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Group : Alfi Rosa Mustika (XI IA 6/02)

Amila Sativa (XI IA 6/03)

Ayu Rizki W. (XI IA 6/09)

Dyah Widyaningrum (XI IA 6/14)

Hortatory Text

Smoking Habit Should Be Reduced

Basicly, smoking is a common thing in our environment. Not only adults, but also, it has spread out
to the teenagers. I think this is a bad condition, because smoking doesn’t have any benefit. It can
affect the health stability instead.

Well, if you really love smoking, let me tell you what the cigarette’s contents are. There are tobacco,
nicotine, carbon-monoxyde, tar, etc. The scariest thing is, one stick of cigarette can contains millions
of chemical substances. Thus, cigarette is also called as a mini chemical factory.

Just looking at the chemical substances, we can feel how dangerous they are. Nicotine is one of the
most addictive substance that we’ve known. Then, carbon-monoxyde can decrease oxygen supply in
our blood, and tar is very dangerous for our respiratory organs such as lungs.

So, what is the benefit of smoking then? Think first before you act. This is not just for you, but also
for people around you.

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