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White Paper

Service Delivery Platforms

White Paper


Executive summary 3
Operator challenge 4
Value chain 4
Service delivery framework 5
Reference Architecture 6
Service integration 7
Consultancy approach 8
Summary 10

White Paper

Executive summary

The future of the wireless industry is predicated with the underlying network simply providing functionality provided by different
on the delivery and management of value- the interface and delivery machinery. networks is becoming similar, the only
added services. The market for these services However, in the new evolving SDP world significant difference being the way the
is enormous, with aggressive marketing cam- these boundaries between IT and network services are accessed.
paigns positioning mobile multimedia content environments are merging, thus generating
at the heart of today's lifestyle. For conven- the need for a new end-to-end architectural • Intelligent Terminals. Devices and
ience the term Service Delivery Platform (SDP) view spanning the complete service delivery networks are also moving in the open
is used as a way of referring to the architecture environment. In particular the following systems direction. This means that
that is required to deliver these services. new challenges need to be addressed: wireless devices used primarily on cellular
networks can access services and
Unfortunately, there is no standard definition • Mobility continues to bring added value to applications hosted on other networks.
for the term, or the components that constitute the end user. In order to extend the mobility
an SDP. For example, the term implies that premium, operators are looking for new This paper recognizes the current limitations
there is a single system - a hardware/ software opportunities to enhance their service offer- of SDP as a term as well as the importance of
platform that addresses all the technical and ing and to differentiate in the market place. the concept, i.e. the need to facilitate the
business issues. This vagueness allows On the other hand, phenomena such as VoIP development and implementation of value-
vendors to provide 'solutions' that address are creating pressure on stakeholders to added services. That process is considered
individual market segments while still invest in new and competitive solutions from a business perspective and it is
promoting their solution as an SDP. that bring new services to the consumers. visualized as a value chain that starts with
terminals and ends with content (figure 1).
It is too late to change the terminology, but we • New technologies like IMS provide a set of The paper also focuses on the complete
can employ a better set of definitions. common tools that can be used by all IP- ecosystem and is not limited to any specific
Nokia's SDP vision is based on the definitions based services. This is a key requirement domains within the value chain.
proposed by the Moriana Group since it reduces service deployment costs
(, namely: and shortens development times. Nokia's approach to solving the SDP
challenge is to employ a “Service Delivery
• An SDP provides a complete ecosystem • Security. Open IP architectures are disrup- Framework” which is visualized through
for the rapid deployment, provisioning, tive since they dissolve the barriers that a reference architecture (figure 2). The SDF
execution, management and billing of currently separate networks. Service should be seen as a logical representation
value added services. providers need to build a service machin- of the whole delivery environment,
ery, in the form of IMS, that enables them to including both mobile and fixed networks.
• An SDP supports the delivery of voice and offer a trusted and reliable service. IP Thus, it extends and advances the SDP
data services and content in a way that is Security and Quality of Service need to be a concept: more specifically, it facilitates
both network and device-independent. key part of the service delivery architecture. outline agreements on the key business
criteria before going on to consider
• An SDP aggregates different network • Convergence. Yesterday's mobility model a tailored solution. In a nutshell, it is
capabilities and services as well as was “anywhere, anytime”: now it's “my a reference model that defines a customized
different sources of content and allows services on my device using one network instance and its implementation, and the
application developers to access them in all the time.” Convergence enables these various components that map to a customer
a uniform and standardized way. and other extensions to the mobility model: specific value chain proposition. The paper
it dissolves the barriers that currently concludes with an outline of the Nokia's
In the past the SDP concept has been primarily separate today's networks. Wireline and approach to service delivery integration and
focused on the IT infrastructure required to wireless networks are adopting the same consultancy based on this flexible and
deliver and manage the service environment, communications protocol (IP). Thus, the future-proof architecture.

