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2012 The Alchemy of Time

In the year 2012, Sarah Manning races against time to fulfill a prophecy set in
motion by her ancient ancestors, the Guardians of the Seed. Connected to the
ancient mystery schools, this epoch adventure, spanning 72 years, and crossing 3
continents, explains the foundations of reality, and the prophecies of time. In
essence, the story of "Sarah and Alexander" is the esoteric history of the human
race. The protagonist's struggle to pry open her family's dark secrets is also
humanity's struggle to uncover its hidden past. This tale, written hard against
the backbone of history, is awash with mythic overtones and replete with
revelations of mystical realities. Journey with Sarah to unlock many of your own

Book Reviews
Your book as the screenplay 2012 THE ALCHEMY OF TIME has a good chance of
happening. I love your momentous core idea: There's a catastrophic glitch in
time, an accidental time loop created. This glitch has unleashed the greatest
monster in history, Adolph Hitler. Unless stopped, he will extend his Reich into
eternity and the end of humanity as we know and value it. Going up against him
is a young woman, Sarah, who happens to have the most significant resume of all
time, her position in the bloodline. Thus we have an unprecedented class of evil
and good. This is the sort of thing that draws the widest kind of audience. Your
big canvas sweeps across time and continents to bring this epoch tale to the
audience. Your imagery is brilliant and a feast for a special effects producer.
Good luck with the project.
Murray Suid
Film Writer and Producer, San Francisco
Hi Ellie, I wanted to drop you a line to tell you how much I loved SARAH AND
ALEXANDER. In fact, I couldn't put it down and read it in two days! I can
understand why you want to make this into a feature film, I think it would be
awesome. I will hold this vision with you!
Warm Regards,
Robin Clare
Event Producer
Ellie Crystal is someone I have known and respected for more than ten years. She
is a creative genius, an expert in the ways of the world beyond what most of us
can ever imagine, and a terrific writer with a phenomenal storytelling ability.
Her novel and screenplay SARAH AND ALEXANDER was gripping. I could not put it
down. I fell in love with the characters, identified with their lives and was
also treated to my own spiritual journey though their extraordinary experiences.
If you loved "The Da Vinci Code," you'll be thrilled with Ellie's potent novel.
I cannot wait to see this on screen.
Lisa Sharkey
Senior VP at Harper Collins Publishing
Network Television Senior Producer 30 years of experience in Manhattan
Ellie Crystal is a phenomenal writer, visionary, and creator. For almost 20
years I have known Ellie in her various capacities: as philosopher, teacher,
writer, and healer. Her book, SARAH AND ALEXANDER, is a manifestation of all of
her enormous creativity and vision. A project originally started in 1989, it was
part of a guided mission of public awakening and consciousness as given to Ellie
by Z. Her book, SARAH AND ALEXANDER synthesizes and integrates all of the
crucial pieces of the "reality puzzle" - time travel, loops, space-time,
consciousness, programming, politics, etc., while still being an addictive page
turner - a feat only few writers are truly able to master.
SARAH AND ALEXANDER is a much needed book at such a crucial point in time - not
simply because of its staying power, but more importantly because of the vital
project it takes on - to awaken all who are reading into the necessary higher
reality and consciousness that is crucial for this generation. I am grateful to
have been a part of the original creation of the book and look forward to the
realization of her inspired project into a feature film.
Nicole Torres
Lecturer, Columbia College
Graduate Fellow, University of Washington at Seattle
Department of Anthropology
Ellie Crystal's SARAH & ALEXANDER brings the reader directly into a universe in
which one woman's ancient family secret becomes critical to saving the world
from the clutches of evil. Sarah Manning grew up with a keen awareness that her
family is quite a bit different from most, yet when she becomes a young woman,
she is amazed to discover the full depth of the mystery revolving around her
maternal line which traces it's way all the way back to ancient Egypt. As a
terrible truth is gradually revealed to Sarah about how a loop in time can
provide one of the world's most dangerous men with an opportunity to radically
alter the past, present, and future to his own deadly purposes, Sarah realizes
that it will be up to her and a few trusted friends to stop him. With a newfound
sense of who she is, Sarah races against time and a group of dangerous men to
reestablish peace on Earth. SARAH & ALEXANDER is packed with the esoteric and
thought-provoking kind of information that fans of Ellie Crystal's Crystalinks -
Metaphysical and Science Website would hope it to include. Topics ranging from
extraterrestrials to psychic phenomena to sacred places provide fascinating
tidbits to contemplate, as the action-packed story keeps you on the edge of your

