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Five Causes Of WWI

The five causes of World War 1 are, Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism,

alliance System, and the Unification of Germant and Italy. All of these things
contribute the war breaking out. In the begining many Americans wanted to stay
out of war, but several things made it neutrality difficult to maintain. First off
Nationalism is a devotion to the interests and culture of ones nation. But wher it
goes wrong is when it gets verry extrem witch is called jingoism. When people
are jingoistic they love there country soo much they will kill for it.

Then you have a think called Imperialism witch pritty much means i order
to be a great nation you have to rule other nations. To rule other nations you
would usually have to go to war so ovioustly that contributes tho the world war.
For example European nations had been building empiers, slowly extending their
economic and political control over various peoples in the world. Nationalism and
Imperilism led to increased militery spending. Militerism is the development of
armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy.For example when Germany
had by far the strogest naval arm, so Britan was alarmed by this and decided to
straigthen ther navy since thats all theey had to relie on . So Germany and Britan
went back and forth making bigger and better ships. Soon Frence, Japan, Italy,
and the U.S joined the naval race.

The Alliance System is another cause of world war one. In 1907there were
two major defense alliances in Europe. These are called the Allies witch consists
of French Brita, and Russia.The Triple alliance consists of Germany, Austria-
Hungry, and Italy. All of these alliances disrupt the ballance of power. The
Unification of Germany and Italy is also part of it. Germany and Italy became
nations in 1889. But they represent the disruption of the (BOP) Ballence Of
Power system. So there are 5 causes of WWI.

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