls you. My Best Friend is what I call you.

Raghda Elmeligy Jack Fairweather Christina Felix Ashlyn Finnie Simonetta Gramolini

Karla Haddad Rehan Hussain Cole Johnstone Daniel Nakhle Kelsey Patten

Bl1dan!~.dffJt&7 ~~,,:,.~,, .,.;.$,.

'\l"'0.. .

~ I. <~,. Let It live !'i1t


Keenan Piller Brandon Reks Sami Sahli Ayman Shaqdan Catherine Wilson

Let th~\;thunderstorm thunder i#d~~water our Ihi~s. Let the'''' h Iive Iik

IlQp~,wakeup the e~rI.

~'~th~ sunshine


ifLi"~ on.


Page 132

Page 133

Lynn Chap low


Diane Me Williams

Grade Two-A
Mona Adhami Aamena Ahmad Veronica Bautista Ellie Carnes Martin Clark

Grade Two-B
Sami Alsado Matthew Burnham Ralph Cruz Reba Dajani Leila El Saghir

Jake Dunn Shane Hope Haddy Jarmakani Jack Kelly Murad Kondok Zadda

Brian Ganley Anisali Giansiracusa Sein Kim Jamie Lage Tyler Lueck

Yoo Jin Lee

Vicki Munn Tyler Myers Jafer Naqvi Laraib Qureshi

Carl Lundberg Ryan MacDonald Ashley McDill Jonathan Mori Natasha Mosdossy

Fatima Rizvi Tamara Tannir Salam Tesfarghi Nadim Wadjih Ernest Zeigler

Trevor O'Connor Mustafa Ozdemir Erin Seaton Dawlat Tarifi ' Alex Wilson

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Page 137

Angie Rabette

Gail Laffey

Grade Two-C
Abdullah Al-Ahmed Safa Al-Khatib Aamir Ansari Mahreen Asad Natalie Dunn

Grade Two-O
Alia Adih Fahad Al-Zafiri Kim Ryan Cruz Sevi Gungor Sandre Halden

Bjom Hansen Chris Harrington Iinan Kanj Alexander Kharadi NadaMehio

David Hamilton Luke Horak Fizza fairy Athina Kilpelainen Julia MacDonald

Luke Middleton Sara Mohammed Nur Lara Naim Louisa Orphanou Tommy Reddad

Omer Moinuddin Brandon Morgan Isabela Ordonez

Nico Reyes
Hashem Rizk

Mona Sadek Nico Seiler Gemma Southerlngton Douglas Taylor Chris Yammine

Cynthia Roberts Shelby Robinson Mohammad Sahi Bryan Torgerson Christine Wulff

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Page 139

Sharon Moncada
.! Teacher

Randy Mills

Grade Two-E
Milka Abraham Hura Anwar Hira Ashraf Sidra Awan Daniela Castro-Zolezzi

Grade Two-F
Sarah Abbasi AdilAhmed Alexander Chantziaruoniou Christopher Dittrich Courtney Dunn

Ishita Chatterjee Parker Dahl Guillaume Delhaye Anders Faurholdt Faisal Hakeem

Brook Girma Micah Green Youse.f Halwani Immi Hasund Tala H obballah

Sanwal laved Hafsa Khanani Song-lee Kim Ryan Matowe Amy Morris

Celine Jebeyli Azra Khatoon Isaac LeBlanc Serena Mirchandani Ammar Nalwala

Julia Phipps Peter Prince Taha Rehmani Max Shrier Kaile Underwood

Clayton Neufeldt James O'Hagan Chelsea Ryan Habib Saya Robyn Schenk

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Page 141

Barbara R. Barlag

Amy Ellery

Grade Two-6
, -~

Grade Two-J
.lad Alawar Mark BOLl Mansour Lazaro Cardenas Trista Davisson Pierre De Raikem.


