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FRM-10000: Validation error on item.

Cause: You tried to apply an invalid item definition.

Action: Change the item's property settings to make the item definition valid.

FRM-10001: Internal Error: TOS.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10002: Unable to save the current module.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10003: Unable to retrieve the module from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10004: Unique and valid value must be entered.

Cause: You entered an invalid value.

Action: Change the value to a valid value.

FRM-10005: Value is required.

Cause: You attempted to exit the field without first entering a value.

Action: Enter a value.


FRM-10006: Internal error.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10007: Unable to access the table.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10008: Unable to create the table.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10009: Unable to find the object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10010: Internal error: unable to insert an object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10011: Internal error: unable to delete an object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10012: Internal error: no memory.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10013: Duplicate object is found.

Cause: Internal system error occurred when trying to save a module to the database.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10014: Module by this name already exists.

Cause: Internal system error occurred when trying to save a module to the database.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10015: Duplicate reference information is found.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10016: Internal error: unable to close the object store.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10017: Internal error: unable to rollback.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10018: Internal error: unable to commit the changes.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10019: Internal error: unable to open the object store.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10020: Module exists.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10021: Unable to find the module.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10022: Internal error: unable to reference an object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10023: Internal error: unable to retrieve objects from the object store.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10024: Unable to save the column mapping object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10025: Unable to retrieve the column mapping object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10026: Unable to save the column specification object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10027: Unable to retrieve the column specification object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10028: Unable to save the named list object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10029: Unable to retrieve the named list object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10030: Unable to save the radio button object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10031: Unable to retrieve the radio button object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10032: Unable to save the VGS object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10033: Unable to retrieve the VGS object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10034: Valid module name must be entered.

Cause: Internal system error occurred when trying to open a module from the database.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10035: Module does not exist.

Cause: The module name you specified does not exist.

Action: Check the module name or try another name.


FRM-10036: Unable to save the relations.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10037: Unable to retrieve the relations.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10038: Cannot delete. Object is locked.

Cause: You tried to delete an object -- such as an item or a canvas -- that is locked by an
active Layout Editor. An object is locked when it has been modified in the Layout Editor.

Action: Release the lock on the object.

FRM-10039: Unable to start up the Form Builder.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10040: Cannot revert a new module.

Cause: You chose File->Revert for a module that has not been saved. Since the module
has not been saved, there is no version to revert to.

Action: Close the module without saving, then open a new module.

FRM-10041: Operation not valid without database connection.

Cause: You tried to perform a design operation that requires the Form Builder to be
connected to the database.

Action: Logon and connect to the database.

FRM-10042: Not a Form Builder file.

Cause: You tried to open a file that is not a valid Form Builder design module.

Action: Open a form (.FMB), menu (.MMB), or library (.PLL) module.


FRM-10043: Cannot open file.

Cause: You tried to open a file that is not a valid Form Builder design module file.

Action: Open a form (.FMB), menu (.MMB), or library (.PLL) module.

FRM-10044: Cannot create file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10045: Cannot connect to database.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10046: Unable to delete VGS object.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10047: Import only allowed to a multi-line text item.

Cause: You tried to import text to a single line text field or another control type. (Text
can be imported only to a multi-line text item.)

Action: None.

FRM-10048: Export is only allowed from a multi-line text item.

Cause: You tried to export text from a single-line text field or another control type. (Text
can only be exported from a multi-line text field.)

Action: None.

FRM-10049: Operation is only allowed from a multi-line text item.

Cause: You tried to invoke the default operation that can only be invoked from a multi-
line text field.
Action: None.

FRM-10050: Valid value must be entered.

Cause: You specified an invalid value or left a required field blank.

Action: Specify a valid value.

FRM-10051: Error occurred while importing text.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10052: Error occurred while exporting text.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10053: No printer available.

Cause: The printer you specified is busy or not connected.

Action: Check the printer connections, or try again later.

FRM-10054: Cannot attach PL/SQL library %s. This library attachment will be lost if the
module is saved.

Cause: The library you specified is locked by other users, or the library name is invalid.

Action: Check the library name and try again later.


FRM-10056: Incorrect module type stored in the file.

Cause: The file is not the correct module type for the operation you are trying to perform.

Action: None.

FRM-10057: Cannot perform this operation on a module you do not own.

Cause: You tried to perform an operation -- such as revoking access privileges -- on a

module in the database of which you are not the owner.

Action: None.

FRM-10058: Object to be copied/referenced was not found.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10059: Changes were not saved to the PL/SQL library before building.

Cause: You tried to compile the library before saving your changes.

Action: Save your changes, then compile the library.

FRM-10060: Database connection required for retrieving referenced objects.

Cause: You tried to reference an object when Form Builder was not connected to the
database. Only objects in modules that are stored in the database can be referenced.

Action: Logon and connect to the database.

FRM-10061: Cannot script/parse PL/SQL library file

Cause: You attempted to parse or script a library file.

Action: Do not attempt to parse or script a library file.

FRM-10062: Modal window must be dismissed before exiting.

Cause: The system did not get your response to a modal window.

Action: Reply to the modal window before you quit.

FRM-10063: Cannot find help file, or help file is damaged.

Cause: Form Builder cannot locate or load the help file.

Action: Check your environment and check the path to the help file. If necessary, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10064: Unable to load the object from the resource file.

Cause: There is a bad resource file, a memory problem, or some other resource problem.

Action: Check your development environment.

FRM-10065: Failed to initialize development environment (DE).

Cause: The development environment did not initialize, possibly because the system
could not find resources.

Action: Check your development environment.

FRM-10066: Failed to create a module.

Cause: The system could not find the necessary resources.

Action: Check your development environment.

FRM-10067: Unable to lock module.

Cause: The module currently is opened by other users.

Action: Wait until the module is free, or have the user of the module quit.

FRM-10068: Unable to unlock the module.

Cause: The module is locked by another user

Action: The other user must unlock the module.


FRM-10069: Cannot detach the current working PL/SQL library module.

Cause: You tried to detach a working library.

Action: Do not detach a working library.

FRM-10070: Unable to load the attached library information of the current PL/SQL

Cause: You tried to load a Forms 4.0 library module, but Forms was unable to load the

Action: Make sure the library can be loaded using Forms 4.0. If so, contact your DBA or
an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10071: Internal error: cannot open resource file %s.

Cause: Resource file cannot be found.

Action: Reinstall Form Builder or call an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10072: Internal error: cannot open menu definition %s

Cause: Resource definitions for menu cannot be found.

Action: Reinstall Form Builder or call an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10074: Unable to build a PL/SQL library script file.

Cause: Error in reading a library file.

Action: Fix the errors detected during the scripting process.

FRM-10075: Unable to build a PL/SQL library from a script file.

Cause: Unable to convert an ASCII library file to library format.

Action: Fix the errors detected during the conversion process.

FRM-10076: Value as entered will be truncated to fit in space allocated.

Cause: You entered a string that is too long to fit into the field.

Action: Reduce the length of the string.

FRM-10077: Unable to extract translatable strings into NX file.

Cause: An internal error occurred while translating strings from NX file.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10078: Unable to merge translated strings from NX file.

Cause: An internal error occurred while translating strings from NX file.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10080: Source control services are not installed on this machine.

Cause: The source control component of Form Builder is not installed on your machine

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10081: Cannot retrieve %s in '%s' module.

Cause: Internal error that appears during the loading process.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10082: Cannot save %s.

Cause: Internal error that appears during the loading process.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10083: Cannot find/open '%s' module for referenced objects.

Cause: The file containing the form module cannot be found, or the user ID for logging
on to the database is incorrect.

Action: Make sure the file containing the form module is in your local directory, or under
the search path FORMS50_PATH. Also, make sure you are logging on to the database
with the correct user id.

FRM-10084: Module appears to be an older version of Form Builder file.

Cause: The module you are referencing is not in the latest Form Builder format.

Action: Load the reference file and save it in the latest Form Builder format.

FRM-10085: Cannot read in module information.

Cause: The file you tried to open is not an Form Builder file, or the file is corrupted.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10086: The file is already open.

Cause: You are trying to open a file that is already open.

Action: None.

FRM-10087: Libraries cannot be compiled.

Cause: You cannot compile libraries.

Action: None.

FRM-10088: Libraries cannot be run.

Cause: You cannot run libraries.

Action: None.

FRM-10089: Menus cannot be run from the Form Builder.

Cause: You clicked the Run button with a menu module selected.

Action: Select a form module before clicking the Run button.

FRM-10090: Cannot save module to database.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10091: Unable to create a script/parse file.

Cause: Internal error. Errors occurred during the conversion process.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10092: Unable to convert an old module to current format:

Cause: Internal error occurs when converting Oracle Forms 4.0 structures to Forms 4.5
Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10093: No PL/SQL source code.

Cause: You created a trigger that does not contain PL/SQL source code.

Action: Add PL/SQL source code to your trigger, or delete the trigger.

FRM-10094: Could not compile the Formula.

Cause: Forms was unable to compile the PL/SQL expression specified in the Formula

Action: Check the PL/SQL expression for syntax errors and recompile.

FRM-10095: Assertion failed in %s, at %s:%d.

Cause: An internal inconsistency was detected.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative, and proceed with caution.

FRM-10096: Cannot load Cue Card file.

Cause: Form Builder could not load the Cue Card file. It is missing or corrupt.

Action: Reinstall Form Builder or contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10097: Cannot load Quick Tour file.

Cause: Forms could not load the Quick Tour file. It is missing or corrupt.

Action: Reinstall Form Builder or contact an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10098: Cannot place entire module in Object Library.

Cause: You tried to place an entire Form Builder module into an Object Library.

Action: You can place only individual objects into an Object Library.

FRM-10099: Cannot SmartClass object. An object with this name exists already.

Cause: You tried to SmartClass an object which would have conflicted with another
object of the same name.

Action: Rename the existing object.

FRM-10100: File name must be entered.

Cause: You tried to perform an operation that requires a valid file name to be specified.

Action: Specify a valid file name.


FRM-10101: Cannot build module.

Cause: The module was not created due to generated errors.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library %s. This library attachment will be lost if the
module is saved.

Cause: The library you specified is locked by other users, or the library name is invalid.

Action: Check the library name and try again later.

FRM-10150: Error occurred while trying to save the preferences.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10200: Illegal function in this context.

Cause: You pressed a key that is not valid in this context.

Action: Press [Show Keys] to view a list of valid function keys.

FRM-10201: No parameters needed.

Cause: You pressed [Enter Application Parameters] or [Enter Menu Parameters], but
none are required in this context.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10202: Menus are nested too deeply.

Cause: You tried to select an item that would nest menus more than 10 deep.

Action: Press [Main Menu] to return to the main menu, then navigate to the menu of your

FRM-10203: Selected item is not in this menu.

Cause: In a full-screen menu, you entered a number that exceeds the maximum number
of menu items.

Action: Choose an item that is on this menu.

FRM-10204: No command defined for the selected background item.

Cause: You pressed [Background Menu n], where n was greater than the maximum
number on the background menu.

Action: No action required. Press [Show Background Menu] to see the valid background
menu items.

FRM-10205: Menu %s not found.

Cause: In the choice field of a full-screen menu, you entered a menu name that does not
exist in this application or is not found in the library.

Action: No action is required if the menu does not exist in the application. If it does,
recompile the library.

FRM-10206: Dynamic memory exhausted.

Cause: Form Builder has run out of memory.

Action: Contact your DBA.

FRM-10207: No background menu present.

Cause: You pressed [Show Background Menu], but no background menu exists.

Action: No action required.

FRM-10208: Parameter %s not found.

Cause: A menu item referenced an undefined parameter.

Action: Contact your DBA.

FRM-10209: No next menu from background in this context.

Cause: The application attempted to navigate to a named menu from the background

Action: No action required.


FRM-10210: Response required.

Cause: You did not enter a required parameter, or you left the choice field blank in a full-
screen menu.

Action: Make an entry.

FRM-10211: Field must be filled completely.

Cause: You partially entered a parameter that must be entered completely.

Action: Enter enough data to completely fill the field.

FRM-10212: Login failed for this username and password.

Cause: You specified an illegal username and password.

Action: Check the username and password and try again.

FRM-10213: Login procedure terminated.

Cause: You failed to logon to ORACLE three times in a row.

Action: No action required. If you are a valid user, check your user name and password.

FRM-10214: No authorization to run any application.

Cause: You are not a valid user of any module in Form Builder.

Action: No action required. If you think that you should be a valid user, ask your DBA to
grant you access to the module you wish to run.

FRM-10215: No help available.

Cause: You pressed [Help], but none is available for this item.

Action: No action required.

FRM-10216: Failed to spawn a command to the operating system.

Cause: The operating system could not spawn a sub-process.

Action: Refer to the error message that the operating system issued.

FRM-10217: No authorization for any item in selected menu.

Cause: You tried to move to a menu that has no items you can access.

Action: Check the menu name you entered and try again.

FRM-10218: Error for menu %s.

Cause: Form Builder could not read the library information for this menu, or an invalid
menu name was specified.

Action: Recompile the library or correct the menu name.


FRM-10219: Item number is invalid.

Cause: In a full-screen menu, you entered an invalid number in the choice field.

Action: Check the item number and re-enter it.


FRM-10220: No detailed help available for this item.

Cause: You pressed [Help], but none is available for this menu item.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10221: Cannot read file %s.

Cause: Either file privileges are set incorrectly, or the library you tried to open is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again.


FRM-10222: Menu %s was created by an old version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: You are using a newer version of Form Builder than the one that created this
menu module.

Action: Recompile the menu module and re-execute the command.


FRM-10223: Application parameter module does not exist.

Cause: The parameter information could not be located in the library. This may be due to
a library file that is invalid, or one that contains a different application.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10224: Application bind variable module does not exist.

Cause: The bind variable information could not be located in the library. This may be due
to an invalid library file.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10225: Could not read parameter data.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10226: Could not read bind variable data.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10227: Too many menu parameters.

Cause: The application contains more menu parameters than can be used on your
operating system.

Action: Revise and recompile the application, or contact your DBA.


FRM-10228: Could not read help text.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10229: Could not close file %s.

Cause: Operating system error or internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-10230: Application procedure module does not exist.

Cause: The procedure information could not be located in the library. This may be due to
an invalid library file.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10231: Could not read procedure data.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact
your DBA.

FRM-10233: Navigational procedures/macros not valid in current menu style.

Cause: You tried to use the full-screen, navigational packaged procedures, or macros in
the pull-down or menu bar display style.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10234: Semicolon missing in macro statement.

Cause: The command line specified for this item has a syntax error.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10235: Macro %s not found.

Cause: The menu designer specified an undefined macro to be executed.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10236: No procedure/macro specified.

Cause: The menu designer has specified a blank command.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10237: Argument(s) not allowed for this procedure/macro.

Cause: The menu designer specified an argument to a command that does not take

Action: Notify your DBA.

FRM-10238: Error executing %s. Check argument(s).

Cause: The menu designer specified an argument to a command that does not take

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10239: Cannot read form by that name.

Cause: Form Builder tried to read a form that does not exist in the current directory.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10240: Form name not specified.

Cause: Forms Runtime command did not give the name of a form to execute.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10241: Illegal operation when Form Builder is active.

Cause: The menu designer specified a built-in or macro that cannot be used when Form
Builder calls Forms Runtime.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10242: Cannot call linked-in Forms from Form Builder.

Cause: The menu designer specified a call to linked-in Forms from within Form Builder.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10243: Error occurred during invocation of Form Builder.

Cause: A call to Forms Runtime failed.

Action: Notify your DBA.

FRM-10244: Application %s does not exist.

Cause: The application name you specified does not exist in the database, or you do not
have access privileges to it.

Action: Check the application name and try again, or contact your DBA.

FRM-10245: Already on first item.

Cause: You pressed [Previous Item] from the first item in the parameter form.

Action: No action required. You cannot go to an item prior to the first item in a parameter

FRM-10246: Error executing packaged procedure - inactive form.

Cause: The menu designer specified a built-in that cannot be executed in the current

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10247: No active items in root menu of application.

Cause: You tried to open an application but its root menu has no items that you can
access. The root menu is either the application's main menu or another menu specified
when Form Builder called Forms Designer.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10248: No direct menu selection allowed when using a root menu.

Cause: The root menu is not the module's main menu, because Form Builder specified
another root menu when calling Forms Designer.

Action: No action required. You can only use direct menu selection when the module's
main menu is the root menu.

FRM-10249: No authorization to run application %s.

Cause: You are not a valid user of the application you tried to run.
Action: No action required. If you think you should be a valid user, ask your DBA to
grant you access privileges to the application.

FRM-10250: Module type must be specified for a delete operation or Error initializing
Forms Runtime application.

Cause: You did not name the module properly.

Action: Check the module name and enter it correctly.


FRM-10251: Unsupported command type 4 switch used (-e,-i,-r,-w).

Cause: This menu option attempted to run a form, but specified a command line
argument for Forms Runtime which is invalid when running a form from a menu.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10252: Unknown command type 4 switch used.

Cause: This menu option attempted to run a form, but specified an unknown command
line argument for Forms Runtime.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10253: File name must be entered.

Cause: You have not entered a name (or you have deleted a name) for the file.

Action: You must enter a file name.


FRM-10254: Cannot open file for screen shot.

Cause: The operating system could not open a file (e.g. permission problems, lack of disk
Action: Resolve the operating system condition that caused the error.

FRM-10255: Error occurred during printing of screen shot.

Cause: The operating system had trouble with a file.

Action: Resolve the operating system condition that caused the error.

FRM-10256: User is not authorized to run Form Builder Menu.

Cause: You are not enrolled in Form Builder. You do not have SELECT permission on
the Form Builder base tables.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10257: User is not authorized to select specified option.

Cause: You tried to select a menu item to which you do not have access.

Action: Choose another item or notify your DBA.

FRM-10258: Specified menu is already active.

Cause: You tried to navigate to the current menu.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10259: Invalid null argument to packaged procedure or function.

Cause: You did not specify an argument to a built-in, or the argument is invalid.

Action: Check the online Help for the proper built-in syntax.

FRM-10260: No active items in selected menu.

Cause: You do not have access privileges for any items in this menu.
Action: Contact your DBA for access privileges if you think you should have access to
the items on this menu.

FRM-10261: Menu %s was created by a new version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: You are using an old version of Forms Runtime with a new version of Forms

Action: Upgrade to new version of Forms Runtime.


FRM-10262: Cannot put radio items, check boxes, or separators in menu bar.

Cause: You attempted to put radio items, check boxes, or separators in menu bar.

Action: Put these items in a submenu.


FRM-10263: Cannot find icon file for iconic menu item.

Cause: No directory name for this icon.

Action: Contact the person who created the menu application.


FRM-10264: Specified menu item does not exist.

Cause: You specified a menu item that does not exist in the form.

Action: Try retyping the name or choose another item name.


FRM-10265: Library was created by an old version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: Form Builder cannot use library.

Action: Recompile the library with current version of Forms Compiler.


FRM-10266: Library was created by a new version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: Form Builder cannot use library.

Action: Recompile the library with current version of Forms Compiler.


FRM-10267: Help type magic menu item must be placed on top-level menu.

Cause: You placed a help magic menu item on a submenu.

Action: Move the help magic menu item to the top-level menu (main menu).

FRM-10268: Error: Program unit %s in library %s is uncompiled.

Cause: You called an uncompiled program unit from a library.

Action: Follow the PL/SQL program error.


FRM-10269: Warning! Program unit %s in library %s is uncompiled.

Cause: In debug Forms Runtime, you called an uncompiled program unit in a library.

Action: This is just a warning. Forms Runtime will attempt to compile and run the
program unit.

FRM-10270: Cannot attach library %s while opening menu %s.

Cause: The specified library file is attached to the given menu, but cannot be located in
the search path for PL/SQL libraries.

Action: Make sure the library file can be located before attempting to run with the
specified menu again. For example, have it in the working directory.

FRM-10275: Destination module already exists.

Cause: You tried to rename a module in the database to a name that duplicates an existing

Action: Specify a unique name for the module.

FRM-10325: Invalid module type.

Cause: Incorrect file extension specified.

Action: Use the correct extension (.FMX, .MMX or .LIB).


FRM-10326: Cannot revoke access privileges of module owner.

Cause: You tried to revoke the design privileges of the owner of the module. The user
identified as the owner of a module always has access to the module.

Action: None.

FRM-10327: Only module owner can modify module access.

Cause: You attempted to grant or revoke access to a module of which you are not the

Action: No action required. To modify access to the module, contact your DBA or the
owner of the module.

FRM-10328: Unable to modify access to this module.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10329: User name must be entered.

Cause: Form Builder expects the name of a valid user.

Action: Enter the name of a valid user.


FRM-10350: User does not have privileges to perform this operation.

Cause: You tried to perform an operation for which you do not have access privileges.

Action: If you wish to execute the operation, contact your DBA for access privileges.

FRM-10400: Unable to open Report Builder.

Cause: Form Builder was unable to launch Report Builder.

Action: Start Report Builder as a separate process.


FRM-10401: Can't open file %s for output.

Cause: The operating system had trouble opening a file (e.g. permission problems, lack of
disk space).

Action: Resolve the operating system condition that caused the error.

FRM-10402: No such application present.

Cause: The requested application could not be found in order to be documented.

Action: Make sure that the correct application name is specified.


FRM-10409: Cannot close file.

Cause: Operating system error or internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-10600: Mismatch between source module/object type and target module type.

Cause: The object you tried to copy or reference is not valid for the active module. For
example, you cannot copy a block to a menu module.

Action: Make sure the object you tried to copy or reference is valid for the active target

FRM-10601: Invalid parent for the target object.

Cause: Parent object name does not exist.

Action: Check the parent object name and try again.

FRM-10602: Target by that name already exists.

Cause: The name you specified for the target object duplicates the name of another object
of that same class.

Action: Change the target name to a name that is unique within the scope of that object.

FRM-10603: Copy/reference to and from a PL/SQL library is not supported.

Cause: You tried to copy or reference a PL/SQL program unit -- such as a user-named
procedure or function -- from a library module.

Action: None.

FRM-10604: Cannot copy/reference the ROOT_WINDOW.

Cause: You attempted an editing operation upon a root window.

Action: None.

FRM-10605: Valid module name required.

Cause: You did not enter a module name in the dialog.

Action: Enter a module name before accepting or canceling the dialog.


FRM-10606: Valid data block name required..

Cause: You did not enter a data block name in the dialog.

Action: Enter a data block name before accepting or canceling the dialog.

FRM-10607: Valid item name required.

Cause: You did not enter a valid item name in the dialog.
Action: Enter an item name before accepting or canceling the dialog.

FRM-10608: Object type is invalid (internal error).

Cause: An internal Oracle error occurred.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-10609: Valid menu name required.

Cause: You did not enter a valid menu name in the dialog.

Action: Enter a menu name before accepting or canceling the dialog.


FRM-10625: Input focus must be in text item.

Cause: You attempted an operation without the required input focus.

Action: Use keyboard of mouse navigation to place input focus in the the text item.

FRM-10650: Input focus must be in text item.

Cause: You attempted an operation without the required input focus.

Action: Use keyboard of mouse navigation to place input focus in the the text item.

FRM-10700: Replacement object does not exist in destination module.

Cause: The name you specified in the Copy Object Options dialog cannot be found in the
destination module for the appropriate object type.
Action: Click a Select button in the dialog to view a list of appropriate object types in the
destination module.

FRM-10725: Failed to load the wizard from the resource file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10750: Table name required.

Cause: You must enter a table name before leaving this page of the wizard.

Action: Enter a table name, or click Browse to find a table in the database.

FRM-10751: At least one database column must be selected.

Cause: At least one column must appear in the Database Items list of the field picker in
order to leave this page of the wizard.

Action: Move one or more columns from the Available Columns list to the Database
Items list of the field picker.

FRM-10752: Wizard can modify only one data block at a time.

Cause: You have invoked the Data Block Wizard when two or more data blocks are
selected in the Object Navigator. The wizard may only modify one data block at a time.

Action: Ensure that only one data block is selected in the Object Navigator before
invoking the Data Block Wizard.

FRM-10753: Invalid join condition to master data block %s.

Cause: While loading a data block in order to modify it, the Data Block Wizard has found
an invalid join condition to the given master data block.

Action: Locate the relevant relation object of the given master data block and correct the
join condition before invoking the Data Block Wizard again.

FRM-10754: More than one join to master data block %s.

Cause: While loading a data block in order to modify it, the Data Block Wizard has found
that the data block is joined more than once to the given master data block. This is an
internal error that should not normally be encountered.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Make sure that only one relation object links the master data block to the detail data

2. Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10755: No join condition to master data block %s.

Cause: A join condition to the given master data block must exist before you can leave
this page of the wizard.

Action: Use the Detail Item and Master Item poplists to setup a join condition to the
given master data block.

FRM-10756: Error retrieving constraints for table %s.

Cause: An internal error occured as the Data Block Wizard attempted to retreive
constraints for the given table.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10757: No master data blocks are available.

