Daily and Nightly Supplications Islamicpdfblogspotcom

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Khaled Ibn Abdul-Rahman AL-Jeraisy

lntroduction by Shaikh Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman AI-Jibreen

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The Believer's Provision Series Book 3

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Daily and Nighdy SuppHcadons

Start and End your Day

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Translated by

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Dr. Mohamed. Atif Mogahed. Mohamed.


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9 11 15 19 19



PronuJEiat:kJn GlIide Chapter 1: Supplcat:kJns for Typical Situations




Supplication on Waking




21 Supplication on Going into and 120 31 Supplication after Waking up at Night,

Coming out of the Lavatory

and Doing Wudnuu'



41 Supplication after Wudhuu' 51 Starting Voluntary Salaah at Night 61 Ayahs to Recite in the Witr Salaah



27 127 129

7 Qun-uut in the Witr and in


the FajF Salaah



81 Supplication after the Witr Salaah 91 Supplication during Adhaan



Daily and Nighdy Supplications

(Call for Salaah) 31 31 33

10. Supplicati on after Adhaan 11. Supplication on Getting Dressed 12. Supplication on Wearing

New Cloth.es ................................. 34 13. Supplication on Going out of th.e House................................. 14. Supplication on Going to th.e Mosque 15. Supplication on Riding a Means of Transportation 16. Supplication on Experiencing Difficulty with. a Means of Transport 17. Supplication on Entering th.e M osq \le. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 39 18. Supplication on Opening Salaah 19. Supplication in Rukuu' and Sujuud 20. Supplication after Rukuu' 21. Supplication in th.e Sitting Position 38 36 35 34

41 42

Contents between the 2 Prostrations 23. How to Pray for the Prophet 24. What to Say after Tashahhud, and before Tasleem 25. Supplications in Sujuud in Response to a Qur'anic Recitation

44 46

22. Tashahh"'Ud.. .................................... 45

51 53 62 63 65 76

26. Dhikr (Remembrance) after Salaah

27. Supplication on Going out of the Mosque 29. Supplication on Eating / Drinking 30. Supplication on Going to Bed 31. Supplication on Waking up during the Night Chapter 2: Morning and Evening

28. Supplication on Entering One's House .. 63

ElIIl.ootes . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 10 1


Praise and thanks be to Allah. I do exalt Him and seek His forgiveness. I testify that there is no God but Allah. He is the only Lord. We worship none but Him. I testify that Muhammad is Allah's slave and Messenger - may Allah's peace and blessings be unto him, his kin and his sahaabah (companions). I have read this wtrd of Daily and Nightly Supplications, selected by Khaled Ibn AbdulRahman Al-Jeraisy from Prophet Muhammad's established prayers. Though brief, the wirdis as beneficial as a detailed one. May Allah reward the writer for choosing the wirdcontents and bless his efforts and works. May Allah's peace and blessings be unto Prophet Muhammad, his kin and his

Abdulah Ibn Abdul-Rahman AI-Jibreen 1/9/1421 H.




Praise be to Allah, Who makes the dawn break, has designated night for rest, and grants His slaves their provisions from His bounty. None can do without Him, but He is in no need at all. He is immortal, but we are not. To Him belongs perfection, but to us imperfection belongs. I do praise Him in private and in public. I testify that there is no God, but Allah, alone without partners. I testify to His absolute oneness, a testimony most valued on the Day when oneness matters most. I also testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, master of the trustworthy elite, who says, "Vie for doing good deeds before you are tried.,,(l) He is the best at remembering His Lord at all times. It is with him that Allah has perfected the Light of Islam, and has removed the darkness of polytheism. May Allah's peace and blessings be unto him, his kin, his sahaabah (who are like the brightness of



daylight and the shining stars at night) and his genuine followers. If constantly done, deeds generally increase in value, and the earlier and more properly concluded the better. Remembrance of Allah by day and night has great value and special reward. Therefore, I have compiled in this booklet a selection of adhkaar (remembrance supplications) from the Prophet's established prayers. In the Arabic text, the adhkaar are properly marked with inflection signs to facilitate reading and learning. Also, the adhkaar are arranged in the order of their respective times in accordance with the Muslim's usual daily and nightly activities. Special attention is given to supplications for early morning and evening sessions. The adhkaar are arranged in such a way as to be - by Allah's Grace -learnable and accessible at all times. In order to facilitate learning the adhkaar by heart, we have made a voice recording of the wtrd - thanks be to Allah. This booklet consists of two chapters: Chapter 1 is concerned with the supplications concomitant with the



Muslim's usual activities in one day and night; Chapter 2 is concerned with the early morning and evening adhkaar. The Arabic edition is supplemented by a card on which is recorded the early morning and evening adhkaar. It is easy to carry, so its benefit can spread widely, and those who do not easily learn by heart can make good use of it. This is considered a response to Allah's command: "(125) Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation .... [Surat An-N ahl, Ayah 125]. By it I am seeking reward from Allah, as promised in the Hadith: "If one directs others to a good deed, one is entitled to a reward (from Allah) equal to that of those who do it (following his direction). ,,(2) I pray to Allah, the Exalted, to accept my effort in the production of this booklet, and to make it well received in this world. I hope that whoever benefits from this booklet will pray for me and my parents at the most opportune times for prayer. However, I hope that whoever finds faults with the booklet will be so kind as to have



them corrected, if possible, in a manner indicative ofknow1edge and good intention. Whatever power or strength I may have is from Allah, the Magnificent; He suffices me, on Him I rely, and from His Bounty comes my provision. May Allah's peace and blessings be unto His Prophet Muhammad, his kin, his sahaabah and those who follow his Sunnah and guidance.

KhaIed. A1-J eraisy

Pronunciation Guide


Pronunciation Guide
In this text, each supplication appears in this format: an English transliteration (in italics) of the Arabic original, followed by a translation of the meaning in English (in parentheses), then by the Arabic original. Below is a Pronuncia tion Guide, which aims to facilitate reading the transliteration of the Arabic original. It avoids technical terms and provides a simplified approximation of Arabic pronunciation. At the bottom of each two pages, there are words representing, to a great extent, the pronunciation symbols.

TJrick, hea Ith nat, with - the tongue tip is
between the teeth. IIamada (pr aised), fa ta IIa (opened); it sounds like the 'h' in 'hat' , but the air scrapes through the throat.



6 ..


1"1 lsI lSI

Pronunciation Guide
Home .tee, mi.u [the tip of the tongue is closer to the upper and lower teeth as in S]. Sounds like the letter's', as in 'sun' and 'son' , but fuller:, the front of the tongue touches the front of the roof of the mouth.


Izl ... IZJ

Zero, plea.te Sounds like the letters 'th', as in 'thus', but fuller. The tongue tip touches the upper teeth from inside. S1a.lut,pu.rh dad [the tip of the tongue is closer to the teeth ridge as in D.


Is"l 141 IDI

• ir




Sounds like the letter 'd', as in 'dug and 'mud, but the front of the tongue, rather than the tip itself, touches the front of the roof of the mouth. It sounds fuller than I dJ . Paris (as pronounced by the French), r"aadara (Arabic 'left'). The back of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth.

Pronunciation Guide Iwl li"l



Week, cow


LougAness, Dalid (name) - the back of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth, withair pas.sing through them causing a friction. 'arafat (name), 'lid (come back),
'ifreet (ghost) RiIIg, taak, mollk - it sounds like the letter 'n", but less obvious, and air is diverted towards the nose .





Sounds like the letter 't', but fuller, as in 'butter' and 'Qatar'. The front of the tongue, rather than the tip, touches the front of the roof of the mouth. Should, could, pllt Moon, group, fruit
• • m, sn.

1"1 1",,1

1111 1l1li1 1il!Y

Dad, f_l.
Admire, hGppy mad - Arabic words: maata (died); aaba (returned). dam, star, car - Arabic words: q CIIIla (said); S_ma (fasted)


Pronunciation Guide
ice, find
Do NOT pause. Read on.


Pronounce the symbols. inside the brackets if you read on. Do not read them if you pause or stop. It means; May Allah's prayers and peace be upon him. Read it as: /Sallal-laahu {alayhi wa-



It means: Honor and majesty be to A1Iah. Read it as: /{azZQ wa

jalJa/ .


Chapter 1


Chapter 1 Supplications for Typical Situations

1. Supplication on Waking up On waking up, one should pray:

/allfamdu-lil-laahil-laaee alfyaanaa maa amaatanaa, wa-ilayhin-nushuur/


"Praise be to Allah, Who has given us life after death (sleep), and unto Him is the Resurrection. ,,(3)

One can also pray:

/aIJiamdu-lil-laahil-laaee Caafaanee fee jasadee, wa-radda Calayya ruulfi, wa-adina lee bi-dlkrih]
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

"Praise be to Allah, Who has made my body sound, returned my soul into my body and permitted me to remember Him. ,,(4)

'i-- ~JJ r.5~

-_if. ~""
" ...t:



"I~I ~



r.5" ' ~



.•}~ ~t; !J

"Jl J~,J

2. Suppleations on Going into and Coming out of the Lavatory When one is about to step into the lavatory, one should suppleate:

/allaahumnla in nee aCuuitu blka mtnalkhubuthi wal-khabaa-ith/

"0 Allah! I seek refuge in You from male and female devils. ,,(5)
.1~t~;"H" ~,: " " • .J".
,," ,..

& ~" } Y'


"1 L/" r-r...t: -



After one gets out of the lavatory, one should say:

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1
"Grant me Your forgiveness,,(6).


