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aluminum Al indium In rubidium Rb

antimony Sb iodine I ruthenium Ru
argon Ar iridium Ir rhodium Rh
arsenic As iron Fe scandium Sc
barium Ba krypton Kr selenium Se
beryllium Be lanthanum La silicon Si
bismuth Bi lead Pb silver Ag
boron B lithium Li sodium Na
bromine Br magnesium Mg strontium Sr
cadmium Cd manganese Mn sulfur S
calcium Ca mercury Hg technetium Tc
carbon C molybdenum Mo tellurium Te
cesium Cs neon Ne thallium Tl
chlorine Cl nickel Ni tin Sn
chromium Cr niobium Nb titanium Ti
cobalt Co nitrogen N tungsten W
copper Cu osmium Os uranium U
fluorine F oxygen O vanadium V
gallium Ga palladium Pd xenon Xe
germanium Ge phosphorus P yttrium Y
gold Au platinum Pt zinc Zn
hafnium Hf potassium K zirconium Zr
helium He radon Rn
hydrogen H rhenium Re

Naturally Occurring Multiatomic Elements

bromine Br2 iodine I2 sulfur S8

chlorine Cl2 nitrogen N2
fluorine F2 oxygen O2
hydrogen H2 phosphorus P4

Monoatomic Anions

hydride H- oxide O2-

fluoride F- sulfide S2-
chloride Cl- nitride N3-
bromide Br- phosphide P3-
iodide I- carbide C4-
Polyatomic Anions
+ -
ammonium NH4 nitrate NO3
- -
acetate C2H3O2 nitrite NO2
2- 2-
carbonate CO3 chromate CrO4
- 2-
hydrogen carbonate HCO3 dichromate Cr2O7
- -
perchlorate ClO4 cyanide CN
- -
chlorate ClO3 hydrogen sulfate HSO4
- 2-
chlorite ClO2 sulfate SO4
- 2-
hypochlorite ClO sulfite SO3
- -
perbromate BrO4 hydrogen sulfite HSO3
- -
bromate BrO3 hydroxide OH
- 3-
bromite BrO2 phosphate PO4
- 2-
hypobromite BrO hydrogen phosphate HPO4
- -
periodate IO4 dihydrogen phosphate H2PO4
- 3-
iodate IO3 phosphite PO3
- 2-
iodite IO2 hydrogen phosphite HPO3
- -
hypoiodite IO dihydrogen phosphite H2PO3
permanganate MnO4

Binary Acids

hydrofluoric acid HF hydroiodic acid HI

hydrochloric acid HCl hydrosulfuric acid H 2S
hydrobromic acid HBr


acetic acid HC2H3O2 permanganic acid HMnO4

carbonic acid H2CO3 chromic acid H2CrO4
nitric acid HNO3 phosphoric acid H3PO4
nitrous acid HNO2 phosphorous acid H3PO3
perchloric acid HClO4 sulfuric acid H2SO4
chloric acid HClO3 sulfurous acid H2SO3
chlorous acid HClO2 hydrocyanic acid HCN
hypochlorous acid HClO

Also include all other halogen acids in this list.

Greek Prefixes

1 mono 4 tetra 7 hepta 10 deca

2 di 5 penta 8 octa
3 tri 6 hexa 9 nona

Oxides of the Main Group Elements

dinitrogen monoxide N2O sulfur trioxide SO3

nitrogen monoxide NO diphosphorus pentoxide P2O5
dinitrogen trioxide N2O3 carbon monoxide CO
nitrogen dioxide NO2 carbon dioxide CO2
dinitrogen tetraoxide N2O4 silicon dioxide SiO2
dinitrogen pentoxide N2O5 chlorine dioxide ClO2

This is only a representation of this type of nomenclature.

Metals with fixed oxidation states

aluminum Al Al
cadmium Cd Cd
calcium Ca Ca
lithium Li Li
magnesium Mg Mg
potassium K K
silver Ag Ag
sodium Na Na
zinc Zn Zn

Metals with variable oxidation states

2+ 3+ 6+
chromium Cr Cr Cr Cr(II) Cr(III) Cr(VI)
2+ 3+
cobalt Co Co Co(II) Co(III)
+ 2+
copper Cu Cu Cu(I) Cu(II)
+ 3+
gold Au Au Au(I) Au(III)
2+ 3+
iron Fe Fe Fe(II) Fe(III)
2+ 4+
lead Pb Pb Pb(II) Pb(IV)
2+ 3+ 4+ 7+
manganese Mn Mn Mn Mn Mn(II) Mn(III) Mn(IV) Mn(VII)
2+ 2+
mercury Hg2 Hg Hg(I) Hg(II)
2+ 3+
nickel Ni Ni Ni(II) Ni(III)
2+ 4+
tin Sn Sn Sn(II) Sn(IV)
3+ 4+ 5+ 6+
uranium U U U U U(III) U(IV) U(V) U(VI)

Use the Greek prefixes when naming hydrates to indicate the number of water molecules
associated with each compound.

CoSO4 • H2O cobalt(II) sulfate monohydrate

BaI2 • 2 H2O barium iodide dihydrate
Au(CN)3 • 3 H2O gold(III) cyanide trihydrate
FeI2 • 4 H2O iron(II) iodide tetrahydrate
MnSO4 • 5 H2O manganese(II) sulfate pentahydrate
Cd(MnO4)2 • 6 H2O cadmium permanganate hexahydrate
ZnSO4 • 7 H2O zinc sulfate heptahydrate
Mg3(PO4)2 • 8 H2O magnesium phosphate octahydrate
Al(BrO3)3 • 9 H2O aluminum bromate nonahydrate
Pb(C2H3O2)2 • 10 H2O lead(II) acetate decahydrate
Chem 127 Dr. Gragson

Chemical Nomenclature
Nomenclature is essential to our understanding and use of chemistry. Summarized below are the basic rules
you should learn for naming chemical compounds. You should also read about this in Chapter 2 of your text.
Note that this will NOT be covered in any detail in lecture, so you need to work on this on your own or in
groups. YOU MUST LEARN THESE RULES or you will find yourself lost and hurting for the entire term.
See me for clarification and assistance.