Cause: No data blocks are available with which to define a master-detail relationship.
Action: If the Auto-join data blocks checkbox is:

1. Checked, then the only potential master data blocks are those that are based on tables
referenced by a foreign key on the current block's base table.

2. Unchecked, then all data blocks in the form are potential master data blocks, but you
must enter the join condition manually.

FRM-10758: No item based on join column %s in this detail data block.

Cause: The Data Block Wizard is attempting to use foreign key constraint information to
automatically setup the join condition between the current data block and the selected
master data block. However, one of the columns included in the foreign key constraint
does not appear as an item in the current data block.

Action: Return to the Table page of the wizard and ensure that all the columns needed to
link the current data block to the required master data block appear in the Database Items
list of the field picker.

FRM-10759: No item based on join column %s in master data block %s.

Cause: The Data Block Wizard is attempting to use foreign key constraint information to
automatically setup the join condition between the current data block and the selected
master data block. However, one of the columns included in the foreign key constraint
does not appear as an item in the selected master data block.

Action: Leave the wizard and ensure that the items needed to link the current data block
to the required master block appear as items of the required master data block.

FRM-10760: Error encountered while describing stored procedure.

Cause: Internal Oracle error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-10761: Wizard can only modify data blocks based on a single table or a set of

Cause: While loading a data block in order to modify it, the Data Block Wizard found a
combination of data block properties not supported by the wizard.
Action: Ensure that the data block is either based on one of the following:

1. A single table (with Query Data Source Type and DML Data Target Type properties
both set to Table, and identical Query Data Source Name and DML Target Name

2. A set of stored procedures (with Query Data Source Type and DML Data Target Type
properties both set to Procedure).

FRM-10762: Procedure name required.

Cause: You must enter a procedure name to leave this page of the wizard.

Action: Enter a procedure name.


FRM-10763: Argument of type TABLE or REFCURSOR must be IN OUT.

Cause: An argument of type TABLE or REFCURSOR (for a procedure used to query

data for the data block) must have a mode of IN OUT.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to query data for your data block.

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, change the argument mode to IN OUT, then re-invoke the

FRM-10764: No argument of type TABLE or REFCURSOR.

Cause: A procedure used to query data for a data block must have one argument of type

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to query data for your data block.

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, add an argument of type TABLE or REFCURSOR to the
procedure, then re-invoke the wizard.

FRM-10765: Only one argument of type TABLE or REFCURSOR permitted.

Cause: A procedure used to query data for a data block can have only one argument of

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to query data for your data block.

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, ensure that the procedure has only one argument of type
TABLE or REFCURSOR, then re-invoke the wizard.

FRM-10766: Arguments of type RECORD not permitted.

Cause: Arguments of type RECORD are not permitted in procedures that query, insert,
update, delete or lock data for your data block.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to query, insert, update, delete or lock data for your
data block.

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, ensure that the procedure has no arguments of type
RECORD, then re-invoke the wizard.

FRM-10767: Please select at least one result set column.

Cause: At least one result set column must appear in the Database Items list of the field
picker before you can leave this page of the wizard.

Action: Move one or more result set columns from the Available Columns list to the
Database Items list of the field picker.

FRM-10768: Argument of type TABLE must be IN or IN OUT.

Cause: A TABLE argument of a procedure used to insert, update, delete or lock data for
the data block must have a mode of IN or IN OUT.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to insert, update, delete or lock data for your data

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, correct the argument mode to IN or IN OUT, then re-
invoke the wizard.

FRM-10769: No argument of type TABLE.

Cause: A procedure used to insert, update, delete or lock data for a data block must have
one argument of type TABLE.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to insert, update, delete or lock data for your data

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, add an argument of type TABLE to the procedure, then
re-invoke the wizard.

FRM-10770: Only one argument of type TABLE permitted.

Cause: A procedure used to insert, update, delete or lock data for a data block must only
have one argument of type TABLE.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to insert, update, delete or lock data for your data

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, ensure that the procedure has only one argument of type
TABLE, then re-invoke the wizard.

FRM-10771: Arguments of type REFCURSOR not permitted.

Cause: A procedure used to insert, update, delete or lock data for a data block must not
have arguments of type REFCURSOR.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select an alternative procedure to insert, update, delete or lock data for your data
2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, ensure that the procedure has no arguments of type
REFCURSOR, then re-invoke the wizard.

FRM-10772: Use of a function is not permitted.

Cause: A function has been specified to query, insert, update, delete or lock data for your
data block. Only procedures may be used for this purpose.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Select a procedure to query, insert, update, delete or lock data for your data block.

2. Exit the Data Block Wizard, convert the function to a procedure, then re-invoke the

FRM-10773: No item based on REF item %s in this detail data block.

Cause: The Data Block Wizard is attempting to use a REF to automatically set up the
relation between the current data block and the selected master data block. However, the
selected REF does not appear as an item in the current data block.

Action: Return to the Table page of the wizard and ensure that the REF column needed to
link the current data block to the required master data block appears in the Database
Items list of the field picker.

FRM-10800: Please select at least one displayed item.

Cause: At least one item must appear in the Displayed Items list of the field picker before
you can leave this page of the wizard.

Action: Move one or more items from the Available Items list to the Displayed Items list
of the field picker.



FRM-10801: No data blocks in the current form to lay out.

Cause: You cannot invoke the Layout Wizard because there are no data blocks to lay out.

Action: Ensure that at least one data block exists in the form before invoking the Layout

FRM-10802: Wizard can modify only one frame at a time.

Cause: You have invoked the Layout Wizard while multiple frames are selected in the
Layout Editor. The wizard can modify only one frame at a time.

Action: Ensure that only one frame is selected in the Layout Editor before invoking the
Layout Wizard.

FRM-10803: One or more items have a negative width or height.

Cause: One or more of the items in the table has a negative width or height.

Action: Ensure that no items in the table have a negative width or height.

FRM-10804: Distance between records must be 0 or higher.

Cause: You have entered a negative value for distance between records.

Action: Correct distance between records to either 0 or a positive value.


FRM-10805: Records displayed must be greater than 0.

Cause: You have entered a value less than 1 for records displayed.

Action: Correct records displayed to a value greater than 0.

FRM-10850: Frame %s can only display %d records.

Cause: The given frame cannot display the requested number of records.

Action: No action is necessary. The frame will display the given maximum number of
records. If you wish to display more records in the frame, use the Property Palette to set
the Allow Expansion property of the frame to Yes.

FRM-10851: Not enough horizontal space in frame %s to start layout.

Cause: The given frame doesn't have enough horizontal space to even start the layout of
its associated data block.

Action: Increase the width of the frame so that more horizontal space is available.

FRM-10852: Not enough vertical space in frame %s to start layout.


Action: Increase the height of the frame so that more vertical space is available, or use
the Property Palette to set the Allow Expansion property of the frame to Yes.

FRM-10853: Horizontal overflow in frame %s.

Cause: The layout has horizontally overflowed the boundaries of the frame and the frame
is not permitted to expand.

Action: Increase the width of the frame so that more horizontal space is available, or use
the Property Palette to set the Allow Expansion property of the frame to Yes.

FRM-10854: Vertical overflow in frame %s.

Cause: The layout has vertically overflowed the boundaries of the frame and the frame is
not permitted to expand.

Action: Increase the height of the frame so that more vertical space is available, or use
the Property Palette to set the Allow Expansion property of the frame to Yes.

FRM-10855: Not enough horizontal space in frame %s for object %s.

Cause: The given object is too wide to fit within the width of the frame.


FRM-11001: Invalid character cell width.

Cause: The Character Cell Width is set to 0 or a negative number.

Action: Set the Character Cell Width to a whole number greater than 0.

FRM-11002: Invalid character cell height.

Cause: The Character Cell Height field is set to 0 or a negative number.

Action: Set the Character Cell Height field to a whole number greater than 0.

FRM-11004: Form module with this name already exists.

Cause: You attempted to rename a module using a name already in use.

Action: Choose another name with which to rename the module.

FRM-11005: Unable to store the current form module.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11006: Unable to retrieve the current form.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11007: Invalid form name.

Cause: You have entered an invalid name for the form module.

Action: Enter a form module name composed only of valid characters: letters, numbers,
underscores, and the # symbol (no dashes, periods, or @).

FRM-11008: Data block does not exist.

Cause: Referenced block does not exist.

Action: Check the block name and try again.


FRM-11009: Failed to load in the color palette %s.

Cause: You probably were working with an editable color palette and starting a new form
or opening a form.

Action: Change to a sharable color mode; restart Form Builder.


FRM-11010: Failed to save the color palette %s.

Cause: You probably were working with an editable color palette and starting a new form
or opening a form.
Action: Change to a sharable color mode; restart Form Builder.

FRM-11100: Master data block does not exist.

Cause: The block you specified in the Master Block field is not defined in the active form

Action: Enter the name of a valid master block. Use the LOV to display a list of all
potential master blocks.

FRM-11101: Error while parsing join condition.

Cause: Invalid value in the Join Condition property.

Action: Enter a valid join condition to define the relationship between the master block
specified in the Master Block property and the detail block you are defining.

FRM-11102: Error while generating the constraints.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11103: Error while creating the default data block.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11104: Valid data block and table names must be entered.

Cause: You entered an invalid block name or table name.

Action: Enter a a valid block name and a valid table name.


FRM-11105: Error occurred while generating a list of master data blocks.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-11106: No master data blocks available.

Cause: You tried to invoke a list of potential master blocks for the current detail block
you are defining, but no such block exists in the active form. A potential master block is a
block whose base table has a foreign key relationship to the base table of the current

Action: None.

FRM-11107: Number of records displayed must be between 1 and 100.

Cause: The number of records to be displayed is between 1 and 100.

Action: Enter a value between 1 and 100 in the Displayed field of the block property

FRM-11108: Data block name cannot be SYSTEM, GLOBAL or PARAMETER.

Cause: The block name specified is a PL/SQL reserved word.

Action: Specify another name and try again.


FRM-11109: Cannot fit the data block on the specified canvas.

Cause: The canvas you specified in the Canvas property is not large enough to display all
of the text items you are trying to create (using the default layout).

Action: Increase the dimensions of the canvas. (If the specified canvas does not exist, you
must first create it.) To change dimensions, either set the Width and Height properties in
the Properties window, or re-size the canvas in the Layout Editor.

FRM-11110: Retrieved columns do not match specified table.

Cause: You may have changed table names after a retrieve of columns.

Action: Retrieve the columns again.


FRM-11111: Master data block name must be entered.

Cause: You may have specified a join condition without a master block.

Action: Specify a master block.


FRM-11112: Enter a base table name before choosing columns.

Cause: You are trying to select columns before specifying a base table.

Action: Specify a base table name before choosing columns.


FRM-11200: Valid data block name must be entered and be unique within the form.

Cause: The Block Name property is blank or specifies the name of another block.

Action: Enter a name for the block that is unique among all blocks in the active form.

FRM-11201: Number of records displayed must be a whole number > 0 and not more
than the number of records buffered.

Cause: The Records Displayed property is blank. Or, the Records Displayed property
contains a number greater than the Records Buffered property.

Action: Set the Records Displayed property to a number that is greater than zero, but that
is less than or equal to the number of records buffered.

FRM-11203: Data block with Records Buffered, Primary Key or Column Security must
have a base table.
Cause: You may not have identified a base table.

Action: Identify a base table.


FRM-11204: Data block with this name already exists.

Cause: There is already a block in the active form with the name specified by the Block
Name property.

Action: Enter a name for the block that is unique among all blocks in the active form.

FRM-11205: Unable to store the current data block.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11206: Unable to retrieve the data blocks.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-11207: Data block does not exist.

Cause: You may have supplied the wrong name.

Action: Supply the correct name of a valid block.


FRM-11208: Unable to get the copied/referenced data block %s.

Cause: The specified block does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the block name and try again.


FRM-11209: Sequence number must be > 0 and < 65536.

Cause: You may have attempted to use a number that is out of range.
Action: Enter a valid sequence number.

FRM-11210: Records fetched must be a whole number > 0 and < 65536, or null.

Cause: You may have tried to fetch a number of records that are out of range.

Action: Try to fetch using a valid number.


FRM-11211: Number of rows buffered must be a whole number > 0 and < 65536.

Cause: You entered an invalid value.

Action: Enter a positive integer.


FRM-11300: Valid item name must be entered and be unique within the data block.

Cause: The Name property is blank or specifies the name of another item.

Action: Enter a name for the item that is unique among all items in the same block.

FRM-11301: Sequence number must be > 0 and < 65536.

Cause: The Sequence ID field is blank or specifies a number greater than zero and less
than 65536.

Action: In the Sequence ID field, enter a valid number.


FRM-11302: Data block name must be entered and exist in the form.

Cause: The Block Name field is blank or specifies the name of another block.

Action: Enter a name for the block that is unique among all blocks in the active form.
FRM-11303: Canvas name can be null, otherwise it must exist in the form.

Cause: The Canvas property specifies a non-existent canvas.

Action: Leave the Canvas property blank (to make the current item a NULL-canvas item)
or enter the name of an existing canvas.

FRM-11304: Valid X coordinate is required.

Cause: The X Position property is blank or specifies a negative number.

Action: Enter a non-negative number in the X Position property to specify the position of
the item's upper left corner on the canvas.

FRM-11305: Valid Y coordinate is required.

Cause: The Y Position property is blank or specifies a negative number.

Action: Enter a non-negative number in the Y Position property to specify the position of
the item's upper left corner on the canvas.

FRM-11306: Valid width coordinate is required.

Cause: The View Width property is blank or specifies a negative number.

Action: Enter a non-negative number in the Width field to specify the width of the item in
the current form coordinate units.

FRM-11307: Valid height coordinate is required.

Cause: The View Height property field is blank or specifies a negative number.

Action: Enter a non-negative number in the Height field to specify the height of item in
the current form coordinate units.


FRM-11310: Invalid maximum length for the current item/data type.

Cause: You entered an invalid maximum length for an item.

Action: If the current item type is:

1. An image item, set the Maximum Length property to 1024 or greater.

2. Not an image item, set the Maximum Length property to 1 or greater.


FRM-11311: Item's data block must be based on a database table.

Cause: You tried to invoke an LOV on the Name property for a control block item.

Action: No action required.


FRM-11312: Item name already exists in the current data block.

Cause: The name you have specified is already in use.

Action: Enter a unique item name.


FRM-11313: Unable to store the current items.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11314: Unable to retrieve the items from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11316: Editor name can be null, else it must exist in the form.

Cause: The editor specified in the Editor property is not defined in the active form.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. If you do not want to assign a custom editor to the item, leave the Editor Name
property blank.

2. Enter the name of an existing editor.


FRM-11317: LOV name can be null, else it must exist in the form.

Cause: The List of Values specified in the LOV property is not defined in the active

Action: Do one of the following:

1. If you do not want to attach an LOV to the text item, leave the LOV property blank.

2. Enter the name of an existing LOV.


FRM-11318: Multi-line attribute cannot be set for this data type.

Cause: You tried to set the Multi-line property to True when the Data Type property is set
to CHAR, ALPHA, or LONG. This is not allowed.

Action: Set the Multi-line property to False or change the Data Type property to CHAR,

FRM-11319: Query length must be 0 or >= the maximum length and < 65536 (depending
upon the data type).

Cause: The Query Length property setting is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid length in the Query Length property. If not 0, it must be equal to or
greater than the Maximum Length property value.

FRM-11320: Valid initial value must be entered.

Cause: You attempted to enter an invalid global or parameter.

Action: Enter a valid value.


FRM-11321: Valid range value must be entered.

Cause: The values in the Range Low Value and Range High Value properties are
incompatible with the data type of the text item.

Action: Change the low and high range values to be compatible with the data type or
change the Data Type property to be compatible with the range values.

FRM-11322: Other value is invalid.

Cause: The other value specified for a radio group or list item is invalid.

Action: Other value must be one of the following:

1. Item, parameter, sequence, or global reference.

2. Equal to the value of one of the buttons or lists.

3. Equal to the name of one of the buttons or lists.

4. NULL.
FRM-11323: Initial value is invalid.

Cause: The initial value specified for a radio group, list item, or check box is invalid.

Action: Initial value must be one of the following:

1. Item, parameter, sequence, or global reference.

2. Equal to the "checked" value (check box only.)

3. Equal to the "unchecked" value (check box only).

4. Equal to the "checked" or "unchecked" value - case insensitive (check box only).

5. NULL.

FRM-11324: Value is invalid.

Cause: The value you entered is out of the legal range.

Action: Enter a legal value.


FRM-11325: Invalid horizontal spacing between columns.

Cause: You entered an invalid value.

Action: Enter a positive number.


FRM-11326: Invalid column display width.

Cause: You entered an invalid value.

Action: Enter a positive number.

FRM-11327: Unable to get the copied/referenced item %s in data block %s.

Cause: You specified an item that does not exist in the specified block.

Action: Check the block and item names, and try again.
FRM-11328: Initial Value is invalid; correct format is %s.

Cause: Value is not compatible with data type.

Action: Make the value compatible with the data type.


FRM-11329: Other Value is invalid; correct format is %s.

Cause: Value is not compatible with data type.

Action: Make the value compatible with the data type.


FRM-11330: Value is invalid; correct format is %s.

Cause: Value is not compatible with data type.

Action: Make the value compatible with the data type.


FRM-11331: High range value must be greater than low range value.

Cause: Low range value is greater than high range value.

Action: Make sure high range value is greater than low range value.

FRM-11332: Value is inconsistent with data type.

Cause: Value is not compatible with data type.

Action: Make the value compatible with the data type.


FRM-11400: PL/SQL with this name already exists.

Cause: You may have created two code segments with the same name.

Action: Rename a code segment.



FRM-11401: Unable to store the current PL/SQL.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11402: Unable to retrieve the PL/SQL.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11403: Unable to initialize the PL/SQL context.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11404: Unable to load the procedures.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11405: Unable to load the program unit browser from the resource file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11406: Unable to show the program unit browser.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11407: Unable to load the PL/SQL editor.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11408: Unable to get the copied/referenced PL/SQL %s.

Cause: The specified PL/SQL does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the PL/SQL name, and try again.


FRM-11409: Program unit %s is already shown in another window.

Cause: You can only view a program unit from one PL/SQL editor window.

Action: View the program unit from another window.


FRM-11410: Menu item %s is already shown in another window.

Cause: You can only view a menu item from one PL/SQL editor window.

Action: View the menu item from another window.


FRM-11411: Menu %s is already shown in another window.

Cause: You can only view menu startup code from one PL/SQL Editor window.
Action: View the menu startup code from another window.

FRM-11412: PL/SQL code for %s is too large to be stored.

Cause: The program unit is too large to store in a single memory allocation.

Action: Reduce the size of the PL/SQL code by encapsulating the code and making
several program units.

FRM-11413: PL/SQL code for %s is too large to be decoded. %s needs to be broken up

into smaller program units.

Cause: The program unit is too large to decode in a single memory allocation. You may
loose the incremental compilation feature.

Action: Divide the program unit into several smaller program units so that you can
decode each program unit in a single memory allocation.

FRM-11500: Data block with this name does not exist in the form.

Cause: You tried to attach a trigger to a block that is not defined in the active form

Action: Enter a valid block name in the Object field.

FRM-11501: Item with this name does not exist in the data block.

Cause: You tried to attach a trigger to an item that is not defined in the block.

Action: Enter a valid item name in the Object field.


FRM-11502: Built-in trigger with this name does not exist.

Cause: The trigger name specified in the Name field is not a valid built-in trigger.

Action: Check the syntax of the trigger name and make sure it corresponds to one of the
predefined trigger names. Use the List of Values for this field to display a list of Form
Builder triggers.
FRM-11503: Trigger that is not a key-trigger cannot be shown with Show-Keys.

Cause: You set the Show Keys option to True on the Properties window.

Action: Change the trigger name or delete the descriptor.


FRM-11504: Trigger with this name already exists.

Cause: You tried to define a trigger with the same name at the same definition level; that
is, a trigger with the same scope as an existing trigger. This is not allowed.

Action: Either change the scope of the trigger or its name.


FRM-11505: User-named trigger conflicts with built-in name.

Cause: You tried to create a user-named trigger with the same name as one of the
predefined built-in triggers. This is not allowed.

Action: Change the name of the user-named trigger to be unique.


FRM-11506: Unable to store the current triggers.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11507: Unable to retrieve the triggers from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-11508: Built-in trigger invalid at this definition level.

Cause: You tried to define a trigger at an invalid definition level (form-, block-, or item-).
Certain triggers are valid only at specific definition levels.

Action: Change the Object field to specify a valid definition level. For more information,
refer to help on trigger definition level .

FRM-11509: Valid trigger name must be entered.

Cause: The Trigger Type property is set to User-Named but the Type field is either blank
or contains an invalid trigger name.

Action: In the Type field, enter a valid user-named trigger name. The name must adhere
to Oracle naming conventions and must be unique among triggers in the form, including
built-in triggers.

FRM-11510: Unable to get the copied/referenced trigger %s in form %s.

Cause: The specified trigger does not exist in the specified form.

Action: Check the trigger and form names, and try again.

FRM-11511: Unable to get the copied/referenced trigger %s in data block %s.

Cause: The specified trigger does not exist in the specified block.

Action: Check the trigger and block names, and try again.

FRM-11512: Unable to get the copied/referenced trigger %s in item %s of data block %s.

Cause: The specified trigger does not exist in the item on the specified block.

Action: Check the trigger, item, and block names, and try again.

FRM-11513: Trigger %s is already shown in another window.

Cause: You can only view a trigger from one PL/SQL editor window.

Action: View the trigger from another window.


FRM-11600: Unable to store the current V2 triggers.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-11601: Unable to retrieve the V2 triggers from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11602: Text for step must be entered.

Cause: You tried to create a V2-style trigger but left the Trigger Step Text field blank.

Action: Enter the desired trigger text in the Trigger Step Text field.

FRM-11603: Sequence number must be at least 1 and less than 65536.

Cause: You attempted to enter a negative or non-integer number.

Action: Enter a non-negative, non-zero, whole number sequence.


FRM-11700: Valid alert name must be entered and be unique within the form.

Cause: The Name field is blank.

Action: Enter a unique name for the alert.


FRM-11701: Alert with this name already exists.

Cause: There is already an alert with the same name defined in the active form.

Action: Enter a unique name for the alert.


FRM-11702: Unable to store the current alert objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11703: Unable to retrieve the alert objects from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11704: At least one button label must be supplied.

Cause: All of the Button properties (Button 1, Button 2, Button 3) are blank.

Action: Enter a label for at least one of the buttons.


FRM-11705: Default button must have a label.

Cause: The Label property is blank for the button that is the Default button.

Action: Enter a label for the default button (Button 1, Button 2, or Button 3).

FRM-11706: Unable to get the copied/referenced alert %s.

Cause: The specified alert does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the alert name, and try again.


FRM-11800: Valid editor name must be entered and be unique within the form.

Cause: The editor Name property is blank.

Action: Enter a unique name for the editor.

FRM-11801: Editor with this name already exists.

Cause: There is already an editor with the same name defined in the active form.

Action: Enter a unique name for the editor.


FRM-11802: Unable to store the current editor objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11803: Unable to retrieve the editor objects from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11804: Unable to get the copied/referenced editor %s.

Cause: The specified editor does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the editor name, and try again.


FRM-11900: List Of Values with this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the LOV duplicates the name of an existing LOV defined
in the same form.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among LOVs in the active form.

FRM-11901: Error occurred while trying to create the LOV.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11902: Unable to store the current LOV objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11903: Unable to retrieve the LOV objects from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-11905: Item referenced in select statement does not exist.

Cause: You are trying to select an item that does not exist.

Action: Check the table and fix the select statement.


FRM-11906: Valid LOV name must be entered and be unique within the form.

Cause: The Name field is blank.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among LOVs in the active form.

FRM-11907: Record group must exist within the form.

Cause: The record group specified in the Record Group Type property does not exist in
the active form.

Action: Enter the name of an existing record group, or create a new record group.

FRM-11908: Item name must be valid and exist in the form.

Cause: The Return Item property contains an invalid value.

Action: Enter a valid value in the Return Item property. Valid values include the name of
an item in the active form, the name of a global variable, or the name of a form
parameter. Do not preface the object name with a colon or enclose it in quotes.

FRM-11909: Valid column display width required.

Cause: The Display Width property of one or more columns in the LOV is blank or
contains an invalid number.

Action: Change the Display Width value for each LOV column to be either 0 (for a
hidden column) or a non-negative number.

FRM-11910: Unable to get the copied/referenced LOV %s.

Cause: The specified LOV does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the LOV name, and try again.


FRM-12000: Record group with this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the record group duplicates the name of an existing record
group defined in the same form.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among record groups in the active form.

FRM-12001: Cannot create the record group (check your query).

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12002: Unable to store the current record group objects.

Cause: Form Builder cannot understand the Y coordinate you want for your window.

Action: Supply a positive number.

FRM-12003: Unable to retrieve the record group objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12005: Unable to get the copied/referenced record group %s.

Cause: The specified record group does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the record group name, and try again.