LanaAdra Kristin Coburn Juana Deeb Abdel Rahman El-Hefnawy Dina Elawad

Nour Hadid William Hreiki Nurah. Hussain Irfan Ibrahim Arianna Khan

Desiree Duvall Sean Fischer Sahr Gohar Maria Goncalves-Nogueira Nawaz Iqbal

Zaher Khan Ahad Khilji Saba Ladha Mariam Mourad Derek Nichols

Taiseer Maju Irfan Manzoor Grace McLagan Jafry Rahman Ahmed Shamim

Nicholas Pasquale Mohammad Shah SaW Singhal Chanita Teir Christopher Wulff

Ali Sowid Tania Tashdjian Ibtihaj Tayyab Nadra Widatalla Anum Yousuf

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Page 143

Diane Klobouk

Debra Eason

Grade One-A
Nour Abdul Wahhab Manal Abuzeid Rami Barghout Amanda Budran Eric Down

Grade One-B
Marshal Allen Mark "Aaron" Alley Shalott Cecchini Ryan Dakdouk Cedric Dimapilis

Casey Duggan Kasia Famulska Saba Gohar Mikkel Hansen Micah Kennedy

Lara Esin Rola Fahs Caitlin Gilbertson Levar Goossen Nikhil Gupta

RaJay Khawaja Patrick McKeen Kathryn McNamara Matthia! Michels Matthew Namikas

laydee Herrmannsen Sara Iaafar Kyle Lend Mazen Makkawi Usrnan Manzoor

Mahmoud Salaheldin Hannah Van Del' List

Noor Muawad Abhinav Rajagopal Ahmad Tlais Anna Ziemelis

Page 144

Page 145

Eloise Arnold

Rebecca Thurnbeck

Grade One-C
Huzaifa Ahmad Leah Aitken Hazem Al Adel Stefan Bjornsson Omar Chatila

Grade One-O
Khalid AI-Atab Tarek AI-Mouhtasseb Zaynep Elcioglu Kareem El Ramly Daniel Galles

Megan Cullen Valentina De Masi Sarah Elawad Sheri Farid Ida Faurholdt

Maria Hernae: Matthew Johansen Cory Judge Heather Kegley Maria Khan

Fatima Haider Erin Hofstetter Michael Jabbour Candice Jacquemin Emily Kennedy

Samantha Kidd Rahul Lakhani Yousef Majzoub Ailya Naqvi Natalie Nazzal

David Michaud Signe Monster Katie Scott Nidal Sholi Michael St. John

Andreas Righas Callie Stewart

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Page 147

Anita Blount

Brian Matthews

Grade One-6
AkramAhmed Eljadel Al-Ahmed Chanice Anglin-Barnes Dana Bakir Morley Bums

Grade One-H
FilzaAhmed Kyle Beneke Heather Brown Michael Campbell Ma-Elysa Ducut

Jeannette Collins Sarah El Sheikh Josh Gelfand Matt Horowitz Ayah Krisht

Adam Espinet Melody Godin Mahawish Ijaz Stephanie JebeyJi Sunny Iunejo

Nick Mahoney Matthew Michael Rachel Murray Kyle Patten Savannah Platt

Adam Kattan Rashmi Muraleedhar Kris Nathan Alek Nolan Robert Nolan

Nina Prince Sharmin Rahman Adam Vikstroem Omar Yousuf

Dale Pearson Travis Reks Jennifer Taylor Brent Wilson

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Page 149

Cindy Lueck

Sara LeBlanc

Grade One-K
Saaid Arshad Elizabeth Bowen Sophie Delhaye Diana Demian Mina Fahmy

Grade One-L
Hissam Abdul Wahhab Lulwa A I-Atab Jimmy Dabbagh Sarah Elnawasrah Joseph Fanous

