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Project Management

Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad

A Project

A project is a sequence of unique, complex,

and connected activities having one goal or
purpose and that must be completed by a
specific time, within budget, and according to
Project Management Criteria

 Projects are oriented towards a goal.

 There is something unique about every project.
 Projects have a finite duration.
 Projects require coordination of interrelated
What is Project Management?
A set of techniques used for
 - Planning
 - Organising and
 - Controlling

work activities to reach a desired result

 - on-time
 - within budget and
 - according to specification
Why is Project Management Important?

 Organize your approach

 Generate a credible schedule
 Track progress and control your project
 Identify where to focus your efforts
 Identify problems early
 Saves you TIME….MONEY

If you fail to plan, PLAN TO FAIL

Five Phases of Project Management

1. Scoping
Scoping thethe
2. Developing
the Plan
3. Launching
the Plan
4. Monitoring
& Controlling
5. Closing Out
the Project
1. Scope the Project - Goal

 A project has one primary goal: to give purpose

and direction
– Defines the final deliverable and outcome
– States in clear terms what is to be accomplished

– Is a reference point for questions about scope

and purpose of the project
2. Developing The Plan
 Identify Project Tasks (WBS)
 Estimate Task Duration
 Determine Resource Requirements
 Construct/Analyze Project Network
 Prepare the Project Proposal
3. Launching the Plan
 Execute project plan and accomplish project goals
 Training Plan
 System Build
 Quality Assurance
4. Monitoring & Controlling
 User Training
 Production Review
 Check for quality
 Resource leveling
 Check for work breakdown structure (WBS)
5. Closing the Project

 Project Closeout
 Check for GOAL achieved
 Post Production Transition
 Lessons Learned
Planning the Project:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

 A WBS is the functional decomposition of a system

 Breaks the project into chunks of work at a level of

detail that meets planning and scheduling needs
WBS Completeness

 Status/completion are measurable

 Clearly defined start/end events
 Activity has a deliverable
 Time/cost easily estimated
 Activity duration within acceptable limits
 Work assignments are independent
Project Planning: Resources
 People - skills and value
 Facilities
 Equipment
 Money
 Materials
 Time
Resource Activity

 Identify all the resources required for each


 Estimate the duration of each task


 Linkage between and among activities/tasks

 Dependencies create the backbone of the project
 Finish to start
 Predecessor Task: A
 Successor Task: B
 Arrow head indicates dependency relationship:
Task B cannot begin until Task A is complete
Project Management Tools

Schedule of activities

 • CPM - Critical Path Method

 • PERT- Program (or Project) Evaluation & Review

Project Management Tools
Gantt Chart - popular type of bar chart that
illustrates a project schedule

 Visual scheduling tool

 Graphical representation of information in WBS
 Show dependencies between tasks, personnel, and
other resources allocations
 Track progress towards completion
Building a Gantt Chart

 List all tasks and milestones from the WBS along the
vertical axis
 List time frame along the horizontal axis

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3

 Activities: Create box the length of each activity time duration
– E.g., activity one is scheduled from day1-day3
 Milestones: Create a diamond on the day the milestone is
scheduled to be completed

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3

 Dependencies: Show dependencies between activities with
– E.g., activity 2 cannot start until activity 1 is complete

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3… day 23

Gantt Chart – Example

indicate task

Bars indicate
time requirement
 Stands for- Programme Evaluation & Review
 Target completion date of the project
 The interdependency of the activities
 The activities which are given more attention
 By reviewing the project the target date of the project

completion is revised
Application – In long range planning project
( the electrification of all villages in a state)
Activity & node
 Activity (work/job)-
 A project consist of many activities
 Time consuming part of the project
 Represented by an arrow
 Event (node)-
 It is the beginning or end of a work
 Represented by a circle

1 2

Node1 Node2
 Start of an examination- event (1)
 Answering the question during exam- activity
 End of the examination- event (2)

1 2

Node1 Node2

Event 1 Event 2
Network Diagram
Predecessor event Successor event
1 2
2 3
2 4
2 6
3 7
4 7
6 7
7 8

1 2 3 7 8

 Note -
1. crossing over an arrow is not permitted
2. loop formation is not permitted

 Axiom -
1. No event is complete until all the activities leading to
it are complete
2. No subsequent activity can start until all the events
preceding it are complete
Dummy activity

 Represented by broken arrow ( - - - - - - - - - ->)

 Takes no time, no work done during dummy activity
 Some times network will not complete without it
Time estimates
1. The optimistic time estimate (t0)- The estimated time
by assuming ideal condition of working. It takes no
uncertainty into account.
2. The pessimistic time estimate (tp)- it takes into account
abnormal situations. This time is estimated with the
help of an experienced person.
3. The most likely time estimate (tm)- some minor
obstacles taken into account.

Relation - to < tm < tp

Average time/Expected time

Expected time, (te) = t0 + 4tm + tp

Std. deviation, (σ) = tp – to
Critical path method
 It is the longest path of the network in terms of time
 If it is delayed whole project will be delayed
 Activities falling on critical path are called critical activities

t=3 8 5 7

E 6

Critical path is A-B-C-F-G

Predecessor successor to tm tp
event event
A B,C,D 2,4,5 3,5,6 4,6,7
B E 3 4 5
C E,F 5,4 6,5 7,6
D F 4 7 8
E G 6 8 9
F G 4 6 7

1. Draw network diagram from expected time?

2. The expected time of each activity?
3. Expected time for each path?
4. Find the critical path?

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