3. Supplication after waking up at Night and Doing Wut/uu' After one wakes up during the night, does wut/uu' (washes for saltulb) and brushes one's teeth, one should. recite I read the folowing Ayabs(7): / (190) inna fee-khalqis-samaawaati wal-ar Di wa-khttlaafil-layli wan-nahaari la-aayaatt il) li-ulilalbaab (i) (191) alladeena yailkuruunallooha qiyaamaw-wa quCuutlaw-wa-Caloo junuubihim, wa yatafakkaruuna feekhalqissamaawaatl wal-ar D ( i) , rabbanaa maa khalaqta hadaa baa Tila(1J) subnaanak(a),faqinaa Cailooban-noor (192) rabbanaa innaka ntaIJ tudkhilin-naara faqad akhzaytahtu), wa-moo liZ-Zgglimeena min CllJSaar (193) rabbanaa innanaa samiCnoo munaadi- yay- vunaadee lil-eemaani an

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;

Supplications for TyPical Situations

aaminuu bi-rabbikumfa-aamannaa, rabbanaa faghfir lanaa ilunuubanoo, wa-kaffir Cannoo sayyi-aatlnaa , wa-tawaff anaa maial-abraar, ( 194) rabbanaa wa-aatina maa watattana Calaa rusulik(a), wa-laa tukhstnaa yawmalqtyaamaiti), innaka laa tukhliful-meeCood/
( 195) fastajaaba lahum rabbuhum annee 100 uDeeCu Camala Caamilim-mil}kum mil} oakarin aw U1)thoobaCDukum-mimbaCD, fa 1ladeena haajaruu wa ukhrijuu mil] diyaarlhim wa uuiluu fee sabeeli wa-qootaluu wa-qutiluu la-ukaffiranna Canhum sayyt-aatihim, wa-laudkhilannahum jannaatiu tajree mig talftihalanhaar (u) , thawaabam-min Cil]dillooh ( i) , wal-laahu Cndahu Fiusnuth-thawaab (196) 100 yaghurrannkal-laileena kafaruu fil-bilaad (197) mataaiun qaleelUIJ thumma ma'waahum jahannam( u) wabi'sal-mthaad ( 198) laaklnil-ladeenat-taqaw rabbahum lahum jannootulJ" tajree milj" tahtihal-anhooru khaalideena feeha, nuzulammin Cil]dillooh, wa
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; /1"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


ma CilJdalloahi khayrul-lil-abraar (199) waimmin ahlilkitaabi lamy-yu'minu btlllaah! wa maa unzila ilaykum wa maa unzila ilayhim khaashiCeena lillaah ( t). laa yashtruuna biaayaattl-laahi thamanan qaleelaa, ulaa-ika lahum ajruhton Cinda rabbtntm, innal-laaha sareetul l'iisaab (200) yaa ayyuhal-laaeena aamanuSbiruu wa Saabiruu waraabiTuu wattaqul-laaha laCallaleum tujlilfuun/ "(190) Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His sovereignty) for men of understanding, (191) Such as remember Allah, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and say): Our Lord! You created not this in vain. Glory be to You! Preserve us from the doom of Fire (192) Our Lord! Whom You ca used to enter the Fire: him indeed You have confounded. For evil doers there will be no helpers. (193) Our Lord! Lo! We have heard a crier calling unto Faith: 'Believe you in your
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;

Supplications for TyPical Situations Lord!' So we believed. Our Lord! Therefore forgive us our sins, and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die the death of the righteous. (194) Our Lord! And give us that which You have promised to us by Your messengers. Confound us not upon the Day of Resurrection. La! You break not the tryst. (195) And their Lord has heard them (and He says): Lo! I suffer not the work of any worker, male or female, to be lost. You proceed one from another. So those who fled and were driven forth from their homes and suffered damage for My cause, and fought and were slain, verily I shall remit their evil deeds from them, and verily I shall bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow. A reward from Allah. And with Allah is the fairest of rewards. (196) Let not the vicissitude (of the success) of those who disbelieve, in the land, deceive you (0 Muhammad). (197) It is but a brief comfort. And afterward their habitation will be hell, an
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1
ill abode. (198) But those who keep taqwa of their Lord, for them are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will be safe for ever. A gift of welcome from their Lord. That which Allah has in store is better for the righteous. (199) And Lo! Of the People of the Scripture there are some who believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto you and that which was revealed unto them, humbling themselves before Allah. They purchase not a trifling gain at the price of the revelations of Allah. Verily their reward is with their Lord, and Lo! Allah is swift to take account. (200) 0 you who believe! Endure, outdo all others in endurance, be ready, and observe taqwa of Allah, in order that you may succeed." [Surat
Al-Imraan / Ayahs 190-200]·

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;

Supplications for TyPical Situations

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


4. Supplication after WudIJuu' As soon as one finishes wudIJuu', (washing for salad) one should suppUcate: [ash-hadu allaa ilaaha tllal-laah, wakdahu 100 shareeka laht«), wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan Cabduhu wa-rasuuluhl
"I testify that there is no God but Allah, alone without partners, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. ,,(8)

~f :i.·'tl, a &~ ,

'i ~.J;.j~h , j1 'i1 , ,

~t ",

-l ~f :i.,lf,

"., ,~.,,'

J~ ....

5. Starting Voluntary Saltuli at Night, should supplcate:


= zero;

rabba jibroo-eel (aJ wa-meekaamm.; /",/ food; /11'/

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =



= .Ie; = cow;

Supplications for TyPical Situations

eel( a) wa-isrggfeel( a), faaTiras-samaawaati wal-ar D (iJ, Caalimal-ghaybi washshahaadaiti}, anta taFikwnu bayna Cibaadika feemaa kaanuu feehi yakhtali/uun (aJ, ihdinee lima-khndtfa feehi minal-haqqi bi-iQnik(aJ, innaka tahdee mati tashaa-u ilaa SiraaTimmustaqeemf

"0 Allah, Lord of Gabriel, Mikhail and Israfil, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the Unseen and the Seen. You will judge between Your slaves concerning matters wherein they differ. Guide me to the truth in those matters wherein they differ by Your permission, for You guide whom You will to the straight path.,,(9)

~t.li ,~I.~,~·Y ~1.tlS:...~ ~I.t'~·~ ~(J r-rr: Lr- _~.J Lr- _;fI:- .. ..r:. LJ- ~ ~:f -~l.0: t I,~ •:J., FJ I -::: • •( I ~--" ~1 '!.)~.J ~~~ '~J~.J 9.J~ ~'. ~ ~ .,. ,~ I ~ ~ i~t . I ~ - ~ - ~.. ' .... ~ I~ , • , .. .. t~.. Iii'.""


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,.!~ ~ ,,-7-.....

I ,~



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.. ,

_ • L.I.....J .....

~~f1JJ!1,~lh j;;j! i» ~ up!

• a: ,~ . II'!. ~ "

... I'~ ~.,



I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1 6. Ayahs to Recite in the Witr StUad According to the Hadith, "The Prophet used to recite Sura t AI-A 'laa in the lit rak' ah, Sura t AI-Kaafiruun in the 2nd and Surat Al-Ikhlaas rd in the 3 ••••" The witr salaah] salaatul-witr is voluntary prayer with odd-numbered rak'ahs(lO) . 7. Qua", in the Witr and in tbe Fajr Salad(ll) H one does qunUllt (supplication in saltulb), for example, in tbe witr and in the/ajr salad, ODe can say:

Caafmee feeman Caafayt( a), wa-tawallanee feeman tawallaytta), wa-baarik lee feemaa aCTayt(aJ, wa-qinee sharra maa qanaytta), fa-innaka taqDee wa-laa yuqDaa Calayk(aJ, wa-tnnahtu) laa yadtilumaw-waalaytta), walaa yaCizzu man Caadayt( a), tabaarakta rabbanaa wa-taiaala» tl
"0 Allah, guide me among those You guide. Grant me safety among those You grant
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

Iallaahumma-hdtnee feeman

haday t( aJ, wa-



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

safety. Take me into Y our care among those You take into Your care. Bless what You give me. Protect me from the evil You have decreed. Verily, You decree, but nothing is decreed for YOU;whomever You take care of is never humiliated, and whomever You take as an enemy is never honoured. Blessed be You, our Lord, and exalted be You. ,,(12)

J:}j Lc.;ili.~~li.j

_:..J ~_J


• --" L;J ~ !\~t;j '41 ~

"." ,~.)l,S.' 1~ ." ~ .. " ~



." " _ ...... '-f ,--r; ~....(.)J.J" J

" ·"1" " ." " • it " .u!-' ,..!L.. U'tit ,ftJ'" '-f"-J'I" tit Qj ~,,--ri. ,..:_. ..i J. t .. " ..
I'" :::;.....1"-:



liIUJ W.J ~J""t


JJ '

oM ..



8. Supplication after the Witr Saltuli When one rmishes tbe witr salad, one should say three times:(13) /sublfaanal-malikil-qudduus / "Exalted be the Holy King.

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; /1"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


The third time should be prolonged and said more loudly.