seat! Cynthia Sue Larsen, Book Reviewer, San Francisco, CA

SARAH AND ALEXANDER is about cosmic linkages and belonging, something we all
feel and long for in our lives. By living through the characters in the story we
can attain some of that belonging, and for a moment feel the freedom away from
the wheel of karma. SARAH AND ALEXANDER is a page turner that demands emotional
and metaphysical attention. When you put this one down, even for a moment, it
still walks beside you, whispering the little truths you ached for as a child
and almost gave up asking about as an adult. Rick Tobin, San Francisco, CA
SARAH & ALEXANDER is a thrilling esoteric adventure and an Internet best seller.
A screenplay of the romantic time travel novel is currently making the rounds in
Hollywood, on its journey to becoming a feature length film. I thoroughly
enjoyed the book which read like a screenplay. Ian Christopher, Award Winning
Filmmaker, CA
The 'Da Vinci Code' is very SARAH AND ALEXANDER-like in its story telling. Both
books are well written - the invisible villain, the savvy young heroine, the
mysteries they are solving revealing ties to ancient secret societies protecting
their secret knowledge in secret containers in secret places. Good news for you
is that Hollywood is making the movie version of the da Vinci Code. Hollywood is
a copycat society, who likes to spy on its neighbor and put out a movie with
similar themes at the same time, or shortly after. The story of SARAH AND
ALEXANDER will definitely qualify as a movie in the vein of the "Da Vinci Code."
All of this aside, I wouldn't be surprised if Dan Brown visited Crystalinks
repeatedly while doing his research. I'm sure much of what he put in his book is
in some way already posted on Crystalinks. According to the Da Vinci Code, the
first child born to Jesus and Mary Magdalene was a daughter named Sarah. The
book speaks of the journey of the Rose bloodline. Somewhere in time their
journeys are connected.... Ben Erwin, Book Reviewer, Manhattan
Seldom does one encounter a written work that elicits such dormant truths and
brings them into the light as does SARAH AND ALEXANDER. As one progresses
through the pages, the mind is flooded with insight and miraculous remembrances.
Unable to put it down as each chapter unfolds; the reader is swept along on a
journey where the mystical meets reality. I recommend this book to any seeker
who is yearning to understand the past and the present and where the future
lies. Carole Adair, Author, CA
I really enjoyed your book and want to share with you that I had the most
amazing experiences whilst reading it. I felt transported in knowingness if that
makes sense. The things I picked up in the book relate to me so much, that even
as I write this I am experiencing heat and a sort of buzzing, and my arms feel
this lethargic type of energy that is so relaxed and warm, a beautiful feeling.
Amazing!! Lori Clarke, Australia
As I was reading SARAH AND ALEXANDER, I can't help but wish these characters
were real. It seems like they should be real people. I read allot, as I am a
teacher and this book has truly touched me. I can't remember a time reading when