Naming Ionic Compounds - Ionic compounds are formed between metal and nonmetal
Ionic compounds are named by first identifying the positive ion (the cation) and then the negative ion (the
anion). You should note that the cation is always the metal and the anion the nonmetal. The positive ion takes
the same name as its element, the negative ion takes the first part of its element name plus an -ide ending. Thus
given the following formulas, we would name the compounds accordingly:
Ca3P2 Calcium phosphide
MgSe Magnesium selenide
Na2O Sodium oxide
To write a formula from a given name, you simply take the symbols for the named elements and combine them
in a ratio that gives you a neutral ionic compound. That means that the charges must balance, so you have to do
a little figuring as to what ions the elements will form and how many of each you'll need to balance out positive
and negative charges. The number of each element present is shown as a subscript after the element symbol.
Calcium bromide: Ca would form a +2 ion, and Br a -1 ion.
Thus to have a neutral compound, you need
2 Br for every 1 Ca
The formula would be CaBr2
You must know the names and charges of all monatomic ions listed on the separate handout!

 Compounds with metals that can form more than one ion
Several transition metals can form more than one ion. For systematically named compounds for the
metals that can form more than one ion, the charge on the metal will be indicated in the given name by a
Roman numeral in parentheses. Thus you can easily determine the corresponding formula. For
example, iron can form either a +2 or a +3 ion, an example of a compound of the +3 ion is given below:
Iron(III) chloride FeCl3
If given the formula of such an ionic compound, you'll have to use your memorized knowledge of the
cation's charge or use the charge on the anion to determine the charge on the cation, and then write the
name. For example:
Fe2O3 If you can't remember what ions iron can form, you should at
least be able to use the periodic table to determine that O forms
a -2 ion, there are 3 O present for a total of a -6 charge, thus we
need a +6 charge to balance this, there are two Fe, so each must
have a charge of +3. The name for this compound is iron(III)
Chem 127 Dr. Gragson
Sometimes you will encounter the common name of compounds that contain metals that can form more
than one ion, so you need to be aware of these! An easy way to remember these is that the lower-
charged ion will get the -ous suffix, while the higher-charged ion will get the -ic suffix. For example,
you should know that iron can form a +2 ion or a +3 ion, the +2 ion will get the -ous suffix and the +3
ion will get the -ic suffix. Thus FeCl3 would commonly be known as ferric chloride and FeCl2 would be
commonly known as ferrous chloride. You should be able to name such compounds in this manner
given a formula or write a formula for such compounds given a name. We will not focus on the
common names, but its good to know them for use in lab and life, so make sure you’re aware of them.

 Compounds formed from Polyatomic Ions- these are ionic compounds in which
one or both of the ions are polyatomic, meaning containing more than one atom.
Compounds formed from polyatomic ions are named in the same way as binary ionic compounds: First
the cation is identified and then the anion. However, now the ions involved are more complicated, and
there is no systematic way of naming polyatomic ions. This is one of the times in chemistry when you
just have to memorize. For example:
MgSO4 Mg+2 is the magnesium ion, SO4-2 is sulfate, this is
magnesium sulfate
Oxoanions - Most of the polyatomic ions you need to know are oxoanions, in
which an element, usually a nonmetal, is bonded to one or more oxygen atoms.
There are families of oxoanions in which the nonmetal is bonded to oxygen in several
combinations, differing only in number of oxygens. The only naming convention in these
families is the following. If there are two oxoanions in the family, the ion with more oxygens
takes the nonmetal root name with an -ate suffix, while the ion with fewer oxygens takes the
nonmetal root name with an -ite suffix. For example:
Sulfur combines with oxygen to form both SO3-2 and SO4-2. Thus, according
to the convention described above, SO3-2 is named sulfite and SO4-2 is named
If there are four oxoanions in the family, the ion with the most oxygen atoms has the prefix per-,
the nonmetal root and the suffix -ate. Ion with one fewer oxygen has just the root and the suffix
-ate. Ion with two fewer oxygens has just the root and the suffix -ite. Ion with fewest oxygens
has the prefix hypo-, the root, and suffix -ite. For example Cl forms four oxoanions:
ClO4- is perchlorate, ClO3- is chlorate, ClO2- is chlorite, ClO- is hypochlorite.
The polyatomic ions you need to know the names, formulas and charges for are on a separate handout.
Commit them to memory now as you’ll need them throughout the term and following terms.

 Hydrated Ionic Compounds - these are ionic compounds that have a specific
number of water molecules associated with each formula unit.
Hydrates are named by attaching the word hydrate with a Greek numerical prefix to the systematic name
of the ionic compound. The Greek prefix tells how many waters are associated with each formula unit
of the compound. For example:

MgSO4 •7H2O Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate

Chem 127 Dr. Gragson
Naming Acids - Acids are important hydrogen containing compounds
When naming acids, we consider them as anions connected to the number of hydrogen ions (H+) needed to
make the compound neutral. There are two major types of acids to consider.

 Binary acids - these are formed when certain gaseous compounds dissolve in water.
There are only two elements present as the name implies.
These are basically a single nonmetal, combined with hydrogen. To name such compounds, you attach
the prefix hydro- to the nonmetal root, add an -ic suffix and end with separate word acid. For example:
HCl When hydrogen chloride dissolves in water, hydrochloric acid is
 Oxoacids - These are formed between hydrogen and an oxoanion.
The names of oxoacids are similar to those for the corresponding oxoanion, except for the suffixes. If
your anion has the -ate suffix, the corresponding acid has an -ic suffix. If your anion has the -ite suffix,
the corresponding acid has an -ous suffix. You keep any prefixes to the anions like hypo- and per-. So
for example:
HClO4 ClO4- is the perchlorate anion, need only one H+ ion to make a neutral
This is perchloric acid.

