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Robert Browning said,͟No Nation can reach the zenith of heights without following the cardinal
principle of Discipline͟. The nations that understood the importance of discipline in their daily
life and followed it, today they are enjoying the fruits of this while the nations that ignored the
importance of it were thrown to the pits of darkness.

Every day when we wake up and look around the ourselves, we can feel how
disciplined this whole universe is. This shifting of seasons, swapping of day and nights and
appearing and disappearing of moon, this all gives a buzz to the mankind that how important
discipline is in one͛s life. This Universe has been here for a long time because it sticks to
discipline. If at any point of time these huge heavenly bodies fails to fulfill their commitment
this whole universe will be over. Though it͛s an example out of the human life but even then its
shows how important discipline is in the life of mankind.

Not something from the far, just see how badly our national institutions and
departments are performing. The files roam around their for three months and years and then
disappears. Most of the stately departments are having negative profits creating more troubles
for the Government. While one can quote a number of issues with them but what finally comes
out to be the root cause is the lack of discipline. One can expect them to perform better only if
the discipline in these departments are ensured and everybody is carry out his duties
responsibly in time.

The success of Armies of different countries in carrying out its operations and working
on an efficient scale is because of discipline. Its not difficult but almost impossible to run such a
huge organization without ensuring discipline. The whole system here is a Top-Down with
everybody performing his duty to the maximum. One should note expect anything good from
an Army that is not disciplined.

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