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Oriole Flyer Feb 2011

Oriole Elementary School

3081 NW 39th Street
Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33309
(754) 322-7550

On Twitter:
Featured this month: Website:

Principal’s Message
From the Principal’s Desk
School Updates Dear Parent/Guardian:

February 2011 is an exciting month at Oriole! We are now making

our final academic adjustments before the 2011 Testing Season
begins. Our 1st and 2nd graders just finished taking their Mid-Year
Reading Assessment and their assessment results were outstanding.
Other exciting news includes a 2nd National Board Certified Teacher
being on our staff in Mrs. Manal Ibrahim.

Our extended learning opportunity (Title I) also known as

Intermediate Saturday School launched on Saturday, January 22, 2011
and we had a GREAT turnout.

This is a reminder that on February 8, 2011, we will have our 2nd

Quarter Title I Report Card Night. This evening will allow our Oriole
Staff to present Honor Roll Certificates to those students who earned
either the Gold, Silver, Great Strides, or Principal’s Award. In
addition we will be unveiling our new Oriole T-Shirts and presenting
important information regarding promotion criteria, etc.

Please feel free to contact my Assistant Principal, Mrs. Nicole B.

Williams, or me with any questions or concerns.


Ryan T. Reardon, Ph.D.

Ryan T. Reardon, Ph.D.
Page 2 Oriole Flyer

Dates to Remember
Date Event Description
2/8 Title I Report Card Night
2/9 Report Cards Go Home
2/21 No School
2/25 Interims Go Home
2/28 Pre-K Field Trip-Flamingo Gardens

Grade Level Updates


We are hard at work! It is a very busy month in our class. We learned

about the work of Dr. Martin Luther King and took some time to think
about our dreams for the future.

We are learning about animals that live in the North Pole and South
Pole. Do you know how they survive in such cold weather? Our
favorite book of the month is "The Snowy Day". We are on the path to
First grade! Everyday we read stories and write stories.

Parents can help us by continuing this routine as homework


READING We are blending -ap, -et, -op, -at, -ap, -ot

MATH We are joining groups together to add numbers
WRITING We are writing stories to inform
SOCIAL STUDIES We are learning about the Icy Poles
SCIENCE We are learning about the animals living in the Icy
Oriole Flyer Page 3

Monthly Reminders to All Parents

Calls to the Classroom:
Parents, please be mindful that teachers cannot accept phone calls during class sessions. If it is a true emergency, please
contact the office and they will make the initial contact with the teacher. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Birthday Parties:
Parents, you must obtain permission from your child's classroom teacher to be able to have a birthday party in
the classroom. You must be able to provide the date and the teacher will provide the scheduled time, which is
1:30 p.m. Please contact the front office at 754-322-7550 on the day of the scheduled event to confirm. Thank
you for your assistance in this matter. Any parent attending an event for his/her child must complete a
Volunteer Application with Oriole Elementary School.

Distribution of Student Medication:

No student medications can be given to any student without the approval of a doctor. Should you need any
clarification of this policy, please contact the front office. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms.
Jessica Cherry, School Nurse, at 754-322-7550 (ext 4213000)

Arrival Procedures (Tardy)

Please be reminded that classroom instruction starts at 8:00 a.m. each day. All students arriving after this time
will be marked as tardy. It is essential that your child is present in school and on time each day so he/she can
have the best educational experience. Any student having more than three (3) tardies will have a letter written
to the parent and copied to the school social worker.

Bus PM Pickups (East Side)

Please note that only school busses and after school day care busses will be allowed to pick up students on the
east side of the building. All parents who are picking up their child must do so on the west side at 2:00 p.m.

School Zone Rules

We are asking for your assistance in obeying School Zone Rules when near our campus. Please be mindful of
the 15 MPH speed limit law. Due to the increase of speeding cars, we have requested the assistance of our local
law enforcement to run radar/laser to help assist us in protecting our students. Secondly, many parents have
been observed using their cellular phone while driving through our drop-off and pick-up loops. Please note the
posted sign which outlines the statute of, “Cellular phone use while in these areas are restricted.”

Afternoon Procedures
Students are to be picked up from the west side only prior to 2:15 p.m. After 2:15 p.m. these gates will be
locked and all parents must enter the campus through the east side gate, proceed to the front office and sign
their child out. Any pattern of late student pick-up will be referred to the proper agency.