Naming Covalent Compounds - Covlanet compounds are formed between two

These compounds are named by giving the element name to the first species listed in the formula, and by giving
the other species the beginning of the element name plus an -ide ending. Essentially, we're treating one species
as more cation-like and the other as more anion-like, and naming as we did with ionic compounds. Since
nonmetals often combine in different proportions to form a number of different compounds, we have to include
prefixes in the names to indicate the numbers of each kind of atom present. NOTE that neither species in a
covalent compound forms an ion, electrons are shared here, so the formula or name is your explicit guide to
arriving at the name or formula. For example, given the following formulas we name these two compounds of
carbon and oxygen as follows:
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
The mono- in front of the first atom present is omitted from the name.

With this type of compound its MUCH easier to write the formula from the name, since the numbers of each
atom present are indicated in the name. For example
Dinitrogen tetroxide N 2 O4
Sulfur tetrafluorideSF4
You need to memorize the prefixes mono through deca.
Nomenclature Information

There is one really major rule to remember when trying to write a formula. Here it is:

The sum of all positive and negative charges in the formula MUST equal zero.

You can't write a correct formula without following this rule. That's pretty clear, isn't it?

Recommended Skills for Naming Compounds

1. Using the periodic table, identify any element as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.
(Metals are elements which donate electrons assuming a positive charge in compounds.
Nonmetals are elements which accept electrons taking on a negative charge in
compounds. Metalloids are elements which accept or donate electrons, depending on the
circumstances. Hydrogen acts as a postive, but all other properties label it a non-metal. It
can also form a –1 charge, so most do not even categorize it with others. Think of it as a
category of one.
2. Learn the correct spelling of names and symbols of selected elements. (1 - 20, 24 - 30, 35,
47, 50, 53, 56, 79, 80, 82 are recommended for your study.)
3. Learn the names, formulas, and oxidation numbers of selected polyatomic ions. Note
that a compound which has a polyatomic ion must have more than two elements
(examples: sulfate, nitrate, carbonate, acetate, phosphate, chlorate, hydroxide,
ammonium, cyanide, iodate).
4. Learn the rules for deriving the names and oxidation numbers of related polyatomic
ions which differ in the number of oxygen atoms. Learn the connection between the
polyatomics and their related acids. Most common to learn are sulfate, nitrate, chlorate,

Acid with one more MOST Acid with one less Acid with two less
oxygen atom than COMMON oxygen atom than oxygen atoms than
most common acid ACID most common acid most common acid
PER+ stem+ IC+ ACID stem + IC + ACID stem + OUS + ACID HYPO+ stem +OUS+ACID
perchloric acid chloric acid chlorous acid hypochlorous acid

Salt of an acid with Salt of most Salt of acid with Salt of an acid with
one more oxygen common one less oxygen two less oxygens
than most common acid than most common than most common
acid. acid. acid.
NaClO4 NaClO3 NaClO2 NaClO
PER + stem + ATE stem + ATE stem + ITE HYPO + stem + ITE
sodium perchlorate sodium chlorate sodium chlorite sodium hypochlorite
5. Using the periodic table, determine the most probable charge of non-transition
6. Learn a list of selected common metals which have more than one oxidation number.
(Fe, Cu, Sn, Hg, Pb, Co, Cr, Au are commonly used in introductory classes like this one.)
7. Determine the oxidation number of the elements from the formula of the compound.
8. Learn the seven diatomic gases, sometimes called diatomic elements. They are:
Names hydrogen oxygen nitrogen chlorine bromine iodine fluorine
Formulas H2 O2 N2 Cl2 Br2 I2 F2
On the periodic table, six of them are located in the upper right portion of the table.
N O F Notice that these six make a block number 7 and that the top bar
Cl of the 7 points (sort-of) in the direction of the seventh diatomic
Br element, hydrogen.
Others like to use the mnemonic HONClBrIF and pretend it is the name of a famous
chemist. Whenever you see the name of one of there, write its formula as above.
“Bromine” or “bromine gas” means Br2. However “bromide” means Br–1, NOT Br2. Br–1 is
also called “bromide ion.”

Common Misconceptions
1. Because a given element is diatomic, that the same element will always be diatomic
when combined with some other element in a compound. Notice that the number of
oxygens is not limited to two in these compounds: CO NO2 HNO3 H2SO4 P2O5
Note that the 2 in NO2 DOES NOT mean that there is a diatomic oxygen molecule involved,
it means that there are two oxygen atoms. Or in H2SO4, there are not two oxygen
molecules, but 4 distinct oxygen atoms.
2. Because some of the diatomic elements are gases that all gaseous elements (or even
molecules) must be diatomic. Only five of the diatomic molecules are gases at room
temperature. Bromine is liquid and iodine is a solid at room temperature. All noble gases
are monoatomic. Also greater than diatomic gases exist, P4 and S8.
Symbols and Charges for Monoatomic Ions
Symbol Name Symbol Name
H+ hydrogen ion H¯ hydride
Li+ lithium ion F¯ fluoride Note that the
Na+ sodium ion Cl¯ chloride letters in an ion’s
K+ potassium ion Br¯ bromide name before the
Rb+ rubidium ion I¯ iodide -ide ending is
Cs+ cesium ion 2
O ¯ oxide the stem. For
Be2+ beryllium ion 2
S ¯ sulfide example, the stem
Mg2+ magnesium ion Se2¯ selenide for bromide is
Ca2+ calcium ion Te2¯ telluride brom-.
Sr2+ strontium ion
Ba2+ barium ion Ag + silver ion N 3¯ nitride
Ra2+ radium ion Ni2+ nickel ion P 3¯ phosphide
Zn2+ zinc ion Al 3+ aluminum ion 3
As ¯ arsenide

