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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

Item Overview:
This page is used to define the number of periods and quarters in a balance year used for payroll
processing. It also allows the user to specify the start and end dates for each period. A balance year may
be defined in numerous ways. For example, a balance year can be set up as a calendar, fiscal, benefit or
any type of year that is appropriate to the user.

Menu Path:
Home / Define Business Rules / Define Payroll Process / Setup 2 / Balance ID Table


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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

Record Information:
BALANCE_ID_TBL BALANCE ID TABLE Defines balance ID's to track balances in calendar
or fiscal year.
BALANCE_ID_DEF BALANCE ID Defines the period's begin and end dates
DEFINITION associated with the balance ID's for each
BALANCE_ID_QTR BALANCE ID Defines the quarters within balance ID's for each
QUARTER company.

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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

• There will be two Balance ID’s that will be set up at the State of Connecticut. The first balance id will
be ‘FY’ (Fiscal Year) and the second will be ‘CY’ (Calendar Year). The Earnings, Deductions, Tax,
Check, and Garnishment balances will be kept for both the Calendar Year and Fiscal Year balance
ids. The balances will be driven by Check Date, as this will determine the year and period for which
the balances need to be updated and/or adjusted. For all balance adjustments, they need to be set up
for the correct year to accurately reflect the balances. If a prior year off-cycle needs to be created, an
off-cycle check date that is retroactive to the prior year should be created to accurately reflect the
balances for year-end tax reporting (W2 and W2C’s). For the purpose of system startup three full
years worth of balance id information should be generated.

Information Source:
• The information for this table will be gathered from the Office of the State Comptroller.

Data Entry Method:

__Y___On-Line Pages

_____ Excel Spreadsheet

Fields on Record:
SETID SetID Required Prompt: SETID_TBL Select the SETID
value that is associated with the Balance ID. This
field value should always be set to a value of
BALANCE_ID Balance ID Required ‘CY’ (Calendar Year) and ‘FY’ (Fiscal
Year) should be set up at Core-CT for tracking
DESCR Description Include a description of the Balance ID’s that are
set up. ‘State of CT Calendar Year’ and ‘State of
CT Fiscal Year’ should be set up at Core-CT.
DESCRSHORT Short Description Include a short description for the Balance ID’s
that are set up. ‘Cal Yr’ and ‘Fiscal Yr’ should be
set up at Core-CT.
NUMBER_OF_PERIO Periods in a Year Set up the number of periods that are in a year for
DS each Balance ID. ‘12’ is the PeopleSoft default.
’12’ should be set up for the ‘CY’ Balance ID
and ‘1’ should be set up for the ‘FY’ Balance ID
at Core-CT.
NUMBER_OF_QTRS Quarters in a Year Set up the number of quarters that are in a year
for each Balance ID. ‘4’ is the PeopleSoft
default. ’4’ should be set up for the ‘CY’ Balance

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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

ID and ‘1’ should be set up for the ‘FY’ Balance

ID at Core-CT.
BAL_FOR_CAL_YEA Bal for Calendar Year Y/N table edit.
R Select this checkbox if setting up balances for a
calendar year. Selecting ‘Y’ for this field
automatically populates a ‘Y’ for the following 5
default for this field is ‘N’. For the row that is
‘CY’ this field should be set to ‘Y’. For the row
that is ‘FY’ this field should be set to ‘N’
MAINTAIN_EARN_B Maintain Earns Bal This field is used to maintain balances for the
AL given Balance ID and year that is being defined.
For example, if a fiscal year is being defined and
MAINTAIN_EARN_BAL is set to ‘Y’, the
earnings balances for the fiscal year are
maintained. The PeopleSoft default is ‘Y’ for
this field and should be accepted.
MAINTAIN_DED_BA Maintain Dedn Bal This field is used to maintain balances for the
L given Balance ID and year that is being defined.
For example, if a fiscal year is being defined and
MAINTAIN_DED_BAL is set to ‘Y’, the
deduction balances for the fiscal year are
maintained. The PeopleSoft default is ‘Y’ for
this field and should be accepted.
MAINTAIN_TAX_BA Maintain Tax Bal This field is used to maintain balances for the
L given Balance ID and year that is being defined.
For example, if a fiscal year is being defined and
MAINTAIN_TAX_BAL is set to ‘Y’, the tax
balances for the fiscal year are maintained. The
PeopleSoft default is ‘Y’ for this field and should
be accepted.
MAINTAIN_CHK_BA Maintain Check Bal This field is used to maintain balances for the
L given Balance ID and year that is being defined.
For example, if a fiscal year is being defined and
MAINTAIN_CHK_BAL is set to ‘Y’, the check
balances for the fiscal year are maintained. The
PeopleSoft default is ‘Y’ for this field and should
be accepted.
MAINTAIN_GARN_B Maintain Garn Bal This field is used to maintain balances for the
AL given Balance ID and year that is being defined.
For example, if a fiscal year is being defined and

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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

