Literature Circle Reflection

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Title of my book: There’s an Owl in the Shower

Author: Jean Craighead George

Describe a part of the book that you were able to visualize.

I visualized that Leon was fighting with Paul James because Paul James liked owls and he made Leon lose his
job. I think that they could have handled it in a better way instead of fighting. It was king of un fair because it
T was 4 against 1

Name one connection you made to your literature circle book and describe.
Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text, or Text-to-World.
I made a text to self about when Leon fights with Paul James the same thing that do with my brother when I get
angry at him

Write one wondering you had about your book. Tell and explain your hypothesis.
I wonder were Bardys other owlets are and his father Enrique. I think that maybe they could be in the forest
and trying to find Bardy or to find food.

How did the literature circle deepen your understanding? What questions did other students
ask that got you thinking? I think that the question I wonder why Leon didn’t tell Borden and Sally that
Bardy was a spotted owl.

What were your group’s strengths?

Are strengths were getting are questions ready on time even though some of us didn’t read the book.

What do you want to improve for next Literature Circle in January?

I want to improve on reading my book on time and getting my sheets in on time.

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