FRM-12006: Valid record group name must be entered and be unique within the form.

Cause: Form Builder could not understand your record group name.

Action: Enter a unique name.


FRM-12100: Valid canvas name must be entered and be unique within the form.

Cause: The Name field is blank.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among canvas objects in the active form.

FRM-12101: Window name must be entered and window must exist in the form.

Cause: The Window property is either left blank or specifies a window that is not defined
in the active form.

Action: Every canvas-view must be assigned to a window. Enter the name of an existing
window in the Window property.

FRM-12102: Value entered is not a valid coordinate.

Cause: You did not enter a valid value for width and height.

Action: Enter a valid X coordinate for canvas-view width, and a Y coordinate for canvas-
view height.

FRM-12103: Canvas with this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the canvas duplicates the name of an existing canvas
defined in the same form.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among canvas objects in the active form.

FRM-12104: Unable to store the current canvas objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12105: Unable to retrieve the canvas objects from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12106: Sequence number must be at least 1 and less than 65536.

Cause: The canvas-view Sequence (Seq) field is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid sequence number. Note that although the Sequence property is
required for all canvas objects, it takes effect only when you assign more than one canvas
to the same window.

FRM-12107: Unable to get the copied/referenced canvas %s.

Cause: The specified canvas-view does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the canvas-view name, and try again.


FRM-12200: Valid window name must be entered, unique within the form, and not

Cause: The Name field is blank.

Action: Enter a valid window name that is unique among windows defined in the active
form. The name ROOT_WINDOW is not a valid window name.

FRM-12201: Valid X coordinate required.

Cause: Form Builder cannot understand the X coordinate you want for your window.

Action: Supply a positive number.


FRM-12202: Valid Y coordinate is required.

Cause: Form Builder cannot understand the Y coordinate you want for your window.

Action: Supply a positive number.

FRM-12203: Valid width coordinate is required.

Cause: Invalid width coordinate entered.

Action: Enter a positive width coordinate.


FRM-12204: Valid height coordinate is required.

Cause: Invalid height coordinate entered.

Action: Enter a positive height coordinate.


FRM-12205: Content view name can be null, otherwise it must exist in the form.

Cause: The View property is not defined in the active form.

Action: Leave the View property blank or enter the name of an existing view.

FRM-12211: Window with this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the window duplicates the name of an existing window
defined in the same form.
Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among windows in the active form.

FRM-12212: Unable to store the current window objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12213: Unable to retrieve the window objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12214: Unable to get the copied/referenced window %s.

Cause: The specified window does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the window name, and try again.


FRM-12300: Unable to store the current visual attribute objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12301: Unable to retrieve the visual attributes.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12302: Valid visual attribute name must be entered and unique within the module.
Cause: The Name property is blank.

Action: Enter a valid visual attribute name that is unique among visual attributes defined
in the active module.

FRM-12303: Visual attribute by this name does not exist.

Cause: You tried to assign an undefined visual attribute to an object.

Action: Enter the name of a visual attribute that is defined in the active module.

FRM-12304: Visual attribute by this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the visual attribute duplicates the name of an existing
visual attribute defined in the same form.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among visual attributes in the active form.

FRM-12305: Color by this name does not exist.

Cause: The Foreground Color or Background Color property is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid color name in the Foreground Color or Background Color property,
or leave the properties blank.

FRM-12306: Pattern by this name does not exist.

Cause: The Fill Pattern property is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid pattern name in the Fill Pattern property, or leave the property

FRM-12307: Valid font size must be entered (1-100).

Cause: The Font Size field is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid font size or leave the field blank.

FRM-12308: Unable to get the copied/referenced visual attribute %s.

Cause: The specified visual attribute does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the visual attribute name, and try again.


FRM-12400: Menu module by this name already exists.

Cause: You entered a menu module name that already exists.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among menu modules.


FRM-12401: Unable to store the menu module.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12402: Unable to retrieve the menu module from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12403: Invalid module name.

Cause: The name specified for the menu module is invalid.

Action: Enter a name for the module that follows standard Oracle naming conventions.

FRM-12500: Valid menu name must be entered and be unique within the menu.

Cause: You attempted to exit the menu Name field without entering a name.

Action: Enter a menu name.



FRM-12501: Unable to store the current menus.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12502: Unable to retrieve the menus.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12503: Invalid menu name.

Cause: The name specified for the menu is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid menu name in the Name field. Menu names are internal handles that
are not displayed at runtime.

FRM-12504: Unable to get the copied/referenced menu %s.

Cause: The specified menu does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the menu name, and try again.


FRM-12600: Menu Item with this name already exists.

Cause: You tried to enter a menu item name that already exists.

Action: Enter a unique and valid name for the menu item.

FRM-12601: Unable to store the current menu items.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12602: Unable to retrieve the menu items from the file.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12603: Valid radio group name must be entered.

Cause: One or more menu item in the menu module has the Type property set to Radio
but its radio group property is invalid.

Action: Each radio menu item must be assigned to a radio group. To assign a radio item
to a group, select the item in the appropriate menu column, set the Type selector to Type,
then enter the name of the desired radio group property. The radio group name must
adhere to Oracle naming conventions and must be unique. Radio group names are
internal handles that are not displayed at runtime.

FRM-12604: Valid accelerator key must be entered.

Cause: You entered an invalid accelerator key name in the Accelerator property.

Action: Enter a valid accelerator key name. Valid accelerator keys are ACCELERATOR-
1 through

FRM-12605: Valid menu name must be entered.

Cause: You did not give a valid name for your menu.

Action: Supply a valid name.


FRM-12606: Unable to get the copied/referenced menu item %s in menu %s.

Cause: The specified menu item does not exist in the specified menu.

Action: Check the menu and menu item names, and try again.

FRM-12607: Invalid command type for this magic menu item.

Cause: The current combination of command type and magic item type is incompatible.

Action: Select a command type that is compatible with the current magic menu item type.

FRM-12700: Parameter with this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the parameter duplicates the name of an existing
parameter defined in the same module.

Action: Enter a valid name that is unique among parameters in the active module.


FRM-12701: Unable to store the current menu parameters.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12702: Unable to retrieve the menu parameters.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12703: A 2 character name must be entered and be unique within the menu.

Cause: The menu parameter name is invalid.

Action: Enter a 2-character alphanumeric name for the parameter in the Name field.

FRM-12704: Value must be at least 1 and less than 65536.

Cause: The parameter Length is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid value in the Length field.


FRM-12705: Unable to get the copied/referenced menu parameter %s.

Cause: The specified menu parameter does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the menu parameter name, and try again.


FRM-12800: Role with this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the role duplicates an existing role in the database.

Action: Enter a unique role name.


FRM-12801: Unable to store the current menu role objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12802: Unable to retrieve the menu role objects.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-12803: Valid role name must be entered and be unique within the list.

Cause: The role Name field is blank.

Action: Enter a valid role name in the Name field.


FRM-12900: Parameter with this name already exists.

Cause: The name specified for the parameter duplicates that of an existing parameter
within the current module.

Action: Enter a unique and valid name for the parameter.


FRM-12901: Unable to store the current form parameters.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12902: Unable to retrieve the form parameters.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-12903: Valid parameter name is required and be unique within the form.

Cause: The Name field is blank.

Action: Enter a valid name for the parameter in the Name field. Form parameter names
must follow Oracle naming conventions.

FRM-12904: Numeric value between 1 and 2000 must be entered.

Cause: The parameter length is invalid.

Action: Enter a valid length in the Length field.


FRM-12905: Initial value must match data type and be of the proper length.

Cause: The initial value is incompatible with the data type or length of the parameter.

Action: Change the Initial Value, Data Type, or Maximum Length settings.

FRM-12906: Unable to get the copied/referenced form parameter %s.

Cause: The specified form parameter does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the form parameter name, and try again.


FRM-13000: A fatal error has occurred.

Cause: An internal error has occurred in the Layout Editor.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-13001: Unable to accept this canvas.

Cause: An internal error has occurred in the Layout Editor.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-13002: Stacked and Tab canvases must be created within content canvases.

Cause: An internal error has occurred in the Layout Editor.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-13003: Unimplemented observer event; close and reopen layout editor.

Cause: An internal error has occurred in the Layout Editor.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-13005: Dropping objects of this type in the layout editor is not supported.

Cause: An internal error has occurred in the Layout Editor.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-13006: A non-fatal error has occurred.

Cause: This is the default message when a more specific message has not been defined.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.


FRM-13007: Unable to create an object's view in the layout editor.

Cause: Forms could not display an object in layout editor.

Action: You may be low on resources; try closing other windows or restarting Forms.

FRM-13504: There are no stacked canvases for this canvas.

Cause: You selected a view of a stacked view when no stacked views were created.

Action: Define a stacked view before selecting this option.


FRM-15000: Duplicate relation name.

Cause: There already exists a relation with the same name.

Action: Change the name of the relation.

FRM-15002: Master data block is required and must exist in the form.

Cause: You tried to enter a master or detail block name that is invalid.

Action: Type in a valid block name or select a valid block name from the list.

FRM-15003: Detail data block is required and must exist in the form.

Cause: You tried to enter a master or detail block name that is invalid.

Action: Type in a valid block name or select a valid block name from the list.

FRM-15004: Error while parsing join condition.

Cause: The join condition is incorrect.

Action: Enter a valid join condition in the multi-line field provided. The join condition
defines the relationship between the master block specified in the Master field and the
detail block specified in the Detail field.

FRM-15005: Join condition cannot be null.

Cause: The join condition is undefined.

Action: Enter a valid join condition in the multi-line field provided. The join condition
defines the relationship between the master block specified in the Master field and the
detail block specified in the Detail field.

FRM-15006: Master and detail data blocks cannot be the same.

Cause: The master block and detail block are the same.

Action: Specify a different master or detail block.


FRM-15007: Master-Detail relationship already exists for given data blocks.

Cause: You attempted to create a relation between two blocks that already have a master-
detail relationship.

Action: Verify the name of the detail block and retry.


FRM-15008: Triggers describing master-detail relationships have been modified.

Cause: The triggers describing master-detail relationships between the two data blocks
have been manually modified in a way that prevents the code being automatically

Action: Delete and recreate the relation object.


FRM-15009: Master data block must not be referenced.

Cause: You cannot add new relations to a reference block.

Action: Do not attempt to add a new relation to a reference block.


FRM-15100: All objects selected must be of the same type.

Cause: You attempted to perform an operation requiring that all objects selected in the
Object Navigator be of the same type.

Action: Perform the operation separately for each group of objects that are the the same

FRM-15101: Cannot copy %s because its parent is subclassed.

Cause: You attempted to perform an operation on an object that is owned by a referenced

Action: You can only perform the operation on the object's parent or on the object that is
the source of the reference. You can find the module that the source object is in by
viewing the reference information in the Properties window.

FRM-15102: Property class inherits from itself.

Cause: You tried to assign a property class to itself. In other words, you are trying to
make the parent property class the same as the property class you are editing.

Action: Assign another property class to the object.


FRM-15103: Can't delete %s because its parent is subclassed.

Cause: You tried to delete an object which is owned by a subclassed object. Forms does
not allow you to remove any of a subclassed object's descendant objects."

Action: Since you cannot delete the object, consider disabling the object by modifying
the appropriate property in the Properties Palette.

FRM-15104: Can't move %s because its parent is subclassed.

Cause: You tried to move (reorder) an object which is owned by a subclassed object.

Action: Consider reordering in the source of the owning object. You can find the module
that the source object is in by viewing the subclass information in the Properties window.

FRM-15107: Cannot create a reference.

Cause: You tried to create a referenced object and the system does not have sufficient
information to create the reference.

Action: Make sure that the source of the referencing has been saved to either the file
system or the database. A new form that has not be saved cannot be the source of a

FRM-15108: Cannot create an object before an inherited object.

Cause: You tried to add or delete subobjects from a referenced object.

Action: If you need to change a referenced object's structure, you must perform the
operation at the source of the reference. You can find the source of the reference by
viewing the reference information in the Properties window for that object.

FRM-15109: Source module must be saved before subclassing.

Cause: You tried to reference a source module that has not been saved.

Action: Save the source module and reestablish the reference.


FRM-15110: Can't delete %s because it belongs to a subclassed object group.

Cause: You tried to delete an object which belongs to a subclassed object group.

Action: If you don't want all the objects in the subclassed object group, then you might
consider either subclassing the desired objects individually, or creating an object group
which contains only the desired objects.

FRM-15111: Can't create an item because the module has no blocks.

Cause: You tried to create an item in a form which contains no blocks.

Action: Switch back to Ownership View and create a new block.


FRM-15200: There are cycles in this module.

Cause: There is a cycle of submenu references in the module.

Action: Find and fix the cycles before generating. Use Expand All to help find cycles.

FRM-15201: Cannot expand because a cycle would be created.

Cause: The selected item refers to a menu that is also an ancestor of that item.

Action: Fix the cycle before expanding.


FRM-15202: There are references to non-existent submenus in this module.

Cause: The module contains items that refer to submenus that do not exist.

Action: Fix the non-existent references before generating.


FRM-15203: Cannot expand because submenu does not exist.

Cause: There is a cycle of submenu references in the module.

Action: Find and fix the cycles before generating. Use Expand All to help find cycles.

FRM-15204: Cannot drag menus and menu items at the same time.

Cause: You tried to drag a multiple selection that contains menus and menu items.

Action: Drag menus one at a time.


FRM-15205: Cannot drag more than one menu at once.

Cause: You tried to drag a multiple selection of menus.

Action: Drag menus one at a time.


FRM-15206: Cannot modify referenced menu or menu item.

Cause: Referenced objects cannot be modified.

Action: If you need to change a referenced object's structure, you must perform the
operation at the source of the reference. You can find the source of the reference by
viewing the reference information in the Properties window for that object.

FRM-15207: Parent item requires type change before submenu is attached.(Code may be

Cause: The parent item is a type that cannot have a submenu.

Action: Change the parent type before attaching the submenu.


FRM-15208: Unable to start the Menu Editor.

Cause: Forms was unable to start up the Menu Editor due to an internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-15300: Column value is longer than specified length.

Cause: A column value is longer than the length specified in the field.

Action: Change the length value or column values.


FRM-15400: Unable to load the Chart Wizard.

Cause: Either an internal error occurred, or Oracle Graphics was not properly installed.

Action: Make sure Oracle Graphics is properly installed.


FRM-15401: Unable to load the specified Graphics Designer (OGD) file.

Cause: The OGD filen specified in the Filename property of the chart item could not be

Action: Make sure the specified OGD file exists in the specified location.

FRM-15402: Unable to run the Chart Wizard.

Cause: Either an internal error occurred, or Oracle Graphics was not properly installed.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-15403: Unable to display the Chart Item.

Cause: Forms could not obtain a VGS display list from the Graphics Designer (OGD)
Action: Make sure the specified file is a valid OGD file, or try recreating the OGD file.

FRM-15404: Unable to set attributes in the Graphics Designer (OGD) file.

Cause: Forms could not apply the attributes from the Chart Wizard to the OGD file.

Action: Make sure the specified file is a valid OGD file, or try recreating the OGD file.

FRM-15405: Unable to create a new Graphics Designer (OGD) file.

Cause: Either an internal error occurred, or you do not have permission to create a file in
the specified location.

Action: Make sure you are allowed to create files in the specified location, and that
Oracle Graphics is properly installed.

FRM-15500: Valid and unique object name must be entered.

Cause: Object name must be a valid Oracle identifier and unique within its scope.

Action: Enter a valid and unique name.


FRM-15501: This is not a referenced object.

Cause: You tried to edit the reference information for a non-referenced object.

Action: There is no reference information for this object. Do not try to edit the reference

FRM-15502: This built-in trigger name is not valid at this level.

Cause: You tried to create an invalid trigger for an object type.

Action: Make sure you define the trigger for the appropriate level.

FRM-15503: This is a referenced subobject.

Cause: You tried to edit the reference information for a subobject of a referenced object.
Action: If you need to change a referenced object's structure, you must perform the
operation at the source of the reference. You can find the source of the reference by
viewing the reference information in the Properties window for that object.

FRM-15504: Cannot retrieve list of VBX control names.

Cause: Unable to locate list of VBX control names.

Action: Reinstall VBX control files.


FRM-15505: Cannot retrieve list of VBX control properties.

Cause: Unable to locate list of VBX control properties.

Action: Reinstall VBX control files.


FRM-15506: Cannot retrieve list of OLE classes.

Cause: Cannot communicate with the registration database.

Action: Reinstall OLE servers.


FRM-15507: This selection would create a circular reference.choose another object.

Cause: You are trying to assign a property class A to property class B, but property class
A is defined as inheriting from property class B.

Action: Do not attempt to make a circular reference.


FRM-17000: Data type is not valid for this object type.

Cause: You selected a data type that is not valid for the type of object.

Action: Select another data type.

FRM-17001: Items displayed must not be greater than records displayed in data block.
Cause: You tried to set the Items Displayed property of an item to a number larger than
the Records displayed property in the block.

Action: Make sure the Records displayed property is greater than or equal to the Items
displayed property.

FRM-17002: There is no tenant for this control.

Cause: You tried to edit a property which requires the control to be populated with a

Action: From the layout editor, insert a tenant into the control using the Insert Object

FRM-17003: The control must be visible in the layout editor to view this property.

Cause: You tried to edit a property which requires the control to be visible in the layout

Action: Open the layout editor for the canvas to which this control is assigned.

FRM-17004: There is no help available for this control.

Cause: Forms could not locate a help file for this control.

Action: Make sure the control is properly installed, or reinstall the control.

FRM-17005: Cannot determine the name of the control's class.

Cause: Forms could not open the help file because the control's class name is not

Action: Make sure the control is properly installed, or reinstall the control.

FRM-18100: Failed to compile the library.

Cause: Generation of the library was unsuccessfull

Action: Verify that all of the program units have been compiled successfully.

FRM-18101: Failed to start up the Information Navigator.

Cause: The Information Navigator failed to start up.

Action: Verify that the Information Navigator has been installed correctly.

FRM-18102: Failed to initialize the error dialog.

Cause: Forms could not create the default error dialog.

Action: Check your development environment.


FRM-18103: Failed to initialize the Development Environment.

Cause: Forms could not start the Development Environment.

Action: Check your development environment.


FRM-18104: Failed to start the Object Navigator.

Cause: Forms could not start the Object Navigator.

Action: Check your development environment.


FRM-18105: Failed to start the Help System.

Cause: Forms could not start the Help System.

Action: Check your development environment.

FRM-18106: Failed to create the Layout Editor context.

Cause: Forms could not create the layout editor context.

Action: Check your development environment.


FRM-18107: Failed to create a DE context for the module.

Cause: Forms could not create the DE context for the module.

Action: Check your development environment.


FRM-18108: Failed to load the following objects.

Cause: Forms could not load the foreign references specified.

Action: Verify that all the referenced forms and object libraries are present.

FRM-18109: An object named %s already exists inside object group %s.

Cause: You attempted to add a Program Unit to the object library, but a Program Unit
with the same name already exists inside an object group in the object library.

Action: Remove the Program Unit from the object group and try again.

FRM-30004: Module name must be specified.

Cause: Module name was not supplied, or the module name you supplied cannot be used.

Action: Enter a valid module name.


FRM-30009: No blocks were entered.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30012: Block must have at least one item.

Cause: You did not enter any items in the block.

Action: Enter items in the block or recreate the block.


FRM-30013: No such item %s in block %s.

Cause: You referenced an item that does not exist in the current block.

Action: Check the name of the item, and do one of the following:

1. Remove the reference to the item.

2. Correct the name of the item.


FRM-30014: No such block %s.

Cause: You referenced a block that does not exist in the current form.

Action: Check the name of the block, and do one of the following:

1. Remove the reference to the block.

2. Correct the name of the block.


FRM-30015: Ambiguous item name %s.

Cause: You entered an item name that exists in more than one block.

Action: To make the item name unique, specify the block name. Use the
block_name.item_name format (e.g., EMP.SALARY).

FRM-30016: No such item %s.

Cause: You referenced an item that does not exist in the current form.

Action: Check the name of the item, and do one of the following:

1. Remove the reference to the item.

2. Correct the name of the item.


FRM-30018: Internal error: Unable to allocate memory.

Cause: You may be out of memory, or there may be a memory corruption.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-30020: Internal error: Unable to allocate VGS context.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to allocate VGS context for the layout editor.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-30021: Internal error: Unable to build VGS boilerplate information.

Cause: Internal error caused by corrupted boilerplate data.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-30028: WHERE clause too long.

Cause: The SQL statement that you entered as part of a V2 trigger is too long.

Action: Shorten the statement (maximum length = 4096 characters).


FRM-30029: Cannot find window %s.

Cause: The window is set to an invalid parent window.

Action: Set the window to a valid parent window.


FRM-30032: Number of records displayed must be between 1 and 255.

Cause: The number of records displayed is not in the valid range. The error commonly
occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30033: Records buffered must exceed records displayed.

Cause: The number of records buffered was not greater than the number of records
displayed. The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30040: Not a valid item type.

Cause: You entered an invalid item type. The error commonly occurs when the .INP file
is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30041: Position of item places it off of canvas.

Cause: You specified invalid Y coordinates for the item.

Action: Specify coordinates within a canvas.


FRM-30042: Length of item must be between 1 and 133.

Cause: The item length you entered was not in the valid range. The error commonly
occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30043: Length of item must be between 1 and 255.

Cause: The item length you entered was not in the valid range. The error commonly
occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30044: Display length must be between 1 and 133 but not more than length.

Cause: The item length you entered was not in the valid range. The error commonly
occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30045: Query length of item must be 0 (default) or greater than actual length.

Cause: You entered an invalid query length. The error commonly occurs when the .INP
file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30046: Internal error: unable to adjust pointer.

Cause: An internal compilation error occurred.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-30047: Cannot resolve item reference %s.

Cause: The item referenced does not exist.

Action: Change the reference or create the item.

FRM-30048: Unable to find record group %s.

Cause: The record group specified within the LOV object is invalid.

Action: Check the record group name or ID specified.


FRM-30049: Unable to build column mapping.

Cause: Reference to record group columns within the LOV object cannot be found.

Action: Check the column names specified within the LOV object.

FRM-30051: Internal error: unable to prepare heaps for output.

Cause: An internal compilation error occurred.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-30052: Named visual attribute %s does not exist.

Cause: You assigned an undefined visual attribute name to an object.

Action: Check the visual attribute name and try again.


FRM-30053: Cannot create unnamed visual attribute.

Cause: Caused by an internal error, or memory allocation error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30054: Cannot find canvas %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid canvas name or ID specified.

Action: Check the canvas name or ID and try again.

FRM-30056: Warning! Prompt for item %s.%s was truncated.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30057: Maximum record length for record group exceeded.

Cause: You specified too many columns.

Action: Do not add additional columns to this record group.


FRM-30058: Invalid name for a record group column %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid column name.

Action: Check the column name and try again.


FRM-30059: Duplicate column name %s.

Cause: You specified a column name that already exits

Action: Specify a unique column name.


FRM-30060: Unable to create column descriptor %s.

Cause: Internal error, or memory allocation error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30061: Unable to remove INTO clause from statement %s.

Cause: Bind variable substitution error: a SELECT statement within an LOV or record
group is incorrect.

Action: Check the syntax of the SELECT statement, and add the INTO clause.

FRM-30062: Unable to perform bind variable substitution for statement %s.

Cause: Referenced bind variable does not exist.

Action: Create the variable, or correct the reference.


FRM-30063: Unable to open cursor for parse of record group query %s.

Cause: You may have lost connection with the database.

Action: Check the database connection, or contact your DBA.


FRM-30064: Unable to parse statement %s.

Cause: A syntax error occurred in the SELECT statement within an LOV or record

Action: Check the statement, and add the FROM clause.


FRM-30065: Column type %d not supported.

Cause: The specified column type was not CHAR, NUMBER, or DATE.

Action: Change the column type to one supported by Form Builder.


FRM-30069: Not a valid trigger name.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.
Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30081: SQL statement is too long.

Cause: You entered an SQL statement (as part of a V2 trigger) that exceeds the maximum
allowable length.

Action: Shorten the statement to 4096 characters or less.


FRM-30082: Non-SELECT statements not allowed in non-commit triggers.

Cause: The trigger contains a SQL statement other than a SELECT statement.

Action: Move the statement to a trigger where the non-SELECT SQL statement is valid.

FRM-30083: Unable to find editor %s.

Cause: The editor name referenced does not exist.

Action: Create the editor, or delete the reference.


FRM-30084: Unable to find LOV %s.

Cause: The referenced LOV name does not exist.

Action: Specify another LOV name, or delete the reference.


FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.

Cause: Caused by an internal error, or memory allocation error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30087: Unable to create form file %s.

Cause: You lack privileges in the specified directory, or you do not have the disk space

Action: Contact your DBA to make sure you have the access privileges you need.

FRM-30089: Too many pages or Cannot find property class %s

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30090: Too many boilerplate items.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30091: Too many trigger steps.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30092: Too many ranges.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30093: Too many triggers.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-30094: Too many item pointers.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30096: Could not create form output file %s.