Systematic name Common Systematic name Common

Symbol (Stock system) name Symbol (Stock system) name
Cu+ copper(I) cuprous Hg22+ mercury(I) mercurous
Cu2+ copper(II) cupric Hg2+ mercury(II) mercuric
Fe2+ iron(II) ferrous Pb2+ lead(II) plumbous
Fe3+ iron(III) ferric Pb4+ lead(IV) plumbic
Sn2+ tin(II) stannous Co2+ cobalt(II) cobaltous
Sn4+ tin(IV) stannic Co3+ cobalt(III) cobaltic
Cr2+ chromium(II) chromous Au + gold(I) aurous
Cr3+ chromium(III) chromic Au 3+ gold(III) auric
Mn2+ manganese(II) manganous
Mn3+ manganese(III) manganic
Symbols and Charges for Polyatomic Ions
Formula Name Formula Name
NO3¯ nitrate ClO4¯ perchlorate
NO2¯ nitrite ClO3¯ chlorate
CrO42¯ chromate ClO2¯ chlorite
Cr2O72¯ dichromate ClO¯ hypochlorite
CN¯ cyanide IO 4¯ periodate
MnO 4¯ permanganate IO 3¯ iodate
OH¯ hydroxide IO¯ hypoiodite
O22¯ peroxide BrO3¯ bromate
NH2¯ amide BrO¯ hypobromite
CO32¯ carbonate HCO3¯ hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate)
SO42¯ sulfate HSO4¯ hydrogen sulfate (bisulfate)
SO32¯ sulfite HSO3¯ hydrogen sulfite (bisulfite)
C2O42¯ oxalate HC2O4¯ hydrogen oxalate (binoxalate)
PO43¯ phosphate HPO42¯ hydrogen phosphate
PO33¯ phosphite H2PO4¯ dihydrogen phosphate
More Symbols and Charges for Polyatomic Ions
S2O32¯ thiosulfate HS¯ hydrogen sulfide
AsO43¯ arsenate BO33¯ borate
SeO42¯ selenate 2
B4O7 ¯ tetraborate
SiO32¯ silicate SiF62¯ hexafluorosilicate
C4H4O62¯ tartrate SCN¯ thiocyanate

C2H3O2¯ acetate (an alternate way to write acetate is CH3COO¯)

There is one positive polyatomic ion. It is NH4+ and is called the ammonium ion.

Prefixes Used to Indicate Number in a Name Involving Two Non-Metals

mono– 1 hexa– 6
di– 2 hepta– 7
tri– 3 octa– 8
tetra– 4 nona– 9
penta– 5 deca– 10
These prefixes are used in naming binary compounds involving two non–metals. Example
include P2O5, Cl2O, NO, N2O, NO2, N2O5, PCl3, PCl5, SO2, SO3, SiO2. Sometimes metal ions are
involved in a Greek prefix name, but these are less common. Examples include UF6, SbCl3,
SbCl5, OsO4, BiCl3.

There is a preferred order of the nonmetals when writing them in a formula. It is:
Rn, Xe, Kr, B, Si, C, Sb, As, P, N, H, Te, Se, S, I, Br, Cl, O, F.
CO is carbon monoxide, NOT carbon monooxide. As4O6 is tetrarsenic hexoxide, NOT
tetraarsenic hexaoxide.
Acid Names – add the word acid to each name when saying or writing.
Non–oxygen containing Oxygen containing (oxyacids)
Name when dis- Name when a pure
Formula solved in water compound Formula Name
HF hydrofluoric acid hydrogen fluoride HNO3 nitric acid
HCl hydrochloric acid hydrogen chloride HNO2 nitrous acid
HBr hydrobromic acid hydrogen bromide H2SO4 sulfuric acid
HI hydroiodic acid hydrogen iodide H2SO3 sulfurous acid
HCN hydrocyanic acid hydrogen cyanide H3PO4 phosphoric acid
H2S hydrosulfuic acid hydrogen sulfide H2CO3 carbonic acid
HC2H3O2 acetic acid
(Note that it is hydrogen sulfide, NOT hydrogen sulfuride.) (also written CH3COOH)
Cations (Positive Ions)

Monoatomic Polyatomic

Only One More Than One

Ion Possible Ion Possible

Rule: Rule: Rule: ??

Name of element + "ion" (a) newer rule - positive charges
indicated by a Roman numeral Examples:
Examples: NH4+ ammonium
Na+ sodium ion Examples: Hg22+ mercury(I) ion
Mg2+ magnesium ion Fe2+ iron(II) ion or mercurous ion
H+ hydrogen ion Fe3+ iron(III) ion
K+ potassium ion Cu+ copper(I) ion Comment:
Sr2+ strontium ion Cu2+ copper(II) ion Hg22+ is two Hg+ ions bonded together,
Cs+ cesium ion like this: Hg+—Hg+
Ca2+ calcium ion (b) older rule (but still used) - Latin
stem + "ous" for the lesser charge. However, Hg+ by itself does not exist,
Comment: Latin stem + "ic" for the greater therefore mercury(I) ion is Hg22+
The number of positive charges charge.
is NOT indictated in the name (Also, Hg2+ is mercury(II), but that is a
because it is not necessary. Examples: monoatomic ion.)
These ions NEVER take on Fe2+ ferrous ion
two possible positive charges. Fe3+ ferric ion
Cu+ cuprous ion
Comment: Cu2+ cupric ion
Hydrogen will take on a Sn2+ stannous ion
negative one charge (see Sn4+ stannic ion
monoatomic anions for
Anions (negative ions)