9. Supplication during AdIuurn (Call for Salad) As soon as the call for salaah starts, one
should follow the muezzin (caller for prayer), repeating the words after him, except at [havy! CalaS-Saloohl (Come for prayer) and Ilfayyi Calal-faloolfl (Come for success), one should say:

I laa-kawla walaa quwwata illaa bil-laahl

"There is neither might nor power except with Allah" .(15)

10. SupplicatioD after AdIuum Having followed the call for SalatdJ the way meDtioDed. above, one should say: [ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illal-looh(u), wahdahu 100 shareeka lahtu), wa-anna muhammadan Cabduhu wa-rasuuluh(u), allaahumma Salli
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

wa-sallim Calaa Cabdika wa-rasuulika mukammad, raDeetu bil-laahi rabba( w}, wabi-muliammadir-rasuula(w}, wa-bil-islaami deenaa] /allaahumma rabba haailihid-daC watittaamma( ti), waS-Salaatil-qaa-ima( tt), aati muhammadan al-waseelata wal-faDeela(ta}, wa-bCathhu maqaamam makmuudan-il-ladee waCattah/
"I testify that there is no God but Allah, alone without partners, and Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. 0 Allah! May Your prayers and peace be upon Your slave and Messenger, Muhammad. I am pleased to accept Allah as my Lord, Muhammad as His Messenger and Islam as my religion. ,,(16) "0 Allah! Lord of this perfect call and the established prayer! Grant Muhammad the privilege of intercession (on the Day of Judgment) and superiority, and take him to the exalted place You have promised him. ,,(17)
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


11. SUpplicatioD OD Gettin.g Dressed. Putting ODclothes, one should say:

/allfamdu-lil-laahil-lailee kasaani haadaththawb ( a) , wa-razaqaneeh ( i) min ghayri Ifawlim-minnee wa-laa quwwah/

"Praise be to Allah, Who has clothed me and given me this garment even though I have no power or strength. ,,(18)

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

11. SupplicatioD ODWearing New Clothes OD weariDg new clothes, one should supplicate: /allaahumma lakal-Ifamd(u), agta kasawttneehti), as-aluka khayrah(u) wakhayra moo SuniCa lahiu), wa-aCuuOu bika mi!j sharrihit) wa sharrt maa SuniCa lah]
"0 Allah, praise be to You. You have clothed me with this garment. Give me its good and the good it is made for. Protect me from its evil and the evil it is made for .,,(19)

13. SupplicatioD ODGoing out of the House OD going out of the bouse, one should pray: lbismil-laahtl}, tawakkaltu Calallooh(i), 100 Ifawla wa-laa quwwata illaa bil-laah] "In the name of Allah, I have put my trust in
Allah. There is neither might nor power except with Allah. ,,(20)
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


One can add.: /allaahwnma innee aCuuOu bika an aDilla.... awuDall(a), aw- azilla aw-uzallta), aw-aZlima .... aw-uZlmn( a), aw-ajhala aw-yujhala Calayy/
"0 Allah, I seek refuge in you from going astray or leading others astray, from slipping (into sin) or causing others to slip, from doing wrong or being wronged, and from behaving with ignorance or being treated with ignorance. ,,(21)

14. SUpplicatioD OD GoiDg to the Mosque(22) OD goiDg to the mosque for Salad, one should

/allaahwnma-jCal fee qalbee nuura (w), wa-fee baSaree nuUTa(w), wa-fee smnCee nuura( w) ,
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

wa-Iay-yameenee nuuratw), wa-Iay-yasaaree nuuratw), wa-fawqee nuuratw), wa-tahtee nuuratw), wa-amaamee nuuratw), wakhalfee nuura (w), waCaZZim lee nuuraal

"OAllahl Let there be light in my heart, light in my eye-sight, light in my hearing, light on my right, light on my left, light above me, light under me, light in front of me and light behind me, and grant me great light. ,,(23)

JJ , 'j; ~~ JJ ,'j; ~ J ~, , r+lHJ

, , ...... .. .oil: .,


'j; ~~~ 'j; ,;;ii ~~ 'j; ~:;. ~~ . , .. , f ' .... , .... 'j; ~:; 'j; ~t;:; 'j; ~:; , J~:; 'j; .~nj; ~:; ~
L L ,.

15. Supplication on Riding a MeIllB of Tramport On riding a means of transport, one should pray:

/bismillaah ( i) , alhamdu lillaah ( i) , sublfaanallaaee sakh-khara lanaa hadaa, wamaa kunnaa

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pans); 1"1 = Ass; 1111= 6ulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


lahu muqrineen, wa-innaa ilaa rabbtnaa lamtqalibuun, alhamdu ltllaahtt), alhamdu ltliaahti), alhamdu lillaah, aaallaahuakbar( u), allaahu-akbar( u), allaahu-akbar, subJiaanak( a), innee qad Zalamtu nofsee, /aghfir lee.fa innahu laa yaghfiru ailaunuuba illaa tl!J t."/

"In the name of Allah. Praise be to Allah.

Glorified be He Who has subdued these unto us, and we were not capable (of subduing them); And 101 Unto our Lord we are returning." Praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. Exalted be You. I have wronged myself; forgive me. None can forgive sins but You. ,,(24)

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

16. OD Experiencing Difficulty with a Melllli

of Tramplrt
If it is difficult to get on the means of transport, one is not to curse it in the first place. According to the Hadith, when a woman on a trip cursed her donkey, the Prophet said, "Take the load off the donkey and let it go, for it has been cursed. ,,(25) Having refrained from cursing, one should say the following prayer, which is said for easing encountered difficulties:

/allaahtunma 100 sahla tllaa maa jaealtahu sahlaa, wa-an ta tajealul-hazna woo shi'ta sahlaa!
"0 Allah! Nothing is easy except that which You make easy. It is only You Who can, if You will, turn the big mountain into a plain [i.e. make the hard easy]. ,,(26)
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1

...... .... .) ~~. ~a.l.........~~ .... '''1

~ ~ ~


17. SUppliCatioD ODEnterin.g the Mosque

OD eDterin.g the mosque, one should pray:

/bismillaah ( iJ waS-Salaatu was-salaamu Calaa rasuulillaahti) / allaahumma-ftalf lee abwaaba rakmatlk]

"In the name of Allah; may His prayers and
peace be upon Allah's Messenger. 0 Allah! Open for me the gates of Your mercy. ,,(27)









;~.;=aH..t ,;11' H'

I~ .... •~


~'~·l J ~. -:: , "F- ~

18. SUppliCatioD ODOpening Salad Having said takbeer, markin.g eDtry iDto salad, ODeCaDsay this Qur'anic suppHcatiOD: /wajjahtu wajhiya lil-laaee fa'Iarassamaawaati wal-arDa kaneefa ( wJ , wa-maa ana minal-mushrikeent a), tnna Salaatee waiii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

nusukee, wa-maJiyaaya wa-mamaatee, lillaaht ribbil-aalameen (a J, 100 shareeka lahtu), wa-btdaaltka umertiu), wa-ana minal-musltmeen!
"I have turned my face toward Him Who created the heavens and the earth, as one by nature upright, and I am not of the idolaters. My worship and, my sacrifice and my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. He has no partner. This am I commanded, and I am first of those who surrender (unto Him). ,,(28)
'U:1;' ~j~lj


t5t;;-";j'Fdj ~'j.4, ~!'~~I i» ill L;j ~. .r!~!-, ,j &~ • 'l ,: ~1~, ~~ ill ..;;~ f ~1~ ~ .J~~t..F \ '.J

~J1J c/r.-j ~jJ

.I~~' ill,:; ~

One can also say his prayer:

/sublfaanakal-loohumma wa-tabooraka-smuk( a),

wa-bilfamdik (a J, wa-taiaa la

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


jadduk(a), wa-laa ilaaha ghayrukl "0 Allah! Glory and praise be to You. Blessed
be Your name, and Supreme be Your Fortune. There is no God but You. ,,(29)

19. SUppliCatioD in. Rule",,' and Sui_I Having said taslJeeh 3 times in ",k_' (bending) or sllj"ud (prostrating), ODe can add these prayers:

allaahumma-ghfir leel

wa-bi-Iramdik (a) ,

"0 Allah, our Lord! Glory be to You, and all praise be to You. 0 Allah! Forgive me.,,(30)
.1 ~
• "II :, ;

.iJ, '.:J~"-;J 1:-' ; .U, it." .... J



; 1-:': • ,



also say:

lsubbuulfUIJ"qudduus, rabbul-malaa-ikati ruulrl

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;

war= .Ie; = cow;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/


Supplications for TyPical Situations

"You are the Ever-Exalted, the All-Holy, You are the Lord of angels and the Soul [Jibreel]. ,,(31)

However, one is not to recite the Qur'an in the rukuu' and sujuud positions(32). Ali Ibn Abi Taalib said, "Allah's Messenger instructed me not to recite the Qur'an in rukuu' or

sujuud. ,,(33)

20. SUppliCatioD after RukuuJ Having straighteDed up from RukUIIJ, ODe should say: lallaahumma rabbanaa wa-lakal-hamdl "0 Allah, our Lord! All praise be to You. .. •a"J~- ~J'" One

.!ii' .J

I" r ,U"


also say: rabbanaa wa-lakal-hamd (u)



I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1





"0 Allah, our Lord! To You belongs all praise that is abundant, good and blessed. ,,(35)

Adding to the above, one


then, say:

rabbanaa wa-lakal-hamd (u) , fianulag katheeran Tayyibam-mubaarakag feeh, mtl-as-samaawaati wal-ar D ( t). wa-mil-


a maa shi'ta miIJ shayimbaCd, ahluth-thanoo-iwal-majd( i) , aJraqqu moo qaalal-Cabd {u), wakulluna laka Cabd, allaahumma 100 moniCa limaa aCTayta, wa-laa muCTiya ltmaa manaitta), wa-laa ytllJlaCu ilal-jaddi mtnkaljadd!
"0 Allah, our Lord! To You belongs all praise that is abundant, good and blessed, as much as the fill of the heavens, the earth, and everything else Y au wish. Y au are worthy of
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

praise, glory and the most truthful words a slave can ever say, and we are all Your slaves. o Allah! None can prevent what You bestow, nor can anyone bestow what You prevent. No fortune can be of benefit to its possessor against Allah's Fortune. n(36)
"y• I;" I'" .4Y' -..,J "L..» _
..'.... L;! G!~~ ~
,,~, \II
,:,§tII _ '

.. I'''''' .J!j "~J .. \._r" ;'J!j "9'.J~' ;'J! ~, , ~""l J.; .' 1 f "~'.J !w!J, 'I:..f "~:~, '.. -jl' 11u ~ " ..