Cause: An operating system error prevented Form Builder from creating an output file.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30100: Block must have at least one primary key item.

Cause: A block with either UPDATEABLE_PRIMARY_KEY or

NON_UPDATEABLE_PRIMARY_KEY must have at least one item marked as being
part of the primary key.

Action: Mark one of the items as being part of the primary key and re-compile.

FRM-30101: Too many strings.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30102: Could not write all of the output file.

Cause: An operating system error prevented Form Builder from creating an output file.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-30109: Item %s.%s is right-adjusted and scrolled.

Cause: An item can be either a scrolled item or a right-adjusted item, but not both.

Action: Define the item either as scrolled or right-adjusted.


FRM-30110: You must enter Y, *Y, **Y, N, *N, or **N.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30112: Warning! %s resolves to item in block PARAMETER.

Cause: You pointed to a field, not a parameter.

Action: Be sure this is what you intended.


FRM-30113: Block must have non-query-only database item.

Cause: A block that allows updating and inserting must have at least one item derived
from the database.

Action: Create a derived item in the block.


FRM-30118: Could not create warning message file %s.

Cause: An operating system error prevented Form Builder from creating the warning file.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30119: Errors and warnings written to file %s.

Cause: Compilation error.

Action: Check the errors and warnings in the specified file.

FRM-30120: Version 1 macro %s not supported.

Cause: You used an Forms version 1.0 macro (#MACRO, #MACROIF, or #KEY) that is
not supported by later versions of Form Builder.

Action: Replace the macro with the appropriate later version equivalent.

FRM-30121: Error in the INTO clause, or missing FROM clause.

Cause: A V2-style trigger contains an improper SQL statement.

Action: Correct the SQL statement.


FRM-30122: Invalid line number.

Cause: An invalid Y position was given for an item. The error commonly occurs when
the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30123: Invalid column number.

Cause: An invalid X position was given for an item. The error commonly occurs when
the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30124: Too many procedures.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-30125: Too much library-unit memory.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-30129: Compilation error on procedure specification for procedure %s.

Cause: You tried to compile a procedure that contains an invalid specification.

Action: Correct the specification.


FRM-30130: Code given for trigger %s is not an anonymous block.

Cause: You entered trigger text that was not an anonymous block.

Action: Rewrite the trigger to make it an anonymous block.


FRM-30131: Invalid parameter reference in trigger %s.

Cause: You entered trigger text that references parameters.

Action: Remove the parameter references from the trigger. HINT: to use parameters,
write a form-level procedure.

FRM-30132: Code given for trigger %s is not executable.

Cause: You entered trigger text that is not executable.

Action: Rewrite the trigger.


FRM-30133: Compilation error on trigger %s.

Cause: You entered invalid trigger text.

Action: View compilation errors on the error screen.


FRM-30134: Mismatched procedure and unit names for procedure %s.

Cause: The procedure name does not match the name defined in the procedure text.

Action: Change the names to match each other.


FRM-30135: Code given for procedure %s is not a named unit.

Cause: You entered an anonymous block when you should have entered a form-level

Action: Rewrite the form-level procedure.


FRM-30136: Code given for procedure %s is not executable.

Cause: You entered non-executable code for the specified form-level procedure.

Action: Rewrite the form-level procedure.


FRM-30137: Compilation error on procedure %s.

Cause: You entered an incorrect form-level procedure.

Action: See the error screen for the compilation errors.


FRM-30145: Too many bind variables.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30148: Too much buffer memory.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30149: Too many LOVs.

Cause: Internal ORACLE error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

FRM-30150: Error in LOV text for item %s.%s.

Cause: You specified an invalid SQL statement in the LOV.

Action: Rewrite the SQL statement.


FRM-30152: Unable to connect to database.

Cause: Internal system error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30156: Could not close form output file %s.

Cause: An operating system error prevented Form Builder from closing an output file.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-30157: LONG item length must be between 1 and 65534.

Cause: Length of the LONG item was not in the valid range. The error commonly occurs
when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30158: Display length must be between 0 and 133.

Cause: Display length was not in the valid range. The error commonly occurs when the
.INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30159: No text in trigger statement.

Cause: An empty trigger step was found. The error commonly occurs when the .INP file
is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-30161: Inconsistent relationship between window %s and its primary canvas %s.

Cause: The window does not match its primary canvas's window property.

Action: Check window's primary canvas property or canvas's window property.


FRM-30162: Case 1. : Inconsistent relationship between window %s and its horizontal

toolbar %s.

Case 2 : Inconsistent relationship between window %s and its vertical toolbar %s.

Cause: Case 1. : The window does not match its horizontal toolbar's window property.

Case 2. : The window does not match its vertical toolbar's window property.

Action: Case 1. : Check window's horizontal toolbar property or toolbar's window


Case 2.: Check window's vertical toolbar property or toolbar's window property.

FRM-30169: Username and password are required.

Cause: You have not specified your username and password in order to connect to the

Action: Specify your username and password.


FRM-30170: Alert must contain at least one button - %s.

Cause: The alert contains no buttons.

Action: Create at least one button for the alert.


FRM-30172: No such item.

Cause: You specified an item that does not exist within the referenced record group.

Action: Correct the reference.


FRM-30173: Module contains no canvases.

Cause: You attempted to compile a form module that does not contain a canvas.

Action: Define at least one canvas for the form module.


FRM-30174: Checked and Unchecked check box values must be distinct.

Cause: The check box has equal values for the Checked and Unchecked states.

Action: Check the values and try again.


FRM-30179: Cannot find block %s

Cause: The block name you specified does not exist.

Action: Check the block name and try again.

FRM-30180: No radio buttons in the radio group.

Cause: A radio group was defined without radio buttons.

Action: Define at least one radio button for the radio group.

FRM-30182: Image item length must be at least 1024..

Cause: The maximum lenght of the image must exceed 1024.

Action: Increase the size of your image to the maximum length.


FRM-30184: Other Value not found.

Cause: The Other Value defined does not match one of the valid values or label strings.

Action: Define a valid Other Value.


FRM-30185: Record group %s contains more than one column of type LONG.

Cause: A record group can contain only one LONG column.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Remove all but one of the LONG columns in the record group.

2. Change the types of all but one of the LONG columns in the record group.


FRM-30186: Static record group %s contains LONG column.

Cause: Static record groups cannot contain columns of type LONG.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Make the group a query record group.

2. Change the type of the LONG column.


FRM-30187: Size of CHAR column in record group must be between 1 and 2000.

Cause: The size of a character column in the record group was incorrectly specified

Action: Make sure the sizes of the character columns in the record group are between 1
and 2000

FRM-30188: No initial value given, and other values are not allowed (item %s.%s).

Cause: No initial value given for item.

Action: Provide an initial value for item.


FRM-30190: No list items defined for T-List.

Cause: You defined an empty T-list.

Action: Define items in the T-List.


FRM-30191: No list items defined for required poplist.

Cause: You defined an empty poplist.

Action: Define items in the poplist.

FRM-30193: Format mask not allowed on JDATE item %s.%s.

Cause: Format masks are valid only for NUMBER, DATE, TIME, and DATETIME

Action: Remove the format mask from the JDATE item.


FRM-30195: Format mask not allowed on EDATE item %s.%s.

Cause: Format masks are valid only for NUMBER, DATE, TIME, and DATETIME

Action: Remove the format mask from the EDATE item.


FRM-30196: Too many user-named triggers.

Cause: You have defined more user-named triggers than Forms can allocate memory for.

Action: Define fewer user-named triggers.


FRM-30197: Unable to add row to record group.

Cause: You must create the record group and add columns before attempting to add rows.

Action: Make sure the record group you are specifying exists.

FRM-30199: Transactional triggers do not exist for this block

Cause: You referenced a transactional trigger, but none exist for this module.

Action: Create the trigger, or delete the reference.


FRM-30201: Error occurred during form upgrade.

Cause: An error occurred during an SQL*Forms 3.0 to Forms 4.5 conversion.

Action: Check accompanying error messages (if any), or contact your DBA or an Oracle
support representative.

FRM-30203: No items on block %s.

Cause: You attempted to compile a form module that contains a block with no items.

Action: Define some items for the block.


FRM-30204: Total data length of the items in this block is too large.

Cause: The field length of the item exceeds the limit.

Action: Reduce the item field length.


FRM-30205: Cannot resolve parameter reference %s.

Cause: The referenced parameter could not be found.

Action: Declare the parameter, or remove the reference.


FRM-30207: Mouse Navigate must be Yes for combo box item %s.%s

Cause: The Mouse Navigate property must be set to Yes for a combo box.

Action: Set the property value to Yes.


FRM-30209: Module contains no windows.

Cause: A form module must have at least one window defined.

Action: Define a window for the form module.

FRM-30213: High range value must be greater than low range value.

Cause: The high range value is greater than the low range value for text items.

Action: Define a high range value that is greater than the low range value.

FRM-30305: Cannot open library file %s.

Cause: The VBX control properties have changed.

Action: Redefine the VBX properties.


FRM-30306: Unable to save the library %s.

Cause: The VBX control properties have changed.

Action: Redefine the VBX properties.


FRM-30307: Unable to load procedures from the library.

Cause: The VBX control properties have changed.

Action: Redefine the VBX properties.


FRM-30308: Unable to allocate memory.

Cause: The VBX control properties have changed.

Action: Redefine the VBX properties.


FRM-30309: No PL/SQL code in the library.

Cause: The VBX control properties have changed.

Action: Redefine the VBX properties.


FRM-30311: Cannot attach libraries.

Cause: The VBX control properties have changed.

Action: Redefine the VBX properties.


FRM-30312: Failed to compile the library.

Cause: The VBX control properties have changed.

Action: Redefine the VBX properties.


FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.

Cause: A combo list must contain list elements.

Action: Define items for a combo list.


FRM-30352: Invalid mirror item name %s for item %s.%s.

Cause: An invalid mirror item name was defined for the item.

Action: Use a valid mirror item name.


FRM-30353: No VBX control file specified for VBX item.

Cause: No VBX control file is specified.

Action: Specify a VBX control file in the Form Builder.



FRM-30354: No VBX control name specified for VBX item.

Cause: No VBX control name is specified.

Action: Specify a VBX control name in the Form Builder.


FRM-30355: Too many mirror items specified for item %s.

Cause: The number of mirror items exceeds the maximum of 100.

Action: Make sure you do not exceed the maximum number of mirror items.

FRM-30356: Too many records displayed for this item.

Cause: The number of records displayed for the item exceeds the number of records
displayed for the block.

Action: Reduce the number of displayed records for the item.


FRM-30357: Item specifies itself as its mirror item.

Cause: You set an item's Mirror Item property to the item itself.

Action: Specify another valid item for the mirror item property.

FRM-30358: Item's mirror item %s also specifies a mirror item.

Cause: You set an item's Mirror Item property to an item that also specifies a mirror item.

Action: Specify an item that is not a mirror item.


FRM-30359: Item specifies non-existent canvas %s.

Cause: You specified a canvas that does not exist.

Action: Specify a valid canvas.

FRM-30360: Alert does not contain the specified default button.

Cause: You specified a default button that is not part of the alert definition.

Action: Specify a label for the default button or specify a valid default button.

FRM-30361: Invalid initial value for check box.

Cause: You specified an initial value for a check box item that does not match the values
of the Checked or Unchecked states.

Action: Specify a valid initial value.


FRM-30362: Initial value does not match available list elements.

Cause: You specified a value that does not match a value on the available list of

Action: Specify a valid value.


FRM-30363: Initial value matches none of the radio buttons.

Cause: You specified a value that is not associated with a radio button in a radio group.

Action: Specify a value associated with a radio button in the radio group.

FRM-30364: Other value matches none of the radio buttons.

Cause: You specified a value that is not the name of a radio button or a value associated
with a radio button from a radio group.

Action: Specify a name of a radio button in the radio group or a value associated with a
radio button from the radio group.
FRM-30367: OLE item cannot specify a mirror item.

Cause: You used an OLE item to specify a mirror item.

Action: You cannot mirror OLE items. Use another item to specify a mirror item.

FRM-30368: Item specifies a tab page %s that does not exist.

Cause: You specified an invalid tab page name.

Action: Make sure the tab page name exists on the tab canvas for this item.

FRM-30369: Popup menu item specifies non-existent submenu %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid submenu name.

Action: Check the submenu name and try again.

FRM-30370: Popup menu must have at least one item.

Cause: The popup menu has no items in it.

Action: Add at least one menu item to the popup menu.


FRM-30373: Invalid command type specified for popup menu item.

Cause: You selected a command type that is not valid for popup menu items.

Action: Select a command type that is valid for popup menu items.

FRM-30374: Invalid item type for popup menu item.

Cause: You selected an invalid item type for a popup menu item.

Action: Select a valid item type.


FRM-30375: Datatype for non-Min/Max summary item must be Number.

Cause: A summary item with a summary function of Count, Sum, Avg, Variance, or
Stdev has a datatype other than Number.

Action: Remove the summary item or change its datatype to Number.


FRM-30376: Datatype for Min/Max summary item must match summarized item.

Cause: A summary item with a summary function of Min or Max has a datatype that does
not match the datatype of the summarized item.

Action: Remove the summary item or change its datatype to match the datatype of the
summarized item.

FRM-30377: Summary item must reside in single-record block or in same block as

summarized item.

Cause: A summary item resides in a different block from the summarized item, and the
summary item's block does not have its Single Record property set to Yes.

Action: Move the summary item to the block that contains the summarized item, or to a
block with the Single Record property set to Yes.

FRM-30378: Summarized item must not be summary item and must not reside in single-
record block.

Cause: A summary item specifies one of the following as its summarized item:

1. Another summary item.

2. An item in a block with the Single Record property set to Yes.

Action: Remove the summary item, or change it to summarize a non-summary item in a

block with the Single Record property set to No.
FRM-30379: Hint text can not exceed 255 chars.

Cause: The hint text for the item is longer than 255 characters.

Action: Reduce the number of characters in the hint text.


FRM-30380: There is a circular chain of dependent calculated items:

Cause: There is a circular chain of calculated items, such that the value of each item in
the chain depends on the value of the next item in the chain.

The items in the chain are listed below the error message.

Action: Remove an item in the chain, or change an item in the chain so that it does not
depend on any other item in the chain.

For a formula item, you must ensure that neither the formula nor any function or
procedure that it calls refers to any item in the chain.

For a summary item, you must ensure that the item it summarizes is not in the chain.

FRM-30390: Warning: Hint property ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Hint property was specified for a calculated item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30391: Warning: Copy Value from Item property ignored for calculated item %s.

Cause: The Copy Value from Item property was specified for a calculated item. It will be

Action: No action required.


FRM-30392: Warning: Initial Value ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Initial Value property was specified for a calculated item. It will be ignored.
Action: No action required.

FRM-30393: Warning: Range High Value ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Range High Value property was specified for a calculated item. It will be

Action: No action required.


FRM-30394: Warning: 'Range Low Value' ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The 'Range Low Value' property was specified for a calculated item. It will be

Action: No action required.


FRM-30395: Other Values required for calculated item.

Cause: The Mapping of Other Values property was not specified for a calculated item
that is a check box, list item, or radio group.

Action: Set the Mapping of Other Values property for the item.

FRM-30396: Summary Function required for summary item.

Cause: The Summary Function property was specified as None for a summary item.

Action: Set the Summary Function property to a value other than None.

FRM-30397: Warning: Summary Function ignored for non-summary item %s.%s.

Cause: The Summary Function property was specified for an item which is not a
summary item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action is necessary. To prevent the warning in the future, set the Summary
Function property to None.

FRM-30398: Summarized Block Name and Summarized Item Name properties are
required for summary items.

Cause: The Summarized Block Name and Summarized Item Name properties were not
set for a summary item.

Action: Specify values for the properties.


FRM-30399: Warning: Summarized Item Name ignored for non-summary item %s.%s.

Cause: The Summarized Block Name or Summarized Item Name property was specified
for an item which is not a summary item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30400: Formula required for formula item.

Cause: The Formula property was not specified for a formula item.

Action: Specify the Formula property.


FRM-30401: Warning: Formula ignored for non-formula item %s.%s.

Cause: The Formula property was specified for an item which is not a formula item. It
will be ignored.

Action: No action is necessary. To prevent the warning in the future, clear the Formula

FRM-30402: Calculated item cannot be an LOV return item.

Cause: A calculated item is specified as a return item in the column mapping for an LOV.
Action: Remove the return item, or specify an item that is not a calculated item.

FRM-30403: Calculated item cannot specify a mirror item, or be specified as a mirror


Cause: A calculated item specifies a Mirror Item, or is specified as a Mirror Item by some
other item in the block.

Action: Remove the Mirror Item property. To make two calculated items effectively
mirror each other, make one a formula item whose formula is simply ':' followed by the
name of the other calculated item.

FRM-30404: Summarized item's Item Type must not be Button, Chart, Image, Sound, or
OLE Container.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized item which is a Button, Chart, Image,
Sound, or OLE Container. Such an item has no associated data value and thus cannot be

Action: Remove the summary item, or change its summarized item to be an item which
has an associated data value.

FRM-30405: Datatype for Sum/Avg/Variance/Stddev summarized item must be Number.

Cause: A summary item whose summary function is Sum, Avg, Variance, or Stdev
specifies a summarized item with a datatype other than Number.

Action: Remove the summary item or change its summarized item to have a datatype of

FRM-30406: Block with array DML must have required primary key items.

Cause: The data block's DML Array Size property value is greater than 1, but no data
block items have the Primary Key property set to Yes.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Specify a primary key for the data block by setting the Primary Key property value to
Yes for one or more items.
2. Set the data block's DML Array Size property to 1.

FRM-30407: Block must have at least one database item.

Cause: The form module contains a data block with no database items.

Action: Define at least one database item for the data block.

FRM-30408: Invalid value.

Cause: The value entered for the specified datatype is invalid.

Action: Correct one or more of the following:

1. The datatype of the argument corresponding to the given value in the procedure
argument list of the specified procedure.

2. The value of the argument in the procedure argument list of the specified procedure.

FRM-30409: Delete Record Behavior for the relation is invalid.

Cause: The Delete Record Behavior of the relation is incompatible with its detail data

Action: Modify one of the following:

1. The Delete Record Behavior of the relation.

2. The DML Data Target Type/Query Data Source Type of the detail data block. (If the
Delete Record Behavior of the relation is Cascading, then the DML Data Target Type of
the detail data block must be Table. If the Delete Record Behavior of the relation is
Isolated, then the Query Data Source Type of the detail data block must be Table.)

FRM-30410: Warning: Single Record property ignored for non-control block %s.

Cause: A block specifies the 'Single Record' property as 'Yes', but it also specifies a
Query Data Source or a DML Data Target.

Action: No action is necessary. To prevent the warning in the future, set the 'Single
Record' property to 'No'.

FRM-30411: A memory allocation failed. Re-compile the form, specifying


Cause: A memory allocation failed while calculated item dependency information was
being computed.

Action: Do one of the following. Compile the form module:

1. 'Stand-alone' (not from within Form Builder), specifying that all PL/SQL code is to be

2. On a machine with more memory.

3. On a machine running fewer concurrent jobs.


FRM-30413: Relation has no detail block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies no detail block.

Action: Specify a detail block.


FRM-30414: Relation's detail block does not exist.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a non-existant detail block.

Action: Specify a detail block that exists.

FRM-30415: Relation's detail block is a control block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a detail block that's a control block.

Action: Specify a detail block that's a database block.


FRM-30416: Relation's master block is a control block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a master block that's a control block.

Action: Specify a master block that's a database block.

FRM-30417: Relation's detail block is the same as its master block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a detail block that's the same block as the master

Action: Specify distinct master and detail blocks.


FRM-30418: Block contains too many items (more than %d) for Windows 3.1.

Cause: The number of items in this block exceeds the maximum allowable per block.

Action: Use fewer items in the block, or divide the items into two or more separate

FRM-30419: Block scrollbar specifies a tab page %s that does not exist.

Cause: A scrollbar is assigned to a tab page which does not exist in the form.

Action: Check the tab page name and make sure it exists in the owning canvas for this

FRM-30420: Cannot compile QUERY-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Query procedure columns and/or Query procedure arguments are not declared

Action: Correct the Query procedure column definitions and/or Query procedure
argument definitions.

FRM-30421: Cannot compile INSERT-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Insert procedure columns and/or Insert procedure arguments are not declared

Action: Correct the Insert procedure column definitions and/or Insert procedure argument

FRM-30422: Cannot compile UPDATE-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Update procedure columns and/or Update procedure arguments are not declared

Action: Correct the Update procedure column definitions and/or Update procedure
argument definitions.

FRM-30423: Cannot compile DELETE-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Delete procedure columns and/or Delete procedure arguments are not declared

Action: Correct the Delete procedure column definitions and/or Delete procedure
argument definitions.

FRM-30424: Cannot compile LOCK-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Lock procedure columns and/or Lock procedure arguments are not declared

Action: Correct the Lock procedure column definitions and/or Lock procedure argument

FRM-30425: Summarized database item must reside in a block with Query All Records
or Precompute Summaries set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized item which is a database item in a

database block whose Query All Records and Precompute Summaries properties are both
set to No.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries or Query All
Records properties to Yes for the summarized item's block.

FRM-30426: Summarized control item must reside in a control block, or in a block with
Query All Records set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized item which is a control item in a

database block whose Query All Records property is set to No.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries property to No and
the Query All Records property to Yes for the summarized item's block.

FRM-30427: Summarized control item cannot reside in a block with Precompute

Summaries set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized control item which is in a block with the
Precompute Summaries property set to Yes.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries property to No and
the Query All Records property to Yes for the summarized item's block.

FRM-30428: Min/Max summarized item cannot reside in a block with Precompute

Summaries set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item with a summary function of Min or Max specifies a summarized
item in a block with the Precompute Summaries property set to Yes.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries property to No and
the Query All Records property to Yes for the summarized item's block.

FRM-30429: Block with Precompute Summaries must specify Query Data Source Type
as Table or FROM clause query.

Cause: A block has its Precompute Summaries property set to Yes, but its Query Data
Source Type is set to Procedure or Transactional Triggers.

Action: Set Precompute Summaries to No. If the block contains any summarized items,
set Query All Records to Yes.

FRM-30430: Warning: block %s specifies Precompute Summaries but form's Isolation

Mode is not Serializable.
Cause: A block specifies Precompute Summaries as Yes, but the form does not specify
Isolation Mode as Serializable.

Action: No action is necessary. However, read consistency cannot be guaranteed. It is

possible that actions by other users can occur between the time that summaries are
precomputed and the time at which the query is initiated to populate the block. Such
actions may cause the summary item values not to match the block's contents.

FRM-30431: Warning: Duplicate column name %s in block %s.

Cause: One of the following: There are multiple items with the same database column
name. The column name of one item matches the item name of an item that does not have
a column name.

Action: Make sure that the database column names for items are unique.

FRM-30432: Definition for procedure is not complete.

Cause: Either the columns or the arguments for the procedure are not specified.

Action: Enter both the columns and the arguments in the procedure definition.

FRM-30433: Query procedure should have only one argument of type

REFCURSOR/TABLE and its mode should be IN OUT.

Cause: The query procedure definition has either:

1. No argument of type TABLE/REFCURSOR.

2. Multiple arguments of type TABLE/REFCURSOR.

3. An argument of type TABLE/REFCURSOR with a mode that is not defined as IN

Action: Define the arguments as follows:

1. Define one and only one argument of type TABLE or REFCURSOR.

2. Declare the mode for the TABLE/REFCURSOR argument as IN OUT.


FRM-30434: The table argument in the procedure definition should have a type name.

Cause: The type name for the TABLE argument in the given procedure is not entered.

Action: Enter the type name for the TABLE argument in the given procedure.

FRM-30435: DML procedures should have only one argument of type TABLE and its
mode should be IN or IN OUT.

Cause: DML (Insert, Update, Delete, Lock) procedure defintion has either:

1. No argument of type TABLE.

2. Multiple arguments of type TABLE.

3. An argument of type TABLE with a mode defined as OUT.

Action: Define the arguments as follows:

1. Define one and only one argument of type TABLE.

2. Declare the mode for the TABLE argument as IN or IN OUT.


FRM-30436: Parent window not specified for canvas.

Cause: The canvas does not have a window specified to contain it. Default results are as

1. In Forms 4.0, the canvas is attached to the ROOT_WINDOW.

2. In a Forms 4.5 application, the ROOT_WINDOW may not exist, so the canvas is
automatically attached to the first window in the Object Navigator hierarchy.

3. In 5.0, it is possible to reference forms and override properties like Window Name.
Thus, you always should set the Window Name property for the canvas.

Action: Set the Window Name property for the canvas.


FRM-30437: Warning: POST-CHANGE trigger ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.

Cause: A POST-CHANGE trigger was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the
form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the POST-CHANGE trigger will be obtained
from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the POST-CHANGE trigger in the master mirror item.



