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Paper : Social marketing Code:73A

General Instructions:
 The student should submit this assignment in the handwritten form (not in the
typed format).
 The student should submit this assignment within the time specified by the exam
 The student should only use the Rule sheet papers for answering the questions.
 The student should attach this assignment paper with the answered papers.
 Failure to comply with the above Four Instructions would lead to rejection of
assignment ,

Specific Instructions:
 There are four Questions in this assignment . The student should answer all the
four questions . Marks allotted 100.
 Each question carries equal numbers (25 marks) unless specified explicitly.

Question 1
a) Define social marketing? Explain its relevance to an organization, customer
and society.
b) “Evaluation is a process that paves ways for identifying the errors and
corrective measures.” In the face of this statement , test the effectiveness of
social advertising in preventing the social evils.

Question 2
a) In a country like India , pricing of medicare services is found to be a
challenging task .” In the light of this statement suggest the pricing /f ee
strategy which would serve the interest of poor and weaker sections of the
society vis-s-vis would pave ways for the development of hospitals to keep
pace with the increasing viral diseases
b) Focus on the service mix for planning that you find suitable for the rural
population in India.

Question 3
a) what do you mean by attitude? Explain the movement of culture which is
sizeable influenced by scientific inventions and innovations
b) Focus on the emerging turmoil in the society mainly influenced by

Question 4
a) “ the mounting social evils make it essential that not-for-profit making
organization regulate the unethical and uncultural practices in the Indian
society.’ Discuss
b) Focus on the socio-cultural effects of advertising.

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