Anushae Hussain Adnan Hussain Wael lskandarani Tamara Johansen Abdul Khan

Michael Gandier Michael Ganley J.J. Heindel Lina Itani Andrew Kennedy

Shafak Khanani Asad Khatri Selena Mackavick Isabelle Stewart Danny Torgerson

Natalie Mahakian Shasily Matowe Emily O'Connor Da Eun Park Jamie Pittle

Aaron Whitehead Menelik "Williams Vera Worri Muhammad Yousuf

Mika Schroder Junichi Sugiyama Aneesh Tyle Carlynn Winkelman TaliaXefos

Page 150

Page 151

Sonya Annear

Madonna Marouiis

Grade KGII-A
Sameer Belgaumi Josh Coburn Jagrat Desai Logan Dobler Sarah Dobson

Grade KGII-B
Ryan Armour Nigel Barry Lilly Brott Shaddy Elramly Ingvild Hasund

Renata Gabriel Dimitri Gouret Tamara Hakeem Haksoo Lee Reina Lemus

Grady Hofstetter Sadia Kamran. Ryan Kegley Ahmed Khawaja Fatima Malik

Nathan Piller Shravan Raghavan Sami Saleh Mayar Soliman Dima Wadjih

Aneeza Memon Leanne Ng Jesse Palmer

Rachel Youssef

Maisum Rizvi Emlyn Satterwhite Jordan Winkelman

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Page 153

Marie Sandberg

Rukhsana Ghani

Grade KGII-e
Nicole Christiansen Justine De Raikem Harry Fairweather Kerim Galal Hiba falloul

Grade KGII-D
Mohamed AIy Hesham Michelle Bullough. Marina Cardenas Aashana Dhruua Daniel Drabiak

Bradley Landherr Leyla Oriurk Conor Perine Jordan Risheq Margaret Rooney

Nicholas Evans Nabil Farah Alvi Islam Mohamed Mounir Hashim Pasha

Ismail Shah Gideon Shrier Osama Siddiqui Emily Valley Gabrielle Villarreal

Macey Smith Alexios Tattis Jenny Thomas Elizabeth Tullo Berfu Yurdakul

Anders Wied-Christiansen

Page 154

Page 155

Pat Hunter

Geetha Thomas

Grade KGII-G
Hamid Ahmed Kelsea Bauerle David Black Darian De Kock Muhammad El-Qasem

Grade KGII-H
Schyler Brown Harry Carnes Riccardo Cecchini 'Jamila Crossman Magali Desmarais-Michaud

Saud Gohar Lea Hamdan Rija Khan Victoria Lepham Moiz Qureshi

Tania F'aruqi Simon Filice Torjus Halden Blake Hyatt Khalid Kaissi

August Schwensen Alyson Shetter Graham Willis Anas Yousuf Ahmed Zaidi

Maija MaUula Dennise Marcelino Casey Robinson Travis Ryan Christina Sell

Simon Sorensen Justin St. John Sarah Wright

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Page 157

Patti Braun

Ralphael DiBacco

Grade KGII-J

Grade KGI-A

Taya Abdul Majid NadeemAdra Ulrika Angergard Grace Annear Douglas Black

Samar Abdeljabbar AnasAhmed Sahar Al-Hadid Elliot Del Mundo Neil Duvall

Bilal Kanafani Haya Mitri Dana Najjar Michael Richards Sanchi Shanker

Nathan Gelfand Caroline Gracias Katerina Mansour Sali Naim ReemNajjar

Sam Spohn Sam Takach Jack Tillman Erik Wetterberg Azzah Widatalla

Kiera O'Hagan Sami Sholi Kristin Suess

Page 158

Page 159

Lynn McDivitt

Sharon Keogh

Grade K61-B
Rami Abdelhag Johannes Andelic Melissa Ganley Samantha Guthrie Robert Heindel

Grade K61-C
Yasmeen Arkadan Raaid Arshad Randy Dakdouk Sara Diab Dima El-Qasem

Ashley Hick Ismael Isak Hana Johnstone Claire Lawson Mohammad Nashashibi

Mana! Ismail Ibrahim Kanj Gina Kessie Shahria; Maktabi Farris Nabulsi

Tarek Nazzal Firas Sattar Helen Sayen

Ibrahim Nakhal Sana Siddiqui Lauren Steele

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Page 161

Helen Sreekumar Evelyn Chang

Teacher Teacher

Grade KGI-D
Yasmin Abdelhag Mikey Al-Khatab Jennifer Bowen William Cappelen-Smith. Sefa Ibis

