Business Communication in Today'S World

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 What is communication
 Brief history
 How communication takes place
 Tools used in today's world for
 Tips to improve communication
 Conclusion
What is communication?

Communication is not
only the essence of
being human, but also
a vital property of life…
John A. Piece
History :-
The process of communication has gradually
evolved from the archaic cave paintings to the
rapid new age communication gizmos. This is an
attempt to trace back the journey...
 Body Language
 Speech
 Writing
1. Symbols
2. Cave Paintings
3. Petroglyphs/ Rock Carvings
4. Pictograms
5. Ideograms
6. Writing
 The Alphabets
 Invention of the Radio
 Invention of the Telephone
 Invention of the Television
 Invention of the first Computer
 Invention of the Internet
How communication takes place



feedback reciever
Tool used in today's world

 Computer
 Mobile
 Gps
 Fax
 Video conferencing
 Spy camera and micro phone etc……….
Tips to improve communication

 Keep yourself clear and straightforward. People should clearly

understand what you say, what you need, and what you desire.
This will help others to know you and understand you better.
 Find a common ground for interaction. When you are
communication with others make sure that the topic of
discussion is of the same importance at both ends. Make people
understand that you share the same ideas, principles, beliefs,
values, and dreams. Show them how you are trying to achieve
your goals in life and how effectively you can help others to
accomplish their goals as well.
 Listen carefully to what others have to say. Acknowledge and
analyze their thoughts and feelings so that there can be a
smooth and thoughtful interaction with them.
 Don’t unnecessarily argue with your friends or business partners.
This will create a distance and hamper the relationship in a way
that they’ll be no cooperation between the two partners.
 Make people believe in you so that there are no boundaries when
it comes to any kind of discussion and advice. Your
communication skill should be so humble, soft, and gentle that
others feel comfortable with you
 Change is the most important aspect of life. Through your
effective communication make others accept and believe that
change is important in life to bring new hopes and rise to new
heights. Motivate them to keep up their strength even in the
toughest of situations. Convince them to persist in what they are
already doing and what they wish to do.
 Offer help to all whenever they are in need only then you’ll get
people’s support in return. When depressed and stressed out,
offer them hope and make them feel comfortable. Influence them
in a way that you effectively increase your chances of winning

 Communication is an ongoing process it can

never be mastered but can be improved time
to time by using different type of tools and
techniques because in today's rapidly
changing world one need to be updated and
adopted the changes so that the effective and
proper communication can take place.


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