FRM-30438: Warning: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger ignored for subordinate

mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: A WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger was specified for a subordinate mirror item.

Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM
trigger will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the
Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger in the master mirror item.


FRM-30439: Warning: ON-SEQUENCE-NUMBER trigger ignored for subordinate

mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: An ON-SEQUENCE-NUMBER trigger was specified for a subordinate mirror

item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the ON-SEQUENCE-
NUMBER trigger will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the
Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the ON-SEQUENCE-NUMBER trigger in the master mirror item.


FRM-30440: Warning: Copy Value from Item ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.

Cause: The Copy Value from Item property was specified for a subordinate mirror item.
Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Copy Value from Item property
will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with
Item property).

Action: Specify the Copy Value from Item property in the master mirror item.

FRM-30441: Warning: Initial Value ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: The Initial Value property was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the
form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Initial Value property will be obtained
from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Initial Value property in the master mirror item.

FRM-30442: Warning: Required property ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: The Required property was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the
form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Required property will be obtained from
the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Required property in the master mirror item.


FRM-30443: Warning: Highest Value Allowed ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.

Cause: The Highest Value Allowed property was specified for a subordinate mirror item.
Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Highest Value Allowed
property will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the
Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Highest Value Allowed property in the master mirror item.

FRM-30444: Warning: Lowest Value Allowed ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.

Cause: The Lowest Value Allowed property was specified for a subordinate mirror item.
Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Lowest Value Allowed property
will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with
Item property).

Action: Specify the Lowest Value Allowed property in the master mirror item.

FRM-30445: Use of the Include REF Item property requires non-null Alias property.

Cause: The Include REF Item property for this block is TRUE, which causes the creation
of a new hidden item called REF that contains the object ID for this block. The column
name for this new item is 'REF(a)' where 'a' is the value of the block's Alias property. The
Alias property must not be null.

Action: Specify a non-null value for the block's Alias property.


FRM-31601: Options -e, -g, -m, -p, and -r are mutually exclusive.

Cause: You specified more than one of these options.

Action: These options are mutually exclusive; do not use them in combination.

FRM-31602: No module name specified.

Cause: You did not specify a module name.

Action: Specify a module name.


FRM-31603: No username to grant/revoke.

Cause: You tried to grant Form Builder access to a user, or revoke access, but you did not
specify the user.

Action: Re-execute the command and specify the username.


FRM-31605: Module %s unknown.

Cause: You tried to access a module that does not exist in the database.

Action: Make sure the module name is correct and try again.

FRM-31606: Could not open file %s.

Cause: Either file privileges are set incorrectly, or the library you attempted to open is

Action: Recompile the module library and try again.


FRM-31616: Warning! No items defined for menu %s.

Cause: You are generating a module that has a menu which contains no items.
Action: No action required.

FRM-31627: Circular reference detected in menu module.

Cause: The menu module you tried to compile contains circular references (instances
where a menu item calls a menu that is above it in the hierarchy).

Action: Isolate and resolve the circular reference(s).


FRM-31628: Item references an undefined menu.

Cause: The item references a submenu that is not part of the module.

Action: Define a submenu as part of the module or make the item reference a submenu
that is part of the module.

FRM-31629: Build errors written to file %s.

Cause: Compilation error.

Action: Refer to errors and warnings in the specified file.


FRM-31631: Could not close file %s.

Cause: An operating system error prevented Form Builder from closing an output file.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-31633: Main menu %s not found in module.

Cause: The menu name specified does not exist in this module.

Action: Make sure a menu with this name exists.


FRM-31634: Error writing file %s.

Cause: You lack privileges in the specified directory, or you do not have the disk space

Action: Contact your DBA to make sure you have the access privileges you need.

FRM-31635: No menu in specified file.

Cause: The file was loaded, but no menu module was found in the file.

Action: Make sure the file is a MMB file.


FRM-31637: Error performing upgrade. Upgrade aborted.

Cause: SQL error deleted while performing menu upgrade.

Action: Make sure you are running as SYSTEM, and both Oracle Forms 4.5 and the
menu tables are correctly installed.

FRM-31639: No modules to upgrade.

Cause: No module was specified that does not already exist in Oracle Forms 4.5 tables.

Action: Make sure that no menu module with this name already exists in Oracle Forms

FRM-31640: Submenu name not specified.

Cause: A menu item of type menu has no menu specified.

Action: Specify a submenu for the menu item.


FRM-31641: Radio group items must have radio group name specified.

Cause: Menu item was defined as type radio button, but no radio group was specified.

Action: Specify a radio group name.

FRM-31643: Menu %s does not exist.

Cause: The menu item was defined as type menu, but the menu it refers to does not exist.

Action: Create a menu with this name.


FRM-31644: Menu %s has no items.

Cause: You did not supply choices for a menu.

Action: Edit your form to supply items within the menu.


FRM-31645: Only one instance of each magic menu type per module is allowed.

Cause: You used more than one instance of a specific magic menu type.

Action: Delete all but one instance of each magic menu type.

FRM-31646: Magic menu item %s has invalid command type.

Cause: You selected a command type that is not valid for the specific magic menu item.

Action: Select a command type that is compatible with the current magic menu item type.

FRM-31649: Label for menu item %s is too long.

Cause: You specified a menu item label which has more than the maximum allowable
number of characters.

Action: Shorten the menu item label.


FRM-31650: Name of menu item %s is too long.

Cause: You specified a menu item name which has more than the maximum allowable
number of characters.

Action: Shorten the menu item name.


FRM-31651: No PL/SQL source code in menu item %s.

Cause: You specified a menu item name which has command type PL/SQL but has no
Command Text.

Action: Either change the command type to Null, or specify some Command Text.

FRM-32009: Premature end of file at line %05d.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-32010: Input file sequence error at line %05d.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-32011: File doesn't contain valid Run Form source.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-32035: Illegal field type (%s) in %s.%s.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-32036: Warning! Prompt above line 1 for %s.%s.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.
FRM-32037: Warning! Prompt doesn't fit beside field %s.%s.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-32041: Expected: %s: %s

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-32042: Error (line %05d): expected Yes/No answer, received %s.

Cause: You entered something other than Yes or No.

Action: Answer either Yes or No.


FRM-32051: Illegal command in form text at line %05d.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

FRM-32079: Invalid initial value for given datatype.

Cause: You specified an invalid initial value for the given datatype.

Action: Specify a valid initial value for the given datatype.


FRM-32080: Invalid range value for given datatype.

Cause: You specified an invalid range value for the given datatype.

Action: Specify a valid range value for the given datatype.


FRM-32081: Invalid default parameter value for given datatype.

Cause: You specified an invalid default parameter value for the given datatype.

Action: Specify a valid default parameter value for the given datatype.

FRM-32082: Invalid value for given item type.

Cause: You tried to specify a value for the initial value property or other values property
that exceeds the value of the maximum length property.

Action: Specify a value that does not exceed the value of the maximum length property.

FRM-32083: Value length is too long for maximum length of item.

Cause: You specified an value length that is longer than the maximum length of the item.

Action: Specify a shorter value.


FRM-32084: Type of item is not compatible with mirror item %s.

Cause: You specified an item that is an incompatible mirror item property.

Action: Specify a valid mirror item property.

FRM-32085: Strip_Source requires output filename.

Cause: You failed to specify an output file name when generating a library from the
command line.

Action: Specify an output file name.


FRM-32086: Bind Variable :%s parse failed at <%s>.

Cause: The bind variable could not be parsed due to an invalid format.

Action: Change to a valid format.


FRM-32087: Bind Variable :%s binds to more than one object.

Cause: The bind variable is ambiguous since it binds to more than one object.

Action: Make sure the bind variable binds to one object only.

FRM-40007: Invalid user identifier or password. Re-enter.

Cause: You entered an incorrect ORACLE username or password.

Action: Retype your username and password properly.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40010: Cannot read form %s.

Cause: One of the following:

1. You entered a nonexistent form name.

2. You typed an incomplete path.

3. You do not have the proper privileges to run the form.

4. You do not have a compiled copy of the form.

Action: Retype the form name correctly, provide the proper path name, compile the form,
or contact the DBA.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-40011: Form was created by an old version of Form Builder.

Cause: The .FMB file was created with an old and incompatible version of Forms

Action: Recompile the form or relink Generate.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40012: Form was created by a new version of Form Builder.

Cause: The .FMB file was created by a new and incompatible version of Forms

Action: Recompile the form.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40013: Program Error: error occurred while reading form.

Cause: An internal error occurred while Form Builder was trying to read the .FMB file.

Action: Recompile the form.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40014: Not enough memory to load the form.

Cause: Internal error. Your computer does not have enough memory to run the form.

Action: The designer might be able to modify the form so that it will run. If that is not
feasible, your installation must make more memory available, either by modifying the
operating system parameters or by adding more memory to the computer.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40015: Unexpected end of file reading form.

Cause: The form was fragmented or incomplete.

Action: Recompile the form.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40019: Unknown screen number to display.

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40020: Page %d too small for this form.

Cause: Application design error. An item is positioned off the page.

Action: Ensure that all items that are associated with the given page fit completely on that
page. You can reposition the items or resize the page.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40021: Item in form file is too large.

Cause: An internal error occurred while Form Builder was reading the form.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40023: Error creating record manager context.

Cause: Form Builder could not initialize its internal record manager.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40024: Out of memory.

Cause: Internal error. Your computer does not have enough memory to run the form.

Action: The designer might be able to modify the form so that it will run. If that is not
feasible, your installation must make more memory available, either by modifying the
operating system parameters or by adding more memory to the computer.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40025: Cannot suppress screen output without file input.

Cause: You tried to run a form on the command line using incompatible preferences. The
output_file preference works only in conjunction with the keyin preference.

Action: Retype the command to include both the output_file and keyin preferences.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40026: Error opening key script file.

Cause: Form Builder cannot open the file you specified with the keyin preference.

Action: Make sure the file exists and the file protections are set properly. Or create a file
with the keyin preference.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40027: Error opening display spool file.

Cause: Operating system error. Form Builder cannot open a file specified with the
output_file preference because there is insufficient disk space or because you have
specified an incorrect filename.

Action: Contact your DBA or system administrator.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40028: Error opening message file %s%s%s.MSB.

Cause: Form Builder cannot find the message file.

Action: Make sure the message file exists and the appropriate path is set.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40029: Already logged on. Must logout before changing connections.

Cause: The Login() built-in was issued while already logged on.

Action: Use the Logout() built-in first.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40030: File %s is not a Forms 4.0 file.

Cause: The file specified on the command line was not a valid Form Builder file.

Action: Re-enter Forms Runtime startup command with the name of a valid file.

Level: No level

Type: Startup message


FRM-40031: File %s is not a Forms Runtime file.

Cause: The file specified on the command line is not a Forms Runtime (.FMX) file.

Action: Re-enter a valid Forms Runtime (.FMX) file.

Level: No level

Type: Startup message


FRM-40032: Internal Error: file %s contains an improper chunk size.

Cause: Internal error. File was compiled incorrectly or is corrupted.

Action: Recompile your file.

Level: No level

Type: Startup message


FRM-40033: Internal Error: file %s contains a bad chunk table.

Cause: Internal error. File was compiled incorrectly or is corrupted.

Action: Recompile your file.

Level: No level

Type: Startup message


FRM-40034: Cannot attach the library file.

Cause: Form Builder was unable to find the specified library file.

Action: Exit Forms Runtime and try again.

Level: >25 (this message cannot be suppressed)

Type: Error

FRM-40035: Error creating per-block record manager context.

Cause: Form Builder could not initialize its internal record manager.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40036: Library was created by a new version of Form Builder.

Cause: Form Builder unable to use library.

Action: Recompile the library with current version of Form Builder.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40037: Library was created by an old version of Form Builder.

Cause: Form Builder unable to use library.

Action: Recompile the library with current version of Form Builder.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40038: Could not find %s VBX control for item %s in block %s.

Cause: Application design error. A VBX control specified in the .FMB file cannot be
found at runtime.

Action: Make sure the VBX control file can be found in the location as specified in the
Form Builder.
Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40039: Cannot attach library %s while opening form %s.

Cause: The given library is attached to the form but cannot be located in the search path
for PL/SQL libraries.

Action: Make sure that the given library can be found and that it has read permissions set.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40100: At first record.

Cause: You pressed [Previous Record] when the cursor was at the first record.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-40101: Cannot position to a key item. None are navigable.

Cause: You pressed [Next Primary Key Item], but there are no enterable primary key
items in this block.

Action: Use [Next Item] for navigation rather than [Next Primary Key Item].

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-40102: Record must be entered or deleted first.

Cause: You pressed [Next Record] or [Down] in a context where it is meaningless.


1. The last record in a block is the current record.

2. The block is empty.

3. You are in a new record in the middle of the block created by pressing [Insert Record].

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-40103: Cannot position to a key item. None are queryable.

Cause: You tried to use [Next Primary Key Item], but none of the primary key items in
the block allow you to enter query criteria.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-40104: No such block: %s.

Cause: Runtime error. A GO_BLOCK statement references a nonexistent block.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40105: Unable to resolve reference to item %s.

Cause: Runtime error. A GO_ITEM statement references a nonexistent item.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40106: No navigable items in destination block.

Cause: Runtime error. A GO_BLOCK statement references a block with no enterable


Action: Remove the statement or make at least one item in the block enterable.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40107: Cannot navigate to non-displayed item %s.

Cause: Runtime error. A GO_ITEM statement references a non-displayed item.

Action: Remove the statement or turn on the Displayed property for the indicated item.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40108: No such form: %s.

Cause: You attempted to get/set properties of a nonexistent or unloaded form.

Action: Use a valid form name.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-40109: Cannot navigate out of current block in enter-query mode.

Cause: You attempted to navigate out of the current block during enter-query mode.

Action: No action is necessary. You cannot navigate out of the current block or record
during enter-query mode.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40110: At first block.

Cause: You attempted [Previous Block] when at the first block.

Action: None. Consider an alternative method of navigation.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-40111: At last block.

Cause: You attempted [Next Block] when at the last block.

Action: None. Consider an alternative method of navigation.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-40200: Field is protected against update.

Cause: You tried to update a field that does not allow updates.

Action: No action is necessary. You cannot update this field in this form.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40201: Field is full. Can't insert character.

Cause: Form Builder is in insert mode, and the current field is full.

Action: Delete a character to make room for the new character or press [Insert/Replace]
to activate replace mode.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-40202: Field must be entered.

Cause: You have not entered a value (or you have deleted a value) in a field that requires
data input.

Action: You must enter a value in this field.

Level: 15

Type: Error
FRM-40203: Field must be entered completely.

Cause: You have not entered a complete value (or you have deleted part of a value) in a
field that has a fixed length requirement.

Action: Enter a complete value (one that extends to the end of the field).

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40204: Cursor is at beginning of field value.

Cause: You tried to delete a character before the first character position of the field.

Action: Use [Delete Character] to delete the character that the cursor is on.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-40205: Cursor is beyond the current field value.

Cause: On a block mode terminal, you positioned the cursor out of a field.

Action: Move the cursor into the field and try the entry again.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40206: Previous character is currently hidden.

Cause: You tried to delete a character that is off the screen.

Action: Scroll the character you want to delete into view using the arrow keys or [Scroll
Left] and [Scroll Right].

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-40207: Must be in range %.30s to %.30s.

Cause: You entered a value not in the valid item range.

Action: Enter a value in the range shown.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40208: Form running in query-only mode. Cannot change database fields.

Cause: You entered a value on a query-only form.

Action: Do not enter values on this form. You can execute queries and view data, but you
cannot alter existing data or enter new data.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40209: Field must be of form %s.

Cause: The value that you entered did not match the format mask on the field.

Action: Retry with a field value that matches the format mask.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40210: Search string not found.

Cause: Search string does not exist in the module.

Action: Check your search string to make sure it is accurate or try another search string.

Level: 99

Type: Informative

FRM-40211: Warning! Newlines may be stripped from this field.

Cause: You attempted to assign data with newlines to a single-line text field.

Action: Assign to a multi-line text field if you need the newlines.

Level: 5

Type: Informative

FRM-40212: Invalid value for field %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. The value is not of the proper data type.

2. The value does not match any of the list of acceptable values.

3. For a text field, the value does not match the specified range.

Action: Retry with another value.

Level: >20
Type: Message

FRM-40213: Cannot Copy_Region/Cut_Region; region not selected.

Cause: Region not selected.

Action: Select a region and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40214: Cannot open the clipboard for the copy/cut.

Cause: Clipboard unavailable.

Action: Platform specific.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40215: Cannot write to the clipboard.

Cause: Clipboard unavailable.

Action: Platform specific.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40216: Cannot open the clipboard for the paste.

Cause: Clipboard unavailable.

Action: Platform specific.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-40217: Cannot get the data size from the clipboard.

Cause: Invalid data.

Action: Platform specific.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40218: Cannot read from the clipboard.

Cause: Invalid data.

Action: Platform specific.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40219: Cannot format the data read from the clipboard.

Cause: Invalid data.

Action: Platform specific.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40220: Cannot paste from the clipboard; value too long.

Cause: Invalid data.

Action: Platform specific.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40221: Cannot Paste_Region; region not selected.

Cause: Paste_Region was invoked while no portion of the image item was selected.

Action: Select a region of the image item prior to calling Paste_Region.


FRM-40222: Disabled item '%s.%s' failed validation.

Cause: Probable application design error. Forms determined that the item contains an
invalid value, but it cannot give focus to the item because it is disabled. This could
happen because either:

The application programmatically assigned an invalid valid to the item.

The application programmatically disabled the item after the end user entered an invalid
valid in the item (and before the item was validated).

Action: Correct the application logic.

Level: 25
Type: Error

FRM-40301: Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-enter.

Cause: No records matched the query criteria. Still in Enter Query mode.

Action: Either adjust the query criteria or press [Exit/Cancel] to leave Enter Query mode.

Level: >25

Type: Informative

FRM-40302: Cannot enter a query. No fields are queryable.

Cause: You pressed [Enter Query] while the cursor was in a block with no queryable

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40303: No base table fields in the block.

Cause: One of the blocks in the current module has no base table fields.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Informative

FRM-40350: Query caused no records to be retrieved.

Cause: The current query fetched no records from the table. The table is empty, or it
contains no records that meet the query's search criteria.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5
Type: Informative

FRM-40352: Last record of query retrieved.

Cause: You pressed [Down], [Next Record], [Next Set of Records], or [Scroll Down]
after all records had been retrieved.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Informative

FRM-40353: Query cancelled.

Cause: You pressed [Exit/Cancel] in Enter Query mode, or you pressed CTRL-C (or its
equivalent) while Form Builder was fetching rows from the database.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: The message level is 5 when the message is invoked by CTRL-C.

Type: Informative

FRM-40355: Query will retrieve %ld records.

Cause: You pressed [Count Query Hits]. If you now press [Execute Query], the number
of records will be retrieved.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 25

Type: Informative


FRM-40356: Invalid number in example record. Query not issued.

Cause: In Enter Query mode, you entered an invalid number in the example record.

Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40357: Invalid string in example record. Query not issued.

Cause: In query mode, you entered an invalid ALPHA or CHAR value in the example

Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40358: Invalid date in example record. Query not issued.

Cause: In Enter Query mode, you entered an invalid DATE in the example record.

Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40358: Invalid date in example record. Query not issued.

Cause: In Enter Query mode, you entered an invalid DATE in the example record.

Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40359: Invalid date or time in example record. Query not issued.

Cause: In Enter Query mode, you entered an invalid JDATE, EDATE, or TIME value in
the example record.

Action: Correct the entry and retry the query.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40360: Cannot query records here.

Cause: You attempted to query a block that does not allow queries.

Action: Do not attempt to query this block.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40361: Query operation not support for TIME data type.

Cause: You made a query with a % "like" operator in a time field, which is not supported.

Action: Try to restate your query without a time data type.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40364: The data type of item '%s' does not match the corresponding column in the
stored procedure.

Cause: The data type of the item is different from the data type of the corresponding
column in the stored procedure.

Action: Make the data type of the item in the block and the column in the stored
procedure the same.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40400: Transaction complete: %d records applied and saved.

Cause: Save complete.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Informative

FRM-40401: No changes to save.

Cause: No records were added or modified since the last apply or save.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-40402: Save cancelled.

Cause: You pressed CTRL-C (or the equivalent) while waiting for a lock.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 10

Type: Informative

FRM-40403: A calling form has unapplied changes. Save not allowed.

Cause: A calling form has unapplied changes.

Action: Apply the changes or return to the calling form and retry the save.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40404: Database apply complete: %d records applied.

Cause: Apply complete.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5
Type: Informative

FRM-40405: No changes to apply.

Cause: No records were added or modified since the last apply or save.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-40406: Transaction complete: %d records applied; all records saved.

Cause: You finished an apply that recorded your changes and saved previously applied

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Informative

FRM-40407: Transaction complete: applied records saved.

Cause: You finished a save that saved previously applied changes.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Informative


FRM-40501: ORACLE error: unable to reserve record for update or delete.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to select the record for update.

Action: Pressing [Display Error] provides more information, if it is available. You can
also try to update or delete this record later. If necessary, contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40502: ORACLE error: unable to read list of values.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to read a list of values.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40504: ORACLE error: unable to execute a %s trigger.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to execute a trigger.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40505: ORACLE error: unable to perform query.

Cause: Processing error encountered. The table associated with the current block of the
form might not exist, or your username might not have authority to perform the specified
action on the table.
Action: Pressing [Display Error] provides more information, if it is available. You can
also try to update or delete this record later. If necessary, contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40506: ORACLE error: unable to check for record uniqueness.

Cause: Processing error encountered while checking a record's primary key items for
uniqueness. The table associated with the current block of the form does not exist, or you
do not have authority to access the table.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40507: ORACLE error: unable to fetch next query record.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to fetch the next query record.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40508: ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to insert a record. The table associated with the
current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to
perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the
fatal error.
Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40509: ORACLE error: unable to UPDATE record.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to update a record. The table associated with
the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to
perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the
fatal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40510: ORACLE error: unable to DELETE record.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to delete a record. The table associated with
the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to
perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the
fatal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40511: ORACLE error occurred while executing a %s trigger.

Cause: A fatal error occurred while trying to execute a trigger. The table associated with
the current block of the form might not exist, your username might not have authority to
perform the specified action on the table, or some other reason might have caused the
fatal error.

Action: Contact your DBA

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40512: ORACLE error: unable to issue SAVEPOINT command.

Cause: While attempting to call a new form or to commit, the issued SAVEPOINT
command failed. This generally means that the module has run out of savepoints.

Action: Press [Display Error] to display the specific ORACLE error. You might be able
to increase the maximum number of savepoints in the INIT.ORA file.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40513: ORACLE error: unable to get date/time from database.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to resolve a database date/time initial value.

Action: Connect if you have not already done so. Verify database status.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-40514: Operation requires a database connection.

Cause: You tried to perform an database operation without connecting to the database.

Action: Connect to the database and retry.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40515: ORACLE error: unable to open cursor.

Cause: You reached the limit in the number of cursors you can open.

Action: Check the number of cursors you have open.

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-40600: Record has already been inserted.

Cause: You attempted to insert or update a record, but uniqueness is enforced on the
block's primary key items. The record, as inserted or updated, is not unique.

Action: Change the values in one or more primary key fields of the current record,
making them unique. If the requirement of unique primary key fields creates difficulties,
consider eliminating the constraint.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40602: Cannot insert into or update data in a view.

Cause: You tried to modify the contents of a view in a manner that is not permitted.

Action: No action is necessary; you cannot perform the operation you have attempted.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40603: Records no longer reserved for update. Re-query to make changes.

Cause: You committed your modifications in a block where you had previously entered
an ENTER_QUERY or EXECUTE_QUERY packaged procedure with the
FOR_UPDATE parameter. This action released all locks on the records in this block.

Action: If you want to modify the block, you will need to re-query.
Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40652: Cannot lock table in shared update mode.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You do not have access to this table.

2. Form Builder cannot lock the table in shared update mode.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40653: Record not reserved for update or delete. Try again later.

Cause: You pressed CTRL-C (or the equivalent) to cancel. The operation that was
attempting to update or delete the record was terminated.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 20

Type: Informative


FRM-40654: Record has been updated by another user. Re-query to see change.

Cause: Another user has updated this record since you performed a query and has
changed at least one field in the record. Your actions have not changed the record in

Action: You can update or delete this record now only if another user has restored the
field values back to the way they were when you performed the query. Otherwise, you
must re-query to fetch and display the new record into the form before you can update or
delete it.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40655: SQL error forced rollback: clear form and re-enter transaction.

Cause: A deadlock or some other error has caused the current transaction to fail. Your
changes were rolled back.

Action: Clear the form (or exit and re-enter the form) and re-enter the transaction. You
might have to modify the form's design to prevent the error from recurring.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40656: Update cannot be made due to prior rollback. Clear the record.

Cause: This record was already updated, but when you attempted to commit your
changes, a serious error prevented this update or any further update or delete from being
performed. The error might have occurred due to one of the following reasons:
1. A deadlock forced the loss of row locks.

