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After Hayley Quinn’s successful world tour to promote her very first album she left the music

something we here at Dewy were very disappointed about. Her huge fan-base was crying out for
another album, and Hayley has delivered spectacularly!

Her tour was performed over 6 months, and most of that time was spent travelling the USA. During
her tour Hayley passed through the state of Tennessee to play in Nashville. She liked the place so
much that she has now decided to buy a small place over there, something which she mentions in
the interview.

Hayley’s first album ‘New Ways of Thinking About Them’ was released nearly 18 months ago now,
and her song ‘Mischievous Person’ flew to number one, were it stayed quite comfortably for nearly 4
weeks. So how is she going to achieve another magnificent musical feat with ‘False Situations’?

D: So, Hayley, where have you been for these past 5 months?

H: Working on my new album of course! My first one gained such a positive reaction that I knew I’d
have to go one better for ‘False Situations’ so I’ve locked myself away for complete concentration.
Sometimes I wouldn’t even let my mum see me for weeks at a time, I thought my family would get
frustrated with me, but they just let me get on with it. They’re saints in disguise.

D: ‘False Situations’ has a little twist in the genre of music featured compared to your first album,
doesn’t it?

H: It sure does! When I started writing my songs I was obsessed with the 1950’s era, and I think this
comes across in the music. I’d been having a break in Nashville whilst on my tour and the music base
there is so huge it’s almost a cult! (laughs) It just inspired me so much to know that even though the
artists are dead, people were still listening to their music regularly, it brought people together. I want
my music to do that too.

D: Rumour has it that you’ve brought a house in Nashville, is this true?

H: Yes it is. (smiles) I love it there. It’s considered to be the home of country music, and like I said
before, it’s just got such a good vibe. I feel energised there, it’s a great place to just relax and write
lyrics, so I found a sweet little house and brought it as my album creating sanctuary. It still seems
strange that I’ve even brought a house in the first place! I’m not used to having all this money, or
even spending that amount of money.

D: Your new album, ‘False Situations’ was started in Tennessee, and is also were the 1950’s theme
started. What got you so interested in the 1950’s music?
H: The 1950’s was the beginning of a completely new style of music, and its artists of the time are
legendary. I also love the style of clothing from that era, I was so pleased to recreate an element of
that in the photo shoot.

D: You said you’d been inspired whilst on tour, how did your tour go?

H: The tour went really well, it was the best experience of my life. I’m so thankful that I was given the
opportunity to do it, despite all the missed sleep. I love my sleep, so it was a real pain to get up at 5
in the morning, every morning. But it comes with the job, and I soon adjusted. I had regular naps
throughout the day though! I fell asleep whilst having my makeup done, my makeup artist, Ashley,
wasn’t very happy with me.

D: Your tour received great reviews, but were you pleased with it?

H: Oh yes, immensely. I know this sounds cliché, but it was the experience of a life time, and
something I’ve dreamed about since I was a little girl. I got so emotional at the first and last
performance, it was just overwhelming. Plus, after two weeks after tickets going on sale in Japan
they were sold out! I couldn’t believe it; I never knew I had so many fans over there.

D: How do you deal with your fans?

If I get stopped in the street, which still feels totally weird, I usually stop for a while, have a chat with
whoever has stopped me. Don’t be afraid to approach me if you see me around and about. I love
meeting fans, for example, in London I couldn’t even go into the lobby of the hotel! The London
venue sold out in only a few weeks, I was amazed. It was one of my best venues as well; it’s really
something special to hear your own lyrics sung back to you.

D: Talking about lyrics, how easy was it to create new songs for ‘False Situations?’

H: Some of the songs came quite naturally, they seemed to write themselves from my emotions and
straight onto the paper. Others were much much harder to write, especially ‘Belief in Facts’. I just
couldn’t seem to get the words to flow together.

D: Do you feel that this album is better than ’New Ways of Thinking About Them’?

H: I wouldn’t say better, but ‘False Situations’ contains more of ‘me’. I put more of my personality
into it, and I hope the fans will like it because it does affect the music slightly. ‘New Ways of Thinking
About Them’ was more focused on a pop genre, the kind of song that stays in your head for weeks
because of the catchy tune. ‘False Situations’ is more down beat, or I suppose you could say relaxing
in a way.
D: Thank you for talking with us Hayley, one last question, when is your new album released?

H: My pleasure! ‘False Situations’ comes out on 9 th February, so don’t forget to buy it!

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