Monoatomic Oxyanions Others and Oxyanions which

(containing oxygen) Exceptions contain hydrogen

Rule: Rule: Rule: Rule:

Stem of the element least oxygen hypo ___ ite ion These items do not follow any H plus oxyanion:
name + "ide" less oxygen ___ ite ion rules; they must be memorized. "hydrogen" + name of
more oxygen ___ ate ion The rules referred to are those oxyanion
Examples: most oxygen per ___ ate ion in the box just to the left.
H¯ hydride ion H2 plus oxyanion:
F¯ fluoride ion Examples: Examples: "dihydrogen" + name
O ¯ oxide ion ClO¯ hypochlorite ion OH¯ hydroxide ion of oxyanion
N ¯ nitride ion ClO2¯ chlorite ion CN¯ cyanide ion
C 4¯ carbide ion ClO3¯ chlorate ion SCN¯ thiocyanate ion Examples:
ClO4¯ perchlorate ion OCN¯ cyanate ion HCO3¯ hydrogen
SO32¯ sulfite ion O22¯ peroxide ion carbonate ion or
SO42¯ sulfate ion O2¯ superoxide ion bicarbonate ion
MnO42¯ manganate ion
Comment: MnO 4¯ permanganate ion HSO4¯ hydrogen
Halogens (except F) form all four C2H3O2¯ acetate ion sulfate ion or bisulfate
ions. When only two of the four Cr2O72¯ dicromate ion ion
exist, they are the -ite and -ate ions. C2O42¯ oxalate ion
HPO42¯ hydrogen
phosphate ion or
biphosphate ion

H2PO4¯ dihydrogen
Comment: phosphate ion
H2CO3 is not named using this
rule because it is a compound see comment just to
and not an ion. the left.

Ionic Compounds with Covalent

(Cation–Anion) hydrogen (Two Nonmetals)

H–metal H–nonmetal H–oxyanion

Rule: Rule 1: Rule 1: Rule:

Name of cation + name of anion (without the presence of H2O) (without the presence a) Less electronegative
(word ion dropped) hydrogen _____ide of H2O) element first.
like ionic compounds: exception: when one of
Examples: Examples: cation + anion the elements is
NaCl sodium chloride HCl hydrogen chloride hydrogen hypo ___ite hydrogen.
MgCl2 magnesium chloride HBr hydrogen bromide hydrogen ___ite b) Number of atoms of
Fe3N2 iron(II) nitride HF hydrogen fluoride hydrogen ___ate each kind specified by
(NH4)2S ammonium sulfide H2S hydrogen sulfide hydrogen per ___ate Greek prefixes.
Na2CO3 sodium carbonate c) The prefix mono- at
NaClO4 sodium perchlorate Rule 2: Rule 2: beginning is dropped.
NaH sodium hydride (when dissolved in H2O) (when dissolved in H2O)
CaH2 calcium hydride hydro _____ic acid hypo ___ous acid Prefixes:
___ous acid 1 = mono 6 = hexa
Comment: Examples: ___ic acid 2 = di 7 = hepta
The name does not indicate HCl(aq) hydrochloric acid per ___ic acid 3 = tri 8 = octa
the numbers of cations and HF(aq) hydrofluoric acid 4 = tetra 9 = nona
anions because there is only H2S(aq) hydrosulfuric acid Examples: 5 = penta 10 = deca
one possibility for the ions to HClO hypochlorous acid
combine to form a compound. Comment: HClO2 chlorous acid Examples:
a) These H-containing compounds HClO3 chloric acid N2O4 dinitrogen tetroxide
Covalent Comment: are named as if they were ionic HClO4 perchloric acid CO carbon monoxide
Tetraoxide becomes tetroxide, compounds. HNO2 nitrous acid CO2 carbon dioxide
monooxide becomes monoxide, etc. b) The (aq) in the formulas of the HNO3 nitric acid PCl3 phosphorous trichloride
so that the name sounds better. acids is often omitted when it is H2SO3 sulfurous acid N2O dinitrogen monoxide
H-containing compounds do not obvious from the context that H2SO4 sulfuric acid
follow a rule concerning the order they are acids. See covalent comment
in which the elements are written in the far left corner of
and should be memorized (H2O, NH3, etc.). the page.
Flow Chart for Naming Simple Inorganic Compounds
The flowchart is adapted from p. 131-132 of the February 1983 issue of the Journal of
Chemical Education.

Does the formula Are there two

begin with H? atoms, both It is an Does the acid contain
No Yes the same? acid. a polyatomic ion?
Yes No (More than two elements.)
Yes No

It is the diatomic
gas hydrogen.
Does it begin with a metal Does the polyatomic
which has more than one end in -ate or -ite?
oxidation number? Fe, Ni, -ate -ite
Cu, Sn, Hg, Pb, Co, Cr, Au Name the first
No Yes element followed by
its oxidation number. Name the
(Roman numeral) polyatomic
ion, replacing
-ate with -ic.
Does the formula contain Add the word
a polyatomic ion? (More acid.
than two elements.) Is the polyatomic
No Yes written first? Name the
No Yes polyatomic
ion, replacing
-ite with -ous.
Name the first element, Add the word
then the polyatomic ion. acid.
(If two elements are present,
name both, then the Write the prefix
polyatomic ion.) hydro, then the
name of the
Name the polyatomic first, second element
Are both elements then name the element second. with the -ic
nonmetals? If there are two polyatomics, ending. Add the
No Yes name the first, then the second. word acid.

Name the first Are both elements

element, then the the same?
second element No Yes
with -ide ending.