,til .. , J~

" .. "J~-


A. i, w.;, ..:.u" .:" .J .....,

r ,U'»


,~;tj;,l L;J Bl; 'i r,ll1 "LA ~


~ .w GIS,:;

.l.i;jI ~

WI I~~


,c.z L;J

21. SuppUcation in the Sitting Position between tbe 2 Prostrations In this sitting position, one can say: jrabbi-ghfir lee, wa-rkamnee, wa-taafinee wafbumee, wa-hdinee, wa-rzuqnee wa-rfainee] nO my Lord! Forgive me, have mercy on me, make me healthy, help me, guide me, and provide for me and raise me in rank.n(37)
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1

~~j ~jlj

~~G ~;;'Ij




One may wish to say only this payer:

Irabbi-ghfir lee, rabbi-ghfir lee] "0 my Lord! Forgive me. 0 my Lord! Forgive me.,,(38)

11. TaslulUud In the taslulUud position, one is to say:

Iat taHiyyatu

lil-looh ( t), waS-Salawaat( u} waT-Tayyibaat(u}1 assalaamu Calaika ayyuhan-nabty-yu wa-rakmatul-laaht wabarakaatuh] assalaamu Calaynaa wa-Lalaa Cibaadil-laahiS-Soolilfeenl ash-hadu allaa tlaaha illal-looh, wa-ash-hadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa-rasuuiuh]
"Salutations be to Allah, and the prayers, and
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

the good deeds. Peace be upon you, 0 Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and upon Allah's sincere slaves. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah. I bear witness that M uhamm ad is His slave and Messenger. ,,(39)
'1·'1' "'"'' ~o


' l~1!I" '4.!J.. .J

" - ,. l:·'I' , ,. "" :'.' ~~ I..I"'.J ..;/$1

~fji,~t;,illl ~1~1'i ~fj.,lf ,~Wall , ,

~'~"'. r ~ , ..u ~.,tJ,_uIt, e, • J.J "Ir ~, ~ " .,11, ",:~i


, ,4.!J

,,,,:1"_,,, ,~.1t' 4.!J~ ~t' J ," ~.J



23. How to Pray for the Prophet. After one finishes the above tashahhutl, one prays for the Prophet, saying the following, which is considered. the best at aD times:

/allaahumma Salli Calaomulfammadi( w J, waCalaa aalt muhammad (i!] J, kamaa Sallayta Calaa ibraaheemta), wa-Ialaa aali ibraoheem( a), innaka If ameedum-majeed, allaahumma baarik Calao muliammad( iwJ,
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


wa-Ialaa aali muJiammad(i1}), kamaa baarakta Calaa ibraaheem(a), wa-Lalaa aali lbaraaheem (a) , fil-Caalameen (a) , innaka nameedum-majeedf
"0 Allah, pray for Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have prayed for Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem. You are Praiseworthy and Gloryworthy. 0 Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have blessed Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem, in all the worlds. You are Praiseworthy and Gloryworthy. ,,(40)

~ ~~ ~ J..-..v,r., JS.:~~~ JS.:~~~' :"i~ 1Ii~' 1Ii~' '. J~ :t ;+u,1Ii, ,~ J.....,....!J ...... '~"1v' J ...... :;'~1 ~ r.,,p~~~ ~ l~"l .:JJU
I~~ 4I








~1;'1 J;. ~J~ La ~!;.: yr ~!;.~ J;. .mL..; :L...;. ~1~ ~ ~1~,~.i :.....'~~1 I;:~ : Jf ..~ .. ~ ~ r"~
Ji~ ~


.. ~





r"~ ,.J Ji~

24. What to Say after TashaUud, and before Tasleem After you finish the last tashahhud, and before
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

you do tasleem (saying: [assalaamu Calaiktun/ to end salaah), one can say one's favourite supplications.(41) For example, one can pray:

jallaahumma innee aCuuQu bika min caaabi jahannam (a) , wa-min Cailabil-qabr( t), wamil} fitantil-maliyaa wal-mamaatti), wa-mil} sharrt fitnatil-maseehid-dajjaalj "0 Allah! I seek refuge in You from the
torment of the Hellfire, from the torment of the grave, from the trial of life and death, and from the afIliction of Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal [Anti -Christ]. ,,(42)

One can also say the following prayers for seeking the good of this world and the Hereafter. [1] [rabbanaa aatinaafid-dunyaa kasanah, waI «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1

Jiasanah, wa-qinaa caaaaban-


"0 our Lord! Give us good in this world, and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of fire." [Surat A1-Baqarah. Ayah 102]. ,~'!.... t.:/~ .., r tJ" , !.~/', de.... l/:'~t"'\'-!' ~ .. ~~ 1/.'\' ~ dd..,._..... ~...N
~. i;-I' 4--t ~'



11 .....



-ti-r :I~ll

~~Ch y'~

"" r ;,~,

[2] lrabbanaa, 100 tuzigh quluubanoo baCda i4 hadaytanaa, wa-hab lanaa mil-ladunka rahmah, tnnaka llIJtal- wahhaabj
"Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to stray after You have guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Your Presence. Lo! You, only You are the Bestower ." [Surat Ala-Imran, Ayah 8].

[3] jallaahumma-ghfir

lee maa qaddamttu),

mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

wa-maa akhkhartt«), wa-moo asrartiu), wamaa aCl~t(u), wa-maa asrafttu), wa-maa anta aClamu bihee minnee, au talmuqaddim (u) wa-lllJtal-mu-akhkhir( u) , 100 tlaaha tilaa lII) t/

"0 Allah! Forgive my sins, the earlier and the

later ones, the secret and the declared thereof, what I have done excessively and what You know, but I do not. You are the One Who puts things forward, and the One Who delays them, and there is no God but YoU.,,(43)


J .#1 rfUI• ~l ,~~ ~l ~l l;j H:J~l l;j u:.lI;.ll;j .•~l ~1;]1'I <;'~I ~t; 'f.t~jl


l;j c;,li l;

[4] / allaahumma innee Zillamtu nafsee Zulm~ katheera (w), wa-laa yaghfuuO -aunuuba tllaa CIIJ t (a) , / aghfir lee maghfiratam-min Cit!dik( a) , war-hamnee, innaka au talghafuurur-raheeml
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


"0 Allah! I have wronged myself considerably. None can forgive sins but You, so grant me Your forgiveness. You are the Ever-Forgiving, the Merclful.,,(44)
_, ItjJ,' ..•_, '-, _, ,'" .'<" I'" n... '-:-' _JJ ~ J.J ' ~ ........ ~
,.... _," , .. _,...


_, _,
I ..


~1~J.J _,..,_, '.:J~ .." it:


.. ~_,.: _,~ ....:Lf .


_,:l ..11 '"Y .~~~II ~_,1;j1 ~l




:.::__u, t.£J r-r- 1


~ I

25. Supplications in Suj_1 in Respeese to a Qur'anic Recitation H ODe does sujuutl in re5plDSe to an Ayah tbat mentions prostration to Allah, be it during or outside saituJA, ODe can say this prayer three times(4S):

- jsubllaana rabbtyal-ailaa]
"Glory be to my Lord, the most High".

• 1!.\_I, LFJ _,:!III_' ~




You can add or say:

j sajada wajhee lil-laaee khalaqahu waiii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations


baSrah (u) , khaaliqeenl

wa-shaqqa samCahu watabaarakal-laahu alfsanul-

"My face is prostrating for the One Who has created it, formed it and provided its hearing and eyesight. Blessed be Allah, the best Creator. ,,(46)

You can. also add or say:

Iallaahumma-ktub lee bihaa Cindaka afraa, waDaC bthaa Cannee wizraa, wa-ftalhaa lee Cindaka iJukhraa, wa-taqabbalhaa minnee, kamaa taqabbaltahaa min Cabdika daawuud!
"0 Allah! With this (prostration), record for me a reward from You; remove one of my sins; save it for me for time of need; and accept it from me, as you accepted it from Your slave Daawuud. ,,(47)
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


26. Dhikr (Remembrance) after Salad(48) Once one finishes salad, one should do the following:
[A] Say three times:

"I seek Allah's forgiveness."

