Lesson Plan - Difference Between Adjective and Adverb

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By: Celine Angela L. Quijano

I. SUBJECT MATTER: Difference between Adjectives and Adverbs

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify an adjective and an adverb.
2. Enthusiastically chant the definition of an adjective and adverb.
3. Perform correct gestures as demonstrated by the teacher.

Colored chalk
Manila paper
Construction Paper


A. Motivation
1. The teacher will explain the smiley-frowney scoreboard reward system
2. The teacher will practice the following chants with the class:

Teacher’s Chant or Action Student’s Response

“Class!” Yes?
(Same intonation as the teacher)
“Give me gestures!” “Gestures!”
(Students will imitate the teacher’s
Each time the teacher writes under the Students will chant, “Oh yeah!”
smiley column on the scoreboard…
Each time the teacher writes under the Students will chant, “Boohoohoo!”
frowney column on the scoreboard…

B. Review (Bodily Kinesthetic / Musical)

1. Let me see how well you can identify the words in this sentence. (Give me
I hear the songbirds.

Where is the pronoun?

Where is the verb?
Where is the noun?

2. What if I change the sentence into this? (Give me gestures!)

I hear the beautiful songbirds.

What do you call the word ‘beautiful’?

What is an adjective?
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun.
It answers the questions: ‘what kind?’ ‘which one?’ ‘how many?’ and ‘how much?’

3. Let us play around with the sentence once more. What if I change it this way?
(Give me gestures!)
The songbirds sing beautifully.

What do you call the word ‘beautifully’?

What is an adverb?
An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
It tells how, when, where, how many times and to what extent of an action is done.

C. Lesson Proper (Verbal Linguistic / Logico-Mathematical / Interpersonal)

1. The teacher will post the comparison table on the board. Examples will be written
in colored chalk.

Modifies a noun or pronoun Modifies a verb, adjective, or another
God has gentle hands.
The sun is bright. God speaks gently.
I had an early prayer. The sun shined brightly.
This past year has been a blessed one. I awoke early to pray.
It was a hard test. The year flew past.
I prayed hard that I pass the test.

2. The teacher will divide the class into pairs. She will instruct the students to teach
the difference between an adverb and an adjective to their partners after she
shouts, “Teach!”

D. Application (Visual-Spatial)

Write the word ‘ADJECTIVE’ on the first strip of paper and ‘ADVERB’ on the second
strip of paper. You have 3 minutes to decorate your respective papers. (After 3
minutes) On the board I will write a sentence and your task is to identify whether
the underlined word is an adjective or an adverb by raising your strips in the air.


Homework (Intrapersonal)
Write three sentences about the people, places, or things that make your day
special on a ½ sheet of paper. Make sure to use at least one adjective and one

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