Name the first element using the It is a diatomic

proper prefix (di, tri, etc.), but never element. The
mono. Name the second element with compound has the
the proper prefix (including mono) same name as the
and the -ide ending. element.
PREPCHEM Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds

1. Write the formulas for the binary ionic compounds formed between the following elements:

a) potassium and iodine: ans d) aluminum and sulfur: ans

b) magnesium and chlorine: ans

c) sodium and sulfur: ans

2. Name the binary ionic compounds indicated by the following formulas:

a) AgCl: ans b) ZnO: ans

c) CaBr22: ans d) SrF2 ans

e) BaO: ans f) CaCl2: ans

3. Write the formula and give the name for the compounds formed between the following ions:

a) Cu2+and Br1-: ans ans

b) Fe2+and O2-: ans ans

c) Pb2+ and Cl1-: ans ans

d) Hg2+ and S2-: ans ans

e) Sn2+ and F1-: ans ans

f) Fe3+ and O2- : ans ans

4. Write formulas for the following ionic compounds:

a) sodium iodide: ans e) copper (II) sulfate: ans

b) calcium chloride: ans f) sodium carbonate: ans

c) potassium sulfide: ans g) calcium nitrite: ans

d) lithium nitrate: ans h) potassium perchlorate ans

5. Give the names for the following compounds: (1 of 4)14/09/2006 12.34.48

PREPCHEM Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds

a) Ag2O: ans b) Ca(OH)2: ans

c) KClO3: ans d) NH4OH: ans

e) FeCrO4: ans f) KClO: ans

6. Name the following binary molecular compounds:

a) SO3: ans b) ICl3: ans

c) PBr5: ans

7. Write the formulas for the following compounds:

a) carbon tetraiodide:ans b) phosphorus trichloride: ans

c) dinitrogen trioxide: ans

8. Write formula for the compounds formed between the following:

a) aluminum and bromine: ans

b) sodium and oxygen: ans

c) magnesium and iodine: ans

d) Pb2+ and O2-:ans

e) Sn2+ and I1-:ans

f) Fe3+ and S2-: ans

g) Cu2+ and NO31-: ans

h) NH41+ and SO42-: ans

9. Name the following compounds using the Stock system where appropriate:

a) NaI:ans b) MgS: ans

c) CaO: ans d) K2S: ans (2 of 4)14/09/2006 12.34.48

PREPCHEM Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds

e) CuBr: ans f) FeCl2: ans

10. Write the formulas for each of the following compounds:

a) barium sulfide: ans b) sodium hydroxide: ans

c) lead (II) nitrate: ans d) potassium permanganate: ans

e) iron (II) sulfate: ans f) diphosphorus trioxide: ans

g) disulfur dichloride: ans h) carbon diselenide: ans

**********Physical Science students may stop at this point. **********

i) acetic acid: __________ j) chloric acid: __________

k) sulfurous acid: __________ l) phosphoric acid: __________

11. Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following compounds or ions:

a) HCl: H: _____; Cl: _____

b) CF4 C: _____; F: _____

c) PCl3 P: _____; Cl: _____

d) SO2 S: _____; O: _____

e) HNO3 H: _____; N: _____; O: _____

f) KH K: _____; H: _____

g) P4O10 P: _____; O: _____

h) HClO3 H: _____; Cl: _____; O: _____

i) N2O5 N: _____; O: _____

j) GeCl2 Ge: _____; Cl: _____

12. Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following compounds or ions: (3 of 4)14/09/2006 12.34.48

