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“Informed citizens organized for constructive action!

February 7, 2011

Open Letter to City of Vaughan Mayor and Members of Council

City of Vaughan
2141 Major Mackenzie Drive
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1

RE: Public Service Announcement February 4, 2011

Public Input Key to Budget Process
Dear Mayor and Members of Council,

The longstanding dynamic between residents and City Hall reminded us of a bad marriage. The lack of
civic engagement, communication and a decline in the public’s trust in Vaughan’s governance closed
many doors for residents.

Many of the newly elected council campaigned to re-open those doors for residents by finding new and
better ways to conduct public business and to foster a more open, transparent and accountable
government through civic engagement.

Your “Public Service Announcement of February 4, 2011”, inviting residents to several meetings on the
Budget Process once again closes the doors for residents. Six (6) meetings have been scheduled and all
except for one (1) are being held during regular business hours.

Is this the way how newly elected council will extend its citizens the courtesy of civic engagement? If so,
then we are definitely heading down the wrong path.

The budget is important and civic engagement in the process is essential to create strong and vibrant
communities. We are demanding that ALL public meetings for the budget be held in the evening after
regular business hours in order to allow the majority of the residents the ability to attend.

Respectfully yours,

Nick Pinto
The West Woodbridge Homeowners Association Inc.

57 Mapes Avenue, Woodbridge, ON L4L 8R4

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