White Paper

Operator challenge Value chain

Many operators face declining profitability This is not an issue that can be avoided. The value chain is a business concept: it is
through constant competition in the voice Matching market expectations is clearly used to define the operator’s business
market, the largest part of their revenue impossible in a first-generation infrastructure requirements. The chain starts with the
stream, so there is an on-going need to reduce based on stand-alone, vertical services. terminal, which may be a subscriber or an
OPEX. However, there is a finite limit to this Adding more service silos will only result in electronic consumer/agent. Access networks,
process: savage reductions will impact on a service architecture that is even more both wireline and wireless, allow terminal
customer service and telephone services can complex. An alternative approach is to entities to access the services provided
no longer be differentiated on price. implement an all-embracing “Mega” service within the service delivery environment,
delivery platform that provides a pre-defined which encompasses four main domains.
Differentiation as well as significant range of services and features. Nokia does
improvements in ARPUs and margins can not believe in the validity of this one-size- The Delivery Channel provides the transport
only be achieved by offering the market fits-all model. By definition it has to be mechanisms for the service. In most operators
what the market clearly needs and for which over-engineered and therefore incorporate this domain is owned by the network part of
it is prepared to pay, i.e. a portfolio of added- functionality that may not be required. the organization. Standards bodies normally
value services. And if new services are added define interfaces and functions in this domain.
at regular intervals, customers are far less The only way to match market expectations
likely to swap operators. Realising that is to enable the service delivery functionality Service Logic functions include the process
service portfolio is therefore more than a and make it an integral part of the network flow for the service. In the past ownership of
business goal: it is the only way to prevent operator’s delivery process. the service would be the same as that of the
valuable network resources turning into delivery channel (traditional IN, peer-to-peer
utilities — mere transporters of Thus, a brand-new service delivery concept messaging) or it would be the responsibility
communications bits. Investing in a new is clearly required. In fact, service delivery of the network operator’s IT department
infrastructure — migrating the network is such an important, wide-ranging issue (hosted content, media push). However, the
core from circuit to packet switching is that Nokia needed to go back to first need to have a comprehensive service
required in order to enable the efficient principles in order to ensure that all the portfolio and to be able to add new services
delivery of the new services. It also entails issues are addressed. It starts with targeted at short intervals requires the inclusion of
choosing a service delivery platform that is consultancy and a methodology that content from third parties. Thus, facilities
exactly right for each organization. includes a set of workshops designed must be provided in order to allow these
to allow the operator’s staff to engage at external service providers to seamlessly
It is hard to overstate the importance of a topic level and bring their specialized integrate with the operator’s customer care
making the right SDP decision. The ability skills to the table. This results in an SDP and billing environment.
to create and implement services quickly that allows operators and content partners
— to offer the market a comprehensive to interact seamlessly and thereby create Value Chain Management provides the
portfolio and to introduce new services in an open yet secure environment where functionality needed to manage the
line with market requirements is the key to personalized services can be easily relationships between the end-user, operator,
success in our mobile world. SDP is a term invoked and managed. And it comes by content publisher and service providers.
that means different things to different taking a holistic, end-to-end view of the This functional area is normally owned by
vendors and that makes comparisons and service environment. the operator’s IT department and typically
competitive evaluations particularly includes the operator’s portal/home page,

White Paper

Service delivery
content management, content adaptation, claiming that the result will be a service A framework can be a physical construction
and service discovery, along with service/user delivery platform cannot meet this all- or a set of ideas, principles, agreements,
portfolio and personalization parameters. important objective. rules that provide the basis or the outline for
something that is more fully developed at
The value of the Content Domain is Meeting an operator’s business a later stage. The service delivery framework
recognized by the flexibility and diversity of requirements entails a clear understanding that Nokia has created provides a conceptual
the content and the ability to introduce and of the individual roles and functions of each representation of the whole service delivery
manage new items very quickly in line with domain and how that functionality should environment (including both mobile and
business and social trends. The service be distributed and optimized. For example, fixed networks). In a nutshell, it facilitates
delivery value chain still applies when a key functional requirement for the an outline agreement on the key business
services and content are hosted on mobile delivery channel is the ability to charge for criteria before going on to create a tailored
terminals. the service regardless of the source. There solution.
are obvious differences between a legacy,
SDP should provide a complete ecosystem hosted service such as SMS and a third-party Common framework themes include the
for the rapid deployment, provisioning, service that is accessed via the Web. This need to:
execution, management and billing of value means that the charging mechanism cannot • Implement new services quickly and cost-
added services. That statement came from easily be shared since the delivery channels efficiently
the Moriana Group and it underlines the are intrinsically different. Charging in the • Reduce development and integration cost
importance of addressing business new value-added services environment is through the re-use of common functions
requirements via an end-to-end architecture, a complex topic and will only become more between services
i.e. one that covers the whole delivery complicated with the evolution towards • Reduce the amount of bespoke technical
chain. Focusing on one domain and then a fully convergent architecture. development required for each new
• Decrease the cost of managing value-
added services
• Increase the quality of the services
SDP Scope provided
• Match investment to revenue generation.

