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By Daniel Rodríguez García and Enol Martínez Pescador

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) was a German

physicist that he invented alcohol thermometer in 1709 and
mercury thermometer in 1714.

The Fahrenheit scale of temperature was developed in 1724.

Fahrenheit established a scale in which the temperature of
a mixture of ice-water-salt was fixed to 0º. The
temperature of a mixture of ice-water is fixed to 30º and
the human body temperature to 96º.

Using this scale, Fahrenheit measured the boiling water

temperature to 212ºF in his scale.
Then, Fahrenheit adjusted the freezing point of water
boiling from 30ºF to 32ºF, making that the interval between
the boiling point and the freezing point of water was of 180º
(and making that the body temperature was the known of
98.6ºF). Today, the Fahrenheit scale is still used in the
United States.

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