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Building the Tabernacle

Exodus 35:1-36:38
I. Context
Who are the main characters in this passage? What do we know about them?


Israelite People:

Bezalel & Oholiab:

When and where does this passage take place?

When: The events of this passage take place after Moses returned from the top of Mt. Sinai with the second set of
tablets. We can estimate that it was about 6-7 months since the people had left Egypt. It took exactly three months
from the time the Israelites left Egypt until they arrived at Mt. Sinai (19:1), and almost 2 months passed until
Moses destroyed the golden calf (3 days of preparation after arrival [19:16], 7 days of God's glory descended upon
Mt. Sinai before Moses is called up to the top [24:16], and 40 days that Moses dwelt on Sinai with the Lord
[24:18], plus any unmentioned travel time). Moses returned with the second set of tablets 40 days later (34:28).
Where: The events of the passage take place at the bottom of Mt. Sinai, probably somewhere in the Sinai valley.

What is going on? (Summary of Events)

Sabbath Regulations Given: Moses reminded the whole Israelite community of the requirement to observe the
Sabbath and consequences for breaking it (death) (35:1-3).
Materials for the Tabernacle: Moses instructed the people to bring offerings for materials to be used in
constructing the temple as they were willing. He listed the specific materials needed. He also called upon all the
skilled craftsmen to participate in the construction of all the parts of the tabernacle and he lists the projects to be
completed. The people left Moses' presence and all whose hearts moved them brought offerings for the
Tabernacle construction, and the skilled women who were willing spun yarn and linen to be used and brought it
Bezalel & Oholiab: Moses declares the Lord's selection of Bezalel and testifies to how the Lord had filled him
with the spirit of God, skills, abilities and knowledge needed to complete the Tabernacle. Moses also declares that
the Lord had given both Bezalel and Oholiab the ability to teach others. Moses presents the offerings to Bezalel
and Oholiab and they begin to oversee the construction of the Tabernacle. The people continued to bring offerings
above what was needed, so Moses had to order them to stop (35:30-36:7).
The Construction of the Tabernacle: The remaining part of the passage gives account of the parts of the
Tabernacle that were built by the skilled workers. It describes the making of the curtains, tent, upright frames of
acacia wood, crossbars of acacia wood & the entrance curtain (36:8-38).

II. Interpretation
What principles are illustrated in this passage? What would you consider the theme of this passage?

What do we learn of God's character from this passage? Does this passage point us toward or connect with Christ? If so,

Why do you thin God had the people give according to their hearts vs. specifying that everyone give a specific amount?

III. Application

How do we respond when God moves our hearts to do something? When prompted to give, the people responded by
giving more than was needed. Do we give abundantly of our resources or just what is required?
This passage is a great example of how we can all participate in what God's doing around us. Some people may not have
been skilled, but were able to give more materials for the Tabernacle. Some may have been poor in possessions but
skilled in one of the construction tasks. There was a place for all whose hearts moved them and who were willing. In
what way(s) is God moving your heart to get involved in his plans? Are you willing to participate?

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