Tardy Procedures
Instruction begins at 8:00 a.m. each day. Thus, any student who arrives to class after 8:00 a.m. must enter
through the front office and receive a tardy pass. Any pattern of excessive tardiness can and will warrant an
administrative conference. Should you have any questions, please contact Administration.
Oriole Flyer Page 4

Parent Conference Information

It is important to conference with your child's teacher. A conference can keep you informed
of your child's progress and identify any areas that may need any assistance. Please feel free
to contact the front office at 754-322-7550 to schedule a conference. Conference times are
from 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. unless specified by the teacher. Teachers will contact parents once
a month to keep parents updated of their child’s progress. Parents will also receive monthly
progress reports. Parents, please be sure to sign your child’s progress report and return to
their teacher.
Partners in Education
The Partners in Education program links businesses and organizations with schools in
relationships that enhance student learning and promote school improvement. In a partnership,
a business adopts a school, or schools, and shares its human and material resources. Education
and business are so closely related that each flourishes from the support and prosperity of the
other. Schools must prepare today's students for their entry into a diverse, competitive work
force. When businesses take part in the education of these young people, they help strengthen
the work force of the future. The Partners in Education program is vital in helping the
community and the school grow together. Any questions, please contact Dr. Reardon at 754-

Off – Campus Incidents

This is a reminder that any off-campus incident involving your child needs to be reported to
Broward Sheriff’s Office. Their dispatch number is (954) 765-4321. Please feel free to
provide Oriole Elementary with the Police Report if you desire.

As you are aware Oriole Elementary School has zero tolerance for students who choose to
fight. According to our school-wide proactive discipline plan, any student getting into a fight
will be assigned an Off Track consequence which could include the assignment to the Central
Area Alternative to Suspension Program.
Oriole Flyer Page 5

Fourth Grades Turns Up The Heat in 2011

As sure as the calendar changes at midnight on December 31st, once Winter Break
is over, the fourth grade comes together with one goal in mind: Writing. With the
FCAT Writing Assessment coming March 1st, the team has stepped up their focus on
the writing process. As a team, they have developed a plan that will focus on each
student's weakness and enhance their strengths. Using Cold Writes in the cafeteria
(where the students are given an impromptu writing assessment under testing
conditions), the team's aim is to keep the students more focused on time
management and productive writing. In the classrooms, teachers will be reviewing
both expository and narrative writing. This includes planning, staying focused to the
topic, organization, and use of strong vocabulary. The team will also be reviewing the
essentials to any writing sample, including subject/verb agreement, sentence
formation, and punctuation. Watch out when walking by a fourth grader, because
their pencils will be smoking!


My first graders are working very hard on reading for speed and accuracy.
They have already read over 600 Accelerated Reading books. They are also
learning to write a paragraph using three details. Finally, in math they are
adding with three addends, finding patterns, writing expanded numerals and
place value. They are also learning about angles, geometric shapes and
counting money.

Update from Ms. Niforos (Grade 3)

My class is making great progress in improving reading fluency and comprehension.
Students have also been working hard to improve their test taking skills in preparation for
the FCAT. Currently, our focus in Reading is plot and conflict and in Math we are delving
into Big Idea 2, which focuses on fractions. In order to make the learning experience
unique and fun for students, I have integrated Art and Music into many of my Reading and
Math lessons. I am very proud of all of my students and their dedication to their
education. Our motto in class is "Don't waste time, focus on your goal. " I'm happy to
report, my students are doing just that.
Oriole Flyer Page 6

Mandatory Uniform Policy
Effective immediately, the Mandatory School Uniform Policy will be strictly
The dress code policy is addressed on page 18 inside the Elementary Code of Student
Conduct Book. CONSEQUENCES for violation of the dress code are found on page
28; which includes, but are not limited to:
• Time out for student
3081 NW 39th Street • Disciplinary action initiated by the teacher
Lauderdale Lakes, FL • Removal from class by the teacher
33309 • Referral to administrator
• School/parent conference
• Before, after or Saturday detention (parent responsible for transportation)
• Intervention by school Social Worker/ Guidance Counselor
• Internal/External suspension from classes and all school activities in
(754) 322-7550 accordance with the School Board Policy 5006

Fax: Friday is the only day that students are allowed to wear other attire, please see the
(754) 322-7590 Elementary Code of Student Conduct Guidelines for proper dress code.

*** Oriole is a MANDATORY Uniform School ***

Oriole Bird Embroidered Emblem is NOT mandatory

Polo Shirt Colors:

Black Orange White
Pants or Shorts Colors:
Khaki Black
Skirts/Skorts Colors:
Khaki Black Black and Orange Plaid
Shirts MUST be tucked in at all times.
Belts MUST be worn.

School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedures which results in
discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, marital status,
race, religion or sexual orientation. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or
harassment complaint may call the Director of Equal Educational Opportunities at 754-321-
2150 or Teletype Machine TTY 754-321-2158.

Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with

Disabilities Act (ADA) may call Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) at 754-321-2150 or
Teletype Machine TTY 754-321-2158.

If you would like a translation of this newsletter or any information sent home to you by this
school, please call 754-322-7550.

Si ou prefere lekÚl la voye tout enfÚmasyon ba-ou an keryÚl, tanpri rele, kominiti lyeson,
nan 754-322-7550.

Si usted necesita traduccion de esto o cualquier otra informacion enviado a su cases del
colegio, por favor llama 754-322-7550.

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