[B] Say:

/allaahtonma antas-saalaamu wa-minkassalaam (u) , tabaarakta yaa ilal-jalaali walikraam/

"0 Allah! You are Peace, and peace is from

You. Blessed be You, the possessor
mm.; /",/ food; /11'/


iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations


Majesty and Honour.

c;~1 I; ~~Jt;i f~I

[C] Say:


f~I cJl fU1•


/ laa ilaaha illal-looh (u) wakdahu laa shareeka lah(u), lahul-muUc(u), wa-lahul-Ifamd(u), wa-huwa Calaa leuIii shay-ilJ" qadeer, 100 Ifawla wa-laa quwwata tllaa bti-laahti), 100 tlaaha illal-laah(u), wa-laa naCbudu tllaa tyyaahiu), lahun-niCma(tu), wa-lahulfaDl(u), wa-lahuth-thanao-ul-hassantu), 100 ilaaha illal-laah(u), mukhliSeena lahuddeena, wa-law karihal-kaaflruun]
"There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and to all praise is due. He has power over all things. There is no might or power except with Him. There is no God but Allah. We worship none but Him. To Him belong all blessings,
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; /1"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


sovereignty and good praise. There is no God but Allah, in Whom we have pure faith in spite of the disbelievers. ,,(SO)

:1j ,1;;!J I :1 '!~loil ~ 'lj :1Zw1'~ ,~hoil til '1 ,~I

[D] Say:

:1j H~i~1 :1 ,:1 &~ '1 ~.J,;.j oil ;11 '1' ~I .. ~--! '-f ~ ~t.. ~ '-f .;.:;: 1 .. 'JS' ,.;... .» ~ '.. ~J'" ~ ~ ;;.". J.J V.j> J '...rl..J.i ~~ ,_r- yt.J ,J~

,:iJ I -il til '1 ,JJ ~


:l:!lI:1j <J.~~I .m~.J~lS:i, ;_j ,&.jJ,


[laa tlaaha illal-looh(u), waJrdahu 100 shareeka lah(u) , lahul-mulk(u), wa-lahulIfamd(u) , wa-huwa Calaa kulli shay-l» qadeer] allaahumma laa moniCa ltmaa aCTayt( a), wa-laa muCTiya ltmaa manaitta), wa-laa ytllJfaCu ilal-jaddi mtnkaljadd(u)/

"There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

to him all praise is due. He has power over all things. 0 Allah! None can prevent what You bestow, nor can anyone bestow what You prevent. No fortune can be of benefit to its possessor against Allah's Fortune.n(Sl)


,J.... ..:J:~p.. f ......,., JJ

:1j ~ij,

a ,:1 &~


'.1' ...; ,

tU ,

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"JS~ ~ 1;.~.... ~.... .J'AJ

L;J ,~ ,~

~1 'I) jl

[E] In addition to what has been mentioned above, one can say the following prayer ten times, particularly after the Fajr (dawn) and the Maghrib (sunset) obligatory prayers:

[laa tlaaha tllal-laahiu), waJrdahu 100 shareeka lah(u) , lahul-mulk(u), wa-lahulJiamd(u) , yukyee wa-yumeettu), wa-huwa Calaa kulli shay-i1.J"adeer] q
"There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him all praise is due. He has power over all
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


things. He gives life and death, and He has power over all things. ,,(52)

:1J ~ijl :1 ,~ &~ '1 ~J;'J :ill '-11 ;11 '1' ..;.:: ~~~.-t* ~1;.. Y'.J '~J ~ ..,' ,J..,..~J'" .»> "~ .. .lIft~ ir
~ ~ ~

[F] Say 33 times: jsubllanalloohj (Glory be to Allah); Say 33 times: [alhamdu-lil-laah] (praise be to Allah) Say 33 times: jalloohu akbarj (Allah is the Greatest). Then, top up the above-mentioned 99 adhkaar to one hundred by saying:

jlaa ilaaha illal-looh(uJ, waJrdahu 100 shareeka laht«), lahul-mulku walahu 1kamd (u J, wa-huwa Calaakulli shay-iIj qadeer j
"There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him all praise is due. He has power over all things. ,,(53)
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

[G] Recite Ayat Al-Kursi{S4):

lallaahu laa tlaaha illaa huwal-Ifayyu1qayyuum (uJ, 100 ta'khudahu sinatuw-wa-laa nawmtul), lahu mao fis-samaawaati wa-mao fil-arlrti), mtIIJ ilal-ladee yash/aCu Ciljtiahuu illaa bi-i4nih(iJ, yaClamu mao bayna aydeehim wa-maa khalfahum, wa-laa yulfeeTuuna bi-shay-im-min Cibnihee illaa bimaa shoo'( a), wasiCa kurstyyuhussamaawaati wal-arlria), wa-laa ya-uuduhu ~ ~ JiijZuhumaa, wa-huwal-Caliyyul-CaZeeml
"Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Unto Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His leave? He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1 them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includes the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous."

:J ~:;;~; ~ ,.iiti -1 ~JjiT~ ;:. -§l~l-i ~i9

~i:r:~~~ ~;\ \~;; :t~f~,; .;.~~T


~. -" ~ .t~.J~:'"

l' ~i!.~" J - ..\.~... -. , : lJ

~'M ~

J.}h~ ..hf'.. ..u_p. ..1" J-jl, ~,.. JJ

;::-::t"~.t-......t:1.J" ~:t:.,....j \~ '-'1;1l

I_J.",....,] '111{~

p:; :.u~l.
-.,,'" .. ;.


. [, ••



..c~ ~.) ..... ~1_,Pr{ _,.._,r~l!.i H • c.t,.

[II] Conclude with the Suras of AI- Ikblaas, AIFalaq and An-Naas(sS):

Surat AI-Ikblaas
/ (1) qui huw-allaahu ahad, ( 2) allaahuSSamad, ( 3) lam yalid wa-lam yuulad, (4) wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuwan alfad/ "(1) Say: He is Allah, the One! (2) Allah, the eternally besought of all! (3) He begets not,
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

nor was begotten. (4) And there is none comparable unto Him. n

Surat A1-Falaq /(1) qui aCuuau bi-rabbll-falaqtt), (2) mitJ sharri mao khalaq (a) , (3) wa-m~' sharri ghaasiqtn tdaa waqab (a) , ( 4) wa-mitJ sharrin-naffaathaatt Jil-Cuqad tt). (5) wa-mi!J sharrt haastdtn tdaa kasad]

"(I) Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak (2) From the evil of that which He created, (3) From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, (4) And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, (5) And from the evil of the envier when he envies. n

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; /1"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


Surat An-NaBS / (1)

qui aCuuQu bt-rabbin-naast i) , (2) mallkin-naasti) , (3) ilaahin-naas(i) , (4)

mi!] sharril-waswaasil-khannaasi i) , (5) alladee yuwaswisu fee Suduurin-naas ( t), (6)

minal-jinnati wan-naas]
"(1) Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of manki nd, (2) The King of mankind, (3) The God of mankind, (4) From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, (5) Who whispers in the hearts of mankind, (6) Of the jinn and of mankind."

¢' u-;dlf ~ ¢l U!d!; -t~ ~_;1J~ ~f ~ \"<iT ~r.x u~ ~ ~ l.!lT ,-",!~_,. ~~~. ~ ~ ~ ati ~
.It .;pJ

~"" ~l~rJ

l~r ~ ~ - ~l1J1 ~1:' .,.;:,., ~ ,.._........ ..~

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;

Supplications for TyPical Situations

After one says the above-mentioned established prayers after the Fajr (dawn) and Asr (afternoon) salaahs, one can say more adhkaar recommended for the mornings and the evenings, in line with the Prophet's traditions. Chapter 2 is devoted to these adhkaar.

27. SupplicatioD ODGoing out of the Mosque On going out of the mosque, one should say:

/bismil-laah(i} waS-Salaatu was-salaamu Calaa rasuulil-laahtll] allaahumma tnnee asaluka mi!JfaDlik/ "In the name of Allah, and may His blessings
and peace be upon Allah's Messenger. 0 Allah! I am asking You to give me from Your Bounty. ,,(56)



~.J""'J ~


bt.:zll..t ,~I HI ~ .. ~ ,. ~ J II" "1 '~f 0: "11 .... ~ .._,;. L;! ..:.u ./1' "~

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1 28. SUpplicatioD OD EnteriDg One's House On entering one's house, one should pray:


/allaahtonnla innee as-aluk(a} khay ra 1mawlijit), wa-khayrai-makhrajii}, bism illaahi walajnaa, wa-bismil-laahi kharajnaa, wa-Calal-laahi rabbinaa tawakkalnaa! "0 Allah! I am asking You for the best entry and the best exit. In the name of Allah we enter, and in the name of Allah we go out, and we put our trust in Allah, our Lord. ,,(57)
., • I, '~ ill' r-i "[.~~ ~.J.o; ~ c::~ • ~ .o; ~ ~'f~ •iI L/~ r-r- 'J · ~s • ~• _J._ ~ q ~• ~1 ~ .185; ~.J ;1H ~j ,G;-~ ;ill ~; ,~j
.oil: ., ~ • .oII: ~ ., ~~ ., ~

Having entered the house, one should greet one's family [with [assalaamu alaykwn/].
29. SUpplicatioD OD Eating I DrinkiDg [A] WheD ODewants to start to eat or drink, ODe should pray: lbismlllaahl (In the name of AI1ah)(58).
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

However, if one forgets to say that at the start, he should, as SOOD as he remembers while eatingl drinking, say: / bismil-laahi awwalahu wa-aakhirah (u) / "In the name of Allah in its beginning and end. ,,(S9)

[B] As SOOD as one:finBbes (eating one should pray:

I drinking),

/alRamdu-lil- laahti) , Ranulat/ katheeran Tayyiba-mubaaraka~ feehit), ghayra makfiyyiw-wa-laa muwaddai; (iw ) , wa-laa mustaghnan Canh, rabbanaa]
"Abundant, good and blessed praise be to Allah. His favours cannot be replaced, nor can they be left or dispensed with. 0 Allah. ,,(60)
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


30. SUpplicatioD OD GoiDg to Bed. OD goiDg to bed, ODe should do tbe following:
[A] Recite Ayat A1-Kursf61):

lallaahu laa tlaaha illaa huwal-Ifayyu1qayyuum (uJ, 100 ta'khuauhu stnatuw-wa-laa nawmiul), lahu mao fts-samaawaati wa-mao /il-arD(iJ, mtIIJ ilal-laaee yash/aCu Ciljdahuu illaa bi-iOnih{iJ, yaClamu mao bayna aydeehim wa-maa khalfahum, wa-laa yuReeTuuna bi-shay-im-min Cilmihee illaa bimaa shoo'( a), wasiCa kurstyyuhussamaawaati wal-arlsta), wa-laa ya-uuduhu Ifi/Zuhumaa, wa-huwal-Caliyyul-CaZeeml
v v

"(255) Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Unto Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His leave? He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includes the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous."

