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Due Date: March 22, 2011

United States History II

3rd Quarter – Writing Assessment

Objective: students will reinforce course content while developing their

writing and research skills.

Assignment: students will write a descriptive essay on an aspect of the Civil Rights
Movement in the United States during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

 Each student will select one EVENT from the Civil Rights Movement and focus
on the following:

o Provide a solid description of the event and any important leaders

involved in this event.
o Explain why this event is important in the Civil Rights Movement

Requirements: please keep in mind the following when completing the assignment:

 Papers must be formatted using MLA style (see class website)

 Papers must be a minimum of 4 complete pages – double spaced, font 12
and Times New Roman with standard margins. (6 page maximum)

 Papers should have the following:

o an introduction with thesis statement underlined

o body that focuses on your thesis
o conclusion that sums up major aspects of your essay

 Papers should also have a works cited page and each work should be cited
in the paper at least once. (no minimum of sources)

 NOTE: All papers must be handed in stapled!!!

Due Date: Tuesday March 22, 2011

 this paper will count as 100 points toward your 3rd quarter grade:

o 10 points will be subtracted for everyday the paper is late.

o A Rubric will also be given to each student that will explain how you will
be graded.

Class Time: we will spend time using the laptops in classroom and also
Due Date: March 22, 2011

in the library so you can research and work on your paper,

but most of this assignment will be completed at home.

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