2. The record had a database cluster key, and the previous attempt to update the record in
the database was rolled back due to an error somewhere else in the form.

Action: You must clear this record before you can commit any other transactions in the

Level: 25

FRM-40657: Record changed or deleted by another user.

Cause: Another user has deleted the record since the query was executed.

Action: You can clear this record from your screen, but you cannot update or delete it
since it no longer exists in the database.

Level: 20

Type: Informative

FRM-40659: Last row of query retrieved. Re-query to see remaining records.

Cause: A FOR_UPDATE query has been closed by executing a commit. Because the
query was open prior to the commit, there may be more records to retrieve.

Action: Re-query to see remaining records.

Level: 5
Type: Message

FRM-40700: No such trigger: %s.

Cause: Application design error. The form attempted to execute a trigger that doesn't
exist, causing a fatal error.

Action: Correct the reference to the trigger.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40702: Cannot call form with changes to save

Cause: You attempted to call another form with unsaved changes in the current form and
savepoint mode off.

Action: Commit/post changes and then retry.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40703: Fetched field cannot be changed in query mode.

Cause: You attempted to modify a fetched item in query mode.

Action: None required.

Level: 20

Type: Error
FRM-40704: Illegal SQL statement in query-only mode

Cause: Application design error. The form tried to execute a function that is illegal in a
query-only form.

Action: You might need to redesign the form.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40705: Illegal SQL statement in non-commit-time trigger.

Cause: Application design error. The current trigger contains a SQL statement that is
illegal for the trigger type.

Action: Rewrite the trigger text or use a different type of trigger.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40714: Function illegal in this context.

Cause: Application design error. The current trigger contains an illegal function code.

Action: Rewrite the trigger text or use a different type of trigger.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40720: No statements found in list of statements.

Cause: Application design error. A step in a V2 trigger uses incorrect syntax.

Action: Correct the trigger step text.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40721: Missing function code in trigger.

Cause: Application design error. A step in a V2 trigger uses incorrect syntax.

Action: Correct the trigger step text.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40722: Unrecognized function name.

Cause: Application design error. A trigger references a nonexistent function code.

Action: Correct the reference.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40723: Missing argument for function code.

Cause: Application design error. An argument is missing in an ERASE,


Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40724: Missing selector in CASE statement.

Cause: Application design error. The selector portion is missing in a CASE statement.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40725: Missing keyword in CASE statement.

Cause: Application design error. A keyword is missing in a CASE statement.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40726: Missing choice in CASE statement.

Cause: Application design error. A choice is not specified in a CASE statement.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40727: Illegal keyword in CASE statement.

Cause: Application design error. A CASE statement contains a mistyped keyword.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40728: Unrecognized or extra arguments to function.

Cause: Application design error. A function specifies extra arguments.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40729: Missing semicolon at end of statement.

Cause: Application design error. A semicolon is missing at the end of a function code.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40730: Invalid message suppress level--unchanged from %d.

Cause: Application design error. A trigger attempted to set the system message level to
an invalid number.

Action: Reset the SYSTEM.MESSAGE_LEVEL system variable to a valid number.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40731: INTO keyword missing.

Cause: Application design error. A COPY statement is missing the INTO clause.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40732: Target of GOTO does not exist in this macro.

Cause: Application design error. The label referenced in PL/SQL does not exist.

Action: Correct the statement.


FRM-40733: PL/SQL built-in %s failed.

Cause: A fatal error occurred in Form Builder or in PL/SQL during trigger execution.

Action: Notify the DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40734: Internal Error: PL/SQL error occurred.

Cause: A fatal error occurred in PL/SQL during trigger execution.

Action: Notify the DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40735: %s trigger raised unhandled exception %s.

Cause: Application design error. The current trigger raised an exception (other than
FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE), but it did not handle the exception.

Action: Rewrite the trigger text to handle the exception.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40736: Cannot initialize PL/SQL.

Cause: An internal error occurred while initializing PL/SQL.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-40737: Illegal restricted procedure %s in %s trigger.

Cause: Application design error. A trigger tried to execute a restricted packaged


Action: Remove the packaged procedure from the trigger text.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40738: Argument %d to builtin %s cannot be null.

Cause: Application design error. No arguments were provided to the built-in.

Action: Refer to the online Help for the correct usage of this built-in.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40739: Full rollback not allowed in post-only form.

Cause: Application design error. A trigger tried to issue a CLEAR_FORM packaged

procedure with the FULL_ROLLBACK parameter in a post-only, called form.

Action: Remove the FULL_ROLLBACK parameter or ensure that the calling form does
not have unposted changes when the call occurs.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40740: Procedure %s only allowed in an on-%s trigger.

Cause: Application design error. A non-transactional trigger attempted to invoke a built-

in procedure that is restricted to a given trigger.

Action: Refer to the online Help for the correct usage of this procedure.
Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40741: Unable to locate record %d on block %s.

Cause: You attempted to get or set record properties for an invalid record number for the
given block.

Action: Verify your Get/Set record property parameters.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-40742: Illegal status conversion on record %d: %s to %s.

Cause: Application design error. A call to SET_RECORD_PROPERTY attempted an

illegal conversion between record statuses.

Action: Refer to SET_RECORD_PROPERTY in online Help for correct transitions.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40743: This operation with no base table requires the %s trigger.

Cause: Application design error. Attempted a database operation (query, insert, update,
etc.) on a non-base table block without the appropriate transactional trigger.

Action: Refer to online Help for the appropriate transactional trigger and then create the
correct trigger.

Level: 20
Type: Error

FRM-40744: Truncation of input value will occur if editor accepted.

Cause: The editor's buffer is too small to accept the input.

Action: Change editors or enlarge the buffer.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40745: Output value of built-in %s was truncated.

Cause: Output variable is too small.

Action: Increase the size of the PL/SQL output variable.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40746: Cannot call built-in %s from startup debugger window.

Cause: Built-in is not accessible from the startup debugger window.

Action: Refer to the Form Builder Developer's Guide for a list of built-ins that are not
accessible from the startup debugger window.

Level: 99

Type: Informative
FRM-40747: Cannot call built-in %s from a debug trigger.

Cause: Built-in is not accessible from the debug trigger.

Action: Refer to the Form Builder Developer's Guide for a list of built-ins that are
accessible from a debug trigger .

Level: 99

Type: Informative

FRM-40748: Trigger %s terminated by reset command.

Cause: You issued the reset command or you pressed the reset button in the debugger.

Action: If you want to navigate downward, go to the call stack.

Level: 99

Type: Informative

FRM-40749: Invalid record status specified for record %d.

Cause: Application design error. An attempt was made to set the STATUS property of a
record to an invalid value.

Action: The record's STATUS property should be set to NEW_STATUS,


Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40750: Record %d: Can't set status to QUERY or CHANGED in a control block.

Cause: Application design error. An attempt was made to set the STATUS property of a
record in a control block to QUERY_STATUS or CHANGED_STATUS.

Action: The record's STATUS property should be set to NEW_STATUS or


Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40800: User exit %s does not exist.

Cause: The form tried to invoke a user exit that does not exist. This could be caused by
one of the following:

1. You are using the wrong version of Forms Runtime.

2. There could be an error in the form.

Action: If you are using the wrong version of Forms Runtime, determine which version
contains the user exit, and use that version to run the form. If there is an error in the form,
the designer should correct the call to the user exit.

Level: 20

Type: Error


FRM-40801: Out of memory processing user exit.

Cause: A fatal error occurred.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 25

Type: Error

FRM-40804: Not enough arguments to COPY command.

Cause: Application design error. A COPY statement does not specify a source or

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40805: Not enough arguments to ERASE command.

Cause: Application design error. An ERASE statement does not specify a variable.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40807: No command string specified for HOST command.

Cause: Application design error. A HOST statement does not specify a command string.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40808: Cannot execute HOST command. Error code = %s.

Cause: Cannot execute a HOST statement because of an operating system error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40809: HOST command had error code = %s.

Cause: The operating system command resulted in the above error code.

Action: Verify that you entered the command properly.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40811: Shell command had error.

Cause: The operating system command resulted in the above error code.

Action: Verify that you entered the command properly.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40814: Illegal function code in this context.

Cause: Application design error. The NOFAIL keyword is specified for a function code
that does not accept that keyword.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40815: Variable GLOBAL.%s does not exist.

Cause: Application design error. A trigger references a global variable that does not exist.

Action: Create the global variable or remove the reference.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40816: Could not allocate memory for new symbol.

Cause: Internal error. Out of memory while accessing a new global variable.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40817: Could not allocate memory for new value.

Cause: Internal error. Out of memory while accessing a new global variable.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40818: System variable name not defined.

Cause: You have tried to access a system variable that does not exist.

Action: Check the system variable name.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40819: System variable is not modifiable.

Cause: You have tried to modify a system variable.

Action: You cannot modify system variables.

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-40820: Not enough memory to evaluate system variable.

Cause: Internal error. Out of memory while accessing a system variable.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40822: Not enough arguments to SET function.

Cause: Application design error. A SET function code does not specify enough

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40823: Extra argument to SET function.

Cause: Application design error. A SET function code specifies too many arguments.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-40824: Not enough arguments to PAGE function.

Cause: Application design error. A HIDEPAGE or a SHOWPAGE function code does

not specify enough arguments.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40825: Not enough arguments to VIEW function.

Cause: Application design error. A MOVEVIEW, ANCHORVIEW, or RESIZEVIEW

function code does not specify enough arguments.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40826: Invalid number of arguments to CALL function.

Cause: Application design error. A CALL or CALLQRY function code does not specify
enough arguments.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40827: Not enough arguments to GOREC function.

Cause: Application design error. A GOREC function code does not specify enough
Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40828: CALL or CALLQRY with invalid variable reference.

Cause: Application design error. A CALL or CALLQRY function code contains an

invalid variable reference.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40829: Not enough arguments to EDITFIELD function.

Cause: Application design error. An EDITFIELD function code does not specify enough

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: No message suppression level.

Type: Error

FRM-40830: Not enough arguments to DISPLAYPAGE function.

Cause: Application design error. A DISPLAYPAGE function code does not specify
enough arguments.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: No message suppression level.

Type: Error

FRM-40831: Truncation occurred: value too long for field %s.

Cause: Application design error. A trigger, query, or user exit read a value into an item
that is not long enough to hold the entire value. The item truncated the value.

Action: Increase the target item's item length to avoid truncation.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-40900: Unable to allocate record buffer. Clear form to continue.

Cause: Failed attempt to allocate memory for a fetched or new record. The remaining
records that are queried are temporarily buffered on disk. This is an indication that no
more temporary files can be written to the disk.

Action: Clear form and then attempt to continue. You may have to exit the form and then
re-open. Also, make sure there is enough disk space and that you have write privileges to
the disk drive and directory.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40901: Note: not enough memory to remember all or part of this query.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40902: SQL statement too large.

Cause: Application design error. The form's design includes a SQL command that is
more than 2048 characters long.

Action: Shorten the SQL command.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40903: Cannot create output file.

Cause: You pressed [Print Screen], but screen contents could not be written to a file
because of one of the following:

1. You have entered an illegal file name.

2. The operating system does not give you authority to create files.

3. The necessary disk or directory space is not available.

Action: Check the file name you have entered and correct it if necessary. If you need
additional help, contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40904: Program error: unknown operation to be performed on record.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40905: Unable to buffer more records on disk.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40906: FATAL ERROR: cannot write a buffered record to disk.

Cause: Failure while trying to write a buffered record to the disk.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40907: FATAL ERROR: cannot read a buffered record from disk.

Cause: Failure while trying to read a buffered record from the disk.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40908: RAM Internal Error: %s

Cause: An internal error occurred within the form's internal record manager. Possible
causes include:

1. Unable to open the disk buffer file.

2. Read or write error to the disk buffer file.

3. Out of memory.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >20

Type: Error

FRM-40909: Internal Error: unknown error %d.

Cause: Internal error. Attempted to issue an unknown error message.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error
FRM-40910: Internal Error: while executing PL/SQL trigger or procedure.

Cause: An internal error occurred during PL/SQL trigger or procedure as a result of a

generation error or file corruption.

Action: Recompile your form. Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40911: Record not created due to sequence number generation error.

Cause: Internal error. Either the sequence number object does not exist, or the designer
does not have privileges for the sequence number object, or some other fatal database
error occurred.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40912: WHEN-NEW-RECORD trigger failed. Record not created.

Cause: A runtime error occurred in a When-New-Record trigger that caused the trigger to
fail. No new record was created.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40913: List of Values maximum exceeded. Some values are not displayed.

Cause: Application design error. Unable to return all the records in the current list of
values; the number exceeds the maximum limit.

Action: Specify no more than 32,767 records to be returned in a list of values.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-40914: Memory allocation error: unable to complete transaction.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40915: Memory allocation error: unable to execute trigger %s.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40916: Memory allocation error: unable to execute query.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40917: Memory allocation error: unable to lock record.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40918: Internal error: unable to initialize Toolkit.

Cause: Something in your environment or application has prevented Form Builder from
initializing the Oracle Toolkit.

Action: Make certain that Form Builder has been installed properly, your environment
contains all of the necessary resource files, and all system dependent guidelines have
been followed.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-40919: Internal SQL statement execution error: %d.

Cause: Error in the SQL statement Form Builder has tried to execute.

Action: Check the last SQL statement.

Level: 25

Type: Error

FRM-40920: Unable to create view: low on system resources.

Cause: Something in your environment or application has prevented view creation.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40921: Could not create item: %s.

Cause: Something in your environment or application has prevented item creation.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40922: An OLE error occurred: 0x%x.

Cause: A built-in called an OLE or OLE-related function which failed.

Action: You need to lookup the error number in an OLE manual for further details.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40923: OLE is not supported on this platform.

Cause: A built-in that required OLE support was called, and your platform does not
support OLE.

Action: Don't call OLE-related built-ins on platforms that don't support OLE.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40924: Invalid argument index specified.

Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve a value from the OLE-argument stack whose
index was out of bounds for the size of the current OLE-argument stack

Action: Argument indices range from 1 to the number specified in the last call to

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40925: No space initialized in OleArg for argument.

Cause: An attempt was made to store too many arguments into the initialized OLE-
argument stack.

Action: Make sure you specify enough space in your call to FORMS_OLE.InitArgs().

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40926: OLE Object is NULL.

Cause: You cannot operate on a NULL OLE object.

Action: Do not attempt to call FORMS_OLE built-ins with NULL OLE-objects.

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-40927: Variant is not an array.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a variant as if it contained an array, and it did not.

Action: You can call FORMS_OLE.Get_Dims() to ensure that you have a variant with an
array. For arrays, the return value for the function is greater than or equal to 1.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40928: Too many array indices specified.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a variant that holds an array, but too many array
indices were specified.

Action: You must use the correct number of array indices, the same number as returned
by FORMS_OLE.GET_Dims().

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40929: Too few array indices specified.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a variant that holds an array, but too few array
indices were specified.

Action: You must use the correct number of array indices, the same number as returned
by FORMS_OLE.GET_Dims().

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-40930: Array index was non-numeric.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a variant that holds an array, but the supplied
array indices were non-numeric and not either ROW or COLUMN.

Action: The only valid array indices are numbers, which should be separated by columns.
If you're fetching into a table from a variant, ROW and COLUMN can be used as
placeholders for the row and column iterators during table construction.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40931: Cannot populate table because datatype is unsupported.

Cause: An attempt to populate a table failed because one of its columns used an
unsupported datatype.

Action: Restrict your column types to integers, numbers, strings, and dates.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40932: Cannot populate variant because table's datatype is unsupported.

Cause: An attempt to populate a variant failed because one of the source table's columns
used an unsupported datatype.

Action: Restrict your column types to integers, numbers, strings, and dates.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40933: Cannot populate table because datatype is incorrect.

Cause: An attempt to populate a table failed because the block's datatype did not match
the table's datatype.
Action: The table datatype must match the datatypes of the block's columns that are being

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40934: Cannot populate table because records are out of bounds.

Cause: An attempt to populate a table failed because an illegal start or end record was

Action: start_rec and end_rec parameters must fall between 1 and the number of
retrievable records. end_rec may also be ALL_RECORDS.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-40935: Object does not exist locally.

Cause: An attempt to release an object failed because the 'kill_persistent' parameter was
set to FALSE, and no local object existed to release.

Action: Never release objects you don't own.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41000: This function is not currently available.

Cause: You pressed an undefined function key.

Action: Press [Show Keys] to determine which function key you should have pressed.

Level: 5
Type: Error

FRM-41001: This function is not allowed on this device.

Cause: You tried to execute the Insert/Replace function.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Error

FRM-41002: Please make a valid selection.

Cause: You entered an invalid selection number on the block menu; that block does not
exist in this form.

Action: Select an existing block.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41003: This function cannot be performed here.

Cause: You tried to perform a function that references a table, but current block does not
correspond to any table.

Action: No action is necessary. You cannot perform the requested function on this block.
Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41004: This function is not allowed in this mode.

Cause: You pressed a function key that does not work in this mode.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41005: Internal Error: function key not implemented.

Cause: You pressed a disabled function key.

Action: No action is necessary. You cannot use the function key in the current context
unless the form's definition is modified.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41006: Cannot find Forms Runtime command.

Cause: You pressed a function key that has not been defined for your keyboard map.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-41007: Cursor not in a valid item. Function key was ignored.

Cause: You were not in a valid item when you pressed the function key.

Action: Position the cursor inside the item and press the function key again.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41008: Undefined function key. Press %s for list of valid keys.

Cause: You pressed an undefined function key.

Action: Press [Show Keys] to determine which function key you should have pressed.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41009: Function key not allowed. Press %s for list of valid keys.

Cause: You pressed a function key that is not allowed in this environment.

Action: Press [Show Keys] to determine which function key you should have pressed.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41010: Cannot set attribute of the current item.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM statement tried to turn off the Input
Allowed property for the current item.

Action: Eliminate the statement or rewrite the trigger.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41011: Undefined attribute.

Cause: Application design error. A DISPLAY_ITEM or DISPLAY_PAGE statement

tried to set an undefined attribute, or a SET_ITEM_PROPERTY statement tried to set an
undefined property.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41012: Undefined item or variable reference.

Cause: Application design error. A NAME_IN statement tried to reference a nonexistent

item or variable.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41013: Undefined attribute specified for item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure specifies an
undefined parameter.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41014: Cannot set attribute of null canvas item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to change some
property of a NULL canvas item.

Action: Move the item to a non-0 page.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41015: Cannot set ENTERABLE attribute of the current item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to change the
Input Allowed property of the current item.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41016: Cannot set DISPLAYED attribute of the current item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to change the
Displayed property of the current item.
Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41017: Cannot set UPDATE ALLOWED attribute of non-enabled item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to turn on the
Update Allowed property of a non-enterable item.

Action: To turn on the Update Allowed property of an item you must also turn on the
Input Allowed property of the item.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41018: Cannot set UPDATE_NULL attribute of non-enabled item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to turn on the
Update if Null property of a non-enterable item.

Action: To turn on the Update if Null property of an item you must also turn on the Input
Allowed property of the item.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41019: Cannot set REQUIRED attribute of non-enabled item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to turn on the
Required property of a non-enterable item.

Action: To turn on the Required property of an item you must also turn on the Input
Allowed property of the item.

Level: >25
Type: Error

FRM-41020: Cannot set ENTERABLE attribute of non-displayed item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to turn on the
Input Allowed property of a non-displayed item.

Action: To turn on the Input Allowed property of an item you must also turn on the
Displayed property of the item.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41021: Cannot set QUERYABLE attribute of non-displayed item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to turn on the
Query Allowed property of a non-displayed item.

Action: To turn on the Query Allowed property of an item you must also turn on the
Displayed property of the item.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41022: Cannot set REQUIRED attribute of non-updateable item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to turn on the
Required property of a non-updateable item.

Action: To turn on the Required property of an item you must also turn on either the
Update Allowed property or the Update if Null property of the item.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41023: Cannot set UPDATE ALLOWED attribute of secure item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to change the
Update Allowed property of a database item which the user does not have permission to

Action: Either correct the SET_ITEM statement or grant update permission on the
column to the user.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41024: Cannot set UPDATE_NULL attribute of secure item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to change the
Update if Null property of a database item which the user does not have permission to

Action: Either correct the SET_ITEM statement or grant update permission on the
column to the user.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41025: Page number %d does not exist.

Cause: Application design error. Attempted an operation on a non-existent page.

Action: Check arguments to page related built-ins.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41026: Field does not understand operation.

Cause: You attempted to perform an operation that is invalid for the given item type.

Action: Do not attempt to perform the operation on an item to which the operation cannot
be applied.

FRM-41027: Primary key must be defined for this block.

Cause: You attempted to set Key_Mode or primary key option on for a block with no
primary key items.

Action: Specify one or more primary key items on the block.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41028: Invalid property.

Cause: You passed an invalid property constant to a Get or Set property built-in.

Action: Verify arguments.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41029: Invalid parameter.

Cause: You attempted to set a form, block, item, or record property to an invalid value.

Action: Verify arguments to SET_FORM_PROPERTY, SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY,


Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41030: Cannot reset ITEM_LENGTH of item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. Attempted to change the length of a fixed length item.

Action: Statically declare the item to be of the maximum necessary length or change item

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41031: Cannot reset ITEM_LENGTH greater than the allocated buffer.

Cause: Application design error. Tried to reset ITEM_LENGTH greater than the
allocated buffer.

Action: Increase item length in the form definition.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41032: Cannot set ENABLED attribute of current item %s.%s.

Cause: A call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY attempted to set the Enabled attribute of the

current item.

Action: Either correct the call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or navigate to another item

before setting the Enabled attribute.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41033: Cannot set ENABLED attribute of non-displayed item %s.%s.

Cause: A call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY attempted to set the Enabled attribute of a

non-displayed item.

Action: First navigate to the item, then set the Enabled attribute with a call to

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41034: Cannot set NAVIGABLE attribute of non-displayed item %s.%s.

Cause: A call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY attempted to set the Navigable attribute of a

non-displayed item.

Action: First navigate to the item, then set the Navigable attribute with a call to

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41035: Cannot set NAVIGABLE attribute of non-enabled item %s.%s.

Cause: A call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY attempted to set the Navigable attribute of a

non-enabled item.

Action: First set the Enabled attribute of the item with a call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY.
Then set the Navigable property of the item with another call to

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41036: Cannot modify a checkbox that does not allow querying.

Cause: You attempted to modify a check box that does not allow querying.
Action: First set the Query Allowed property to True, then the end user may shift and
click the check box to enable or disable the item.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41037: Cannot modify a radio group that does not allow querying.

Cause: You attempted to modify a radio group that does not allow querying.

Action: First set the Enabled property to True with a call to


Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41038: Item %s is not a checkbox.

Cause: A call to CHECKBOX_CHECKED was made to an item which was not a check

Action: Correct the call to CHECKBOX_CHECKED.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41039: Invalid Alert ID %d.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_ALERT will be performed.

Level: >25

Type: Error
FRM-41040: Cannot find radio button: %s.

Cause: An invalid ID or name was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Check the name or ID that you entered and try again.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41041: Cannot find form module: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_FORM will be performed.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41042: No such property for Set_Item_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set an invalid item property.

Action: Check the documentation for setting item properties and try again.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-41043: Cannot find timer: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_TIMER will be performed.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41044: Error deleting timer %s

Cause: An error occurred while executing a DELETE_TIMER built-in.

Action: Verify that your timer has been created correctly.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41045: Cannot find item: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_ALERT will be performed.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41046: Invalid parameter used for Set_Item_Property.

Cause: An invalid parameter was passed to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY.

Action: Verify the valid parameters for SET_ITEM_PROPERTY and try again.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41047: Cannot navigate out of current block in enter-query mode.

Cause: An illegal attempt to navigate out of the current block when in Enter Query mode.

Action: Perform operation before entering query mode.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41048: Procedure %s is not valid in a %s trigger.

Cause: The indicated procedure is not valid when called from the indicated trigger. The
procedure may be a restricted procedure, which cannot be called from any trigger that
fires during navigation.

Action: Correct the invalid trigger.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41049: You cannot delete this record.

Cause: You attempted to delete a record on a block that does not allow deletes.
Action: Do not attempt to delete records in this block until you have set the Delete
Allowed block property to True.

Level: >20

Type: Error

FRM-41050: You cannot update this record.

Cause: You attempted to update a record on a block that does not allow updates.

Action: Do not attempt to update records in this block until you have set the Update
Allowed block property to True.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41051: You cannot create records here.

Cause: You attempted to create records on a block that does not allow inserts.

Action: Do not attempt to create and insert new records into this block until you have set
the Insert Allowed block property to True.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41052: Cannot find Window: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_WINDOW will be performed.

Level: 20
Type: Error

FRM-41053: Cannot find Canvas: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_CANVAS will be performed.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41054: No such property for Get_Record_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent record property.

Action: Verify call to GET_RECORD_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41055: No such property for Set_Record_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set a non-existent record property.

