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Dear Respondent,
I would like to request you to share your valuable thoughts through this
Questionnaire on the issue of reasons for stress among the [company name] employees.
You are required to offer your insights by selecting the appropriate option against the
range of parameters provided in the Questionnaire. You are requested to be honest and
fair. I assure you that the information shared would be strictly treated as confidential and
is exclusively meant for academic exploration. Thanks for your cooperation and
involvement in this study.

1. Do you feel that you are under stress?

Yes _____
No _____

2. Sex
Male _____
Female _____

3. Age Group
20-30 _____
30-45 _____
45- Above _____

4. Marital Status
Married _____
Unmarried _____

5. Please highlight the major causes of stress that keep bothering you on a regular basis.
Select the appropriate option.

Major Causes of Stress Tick Here

Sales Target
Time Management
Job Security
Lack of Training
Work Overload
Heavy Competition
Lack of Management Support
6. What do you think could be the secondary causes of stress for you in an organization?
Put the tick against appropriate option.

Secondary Causes of Stress Tick Here

Communication Gap
Lack of Acceptability
Limited future prospects
Resource Constraints
Work life Imbalance
Lack of Skills
Lack of Awareness
Work Environment
Unmatched Expectations
Economic Status
Technology Change
Differences in Salary

7. Please suggest the initiatives which your organization may take for reliving you from
this stress.

Major Causes of Stress Tick Here

Organizational Initiatives
Continuous Training
Constant Recognition
Good Ambience
Stress Management Campaign
Job Enrichment
Longer Breaks in Between Work

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