MAINTAIN_GARN_BAL is set to ‘Y’, the

garnishment balances for the fiscal year are
maintained. The PeopleSoft default is ‘Y’ for
this field and should be accepted.
DATE_TO_USE Date to Use If a non-Calendar Year Balance ID is being set
up, this field can be used to select the balance
types that are to be maintained. The first period,
begin date, and end date for each company and
year must be set up. After this, the begin and end
dates are set by default automatically for each
row for that company/year combination. The
translate values for this field are ‘C’ (Check
Date) and ‘P’ (Period End Date). Check Date
should be selected to maintain balances by the
check date being processed and Period End Date
should be selected by the period end date being
processed. The PeopleSoft default for this field is
‘C’ and this should be used for both ‘FY’ and
‘CY’ Balance ID’s at Core-CT.
SETID SetID Required Prompt: SETID_TBL
This field will default from the parent record:
BALANCE_ID_TBL. This field value will
always be set to a value of ‘SHARE’.
BALANCE_ID Balance ID Required Prompt: BALANCE_ID_TBL
This field will default from the parent record:
BALANCE_ID_TBL. ‘CY’ (Calendar Year) and
‘FY’ (Fiscal Year) should be set up at Core-CT
for tracking balances.
BALANCE_YEAR Balances for Year Required This field will contain the year for the
balance type. At the time of go live, balances
should be built for the years 2003, 2004, and
BALANCE_PERIOD Balances for Period Required This field will contain the balance
period for the associated Balance ID and Year.
For ‘CY’, there will be 12 balance periods: ‘1’
(January), ‘2’ (February), ‘3’ (March), ‘4’
(April), ‘5’ (May), ‘6’ (June), ‘7’ (July), ‘8’
(August), ‘9’ (September), ‘10’ (October), ‘11’
(November), ‘12’ (December). For ‘FY’ there
will be 1 balance period for entire year.
BEGIN_DT Begin Date This field will hold the Begin Date for the
particular Balance ID, Balance Year, and Balance
Period. Examples of Begin Dates for ‘CY’ 2003,
Period 1, the Begin Date should be 1/1/03. For

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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

‘FY’ 2003 Period 1, the Begin Date could be

END_DT End Date This field will hold the End Date for the
particular Balance ID, Balance Year, and Balance
Period. Examples of End Dates for ‘CY’ 2003,
Period 1 the End Date should be 1/31/03. For
‘FY’ 2003 Period 1 the End Date should be
PERIOD_NAME Period Name This field will hold the Period Name for the
Balance ID, Balance Year, and Balance Period.
Examples of this are: January, February, etc. for
‘CY’ Balance ID’s. For ‘FY’ Balance ID’s, the
Period Name could be “One Year Period”.
PERIOD_ABBRV Abbreviation This field will hold the Period Abbreviation for
the Balance ID, Balance Year, and Balance
Period. Examples of this are: Jan, Feb, etc. for
‘CY’ Balance ID’s. For ‘FY’ Balance ID’s, the
Period Name could be “OYP” (One Year Period).
This field will default from the parent record:
This field will default from the parent record:

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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

BALANCE_YEAR Balances for Year This field will contain the year for the balance
BALANCE_QTR Balances for Quarter This field will contain the Balance Quarter for
the associated Balance ID and Balance Year.
Examples of this field will be: ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’ for
‘CY’ Balance ID’s and ‘1’ for ‘FY’ Balance
PERIOD_NAME Period Name This field will contain the name for the Balance
Quarter. Examples of this field will be “Quarter
1”, “Quarter 2”, etc. for ‘CY’ Balance ID’s and
“Fiscal Year '00/01’ for ‘FY’ Balance ID’s.
PERIOD_ABBRV Abbrev The Period Abbreviation for the Quarter will be
stored in this field. Examples of this field will be
‘Q1’, ‘Q2’, ‘Q3’, and ‘Q4’ for ‘CY’ Balance
ID’s and ‘FY1’ for ‘FY’ Balance ID’s.
DETL_PERIOD_FROM From Per The From Period value will designate the starting
point for the Balance Quarter amounts. For ‘CY’
Balance ID’s, the ‘1’ BALANCE_QTR will have
a ‘1’ in this field, and the ‘2’ BALANCE_QTR
will have a ‘4’ in this field. For ‘FY’ Balance
ID’s this field will always contain a ‘1’ for the
From Period value.
DETL_PERIOD_TO To Period The period value will designate the ending point
for the Balance Quarter amounts. For ‘CY’
Balance ID’s, the ‘1’ BALANCE_QTR will have
a ‘3’ in this field, and the ‘2’ BALANCE_QTR
will have a ‘6’ in this field. For ‘FY’ Balance
ID’s this field will always contain a ‘1’ for the To
Period value.

Dependencies and Timing:

• The SETID_TBL will first have to be populated before setting up the BALANCE_ID_TBL,

Testing Considerations:
• Validate that the calendar year and fiscal year balances are properly stored.
• Verify that the pay calendar records are properly linking to the balance id.
• Ensure that the fiscal year and calendar year crossover period works accurately.

• There will be two Balance ID’s set up at the State of Connecticut. The first balance id will be ‘FY’
(Fiscal Year) and the second will be ‘CY’ (Calendar Year).
• The Earnings, Deductions, Tax, Check, and Garnishment balances will be kept for both the Calendar
Year and Fiscal Year balance ids.

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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project

• The balances will be driven by Check Date, as this will determine the year and period for which the
balances need to be updated and/or adjusted.
• For the purpose of system startup three full years worth of balance id information should be
• The conversion will populate the employee balance records for the calendar year balance id, but will
not for the fiscal year balance id.
• The identifier for Fiscal Year will be consistent between HRMS and Financials.


Changes Needed:


Input Provided By:

Name Title, Department
Josh Woodrum Payroll Team Lead, Accenture
Ryan Oakes Configuration Team Lead, Accenture
Nancy Ribes Payroll Team Lead

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sl Configuration Approach
State of Connecticut Balance IDs
CORE-CT Project


Configuration Team

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Configuration Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________
Ryan Oakes Ron Kuehner

Module Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________
Rajeev Sharma Anne North

Sue Martin

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