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4th and 5th

MaiQuyen Nguyen

The Basics

Fourth Declension nouns are mostly masculine, but there are two common
feminine nouns (domus - home and manus - hand) and two common neuter
nouns (genu - knee and cornu - horn).
Masculine and Feminine Endings for
Fourth Declension
Fourth Declension M. and F.
  manus, -us, f. - hand

Case Singular Plural Singular Plural

Nominative -us -us manus manus

Genitive -us -uum manus manuum

Dative -ui -ibus manui manibus

Accusative -um -us manum manus

Ablative -u -ibus manu manibus

Neuter Endings for Fourth Declension
  Fourth Declension N. Endings cornu, -us, n. - horn

Case Singular Plural Singular Plural

Nominative -u -ua cornu cornua

Genitive -us -uum cornus cornuum

Dative -u -ibus cornu cornibus

Accusative -u -ua cornu cornua

Ablative -u -ibus cornu cornibus

The Basics

Every fifth declension noun ending ends with E. Therefore, it is the E declension.
The last declension contains only a few words. However, res and dies are used
constantly and should be memorized.
Looking at the endings off all the declensions, do you see a pattern?
• The first declension is the A declension.
• The second declension is the O declension.
• The third declension is the I declension.
• The fourth declension is the U declension.
• The fifth declension is the E declension.
Fifth Declension Endings
dies, diei, f. - day res, rei, f. - thing
Declension Endings

Case Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

Nominative es es dies dies res res

Genitive ei erum diei dierum rei rerum

Dative ei ebus diei diebus rei rebus

Accusative em es diem dies rem res

Ablative e ebus die diebus re rebus


Match the noun with its case

1. aciem a. Nominative
2. domuum b. Genitive
3. adventu c. Dative
4. casibus d. Accusative
5. res e. Ablative
How did you do?

1. aciem d. Accusative
2. domuum b. Genitive
3. adventu e. Ablative
4. casibus c. Dative
5. res a. Nominative

Match the noun with its case

1. passibus a. Nominative
2. senatus b. Genitive
3. spe c. Dative
4. acies d. Accusative
5. domum e. Ablative
How did you do?

1. passibus c. Dative
2. senatus b. Genitive
3. spe e. Ablative
4. acies a. Nominative
5. domum d. Accusative

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