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10 Ways to Building Your Personal Brand Story

 By: Kyle Lacy on August 5th, 2010 at 5:30 am

 In Networking, Personal Branding, Success Strategies | No Comment
You're looking to build your personal brand but don't know where to start. First thing is first.You must first
have a story. Your life story, your professional story, whatever story is most relevant to establishing
your personal brand.
Chapter 1:
The beginning is where you take the time to define yourself. Where did you come from? How did you get
there? Where are you going? Answer these questions concisely. This is just the definition of who you are and
want to be as a brand. People want to know your story. All you have to do is write it.

ANS: we are 2nd generation in the garment business family. We are

Chapter 2:
What situation did you help solve? Basically, people want to read a story with a problem that needs
solved.Why do you think there are so many criminal/lawyer shows? We want to know that you can solve
problems. You're the one to call and you're giving them a story.

ANS: We want to response fashion consumers by serving the good quality of products in competitive or
reasonable price. We commit our customers to put the quality, the creativity and fashionable into all our

Chapter 3:
Engage with prospective clients on an emotional level. Search through your memory archives of a time that
you can share with others. This story will become associated with you as a brand and will help people to
connect with you emotionally. For instance, what significant event took place to make you choose the career
path you now take? Connect with others in this way to let them see you as unique and real.


Chapter 4:
Build your story by being consistent. All good stories have a rising theme. Define your niche (your theme) and
build around it. Your theme is the message you hope to get across. By being consistent it will stick, and your
message will reach your intended audience.
Chapter 5:
Don’t make people read between the lines. When building your brand story, be sure to be completely clear.
Leave no room for questions. Leave no room for blanks. You as your brand must be completely defined along
with your audience and your expertise. Don’t leave readers questioning any of these areas. There should be
no confusion.
Chapter 6:
If you don't’ care then no one else will either. Don’t get too caught up in the words and forget to care about
why your doing it to begin with. So when building your story remember those moments in your life that shaped
the brand you’ve become. Building a personal brand takes time and energy.  There’s a reason you set out to
do this. Tell people and get them fired up about your brand. It’ll motivate you and makes others wonder why
you're so great.
Chapter 7:
You’ve got people interested....or at least have their attention. Don’t lose the steam. Build your story by
building others up. The same people who are fired up about you should be the ones you brag about. Shout out
to them on Twitter, engage in conversations and boast of their accomplishments. You want your audience to
be loyal, so be good to them first.
Chapter 8:
Make your story relatable. Remember you’re not writing a sci-fi or fiction novel. You are dealing with real
life and real life situations. Put yourself in their shoes and cater to your market. You defined who your
audience is. Now know what it is they need and want.
Chapter 9:
Keep your readers interested. At this point they know who you are, what you're about, and what you do. Now
is the time to make sure they know you're the best. Share your success stories to reinforce your abilities and
continually invest time in them. You are only as good as others say you are. Invest in them so that, in turn,
they invest in you. Build your story around an audience that needs you.
Chapter 10:
Edit your work. Where are you confused? Where are you confusing to others? You can define and redefine your
brand if it makes sense. Look back through your story to proofread and fix any nuances you may have

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