:.J ~:;; -1; ~ ,.iiti 'i f':5iT :;Jr :;:. ~l ~l--.j~~ ~i1:~~!4 ISJr \~ .; :t~f~~;;'~;:.IT ~ ~ '
~. -" ~ .t~.J~:'"

... .:._A. ~J


..1" ~.fft'..

;::-::J'''~.t-...... J-jl, ~,\ \ A". ;:'; r:JJ.J"~:(j. ,.....!t ~;ll

~_M ~


l' ~i!.~" J .. ..\.~...;;p:; :.u~l. -. ) : lJ

-.,,'" .. ;.

-tr ..

~'JI :;;:<;11 ;J.,...l

~$~ ftJf ~;




[B] Recite the last 2 Ayahs of Surat AI-

/ (285) aamanar-rasuulu btmaa UIJ zi/a ilayhi mir-rabbihi wal-mu'minuunia) , kullUII aamana bii-laahi, wa-malaa-tkatihi, wakutubihi, wa-rusulih(i), 100 nufarriqu bayna
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


aRadim-mir-ruslulih ( t). wa-qaaluu samiCnoo wa-atainaa ghufroonaka robbanaa wailaykai-maseer]

/ (286) rabbanaa 100 tu-aakhidnaa in-naseenaa

aw-akh'Ta'naa, rabbanaa wa-laa tal'imil Calainoo iSrlllJ kamaa kamaltahu Cala 1ladeena mil)



tulfammilnaa maa 100 Tooqata lanaa bih(i), wa-lfu Cannoo, waghfir Ian00, war-hamnaa, anta mawlaanaa, /a-1)Surnaa Calal-qaumilkaoftreenl "(285) The messenger believes in that which has been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers - and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Your forgiveness, our Lord. Unto You is the . . journeying. (286) Allah taskes not a soul beyond its scope.
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

For it (is only) that which it has earned, and against it (only) that which it has deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as Y ou did lay on those before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, You, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk."

' ....l...

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-i 1$ ~1 :1J:jr; G; ,1111)1. ~~tl'~:;;'~dJ .. ,~ ~~ f::;.:r 41 &\/,.)0 ..1'1 l~ -:: .,-:1 >'~.J.... '''.1 ~ . .. ,.
Ui ~

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.:.,~.,l) I

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1 [C] Recite Surat AI- KaafiruUD

/(1) qui yaa ayyuhal-kaafiruunta), (2) 100 aibudu maa taCbuduun (a), (3) wa-Iaa ag tum Caabiduuna maa aCbud(u), (4) wa-laa ana Caabidum-mao Cabattum, (5) wa-Iaa ag tum Caabiduuna mao aCbud(u), (6) lakum deenukum, wa-liya deen ( i) /
"(l) Say: 0 disbelievers! (2) I worship not that which you worship; (3) Nor worship you that which I worship. (4) And I shall not worship that which you worship. (5) Nor will you worship that which I worship. Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion. n(63)

_::"1 ~j ~ SJ~~ ~ ~ ~
, ~,

V~ ~
-'(1' .... ~

.#"'4 r' ~~ " ~, \.6 ~J. £ c:.

_.:.;, lJ ~
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~ ~ "(1, ~


~~ ",. 1-:; .. ,-::, Yf

'--..it.\Q Ul lJ


~¢J Y!~ J;J ~!

¢J ~~ t

[D] Do IUljth (blowing slightly - without spitting - into your palms put together) after reciting Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat Al-Falaq, and
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

Surat An-Naas. You should, then, rub your hands over the parts of your body you can reach, starting with your head, face, and front of your body. You can do the recitation and nafth three times. (64)
Surat A1-Ikhlaas

1 (1)

qui huw-allaahu akad, ( 2) allaahuSSamad, ( 3) lam yalid wa-lam yuulad, (4) wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuwan akad!

"(1) Say: He is Allah, the One! (2) Allah, the eternally besought of all! (3) He begets not, nor was begotten. (4) And there is none comparable unto Him."

Surat A1-Falaq 1(1) qui aCuuc1u bi-rabbtl-falaqtt), (2) mi!J sharrt mao khalaq (a) , (3) wa-mil.i sharrt
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


ghaasiqin tdaa waqab( a), (4) wa-min sharrinnaff aathaati Jil-Cuqad ( t), (5) wa-mu; sharrt Jiaasidin idaa liasad/
"(l) Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak (2) From the evil of that which He created, (3) From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, (4) And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, (5) And from the evil of the envier when he envies. n

Surat An-NaBS / (1) qui aCuuQu bt-rabbin-naast i) , malikin-naas(i) , (3) ilaahin-naas(i) , mig sharrii-waswaasil-khannaasi i) , alladee yuwaswisu fee Suduurin-naas ( t), (2) (4) (5) (6)

minal-jinnati wan-naas /
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

"(1) Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of manki nd, (2) The King of mankind, (3) The God of mankind, (4) From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, (5) Who whispers in the hearts of mankind, (6) Of the jinn and of mankind. ,,(65)

;ill ¢) ~L!lf 4 .,. .'J ~f ~.rX u~ ~ ~ l~T ~

~~ ~~ ~lJIll'

¢l U!Lf!; .;.~ ~;1 J~



l~' :-"'" ~t.:!J1 ,

\"<it ~~~.~

,9\ ~~



.JJ1!. - ~ ~ ~

[E] Say:
(Glory be Allah) 33 times; [alkamdu-lil-laah] (Praise be to Allah) 33 times; and /allaahu akbar] (Allah is the Greatest) 34 times.(66) [F] Say:


/allaahumma amuuttu)!

bt-smika akyaa wa- bi-smtka

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


"0 Allah! In Your name I live, and in Your name I die. ,,(67)

[G] Say:

Iallaahumma rabbas-samaawaati wa-rabbalarD(i), wa-rabbal-Iarshil- CaZeem, rabbanaa wa-rabba kulli shay-i(IJ),faaliqal-lfabbi wannawaa, wa-munazzilat-tawraati wal-iI)jeeli wal-/urqaan(i), aCuuilu bika miu sharrt leulli shay-in anta aakhi4um-binaaSiyatih(i) I allaahumma antal-awwaltu} fa-laysa qablaka shay'(uw), wa-antal-aakhlrtu) falaysa baiadaka shay'(uw), wa-CIl/taZ Zgg_hir(u) fa-laysa fawqaka shay'(uw), walII) tal-baa Tinu f a-laa duunaka shay' (un) , iqDi annad-daynta), wa-ghninaa minal-/aqrl
v v v

"0 Allah, Lord of the heavens and earth and the Magnificent Throne, our Lord and Lord of all things, the Revealer of At-Tawraah, AlInjeel, and the Qur'an, the Splitter and
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

Grower of the seed grain and date stone! I seek refuge in Y ou from the evil of all things, which you hold under Your control. You are the First, nothing before You. You are the Last, nothing after You. You are the Manifest, nothing above You. Y ou are the Innermost, nothing beyond You. Remove the burden of our debt, and save us from poverty. n(68)

[II] You caD add: /bt-smika rabbi waDCatu jambi, wa-blka

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


arfaCuh, in amsakta nafsee.fa-rkamnaa, wa-in arsaltahaa, /a-If/aZhaa bi-maa tah/aZ(u) bihee CibaadaleaS-Saaliheen/ "In Your name, 0 Lord, I lie down to sleep. And by Your leave, I wake up. If'You do not return my soul [to my body], have mercy on it; if You ret urn it [so I am still alive after sleep], protect it as You do Your righteous slaves. ,,(69)

[I] You can conclude with this suppleation:

aslamtu nafsee ilayk (a) , wafawwalnu amree ilayk(a) ~ , wa-wajjahtu wajhee ilayk( a), wa-alja 'tu Zahree ilayk (a) , raghbataw-wa-rahbatan ilaykta), laa malja-a wa-laa malJjam-mil) lea ilia ilayk (a), aamas tu bi-kitabikal-ladee aczalt( a) _. wa-nabtyyikalladee arsalt]
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;




mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

"O Allah! I have surrendered my soul to You, entrusted You with my affair, turned my face towards You, and sought Y our protection of my back. All this is in pursuit of Y our pleasure and out of fear of you. There is no escape or refuge from You except in you. I believe in Your Book, which You have sent down, and in Your Prophet, whom You have sent. n(70)

.. .. ' '''' "~f ' ... ¥J '~l ~~ 6~ j '~l ~" 6p'-"j ! e-r ;1""1 'J1 ..!C... I':' '\.r' f,:, '\.r JI""'i~~"" -, , , . . _. , .. .. " , ::::" , ..a":"'+-~J' ' .c jJ-- ,~ ,,. ..,~,t.,~:,;, .., .c jJ-- ,&~ " , ,

,~! ~;f


,~! ~ ~.:I: r.illJ .. f

J.J ~ J ,~ ~,.
~ I~


'-If '

_. ....,

'-If '



31. Supplication on Waking up during the

Night If one wakes up, interrupting sleep, during the night, one should pray:

/ laa tlaaha illa-alloahu waJrdah( u) , laa sharika lahtu), lahul-mulk(u), wa-Iahul-Fiamd(u},

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; /1"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


wa-huwa 'aloo kulli shayi1} qadeer] alJiamdulil-laah (i) wa-subitaanal-laah (i) wa-laa tlaaha illal-Iaah (u) wal-laahu akbar wa-laa nawla wa-laa quwwata lllaa bil-laah(i}/ allaahumma-ighfir lee/

"There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him all praise is due. He has power over all things. Praise be to Allah, and glory be to Allah, and there is no God but Allah. Allah is the greatest. There is neither power nor might, except with Allah. 0 Allah! Forgive me."

