Data Handling Manipulation - XLSX 2

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Data Handling

5HR collected two sets of data to demonstrate manipulation. First we chose a frequency

What is your question? How did you pick it?

My question is that: How often do you go out with your family? I picked it up because I wa
many people go out with their family. I even took this topic because I thought that I woul
this question.

Who are your target audiences? How did you pick your two ta
My target audience are Students and teachers only from elementary school. and people
Least likely I did not ask secondary students because I thought that maybe they would
spend much time with their famiy and I did not ask secondary teachers also because I t
works and leastly I do not think it would be sensible to talk to a person who walks alon
the people who walk on roads alone will tell never or rarely.
Most likely I asked elementary school students as they do not have as much work as se
teachers in elementary school have much work too and most likely I asked children an
to parks and malls because I thought that those people would tell that they always go o

What do you predict the data will show? How will the two gra
I predict that the graph will show many different kinds of answers like many tally mark
never. and not only one type. I even predict that the data will show many tally marks .
t we chose a frequency question (how often). Then we interviewed two different target audiences.

cked it up because I was curious to know about how

se I thought that I would get many different answers on

pick your two target audiences?

tary school. and people who go to parks and malls.
that maybe they would have too much work and do not
achers also because I thought they will also have a lot of
person who walks alone in streets because I thought that

ave as much work as secondary school has and the

ely I asked children and kids who go out with their family
ll that they always go out with their family.

will the two graphs differ?

rs like many tally marks in always, sometimes rarely and
how many tally marks .
target audiences.
Data Handling
5HR collected two sets of data to demonstrate manipulation. First we chose a frequency

Question: How often do you go out with your family?

Target audience Students
1: from elementary school .

How often
Number of people
How often d
Always 30
Sometimes 35
Rarely 20
Never 1 35
Total data set 86 5

Number of students ASRN

Interpretation of Graph 1 Frequency
This graph tells me that many elementary students sometimes go out with their family
even tells me that they go out with their family always than rarely. Most of the the stud
sometimes go out with their family and least of the students never go out with their fam
First we chose a frequency question (how often). Then we interviewed two different target audiences.

Graph 1

How often do you go out with your family?

10 Series1

tudents ASRN
mes go out with their family more than never. It
rarely. Most of the the students in elementary
s never go out with their family.
erent target audiences.
Data Handling
5HR collected two sets of data to demonstrate manipulation. First we chose a frequency

Question: How often do you go out with your family?

Target audience 2:
Kids and children in shopping malls and parks.

How often Number of people How ofte

Always 50
Sometimes 10
Rarely 10 60
Never 10 50
Total data set 70 30
20 and kids in parks and ma

Always Someti Rarely Ne


This graph tells me that most of thechildren from park and malls always go out with the
tells that least of the people go out with their family sometimes, rarely and never. The
that the amount of people going out with their family sometimes , always and never are
First we chose a frequency question (how often). Then we interviewed two different target audiences.

nd parks. Graph 2

How often do you go out with your family?

Number of
and kids in parks and malls

Always Someti Rarely Never


alls always go out with their family and it even

es, rarely and never. The graph also tells me
mes , always and never are the same.
ent target audiences.
Data Comparison

Graph 1

How often do you go out with your f

40 60
30 50
20 40
10 Series1
Compare and from elementary
Al So R N Children
20 and kids i
w m ar ev 10
ay eti el er
s m y Always Some
es mes
Frequency Freq

Does the data reflect your predictions? Explain why or why not.
I can see that in graph 1 there are more students who go out with their family
sometimes and in graph 2 there are more children and kids who go out with their
family always. I can even see that the least amount of students in elementary never
go out with their family in graph 1 and the least amount of children and kids in parks
and malls go out with their family sometimes, never and rarely. there are more
students in graph one who go out with their family sometimes and rarely than in
children in parks and malls in graph two who go out with their family sometimes and
rarely. There are even students in graph 2 who never go out with their family than in
graph 1.
Graph 2

How often do you go out with your family?

40 Number of
30 people
20 and kids in parks and malls

Always Someti Rarely Never


r why not.
with their family
ho go out with their
ts in elementary never
ildren and kids in parks
y. there are more
s and rarely than in
r family sometimes and
with their family than in

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