MMW Are You Strong Enough

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Are You strong enough …Yet

"Some knowledge is too cannot bear it...your Father will carry it until you are
able." — (The Hiding Place)
Corrie Ten Boom tells the story of when she asked her father a question, the answer
for which was beyond her young years. He picked up pick up a suitcase full of
watchmaking equipment, put it down again, and asked her to carry it off the train. It
was too heavy for her to lift but not for him.
Corrie Ten Boom’s father’s question of her about the size of the suitcase has many
applications. Yes in the original context where Corrie wanted to pick up a suitcase
that her father recognized was much too big for his young daughter. He knew that
the case was beyond her capabilities because of her size
Similarly it is very normal, make that human, to exaggerate our abilities. This is to the
detriment of doing a good job and also does little to our confidence: if we fail very
publicly. In my mind’s eye I can see young Corrie pulling on the handle of a case that
is half her height; I have seen similar efforts in my own children. The point is that
children grow up at some point. They become capable of bigger “suitcases” as they
grow and this is the truth that Corries’ father knew.
This is also a God truth. He knows our capabilities better than we ever can imagine.
We don’t do ourselves any favours when we imagine that we are capable of more
than our abilities, more to the point we do our testimony a disservice.
So what is there for us?
The paradigm remains true for us even now. Our Father is watching and as we
attempt things for Him, He knows our abilities before we start, if we haven’t reached
the strength to attempt what we want to do for Him then He lovingly asks “are you
strong enough?” They may not be the exact words there are many ways that He
may try to slow us down. Of course He may also say “go, for it this is the moment
that I have been preparing you for.”
When that word go is said then we are guaranteed that we will be strong enough for
the job because He will be there with us helping us to lift up the weight that He has
asked us to lift up. This is our God at work.
So there is only one thing left to do. Pick up the task that He presents us with and
get on with it. I am trying, what does He have for you?

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