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Q.1) Do you visit multiplexes..??

Yes No

Q.2) what is the frequency of your visit in a month..??

Q.3) According to you which is the best Multiplex in Indore..??
Q.4) what attracts you towards this Cinema..??
Q.5) how did you come to know about Gold Cinema..??
Q.6) Do multiplexes have bright future in the market..??
Q.7) did you find ticket price as per the services and quality provided..??
Q.8) Are you satisfied with the quality and price of the refreshment..??
Q.9) if preferred cinema is closed by any reason, would you prefer to visit other theaters and which..??
Q.10) what are the areas of improvement..??
Q.11) Do you think visiting preferred cinema as your status symbol..??
Q.12) would you encourage others to visit Gold..??

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