:1j ,JJi~, :1 ,:1 &~

0V1'-:*".J ~

'1 ~.J;.j~,

Y'.J ,J~

-: I ....... ".....

.ft " ......... .,.:::: ..... J, , -JS"


~1 ;--~ '1......r 'i..... ~, ..... 'i1 ;11~ .J ..... ..... ill, ..... H J .J' .J J ....... "~f .J..r.".J


,.;." .....".....

'I. " .......J , ..

.IJ .fi6' , r.+U" .....

.. ..ot:


,ill L ......


This situation is an opportunity for supplications to be answered, and for salaah to be accepted(71). So, one can wash for salaah
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


Supplications for TyPical Situations

and pray as much as one likes, then can go back to sleep. This concludes the chapter on selected supplications to be said in one typical day and night. The next chapter is concerned with typical adhkaar for mornings and evenings .


I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


Chapter 2
Morning and Evening

[1] Recite Ayat Al-Kursi

lallaahu laa tlaaha illaa huwal-Ifayyu1qayyuum (uJ, 100 ta'khuluhu sinatuw-wa-laa nawmtul), lahu mao fis-samaawaati wa-mao fi/-arD(iJ, mtII) ilal-la4ee yash/aCu CilJdahuu illaa bi-ianih(iJ, yaClamu mao bayna aydeehim wa-maa khalfahum, wa-laa yulfeeTuuna bi-shay-im-min Cilmihee illaa bimaa shoo'( a), wasiCa kurstyyuhussamaawaati wal-arlsta), wa-laa ya-uuduhu IfjfZuhumaa, wa-huwal-Caliyyul-CaZeeml
v v

"(255) Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Unto Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His leave? He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includes the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.n(73)

:.J ~:;; -1; ~ :.iiti -1 fJj~ ~ :;:.-§l~l-i ~i9

~~ ~!4 "sJ, \~~ :t~f~'_, ~ ~ 1:~ .;.~~r

~. .0( :,",

~ .t~.J~
"u_l! JJ
• [" ••

»» h- ..:f .. ~ .1: ff'"


;:: J-jl, ~,.. '::"J'\ ~~ ;:'; ~.J",,~:t:......s ~".~..~;ll

1" ~i;~" lJ
I..",...,] ~~

J ~.....

.. .l.~':' , ..... ~

po; ~4j~1.

- ",,,, . .. ;


_.c ~


} .....H ~ I"'rt

".1"" c..t-~ _,a_, ~,....tt!" \.,. .~

Whoever recites Ayat Al-Kursi(74) will be protected by Allah, will not be approached by any devils, and will enter Paradise if he dies as soon as he recites it; yet, nothing prevents him from going straight to Paradise except that he is not dead yet.
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 2


[2] Recite Surat AI-Ikhlaas, Surat Al-FaIaq and Surat An-Naas One should recite these Surahs three times(7S) each as part of the Adhkaar following the F ajr and Asr salaam in particular, as part of the morning and the evening AtllJktlllr and on going to bed. By Allah's Grace, given purified intentions, doing so qualifies one for protection from evil. It is worth mentioning that recitation of Sura t Al-Ikhlaas three times equals the recitation of the whole Qur'an in reward. Surat A1-Ikhlaas
/ (1) qui huw-allaahu akad, ( 2) allaahuSSamad, ( 3) lam yalid wa-lam yuulad, (4) wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuwan akad! "(1) Say: He is Allah, the One! (2) Allah, the eternally besought of all! (3) He begets not, nor was begotten. (4) And there is none comparable unto Him."
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;

Sumt A1-FaIaq

/(1) qui aCuuau bi-rabbll-falaqtl), (2) mig 8M"i mao khalaqta), (3) wa-mi~l 8M"i ghaasiqln waqab (a) , ( 4) wa-mitJ 8M" in-n affaathaatt fil-C uqad ( t), (5) wa-mig 8M"i haastdtn tdaa Basad]


"(1) Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak (2) From the evil of that which He created, (3) From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, (4) And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, (5) And from the evil of the envier when he envies."

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; /1"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1
Surat An-NaBS / (1)


qui aCuuQu bi-rabbtn-naast i) , ( 2) malikin-naas(i) , (3) ilaahin-naas(i) , (4) mi!J sharril-waswaasil-khannaasi i) , (5) alladee yuwaswisu fee Suduurin-naas ( t), (6) minal-jinnati wan-naas]

"(1) Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of manki nd, (2) The King of mankind, (3) The God of mankind, (4) From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, (5) Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, (6) Of the jinn and of mankind."

;iIl ¢' U'_!dlf ~ ¢l u:;d!; .;,~ ~;:1 J~ .,. .'J ~f ~ \"<it ~.rX u~ ~ ~ l~T &.J'!~_,. ~~~.U'! ,9\ ~ dJi ~

~~ ~l-4Jt,

l.~'~~.,. > ., ~


~l1l1~1:' - ~ ..~

[3] Say 10-100 times a dar76):

/ laa tlaaha illal-laah (u) walfdahu laa shareeka lah(u), lahul-mulk(u) wa-Iahul-Ifamd(u), wahuwa Calaa kulli shayil)"qadeer]
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;

84 "There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him all praise is due. He has power over all things. "

If one says the above-mentioned supplication ten times, one gets a reward equal to freeing one person from the offspring of Isma'eel may Allah's blessings be upon him. If one repeats it a hundred times, one is given a hundred rewards, a hundred of one's sins are atoned, and one is protected from Satan all day till nightfall. [4] Say these prayers three times(77):

/sublfanal-laahi wa-bi-Ifamdih ( i) , Cadada khalqih (i) wa-riDaa nafsih (i) , wa-zinata Carshih( t), wa-midada kalimaatih ( i)/
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


"Glory and praise be to Allah as many times as the number of His creatures, as much as He pleases, as heavy as His Throne and as lasting as the ink ever used to record His words."

The above prayer is considered to be worth more than all the supplications said by Om Al-Mu'mineen (the mother of the faithful) Iwairiyah from dawn to Duha (the time starting from the brightening of the sun light and ending a little before noon).

[5] One should say:

IsubRaanal-laah ( i) wa-biRamdihl
"Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Him."
.IDJ~ ~~

..~ ~ .uJ ~ . 1 f.,

• ~

-&,)""' ....

I ~...,

If one says the above prayer

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;

a hundred
mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;


times(78) in one day, Allah will bless him by atoning all his sins, however great they might be. Only the one who says more will have done better.

[6] One should pray for the Prophet and his family by saying

/allaahumma Salli CalaamuRammad( iwJ, waCalaa aali muJrammad (i!] J, kamaa Sallaita Calaa ibraaheemta), wa-Ialaa aali ibraaheem( a), wa-baarik Calaa muRammad( iw J, wa-Ialaa aali muhammadt i1) J, kamaa baarakta Calaa ibraaheem(aJ, wa-Ialaa aalt ibaraaheem(aJ, fil-Caalameen (aJ, innaka kameedum-majeedi
"0 Allah, pray for Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have prayed for Ibraheem and the family oflbraheem, and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have blessed Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem, in all the worlds. You are Praiseworthy and Gloryworthy. ,,(79)
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1

It is recommended that one should say the above prayer ten times(BO) r as many times as o he likes. The Prophet said, "If one invokes Allah's blessings on me once, Allah blesses him ten times.,,(81) One should also invoke Allah's prayers and blessings on the Prophet on Friday in particular, for he said, "One of your best days is Friday, so invoke Allah's peace and blessings on me that day ....,,(82)
[7] This suppleation is considered the best for seeking Allah's forgiveness /allaahwnma anta rabbee, 100 tlaaha tllaa lII)t{a), khalaqtanee wa-anaa Cabduk(a), wa-



CaMika nus

mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

ma= .Ie; = cow;

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



8taTaCt (u) , aCuuau bika mil} sharrt mao SanaCt(u), abuu-u laka bi-n~matika Calayy (a), wa-abuu-u laka bi4ambi, fa-ghflr lee, innahu 100 yaghfiruil-ilunuuba tllaa tlIJt'
"0 Allah, Y au are my Lord, there is no God but You. You created me, and I am Your slave. I try my best to keep my covenant (faith) with You and to live in the hope of Your promise. I seek refuge in You from the evil I have done. I acknowledge Your favors upon me, and I admit my sins. Please, forgive me, for none forgives sins but You.,,(83)

,il¥ ill:, ~;~L;. u:.jf ~1 ;11'1 Jj ~f rfUIJ

f '"
4 ~ "

"'... :;I ! , y'" I' ;1 ~ L;! ~ , ~Y" ,~ __ ... ,l u ~JJ .~o;

!lao,l tp t._F- ulJ .,;:.I~'

If one dies after saying the above supplication with firm faith, one qualifies for Paradise, by Allah's Grace.
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


[8] One can ask Allah's forgiveness by saying:

/astaghfuul-laaha wa-atuubu ilayh]

"I seek Allah's forgiveness, and to Him I relent. "

This can be said 70-100 times(84). It brings comfort into one's heart.

[9] In the morning, one should pray: /allaahumma bika aSbaknaa, amsaynaa, wa-bika nakyaa, namuut {u), wa-ilaykan-nushuur / wa-bika wa-bika

"0 Allah! In Your name we have reached the

morning, as in Your name we reached the nightfall. By Your permission we live, and by It we die, and unto You is the Resurrection." &j .,


&j .,


&j .,

.J JJ ~l .., ~t: j:J ..