Value The framework also recognizes that

Terminal Access Delivery Service Chain Content
Network Logic connectivity between services is only one
Channel Mgmt aspect of the problem. Equally important
are: the management framework that
surrounds the connectivity; the business
processes such as self-care; the management
of content and commercial relationships
with other partners; and enabling robust
Figure 1. : The service delivery value chain. security, authentication and billing. The
framework must therefore be able to
interface to and interact with external
systems that provide this functionality.

White Paper

Reference Architecture

The Reference Architecture defines the

framework and establishes a common Content/Service Provider

Operational Management System

language and a common understanding

Customer Care and Billing

between all parties involved during the
consulting phase. Once established, it is Service Logic Value Chain
easier to reach agreement on identifying the Mgmt
key components and functions required to
implement a Service Delivery Platform. Thus,
the framework is actually a reference model
used to define a customized instance and its Integration and Capability Exposure
implementation. The implementations are
different due to the specific and differing Delivery Common
blend of business and technical challenges Channel Services
— challenges that were initially addressed
by the logical architecture of the framework.
Once this stage is reached the physical
architecture can be designed and the End-User / Terminal
solution implemented.

The Reference Architecure is segmented into Primary SDF scope External Integration Points
nine areas that are derived from the value Figure 2. The Reference Architecture.
chain proposition. These groups enable the
necessary separation and encapsulation of Mobile Alliance -OMA). Thus, the Integration help optimize the overall architecture by
the various system components within Framework and Capability Exposure layer is providing reusable services for all functional
the proposed SDP. Separation and encapsu- the glue that binds everything together. areas, thereby significantly reducing the
lation are required in order to support the operational and integration overheads.
key business drivers and business considera- Customer care and billing provides the Examples of common services include:
tions. Therefore the resulting platform is functions that the host requires to manage • Offline/Online Charging
a holistic solution ensuring a consistent the business. Operational management • Identity Management
subscriber experience and seamless content system provides the functionality that the • Subscriber Profile Management
delivery. This experience is provided by host requires to manage the services. • Device Profile and Settings Management
exposing “the underlying network compo- • Subscriber Status
nents that are suitable for a particular class The common services domain was not
of application” in order to “amalgamate, identified in the value chain because the All services and all delivery channels, including
abstract and/or repackage the capabilities of functionality provided by these services is those hosted by the operator and delivered
the generic components, and present them transparent to the value chain. However, by third parties, can benefit from sharing
as required for the interface” (Source: Open the real value of the common services is to the common services.

White Paper

Service integration

The market expects operators to offer

a comprehensive service portfolio and to
Each Ability needs to be able to operate
add new services at regular intervals: independently and with the minimum
of management intervention
services that can be self-provisioned via the

Sharing and Failover

Web. The Integration Framework and
Service Logic Value Chain

Interface Load
Capability Exposure is the layer that binds
everything together. However, this layer has The Ability to add and Mgmt
to be dynamic so its functionality must: remove services
• Allow the delivery channel infrastructure to dynamically using

Channes Glomming

Dynamic Interfave
multiple possible hosts
be changed without affecting the services

• Enable new common services to be added
Integration and Capability Exposure

Interface Authorization
• Allow value added services to be managed
Delivery Channel Common Services

And Access Control

and changed dynamically
• Provide security between the functional The Ability to Change The Ability to add and
groups, particularly between the service Delivery Channel remove Common Service
logic (which is not in the trusted domain) configurations and and physical
and other functions
add new channels configurations
• Provide load sharing and failover facilities
• Enable interface abstraction, e.g. automatic
allocation of the delivery channel based
upon the subscribers’ profile. Figure 3. Service integration impacts all four domains