PREPCHEM Writing Formulas and Naming Compounds

a) HF H: _____; F: _____

b) CI4 C: _____; I: _____

c) H2O H: _____; O: _____

d) PI3 P: _____; I: ______

e) CS2 C: _____; S: ______

f) Na2O2 Na: _____; O: _____

g) H2CO3 H: _____; C: _____; O: _____

h) NO21-N: _____; O: _____

i) SO42- S: _____; O: _____

j) ClO21-Cl: _____; O: _____

k) IO31-I: _____; O: _____ (4 of 4)14/09/2006 12.34.48

Inorganic Nomenclature Worksheet
1. ammonium sulfide 51. aluminum acetate 101. sodium acetate
2. sodium nitrate 52. calcium chloride dihydrate 102. zinc sulfite
3. cupric bromide 53. barium chromate 103. silver bicarbonate
4. aluminum sulfate 54. cobaltic chloride 104. potassium iodide
5. potassium nitrate 55. barium chloride dihydrate 105. lead(IV) chlorite
6. ferrous carbonate 56. sulfurous acid 106. mercurous chromate
7. lead(II) phosphate 57. potassium hydroxide 107. lead(II) nitrite
8. diphosphorus pentoxide 58. zinc bisulfite 108. potassium dichromate
9. cupric hydroxide 59. sodium sulfite 109. magnesium carbonate
10. calcium fluoride 60. cobaltous sulfate 110. calcium bicarbonate
11. nickel nitrate 61. ferric oxide 111. aluminum hydroxide
12. silver cyanide 62. silver phosphate 112. cobaltous oxide
13. ammonium sulfite 63. sodium hypochlorite 113. ferric permanganate
14. zinc sulfate 64. ammonium chromate 114. ammonium chromate
15. tin(II) chloride 65. barium carbonate 115. nitrogen triiodide
16. antimony(III) chloride 66. calcium iodide 116. sulfur trioxide
17. silver sulfide 67. cupric sulfate 117. ammonium dichromate
18. magnesium hydroxide 68. cuprous chloride 118. iron(III) bicarbonate
19. ammonium carbonate 69. ferric carbonate 119. ammonium perchlorate
20. nickel acetate 70. zinc phosphate 120. cobaltic acetate
21. sodium chromate 71. sodium nitrite 121. cobaltous hydroxide
22. chromic bisulfate 72. silver oxide 122. iron(II) chromate
23. potassium permanganate 73. nickel bromide 123. ferric bromide
24. silver perchlorate 74. magnesium oxide 124. zinc sulfate
25. potassium phosphate 75. mercuric perchlorate 125. boron phosphide
26. nickel iodide 76. lithium hypochlorite 126. ferric bicarbonate
27. mercurous oxide 77. oxygen difluoride 127. cupric bisulfate
28. lead(II) chlorite 78. cobalt(II) hydrogen sulfate 128. acetic acid (diff. from 79)
29. hydrogen iodide 79. acetic acid (see #128) 129. barium bisulfite
30. iron(II) bisulfite 80. barium hypochlorite 130. nitric acid
31. magnesium nitrate 81. ammonium hydroxide 131. calcium sulfide
32. iron(III) chromate 82. cobalt(II) iodide 132. copper(I) bisulfate
33. iron(II) chromate 83. chromium(II) bicarbonate 133. zinc permanganate
34. copper(II) hydroxide 84. sodium hydroxide 134. ferric carbonate
35. cuprous carbonate 85. silver nitrate 135. hydrobromic acid
36. chromic acetate 86. mercury(II) nitrate 136. hydrocyanic acid
37. calcium chlorate 87. hydrochloric acid 137. hydrogen cyanide
38. ammonium oxide 88. aluminum bisulfite 138. sulfuric acid
39. aluminum perchlorate 89. cobalt(III) hydrogen sulfate 139. copper(I) sulfate
40. zinc bicarbonate 90. ferric hydrogen carbonate 140. chromium(III) oxide
41. sodium phosphate 91. phosphorus pentabromide 141. aluminum oxide
42. silver hypochlorite 92. nickel chloride hexahydrate 142. cobaltous bisulfate
43. ammonium phosphate 93. ammonium aluminum sulfate 143. barium carbonate
44. ferrous chlorite 94. iron(III) hydrogen carbonate 144. mercuric chloride
45. potassium sulfide 95. mercury(I) hydrogen phosphate 145. ferrous chromate
46. tin(IV) bromide 96. plumbic hydrogen carbonate 146. cupric hydroxide
47. lithium chromate 97. mercuric hydrogen carbonate 147. perchloric acid
48. magnesium bisulfate 98. mercurous hydrogen phosphate 148. ferric phosphate
49. ferrous phosphate 99. copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate 149. lead(II) oxide
50. calcium sulfate dihydrate 100. chromic dihydrogen phosphate 150. cobaltic chlorate
If a formula can be named more than one correct way, then give all. For example, Fe(HCO3)3
can be named four different ways. They are iron(III) bicarbonate, iron(III) hydrogen
carbonate, ferric bicarbonate, and ferric hydrogen carbonate. The second way would be best.
151. HgF2 191. KF 231. N2O5 271. NaOH 290. XeF4 328. Be(ClO4)2
152. KCl 192. CaSO4 232. SnCrO4 272. NI3 291. Hg(OH)2 329. (NH4)2Cr2O7
153. KMnO4 193. HCl 233. Al2O3 273. ClF3 292. CaH2 330. Ba(BrO3)2
154. KClO4 194. SbCl3 234. CuCO3 274. P3N5 293. As4O6 331. AuCl3
155. ZnO 195. As4O10 235. ClO2 275. UF6 294. BN 332. Al2S3
156. Ba(OH)2 196. NH4Cl 236. CuS 276. NBr3 295. CoS 333. Na2HPO4
157. NH4MnO4 197. NH4NO3 237. MgI2 277. Cl2O3 296. N2O4 334. Mg3(PO4)2
158. CaCO3 198. IF5 238. CoCl3 278. CsF 297. H3BO3 335. CuSO3
159. Ba3(PO4)2 199. NaHCO3 239. NaCN 279. CO 298. I2O5 336. KAl(C2O4)2
160. Fe2O3 200. Ba(OH)2 240. Hg3N2 280. Cu2S 299. PbO 337. Cr2(SO3)3
161. CoF3 201. FeCl3 241. BrO3 281. KHCO3 300. NaBr 338. HClO
162. H2CO3 202. HF 242. SiF4 282. SbCl5 301. Li2CrO4 339. HClO2
163. K2SO4 203. PbSO4 243. Sb2O5 283. CO2 302. ICl 340. HClO3
164. NaHSO4 204. KrF2 244. LiH 284. HgO 303. SO3 341. HClO4
165. PF5 205. NaCl 245. SF6 285. PCl3 304. Hg2O 342. Mn(IO3)2
166. Ag2O 206. P2O5 246. SnI4 286. PBr5 305. NaH 343. KBrO3
167. Pb(ClO2)2 207. AlBr3 247. KOH 287. IF7 306. OsO4 344. Fe(ClO4)3
168. Cu2CrO4 208. Ba(NO3)2 248. K2O 288. Cl2O 307. XeF2 345. Cr(OH)3
169. Ca(ClO4)2 209. BrF5 249. H2SO4 289. CCl4 308. Ca(C2H3O2)2
170. HC2H3O2 210. P4O6 250. lithium oxide 309. NaC2H3O2
171. LiI 211. FePO4 251. xenon trioxide 310. Al(OH)3
172. Al2(SO4)3 212. Hg2SO4 252. gold(I) chloride 311. Li2HPO4
173. HBr 213. KH 253. gold(I) cyanide 312. Ca(NO3)2
174. Hg2(ClO)2 214. Co2(SO3)3 254. sodium oxide 313. Ni(ClO4)2
175. CrCl3 215. N2O3 255. potassium chlorate 314. Mn(NO3)2
176. H3PO4 216. N2O 256. mercurous nitrite 315. Au(H2PO4)3
177. LiMnO4 217. Fe(NO2)3 257. nickel(II) fluoride 316. Al(C2H3O2)3
178. Fe2(HPO4)3 218. Sn3(PO4)2 258. potassium cyanide 317. KAl(SO4)2
179. Na2CO3 219. H2O2 259. manganese dioxide 318. Al(MnO4)3
180. Mg(HCO3)2 220. Be(OH)2 260. osmium tetrachloride 319. (NH4)3PO4
181. Sn3(PO4)4 221. Sr(HCO3)2 261. rubidium carbonate 320. CoSO4 . 6 H2O
182. HNO3 222. Sr(OH)2 262. trisulfur dinitride 321. MgCl2 . 6 H2O
183. ZnCl2 223. P4S10 263. nitrogen trichloride 322. CuSO4 . 5 H2O
184. NaH2PO4 224. Hg2O2 264. vanadium(V) oxide 323. NaHS . H2O
185. Hg2Cl2 225. Hg2(OH)2 265. selenium tetrafluoride 324. MgSO4 . 9 H2O
186. Fe(NO2)2 226. NH4F 266. stannous hypochlorite 325. NaH2PO4 . 9 H2O
187. CuNH4PO4 227. XeF6 267. tellurium hexafluoride 326. Na2CrO4 . 4 H2O
188. NaMgPO4 228. K2Cr2O7 268. lanthanum(III) phosphate 327. Pb(CH3COO)2 . 3 H2O
189. Sn(HCO3)4 229. NH4OH 269. sodium hydrogen sulfate monohydrate
190. NaMnO4 230. (NH4)3PO4 270. chromium(III) hydrogen phosphate
Write correct formulas of the compounds formed when the positive ions in the vertical column
combine with the negative ions listed across the top row. The first two are done for you.