G;.;.ioT .!4 rfU1J .,

mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

.J ,~.,..., .J-;

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



= .Ie; = cow;

90 Similarly, in tbe evening, one should pray:

/allaahumnla bika amsaynaa, aSbalfn 00, wa-bika nakyaa, namuut (u), wa-ilaykal-maseer]
"0 Allah! nightfall, morning. It we die,

wa-bika wa-bika

In Your name we have reached the as in Y our name we reached the By Your permission we live, and by and unto You is the return. ,,(85)

~ r,UI :~

,I ~



I:·~•t ~. .... rw.A' 1


r: :~ /t t ~ ~ .• • 1


:; I.. !'~:; I" J I" ~u"it,": ,~.,.., ~J.. l:;J ~J' , ,

~f lilJ .~)1J1 ~!J ,b~

1-: .. ""
\..>:./t1 i :; " I




r ,it"
~-: .. .. "


i ~"!'rw.A'1

[10] One should say the folowing prayers in the morning and on going to bed:

/allaahumnla faatiras-samaawaati walar D ( t), Caalimal-ghaybi wash-shahaadai ti), 100 tlaaha illaa a!lt(a), rabba kulli shai-iwwamaleekahiu), aCuuthu bika mil} sharrt
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1
nafsee, wa-min


sharrish-shaytaani washirkih(i), wa-cm aqtarifa Calaa nafsee suua(n) awajurrahu tlaa muslim/
"0 Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth, knower of the unseen and the seen! There is no God but You, Lord and Owner of everything. I seek refuge in You from the evil of myself, from the evil of Satan and his Shirk, and from causing evil unto myself or unto other Muslims. ,,(86)

~I ,~ ~ '.", L~ ~ ,~ •s :~ ..

rJ~ ,~j\":'
_'..01: JS ~J ~~
oil ~

., ,.,.s .... ~ iJ\t.~·~.H~": Lr!" ~, s ~~~., ~ .. . ~

~.{;I;.!JI fill fUI• .. ., ~.., 'i~ ~~ '-f '!.)""'-"" 1"": ~ J - ~l":a. "~ tl ~
.. ~

.•~ J1 !ft.fjf


.... .. : &i"', ~
oil ~ ~'



I;;' ~

J;. utif

[11] The Prophet always said these prayers in tbe evening and in the morning:

[allaahumma innee as-aluk-aliaaftyaita) fiddunya walaakhtratti), allaahumma innee as-

aluk-aICafwa wal-Caafiya(ta),/ee
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;

deenee wamm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;

dunyay (a), wa-ahlee wa-maalee, allaahumma-

stur Cawraatee, wa-aamir-rawtaatee, allhumma-hfaZAee mimbayni yadayya, wamin khalfee, wa-iay-yameenee, wa-Can shimaalee, wamin fawqee, waCuuthu biCaZamatik( a) an ughtaala mil}'talf teef "0 Allah, I ask You for security in this world and the Hereafter. 0 Allah! I ask You for forgiveness and for security of my faith, my worldly affairs, my family and my wealth. 0 Allah! Let my private affairs remain secret, and remove my fears. 0 Allah! Guard me in front and behind, on my right and left, and from above. In Your Magnificence I seek refuge from being unexpectedly harmed from beneath. ,,(87)

-f "...t :!Jj,J ~1 ,,~ r,~\;j JAh ~9;j ~~ J ~~Ij ~I .!iJt:.t i» ~, r.+u' 'J~jJ &!'j J'J~ ?' r+tJ' &!j ,~~ ~j ~~ ~j ,~&!j ~~ y; .•~ &! JUkf bf ~~;~ i;.h 'J}
~1 :!Jj, ,,~ ,;~ •~,~ 0lJ' ~ · Ol;',U r- ~~.J.. ,. ...t
1Ii -.. ~ _~ 1Ii _

~'f ~~




I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 2


The above prayers are meant to invoke Allah to protect the supplicant, particularly from being swallowed by the earth.
[12] In the morning one can pray:

/aSbalfnoo wa-aSbalfal-mulku-lillooh ( i) wal-Ifamdulil-looh(i}, 100 ilaaha illal-laah(u} waJidah( u) 100 shareeka lah (u) lahul-mulku, wa-lahul-hamdt«), wa-huwa Calaa kulli shaii!! qadeer]
1 1 1

"We have reached morning time, while the dominion remains Allah's, and to Him all praise is due. There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him all Praise is due. He has power over all things. "

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;

Similarly, at night one can pray:

/amsayna, wa-amsal-mulku-lillooh ( i) , 100 tlaaha illal-laah (u), walfdah ( u), 100 shareeka lah(u), lahul-mulk(u), wa-lahul-Ifamd(u) wahuwa Calaa kulli shai-;g qadeer]
"We have reached evening time, while the dominion remains Allah's, and to Him all praise is due. There is no God but Allah, alone without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him all Praise is due. He has power over all things."

:1lI 'l1jl


'I ,~ J~lj

,~ Jjijl ~fj


In addition, one can pray:

[rabbee, as-aluka khayra maa fee haailihillaylatti), wa-khayra maa baidahaa, waaCuuau bika mit! sharri mao fee haad ihillaylatti), wa-sharri maa bCadahoo/
I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Chapter 1


"0 my Lord! I ask You the good of tonight and the good of what follows it, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of tonight and the evil of what follows it. ,,(88)

,lij;; ~ ~-"; ,ii:u, ~JA · ~ ~-"; ~

.m liJZ

~ .J ~.. t; ,.~. ~
_rM.J ~..

,:ii:u, alA t.J.·


~~ '"'

~ t; ,.~.:

~t:f ~~, ~'J & i 'f~ L;! ! Y'.J

[13] In the morning, one can pray:

/aSbalfnaa Calaa fi'Iratil-islaam, wa-Ialaa kalimatil-ikhlaaS, wa-Iala deeni nabtyyina mulfammad{ iw} , wa-talaa millati abeena ibraaheema Ifaneefam-muslima{w}, wa-maa kaana minal-mushrikeen/
"We have reached morning time, while still adhering to Islam, the instinctive religion, to the word of pure faith, and to the religion of our Prophet Muhammad, and in the footsteps of our father Ibraheem, who was a pure Muslim, but not a polytheist. ,,(89)

, - ~ ...f~~l ,.t ....~tlf ~~~~ ~ ...~ .J'

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~

... ,~ -. ~~~ f-~l ~~ ,.~ ~

l:-~- f, Woo.,.· .J'

iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;


The above prayer can be said in the evening, by using jamsaynaaj (We have reached evening time) instead of jaSballnaaj (We have reached morning time):

j[amsaynaa Calaa fi'Iratil-islaam, wa-Lalaa kalimatil-ikhlaaS, wa-Iala deeni nabtyyina mullammad( iw) , wa-talaa millati abeena tbraaheema haneefam-m us lima ( w), wa-maa kaana minal-mushrlkeenl
"We have reached evening time, while still adhering to Islam, the instinctive religion, to the word of pure faith, and to the religion of our Prophet Muhammad, and in the footsteps of our father Ibraheem, who was a pure Muslim, but not a polytheist."

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);


[14] H one says the folowing prayer on arriving at a place to stay, no harm will happen to him in that place during his stay, by the Grace of Allah: laCuudu bi-kalimaatil-laahit-taamaat( t), mig sharrt mao khalaq!
"I seek refuge in Allah's perfect Words from the evil of what He has created. ,,(90)
olJL1l; ~

i» 91!WI ~I



[15] H one says the following supplication three times, one will oot be harmed and will oot encounter any sudden affliction during the day:
ahaYUIJ fil-arD(i},

Ibtsmtl-laahil-ladee laa

yalharu maCa-smihi wa-laa fts-samaa'(i), wa-

huwas-sameei; ul-Caleeml
iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero; mm.; /",/ food; /11'/



= .Ie; = cow;

Whose permission nothing on earth or in the heavens can harm, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing! ,,(91)

"In the name of Allah, without


~ .~, .:.'. ~, .J Lj'J t./ ~"



~~ .

" • ,~,'1


.l';!H t./ · Y'.J,

jj,.ill, H ., t5, ,

[16] H one says these prayers three times, Allah wiD please him:

[ralseetu bil-laahi rabbatw), wa-bil-islaami deena ( w) , wa-bi-mukammadin Sallal-laahu Calayhi wa-sallama nabiyyaa]
"I am pleased to accept Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad IIas His Prophet. ,,(92)
,f ~ l

.uJ, ~


~ ""'-AIoJ~

-.Ii ,




...... 1", f ~ r~ • ('!J 'U~;.u'1

\11' I .. ,



~ , ,

~~l:J~" ... ,


.J '~ ..

In conclusion

of these selected daily and

I «I = hQPPY; 1«4/ = Iamb; I!!!!/ = st.; IflYl = find; 141 = ba~ Itli = tliB; IDI = dumb; I_I = roM; 11"1 = Pasis); 1"1 = 1a8; 1111= Iulm (Arabic dream);

Endnotes nightly supplications, I pray to Allah, the most High, to enable me and you, dear reader, to learn and say them, as His Messenger Muhammad II used to. Praise be to Allah, by Whose Grace good deeds are accomplished .


iii = sit; /'1/ = tan I ru.,; /./ = .,1; lSI = /tAl = dink; /T/ = tub; I_I = cOldd; /__/ =
= zero;



mm.; /",/ food; /11'/

= .Ie; = cow;

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