I felt this sense of clam and peace. There is something truly special about
SARAH AND ALEXANDER. David Kearby, Indiana
Reading SARAH AND ALEXANDER was as if reading a message from my soulmate! My
favorite part, the meeting of Sarah and Alexander, is very similar to a dream I
had as a child, which still feels as the most significant 'dream event' in my
life. The metaphors and symbology in the book hold a deep and intimate meaning
for me. Thank you, Ellie, for writing this incredible book, a story that will
resonate deeply in the hearts of its readers. Marina, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The script in life has been written and we all find personal adventures that
lead us towards growth and evolution. In this script many have found beautiful
souls who are also here to help us with their teachings and abilities. Ellie
Crystal is one of these souls. Her book, SARAH AND ALEXANDER gave me a chance to
see my own evolution becoming a part of this well orchestrated, adventurous
script, that left me studying life in a whole different light. I would recommend
people of all ages to read this extraordinary book of magical time and travel,
and observe how it pertains to their own personal journey. This is a book to
treasure in anyone's collection and library. Definitely a movie in the making!
Mari Huhman, Kearny, Nebraska
I was led to Ellie through clairvoyant messages which I began receiving months
before I actually contacted her regarding a reading. I received images of the
letter "Z" and of Merlin the Wizard. I also received images of a small box. This
box represented itself to me as a box which contained gifts for me. The exterior
of this box was decorated with the same markings you see on Merlin's robe. I
ordered her book SARAH AND ALEXANDER. I traveled to her home and had a reading
with her. She opened gates for me allowing me to further tap into my psychic
abilities. After my reading with Ellie I returned home and began reading her
book. I found "the box" on page 24. When I read this powerful book, I am there
experiencing every part of it. I vibrate at a higher frequency equal to the most
powerful meditative state imaginable. It is if this book is a direct link to
"where we all came from". A story which details the truth behind why we are all
here experiencing in this earth reality. I recommend this book to people of all
religions and all beliefs and challenge you to open your mind and open your
heart to the possibly that you have lived in an illusion, whose time has come,
which will fade away, revealing the truth. Ellie wrote on the back cover that
this book was "brought forth to awaken the spirit within each of us". That is
truth beyond any truth I have ever experienced. Kevin Campbell, PA
Just wanted to drop you a line and give you some positive feedback on SARAH AND
ALEXANDER. I have to say that I hesitated ordering it for the longest time
because I thought it was probably a love story. I dislike them and don't read
much fiction, so I just didn't give it much thought. Then one day, I decided
what the hey ... I'm gonna just order the book. So I did, and guess what? I
LOVED IT!!! It is well written, intriguing and wild. In fact, once I started I
couldn't put the sucker down. I finished it in less than 4 days, using every
opportunity available. Your predictions of a movie are being seen in my Crystal
ball too! It's really a 'no brainer,' it's just such a good story, that it must
be redeemed by the silver screen. I hope you're well in the works for a sequel.
Now that humanity has evolved past the time loop, what next? I've been reading
your site for years and never cease to be amazed at the information you have
researched. Thank you for the cool site and great book. You're on your way to
something BIGGER!!! It's written in your DNA. - Mike Huhman, Nebraska
Ellie, I know why SARAH AND ALEXANDER is so critical for the closing of the
program and the evolution of human consciousness. If reality is a program, your
story is the time travel subroutine that is needed in human consciousness for
the program to end. Once your book enters the public consciousness, it sets the
seed for someone to create the physical mechanism that will permit time travel
to take place. Once time travel is achieved, the program has to end because 3-D
will no longer exist. If a physical being achieves time travel, memory is erased
because the history will no longer be contained. Containment of history is the
only proof that time is linear. If time becomes non-linear, then space separates
from time and the frame of reference ceases to exist. This is how the fail safe
is overridden. There is no second chance. The very first successful experiment,
when time is breached, the whole world will know it. Not to mention the rest of
the universe. Look forward to the movie. It's about Time for Spielberg to find
your story.... Ron Pondisico, NJ
I finished the Da Vinci Code and was blown away by codes. Then I picked up SARAH
AND ALEXANDER and started reading it. There we go again on another magical
mystery tour. Well done. I understand your inspiration for the story. Bravo
Ellie. Nothing but praise. - James Clukey LA Writer
Your book stirred my soul. You kept the story moving and I couldn't put it down.
I could feel the characters. It will be a great movie. You brought action, love,
honor, compassion, humanity, ending in a beautiful beginning. You and Z left it
up to each person to decide their destiny. Bravo! Lots of good energy to
accomplish your dreams! - Thank you, Cathy Silberstein
I'm proud to own a signed first edition of SARAH AND ALEXANDER. It is very
exciting, full of action and adventure. The story line certainly gives the
reader "food for thought" inspiring the writer in me. SARAH AND ALEXANDER is a
magnificent journey for all. Patiently waiting to see these characters on
screen! - Anita Lemon, Florida
Just a note to tell you how much I enjoyed reading the story of SARAH AND
ALEXANDER It was like a mystery that I just couldn't put down, and wanted more
once I reached the end! - Michelle Sawyer
I really enjoyed SARAH AND ALEXANDER I could see the movie while reading it. I
especially liked the thoughts you wrote at the end about the 'story behind the
story.' - Sue Stroud
SARAH AND ALEXANDER is a wonderful read, and it has influenced my own writing. I
found the relationship and connection between Rose and her granddaughter, Sarah,
to be very touching. I would recommend the book to anyone who enjoys reading
about the metaphysical world. I proudly own a first edition autographed copy,
and I can't wait for the movie! - John Quinn - Columnist - Manhattan
I just finished SARAH AND ALEXANDER, and probably like most people couldn't put
it down, but had to in order to get some sleep! The story spoke to me on many
levels. I feel as though it is a vehicle to opening up other channels of my
consciousness. The storytelling aspect is wonderful because we all love stories
and they can speak to us at whatever level we need them to. I thank you for
standing up in your truth and passing on this wealth of knowledge and
understanding. The book would translate very well to screen. - God Bless,
Valerina Brookes
SARAH AND ALEXANDER ... On a literary level: What a ride! I would also love to
see it on the big silver screen! In pace and character development it reminded
me a great deal of the Da Vinci Code (or vice versa!). For me your book was a
real page turner ... couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next! On an
energy level: What a ride! Over the two nights and three days I was reading the
book, I experienced some really strange dreams. They came so fast that I could
not seem to quite catch them. Although I routinely keep a dream journal, I was
not able to record any of the information I got in the dreams. I do believe that
whatever information was there for me will unfold at the right time and will not
be lost. But drat, I hate it when that happens!! :) As I finished the book, I
sensed a clock start ticking for me. Unlike the book, however, the clock I sense
is ticking UP (forward) not ticking down like a timer as it was in the book. I
do hope that makes sense. It is an interesting sensation. Thanks for a great
read and some interesting experiences! - Blessings, Kitty Collins
SARAH AND ALEXANDER meet Sarah and Alexander - Hi Ellie, I just purchased "Sarah
and Alexander" using Paypal. Could you please autograph the book to Sarah and
Alexander. No Joke! My girlfriend's name is Sarah and we are both very excited
to read your book. Thank you for sharing so much knowledge through your website.
- Alexander Wickersham, San Diego
Ellie, I completed your book a few days ago; three days after I received it
actually. It was definitely a page turner and one that I would highly recommend.
I think I lost a few nights sleep over it because I had a hard time putting it
down. I am a college professor and consider myself a very spiritual person. I
was very moved with the storyline and the way it intertwined with a spiritual
reality hooked me right from the start. Jerry Appel



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