District Loss Control Program

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Workers’ Compensation Loss Control Program District Loss Control Team District Loss Control Team Organization ‘A District Loss Control Team has been established to recommend improvements to our work place safety program and to identify and coordinate corrective measures needed to eliminate ot control recognized safety and health hazards, ‘The District Loss Control Team consists of the following supervisory and non-supervisory members of our organization/school district: o Safety Program Coordinator Administrative Employee Representative Facilities Representative Security Representative Teacher’s Representative astodial Representative Food Service Representative Risk Management/Safety; Health and/or Environmental Consultant(s) evueecue District Loss Control Team Responsibilities ‘The District Loss Control Team shall determine the schedule for evaluating the effectiveness of control measures used to protect employees from safety and health hazards in the work environment. The District Loss Control Team shall be responsible for assisting management in reviewing and updating work place safety rules, procedures and policies. ‘These reviews and updates shall be based on accident investigation findings, any inspection/ audit findings, employee reports of unsafe conditions or work practices and any other complaints and suggestions from employees, both formal and anonymous. ‘The District Loss Control Team will be responsible for assisting management in updating the work place safety program by evaluating employee injury and accident reports/records including loss runs, identifying trends and pattems, and formulating corrective measures to prevent recurrence. The District Loss Control Team will be responsible for assisting management in evaluating employee accident and illness prevention programs, and promoting safety and health awareness and coworker participation through continuous improvement to the work place safety program. District Loss Control Team members will participate in safety training and be responsible for assisting ‘management in monitoring work place safety education and training to ensure that itis in place, that itis effective, and that itis documented. District Loss Control Team Meetings General safety committee meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month in the Benefits/Classiied Personnel Conference Room. The safety program coordinator shall direct the meetings and serve as a non-voting member. The safety program coordinator will post the minutes of each meeting within one week after each meeting. Format For Loss Control Meeting Minutes Date of the Meeting Members in Attendance: Ouistanding Problems from last meeting New Business Accident Investigation Review Status of Previous Recommendations ‘New Recommendations Comments Minutes signed eoug coco o SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING Work-related accidents resulting in bodily harm, loss of work time and, in some cases, permanent disability, can usually be prevented, Freedom from harm is not a privilege, but a goal to be achieved and perpetuated day by day. The Irving Independent School District will take every reasonable precaution for the safety of students, employees, visitors, and all others having business with this school district. The Board of Trustees believe that safety education and accident prevention are important goals for the district, not only as a protective measure during school hours, but also an instructional means of developing appropriate behavior for students and employees to minimize accidents at all times and places. Remember... .Everyone is responsible for safety. Administrative Responsibilities for Employee Safety “The objective of the Irving Independent School District safety program is to prevent accidents and reduce the frequency and severity of injuries. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to execute this policy and to see that it meets the needs of the Irving Independent School District. ‘The responsibilty for this loss prevention with in the district shall be assigned to the office of the Safety Coordinator acting in an advisory capacity to all heads of major units within the district. The general responsibilities include: in-service training, development of accident prevention procedures, accident record keeping, school plant inspections, fire prevention, and emergency procedures Periodically the loss experience of the district will be reviewed and when loss frequency can be identified by type or location, the Safety Coordinator will assume responsibility for implementation of an effective prevention or reduction program. ‘An effective risk reduction program has two principal points of emphasis: the removal of physica hazards and the substitution of safe practices for unsafe ones, In an effort to accomplish this itis necessary to: Conduct hazard identification surveys of all Irving Independent School District buildings, Maintain safety files on frequency, severity and location of injuries Assist departments and schools in development and maintenance of safety practices, Present safety in-service training to employee groups and departments * Provide safety materials, such as posters and flyers to schools and departments © Represent Irving ISD at hearings before the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission * Coordinate with claims administration service company the handling and processing of claims. «Review claims expenditures periodically, applying sound loss control principals Safety Coordinator and Loss Control Committee Responsibilities for Employee Safety The objective of the Irving Independent School District safety program and the District Loss Control Committee is to prevent accidents and reduce the frequency and severity of injuries. An effective risk reduction/loss control program contains two primary points of emphasis: 1) the reduction and/or removal of physical hazards and 2) the substitution of safe work practices in place of unsafe practices. In an effort to accomplish these goals, the following responsibilities will be assumed © Conduct hazard identification surveys throughout Irving Independent School District buildings and facilities Review and maintain files on safety training and loss information Assist departments and schools in development and maintenance of safety programs, policies and procedures Facilitate the presentation of safety traning to employee groups and departments @ Provide safety materials and resources, such as flyers, posters and forms to schools and departments a Represent Irving ISD at hearings before the ‘Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission. Coordinate with insurance service companies in the handling and processing of claims a Coordinate with State, County, and local agencies to ensure compliance with required safety regulations 2 Review claim expenditures and risk control consulting expenditures periodically Review injuries, accident investigations, employee recommendations and near-miss accidents and assign corrective action recommendations Facilitate follow through on corrective action recommendations, including financial appropriations Supervisor ies for employee safety All supervisors will assist the Safety Coordinator and District Loss Control ‘Team in implementing a total safety program for each school and/or building in the district. Supervisors have direct authority and responsibility for the safe actions of his/her employees and the safe operation and performance of the machines, equipment and operations within their department/location. The following isa list of minimum requirements: a Assume full responsibility for the safety and safe work habits of his/her employees 2 Train and retrain all employees on the safe and proper way to complete job tasks and in the identification and assessment of hazards where they may ex 2 Promote safety awareness and encourage an appropriate safety attitude by his/her personal example, personal contacts with employees, attendance at and participation in safety meetings 2 Ensure thatall necessary safety equipment and personal protective equipment for each job are available and properly used a Take prompt corrective action whenever unsafe acts or conditions are observed 2 Ensure that all accident and incidents are reported promptly, regardless of extent of the injury or property damage Supervisor and Prin for Employee Safe Supervisors and principals shall assist the Safety Coordinator in implementing a total campus safety program for each school in the District. Both supervisors and building principals have direct authority and responsibility for both the safe actions of their employees and the safe performance of the machines, equipment, and operations within his department. ‘Therefore, a principal/ supervisor should: © Assume full responsibility for the safety of his employees © Train and retrain all employees, new and experienced, in the safe way to do their jobs and point out where hazards exist. + Promote safety awareness and encourage a proper safety attitude by his own good example, personal contacts, and attendance and participation at safety meetings © Make sure that the necessary safety equipment and protective devises for each job are provided and properly used. © Take prompt corrective action whenever unsafe conditions and unsafe actions are observed © Assure that all a property damage © Investigate thoroughly the causes of all accidents and take corrective action to prevent their recurrence, whether or not there is an injury © Conduct frequent safety inspections of all work areas and operations in order to improve the housekeeping, eliminate unsafe conditions, and encourage safe work practices. © Check process revisions and purchases of equipment for safety © Contact the Chssified Personnel office if employee has an accident or is injured and needs immediate medical attention. its are promptly reported, regardless of the extent of the injury or Finding unsafe conditions and promptly correcting them is one of the best methods for management to demonstrate to employees its interest and sincerity in accident prevention, In safety inspections, the emphasis should not be to find how many things are wrong, but to determine if everything is satisfactory. For some types of equipment, regular inspections are required by law. ‘The school principal or supervisor is the key person in the accident prevention program because of constant contact with employees. Empk nsil No person lives or works entirely alone. Every person beats the unalterable responsibility for keeping out of harm's way. This he owes to himself, his family, his fellow workers and his job. Safe practices on the part of Irving Independent School District employees must be a part of all

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