Action: Verify call to SET_RECORD_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41056: Cannot find Block: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_BLOCK will be performed.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41057: No such property for Set_View_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set a non-existent view property.

Action: Verify call to SET_VIEW_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41058: No such property for Get_Item_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent item property.

Action: Verify call to GET_ITEM_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error


FRM-41059: No such property for Set_Canvas_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set a non-existent canvas property.

Action: Verify call to SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41060: Cannot disable Primary Key property of only key item.

Cause: You attempted to turn off the Primary Key property on the last primary key item
on a block with either the Primary Key property or with key mode of the primary key.

Action: Disable the block properties first.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41061: No such property for Get_Window_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent window property.

Action: Verify call to GET_WINDOW_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41062: Cannot find Editor: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_EDITOR will be performed.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41063: Cannot create Editor.

Cause: Not enough memory available for Forms Runtime.

Action: Try calling SHOW_EDITOR again after closing some of your windows.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41064: Cannot create Timer %s: illegal identifier name.

Cause: Illegal identifier name.

Action: Check legal syntax for naming timers.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41065: Cannot find Menu: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_MENU will be performed.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41066: No such property for Get_Form_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent form property.

Action: Verify call to GET_FORM_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41067: Cannot find Menu Item: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_MENU_ITEM will be performed.

Level: 20

Type: Error
FRM-41068: Error in Set_Menu_Item_Property.

Cause: Invalid call to SET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY.

Action: Verify valid parameters and try again.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41069: Error in Get_Menu_Item_Property.

Cause: Invalid call to GET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY.

Action: Verify valid parameters and try again.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41070: Unknown property for Set_Menu_Item_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set a non-existent menu item property.

Action: Verify call to SET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error


FRM-41071: Unknown property for Get_Menu_Item_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent menu item property.

Action: Verify call to GET_MENU_ITEM_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41072: Cannot create Group %s

Cause: Caused by one of the following

1. Duplicate column names in SQL statement.

2. Invalid record group name.

3. Query is invalid.

Action: Check the group name and/or correct the SQL statement.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41073: Cannot find Group: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_GROUP will be performed.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41074: Cannot find Group or Column: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_GROUP or FIND_COLUMN will be


Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41075: Error deleting Group.

Cause: The record group name or ID specified in the call to DELETE_GROUP is invalid,
or the record group was not dynamically created.

Action: Check the record group name or ID, and make sure that the specified record
group was dynamically created.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41076: Error populating Group.

Cause: Query failed due to an invalid column or table name, or the query and group
column structure do not match.

Action: Check the SQL SELECT statement in your call to


Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41077: Error deleting Group Row(s).

Cause: DELETE_GROUP_ROW cannot be used to delete records from a static record

group, or you specified an invalid row number.

Action: Correct the call to DELETE_GROUP_ROW.

Level: 20
Type: Error

FRM-41078: Error resetting Group selection.

Cause: Record group name or ID specified is invalid.

Action: Check the record group name or ID and try again.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41079: Error adding Group column.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You cannot add columns to a group that already has rows.

2. The width of CHAR_COLUMN-typed columns cannot be less than the width of the
corresponding database column.

3. You entered the name of a nonexistent or invalid record group.

4. You entered the name of a nonexistent or invalid column.

5. You entered a column type other than CHAR, NUMBER, or DATE.

Action: You can only add columns to a group after it is created with a call to
CREATE_GROUP. If the group already has rows, delete the rows with
DELETE_GROUP_ROW, then add the column.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41080: Error adding Group row.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You attempted to add rows to a group that is nonexistent or has no columns.

2. You entered the name of a nonexistent record group.

3. You provided a row number that is out of range or invalid.

Action: Create the group and add columns first. Check the call to ADD_GROUP_ROW
to make sure that the record group name and row number are valid.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41081: Cannot move Item: invalid position.

Cause: You attempted to move the item to an invalid position on the canvas.

Action: Make sure the coordinates you chose in your call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY are

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-41082: Cannot resize item: position of item places it off of canvas.

Cause: The height and/or width you specified in your call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY is
invalid, or the height and/or width you specified causes the item to extend off of the

Action: Correct the call to SET_ITEM_PROPERTY.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41083: No such property for Set_Form_Property

Cause: You attempted to set a nonexistent form property.

Action: Verify call to SET_FORM_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41084: Error getting Group Cell.



Action: Make sure the column type is of CHAR, DATE, or NUMBER, respectively.
Check the validity of the row number and column name specified.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41085: Error getting Group Row count.

Cause: Invalid call to GET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT.

Action: Check the record group name and try again.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41086: Error getting Group selection count.

Cause: You specified an invalid record group name. Invalid call to


Action: Correct the call to GET_GROUP_SELECTION.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41087: Error getting Group selection.

Cause: You specified an invalid record group name or selection number. Invalid call to

Action: Correct the call to GET_GROUP_SELECTION.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41088: Cannot set Group selection.

Cause: You specified an invalid record group name, ID, or row number.

Action: Correct the call to SET_GROUP_SELECTION.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41089: Cannot move View: invalid position.

Cause: The x, y pair specified in the call to SET_VIEW_PROPERTY is invalid.

Action: Correct the call to SET_VIEW_PROPERTY by making sure that the position
specified by your coordinates is on the canvas.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41090: Invalid item type for go_item: %s.

Cause: You cannot navigate to the item.

Action: Check to make sure the item is a navigable item.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41091: Cannot find LOV: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_LOV will be performed.

Level: 20

Type: Error
FRM-41092: No records in block %s.

Cause: You attempted to place a value into an item on a block that has no records.

Action: Put records in the block first.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41093: Error setting item attribute: %s.

Cause: You specified Lock Record and the item was not a text item, or you specify Case
Insensitive Query and the data type was not ALPHA or CHAR.

Action: In the case of Lock Record, make sure that the item is a text item. When
specifying Case Insensitive Query, make sure that the data type is ALPHA or CHAR.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41094: No such property for Get_View_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent view property.

Action: Verify call to GET_VIEW_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-41095: No such property for Get_Canvas_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent canvas property.

Action: Verify call to GET_CANVAS_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41096: Cannot resize View: invalid size.

Cause: The x, y coordinates place the view off the canvas.

Action: Choose another x, y pair.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41097: Cannot resize Canvas: invalid size.

Cause: The x, y coordinates place the view off the window.

Action: Choose another x, y pair.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41098: Cannot modify Display Position of a content view.

Cause: The display position property applies to a stacked canvas-view only.

Action: Correct the call to SET_VIEW_PROPERTY.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41099: Cannot modify Size of a content view.

Cause: The size of a content view is dependent on window size. Only stacked view sizes
may be modified using SET_VIEW_PROPERTY.

Action: Correct the call to SET_VIEW_PROPERTY.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41100: Cannot find relation %s.

Cause: You attempted to get, set, or find using an invalid relation.

Action: Check call to built-in for correct arguments.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-41101: No such property for Get_Relation_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent relation property.

Action: Verify call to GET_RELATION_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41102: No such property for Set_Relation_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set a non-existent relation property.

Action: Verify call to SET_RELATION_PROPERTY for valid property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41103: No such property value for Set_Relation_Property.

Cause: Application design error. Improper relation property value passed to


Action: Correct call to SET_RELATION_PROPERTY built-in and retry.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41104: Cannot find Relation: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_RELATION will be performed.

Level: 20
Type: Error

FRM-41105: You cannot query records without a saved parent record.

Cause: You attempted to query detail records without first creating a master record.

Action: Create a master record, and then query the detail records.

FRM-41106: You cannot create records without a parent record.

Cause: You attempted to create new detail records without first creating a master record.

Action: Create a master record, and then add the detail records.

FRM-41107: Master delete option for the relation is invalid.

Cause: An invalid query data source type or an invalid DML data target type is specified
for the detail block.

Action: Verify that the detail block's query data source and the DML data targets are of
type table.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41200: Integration error: invalid product.

Cause: Invalid product name specified in RUN_PRODUCT.

Action: Check the RUN_PRODUCT parameters and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41201: Integration error: communication mode must be SYNCHRONOUS or

Cause: Invalid communication mode specified in RUN_PRODUCT.

Action: Check the RUN_PRODUCT parameters and try again.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41202: Integration error: parameter list %s has no parameters.

Cause: Parameter list has no arguments.

Action: Check the specified parameter list for parameters.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41203: Integration error: invalid parameter list ID.

Cause: An invalid parameter list ID was passed.

Action: Check the parameter list ID name and try again.

Level: 20

Type: Error
FRM-41204: Integration error: memory allocation error.

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact customer support.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41205: Integration error: %s not a Chart Item

Cause: The variable type specified for display is not of type Chart Item.

Action: Specify a Chart Item for the display parameter.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41206: Integration error: ambiguous item %s.

Cause: Invalid item name; may be a duplicate.

Action: Specify the item name with the block name.item name format.

Level: 20
Type: Error

FRM-41207: Integration error: could not find item %s.

Cause: The item name specified does not exist.

Action: Check the name for accuracy and try again with the format block name.item

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41208: Integration error: execution mode must be BATCH or RUNTIME.

Cause: Invalid execution mode specified in RUN_PRODUCT.

Action: Specify either BATCH or RUNTIME for the execmode parameter.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41209: Integration error: document location must be FILESYSTEM or DB.

Cause: Invalid document location specified in RUN_PRODUCT.

Action: Specify either FILESYSTEM or DB for the location parameter.

Level: 20

Type: Error


FRM-41210: Integration error: Null Chart Item

Cause: A null is specified for the chart item display.

Action: Check the display item of the RUN_PRODUCT built-in and confirm that it is not

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41211: Integration error: SSL failure running another product.

Cause: There is a problem detected when launching another product.

Action: Check the RUN_PRODUCT built-in.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41212: Integration error: invalid communication mode for data exchange

Cause: User specified an asynchronous RUN_PRODUCT.

Action: Change to a synchronous RUN_PRODUCT communication mode.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41213: Unable to connect to the Report server %s.

Cause: There is a problem connecting to the specified Report server.

Action: Check the Report server and make sure it is up and running.
Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41214: Unable to run report.

Cause: The report server was unable to run the specified report.

Action: Check the Report server and make sure it is up and running.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41215: Invalid server name or jobid.

Cause: There is a problem decoding the return value from the built-in run_report.

Action: The return value from the built-in run_report should not be modified before being
passed to another report built-in.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41216: Unable to cancel job.

Cause: There is a problem cancelling a report job.

Action: Check the Report server and make sure that the specified job exists.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41217: Unable to get report job status.

Cause: There is a problem getting report status for a given report job.

Action: Check the Report server and make sure that the specified job exists.

Level: 20

Type: Error


FRM-41218: Unable to copy report output.

Cause: There is a problem copying report output for a given report job.

Action: Check the Report server and make sure that the specified output file exists.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41219: Cannot find report: invalid ID.

Cause: The user has specified an invalid report object name.

Action: Check the form and make sure that the report object exists.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41300: Invalid parameter used for Set_Radio_Button_Property.

Cause: You specified a parameter that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal parameters.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41301: Invalid parameter used for Set_View_Property.

Cause: You specified a parameter that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal parameters.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41302: Invalid parameter used for Set_Canvas_Property.

Cause: You specified a parameter that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal parameters.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41303: No such property for Set_Window_Property.

Cause: You specified a property that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41304: No such property for Set_Block_Property.

Cause: You specified a property that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41305: No such property for Get_Block_Property.

Cause: You specified a property that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41306: Invalid parameter used for Set_Window_Property.

Cause: You specified a parameter that is not valid.

Action: Check the list of valid parameters.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41307: Invalid parameter used for Set_Block_Property.

Cause: You specified a parameter that is not valid.

Action: Check the list of valid parameters.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41308: Error unsetting Group selection.

Cause: You tried to deselect a record or a subset of records that was not selected or is not
in the record group.

Action: Check the records that are expected in the group.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41309: No such property for Get_Radio_Button_Property.

Cause: You specified a property that is invalid.

Action: Check the list of valid properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41310: No such property for Set_Radio_Button_Property.

Cause: You specified a property that is invalid.

Action: Check the list of valid properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41311: Invalid argument or argument ordering for %s.

Cause: You supplied an incorrect argument list.

Action: Check the list of valid arguments.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41312: Must have at least one writable item in block.

Cause: A block with the INSERT_ALLOWED or UPDATE_ALLOWED property set to

True must have at least one writable item. You attempted to make the only remaining
base table item in the block not writable by setting either the DERIVED_COLUMN or
QUERY_ONLY property to True.

Action: Set INSERT_ALLOWED or UPDATE_ALLOWED to False for the block,

rather than setting DERIVED_COLUMN or QUERY_ALLOWED to False for each

Level: 10

Type: Informative

FRM-41313: No such property for Set_Alert_Property.

Cause: An invalid property has been specified for SET_ALERT_PROPERTY.

Action: Enter a valid alert property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41314: Cannot set Insert Allowed property of current item %s.%s

Cause: You attempted to set the Insert Allowed property for a non-displayed item.

Action: The Insert Allowed property is only valid on displayed items. Make sure the item
is displayed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41315: Cannot set Insert Allowed property of non-displayed item %s.%s

Cause: You tried to set Insert Allowed property for a non-displayed item.

Action: The Insert Allowed property is only valid on displayed items. Make sure the item
is displayed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41316: Cannot set Insert Allowed property of disabled item %s.%s

Cause: You tried to set Insert Allowed property for a disabled item.

Action: The Insert Allowed property is only valid on enabled items. Make sure the item is

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41317: Item is not a radio button %s

Cause: You tried to use a radio button built-in with an item that is not a radio button.

Action: Make sure the item is a radio button.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41318: Item %s is not a VBX item.

Cause: You tried to use a VBX built-in with an item that is not a VBX item.

Action: Make sure the item is a VBX item.

Level: 5

Type: Informative

FRM-41319: Invalid property %s specified for VBX item %s.

Cause: You tried to get or set an invalid property for the specified VBX item.

Action: Make sure the property is valid for the specified VBX item.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41320: Unable to get property %s for VBX item %s.

Cause: Could not get the valid property for the VBX item.

Action: Check the list of legal properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41321: Unable to set property %s for VBX item %s.

Cause: Could not set the valid property for the VBX item.

Action: Check the list of legal properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error



FRM-41322: Invalid event %s for VBX item %s.

Cause: You tried to get or set an invalid event for the specified VBX item.

Action: Make sure the event is valid for the specified VBX item.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41323: Too many parameters for event %s for VBX item %s.

Cause: You specified too many parameters for the event name for the VBX item.

Action: Make sure there is a valid number of parameters for the event.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41324: Too few parameters for event %s for VBX item %s.

Cause: You specified too few parameters for the event name for the VBX item.

Action: Make sure there is a valid number of parameters for the event.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41325: VBX event parameter must be a string.

Cause: The VBX event parameter is not a string.

Action: Make sure the VBX event parameter is a string.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41326: Failed to deliver event %s to VBX item %s.

Cause: The VBX event failed.

Action: Make sure the event is valid for the specified VBX item.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41327: Failed to get default property for VBX item %s.

Cause: The VBX.GET_VALUE_PROPERTY built-in failed.

Action: Make sure an initial value is assigned to the VB Control Value property.

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-41328: Failed to set default property for VBX item %s.

Cause: The VBX.SET_VALUE_PROPERTY built-in failed.

Action: Make sure you are setting a valid value property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41329: Item %s is not a List item.

Cause: You tried to add a list element to an item that is not a list.

Action: Make sure the item is a List item.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41330: Could not insert list element into %s.

Cause: You tried to insert an other values element when the block contained either
queried or changed records.
Action: For more information, refer to help for restrictions on ADD_LIST_ELEMENT .

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41331: Could not delete element from %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

You tried to delete the other values element when the block contained either queried or
changed records.

You tried to delete an element from a list that does not contain an other values element
when the block contained either queried or changed records.

Action: For more information, refer to help for restrictions on CLEAR_LIST and

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41332: List element index out of range.

Cause: Not enough memory.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41333: Cannot convert list element value.

Cause: Could not resolve list element value to a string.

Action: Make sure list element is a string.

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-41334: Invalid record group for list population.

Cause: You tried to populate a list from a record group that does not exist.

Action: Make sure the record group exists.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41335: Populate_List: invalid column type for column 1.

Cause: You tried to populate a list from a record group that does not exist.

Action: Make sure the record group exists.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41336: Populate_List: invalid column type for column 2.

Cause: The record group does not have a column of the same type.

Action: Make sure record group has a column of the same type.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41337: Cannot populate the list from record group.

Cause: The record group is invalid or the list item does not satisfy the requirements for
deleting and adding elements.

Action: Make sure the record group is valid. For more information about deleting and
adding list elements, refer to help for restrictions on DELETE_LIST_ELEMENT and
Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41338: Cannot retrieve the list into record group.

Cause: The record group is invalid.

Action: Make sure the record group is valid.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41339: Cannot clear the list.

Cause: Not enough memory.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41340: No such property for Set_Application_Property.

Cause: You specified an invalid property.

Action: Specify a valid property

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41341: Invalid cursor shape %s specified.

Cause: There is a predefined set of cursor types, and an invalid cursor type was specified.

Action: Specify a valid cursor type.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41342: Invalid parameter %s specified for VBX event %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter for a VBX event.

Action: Check the parameter type.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41343: Item %s is not an OLE object.

Cause: Invalid item passed to OLE built-in.

Action: Specify a valid OLE item.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41344: OLE object not defined for %s in the current record.

Cause: An empty OLE container is defined.

Action: Define an OLE object to reside in the OLE container.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41345: Cannot find the verb %s for this server.

Cause: You specified an invalid OLE verb.

Action: Specify a valid OLE verb.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41346: Cannot determine the verb count for OLE object %s.

Cause: Could not communicate with OLE server.

Action: Re-install the OLE server.

Level: 99
Type: Error

FRM-41347: Invalid verb index for OLE object %s.

Cause: You provided an index that is greater than the verb count.

Action: Check the index value.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41348: OLE server error: %s.

Cause: OLE server detects an error.

Action: Try to resolve the error based on the message from the OLE server.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41349: OLE object %s cannot execute verb; verb id %d

Cause: OLE object does not recognize the verb.

Action: Try to execute another verb.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41350: OLE object is currently not displayed.

Cause: You tried to close a server that is not running.

Action: Ask if the server is active in a record that is not currently active.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41351: Cannot navigate out of current form.

Cause: You cannot navigate to an inactive form.

Action: Check to make sure the form you are navigating to is active.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41352: Failed to create a new session.

Cause: You attempted to open a new form with a new session.

Action: Check the database server.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41353: Cannot start another call form.

Cause: You went to a peer form and performed a call form.

Action: Make sure you are not at a peer form when calling the form.
Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41354: Cannot close form %s.

Cause: Unsuccessful attempt to close a form.

Action: Make sure the form is open.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41355: Cannot navigate to form %s.

Cause: You cannot navigate to an inactive form.

Action: Check to make sure you are navigating to an active form.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41356: Invalid method %s for VBX item %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid method name for the VBX item.
Action: Specify a valid method name for the VBX item.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41357: Incorrect number of arguments to method %s for VBX item %s.

Cause: You specified an incorrect number of arguments to the method for the VBX item.

Action: Make sure the number of arguments is what the VBX item expects.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41358: Method %s failed for VBX item %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid method name for the VBX item.

Action: Specify a valid method name for the VBX item.

Level: 5

Type: Informative

FRM-41359: The Open_Form session feature is not enabled. Cannot create new session.

Cause: You do not have the multiple sessioning feature enabled on the database.
Action: The Open_Form session feature is only available for use against a database with
multiple sessioning enabled.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41360: Invalid value used in Set_Window_Property for window %s.

Cause: You are using an invalid value when attempting to set a window property.

Action: Specify a valid window property value.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41361: Cannot navigate out of current form in Enter-Query mode.

Cause: You are in Enter-Query mode and trying to navigate to another form when using
Open Form.

Action: Exit Enter-Query mode and try again.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41362: No such property for Set_Alert_Button_Property.

Cause: You specified an invalid property for Set_Alert_Button_Property.

Action: Specify a valid property for Set_Alert_Button_Property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41363: No such property for Set_LOV_Column_Property.

Cause: You specified an invalid property for Set_LOV_Column_Property.

Action: Specify a valid property for Set_LOV_Column_Property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41364: Invalid column number specified for LOV %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid column number for the LOV.

Action: Specify a valid column number for the LOV.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41365: No such property for Set_TabPage_Property.

Cause: You specified an invalid property for Set_TabPage_Property.

Action: Specify a valid property for Set_TabPage_Property.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41366: No such property for Get_TabPage_Property.

Cause: You specified an invalid property parameter.

Action: Check the list of valid properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41367: Cannot find TabPage: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to FIND_TABPAGE will be performed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41368: Invalid parameter used for Set_TabPage_Property.

Cause: You specified a parameter that is not valid.

Action: Check the list of valid parameters.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41369: Cannot insert a second record into a single-record block.

Cause: You (or the application) have attempted to insert a second record into a block
whose SINGLE_RECORD property is TRUE.

Action: Don't attempt to insert a record into such a block.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41370: Cannot modify calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. The application attempted to assign a value to a

calculated item.

Action: If the calculated item is a formula item, then its formula determines its value at
all times. It may be appropriate to modify the formula. Or it may be appropriate to change
the calculated item to a non-calculated control item whose value is set in various triggers.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41371: Cannot programmatically set INSERT_ALLOWED property of calculated

item %s.%s.
Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or
SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a calculated item's

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41372: Cannot programmatically set ITEM_IS_VALID property of calculated item


Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a

calculated item's ITEM_IS_VALID property to FALSE.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41373: Cannot programmatically set LOCK_RECORD property of calculated item

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a
calculated item's LOCK_RECORD property to TRUE.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41374: Cannot programmatically set PRIMARY_KEY property of calculated item


Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a

calculated item's PRIMARY_KEY property to TRUE.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41375: Cannot programmatically set QUERYABLE property of calculated item


Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a

calculated item's QUERYABLE property to TRUE.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41376: Cannot programmatically set REQUIRED property of calculated item %s.


Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a calculated item's
REQUIRED property to TRUE.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41377: Cannot programmatically set UPDATEABLE property of calculated item


Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a calculated item's
UPDATEABLE property to TRUE.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41378: Cannot programmatically set UPDATE_NULL property of calculated item


Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set a

calculated item's UPDATE_NULL property to TRUE.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41379: Cannot recalculate non-formula item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A RECALCULATE built-in specified an item which is

not a formula item.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-41380: Cannot set the blocks query data source.

Cause: The user attempt to change the block's data source dynamically has failed.

Action: Check the form and make sure that the specified block is not a control block and
the block status is new.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41381: Cannot set the blocks DML data target source.

Cause: The user attempt to change the block's DML data target dynamically has failed.

Action: Check the form and make sure that the specified block is not a control block and
the block status is new.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41382: No such property for Get_Item_Instance_Property.

Cause: Application design error. A GET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY built-in

specified an invalid property.

Action: The property must be changed to BORDER_BEVEL, INSERT_ALLOWED,

call to the built-in must be removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41383: No such property for Set_Item_Instance_Property.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY built-in

specified an invalid property.
Action: The property must be changed to BORDER_BEVEL, INSERT_ALLOWED,
call to the built-in must be removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41384: Invalid parameter used for Set_Item_Instance_Property.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY built-in

specified an invalid value for a property.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41385: Maximum number of queried records exceeded.

Cause: The user specified maximum number of records for a given block is reached.

Action: Check the forms block and form level properties.

Level: 99

Type: Informative

FRM-41386: Cannot set VISIBLE attribute of tab page containing current item.

Cause: You tried to set the Visible property for the tab page which contains the current

Action: The Visible property is only valid for tab pages which don't contain the current
item. Navigate to an item on a different tab page or different canvas first.

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-41387: Cannot set VISIBLE attribute of last enterable tab page.

Cause: You tried to set the Visible property for the only enterable tab page on the canvas.

Action: Make sure there is at least one other enterable tab page on the canvas before
trying to set the Visible property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41388: Cannot set ENABLED attribute of tab page containing current item.

Cause: You tried to set the Enabled property for the tab page which contains the current

Action: The property is only valid for tab pages which don't contain the current item.

Navigate to an item on a different tab page or different canvas first.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41389: Cannot set ENABLED attribute of last enterable tab page.

Cause: You tried to set the Enabled property for the only enterable tab page on the

Action: Make sure there is at least one other enterable tab page on the canvas before
trying to set the Enabled property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41390: Cannot set REQUIRED property of subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: Application design error. A SET_ITEM_PROPERTY or

SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY built-in attempted to set the Required property of
a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the
Required property will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the
Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Set the Required property of the master mirror item.

Level: 25

Type: Error

FRM-41391: Cannot find visual attribute: invalid ID.

Cause: An invalid ID was passed to a built-in subprogram.

Action: Verify that a proper call to Find_VA will be performed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41392: No such property for Get_VA_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent visual attribute property.

Action: Verify call to Get_VA_Property for a valid property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41393: No such property for Set_VA_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set an invalid visual attribute property.