nitrate sulfate carbonate phosphate hydroxide chromate

sodium NaNO3 Na2SO4
















carbonate dichromate acetate sulfide chloride sulfite

sodium NaHCO3 Na2Cr2O7
















Chemical Nomenclature Problem Set

Chemical Nomenclature Problem Set

This problem set was developed by S.E. Van Bramer for Chemistry 145 at Widener University.

1. Technetium (Tc) was the first synthetically produced element. Technetium (the word comes from
the Greek word for artificial) was first produced by Perries and Serge in 1937 in Berkely,
California, by bombarding a molybedenum plate with 2H nuclei. Elemental technetium is
produced from ammonium pertechnetate. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in the
nuclei of 98Tc and 99Tc? What is the formula of ammonium pertechnenate?

2. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are present in each of the following atoms or ions?
a. 24Mg
b. 24Mg2+
c. 59Co2+
d. 59Co3+
e. 59Co
f. 79Se
g. 79Se2-
h. 63Ni
i. 59Ni2+

3. The formulas and common names for several substances are given below. Give the systematic
names for thses substances.

Common Name Chemical Formula

a. Sugar of lead Pb(C2H3O2)2

b. Blue vitrol CuSO4

c. Epsom salts MgSO4

d. Milk of magnesia Mg(OH)2

e. Gypsum CaSO4 (1 of 3)14/09/2006 12.33.57

Chemical Nomenclature Problem Set

f. Laughing gas N2O

4. Write the formula for each of the following compounds:

a. Sulfur difluoride
b. Sulfur hexafluoride
c. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
d. Lithium nitride
e. Chromium (III) carbonate
f. Tin (II) fluoride
g. Ammonium acetate
h. Ammonium hydrogen sulfate
i. Cobalt (III) nitrate
j. Mercury (I) chloride
k. Potassium chlorate
l. Sodium hydride

5. Name each of the following compounds. Where appropriate give both common and systematic

a. NaCl
b. RbBr
c. CsF
d. AlI3
e. HI
f. NO
g. NF3
h. N2F4
i. N2Cl2
j. SiF4
k. H2Se
l. HNO3
m. HNO2
n. H3PO4
o. H3PO3
p. NaHSO4 (2 of 3)14/09/2006 12.33.57

Chemical Nomenclature Problem Set

q. Ca(HSO3)2
r. Ru(NO3)3
s. V2O5

6. On the blank periodic table attached fill out as much as possible. Including:

a. Symbols for elements

b. Charge for ions
c. Names of groups (ie: halogens and noble gases, etc.)
d. What else?


Please send comments or suggestions to

Scott Van Bramer

Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

© copyright 1996, S.E. Van Bramer

This page has been accessed 42723 times since 1/5 /96 .

Last Updated: Saturday, May 18, 1996 (3 of 3)14/09/2006 12.33.57

Nomenclature and Formula Practice Sheet Chemistry 115

Write formulas for each of the following: Give unambiguous names for the following:

barium chloride ________________________ CuSO4 ________________________________

copper (II) hydroxide ____________________ HgBr2 _________________________________

hypochlorous acid _______________________ PbO2 __________________________________

tin (IV) oxide ___________________________ HBrO__________________________________

sodium acetate __________________________ NH4Cl _________________________________

lead (II) sulfate __________________________ KHSO4 ________________________________

ammonium carbonate _____________________ KClO3 _________________________________

silver nitrate ____________________________ MgCO3 ________________________________

calcium chlorate _________________________ Ca(HCO3)2 _____________________________

magnesium phosphate ____________________ Na2CrO4 _______________________________

hydrofluoric acid ________________________ Bi(OH)3 _______________________________

aluminum sulfate ________________________ H2C2O4 ________________________________

potassium nitrite _________________________ LiH2PO4 _______________________________

iron (III) sulfide _________________________ Na2HPO4 _______________________________

lithium sulfite ___________________________ KMnO4 ________________________________

sodium permanganate ____________________ CaF2 __________________________________

potassium cyanide _______________________ BaO2 __________________________________

sodium bicarbonate ______________________ SnCl2 _________________________________

mercury (II) bromide _____________________ FeO ___________________________________

periodic acid ____________________________ LiClO4 ________________________________

nitrogen triiodide_________________________ NiO2 __________________________________

potassium dichromate_____________________ Hg2Cl2 _________________________________

sulfur hexafluoride _______________________ ZnS ___________________________________

manganese(IV) oxide _____________________ SF4 ___________________________________

calcium iodate___________________________ Co(C2H3O2)2 ____________________________

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