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Our thriller;
Representing the sexes.
As you can see from the photo we have used quite a low
angled shot, and we have used these at the start of the
film to show that she is important and in power. This is
not stereotypical of thriller films as they normally choose
to show women as the weaker sex.

We do not actually see a man however you can see

another presence watching our character, we have used a
handheld camera shot or point of view shot. This is to
show that there is something watching her from outside
and this is also stereotypical of the thriller genre making
you ask questions. Who is watching her? And why.

This is my final shot to show how we have shown male and female
characters in our film, we had our character in power at the start by
using low camera angles empowering her. However after seeing the
point of view shot of someone stalking her we changed from using low
camera angles to eye level shots showing that the female character is no
longer in control of the situation, which is very stereotypical of thriller
of our thriller We chose to show that our
character in the opening sequence
was just an ordinary character
which links into the theory of the
heroic romance saying that a hero is
an ordinary person, and we have
chosen to show this through the use
of shooting at an ordinary house,
the use of an old/ordinary car
showing that what's going to
happen can happen to anyone.
And finally we wanted to show
her walking away from the
light outside into the darkness
of the car, this technique is
used a lot in thriller films
symbolising her journey from
safety to danger.

We have chosen to have shots like this in to show the audience that she is all alone in the house and
how dark it is outside. This also shows how venerable she is all alone in the house on her own .
Choosing the cast.
We only have the one
woman in our film and
there are certain reasons
as to why who chose her
to be in our film. Firstly
she looks very young
which we wrote about in
our character outlines
this is to make her even
more venerable. Also we
have her in black
clothing and this is to
give her a mysterious
vibe, also we would use
the colour white to show
her innocence and safety
and that is another
reason why we have
chose to cast her and
portray her in black. She
also has great facial
expressions so she can
show very well emotions
such as fear, she is also
wearing black eyeliner
showing connotations of
death and uncertainty.

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