Action: Check the documentation for setting visual attribute properties and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41394: Invalid parameter value used for Set_VA_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set an invalid value for a visual attribute property.

Action: Check the documentation for setting visual attribute properties and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41395: Invalid parameter used for Set_Report_Object_Property.

Cause: You specified a parameter that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal parameters.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41396: No such property for Get/Set_Report_Object_Property.

Cause: You specified a property that does not exist.

Action: Check the list of legal properties.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41397: Invalid parameter value used for Set_Graphics_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set an invalid value for a graphics property.

Action: Check the documentation for setting graphics properties and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41398: Unable to set object text in Set_Graphics_Property.

Cause: Error during attempt to set the text of a graphics object.

Action: Check that memory isn't low.

Action: If memory isn't an issue, the form may be corrupted.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41399: Can only set the text of a Text or Frame graphics object.

Cause: You attempted to set the text of a non-textual graphics object.

Action: Check that you specified the correct graphics object and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41400: No such property for Set_Graphics_Property.

Cause: You attempted to set an invalid graphics property.

Action: Check the documentation for setting graphics properties and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-41401: No such property for Get_Graphics_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a non-existent graphics property.

Action: Verify the call to Get_Graphics_Property for a valid property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41800: List of Values not available for this field.

Cause: You pressed [List], but the form does not provide a list of values for this field.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 10

Type: Informative

FRM-41801: Last value retrieved.

Cause: You pressed [List] and then pressed [Next Item] after the last value in the list was
Action: Enter an item value or press [List] again to display the list of possible values.

Level: 10

Type: Informative

FRM-41802: Duplicate record function allowed on new records only.

Cause: You pressed [Duplicate Record], but the current record is the one that has been
fetched from the database.

Action: No action is necessary. You can use [Duplicate Record] only when creating a
new record.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41803: No previous record to copy value from.

Cause: You pressed [Duplicate Item] or [Duplicate Record], but the current record is the
first record in the block.

Action: No action is necessary. [Duplicate Item] and [Duplicate Record] are meaningless
in this context.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41804: Variable was not entered: %.30s.

Cause: Your response to the Query Where alert contained a placeholder not used in any
of the query items.

Action: Correct the placeholder in your response, or define it in one of the query items.
Then re-execute the query.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41805: Ambiguous item name: %s.

Cause: Application design error. Ambiguous item name.


Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41806: Too many variables used.

Cause: You used more than 25 substitution variables in your query.

Action: Reduce the number of substitution variables and re-query.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41809: Error initializing Menu.

Cause: You tried to use the menu component from within Form Builder, and an internal
error occurred.
Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41810: Error creating menu.

Cause: You tried to use the menu component from within Form Builder, and an internal
error occurred.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41811: Error removing menu.

Cause: You tried to use Menus from within Form Builder, and an internal Menu error

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41812: Error resetting Menu.

Cause: You tried to use the menu component from within Form Builder, and an internal
error occurred.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-41813: Form exited by debug mode.

Cause: You selected the Exit Oracle Forms Runtime option on the Break Processing

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: >25

Type: Working

FRM-41814: Invalid page position.

Cause: Application design error. A trigger tried to move or resize a view to a page that
would cause all or part of the view to display off of the screen.

Action: Correct the statement.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41815: No such property for Get_LOV_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a nonexistent LOV property.

Action: Verify the valid LOV properties and try again.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41816: Attempt to create existing timer: %s.

Cause: Attempted to create a timer that already exists.

Action: Delete or alter the existing timer before re-creating a new one.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41817: No such timer: %s.

Cause: You attempted to alter or delete a non-existent timer.

Action: Check the built-in for proper arguments.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41818: Toolkit failed to create timer %s :may be out of memory.

Cause: An internal error occurred while attempting to create a timer, possibly as a result
of memory constraints.

Action: Check and adjust memory quotas as necessary.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41819: Timers are not supported on this platform.

Cause: Illegal attempt to create a timer on a platform where timers are not supported.
Action: None. A timer option is unavailable on your platform.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41820: Toolkit failed to delete timer: %s.

Cause: Internal error caused by timer failure.

Action: Contact customer support.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-41821: Timer name too long: %s...

Cause: You attempted to create a timer with a name longer than 30 bytes.

Action: Retry with a shorter name.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41822: Timer name may not be null string.

Cause: You attempted to create a timer with a null name.

Action: Retry with a non-null name.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41823: Illegal timer interval for timer %s.

Cause: You attempted to create a timer with an interval less than 1 millisecond.

Action: Recreate your timer with an interval of at least 1 millisecond.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41824: Date/time operation failed for %s.

Cause: An internal error occurred while attempting to resolve a date/time initial value for
an item.

Action: Contact customer support.

Level: 10

Type: Error

FRM-41825: No such property for Get_LOV_Property.

Cause: You attempted to get a nonexistent LOV property.

Action: Verify the valid LOV properties and try again.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41826: Cannot replace group; columns don't match LOV.

Cause: Cannot replace the list of values' current record group with a record group that is
incompatible with the LOV column structure.

Action: Do not attempt to assign this record group to this LOV.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41827: Group does not exist.

Cause: The group name or ID specified is invalid.

Action: Check the name or ID entered and try again.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41828: LOV does not exist.

Cause: LOV name or ID specified is invalid.

Action: Check the name or ID entered and try again.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-41829: Record not created.

Cause: Application design error. The record failed to get its initial value.

Action: Contact the application designer.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41830: List of Values contains no entries.

Cause: The record group underlying the LOV contains no records.

Action: Check to be sure that any criteria used to reduce a long list LOV did not
eliminate all matches.

Level: >5

Type: Error

FRM-41832: Error: program unit %s in library %s is uncompiled.

Cause: You called an uncompiled program unit from a library.

Action: Follow the PL/SQL program error.

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-41833: Warning! Program unit %s in library %s is uncompiled.

Cause: You called an uncompiled program unit in a library when debug mode was

Action: This is just a warning. Forms Runtime will attempt to compile and run the
program unit.

Level: 99

Type: Informative

FRM-41834: Error: Unable to create PECS class %s.

Cause: Unable to create the PECS data file.

Action: Check the PECS appendix for the location of the PECS data files. Check to be
sure you have the appropriate privileges on this file, and that the path environment
variable is set to a valid path.

Level: 99

Type: Informative

FRM-41835: Canvas %s is not a tab canvas.

Cause: You tried to perform a tab canvas specific operation on a canvas which is not a
tab canvas.

Action: Make sure the canvas specified is a tab canvas.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41836: No tab page %s in canvas %s.

Cause: You tried to perform an operation on a tab page which does not exist in the
specified canvas.

Action: Make sure you specify a tab page which exists in the specified tab canvas.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41837: Error raising tab page %s.

Cause: The specified tab page could not be brought to the top (made the current page of
the tab canvas).

Action: Make sure the specified page is enabled, and not hidden.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41838: Unable to open temporary record buffer file %s.

Cause: Unable to open file used as temporary record buffer.

Action: Verify that the file system or directory in which the file resides exists and that
you have permissions to read and write to it.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41839: Disk I/O error on temporary record buffer file %s

Cause: An I/O error occurred on attempting to read or write a record to the temporary
record buffer file.

Action: Verify that the file system or directory in which the file resides exists, and that
you have permissions to read and write to it, and that it contains sufficient space.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41840: Insufficient main memory for record buffers

Cause: Unable to allocate memory for a record being created in a block.

Action: Try restarting application when fewer programs are running concurrently, or on a
machine with more memory. The design may need to be changed so that one or more
blocks have smaller values for the Records Buffered property.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41841: Use the debugger-enabled executable if specifying DEBUG=YES.

Cause: You tried to use the debugger from an executable which doesn't include it.

Action: Run the other executable (name will vary with operating system), which includes
the debugger.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-41900: Run aborted by fatal error.

Cause: Fatal error caused form to abort.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-41901: Error: %d cursors were not closed.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-41902: Total cursors used %d.

Cause: This message appears when you run a form with the Statistics preference set to

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: >25

Type: Informative

FRM-41903: Run aborted by end of input file.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: >25

Type: Error


FRM-42015: Must specify key file in non-interactive mode.

Cause: You tried to run the form in non-interactive mode without specifying the name of
a key input file at form startup.

Action: Specify the name of the key file.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-42016: Read and write files may not have the same name.

Cause: You attempted to specify the same name for a read and a write file.

Action: Specify different names for the two files.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-42017: Module name must be specified.

Cause: You did not specify a module name.

Action: Specify a module name.

Level: >25

Type: Error

FRM-42100: No errors encountered recently.

Cause: You pressed [Display Error], but no error has occurred recently.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: 5

Type: Informative


FRM-42400: Performing event trigger %s.

Cause: This message is displayed during a trigger when debug mode is specified.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: >25

Type: Informative

FRM-42401: Performing program trigger %s.

Cause: This message is displayed during a trigger when debug mode is specified.

Action: No action is necessary.

Level: >25

Type: Informative

FRM-42423: Cannot execute trigger %s: no compiled state

Cause: This message is displayed when running a form in debug mode, if the compiled
state of a trigger has been destroyed. This can happen if you apply a change to the trigger
text and that change results in compilation errors.

Action: You can recompile the trigger in the debugger or exit the form and start it up

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47000: Cannot create Parameter List %s : internal error.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-47001: Cannot create Parameter List %s : list with this name exists.

Cause: The name you specified for the parameter list is already in use.

Action: Specify another name for the parameter list.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47002: Cannot create Parameter List : name must not be null.

Cause: The parameter list name cannot be null.

Action: Specify a name for the parameter list.


FRM-47003: Cannot delete Parameter List : internal error.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47004: Cannot delete Parameter List : invalid ID.

Cause: Attempted to pass an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Check the list ID name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47005: Cannot validate parameter %s : internal error.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-47006: Cannot create Parameter List '%s' : illegal identifier name.

Cause: Illegal identifier name.

Action: Check valid syntax for the identifier.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47007: Cannot get parameter %s attributes from Parameter List : invalid list ID.

Cause: Specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Check the parameter list ID name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47008: Cannot add parameter %s to Parameter List %s : internal error.

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47009: Cannot add parameter %s to Parameter List : invalid list ID.

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Check the parameter list ID name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-47010: Cannot add parameter to Parameter List %s : null key specified.

Cause: No name specified for the parameter.

Action: Specify a parameter name <key> in your call to ADD_PARAMETER.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47011: Cannot add parameter %s to Parameter List %s : incorrect type specified.

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter type.

Action: Specify either TEXT_PARAMETER or DATA_PARAMETER.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47012: Cannot add parameter %s to Parameter List %s : group %s does not exist.

Cause: Record group name does not exist.

Action: Check the record group name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47013: Cannot add parameter %s to Parameter List %s : parameter with this name
Cause: Parameter with this name already exists.

Action: Specify another name for the parameter.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-47014: Cannot delete parameter %s from Parameter List %s : internal error.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47015: Cannot delete parameter %s from Parameter List : invalid list ID.

Cause: Specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Check the list ID name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-47016: Cannot delete parameter from Parameter List %s : null key specified.

Cause: You did not specify a name for the parameter.

Action: Correct the call to DELETE_PARAMETER by supplying a parameter name.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47017: Cannot delete parameter %s from Parameter List %s : no such named

parameter exists.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a parameter name that does not exist.

Action: Check the parameter name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47018: Cannot set parameter %s attributes in Parameter List %s : internal error.

Cause: Internal error: you specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47019: Cannot set parameter %s attributes in Parameter List : invalid list ID.
Cause: You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Check the parameter list ID name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47020: Cannot set parameter %s attributes in Parameter List %s : no such named

parameter exists.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a parameter name that does not exist.

Action: Check the parameter name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47021: No such parameter named %s exists in Parameter List %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a parameter name that does not exist.

Action: Check the name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47022: Cannot create Parameter List %s : name is a reserved word.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a name that is a reserved word.

Action: Specify another name for the parameter list.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47023: No such parameter named %s exists in form %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a parameter name does not exist.

Action: Check the name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47024: Parameter %s type does not match definition in form %s.

Cause: You specified a parameter type that does not match the definition in the form.

Action: Specify a parameter type that matches the definition in the form.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47025: Cannot get parameter %s attributes from Parameter List %s : internal error.

Cause: Internal error: you specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-47026: Cannot get parameter %s attributes from Parameter List %s : no such
named parameter exists.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a parameter name does not exist.

Action: Check the name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47027: Cannot add parameter %s to Parameter List %s : invalid key specified .

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Check the name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47028: Cannot set parameter %s attribute in Parameter List %s : group %s does not

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

Action: Check the name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-47029: Invalid parameter list ID in form %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a parameter name does not exist.

Action: Check the ID and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47030: Value of parameter %s is too long for definition in form %s.

Cause: You specified a parameter that is too long.

Action: Specify a parameter that is valid.

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-47031: Cannot set value of parameter %s in DEFAULT parameter list: invalid
value specified.

Cause: Application design error. A built-in (such as SET_PARAMETER_ATTR) is

attempting to set the value of a parameter which was defined when the form was
designed, but the value specified is not legal for the parameter's datatype.

Action: The call to the built-in must be modified or removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47032: Cannot set value of parameter %s in DEFAULT parameter list: internal


Cause: An internal error while attempting to set the value of a parameter.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47033: Cannot set value of read-only bind variable %s.

Cause: Application design error. The application attempted to assign a value to a bind
variable which cannot be programmtically modified.

Action: The assignment must be removed.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47100: Cannot read image file %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. Form Builder was unable to find or open the file.

3. The data in the file is not in the specified format.

Action: Check the file name and file format and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47101: Cannot write image file %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. Form Builder was unable to find or open the file.

3. The data in the file is not in the specified format.

Action: Check the file name, and make sure you have write privileges.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47102: Cannot perform %s operation on images %s and %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. This operation cannot be performed on color images.

Action: Check to see that both images are black and white.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47103: Cannot zoom image %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. Internal multimedia error caused by trying to scale a null image or invalid image data.

Action: Check the image name that you want to zoom and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47104: Invalid image type %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. Data in the file name specified does not match the data type specified.

Action: Check the file name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error


FRM-47105: No image name specified.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You did not supply a name to the built-in call.

Action: Refer to the documentation for the proper syntax for the built-in in question.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47106: No image type specified.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You did not specify an image type when calling READ_IMAGE_FILE or


Action: Supply an image type as an argument in your call to READ_IMAGE_FILE or


Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47107: Invalid scaling factor %d for Image_Zoom.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified an invalid scaling factor.

Action: Correct the call to IMAGE_ZOOM.

Level: 20

Type: Error


FRM-47108: Item %s is not an image item.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You attempted to perform an image operation on an item that is not an image item.

Action: Check the item name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47109: Cannot locate image file %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a file that cannot be found or does not exist.

Action: Verify that the file exists and the pathname is correct.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-47110: No region was selected for Image_Zoom: %s

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You tried to zoom an image without selecting an image region.

Action: Select an image region.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-47111: Cannot copy value to item: %s

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You tried to use the COPY built-in on an image item.

Action: You cannot use the COPY built-in on an image item.

Level: 20

Type: Error

FRM-47200: Item %s is not a sound item.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You attempted to perform a sound operation on an item that is not a sound item.

Action: Check the item name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47201: Cannot play sound %s.

Cause: Unable to play the sound in the requested sound item. The sound output device
may be busy.

Action: Stop other programs directing output to the sound device and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47202: No sound file name specified.

Cause: You did not supply a file name to the built-in call.

Action: Refer to the documentation for the proper syntax for the built-in in question.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47203: Cannot locate sound file %s.

Cause: Form Builder was unable to find the file specified in READ_SOUND_FILE.

Action: Check the file name and try again.

Level: 99

Type: Error
FRM-47204: Cannot read sound file %s.

Cause: Form Builder was unable to read the sound file, typically because the file type
specified did not match the file contents.

Action: Verify the contents of the sound file.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47205: No sound type specified.

Cause: You did not specify a sound type when calling WRITE_SOUND_FILE.

Action: Supply a sound type as an argument in your call to WRITE_SOUND_FILE.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47206: Cannot write sound file %s.

Cause: Form Builder was unable to create the sound file. The sound data may have been

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47207: In this release, Play_Sound can only be run against the current item.

Cause: PLAY_SOUND was invoked against other than the current item.

Action: Place the input focus in the sound item before calling PLAY_SOUND.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-47208: Cannot create an empty sound file. (%s)

Cause: WRITE_SOUND_FILE was invoked against a sound item containing no sound


Action: Load sound data into the sound item before calling WRITE_SOUND_FILE.

Level: 99

Type: Error

FRM-50001: Acceptable characters are a-z, A-Z, and space.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an unacceptable character into the item.

Action: Enter a character from a-z, A-Z, or a space.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50002: Month must be between 1 and 12.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid month value in a date field.

Action: Enter a month value from 1 (for January) to 12 (for December).

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50003: Year must be 00-99 or 1000-4712.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid year.

Action: Enter a valid year. The year may be a number between 0 and 99 (representing the
years 1900 to 1999) or between 1000 and 4712.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50004: Day must be between 1 and last of month.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid day.

Action: Enter a valid day. For April, for example, enter a number between 1 and 30.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50006: Legal characters are 0-9 + and -.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an unacceptable character in a number item.

Action: Enter a valid number. A valid number has digits 0 through 9. A number may be
preceded by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If the message allows it, a number may contain
one decimal point at any location, except before the sign.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50007: Too many digits after decimal point.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered a number with 3 or more decimal digits after the decimal point in an item
with the MONEY or RMONEY data type.

Action: Re-enter a valid number.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50009: Too many decimal points.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered a number that contains two or more decimal points, or you have entered a
number that contains a decimal point in an item that requires a whole (non-decimal)
Action: Enter a number with no more than one decimal point. If you have used only one
decimal, remove the decimal and the decimal part of the number.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50010: Money format is [+-]9999999.99

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid value in a MONEY or RMONEY item.

Action: Enter a valid value. This value should have zero or dollar digits, followed by a
decimal and two cents digits. The entire number can be preceded by a plus (+) or a minus
(-) sign.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50011: Not a valid month name.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid month name in a date field.

Action: Enter a valid month name. Form Builder recognizes the first three characters of a
month name. For example, JAN stands for January, JUN for June.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50012: Date format is %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid date.

Action: Re-enter the date in the requested format. In the format shown above, July 7,
1989 would be 07-

FRM-50013: Plus or minus must be in first position.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered the plus or minus sign in the wrong position.

Action: Retype with the plus or minus sign in the first position.

Level: 15

Type: Error


FRM-50014: Bad exponent.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an exponent in an item that does not accept exponents.

Action: Enter a value without an exponent.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50016: Legal characters are 0-9 - + E .

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an unacceptable character in a number item.

Action: Enter a valid number. A valid number has digits 0 through 9. A number may be
preceded by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If the message allows it, a number may contain
one decimal point at any location, except before the sign. You can use an E to specify
scientific notation.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50017: Hour must be between 0 and 23.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid hour.

Action: Enter a valid hour. Form Builder records time on a 24-hour basis.

Level: 15

Type: Error


FRM-50018: Minutes must be between 00 and 59.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid minute value.

Action: Enter a valid minute value.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50019: Seconds must be between 00 and 59.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid value.

Action: Enter a value between 00 and 59.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50020: Missing exponent.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You failed to enter an exponent.

Action: Enter an exponent.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50021: Date format is %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid date or an incorrectly formatted date.

Action: Re-enter the date in the requested format. In the format shown above, July 20,
1986, would be 07/20/86.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50022: Time format is %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid time format.

Action: Re-enter the time in the requested format. For example, 3:00 p.m. is 15:00:00 (or
Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50023: Date format is %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid date.

Action: Re-enter the date in the requested format. In the format shown above, July 20,
1986, would be 20/07/86.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50024: Space are allowed in leading positions only.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered spaces intermixed with data.

Action: Re-enter data with no spaces intermixed.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50025: Datetime format is %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid date.

Action: Re-enter the date and time in the requested format. In the format shown above,
3:00 p.m. on April 13, 1994, would be 13-APR-1994 15:00:00.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50026: Date format is %s.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You entered an invalid date.

Action: Re-enter the date in the requested format. In the format shown above, April 13,
1989, would be 13-APR-1989.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50027: Invalid format mask for given datatype.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. The format mask you assigned to a text item is incompatible with the data type of the
text item.

Action: Assign a new format mask to the text item. For more information, refer to help on
item format masks .

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50028: Format mask not allowed for this datatype.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. The data types LONG, IMAGE, and GRAPHICS do not support a format mask.

Action: Do not try to create a format mask for data types LONG, IMAGE, or

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-50029: Too many digits preceding decimal point for scientific notation.

Cause: Caused by one of the following:

1. You specified an invalid parameter list ID.

2. You specified a number using scientific notation, but used more than one digit
preceding the decimal point.

Action: Re-enter the number using scientific notation.

Level: 15

Type: Error


FRM-50045: Seconds past midnight confilicts with hour.

Cause: You entered a time where the seconds past midnight component does not agree
with the hour component.

Action: Make sure the hour and seconds past midnight agree, or use a format mask
without seconds past midnight.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-90925: Too many arguments on command line.

Cause: Too many arguments were specified on the command line.

Action: Retype your commands and try again.


FRM-90926: Duplicate parameter on command line.

Cause: Two identical parameters were typed on the command line.

Action: Correct the command you typed and try again.


FRM-90927: Unknown parameter on command line.

Cause: You specified an unknown parameter on the command line.

Action: Check the command line and edit as necessary.


FRM-90928: Positional parameter after key on command line.

Cause: The parameters are not in the proper order on the command line, there is a
missing parameter, or a missing '=' sign .

Action: Correct the command line as necessary and try again.

FRM-90929: Invalid value for parameter on command line.

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter value on the command line.

Action: Check the command line and edit as necessary.


FRM-90930: Invalid file parameter on command line.

Cause: You specified an invalid file parameter on the command line.

Action: Check the command line and edit as necessary.


FRM-90931: Error processing command line.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-90932: Invalid list value on command line.

Cause: List value specified is invalid.

Action: Specify the correct value and try again.


FRM-90933: Illegal list value on command line.

Cause: Illegal list value specified on the command line.

Action: Check the command line and try again.


FRM-91010: Module_Access parameter must be FILE or DATABASE.

Cause: The parameter specified for Module_Access was not FILE or DATABASE.
Action: Specify FILE or DATABASE for the Module_Access parameter.

FRM-91017: Module_Type parameter must be FORM, MENU or LIBRARY.

Cause: The parameter specified for Module_Type was not FORM, MENU or LIBRARY.

Action: Specify FORM, MENU or LIBRARY for the Module_Type parameter.


FRM-91100: Internal Error: unable to create Common context.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-91101: Internal Error: unable to create Foundation context.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-91102: Internal Error: unable to tokenize command line.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-91103: Internal Error: out of memory.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-91104: Internal Error: unknown error.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-91108: Internal Error: unable to initialize PL/SQL.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-91109: Internal Error: application startup failure.

Cause: Unable to start window system.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error


FRM-91110: Internal Error: cannot find file name: %s.

Cause: Unable to find resource files.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91111: Internal Error: window system startup failure.

Cause: You are in character mode and trying to run Form Builder on a window system.

Action: Run the correct executable.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91112: Internal Error: resource manager startup failure.

Cause: Unable to find resource files.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91113: Internal Error: cannot get default resource file name.

Cause: Unable to find resource files.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error


FRM-91115: Internal Error: bind table failure.

Cause: Unable to find key mappings.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91116: Internal Error: Oracle*Image startup failure.

Cause: Unable to find resource files.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91117: Internal Error: font metric initialization failure.

Cause: Unable to find resource files.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91118: Internal Error: root window initialization failure.

Cause: Unable to find root window.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error


FRM-91119: Internal Error: Oracle*VGS startup failure.

Cause: Unable to start VGS context.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91120: Internal Error: Unable to load NLS character set.

Cause: Unable to load the specified NLS character set.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91121: Internal Error: Unable to start up cue card viewer.

Cause: Unable to start the Cue Card Viewer.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91122: Internal Error: Unable to create string context.

Cause: Unable to start the String Context.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91123: Internal Error: Unable to start up quark manager.

Cause: Unable to start the Quark Manager.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error
FRM-91124: Warning: %s specified for ORAFORMS_DECIMAL_PREFIX. Should be
0 (zero) or ' ' (the empty string).

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the environment variable


Action: Do one of the following:

1. Specify ORAFORMS_DECIMAL_PREFIX as 0 to force a zero before a leading

decimal point in any number displayed without a format mask in the application.

2. Specify ORAFORMS_DECIMAL_PREFIX as ' ' (the empty string).

3. Do not specify a variable value.


FRM-91125: Internal Error: Unable to start up browser layer.

Cause: Unable to start the browser layer.

Action: Contact an Oracle support representative.

Level: 15

Type: Error

FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the build.

Cause: Unable to find resource files.

Action: Contact your Oracle support representative.


FRM-99999: Error %d occurred. See the release notes file (relnotes) for information
about this error.

Cause: An error occurred; the error is documented in the release notes file.

Action: See the release notes file.

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