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Bonnie Kerness, MSW, Coordinator

Prison Watch Project American Friends Service Committee

(for identification purposes only)

February 8, 2011

Harold Koh
Legal Advisor to the US Department of State
US UPR Delegation Leader

Dear Harold Koh:

I am writing as a member of the generation that was so damaged by the COINTELPRO programs
of the Civil Rights era. Many of the people who were activists during that era were often killed
and/or tried, sentenced and put in US prisons throughout the country for unconsciounably long
periods. Many in their 60’s and 70’s still languish in US prisons, some in conditions of
confinement which constitute torture. These are all people, I consider US political prisoners. I
coordinate a project called Prison Watch, which focuses on political prisoners, isolation, and use
of devices of torture for over three decades.

I have participated in and tracked the Universal periodic Review process since its beginning. I
share the hope that adopting the UN Human Rights Council’s UPR recommendations to release
COINTELPRO/Civil Rights era political activists will become a reality. The era that the US political
prisoners came from, that I came from, was a special time in US history. It is way past time to
consider clemency, investigating of the convictions, commutation of sentences to time served and
ultimate release of all of those COINTELPRO/Civil Rights Era activists in either state and federal
prisons. Most important of all would be a Truth and Reconciliation Commission so that people
throughout the country, inside and outside the prisons, family members of those of affected by
that era – so that so many of us could have closure to this piece of unfinished business for the
United States. It is time to adopt the UPR UN Human Rights Council’s recommendations to
release these political activists!

If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at

Bonnie Kerness, MSW, Coordinator
Prison Watch Project
American Friends Service Committee
(for identification purposes only)

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