White Paper

Consultancy approach

Network operators have widely different model that allows the different topic areas consulting phase is concerned with and
requirements, but they share the need for to be segmented for architectural separation, addresses the question “how are we going
a pragmatic plan that will transform the presentation and detailed analysis. to do this?”
current service delivery environment into
one that matches their business strategy. The contextual layer is concerned with the The physical layer is concerned with the
That plan will reflect the current network definition of the business vision, business description of the technologies, interfaces
and IT environment, the market position strategies and business challenges faced by and products that will be used to construct
and services strategy, the partner strategy the operator. It also identifies the key a system founded on the logical architecture.
and the SDP budget. So far so good, but the business cases that need to be addressed. The consulting phase is concerned with and
SDP will also need to factor in the dynamics The consulting phase is concerned with and addresses the question “what are we going
of today’s marketplace. addresses the question of “why are we to do this with?”
doing this?”
It’s a tall order, but one that Nokia can The following generic subjects are addressed:
deliver. SDP is such an important, wide- The conceptual layer is concerned with the • Business positioning/requirements
ranging issue that a clear methodology is definition of the problem domain that needs • Service evolution and Service expansion
needed in order to ensure that all issues to be solved by the architectural solution. In scenarios
are addressed. First steps include the broad terms, the business requirement that • SDP Architecture (gap analysis; new design)
consultancy approach based on the flexible, will be used to measure the compliance of • Business case analysis
future-proof reference architecture that was any system derived from the architecture. • Phasing of SDP implementation.
outlined earlier. The consulting phase is concerned with and
addresses the question of “what are we In addition, Nokia offers a set of workshops
Nokia Systems Integration consultancy going to do? which allows the operator business owners
services use a workshop approach in order and technical experts together with Nokia to
to identify the business requirements and The logical layer is concerned with the bring their specialized skills to the SDP table.
recommended architecture to enable description of the functional components Workshop topics currently include:
a customized SDP design and a phased that will be required to create a system that • Provisioning
introduction plan. In line with industry will satisfy the requirements identified and • Charging
trends, these workshops utilize a four layer defined within the conceptual layer. The • Architecture optimization
• Service Provider interaction
• Lowering OPEX
Infrastructure view • Systems integration.
Management view
These workshops are tailored to address
Security view the scope of the overall problem or
Functional view opportunity being analysed as well as
the operator’s specific market situation.
Contextual layer - “Why?” They address the business and technical
requirements of the particular subject area
and they can be viewed as a standalone
Conceptual layer - “What?”
item or combined as part of the larger
solution review and design. The key issue
Logical layer - “How?” here is the unique combination of a top-
down plan with bottom-up engagement.

Physical layer - “What with?”

Each topic is supported by a strategy that
aligns the individual component
requirements with products from Nokia and
Figure 4. Nokia consultancy approach

White Paper

third parties. In turn, everything is aligned

within the reference architecture. Use Case Models Nokia Products

The reference architecture should therefore

be seen as a tool; it is not a rigid structure.
It is a tool that is used to establish a common
understanding between all parties about
why and how the individual components of rd
3 Party Products Customer Products
an SDP should be structured. It provides
a reference framework to map functions and
services within the architecture and enables 2 1 3
integration points and areas for functional
reuse to be easily identified.

It can be used to define brand-new SDPs SDF

and to model and subsequently enhance Component
SDPs. And this unique concept also makes it Model
possible to systematically identify, Customer Specific
decompose and co-ordinate the task of Generic Solution
Design Model Solution
modelling the key systems, subsystems
(e.g IMS) 4 Design Model
and core components and to identify the (e.g IMS for Cust X)
message flows between all elements of the
proposed solution.

Figure 5. Nokia SDP design model.

White Paper


This white paper used a broad, third party strategy. We therefore developed is then used to define a physical framework
definition of SDP — one that reflects the fact a well-defined evaluation and definition and establishes a common language and
that service delivery is an end-to-end process. It starts, as this paper has shown, a common understanding between all
process. In turn, this indicates the need for with the value chain, a concept that is used parties involved during the consulting
an end-to-end architecture/service to position the key SDP domains within that phase. Once established, it is easier to reach
environment. There is also a clear and end-to-end architecture. This makes it easier agreement on identifying the key
compelling need to ensure that the SDP to establish a clear understanding of the components and functions required to
meets all business and technical goals, both individual roles and functions of each implement a service delivery platform.
now and in the future, i.e. it must be based domain and how that functionality should
on standards and open APIs. be distributed and optimized. Thus, the framework is actually a reference
model used to define a customized instance
The SDP decision can not be made from The service delivery framework provides and its implementation. Products are
product perspective only. The starting a logical representation of the whole service introduced at the end of the process and
point has to be the business objectives: delivery environment. This is done in order functionality can now be assessed on the
the SDP must map to the operator’s to establish an outline agreement on the key basis of the business goals that were
strategy; it must not determine that business criteria. The reference architecture defined and agreed at an earlier stage.

White Paper

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