Grade KGI-E
Youssef Abdalla Saeda Aljarara Hunter Barnett Bernadette Bautista Abdul Rahman EI Meligy

Sami Jamali Zain Khan Tanya Lenci Bruna Nakhle Lynne Samman

Rachel Gilbertson Paisley Green Natasha Hanna Mahdi Kassem Hannah LeBlanc

Diane Silwanis Saavai: Sohail James Sutton

Mansoor Manzoor Allison Markee Joshua Piper

Page 162

Page 163

Sherry Hobson

Terry Runte

Grade KGI-F
Mohamed Abu Sakha Kyle Forgeron Unsa Memon Sonia Mirchandani Dalal Mohamed

Grade KGI-G
Deborah Abraham HaniaAdib Derek Bibeau Shawn Esin Brian Geller

Matthew Ng Patrick O'Brien Alexandra Orphanou John Piper Brett Rhine

Hussein Krisht Sarah Manroor Dacia McWilliams Ahmed Nakhal Mhay-Ann Prietos

Cynthia Saad Tuva Schroder Samuel Vanderlist

M oustafa Salaheldin Caroline Segernas Ricky Villarreal

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Page 165

All vear loog... we danced and sang and plaved, and lilled our oasis with musical delightsl

Elementary Music

(photo page


Tracie McDill
KG], KGff & Grade 2

Leeanne Wooten
KGlI & Grade 1

Karen Brennan
Grades 3 and 4

Jennifer Winkelman
Grades 3 and 5

Heidi Snyder
KGI Instructional Assistant

Students share circle time and songs with Mrs. Wooten.

Highlights from our Winter Concerts:

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Page 169

Anne Schwensen
Grade I

Susan Burkett
Grades 2 &3

Debra Holmes
Grades 3 &4

Ted Barlag
Grades 4 &5

Above: A sneaky assignment: Khadieja Khalid sketches her tennis shoe, Left: Samantha Kidd prepares to paint

Above: These budding artists are up to their elbows in clay!

Right: Mrs, Burkett proudly displays her students' work in the hallway,

Left: Abrahim Fahs and Rachel Lacy usc the light from the window to trace their drawings,

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Page 171

Elementarv Phvsical Education

Right: And they're off! Third graders get a great start during the Running Invitational held before winter break.

Rosaria De Masi
Kindergarten I

Natalie Brenton
Kindergarten. 1I & Gradel

Emily McMillen
KGII & Grade 2

Diane Flannery
Grades 3 &4

Megan Hannigan-Piller
Grades 4 & 5

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Page 173

Primarv librarv

Inlermedi Ie librarv

hink the library is a boring, place? Not at SAIS-R! Each week brings a new adventure the wonderful world of books.

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Page 175

Arabic, French and English as a Second language
What better way to familiarize students with our host country than to teach them Arabic language and culture? Students in grades 2 through 6 have this wonderful opportunity. Students in grades 3 and 4 also take conversational French class, and next year this will be a part of the grade 5 curriculum. And since we are an English-speaking school, ESL classes are offered to enhance the communications skills of the many international students at SAIS-R whose first language is not English.

Arabic culture students do lots of "hands on" projects to learn about Saudi Arabia and its middle eastern neighbors. Top picture: Mrs. Jabbour's students get messy making mud houses with sand. Center and bouom pictures: students make finjans, small Arabic coffee cups, from clay.

Mrs. Fortney reads a story to her ESL students.

Houda Hassaniyeli
Grades 2 & 3 Arabic

Mirna Jabbour
Grades 4 & 5 Arabic

Above: Mrs. Hassaniyeh's students have a tea party with authentic Arabic cups.

Huguette Lewis

Gillian Montgomery

Judith Fulmer
English as a Second Language'

Gail Moran-Dwyer
English as a Second Language

Sheri raub
English as a Second Language

Page 176 Page 177

Elementarv Computers

We've got links all over school!

S.W.A.T. Team
S.W.A.T. stands for Students Working to Advance Technology. This new computer club at SAIS-R helps teachers to use technology in the classroom and in the curriculum by offering student assistance. Teachers can make S.W.A.T. Team work requests bye-mail. The club takes requests to help teachers and their classes learn a computer program or make web pages.
n".''''flJ-I'h Team:
Abdulkerim Front "Hakon"

Scoville, Brandon Reks, Sean Johnstone, Chloe Green, Ellie Van Der List, Taimoor Manroor..

Marianne Hauser
Grades 2 & 3

Saundra Hopkins-Balk
Grades 3, 4 & 5

Bernadette O'Regan
Instructional Aide

Top left Students helped assemble their new computers when they arrived last fall, Above: Students gathered to tryout their classroom computer on the very first day of classes.

Top right: Mrs. Hopkins-Balk helps fourth graders with their rain forest project.

Conchita Ortiz-Ayers
Instructional Aide

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Page 179

Come on, bell! Can't wait for

After School Activities

Emily McMillen
Program Director

After School Activities are a great way to learn a sport, gain a hobby, meet new people and make lots of friends! Among the activities offered throughout the year were floor hockey, gymnastics, art, computers, cross stitch, hair wraps, Tae Kwon Do, board games, softball and more.

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Page 181

~rs. Kudla (right) helps students learn about lightness .and darkness during a painting activity. Nathan Pliler (far right) eats a healthy lunch after school.

Activity Room

Learning Strategies

Patricia Moore
Learning Strategies

Tricia Piper
Learning Strategies

Judy Brand
School Psychologist

(Arabic Language Program Studies)

A.L..P.S. is an after school program designed to enhance the Arabic language skills of students from the beginning level to those who speak the language fluently.

Elementary Educational Assistants

Linell Nester
Kindergarten I

Jane Fanous Barghout

Beginning (KGII)

Majd Nabulsi

Odette Zakharia
Program Director

Lina Eid

Hind El-Khatib
Grade 1

Gisel Aboudiwan
Grade 1

Connie Haas
Kindergarten 1I

Sabah Khoury
Grade 2

Babs Ogoe
Grade I

Karla Basbous
Grade 2

Naja! Ayyoub
Grade 3

Patti Morgan
Grade 2

Eileen Pittle
Grade 3

Huda Rizkallah
Grade 3

Fauzia Shamim
Grade 4

Vilma Ramadi
Grade 4

Nicole Prince
Grade 5

Janan Haidar
Grade 5

Randala Ghandour
Aide (Missing photo: Sisi Abbas, Grade 6 teacher)

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Page 183

The holidays are a BUSY time at


Pumpkin patch, costume parades, Thanksgiving festivities - the fall was filled with lots of fun activities.

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Page 185

Then Jim Valley rocked our world, and the winter holidays were upon us.

Exercise and plenty of company!

The Annual Charity Walkathon had a great turnout last spring, .

Memories of Spring ('98)

Flannery's fifth grade class put on the play "Ha il Ne ," to , the cast, Wendy Morgan tries to kiss "mam'ag~P Y lve~,AN II K rave reviews last spring, Pictured ftc , e counse or et otek. .

Page 186

Page 187

Infants and 1 to 2 year olds

Madison (right) even came dressed like Jim Valley!

2 to 3 year olds

3 to 4 year olds

Zachary is on the go.

Margaret was unpleasantly by a visit from Santa.



1 to 2 year olds

1 to 2 year olds

2 to

3 year alds

2 to 3 year olds

3 to 4 year olds

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Page 189

Nurses' Office
Cindy Nusairat

Bibiane Scherman

Need a Band-Aid, a place to rest or just a hug? The nurses' office is the place to go for these things and more, offering first aid to both elementary and junior high students. The nurses' office performs a number of other important services each year including annual school-wide vision screening, and Dental Health Week with dental care instruction for elementary students.

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Mrs. Nusairat evaluates a student during the annual vision screening.

Elementary Supply Room

Roma Monsur

Vivian Velez

Mary Yassine

Vivian and Roma sadly said goodbye to friend and Mary this year. Mary left SAIS- R before the

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What would we do without

Support Staff

SAIS-R depends on its parent volunteers for so many things. Each and every day, volunteers spend their time and energy to cut and paste in the grade-level workrooms, assist teachers in their classrooms and lend an extra hand on field trips and at other special events. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Edgar Arellano

Victor Liapitan (Warehouse, Mail & Security), Augusto de Leon (Driver & Mail), Alfred Lucena (Mail Utility), Gilbert Canabang (Elementary Supply)

Rola Abdul Wahab Tracy Adams AmenaAhmed Thurayya Al Khatab Dalya Al-Madi Marwan Alatab Shaheen Ali Nicoline Angerard Margie Arellano Shua Arshad Diane Bauerle Shirley Brott Marcyne Brown Nina Budran Shannon Burkett Susan Burnham Edith Bums Piya Chat Cappelen-Smith Kani Carreira Samar Chatila Vilma Chaves Sharon Dahl " Nancy Dakdouk ' Marilyn Davisson Elaine Dennis Olena Del Mundo Arti Desai Lisette Desmarais Elisa Dobson Barbara Drabiak Sabrina Dunn Betsy Duvall

Chhaykha El-Ezzi Maisa ElHashemy Sana El-Khateeb Hind El-Khatib Daniel Fortney Sharma Fox-Rhine Ingrid Galal Beth Gandier Janet Ganley Liberty Garcia Amy Gelfand Gerry Geller Michelle Goossen Lynda Graves Ora» Gungor Ben Hadsel Janie Hadsel Helen Haine Anne Halden Michelle Hamilton Sanaa Hanfi Pia Hansen Ulrike Hatashita Sue Heindel Christine Hick Lina Hobballah Rashida Husain Rayya Husseini Abida Ibrahim Amina Islam Souraya Itani Farah Jailed

Kirsten Johnston LYllIl Johnstone Sigrun Jonasdottir Nursan Karademir Munazsa Karim Dorothy Keasey Nora Kennedy Mariam Khalid Sadia Khan San-vat Khawaja Murad Koundoukzada Marisa Lamprou Lena Lundberg Concepcion Mackovick May Maes Shaheda Maju Manal Makkawi May Malki Lori Mansour Trudi Marchi Cindy Mcl.agun Farhana Memon Carlene Merrick Marie-Odile Michels Neeta Mirchandani Leslie Mori Usa Morris Gregory Mosdossy Robbin Mosdossy SayaMumta: Haneen Nakhal Deborah Nasr

Jane Ng Marion O'Connor Mal}' O'Hagan Kitty Pearson Mary Polcari Sayeeda Rahman Sujata Rajagopal Michelle Risheq Kelly Robinson Patrick Rooney Ida Ryan Tracie Saad Johanne Saya Kanwal Saya Joanne Sayen. Rosmary Schimmel Aaron Schmersahl Anna Schroder Hien Segerras Nadene Shaikh Alka Singhal Judy Smith Penn), Smith Nausheen Sohail Stacy Spohn Leah St. John Diana Steele Sylvia Suess Mary Sunny Sarah Sutton Gouher Tabassuni Tayaba Tanwir

Lee Valley Miehe Van Der Plus Linda Van Staden Deborah vanderlist Agneta Wetterberg Donna Whalen .Iulie Wilson Mamie Wilson Birgit Wolf Martha Wulff Fareaneh Yaraghi Solange Young Bilgehan Yurdakul Mara Ziemelis

Maintenance Team: Narong Keatprichar (front row, far left), Supervisor of Landscaping and Maintenance.

Landscaping Team

Custodial Team: Brazil Papalie (back row, far left), Supervisor.

Security Team

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